Spelling suggestions: "subject:"läxor"" "subject:"häxor""
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En bok med kludderi iÄlvebring, Peter January 2007 (has links)
En studie över trolldomsmål i Malmö vid 1500 talets slut
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Könsideal i häxornas spår : En undersökning av häxor i tre 1840-talsromaner / Gender norms according to witches : A survey of witches in three novels from the 1840sSvensson, Lisen January 2022 (has links)
This essay examines literary witches in three Swedish novels from the 1840s, with the purpose to show how these witches deviate from the gender norms existing in the Swedish society during this time. The novels analysed are I Dalarna by Fredrika Bremer, Hundrade minnen från Österbotten by Sara Wacklin and Tre fruar från Småland by Carl Jonas Love Almqvist. These contemporary novels depict the everyday life of characters where witches and magicians participate in different ways. The survey focuses on the inner and outer qualities of the witch-characters and discusses these in relation to the Swedish social norms regarding looks and way of living. To help with this, the study is inspired by a theoretical point created by Johanna McElwee’s research of American witch-literature and Sara Backman Prytz’s research of gender stereotypes. With these two, a witch-stereotype is created, where witches in the literature are stereotyped as ugly, old, uneducated, and evil. This theory is discussed together with the material which this survey analyses, and the results show that the witches in this literature does not fully confirm the stereotype McElwee has found, yet they differ from the contemporary gender norms.
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Tre platser, deras domstolar och maleficium : En jämförelsestudie om trolldom vid domstolen i Massachusetts, Ångermanland och Livland / Three locations, their courts and maleficium : A comparative study about witchcraft at the court in Massachusetts, Ångermanland and LivoniaMagnusson, Vide January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is meant to study 17th century courts and their actions at three locations. These locations include Salem in Massachusetts, Livonia during the Swedish rule and Ångermanland in Sweden. The focus cases will include witchcraft, more specifically maleficium which is the form of witchcraft that contemporaries’ often believed could hurt people physically. The thesis will also include a comparison of the three chosen locations which will take part in the discussion. There I will compare the view witchcraft, laws and how the religion played a part. In order to do this study I have gathered books that includes the legal documents from Salem, court cases from Livonia and literature that handles the history of the locations. My findings have shown that the three areas are in general very similar, despite being far apart. People view witches similarly and the courts act thereafter. The laws tend to favor the death penalty although it’s not always used.
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Häxprocesser i Gävle och Ockelbo på 1600-taletJönsson, Karin January 1999 (has links)
<p>In this C-thesis, I investigate the sudden outbreak of the Swedish witch-hunts during the 17<sup>th </sup>century, mainly focusing on Gävle and Ockelbo in Gästrikland.</p><p>To show the extension of the Swedish witch-hunts, I have included an introductory part of the thesis, where this is described. Another important part of the thesis is the one about views upon women and the functions of their bodies, which had to do with female sexuality. Women were indeed considered a threat, by men in powerful positions, and very often it was sheriffs, judges, commanders and governors who most strongly claimed this.</p><p>People believed that the witches went to Blåkulla, which could be practically anywhere. It could be a mountain, an open area, a rock or a heath. It seems, however, to have been situated far north.</p><p>My investigation mainly concerns the witch-hunts in Ockelbo and Gävle. During this time, Ockelbo was a small, distant village to which a lot of Finnish immigrants arrived in the early 17<sup>th</sup> century. In 1674 the vicar of Ockelbo, a man by the name of Tybelius, made known that rumours about witches were going around, and eventually these rumours were all over the area. Tybelius himself questioned the women who were involved.</p><p>A large number of women lost their lives in Gästrikland. Ockelbo was struck hard by the witch-hunts. No less than 69 people were accused of being involved with the Devil and according to the record 14 of these were in fact executed. This is considered quite a large number, since Ockelbo was such a small village.</p><p>Gävle came to be known mainly because of the accusations against Katarina Bure, the wife of the vicar, Peder Fontelius. The vicar had, at an early stage, dissociated himself from all sorts of witchcraft, and he was indeed very sceptical of the journeys to Blåkulla. The mayor of Gävle, a man by the name Falck, disliked Fontelius' opinions, which eventually led to the mayor accusing Fontelius' wife, Katarina, of having brought away children to Blåkulla. This was the first known case in Gävle, and it was to be followed by other cases.</p><p>Children generally played an important role in the witch-hunts, and this was also the case in Gävle. It was not unusual that children testified against their own mothers. One of these children was Johan Johansson Griis, who accused his own mother and sent her to death. He was sent to live with some relatives in Stockholm, where he had soon pointed out a group of innocent women, many of which lost their lives.</p><p>The witch-hunts lasted for 200 years. In Sweden, approximately 300 people were executed.</p> / Uppsatsförfattaren har senare bytt efternamn till "Jäderström".
