Spelling suggestions: "subject:"22s"" "subject:"s2s""
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Nickel exsolution effect on the catalytic behavior of ruddlesden-popper manganites in sofc conditions using colombian natural gasVecino Mantilla, Juan Sebastián 02 September 2020 (has links)
[EN] Several major problems have to be solved before Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) can
operate continuously using hydrocarbon fuels such as natural gas. The risk of low
catalytic behavior for fuel reforming, the carbon formation/deposition on the anode
material at high operating temperatures and the presence of impurities in the fuel (in
particular sulfides) can dramatically reduce the performance and durability of the cells.
Taking all this into account, new anode materials with adequate (electro)catalytic
properties are required. Recently, manganite compounds with Ruddlesden-Popper (RP)
structure have been studied as potential new anode materials in INTERFASE group at
Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS). Their electrochemical performance have
been described in previous works with promising results, but a fundamental knowledge
was missing concerning the catalytic properties of such materials and the way to improve
them by the addition of nickel metallic particles on the electrode surface.
The current Ph.D. thesis was focused on the synthesis, characterization and catalytic
study for steam reforming in SOFC anode conditions (low steam content) of a new RP
manganite (La1.5Sr1.5Mn1.5Ni0.5O7±δ), which, in reducing atmosphere at high operating
temperatures promotes via an exsolution mechanism the formation of two phases, i.e. an
RP manganite of composition LaSrMnO4±δ decorated with metallic active Ni
nanoparticles embedded in the surface; such strategy can be viewed as an original way
to improve the (electro)catalytic properties of the anode materials and then a promising
option for future SOFC systems operating with Colombian natural gas.
The first chapter deals with the synthesis and characterization of the RP n= 2 phase
La1.5Sr1.5Mn1.5Ni0.5O7±δ using the Pechini method. In agreement with SOFC operating
temperature, Ni exsolution has been studied in diluted H2 at different temperatures (750,
800 and 850 °C) and reduction times. Ni nanoparticles decorating an RP n= 1 manganite
is confirmed by XRD, TEM-EDS analysis and the size of the metallic particles on the
oxide surface, below 100 nm, is characterized as a function of the exsolution conditions.
The second chapter presents the catalytic behavior for the methane steam reforming
reaction of the exsolved material applying the Gradual Internal Reforming concept
adapted to SOFC operation (i.e. low water content, steam to carbon ratio equal to 0.15)
at different reaction temperatures (750, 800 and 850 °C). The catalytic properties of Ni
impregnated samples using a similar (La,Sr)2MnO4±δ ceramic support are also presented
for comparison. The exsolved material exhibits better performance than the impregnated
manganite for the reaction, especially at 850 °C, with higher conversion, conversion rate,
and H2 production rate. Concerning the steam reforming of light alkane gas mixtures (CH4-C2H6, and CH4-C3H8), the behavior is affected due to the competition between the
molecules and low available metallic active sites, but without affecting the H2
production. In addition, at long reaction times, the activity over the exsolved material is
stable even with 100 h of reaction, without formation of carbonaceous species on the Ni
particles, as confirmed by TEM and TGA/MS analysis.
In the third and last chapter, the possible coke formation and sulfide poisoning are
presented. Despite the high and stable catalytic behavior for methane steam reforming
reaction with considerable carbon formation resistance, the exsolved material exhibits a
high level of sensitivity to H2S poisoning, similar to the case of state-of-the-art Ni/YSZ
anodic cermet and or Ni impregnated catalyst, with a drop of the activity to almost zero.
Nevertheless, the exceptional overall results obtained for the exsolution-based material
are promising for a possible use as SOFC anode operating with sulfur-free Colombian
natural gas. / [ES] Muchos son los problemas que deben resolverse antes de que las celdas de combustible
de óxido sólido (SOFC por sus siglas en inglés) puedan operar continuamente usando
combustibles hidrocarbonados como por ejemplo el gas natural. El riesgo de una baja
actividad catalítica para el reformado del combustible, la formación y depósito en el
material de ánodo a elevadas temperaturas de operación y la presencia de impurezas en
el combustible empleado (en particular de sulfuros) pueden reducir dramáticamente el
desempeño y la durabilidad de las celdas. Teniendo todo esto en cuenta, nuevos
materiales de ánodo con adecuadas propiedades (electro)catalíticas son necesarios.
Recientemente, en el grupo INTERFASE de la Universidad Industrial de Santander
(UIS), compuestos de tipo manganita con estructura Ruddlesden-Popper (RP) han sido
estudiados como potenciales materiales de ánodo. Su desempeño electrocatalítico ha
sido descrito en trabajos previos con promisorios resultados, pero el conocimiento
fundamental sobre las propiedades catalíticas de dichos materiales y la forma de
mejorarlos mediante la adición de partículas metálicas de níquel en la superficie del
electrodo aún faltaba.
La presente tesis doctoral se enfocó en la síntesis, caracterización y estudio catalítico en
el reformado con vapor en condiciones de ánodo de celdas SOFC (bajo contenido de
vapor) de una nueva manganita de tipo RP (La1.5Sr1.5Mn1.5Ni0.5O7±δ), la cual, en
atmósfera reductora y a elevadas temperaturas de operación, promueven a través del
mecanismo de exsolución la formación de dos fases: una manganita tipo RP de
composición LaSrMnO4±δ decorada con nanopartículas metálicas y activas de Ni
incrustadas en la superficie; dicha estrategia puede ser vista como una manera muy
original de mejorar las propiedades (electro)catalíticas de los materiales de ánodo y por
lo tanto ser consideradas como una opción prometedora para sistemas SOFC operados
con gas natural colombiano.
