Spelling suggestions: "subject:"green epaces"" "subject:"green espaces""
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Exploring the phenomena “foraging” in urban green spaces : examples from Järva City District and Stockholm County / Utforskande av fenomenet att samla och plocka i urbana grönområden : exempel från Järva och StockholmMoum Rieser, Anja January 2020 (has links)
As cities globally experience rapid urbanization, the pressure on urban green areas increases and simultaneously opportunities for human-nature interactions decrease, which are crucial for urban citizens’ wellbeing. Urban foraging- the gathering of plant or fungal materials in urban areas- is a common human-nature interaction that has been inadequately studied and overlooked in urban policy, planning, and design. The objective of this thesis is to gain insights into the practices, motivations, and barriers of foragers in Järva City District and Stockholm County. Through an exploratory mixed methodology approach, this study demonstrated that urban foraging is perceived as a recreational activity that motivates people to get out in nature and connects them to biodiversity in forests and parks within the city. Foraging links people to high quality and local food and encourages the sharing of local ecological knowledge. Foragers investigated display care for nature, indicating that foraging can nurture a bond between nature and urban citizens. The expressed barriers to foraging were time, proximity, lack of knowledge, and fear of pollution. The findings show that foraging provides various benefits for citizens in Stockholm County and Järva City District, implying that urban foraging should not be overlooked in future research and assessments, and should be considered and incorporated into urban policy, planning, and design. / Green Access
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Möjligheter och utmaningar vid utformning av grönytor på skolgårdar / Opportunities and challenges in the design of green spaces in schoolyardsTilda, Wilander, Malin, Fajersson January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Use of LiDAR in Object-based Classification to Characterize Brownfields for Green Space Conversion in ToledoLi, Xi January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Performance et fonctions écologiques offertes par différents mélanges d'ensemencement dans des fosses de trottoir en milieu urbainMartin, Samuel 07 1900 (has links)
Afin de freiner les multiples conséquences engendrées par l’urbanisation, notamment la présence d’îlots de chaleur, l’augmentation d’espaces verts est une des stratégies mise de l’avant par de plus en plus de municipalités. À Montréal, plusieurs arrondissements ont récemment agrandi leurs fosses de plantation sur trottoir pour, entre autres, favoriser la survie des arbres et augmenter le nombre d’arbres plantés. Dans ces grandes fosses, la plantation d’une végétation herbacée compagne est un nouvel objectif afin de promouvoir la biodiversité et les services écologiques. Cependant, peu d’informations existent à ce jour sur les espèces qui peuvent être plantées durablement dans ce type d’environnement hostile. Dans ce contexte, mon projet avait pour objectif d’identifier un ou des mélanges d’ensemencement efficaces et performants pour favoriser la biodiversité et contrer l’invasion d’espèces nuisibles, tout en maximisant les services écologiques telle la fertilité des sols et la pollinisation. J’ai testé quatre mélanges, dont trois de type soleil et un de type mi-ombre, composés de 19 à 33 espèces. Mes résultats indiquent que les mélanges les plus diversifiés réduisent significativement l’établissement d’espèces nuisibles en plus d’accroitre l’abondance et la diversité de pollinisateurs. Cependant, la diversité végétale et la fertilité du sol dans les fosses étaient similaires entre les mélanges après deux années. Cette étude met en lumière les fosses de trottoir végétalisées en milieu urbain comme une approche novatrice pour l’avenir du verdissement et de l'aménagement urbain, tout en apportant des perspectives précieuses pour améliorer les futures initiatives dans ce domaine. / To curb the multiple consequences of urbanization, notably the presence of heat islands, increasing
the amount of green space is one of the strategies put forward by an increasing number of
municipalities. In Montreal, several boroughs have recently enlarged their sidewalk planting pits
to, among other things, favor tree survival and increase the urban canopy. In these large pits,
planting herbaceous companion vegetation is a new objective to promote biodiversity. However,
more information is needed on which species can be sustainably planted in this hostile
environment. In this context, my project aimed to identify the most effective and efficient seed mix
regarding biodiversity, weed control, and ecological services (soil fertility and pollination). We
tested four seed mixes, three sunny and one semi-shady, composed of 19 to 33 species. Our results
indicate that the most diverse mix significantly reduces weed establishment and increases pollinator
abundance and diversity. However, soil fertility and plant diversity in the pits were similar between
seed mixes after two years. This study highlights urban vegetated sidewalk pits as an innovative
approach to the future of greening and urban design, while providing valuable insights to improve
future initiatives in this field.