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Häxprocesser i Gävle och Ockelbo på 1600-taletJönsson, Karin January 1999 (has links)
In this C-thesis, I investigate the sudden outbreak of the Swedish witch-hunts during the 17th century, mainly focusing on Gävle and Ockelbo in Gästrikland. To show the extension of the Swedish witch-hunts, I have included an introductory part of the thesis, where this is described. Another important part of the thesis is the one about views upon women and the functions of their bodies, which had to do with female sexuality. Women were indeed considered a threat, by men in powerful positions, and very often it was sheriffs, judges, commanders and governors who most strongly claimed this. People believed that the witches went to Blåkulla, which could be practically anywhere. It could be a mountain, an open area, a rock or a heath. It seems, however, to have been situated far north. My investigation mainly concerns the witch-hunts in Ockelbo and Gävle. During this time, Ockelbo was a small, distant village to which a lot of Finnish immigrants arrived in the early 17th century. In 1674 the vicar of Ockelbo, a man by the name of Tybelius, made known that rumours about witches were going around, and eventually these rumours were all over the area. Tybelius himself questioned the women who were involved. A large number of women lost their lives in Gästrikland. Ockelbo was struck hard by the witch-hunts. No less than 69 people were accused of being involved with the Devil and according to the record 14 of these were in fact executed. This is considered quite a large number, since Ockelbo was such a small village. Gävle came to be known mainly because of the accusations against Katarina Bure, the wife of the vicar, Peder Fontelius. The vicar had, at an early stage, dissociated himself from all sorts of witchcraft, and he was indeed very sceptical of the journeys to Blåkulla. The mayor of Gävle, a man by the name Falck, disliked Fontelius' opinions, which eventually led to the mayor accusing Fontelius' wife, Katarina, of having brought away children to Blåkulla. This was the first known case in Gävle, and it was to be followed by other cases. Children generally played an important role in the witch-hunts, and this was also the case in Gävle. It was not unusual that children testified against their own mothers. One of these children was Johan Johansson Griis, who accused his own mother and sent her to death. He was sent to live with some relatives in Stockholm, where he had soon pointed out a group of innocent women, many of which lost their lives. The witch-hunts lasted for 200 years. In Sweden, approximately 300 people were executed. / Uppsatsförfattaren har senare bytt efternamn till "Jäderström".
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Genus, feminism och hämnd i esoterisk post-horror : En operationalisering av feministisk skräckfilmsteori på post-horror från 2010-talet / Gender, feminism and revenge in esoteric post-horror : An operationalization of feminist horror film theory on esoteric post-horror from the 2010sEng, Jakob January 2021 (has links)
I denna uppsats operationaliseras feministisk skräckfilmsteori på tre nyproducerade filmer ur en filmtyp som kommit att kallas bland annat post-horror. Teorier och koncept ur Carol J. Clovers Men, Women, and Chain Saws och Barbara Creeds The Monstrous-Feminine operationaliseras på tre post-horror-filmer som behandlar esoteriska teman och särskilt lyfter fram kön och genus. Syftet är att undersöka hur kompatibla teorierna är med filmerna, och vad i filmernas representation av genus som ligger utom räckhåll för teorierna. Uppsatsen landar i ett redogörande för teoriernas fortsatta relevans i analysen av genusmässigt kodande av våld såväl som esoterism. Analysen av gestaltning bortom en binär könsuppdelning och transnationella produktionsmodeller utgör aspekter av filmerna som skulle kräva andra teoretiska perspektiv.