El primer capítulo trata sobre la síntesis de la fase RP n= 2 La1.5Sr1.5Mn1.5Ni0.5O7±δ
usando el método de Pechini y su caracterización. De acuerdo con la temperatura de
operación de las celdas SOFC, la exsolución del Ni en atmósfera de H2 diluido a
diferentes temperaturas (750, 800 y 850 °C) y tiempos de reducción fue estudiada. Las
nanopartículas de Ni decorando la manganita de estructura RP n= 1 es confirmada a
través de análisis de DRX, MET-EDS y el tamaño de las partículas metálicas en la
superficie del óxido, inferiores a 100 nm, es caracterizado en función de las condiciones
de exsolución. El segundo capítulo presenta el comportamiento catalítico del material exsuelto en la
reacción de reformado de metano aplicando el concepto de reformado interno gradual
(GIR por sus siglas en inglés) adaptado a celdas SOFC (en otras palabras, bajo contenido
de agua, relación vapor carbono igual a 0.15) a diferentes temperaturas de reacción (750,
800 y 850 °C). Las propiedades catalíticas de las muestras impregnadas con Ni utilizando
como soporte un material cerámico similar (La,Sr)2MnO4±δ, son también presentados
como comparación. El material exsuelto exhibe un mejor desempeño catalítico en la
reacción de reformado que la manganita impregnada, especialmente a 850 °C, mostrando
una más alta conversión, velocidad de conversión y de producción de H2. Con respecto
al reformado de la mezcla de alcanos ligeros (CH4 -C2H6, y CH4 -C3H8), el
comportamiento catalítico es afectado debido a la competición entre moléculas y la baja
disponibilidad de sitios activos metálicos, sin afectar la producción de H2.
Adicionalmente, a tiempos de reacción prolongados, la actividad en el material exsuelto
es estable incluso con 100 h de reacción, sin formación de especies carbonáceas sobre
las partículas de Ni como lo confirman las imágenes MET y el ATG/MS.
En el tercer y último capítulo, la posible formación y depósito de carbón y el
envenenamiento con sulfuros son presentados. Sin embargo, a pesar de la elevada y
estable actividad catalítica en la reacción de reformado de metano con vapor con una
considerable resistencia a la formación de carbón, el material exsuelto tiene un alto nivel
de sensibilidad al envenenamiento con H2S, similar al Ni/YSZ (material de referencia de
la literatura) o al material impregnado con Ni, con una disminución de la actividad
catalítica a prácticamente cero No obstante, el excepcional resultado global obtenido en
el material exsuelto es prometedor para un posible uso como material de ánodo en
sistemas SOFC alimentados con gas natural colombiano libre de H2S. / [CA] Molts són els problemes que han de ser resolts abans que les cel·les de combustible
d'òxid sòlid (SOFC per les seues sigles en anglès) puguen operar contínuament usant
combustibles hidrocarbonats com per exemple el gas natural. El risc d'una baixa activitat
catalítica per al reformat del combustible, la formació i depòsit en el material d'ànode a
elevades temperatures d'operació i la presència d'impureses en el combustible emprat (en
particular de sulfurs) poden reduir dramàticament l'acompliment i la durabilitat de les
cel·les. Tenint tot això en compte, nous materials d'ànode amb propietats
(electro)catalítiques adequades són necessaris. Recentment, en el grup d'investigació
INTERFASE de la Universitat Industrial de Santander (UIS), compostos de tipus
manganita amb estructura Ruddlesden-Popper (RP) han sigut estudiats com a potencials
materials anòdics. El seu acompliment electroquímiques ha sigut tractades en treballs
previs amb resultats promissoris, però el coneixement fonamental sobre les
característiques catalítiques d'aquests materials i la manera de millorar-los mitjançant
l'addició de partícules metàl·liques de níquel en la superfície de l'elèctrode encara
La present tesi de doctorat es va enfocar en la síntesi, caracterització i estudi d'activitat
catalítica en el reformat amb vapor en condicions d'ànode de cel·les SOFC (sota
contingut de vapor) d'una nova manganita de d'estructura RP (La1.5Sr1.5Mn1.5Ni0.5O7±δ),
la qual, en atmosfera reductora i a elevades temperatures d'operació, promouen, a través
del mecanisme de exsolució; la formació de dues fases: una manganita de composició
LaSrMnO4±δ decorada amb nanopartícules metàl·liques i actives de Ni incrustades en la
superfície; aquesta estratègia pot ser vista com una manera molt original de millorar les
propietats (electro)catalítiques dels materials d'ànode i per tant, ser considerades com
una prometedora opció per a futurs usos en sistemes SOFC alimentats amb gas natural
El primer capítol tracta sobre la síntesi de la fase RP n= 2 La1.5Sr1.5Mn1.5Ni0.5O7±δ usant
el mètode de Pechini i la seua caracterització. D'acord amb la temperatura d'operació de
les cel·les SOFC, la exsolució del Ni en atmosfera d'H2 diluït a diferents temperatures
(750, 800 i 850 °C) i temps de reducció va ser estudiada. Les nanopartícules de Ni
decorant la manganita d'estructura RP n= 1 és confirmada a través d'anàlisi de DRX,
MET-EDS i la grandària de les partícules metàl·liques en la superfície de l'òxid, inferiors
a 100 nm, és caracteritzat en funció de les condicions de exsolució. El segon capítol presenta el comportament catalític del material d’exsolució en la reacció
de reformat de metà amb vapor aplicant el concepte de reformat gradual intern (GIR per les seues sigles en anglès) adaptat a cel·les SOFC (en altres paraules, sota contingut de
vapor, relació vapor-carboni de 0.15) a diferents temperatures de reacció (750, 800 i 850
°C). Les propietats catalítiques de les mostres impregnades amb Ni utilitzant com a
suport un material ceràmic similar (La,Sr)2MnO4±δ, són també presentats com a
comparació. El material d’exsolució exhibeix un millor resultat catalític en la reacció de
reformat que la manganita impregnada, especialment a 850 °C, mostrant una més alta
conversió, velocitat de conversió i de producció d'H2. En el reformat de la mescla
d'alcans lleugers (CH4 -C2H6, i CH4 -C3H8), el comportament catalític és afectat per la
competició entre molècules i la baixa disponibilitat de llocs actius metàl·lics, sense
afectar la producció d'H2. Addicionalment, a temps de reacció llargs, l'activitat en el
material d’exsolució és estable fins i tot desprès de 100 h de reacció, sense formació
d'espècies carbòniques sobre les partícules de Ni, com ho confirmen les imatges MET i
el ATG/MS.