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Seniorers upplevelse av gröna rekreationsmiljöer i Malmö : En studie om kvalitet och åtkomlighet / Senior citizens’ experience of green recreational spaces in Malmö : A study on quality and accessibilityGöthenqvist, Linn, Larsson, Sigrid January 2024 (has links)
Städer världen över växer konstant och Malmö är inget undantag. Urbaniseringen leder inte bara till bostadsbrist utan även brist på mark att bygga dessa nya bostäder på. Malmö stads gröna rekreationsmiljöer blir till följd av detta allt färre och mindre. Samtidigt förväntas antalet seniorer bosatta i Malmö stad öka noterbart under de kommande tio åren. En kombination av dessa faktorer kan leda till att seniorer i Malmö stad behöver färdas längre än vad de vill eller kan för att ta sig till närmsta gröna rekreationsmiljö. Det kan även leda till att de gröna rekreationsmiljöer som minskar till ytan förlorar en del av de attribut som är viktiga för seniorerna. Syftet med denna undersökning är därför att se hur seniorer i urbana Malmö upplever de befintliga gröna rekreationsmiljöer som finns i staden utifrån kvalitet och åtkomlighet. För att utföra studien användes semistrukturerade intervjuer med seniorer i urbana Malmö och landskapsarkitekter vid Malmö stad. Vid intervjuerna uppkom 4 teman som i arbetet presenteras i följande ordning: åtkomlighet, kvalitet, naturkontakt och trygghet. Resultaten visar att seniorer värdesätter närhet och god åtkomlighet till gröna rekreationsmiljöer samt god belysning och öppenhet för att skapa en känsla av trygghet. Faciliteter, som toaletter och sittplatser är viktiga för att trivas och en rik variation i naturmiljö är väsentlig för att skapa stimulerande och återhämtande miljöer för seniorer. / The world's cities are constantly growing and Malmö is no exception. Urbanization is leading not only to a shortage of housing but also a shortage of land on which to build these new homes. As a result, Malmö's green recreational environments are becoming fewer and smaller. At the same time, the number of senior citizens living in the city of Malmö is expected to increase significantly over the next ten years. A combination of these factors means that seniors in the city of Malmö may have to travel further than they want or can to get to the nearest green recreational space and it can also lead to the green recreational spaces that are reduced in size losing some of the attributes that were important to seniors. The purpose of this study is therefore to see how Malmö's seniors experience the existing green recreational environments that exist in the city based on quality and accessibility. To conduct this study, semi-structured interviews were carried out with senior citizens of the urban Malmö area as well as two landscape architects at Malmö stad. During the interviews 4 themes could be identified, and these are presented in the study as follows: accessibility, quality, nature connectedness and safety. The results of the study show that senior citizens value proximity and easy access to green recreational spaces. Good lighting systems and open spaces are also important but, in this case, to create a sense of security for seniors. Facilities such as toilets and benches are important for comfort and factors such as variety in the natural environment and vegetation are essential to create a stimulating and recuperative environment for seniors.
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Using stable isotopes for multi-scale assessment of ecohydrology in drought-affected urban water systemsKuhlemann, Lena-Marie 15 February 2022 (has links)
In vielen Städten erfordern fortschreitende Urbanisierung und Klimaerwärmung ein besseres Verständnis des urbanen Wasserkreislaufes zur Entwicklung nachhaltiger Wassernutzungskonzepte. Jedoch erschwert die Komplexität urbaner Wasserflüsse die Nutzung hydrologischer Tracer. In dieser Arbeit werden stabile Isotope des Wassers, hydrochemische und -klimatische Daten genutzt, um die Wasserverteilung und -speicherung in Berlin in den Trockenjahren 2018–2020 zu untersuchen. Auf kleinräumiger Skala wurden Unterschiede bei Evapotranspiration, unterirdischen Fließwegen und Wasserspeicherung unter urbanen Grasflächen, Sträuchern und Bäumen deutlich. Im peri-urbanen Fluss Erpe erschwerte die geringe Variabilität von Abfluss- und Isotopendynamiken die Bestimmung von Verweilzeiten und Mischprozessen. Während warmer, trockener Sommer führte ein hoher Klarwasseranteil zu einer Verschlechterung der Wasserqualität. Auf der stadtweiten Skala wurde der Einfluss von Grundwasser, Niederschlag und Abwasser auf verschiedene Flüsse untersucht. Große Variabilität der Isotopendynamiken wurde in Einzugsgebieten mit Flächenversiegelung und Regenwassereinleitung beobachtet. Die Anreicherung schwerer Isotope in Spree und Havel im Sommer und Herbst verdeutlichte den Einfluss von großskaligen Klimadynamiken und Verdunstung im stromaufwärts gelegenen Einzugsgebiet. Ein nachhaltiges Management urbaner Grünflächen