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Voodoo : myt och religionPehrsdotter Olsson, Anna-Maria January 1997 (has links)
<p>Jag har undersökt Hollywoodfilmernas bild av Voodoon kontra den egentliga religionen. Jag har tittat på religionens grunder, myterna kring till exempel zombies och Voodoodockor samt vilken utbredning Voodoon har idag. Med hjälp av litteraturstudier och Internet har jag fått fram mycket intressant material.</p><p>Voodoo är en komplicerad religion som är omgiven av mycket mystik och där anhängarna har en personlig kontakt med sina gudar. Idag har Voodoon omkring 50-60 miljoner anhängare världen över.</p> / Examensarbete på Barn- och ungdomspedagogiska programmet vt 1997. Uppsatsförfattaren har senare bytt efternamn till "Miguel".
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Voodoo : myt och religionPehrsdotter Olsson, Anna-Maria January 1997 (has links)
Jag har undersökt Hollywoodfilmernas bild av Voodoon kontra den egentliga religionen. Jag har tittat på religionens grunder, myterna kring till exempel zombies och Voodoodockor samt vilken utbredning Voodoon har idag. Med hjälp av litteraturstudier och Internet har jag fått fram mycket intressant material. Voodoo är en komplicerad religion som är omgiven av mycket mystik och där anhängarna har en personlig kontakt med sina gudar. Idag har Voodoon omkring 50-60 miljoner anhängare världen över. / Examensarbete på Barn- och ungdomspedagogiska programmet vt 1997. Uppsatsförfattaren har senare bytt efternamn till "Miguel".
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Kvinnan i historien : ”medeltida helgon – reformationens häxor”Magnusson, Lena January 2004 (has links)
<p>Syftet med följande uppsats är att påvisa hur synen på kvinnan förändrades i och med Vasa-tiden, och den roll reformationen kom att spela, och vilka andra faktorer som påverkade synen på kvinnan från att vara medeltida helgon till att bli reformationens häxor. En poäng är att visa hur attityder till kvinnan är intimt beroende av den officiella religionens föreställningsvärld och värderingar.</p><p>För att svar på syftet har uppsatsen delats in i två delar.</p><ul><li>Del I. Ger en kortfattad bild av det svenska medeltida samhället. I denna första del ligger fokus på helgonens betydelse under medeltiden, och en fördjupad studie görs av Heliga Birgitta. Den kvinna som nådde positionsmakt och blev Sveriges enda officiella helgon.</li><li>Del II. Innehåller en kortfattad skildring av det svenska samhället under Vasa-tiden, för att försöka ge läsaren en känsla av det <em>nya samhälle,</em> som växer fram under denna tid. I denna andra del undersöks orsaker till att kvinnor började betraktas som häxor. Orsaker som klostrens avveckling, vidskepelserna som växer fram hos allmogen och reformationens bidragande roll till händelseförloppet.</li></ul>
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Det stora oväsendet : en analys av barnvittnenas Blåkulla skildringarOlsson, Stefan January 2002 (has links)
<p>Den här uppsatsen handlar om trolldomsprocesserna på 1670-talet. Fokus ligger på barvittnenas vittnesmål om deras färder till Blåkulla och vistelsen där.</p><p>Avsikten är att utifrån dessa berättelser skapa en bild inte bara utav barnens situation utan också familjens. Jag använder mig av fenomenologiska metoder. Hypotesen är att konflikter också kan uppstå och finna grogrund i nära förhållanden om rätt förutsättningar finnes.</p><p>I min undersökning använder jag material, i form av, protokoll, från domstolar i Dalarna, Ångermanland, Västerbotten och Gästrikland. Undersökningen är därmed begränsad till det svenska riket.</p><p>Vittnesmålen var ofta stereotypa och likartade till sin karaktär även om det finns viss diskontinuitet. Berättelserna om Blåkulla visar på en kluven, otrygg, värld där folklig tro blandas med kyrklig. Det kluvna förhållandet visar på svårigheter för barnen. Deras berättelser blev emellertid ett led i en orsakskedja som fick förödande konsekvenser för många samhällsinvånare. Detta inte bara genom det fysiska våld som följde med häxprocesserna utan förmodligen också p g a att det var traumatiska barnupplevelser där en oförstående omgivning inte kunde styra det i rätt riktning.</p>
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