En el tercer i últim capítol, la possible formació i depòsit de carbó i l'enverinament amb
sulfurs són presentats. No obstant això, malgrat l'elevada i estable activitat catalítica en
la reacció de reformat de metà amb vapor amb una considerable resistència a la formació
de carbó, el material d’exsolució té un alt nivell de sensibilitat a l'enverinament amb H2S,
similar al Ni/YSZ (material de referència de la literatura) o el material impregnat amb
Ni, amb una disminució de l'activitat catalítica a pràcticament zero No obstant això,
l'excepcional resultat global obtingut aquest nou material és prometedor per a un possible
ús futur com a material d'ànode en sistemes SOFC alimentats amb gas natural colombià
lliure d'H2S. / Al Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación
(COLCIENCIAS) por la beca de estudios de Doctorados Nacionales Conv. 647 y el
proyecto # 110265842833 “Symmetrical high temperature Fuel Cell operating with
Colombian natural gas”. Al Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas por el apoyo
con la ayuda económica para la estancia mediante la convocatoria I-coop Project #
COOPA20112. / Vecino Mantilla, JS. (2020). Nickel exsolution effect on the catalytic behavior of ruddlesden-popper manganites in sofc conditions using colombian natural gas [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/149474
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Evaluation of process parameters and membranes for SO2 electrolysis / Andries Johannes KrügerKrüger, Andries Johannes January 2015 (has links)
The environmentally unsafe by-products (CO2, H2S, NOx and SO2 for example) of using carbon-based fuels for energy generation have paved the way for research on cleaner, renewable and possibly cheaper alternative energy production methods. Hydrogen gas, which is considered as an energy carrier, can be applied in a fuel cell setup for the production of electrical energy. Although various methods of hydrogen production are available, sulphur-based thermochemical processes (such as the Hybrid Sulfur Process (HyS)) are favoured as alternative options for large scale application. The SO2 electrolyser is applied in producing H2 gas and H2SO4 by electrochemically converting SO2 gas and water. This study focused firstly on the evaluation of the performance of the SO2 electrolyser for the production of hydrogen and sulphuric acid, using commercially available PFSA (perfluorosulfonic acid) (Nafion®) as benchmark by evaluating i) various operating parameters (such as cell temperature and membrane thickness), ii) the influence of MEA (membrane electrode assembly) manufacturing parameters (hot pressing time and pressure) and iii) the effect of H2S as a contaminant. Subsequently, the suitability of novel PBI polyaromatic blend membranes was evaluated for application in an SO2 electrolyser.
The parametric study revealed that, depending on the desired operating voltage and acid concentration, the optimisation of the operating conditions was critical. An increased cell temperature promoted both cell voltage and acid concentration while the use of thin membranes resulted in a reduced voltage and acid concentration. While an increased catalyst loading resulted in increased cell efficiency, such increase would result in an increase in manufacturing costs. Using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy at the optimised operating conditions, the MEA manufacturing process was optimised with respect to hot press pressure and time, while the effect of selected operating conditions was used to evaluate the charge transfer resistance, ohmic resistance and mass transport limitations. Results showed that the optimal hot pressing conditions were 125 kg.cm-2 and 50 kg.cm-2 for 5 minutes when using 25 and 10 cm2 active areas, respectively. The charge transfer resistance and mass transport were mostly influenced by the hot pressing procedure, while the ohmic resistance varied most with temperature.
Applying the SO2 electrolyser in an alternative environment to the HyS thermochemical cycle, the effect of H2S on the SO2 electrolyser anode was investigated for the possible use of SO2 electrolysis to remove SO2 from mining off-gas which could contain H2S. Polarisation curves, EIS and CO stripping were used to evaluate the transient voltage response of various H2S levels (ppm) on cell efficiency. EIS confirmed that the charge transfer resistance increased as the H2S competed with the SO2 for active catalyst sites. Mass transport limitations were observed at high H2S levels (80 ppm) while the ECSA (electrochemical surface area obtained by CO stripping) showed a significant reduction of active catalyst sites due to the presence of H2S. Pure SO2 reduced the effective active area by 89% (which is desired in this case) while the presence of 80 ppm H2S reduced the active catalyst area to 85%.
The suitability of PBI-based blend membranes in the SO2 electrolyser was evaluated by using chemical stability tests and electrochemical MEA characterisation. F6PBI was used as the PBI-containing base excess polymer which was blended with either partially fluorinated aromatic polyether (sFS001), poly(2,6-dimethylbromide-1,4-phenylene oxide (PPOBr) or poly(tetrafluorostyrene-4-phosphonic acid) (PWN) in various ratios. Some of the blend membranes also contained a cross-linking agent which was specifically added in an attempt to reduce swelling and promote cross-linking within the polymer matrix. The chemical stability of the blended membranes was confirmed by using weight and swelling changes, TGA-FTIR and TGA-MS. All membranes tested showed low to no chemical degradation when exposed to 80 wt% H2SO4 at 80°C for 120 h. Once the MEA doping procedure had been optimised, electrochemical characterisation of the PBI MEAs, including polarisation curves, voltage stepping and long term operation (> 24 h) was used to evaluate the MEAs. Although performance degradation was observed for the PBI membranes during voltage stepping, it was shown that this characterisation technique could be applied with relative ease, producing valuable insights into MEA stability. Since it is expected that the SO2 electrolyser will be operated under static conditions (cell temperature, pressure and current density) in an industrial setting (HyS cycle or for SO2 removal), a long term study was included. Operating the SO2 electrolyser under constant current density of 0.1 A cm-2 confirmed that PBI-based polyaromatic membranes were suitable, if not preferred, for the SO2 environment, showing stable performance for 170 hours.
This work evaluated the performance of commercial materials while further adding insights into both characterisation techniques for chemical stability of polymer materials and electrochemical methods for MEA evaluation to current published literature. In addition to the characterisation techniques this study also provides ample support for the use of PBI-based materials in the SO2 electrolyser. / PhD (Chemistry), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Evaluation of process parameters and membranes for SO2 electrolysis / Andries Johannes KrügerKrüger, Andries Johannes January 2015 (has links)
The environmentally unsafe by-products (CO2, H2S, NOx and SO2 for example) of using carbon-based fuels for energy generation have paved the way for research on cleaner, renewable and possibly cheaper alternative energy production methods. Hydrogen gas, which is considered as an energy carrier, can be applied in a fuel cell setup for the production of electrical energy. Although various methods of hydrogen production are available, sulphur-based thermochemical processes (such as the Hybrid Sulfur Process (HyS)) are favoured as alternative options for large scale application. The SO2 electrolyser is applied in producing H2 gas and H2SO4 by electrochemically converting SO2 gas and water. This study focused firstly on the evaluation of the performance of the SO2 electrolyser for the production of hydrogen and sulphuric acid, using commercially available PFSA (perfluorosulfonic acid) (Nafion®) as benchmark by evaluating i) various operating parameters (such as cell temperature and membrane thickness), ii) the influence of MEA (membrane electrode assembly) manufacturing parameters (hot pressing time and pressure) and iii) the effect of H2S as a contaminant. Subsequently, the suitability of novel PBI polyaromatic blend membranes was evaluated for application in an SO2 electrolyser.