sowie die Speicherung von Regenwasser können dazu beitragen, den Einfluss von Klimaänderungen auf Berlins Wasserressourcen auf lokaler Ebene abzumindern. Jedoch werden großskalige Nutzungskonzepte in den Einzugsgebieten der Spree und Havel benötigt, um Wasserverluste zu minimieren und Abflussraten aufrecht zu erhalten. Weiterführende isotopenbasierte Studien haben großes Potential, das Verständnis von Wasseralter, Abflussentstehung, Verdunstung und langfristigen Dürrefolgen, sowie der Übertragbarkeit der Erkenntnisse auf andere Metropolenregionen, weiter zu verbessern. / In urban areas, progressing urbanisation and climate warming call for a comprehensive understanding of urban water cycling to establish sustainable water management strategies. However, the complexity of urban water fluxes complicates the application of hydrological tracers. This thesis used stable isotopes of water, combined with hydrochemical and climatic data, to characterise water partitioning and storage in Berlin, Germany, during the exceptionally warm and dry 2018–2020 period. At the plot-scale, differences in evapotranspiration, subsurface flow paths and storage under urban grassland, shrub and trees were evident. In the peri-urban river Erpe, low variability in discharge and isotopic dynamics limited the applicability of transit time and end member mixing approaches. During warm and dry summers, high contributions of treated wastewater effluents caused a deterioration of water quality. At the city-scale, contributions of groundwater, storm runoff and effluents to different local streams were studied. Isotope dynamics were most variable in catchments with high levels of imperviousness and connectivity to storm drains. In the Spree and Havel rivers, the isotopic enrichment in summer and autumn reflected the impact of large-scale climate dynamics and evaporative losses in the upstream catchment. To mitigate climate change impacts on Berlin’s water resources in the future, the sustainable management of urban green spaces and better capturing of urban rainfall may limit water consumption at the local scale. However, maintaining discharge in the Spree and Havel rivers during warm and dry periods will require catchment-scale management practices that limit water consumption and losses in upstream areas. Future isotope-based research in urban areas has great potential to improve the understanding of urban water ages, source contributions to urban streamflow, evaporation and long-term drought recovery, as well as upscaling the results to other metropolitan areas.
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Modernidade paulistana: o paisagismo de Roberto Coelho Cardozo / Modernity of São Paulo: landscaping from Roberto Coelho CardozoTamari, Gabriela Tie Nagoya 08 May 2017 (has links)
A presente pesquisa pretende contribuir para os estudos sobre a formação do campo paisagístico na cidade de São Paulo a partir da década de 1950, com enfoque nas expressões do paisagismo moderno. Para tanto, apresenta a trajetória do paisagista norte-americano Roberto Coelho Cardozo, desde a sua formação na UCBerkeley onde teve contato com o movimento de renovação paisagística que permeava o ambiente cultural e urbano da Costa Oeste dos Estados Unidos,passando pela atuação na docência na FAUUSP - quando inaugura a disciplina de paisagismo no curso de Arquitetura - até a sua produção técnica como paisagista, entre 1950 e 1970. Desde sua chegada a São Paulo até a partida à Inglaterra, na qual apreendeu e transformou os princípios da \"corrente californiana\", fez com que sua obra ganhasse uma modernidade específica, diferente dos outros paisagistas à época.O trabalho coloca a obra de Roberto Coelho Cardozo em perspectiva histórica esperando contribuir para o entendimento das questões relacionadas ao surgimento do campo profissional da Arquitetura Paisagística em São Paulo. / This research intends to contribute to the studies on the formation of the landscape architecture field in the city of São Paulo from the 1950sonwards, focusing on the expressions of modern landscaping. Therefore, we trace the trajectory of the American landscape designer Roberto Coelho Cardozo, since his graduation at UCBerkeley where he had his first contact with the landscape architecture renovation movement thatpermeated the cultural and urban environment of the West Coast of the United States; through his teaching at FAUUSP, introducing the Landscape Architecture discipline; up to his technical production as a landscaper between 1950 and 1970 - from his arrival in São Paulo until his departure to England, period in which he captured and transformed the principles of the Californian modernists, such as Garrett Eckbo and Thomas Church, making his work gain a specific modernity, distinct from other contemporary landscape designers. This analysis brings the work of Roberto Coelho Cardozo into a historical perspective, trying to contribute to the questions concerning the emergence of the Landscape Architecture field in São Paulo.
