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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação dos efeitos da adição de L-cistina e sais biliares na técnica de H2S na detecção de contaminação fecal em ambientes aquáticos. / Effect evaluation of L-cystine and bile salts in H2S method for fecal contamination detection in water environment.

Silva, Thiago Nepomuceno 13 June 2016 (has links)
As fontes hídricas disponíveis para o consumo humano vêm sendo comprometidas. Para resolver este problema, várias técnicas de detecção de contaminação fecal foram desenvolvidas. Em 1982, Manja e colegas desenvolveram método H2S que é simples, rápida e de baixo custo e detecta bactérias produtoras de H2S e, assim, a contaminação fecal. Neste trabalho foi analisada a eficácia de detecção de micro-organismos produtores de H2S frente a adição de L-cistina (125mg/L e 250mg/L) e desoxicolato de sódio (DS) (0,1% e 0,3%) e na presença de bactérias não produtoras de H2S para verificar se a presença destas bactérias interferem na detecção dos isolados H2S+. Assim, comparou-se o teste H2S com a membrana filtrante e o Colilert®. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que o meio H2S com adição de 0,3% de desoxicolato de sódio se mostrou mais rápido e sensível. Quando comparado com outras metodologias clássicas, o meio com 0,3% apresentou uma ligeira queda na sensibilidade mas o método H2S se mostrou mais sensível que o Colilert. / Water supply for human consumption have been compromised. Several detection methods for fecal contamination have been developed to solve this problem. Manja and co-workers (1982) developed a simple, fast and low-cost method for fecal contamination based on detection of sulfate-reducing bacteria, the H2S method. This work aimed to analyse the detection efficiency of the H2S method under different conditions: with L-cystine (125mg/L e 250mg/L) and sodium deoxycholate (0.1% e 0.3%). Also, non-sulfate-reducing bacteria interference were evaluated. Comparison tests were made through membrane filtration and Colilert®. Our results indicate a faster and more sensible for the 0.3% sodium deoxycholate condition. Compared to other classic methodologies, the 0.3% sodium deoxycholate condition slightly decrease the sensibility. However the H2S method was more sensitive than the Colilert one.

Elaboration de photocatalyseurs à base de nanotubes de TiO2 modifiés par WO3 et ZnO : applications à l'élimination de méthyléthylcétone et de l'H2S sous illumination UV-A et solaire / Development of TiO2 nanotube based photocatalysts modified with WO3 and ZnO : applications to elimanation of methylethylketone and H2S under UV-A and solar irradation

Yamin, Yas 20 June 2013 (has links)
Il est couramment admis que le niveau de pollution dans l'environnement intérieur pouvait dépasser le niveau de pollution extérieur. C’est la raison pour laquelle la qualité de l'air intérieur est devenue une préoccupation sociétale importante en raison de la durée croissante que nous passons dans ces environnements. Les procédés d'oxydation avancée (POA), parmi lesquels l'oxydation photocatalytique, sont des techniques pertinentes pour la purification de l'air. En photocatalyse, les nanotubes de titane montrent un intérêt tout particulier en raison de leurs propriétés intrinsèques spécifiques de par leurstructure tubulaire. Ce matériau unidimensionnel engendre un rapport surface/volume important qui donne accès à une surface spécifique et à des capacités d’adsorption importantes, mais aussi à des propriétés de transport électronique accrues. Deux molécules modèles gazeuses ont été retenues, la méthyléthylcétone (MEC) et le sulfure de dihydrogène (H2S). Ces molécules diffèrent de par leur composition chimique (présence ou non d’hétéroatomes) et leurs propriétés physico-chimiques et reflètent différentes catégories de pollutions chimiques et olfactives. Afin d’améliorer les performances photocatalytiques des nanotubes, de TiO2 synthétisés par méthode hydrothermale, que ce soit sous illumination UV-A ou solaire, des modifications avec un autre semi-conducteur WO3 ou ZnO ont été entreprises. Les mêmes modifications ont également été réalisées sur le photocatalyseur commercial TiO2 P25 (Evonik). Une des finalités de ce travail est la corrélation des conditions de synthèse de ces matériaux avec leurs caractéristiques physico-chimiques et avec leurs propriétés photocatalytiques vis-àvis de l’élimination des deux polluants étudiés. Une approche mécanistique a également été menée. / Indoor air quality has become an important social concern due to the increased amount of time spent in indoor environment. It is now well admitted that the pollution level in indoor environment could exceed the pollution level outdoor. Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP), such as photocatalytic oxidation, are promising technologies for air purification. The synthesis and applications of high aspect ratio onedimensional titania-based nanostructures have attracted increasing attention. In photocatalysis, titania nanotubes have already shown enhanced photocatalytic efficiency over nanoparticles, enabled by highersurface area, tubular structure with higher charge carriers generation and transfer efficiency. However, together with visible light activation, higher efficiency is a challenging task. The fundamental challenges are to develop controlled and self-assembled 1D-TiO2-based nanostructures for improving the light absorption, generation and transfer of electrons and specific surface area. In this thesis, two model gas molecules were used, methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) and dihydrogen sulfide (H2S). These molecules differ in their chemical composition (presence or absence of heteroatoms) and their physico-chemical properties and reflect different types of chemical and odor pollutions. In order to improve the photocatalyticperformance of TiO2 nanotubes synthesized by the hydrothermal method, either under UV-A or solar illumination, modifications with another semiconductor, WO3 or ZnO, were made. The same modifications were also made on the commercial photocatalyst TiO2 P25 (Evonik). One of the aims of this study is the correlation of synthesis conditions of these materials with their physico-chemical properties and their photocatalytic properties regarding the elimination of the two pollutants studied. A mechanistic approach was also conducted.