The parametric study revealed that, depending on the desired operating voltage and acid concentration, the optimisation of the operating conditions was critical. An increased cell temperature promoted both cell voltage and acid concentration while the use of thin membranes resulted in a reduced voltage and acid concentration. While an increased catalyst loading resulted in increased cell efficiency, such increase would result in an increase in manufacturing costs. Using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy at the optimised operating conditions, the MEA manufacturing process was optimised with respect to hot press pressure and time, while the effect of selected operating conditions was used to evaluate the charge transfer resistance, ohmic resistance and mass transport limitations. Results showed that the optimal hot pressing conditions were 125 kg.cm-2 and 50 kg.cm-2 for 5 minutes when using 25 and 10 cm2 active areas, respectively. The charge transfer resistance and mass transport were mostly influenced by the hot pressing procedure, while the ohmic resistance varied most with temperature.
Applying the SO2 electrolyser in an alternative environment to the HyS thermochemical cycle, the effect of H2S on the SO2 electrolyser anode was investigated for the possible use of SO2 electrolysis to remove SO2 from mining off-gas which could contain H2S. Polarisation curves, EIS and CO stripping were used to evaluate the transient voltage response of various H2S levels (ppm) on cell efficiency. EIS confirmed that the charge transfer resistance increased as the H2S competed with the SO2 for active catalyst sites. Mass transport limitations were observed at high H2S levels (80 ppm) while the ECSA (electrochemical surface area obtained by CO stripping) showed a significant reduction of active catalyst sites due to the presence of H2S. Pure SO2 reduced the effective active area by 89% (which is desired in this case) while the presence of 80 ppm H2S reduced the active catalyst area to 85%.
The suitability of PBI-based blend membranes in the SO2 electrolyser was evaluated by using chemical stability tests and electrochemical MEA characterisation. F6PBI was used as the PBI-containing base excess polymer which was blended with either partially fluorinated aromatic polyether (sFS001), poly(2,6-dimethylbromide-1,4-phenylene oxide (PPOBr) or poly(tetrafluorostyrene-4-phosphonic acid) (PWN) in various ratios. Some of the blend membranes also contained a cross-linking agent which was specifically added in an attempt to reduce swelling and promote cross-linking within the polymer matrix. The chemical stability of the blended membranes was confirmed by using weight and swelling changes, TGA-FTIR and TGA-MS. All membranes tested showed low to no chemical degradation when exposed to 80 wt% H2SO4 at 80°C for 120 h. Once the MEA doping procedure had been optimised, electrochemical characterisation of the PBI MEAs, including polarisation curves, voltage stepping and long term operation (> 24 h) was used to evaluate the MEAs. Although performance degradation was observed for the PBI membranes during voltage stepping, it was shown that this characterisation technique could be applied with relative ease, producing valuable insights into MEA stability. Since it is expected that the SO2 electrolyser will be operated under static conditions (cell temperature, pressure and current density) in an industrial setting (HyS cycle or for SO2 removal), a long term study was included. Operating the SO2 electrolyser under constant current density of 0.1 A cm-2 confirmed that PBI-based polyaromatic membranes were suitable, if not preferred, for the SO2 environment, showing stable performance for 170 hours.
This work evaluated the performance of commercial materials while further adding insights into both characterisation techniques for chemical stability of polymer materials and electrochemical methods for MEA evaluation to current published literature. In addition to the characterisation techniques this study also provides ample support for the use of PBI-based materials in the SO2 electrolyser. / PhD (Chemistry), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Étude expérimentale et modélisation des interactions entre H2S et les hydrocarbures. Formation de composés organo-soufrés et effets cinétiques en gisement / Experimental study and modeling of interactions between H2S and hydrocarbons. Formation of sulfur compounds and kinetic effects in reservoirsNguyen, Van Phuc 11 December 2012 (has links)
H2S peut être un gaz dominant dans les réservoirs pétroliers carbonatés. Cependant, les recherches sur l'influence de H2S sur la composition et la stabilité thermique du pétrole restent limitées. Dans cette thèse, les interactions entre les hydrocarbures et H2S ont été étudiées de 310 à 350°C, à 700 bar, par pyrolyse confinée en tubes d'or scellés. La pyrolyse d'une huile non soufrée en présence de H2S ont permis de mettre en évidence une nouvelle voie de formation des composés organiques soufrés dans les pétroles. Les pyrolyses des mélanges n-octane/H2S et alkylbenzène/H2S ont permis de proposer les différentes réactions radicalaires pour la formation des produits soufrés principaux : les thiophène, thiols, thiacycloalcanes, alkyl-thiophènes dans le premier cas ; les thiols aromatiques, alkyl-benzothiophènes dans le second. Les résultats obtenus dans le mélange n-octane/H2S ont permis d'établir et valider un modèle cinétique détaillé. Ce mécanisme a permis de montrer que la pyrolyse n-octane/H2S se déroule en chaînes longues et que H2S a un effet inhibiteur sur la consommation du n-octane aux températures supérieures à 320°C, mais accélère fortement la réaction aux basses températures. Des extrapolations du modèle aux conditions géologiques (150-200°C, 700 bar) montrent que H2S a un effet important sur la composition chimique et la stabilité thermique des hydrocarbures. Le modèle permet aussi d'explorer la réactivité de H2S aux conditions de récupération assistée d'huiles lourdes soufrées (injection vapeur, pyrolyse) ou aux conditions de stockages en réservoir pétroliers déplétés / H2S can be a dominant gas in carbonate petroleum reservoirs. However, researches on the influence of H2S on the oil stability are limited in literature. In this thesis, interactions between hydrocarbons (oils, model compounds) and H2S were studied by confined pyrolysis in gold cells from 310 to 350°C under 700 bar. Results of pyrolysis of oil (free of sulfur) in presence of H2S lead to highlight a new pathway of formation of organic sulfur compounds in oils. Pyrolysis of binary mixtures n-octane/H2S and alkylbenzène/H2S allowed to propose different radical reactions for the generation of main sulfur products, namely, thiophene, thiols, thiacycloalkanes, alkyl-thiophenes in the first case ; thiol-aromatics, alkyl-benzothiophenes in the second. Results obtained in the mixture n-octane/H2S led to construct and validate a detailed mechanistic model. The mechanism shows that pyrolysis of n-octane/H2S occurs in long chain and H2S has an inhibition effect on the consumption of n-octane at temperatures above of 320°C, but accelerate the reaction rate strongly at low temperatures. Extrapolation of the kinetic model to geological temperatures and pressures (150-200°C, 700 bar) shows that H2S can significantly influence the composition and stability of hydrocarbons. It is also proposed to apply the model to study the reactivity of H2S under conditions of enhanced recovery (steam injection, pyrolysis) or of geological storage in depleted petroleum reservoirs