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Modernidade paulistana: o paisagismo de Roberto Coelho Cardozo / Modernity of São Paulo: landscaping from Roberto Coelho CardozoGabriela Tie Nagoya Tamari 08 May 2017 (has links)
A presente pesquisa pretende contribuir para os estudos sobre a formação do campo paisagístico na cidade de São Paulo a partir da década de 1950, com enfoque nas expressões do paisagismo moderno. Para tanto, apresenta a trajetória do paisagista norte-americano Roberto Coelho Cardozo, desde a sua formação na UCBerkeley onde teve contato com o movimento de renovação paisagística que permeava o ambiente cultural e urbano da Costa Oeste dos Estados Unidos,passando pela atuação na docência na FAUUSP - quando inaugura a disciplina de paisagismo no curso de Arquitetura - até a sua produção técnica como paisagista, entre 1950 e 1970. Desde sua chegada a São Paulo até a partida à Inglaterra, na qual apreendeu e transformou os princípios da \"corrente californiana\", fez com que sua obra ganhasse uma modernidade específica, diferente dos outros paisagistas à época.O trabalho coloca a obra de Roberto Coelho Cardozo em perspectiva histórica esperando contribuir para o entendimento das questões relacionadas ao surgimento do campo profissional da Arquitetura Paisagística em São Paulo. / This research intends to contribute to the studies on the formation of the landscape architecture field in the city of São Paulo from the 1950sonwards, focusing on the expressions of modern landscaping. Therefore, we trace the trajectory of the American landscape designer Roberto Coelho Cardozo, since his graduation at UCBerkeley where he had his first contact with the landscape architecture renovation movement thatpermeated the cultural and urban environment of the West Coast of the United States; through his teaching at FAUUSP, introducing the Landscape Architecture discipline; up to his technical production as a landscaper between 1950 and 1970 - from his arrival in São Paulo until his departure to England, period in which he captured and transformed the principles of the Californian modernists, such as Garrett Eckbo and Thomas Church, making his work gain a specific modernity, distinct from other contemporary landscape designers. This analysis brings the work of Roberto Coelho Cardozo into a historical perspective, trying to contribute to the questions concerning the emergence of the Landscape Architecture field in São Paulo.
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Evaluation du stock et de la stabilité du carbone organique dans les sols urbains / Evaluation of the soil organic carbon stock and stability in the urban soilsCambou, Aurélie 29 November 2018 (has links)
Les sols constituent le premier réservoirterrestre de carbone organique et jouent ainsi un rôleclé pour limiter le réchauffement climatique. Les solsurbains représentent 3% du territoire mondial etl’urbanisation est la première cause de changementd’affectation des sols. L’augmentation rapide dessurfaces artificialisées a entraîné un intérêt croissantquant à la capacité des sols urbains à stocker ducarbone. Les travaux de thèse ont visé à comprendrela contribution des sols urbains au stock global decarbone organique et à proposer une méthodestandardisée pour son suivi. Les recherches ont aussiporté sur l’étude de la stabilité du carbone organiquedes sols urbains et la modélisation de la dynamique dece carbone. Une base de données a été construite àpartir de données disponibles au niveau national, puisde mesures supplémentaires acquises dans trois villes françaises.Le stock de carbone des sols ouverts est similaireentre les villes, et équivalent voire supérieur enprofondeur, à celui des sols forestiers environnants.Ce stock dépend plus particulièrement du mode degestion des espaces verts urbains, et de l’histoire dusite. Ainsi, les sols urbains ouverts sont caractériséspar une forte proportion de matières organiqueslabiles sur 0-44 cm de profondeur. Au contraire, lessols scellés présentent des stocks de carbone trèsfaibles. Ils sont caractérisés par une forte proportionde matières organiques stables dont l’évolution(stockage ou minéralisation) dépend de l’état dedormance microbienne. Un modèle conceptuel de ladynamiq / Soils are the largest terrestrial pool oforganic carbon and thus play a key role in mitigatingclimate change. The urban soils account for 3% of theworld’s territory and urbanization is currently theprimary cause of land use change. The increase ofartificial areas have led to a growing interest in theurban soil ability to store organic carbon. This workaimed to understand the contribution of urban soils tothe global organic carbon stock and to propose astandardized method for its monitoring. The researchalso focused on studying the stability of organic carbonin urban soils and modeling its dynamics. A databasewas built using data available