Avaliação dos efeitos da adição de L-cistina e sais biliares na técnica de H2S na detecção de contaminação fecal em ambientes aquáticos. / Effect evaluation of L-cystine and bile salts in H2S method for fecal contamination detection in water environment.

Thiago Nepomuceno Silva 13 June 2016 (has links)
As fontes hídricas disponíveis para o consumo humano vêm sendo comprometidas. Para resolver este problema, várias técnicas de detecção de contaminação fecal foram desenvolvidas. Em 1982, Manja e colegas desenvolveram método H2S que é simples, rápida e de baixo custo e detecta bactérias produtoras de H2S e, assim, a contaminação fecal. Neste trabalho foi analisada a eficácia de detecção de micro-organismos produtores de H2S frente a adição de L-cistina (125mg/L e 250mg/L) e desoxicolato de sódio (DS) (0,1% e 0,3%) e na presença de bactérias não produtoras de H2S para verificar se a presença destas bactérias interferem na detecção dos isolados H2S+. Assim, comparou-se o teste H2S com a membrana filtrante e o Colilert®. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que o meio H2S com adição de 0,3% de desoxicolato de sódio se mostrou mais rápido e sensível. Quando comparado com outras metodologias clássicas, o meio com 0,3% apresentou uma ligeira queda na sensibilidade mas o método H2S se mostrou mais sensível que o Colilert. / Water supply for human consumption have been compromised. Several detection methods for fecal contamination have been developed to solve this problem. Manja and co-workers (1982) developed a simple, fast and low-cost method for fecal contamination based on detection of sulfate-reducing bacteria, the H2S method. This work aimed to analyse the detection efficiency of the H2S method under different conditions: with L-cystine (125mg/L e 250mg/L) and sodium deoxycholate (0.1% e 0.3%). Also, non-sulfate-reducing bacteria interference were evaluated. Comparison tests were made through membrane filtration and Colilert®. Our results indicate a faster and more sensible for the 0.3% sodium deoxycholate condition. Compared to other classic methodologies, the 0.3% sodium deoxycholate condition slightly decrease the sensibility. However the H2S method was more sensitive than the Colilert one.

Hétérogénéités compositionnelles dans les réservoirs de gaz acides : compréhension et modélisation du rôle d'un aquifère actif / Compositional heterogeneities in acid gas reservoirs : role of an active aquifer, mechanisms and simulation

Bonnaud, Estelle 29 June 2012 (has links)
La présence d'H2S dans un gisement est un important facteur de dévalorisation économique, c'est pourquoi connaitre sa concentration et sa distribution est capital pour optimiser toutes les étapes de l'exploration à la production d'un champ. Dans les conditions de pression et température des réservoirs, l'H2S est beaucoup plus soluble que les hydrocarbures et autres gaz. Le lessivage préférentiel de l'H2S par un aquifère actif pourrait ainsi entrainer la création d'hétérogénéités compositionnelles au cours du temps. L'objectif de la thèse est d'illustrer et quantifier ce processus à l'aide de simulations numériques réalisées avec Hytec, logiciel couplé géochimie-transport diphasique développé par MINES ParisTech. Le lessivage préférentiel de l'H2S est contrôlé par : la solubilité différentielle des gaz qui modifie les quantités relatives de chacun des gaz à proximité de l'aquifère ; le transport aqueux qui exporte les gaz dissous et améliore ainsi la dissolution des gaz sur le long terme ; le transport gazeux qui renouvelle les gaz dissous à l'interface et étend le lessivage du gaz à toute la structure ; les caractéristiques d'un réservoir (type d'aquifère, hétérogénéité des perméabilités). / The H2S occurrence in gas reservoirs is an important factor of economic depreciation. Thus, the knowledge of its content and distribution is a critical parameter when planning field development. Under typical reservoirs conditions of pressure and temperature, H2S is far more soluble than hydrocarbons and other gases. The preferential leaching of H2S by an active aquifer over time could explain the creation of compositional heterogeneities. The thesis aims at illustrating and quantifying this process based on numerical simulations performed with the two-phase transport and geochemical software Hytec, developed by Mines ParisTech (France). This mechanism may be controlled by: Differential solubility of gases, which changes the relative amounts of each gas near the gas-watercontact; Contact with an active aquifer, which can export the dissolved gases thus enhancing dissolution on the long-term; Diffusional transport in the gas phase, which transfers the compositional anomalies farther from the gas-water contact; Geological parameters (type of aquifer, permeability heterogeneities) which can modify the transport scenario.