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Effet protecteur du sulfure d'hydrogène, de la protéine C activée et de la dexamétasone dans la modulation hémodynamique et inflammatoire de l'ischémie/reperfusion / Protector effect of hydrogen sulfure, protein C activated and dexamethason in the hemodynamic and inflammatory modulation in ischemia-reperfusionIssa, Khodr 24 June 2013 (has links)
L'ischémie/reperfusion (I/R) est un phénomène très fréquent en clinique humaine. Ce phénomène est observé lors de la désobstruction d'une artère digestive, du traitement d'un état de choc, ainsi qu'au cours d'autres pathologies. L'interruption de la perfusion tissulaire (ischémie) et le rétablissement de celle-ci (reperfusion) sont la cause de la mise en place de troubles hémodynamiques et métaboliques. L'I/R est souvent présentée comme étant la principale source de l'hyperlactatémie et le moteur de la réponse inflammatoire lors des états de choc (cardiogénique, hypovolémique, septique). Parallèlement, elle est responsable de l'induction de la production de la libération des espèces réactives de l'oxygène, des cytokines et du monoxyde d'azote. Suite à un choc hémorragique par Ischémie/reperfusion chez le rat, nous avons montré que 1) le NaHS, donneur d'H2S limite la diminution de la pression artérielle moyenne et diminue le lactate plasmatique, témoin de la souffrance tissulaire, 2) cette amélioration hémodynamique est associée à une baisse de l'expression myocardique des ARNm d'iNOS, une diminution de la concentration des dérivés NOx plasmatiques et une diminution des concentrations aortiques et myocardiques de NO et d'anion superoxyde et 3) l'inhibition d'H2S par la DL-propargylglycine aggrave le tableau hémodynamique et les conséquences tissulaires du choc. Dans un autre modèle d'ischémie/reperfusion intestinale, les résultats obtenus, montrent que l'administration de la Protéine C activée (PCa) ou de la dexaméthaosne (Dexa) : 1) améliore la PAM et la réactivité vasculaire, 2) permet d'augmenter le pH et de diminuer la lactatémie, 3) diminue la production des cytokines pro-inflammatoires et 4) inhibe les médiateurs de l'apoptose. Ces résultats sont reliés à une down régulation d'iNOS, une restauration de la voie Akt/eNOS et à une resensibilisation des adrénorécepteurs alpha. Ces résultats ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives cliniques dans les traitements de l'I/R / Ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) is a very common phenomenon, observed during intestinal artery surgery, shock treatment, as well as in several other diseases. The disruption of tissue perfusion (ischemia) and recovery (reperfusion) induce hemodynamic and metabolic dysfunction. Gut ischemia/reperfusion is often presented as the main source of lactate and the motor of the inflammatory response, such as cardiogenic, hypovolemic and septic shock. In parallel, gut reperfusion produces numerous mediators such as reactive oxygen metabolites, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and high concentrations of nitric oxide. In a model of ischemia/reperfusion induced by hemorrhagic shock, we found that 1) NaHS an injectable form of H2S, limited the decrease in arterial pressure induced by shock and decreased plasmatic lactate, a witness of tissue suffering, 2) this hemodynamic improvement was associated with a fall in myocardial iNOS mRNA expression, a reduction in the concentration of plasmatic NOx and a reduction of aortic and myocardial concentrations of NO and superoxide anion and 3) the inhibition of H2S with DL-propargylglycine worsened hemodynamics and tissue consequences of shock An experimental model of intestinal I/R has been developed, we demonstrated that the administration of APC or Dexa : 1) Improves MAP and vascular reactivity, 2) increased pH and decreased lactate, 3) decreased pro-inflammatory cytokines production and 4) inhibited apoptosis mediators expression. These results are related to a down regulation of iNOS, to a restoration of the AKT/eNOS pathway, and to alpha-adrenoreceptor resensitization. These results open new perspectives in clinical treatment of I/R
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Corrosão, permeabilidade e danos provocados por hidrogênio em aços microligados. / Corrosion, Permeability and damage caused by hydrogen in microalloyed steels.Hincapie-Ladino, Duberney 21 October 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar e comparar o comportamento quanto à resistência à corrosão, permeabilidade de hidrogênio e sua relação com a susceptibilidade ao trincamento induzido por hidrogênio de aços ARBL, em ambientes contendo H2S, enfatizando a influência da microestrutura. Foram realizados tratamentos térmicos de normalização e têmpera (em água) de dois tipos de tubos API 5L X65 para aplicação sour service, obtendo-se três condições com diferentes microestruturas para cada tubo. Assim, as duas amostras tais como recebidas apresentavam microestruturas de: ferrita/perlita e, o outro, ferrita/ferrita acicular; após tratamento de normalização os dois tipos de amostras apresentaram microestrutura de ferrita/perlita; e, por último, os aços que passaram por têmpera constituíram-se de martensita. O eletrólito empregado foi a solução A (ácido acético contendo cloreto de sódio) da norma NACE TM0284-2011, saturado com H2S. Os materiais foram submetidos a: ensaios de polarização linear para determinação da Resistência de Polarização (Rp), ensaios de permeabilidade de hidrogênio - baseado na ASTM G148-2003 - e ensaios de resistência ao trincamento induzido por hidrogênio (HIC) segundo a norma NACE TM0284-2011; exames em microscópio óptico e eletrônico de varredura para caracterização microestrutural, da morfologia da corrosão e do trincamento. Após os ensaios de polarização linear, foi observada uma diferença pequena dos valores de Rp entre as diferentes amostras estudadas, entre 120 ?.cm2 e 210 ?.cm2; dentro desta faixa, as microestruturas de martensita (aços temperados) apresentaram a menor resistência à corrosão. Foi realizado o tratamento dos dados obtidos por polarização linear com a metodologia desenvolvida por Mansfeld (1973) para cálculo da taxa de corrosão, observando mudanças nos declives de Tafel evidenciando a formação de produtos de corrosão. Apesar da formação destes produtos a taxa de corrosão não foi afetada, já que estes produtos são dissolvidos na solução A, oferecendo uma baixa proteção contra à corrosão. Nos ensaios de permeabilidade de hidrogênio foi utilizada uma célula modificada tipo Devanathan-Stachurski, com a solução A, com injeção de H2S no lado de geração de hidrogênio e 0,2M NaOH no lado de detecção. Foi realizado o tratamento dos dados com o método tlag, calculando a difusividade aparente, concentração de hidrogênio no metal e quantidade de sítios de ancoramento de hidrogênio. Também foi utilizado um método de ajuste