at the French territorylevel as well as using additional measurements acquired in three French cities.The organic carbon stock in urban open soils aresimilar between cities, and equivalent, or even higherin depth, than that of surrounding forest soils. Thestock in open soils is particularly dependent upon themanagement methods of the urban green spaces,and on the specific site history. Thus, open urban soilsare characterized by a high proportion of labileorganic matter at 0-44 cm depth. Conversely, sealedsoils have very low carbon stocks. They arecharacterized by a high proportion of stable organicmatter whose evolution (storage or mineralization)depends on the dormant state of the microbialcommunities. A conceptual model of carbon dynamicsfor these two soil types has been developed. Finally,recommendations for optimizing carbon monitoringand urban soil management have been proposed
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Services écosystémiques rendus par la végétation urbaine : application d'approches d'évaluation à la ville de Strasbourg / Ecosystem services provided by urban vegetation : application of assessment approaches in Strasbourg CitySelmi, Wissal 31 October 2014 (has links)
Le défi de ce travail réside dans l’application conjointe de deux approches d’évaluation de la double-valeur des espaces végétalisés urbains (EVU) en s’inscrivant dans une dimension dualiste «éco-anthropocentrique». Cette posture a permis d’appréhender le fonctionnement de ces espaces et d’en quantifier les services et des services écosystémiques rendus à la société humaine. Ces deux approches se sont basées sur une démarche ascendante fondée sur la caractérisation de deux types de végétation : les pelouses et les arbres urbains. Le manque de connaissance sur le fonctionnement des pelouses urbaines a imposé la mise en place d’un protocole de suivi permettant d’établir un état des lieux initial sur les communautés prairiales qui s’y installent et sur leur dynamique. Bien qu’il n’ait révélé qu’une partie du fonctionnement de la flore prairiale, le protocole de suivi a eu le mérite d’en déterminer sa composition et sa structuration en précisant l’impact de plusieurs facteurs environnementaux et anthropiques. Quant à la végétation arborée, elle a été étudiée en quantifiant les services et des services écosystémiques en appliquant le modèle i-Tree Eco. Fondé sur des indicateurs biophysiques le modèle a fourni des informations sur le taux de stockage et de séquestration du carbone, le taux d’élimination des polluants atmosphériques et le taux d’émissions biogéniques par les arbres urbains. Bien que le recours au modèle soit empreint d’incertitude, il a permis de démontrer le rôle des arbres dans l’amélioration de la qualité de l’air. Mais, pour parvenir à rendre efficacement ce service, la plantation et la gestion des arbres peuvent être intégrées dans une réflexion de planification plus globale. L’objectif opérationnel d’une telle thèse ne se conçoit que par l’apport de connaissances concrètes à disposition des acteurs de terrain. Nous avons donc tenté de fournir quelques indications à ce propos, alliant ainsi recherche et dissémination des connaissances acquises. / This research work provides two assessment tools based on both ecocentric and anthropogenic approaches. We argued that these approaches are complementary and they lead not only to understand ecological functions of urban green spaces but also to quantify ecosystem services provided to society. Based on bottom up approach, two urban habitats were assessed : lawns and urban forest. Due to the lack of knowledge about ecological functions of urban lawns, it was required to implement a monitoring protocol that helps to provide a baseline and measure the changes of flora composition and structure across urban green spaces. Although monitoring protocol had some limitations, it intended to highlight the response of lawn flora to environmental patterns and to particular human activities such as management techniques and trampling. Urban forest was assessed by quantifying it structure and some ecosystem services and desservices using i-Tree model Eco. Based on biophysical indicators, the model quantify the total carbon stored and the annually carbon sequestered, the annually amount of pollution removal, and the annually amount of biogenic emissions by trees. Although some uncertainty remains about the application of this model, it was shown that urban trees improve local air quality. However, to alleviate air pollution within urban area, planting and managing trees should be associated with an integrative planning strategy that takes into account other factors. Our study also incorporates operational items, so we have tried to provide some guidance to planners and green spaces managers with reference to our assessment results.
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