Oxydation du sulfure d'hydrogène par les cellules épithéliales coliques : Une voie métabolique de détoxication et de production d'énergie

Mimoun, Sabria 02 December 2011 (has links)
Le sulfure d'hydrogène (H2S) est un métabolite bactérien produit notamment par les bactéries sulfato-réductrices du côlon à partir des acides aminés soufrés, des sulfates/sulfites alimentaires et des sulfomucines. A fortes concentrations, le H2S est un gaz toxique, de par sa capacité à inhiber la cytochome c oxydase, et par conséquent, la respiration mitochondriale. A l'inverse, notre travail montre qu'à faibles concentrations, le H2S induit une énergisation mitochondriale des cellules épithéliales coliques humaines HT 29 Glc-/+ lui conférant aussi un rôle de substrat minéral énergétique. Dans ce travail, nous avons déterminé les concentrations de H2S permettant l'oxydation/détoxication de H2S par les cellules HT 29 Glc-/+ et celles provoquant une inhibition de la consommation d'oxygène. L'oxydation du H2S nécessite la coopération entre la « sulfide oxidation unit » et la chaîne respiratoire. La capacité des cellules HT29 Glc-/+ à oxyder le H2S est associée à la présence des transcrits codant les enzymes constituant la « sulfide oxidation unit » : la sulfure d'hydrogène quinone reductase (SQR), la dioxygenase ETHE1 et la thiosulfate transferase (TST). Nous avons démontré la priorité de l'oxydation du H2S sur les substrats carbonés . En effet, nos résultats suggèrent que les électrons venant de la SQR sont transférés au pool d'ubiquinone aux dépens de ceux venant du complexe I. Nos résultats démontrent que la SQR joue un rôle déterminant pour l'oxydation de H2S. De plus, la détoxication du H2S par les cellules HT29 Glc-/+ augmente au cours de la différenciation spontanée ou induite par un traitement au butyrate. L'augmentation de la détoxication de H2S au cours de la différenciation est associée à une augmentation de la réserve respiratoire soulignant l'importance de la chaîne respiratoire comme composante de la fonction de détoxication du H2S. En situation d'inhibition de la cytochrome c oxydase, la grande capacité des cellules coliques humaines à détoxiquer le H2S pourrait être en partie due à la présence d'un transfert réverse des électrons issus de l'oxydation de H2S de la SQR vers le complexe I. Outre le butyrate, le zinc un autre composé de la lumière colique, exerce un effet protecteur contre la toxicité cellulaire du H2S. Enfin, notre travail a mis en évidence une diminution de l'expression d'un gène codant pour une enzyme de la « sulfide oxidation unit » (la TST) dans le rectum comparée à différents segments du côlon, ce qui pourrait correspondre à des capacités de détoxication du H2S différente en fonctions des segments du gros intestin humain. / Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a metabolite produced notably by colonic sulphate-reducing bacteria from alimentary sulphur-containing amino acids, sulfates / sulfites and sulfomucines. At high concentrations, H2S is a toxic gas due to its ability to inhibit cytochome c oxidase, and therefore mitochondrial respiration. In contrast, our study shows that at low concentrations, H2S induces mitochondrial energization in human colonic epithelial cells HT-29 Glc -/+ assigning it a role as the first inorganic oxidative substrate in human cells. In this work, we have determined sulphide concentrations allowing sulphide oxidation/detoxification by HT-29 cells and those which inhibit oxygen consumption. The oxidation of H2S requires cooperation between the “sulphide oxidation unit” and the respiratory chain. The capacity of HT-29 Glc -/+ to oxidize H2S is associated with the presence of transcripts encoding the enzymes constituting the “sulfide oxidation unit”: the sulphide quinine reductase (SQR), the sulphur dioxygenase or Ethylmalonic encephalopathy 1 (ETHE1) and the thiosulfate sulphur transferase (TST). We demonstrate that the oxidation of H2S takes precedence over the oxidation of carbon substrates. Indeed, our results suggest that electrons from SQR are transferred to the ubiquinone pool at the expense of those originating from the complex I. Our results point out that SQR represents a determinanat factor in the oxidation of H2S. In addition, the detoxification of H2S by HT-29 Glc -/+ cells increases during spontaneous differentiation and differentiation induced by treatment with butyrate. The increase in the detoxification of H2S during the differentiation is associated with an increase of the respiratory reserve pointing out the importance of the respiratory chain as a component of the detoxification function of H2S. In situations of inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase, the capacity of human colon cells to detoxify H2S could be due in part to the presence of a reverse transfer of electrons from the oxidation of H2S to the SQR complex I. In addition to butyrate, zinc, another compound of the colonic lumen has a protective effect against cell toxicity associated with H2S. Lastly, we have shown a decreased expression of the gene encoding an enzyme of the “sulfide oxidation unit” (TST) in the rectum compared to the other segments of human colon. This observation may correspond to different detoxification capacities towards H2S according to the different parts of the human large intestine.

Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen Sulfide Emission Factors Applicable to Wastewater Wet Wells

Mudragaddam, Madhuri 14 May 2010 (has links)
Transport of wastewater in sewer networks causes potential problems associated with gases which include ammonia, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide and methane, in regard to odor nuisance, irritation, toxicity, and microbially induced corrosion. The extent of these problems depends on the emission rates of gases in the sewer atmosphere. To limit these kinds of problems an estimate of the gases emitted from the sewer network is to be known. In consideration to the above mentioned problems, a research has been taken up to estimate the two gases, namely, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide from sewer wet wells. In this method, using Landtec GEM-2000 plus a multi-gas analyzer, the sample gases were collected from the wet well of pump stations for five days. Using the collected samples the emission rates of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide are estimated.

Sulfeto de hidrogênio durante o choque endotoxêmico: modulação da produção de PGD2 na AVPO e de citocinas periféricas durante as fases de hipotermia e febre / Hydrogen sulfide during endotoxic shock: Modulation of PGD2 production in AVPO and peripheral cytokines during hypothermia and fever

Fernández, Rodrigo Alberto Restrepo 25 August 2017 (has links)
As respostas termorregulatórias ao lipopolissacarídeo (LPS) são influenciadas por moduladores que aumentam (febrigênicos) ou diminuem (criogênicos) a temperatura corporal (Tb). Entre eles, o neurotransmissor gasoso sulfeto de hidrogênio (H2S) modula a inflamação sistêmica induzida por endotoxina em ratos, agindo como uma molécula anti-inflamatória e criogênica, embora os mecanismos subjacentes ainda sejam pouco compreendidos. Considerando que a endotoxina é um ligando para o Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) e que evidências recentes revelam um cross-talk entre a via de sinalização TLR e fosfo-Akt (p-Akt), o objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar se o H2S atua como um mediador antiinflamatório e antipirético durante as fases termorregulatórias que ocorrem no choque endotoxêmico (hipotermia e febre) induzido por lipopolissacarídeo bacteriano (LPS, 2,5 mg / kg intraperitoneal (ip)) através da modulação sobre a produção de prostaglandina D2 (PGD2) e a ativação de Akt na área pré-óptica ântero-ventral do hipotálamo (AVPO). A Tb profunda de ratos mantidos a uma temperatura ambiente de 25 °C foi registrada antes e depois da inibição farmacológica da enzima cistationina ?-sintase (CBS - responsável pela produção endógena de H2S no cérebro) usando aminooxiacetato (AOA, 100 pmol, intracerebroventricular (icv)), combinado ou não com administração de LPS. Para esclarecer os mecanismos responsáveis por esses ajustes da resposta imune, foram determinados na AVPO os níveis de H2S, a produção de PGD2 e o perfil de expressão das proteínas CBS, p-Akt e p-CREB. Além disso, foi analisada a concentração de citocinas plasmáticas (IL-1?, IL-6, IL-10, TNF?, IFN-? , E IL-4). A injeção ip de LPS causou hipotermia típica seguida de febre. Os níveis de AVPO H2S aumentaram significativamente durante a hipotermia quando comparado com ratos eutérmicos e febris. A microinjeção icv de AOA não causou nenhuma alteração na Tb nem na produção basal de PGD2 durante a eutermia. Em ratos tratados com LPS, o AOA causou uma atenuação na queda da Tb durante a fase de hipotermia e uma febre exacerbada, simultaneamente com o aumento na produção de PGD2 e abolição do aumento