da curva experimental com a equação obtida a partir da segunda lei de Fick para calcular a difusividade aparente. Foram comparados os valores obtidos com os dois métodos, obtendo-se resultados similares de difusividade aparente. As amostras temperadas foram as que apresentaram menor difusividade aparente, maior concentração de hidrogênio e maior número de sítios de ancoramento. Após o ensaio de resistência ao trincamento induzido por hidrogênio os exames em microscópio óptico mostraram que as amostras de tubos API 5L X65 como recebidas e normalizadas não apresentaram trincamento, já as amostras que passaram por tratamento de têmpera apresentaram trincas. A realização dos ensaios e tratamento dos dados permitiram observar a relação entre a quantidade de interface e a taxa de corrosão: assim a microestrutura martensítica apresenta a maior taxa de corrosão devido a maior quantidade de interfaces. A difusividade de hidrogênio também é afetada por esta mesma microestrutura, por ter maior quantidade de interface e maior número de discordâncias, apresentando menor difusividade aparente, maior concentração de hidrogênio e maior quantidade de sítios de ancoramento, tem-se que a microestrutura de martensita apresenta maior susceptibilidade ao trincamento induzido por hidrogênio. A nucleação e propagação das trincas nesta microestrutura depende de vários mecanismos que atuam simultaneamente: (i) nucleação das microtrincas, (ii) formação de H2 nas microcavidades com aumento da pressão local e (iii) migração de átomos de hidrogênio até a ponta da trinca diminuindo a força coesiva do reticulado facilitando a propagação. No entanto, esta relação entre microestrutura e HIC não pode ser generalizada, pois a susceptibilidade ao trincamento depende tanto da quantidade de sítios de ancoramento, como de sua energia de ligação, localização microestrutural e tamanho destes sítios. Outro fator importante é a presença de regiões de pouca ductilidade onde as trincas nucleadas tenham maior facilidade para sua propagação. Este trabalho contribuiu para o melhor entendimento dos mecanismos que levam à fragilização e danos provocados pelo hidrogênio, mostrando a relação entre microestrutura, corrosão, difusão e trincamento. Permitiu ampliar o conhecimento sobre os testes utilizados para avaliar o desempenho de aços microligados para aplicações em ambientes severos. / Pipelines produced from High Strength Low Alloy steels (HSLA) are a safe and cheap way to transport large quantities of petroleum and gas. HSLA steels offers mechanical and economic advantages. When HSLA steels are exposed to environments containing hydrogen sulphide (H2S), the steel can corrode and generate atomic hydrogen in the surface wich can diffuse and trapped, leading loss of mechanical properties and subsequent failures. The infrastructure to transport oil and gas represent a high cost investment, in adittion, they must be free from degradation processes that can causes severe health and environmental impacts. For this reason, the development of materials with high performance in aggressive environments is required. The aim of this study is to analyze and compare the corrosion behavior, hydrogen permeability and its relation with the susceptibility to Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) of HSLA steels in environments containing H2S, with emphasis on the influence of microstructure. Normalizing and quenching heat treatments were applied in two different API 5L X65 pipelines for sour service. Three conditions were obtained (as received, normalized and quenched). The as received has a microstructure of ferrite / pearlite and ferrite / acicular ferrite, respectively; the microstructure of normalized specimens consist of ferrite / pearlite and finally quenched steels presented a microstructure of martensite. Solution A (acetic acid containing sodium chloride), according to NACE TM0284-2011 standard and saturated with H2S was used. The materials were tested by linear polarization technique, hydrogen permeability and Hydrogen Induced Cracking test (HIC). HIC tests were performed according to NACE TM0284-2011 standard. Optical microscope and scanning electron microscope were used for microstructural, corrosion and cracking characterization. Rp values show a slight difference between the different samples studied (120 ?.cm2 e 210 ?.cm2); the martensite microstructure (quenched) showed the lower corrosion resistance. Mansfeld (1973) method was used to calculate the corrosion rates from polarization curves. The Tafel slopes are differents between samples making evident the formation of corrosion products. Despite the growth of those corrosion products, the corrosion rate was not affected, since these products are dissolved in the solution A, providing a low corrosion protection. A modified Devanathan-Stachurski cell was used for the hydrogen permeability tests. It was used the solution A, with injection of H2S in the charging cell, and 0.1M NaOH solution on the oxidation cell. The hydrogen effective diffusivity, sub-surface concentration of atomic hydrogen at the charging side and number of hydrogen-trap sites were calculate by tlag method. Moreover, the experimental data were fitted using an equation derived from Fick\'s second law, in order to determinate the diffusion coefficient. The diffusion coefficient obtained from both methods were compare showing similar results. The quenching samples showed the lower diffusion coefficient, higher hydrogen concentration and number of trap sites. The steels in the as received and normalized conditins did not show cracks in Hydrogen Induced Cracking test; in the other hand, quenched samples presents cracks. The results shoed the relationship between the amount of interface and the corrosion rate. Being the martensitic microstructure the one with the higher corrosion rate. The diffusion coefficient in the martensitic microstructure, is a result of the high amount of interfaces and high dislocation density, leading to a lower diffusion coefficient, higher hydrogen concentration and number of trap sites. In the Hydrogen induced Cracking test the martensitic microstructure has shown the lower resistance to crack. The nucleation and propagation of the cracks in martensite depend of mechanisms that may act simultaneously: (i) nucleation of micro-cracks in preferential sites, (ii) formation of H2 in micro-cavities, with increase the local pressure, and (iii) hydrogen migration to the tip of the crack, decreasing the cohesive force in the lattice. However, the relationship between microstructure and Hydrogen Induced Cracking can not be generalized, since the susceptibility to cracking depends of several factors, like number of trap sites, binding trap energy, microstructural distribution and trap sizes. In addition, the presence of regions of low ductility can result in easy cracks nucleation and propagation. This thesis contributed to the understanding of the mechanisms that lead to hydrogen embrittlement and hydrogen damage, showing the relationship between microstructure, corrosion rate, diffusion and cracking, I ncreasing the scientific knowledge about the standard tests actually used to evaluate the performance of microalloyed steels in sour environments.
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Rotational Spectroscopic And Ab Initio Studies On The Weakly Bound Complexes Containing 0-H...π And S-H...π InteractionsGoswami, Mausumi 07 1900 (has links)
Work reported in this thesis mainly comprises of the assignments and analysis of the rotational spectra and structures of three weakly bound complexes: C2H4•••H2S, C6H5CCH•••H2O and C6H5CCH•••H2S. All the data have been collected using a home built Pulsed Nozzle Fourier Transform Microwave Spectrometer. Apart from this, the thesis also deals with a criterion of classifying a weakly bound complex to a ‘hydrogen-bonded’ one.
First chapter of the thesis gives a brief intermolecular interactions and molecular clusters of π system. It also briefly touches on the structural determination by rotational spectroscopy and the basic information one can gain from the rotational spectrum. Second chapter of the thesis gives a brief introduction to the experimental and theoretical methodology. It also gives a description of the software used in the FTMW spectrometer which was rebuilt using Labview 7.1. Third chapter of the thesis deals with the rotational spectra and structure of eight isotopologoues of C2H4•••H2S complex. The lines are split into four components for the parent isotopologue due to the presence of large amplitude motion. The smaller splitting is 0.14 MHz and the higher splitting is 1.67 MHz in (B+C)/2 for the parent isotopologue. Spectral splitting pattern of the isotopologues confirmed that smaller splitting is due to the rotation of ethylene about its C-C bond axis along with the contraction of S-H bond whereas the larger motion arises due to the interchange of equivalent hydrogens of H2S in the complex. A detailed spectral analysis and ab initio calculation for this system have been described in chapter III. The fourth chapter of the thesis describes the rotational spectroscopic studies of five isotopologues of C6H5CCH•••H2O complex. Rotational spectra unequivocally confirm the structure of the complex to be a one where H2O is donating one of its hydrogen to the acetylenic π cloud forming a O-H••• π bond whereas the ring ortho C-H bond forms C-H•••O bond with the water oxygen. For theparent isotopomer the lines are split into two components due to the rotation of H2O about its C2 symmetric axis. The fifth chapter of thesis describes the rotational spectroscopic and ab initio studies of five isotopologues of C6H5CCH•••H2S complex. Rotational spectra indicate the structure to be the one where H2S is sitting on the top of the phenyl ring and shifted towards the acetylenic group. The sixth chapter of the thesis describes a criterion for calling a complex to be hydrogen bonded based on the dynamic structure rather than the static structure of the complex. The question asked is if the anisotropy of the interaction is strong enough to hold the ‘hydrogen bond’ when one takes dynamics into account. The proposed criterion is that the zero point energy of the motion which takes the hydrogen away from the acceptor should be much less than the barrier height of the respective motion supporting at least one bound level below the barrier. Ab initio calculations have been done on four model systems Ar2•••H2O, Ar2•••H2S, C2H4••• H2O and C2H4••• H2S to emphasize this criterion.
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Γεωφυσική, ιζηματολογική μελέτη : τηλεμετρική παρακολούθηση κρατήρων διαφυγής ρευστών σε σεισμικά ενεργές περιοχές / Geophysical, sedimentological study : remote sensing on pockmarks in seismogenic active areasΧριστοδούλου, Δημήτριος 13 July 2010 (has links)
Τρεις περιοχές της Δυτικής Ελλάδας, στις οποίες είχαν καταγραφεί διαφυγές ρευστών από τον πυθμένα της θάλασσας μελετήθηκαν στα πλαίσια της παρούσας διδακτορικής διατριβής, το υποθαλάσσιο πεδίο κρατήρων διαφυγής ρευστών στον Πατραϊκό κόλπο, το υποθαλάσσιο πεδίο κρατήρων διαφυγής στον Όρμο του Ελαιώνα στο Δυτικό Κορινθιακό κόλπο και οι διαφυγές ρευστών στον κόλπο του Κατακόλου. Η διατριβή βασίζεται στη μελέτη θαλάσσιων γεωφυσικών δεδομένων, στη μελέτη των φυσικοχημικών παραμέτρων της υδάτινης στήλης, στη χημική και ισοτοπική ανάλυση των ρευστών, στη μελέτη των δεδομένων που προέκυψαν από την πρώτη παγκόσμια καταγραφή μακράς περιόδου διαφυγών ρευστών από τον πυθμένα, στη μελέτη των διαφυγών στην παράκτια ζώνη πλησίον των υποθαλάσσιων θέσεων και τέλος στην οπτική παρατήρηση των θέσεων διαφυγών ρευστών.