induzido pela endotoxina na atividade de Akt. Durante a fase de febre, a expressão relativa de CBS esteve significativamente diminuída enquanto a expressão relativa de p-Akt esteve aumentada, quando comparado com ratos eutérmicos e hipotérmicos. As citocinas plasmáticas aumentaram durante a inflamação sistêmica, mas apenas a IL-4 mostrou um padrão semelhante em relação à Akt. Estes dados são consistentes com a noção de que o neurotransmissor gasoso H2S modula as fases de hipotermia e febre durante o choque endotoxêmico, atuando como uma molécula criogênica. Este papel anti-inflamatório durante a inflamação sistémica envolve uma regulação positiva da PGD2, de Akt e da IL-4 plasmática. / Thermoregulatory responses to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) are affected by modulators that increase (pro-pyretic) or decrease (cryogenic) body temperature (Tb). Among them, the gaseous messenger hydrogen sulfide (H2S) modulates endotoxin-induced systemic inflammation being an anti-inflammatory and cryogenic molecule, although the underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood. Since endotoxin is a Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) ligand and recent evidence indicates that there is a possible a cross-talk between the TLR and phospho-Akt (p-Akt) signaling pathway, the current study aimed to investigate whether H2S acts as an anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic mediator during thermoregulatory phases of endotoxic shock (hypothermia and fever) induced by bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 2.5 mg/kg intraperitoneal (ip)) through the modulation of prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) production and activation of Akt in the anteroventral preoptic region of the hypothalamus (AVPO). Deep Tb in rats kept at an ambient temperature of 25 °C, was recorded before and after pharmacological inhibition of the enzyme cystathionine ?-synthase (CBS - responsible for H 2S endogenous production in the brain) using aminooxyacetate (AOA; 100 pmol/1 ?l intracerebroventricular (icv)) combined or not with endotoxin administration. To clarify the mechanisms responsible for these adjustments on immune response were verified in the AVPO H 2S levels, PGD2 production and expression profiles of CBS, p-Akt and p-CREB. In addition, plasma cytokines concentration (IL-1?, IL-6, IL-10, TNF?, IFN-?, and IL-4) was analyzed. Intraperitoneal injection of LPS caused typical hypothermia followed by fever. Intracerebroventricular microinjection of AOA neither affected Tb nor basal PGD2 production during euthermia. Levels of AVPO H2S were significantly increased during hypothermia when compared to both euthermic and febrile rats. In LPS-treated rats, AOA increased Tb values during hypothermia and fever, along with enhanced PGD2 production and abolition of endotoxin-induced increase in Akt activity. During fever, CBS relative expression was significantly decreased whereas p-Akt was significantly increased when compared to both euthermic and hypothermic rats. Plasma cytokines were increased during systemic inflammation, but only IL-4 showed a similar pattern in relation to Akt. These data are consistent with the notion that the gaseous messenger H2S modulates hypothermia and fever during endotoxic shock, acting as a cryogenic molecule. This anti-inflammatory role during systemic inflammation involves a H2S-induced up-modulation of PGD2, Akt and plasma IL-4.

Resistência à corrosão e ao trincamento induzido por hidrogênio de aços para tubos API 5L X65. / Corrosion and hydrogen induced cracking resistance of pipeline steels API 5L X65.

Hincapie Ladino, Duberney 26 October 2012 (has links)
Com a descoberta de novas fontes de petróleo e gás, em regiões remotas e de difícil acesso, tem-se a necessidade do desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias para garantir a eficácia da exploração destes recursos. Essa exploração e extração muitas vezes se dão em ambientes altamente corrosivos e os equipamentos devem apresentar propriedades que garantam um fator de segurança em serviço. Os aços de alta resistência e baixa liga (ARBL) são utilizados em tubulações para o transporte de gás natural e petróleo. Estes estão constantemente expostos a ambientes ácidos os quais são compostos de umidade e sulfeto de hidrogênio (H2S), podendo causar falha induzida pela presença de hidrogênio (Hydrogen Induced Cracking HIC). Este tipo de falha é normalmente abordado na literatura através de ensaios em solução contendo ácido acético e/ou sais (cloreto de sódio, entre outros), sempre com a injeção de H2S. Há vários mecanismos propostos, no entanto, o assunto não está totalmente resolvido. As alterações de composição química dos aços, processos de refino do aço e processos de conformação mecânica são responsáveis pela microestrutura final e determinantes da resistência à fragilização por hidrogênio. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar e comparar o comportamento quanto à resistência à corrosão e resistência à HIC de quatro materiais: tubo X65 sour, sua região de solda, tubo X65 não-sour e uma chapa destinada a confecção de tubo X65. Os eletrólitos empregados foram: solução A (ácido acético contendo cloreto de sódio) e a solução B (água do mar sintética), os quais correspondem às soluções recomendadas pela norma NACE TM0284-2003. Os materiais foram submetidos a: ensaios de polarização (Polarização Linear para determinação da Resistência de Polarização - Rp) e ensaios de resistência a HIC segundo a norma NACE TM0284-2003; exames em microscópio óptico e eletrônico de varredura para caracterização da morfologia da corrosão e do trincamento. Os ensaios de Rp revelaram que a solução A é mais agressiva do que a solução B, sendo isso explicado pela diferença de pH entre estas duas soluções. Os resultados mostraram ainda que a máxima resistência à corrosão sempre é obtida para o tubo sour, enquanto a mínima ocorreu para o tubo não-sour. Após o ensaio de resistência a HIC os exames em microscópio óptico revelaram que, em ambas as soluções, o tubo de X65 sour, e a sua solda não apresentaram trincas, bem como a chapa destinada a tubo X65; já o tubo de X65 não-sour apresentou trincamento principalmente na região central. Os exames das trincas revelaram que a presença de cementita intergranular e a estrutura bandeada foram as causas do trincamento. No caso do tubo sour, o bom desempenho foi discutido em termos da microestrutura de ferrita poligonal, acicular e microconstituinte M/A. Já o comportamento distinto encontrado para a chapa (para tubo X65), foi discutido levando-se em conta que esta chapa apresentou menor quantidade de cementita intergranular, uma vez que, sua microestrutura é bandeada e não foi encontrado trincamento. Os resultados também revelaram que a solução B, como no caso da resistência à corrosão, é uma solução menos agressiva, pois o trincamento obtido foi muito menor. / The discovery of new oil and gas reserves, at remote and hard to reach locations, makes imperative the development of new technologies to ensure effective exploitation of these resources. This exploitation is often performed at highly corrosive environments and equipment such as pipelines should have special mechanical and corrosion properties to guarantee safety levels in service. High-Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) steels are used in pipelines for transporting gas and oil. These steels are in constant exposure to acid environments containing hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and water, that can cause pipeline failures due to Hydrogen-Induced Cracking - HIC. The literature reports that Hydrogen-Induced Cracking in steels is normally tested in solutions containing acetic acid and/or, salts (sodium chloride and others) with addition of H2S. Chemical composition, steel refining processes and metal forming processes are responsible for the final microstructure of the steel and have effect on the hydrogen embrittlement resistance. The purpose of this work is to analyze and compare the corrosion resistance and HIC resistance, and compare of four materials: pipeline steel API 5L X65 for sour service, its welded junctions, pipeline steel API 5L X65 for non-sour service and pipeline steel plate API 5L X65. The materials were submitted to linear polarization test (Rp) and HIC resistance test according to NACE TM0284-2003 standard. Both tests were carried out with two different electrolytes: the solution A (acetic acid and sodium chloride) and solution B (synthetic seawater). Subsequently; the surface of the steels were evaluated by optical microscope and scanning electron microscopy in order to characterize the cracking modes and corrosion morphology. The Rp tests showed that the solution A is more aggressive than solution B, behavior attributed to the pH difference between solutions. Steel API 5L X65 for sour service had the highest corrosion resistance and pipeline steel API 5L X65 for non-sour service had the lowest. The HIC test and the surface examination revealed that in both solutions, pipeline steel API 5L X65 for sour service, the welded junctions and the pipeline steel plate API 5L X65 showed no cracks. On the other hand, pipeline steel API 5L X65 for non-sour service presented cracking mainly in the central region. The tests revealed that the cracks nucleated at the intergranular cementite in the banded structure. The good performance of the pipeline steel API 5L X65 for sour service was discussed in terms of the microstructure, formed by polygonal ferrite, acicular ferrite and M/A microconstituent. The performance of steel plate (for pipeline API 5L X65) was different. This material did not exhibit cracks in the matrix in spite of its banded microstructure. This result was discussed taking into account that the plate studied had a small amount of intergranular cementite. The results also showed that the solution B, as in the case of corrosion resistance tests, was less aggressive than solution A, because the cracks produced were smaller.

Estudo dos efeitos de compostos doadores de sulfeto de hidrogênio (H2S) sobre o prurido agudo induzido pela ativação dos receptores ativados por proteases do tipo 2 (PAR-2) em camundongos. / Study of the effects of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) donors on acute pruritus induced by the activation of protease-activated receptor type-2 (PAR-2) in mice.

Sanchez, Silvia Abigail Coavoy 16 March 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho investigamos o efeito de doadores de H2S no prurido agudo mediado por PAR-2 em camundongos. A injeção i.d. do agonista PAR-2 SLIGRL-NH2, induziu prurido que não foi afetado pelo pré-tratamento com o antagonista H1 pirilamina. A coinjeção dos doadores de H2S GYY4137 (lento) ou NaHS (espontâneo) com SLIGRL-NH2 reduziu significativamente o prurido (P<0,05). A glibenclamida (bloqueador de canais KATP) e o SNP (doador de NO), mas não o ODQ (inibidor da sGC), evitaram estes efeitos. O antagonista TRPA1 HC-030031 reduziu significativamente o prurido induzido pelo SLIGRL-NH2 (P<0,05), mas o prurido induzido pelo agonista TPRA1 AITC não foi afetado por NaHS. Ensaios de Western blot mostraram que ambos PAR-2 e TRPA1 são expressos constitutivamente na pele de camundongos. Nossos dados mostram que o prurido secundário à ativação do PAR-2 pode ser reduzido por H2S, atuando via a abertura dos canais KATP e ativação da via NO-GMPc. Ademais, o receptor TRPA1 pode mediar o prurido induzido por SLIGRL-NH2, mas o H2S não interfere nesta via. / In this study we investigated the effect of H2S donors in PAR-2-mediated acute pruritus in mice. The i.d. injection of the PAR-2 agonist SLIGRL-NH2 induced itching that was unaffected by pre-treatment with the H1 antagonist pyrilamine. Co-injection of the H2S donors GYY4137 (slow) or NaHS (spontaneous) with SLIGRL-NH2 significantly reduced pruritis (P <0.05). Glibenclamide (a KATP channel blocker) and SNP (a NO donor), but not ODQ (a sGC inhibitor) prevented these effects. The TRPA1 antagonist HC-030031 significantly reduced SLIGRL-NH2-induced pruritus (P<0.05), but the pruritus induced by the TPRA1 agonist AITC was unaffected by NaHS. Western blot assays showed that both TRPA1 and PAR-2 are constitutively expressed in the mouse skin. Our data show that itching secondary to PAR-2 activation can be reduced by H2S which acts via the opening of KATP channels and activation of the NO-cGMP pathway. Furthermore, TRPA1 receptors may mediate SLIGRL-NH2-induced pruritus, however, H2S does not interfere with this pathway.

Cinética e mecanismo de redução de espécies de ferro-heme hipervalentes pelo H2S, cisteína e CO em relação à proteção do trato gastrointestinal e a qualidade da carne / Kinetic and mechanism of reduction of heme-iron species by H2S, Cysteine and CO in relation to the gastrointestinal tract protection and meat quality.

Libardi, Silvia Helena 16 December 2014 (has links)
Estudos da reatividade de espécies oxidantes e a interação destas espécies com estruturas sensíveis a oxidação e antioxidantes em condições biológicassão de grande importância no entendimento dos processos redox em alimentos e no corpo humano. A mioglobina é a ferro heme proteína majoritária do músculo esquelético de mamíferos e a sua ativação por peróxido de hidrogênio dá origem às espécies reativas de ferro heme hipervalentes,perferrilmioglobina e ferrilmioglobina, que podem induzir a condição de estresse oxidativo. A reação das espécies de ferro heme hipervalentes com constituintes do meio biológico ou alimentos como proteínas ou membranas podem tanto afetar a qualidade de produtos cárneos quanto causar danos celulares no trato gastrointestinal durante sua digestão.Pequenas moléculas tais como o NO, H2S e CO são produzidas endogenamente em sistemas biológicos e, além de desempenharem importantes funções na manutenção dometabolismo celular,podem apresentar atividade antioxidante.A presente Tese procurou investigara cinética e o mecanismo para a redução das espécies perferrilmioglobina e ferrilmioglobina pelo monóxido de carbono, reação esta que apresentaconstante de velocidade de segunda ordem de k2 =(3,3 ± 0,6) 102 mol L-1, a 25 oC, para a redução da espécie perferrilmioglobina. Posteriormente,foi investigada a cinética e mecanismo de redução da ferrilmioglobinapelo H2S levando à formação da espécie sulfomioglobina-Fe(II). A constante de segunda ordem obtida para a reação entre a espécie protonada da ferrilmioglobina e o H2Sfoide k2 = (2,5 ± 0,1) 106 L mol-1 s-1, duas ordens de magnitude superior a constante de velocidade paraa reação entre a espécie ferrilmioglobina e o íonHS-, k2 = (1,0 ± 0,7)104L mol-1 s-1a 25 oC.Para a redução da espécie ferrilmioglobina pelo H2S/HS- e a formação da espécie sulfomioglobina-Fe(II) observa-se um efeito de compensação de temperatura (?H? = (2,1 ± 0,9) kJ mol-1) o que é um fator determinante na ocorrência do processo de greening em produtos cárneos condimentados durante estocagem a baixa temperatura. A formação da espécie sulfomioglobina foi também investigada na reação de redução da ferrilmioglobina pela L-cisteína. Para esta reação foi observada dependência do mecanismo da reação com o pH. A formação da espécie sulfomioglobina foi observada para a reação conduzia em meio ácido a neutro, enquanto que para a reação em condições alcalinas, observa-se a formação majoritária da espécie oximioglobina. Areação da cisteína com a espécie protonada da ferrilmioglobina apresentou constante de segunda ordem de k2 = (5,1 ± 0,4)L mol-1 s-1, e a reação entre a cisteína diânion e a ferrilmioglobina,em meio alcalino,apresentou constante de velocidade de segunda ordem com k2 =(0,12 ± 0,01) L mol-1s-1.A diferença de reatividade e no produto da reação é um indicativo da mudança de mecanismo de transferência de elétrons seguida de adição do radical HSo, em meio ácido, para um mecanismo sequencial detransferência de elétrons do dianion da cisteína para as espécies ferrilmioglina e metamioglobina levando a formação de oximioglobina em condições alcalinas. / Studies on the reactivity and interaction of oxidant species with oxidizable sensitive structures and antioxidants in biological settings are of great importance for understanding the redox process in food and in the human body. Myoglobin is the major heme-iron protein in the mammal skeletal muscle and its activation by hydrogen peroxide generate reactive hypervalent heme-iron species, perferrylmyoglobin and ferrylmyoglobin, which may induce oxidative stress conditions. The reaction of hypervalent heme-iron species with biological medium or food constituents like proteins or membranes may affect the quality of meat products or could lead to cellular damage in the gastrointestinal tract during digestion. Small molecules like NO, H2S, and CO are produced endogenously in biological systems and, despite playing relevant function in the maintenance of cell metabolism, may present antioxidant activity. The present Thesis aimed to investigate the kinetics and mechanism for the reduction of perferrylmyoglobin and ferrylmyoglobin species by carbon monoxide, reaction that shows a second-order reaction constant with k2 = (3.3 ± 0.6) 102L mol-1 s-1at 25 oC for the reduction of the perferrylmyoglobin species. Furthermore, the kinetics and mechanism for the reduction of the ferrylmyoglobin by H2S leading to the formation of the sulfmyoglobin-Fe(II) species has been investigated. The obtained second-order rate constant for the reaction between the protonated ferrylmyoglobin species and H2S was k2 = (2.5 ± 0.1) 106 L mol-1 s-1, two-orders of magnitude higher than the second-order rate constant for the reaction between the ferrylmyoglobin species and the HS- ion, k2 = (1.0 ± 0.7) 104L mol-1 s-1at 25 oC. For the ferrylmyoglobin species reduction by H2S/HS- and the formation of sulfmyoglobin-Fe(II) it is observed an temperature compensation effect (?H? = (2.1 ± 0.9) kJ mol-1) which is the determination factor for the occurrence of the greening process in condiment meat products during storage at low temperature. The formation of the sulfmyoglobin species has been further investigated during the reduction reaction of ferrylmyoglobin by L-cysteine. For this reaction it was observed a dependence of the reaction mechanism on the pH. The formation of sulfmyoglobin was observed for the reaction conducted in acidic and neutral medium, meanwhile for the reaction in alkaline conditions, it is mainly observed the formation of oxymyoglobin. The reaction between cysteine and the protonated ferrylmyoglobin species shown second-order rate constant with k2 = (5.1 ± 0.4) L mol-1 s-1, and the reaction between the cysteine dianion and ferrylmyoglobin, in alkaline medium, shows second order rate constant with k2 = (0.12 ± 0.01) L mol-1s-1.The difference in reactivity and in the reaction product is an indicative of change of the electron transfer-radical addition mechanism to a sequential electron transfer mechanism from the cysteine dianion to the ferrylmyoglobin and metmyoglobin species leading to the formation of oxymyoglobin under alkaline conditions.

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