Το πεδίο κρατήρων διαφυγής ρευστών του Πατραϊκού κόλπου σχηματίζεται σε Ολοκαινικές ιλυούχες αποθέσεις που υπέρκεινται Πλειστοκαινικών ιζημάτων, και ελέγχεται από ρηξιγενείς δομές. Το πεδίο κρατήρων διαφυγής ρευστών του Πατραϊκού κόλπου παρουσιάζει μία σχεδόν συνεχή μικροδραστηριότητα η οποία διακόπτεται από παροξυσμικά γεγονότα μεγάλων διαφυγών ρευστών που σχετίζονται με μεγάλους σεισμούς. Το καθεστώς ενεργοποίησης ελέγχεται από το μέγεθος, το επίκεντρο και το είδος του σεισμού. Τα ρευστά που διαφεύγουν είναι αέριοι υδρογονάνθρακες (μεθάνιο μικροβιακής προέλευσης) με ή χωρίς νερό των πόρων των ιζημάτων. Στην παράκτια ζώνη της Πάτρας, πλησίον του πεδίου εντοπίζονται τρεις περιοχές με έντονες διαφυγές αερίων από το έδαφος. Συνολικά η παράκτια ζώνη της Πάτρας, τόσο το χερσαίο όσο και το θαλάσσιο περιβάλλον της, προσφέρει τουλάχιστον 4.7tn μεθανίου ετησίως στην ατμόσφαιρα, με τη μέγιστη προσφορά μεθανίου να μπορεί να φτάσει τους 19 τόννους ετησίως, ενώ μετά από ένα ισχυρό σεισμικό γεγονός εκτιμήθηκε ότι διαφεύγουν 500 κιλά περίπου μεθανίου από το θαλάσσιο πυθμένα σε διάστημα 16 ημερών.
Στην περιοχή του Όρμου του Ελαιώνα οι κρατήρες διαφυγής ρευστών σχηματίζονται σε Ολοκαινικές ιλύες και ο πυθμένας των κρατήρων φτάνει στην διεπιφάνεια Ολοκαίνου/Πλειστοκαίνου, με κύριο μηχανισμό σχηματισμού την εκφόρτιση του γλυκού νερού. Οι βενθικές βιοκοινωνίες που εντοπίστηκαν στο εσωτερικό των κρατήρων διαφυγής ρευστών οδηγεί στο συμπέρασμα ότι το υπόγειο νερό, εμπλουτισμένο με θρεπτικά συστατικά και διαλυμένο οξυγόνο δημιουργεί ένα εξαιρετικό οικότοπο για την ανάπτυξη βενθικών οργανισμών.
Στην περιοχή του Κατακόλου εντοπίστηκαν και καταγράφηκαν πολύ μεγάλες διαφυγές ρευστών σε τρεις περιοχές, στον Λιμένα Κατακόλου, στη θέση «Φάρος» Κατακόλου και νότια του Λιμένα. Οι έντονες διαφυγές ρευστών, κυρίως θερμογενούς μεθανίου με σημαντικές ποσότητες υδροθείου, φαίνεται να συνδέονται με τις ενεργές διαπυρικές δομές στην περιοχή, που επηρεάζουν τις υπερκείμενες ακολουθίες σχηματίζοντας κανονικά ρήγματα, τα οποία συγκροτούν μία ιδανική δίοδο μετανάστευσης των αερίων από τους Μεσοζωικούς ταμιευτήρες υδρογονανθράκων προς την επιφάνεια. Στην υποθαλάσσια περιοχή του Λιμένα Κατακόλου εκτιμήθηκε ότι η ποσότητα μεθανίου που διαφεύγει από το θαλάσσιο πυθμένα είναι της τάξεως των 1260-1500 τόννων το χρόνο. επικινδυνότητα τόσο για τον άνθρωπο, όσο και τις κατασκευές στην περιοχή του Λιμένα. H υψηλή συγκέντρωση μεθανίου στην ατμόσφαιρα μπορεί να προκαλέσει έκρηξη ή πυρκαγιά, ενώ οι υποθαλάσσιες διαφυγές και η παρουσία αερίων υδρογονανθράκων στα επιφανειακά ιζήματα μπορούν να προκαλέσουν εκρήξεις κατά τη διάρκεια γεωτρήσεων ή να καταστρέψουν θαλάσσιες κατασκευές. Το υδρόθειο είναι το πιο επικίνδυνο και τοξικό γεωρευστό και μπορεί να προκαλέσει σημαντικές ιατρικές βλάβες στον άνθρωπο στις συγκεντρώσεις που μετρήθηκε στην περιοχή του λιμένα. / Three areas in Western Greece studied, where seabed fluid flow have been reported. The dissertation is based on the study of marine geophysical data, on physicochemical parameters of seawater, on chemical and isotopic analysis of fluids, on the study of the data collected during the first long-term monitoring of seabed fluid flow ever done and on the study of the fluid flow on the surroundings inshore areas.
The Patras Gulf pockmark field is formed on Holocene muds which overlies Pleistocene coarser sediments and is controlled by normal faults. The Patras Gulf pockmark field is characterized by ‘normal’ micro-activity which is interrupting by high activity periods after strong earthquakes. The fluids that flows from the pockmarks is mainly methane of microbial origin with/or without porewater. An estimation of the total methane that flows from the pockmark field and the surrounding inshore area of the field shows that the methane that leaks to the atmosphere is about 4.7-19 tn/year. After strong earthquakes, when the pockmark field is activated, the estimation of the methane that leaks from the seabed is about 500kgr for a period of 16 days.
The Eleonas Bay pockmark field is formed on Holocene muds whereas the base of the pockmarks reaches the Holocene/Pleistocene boundary. The main mechanism for the formation of these pockmarks is the groundwater discharge. Benthic macrofauna that observed on the base of the pockmarks shows that the groundwater which is enriched in nutrients and dissolved oxygen is creating an excellent environment for the growth of benthic fauna.
In the area of Katakolo have been observed three areas of enhanced fluid flow offshore and onshore. The studies of these areas have shown that the seeps are caused by thermogenic methane that had accumulated in Mesozoic limestone and had migrated upward through faults, or zones of weakness, induced by salt diapirism. An estimation of the methane that flows from the offshore part of the Katakolo Harbour area have shown that the methane that reaches the atmosphere is about 1260-1500 tn/year. Methane seeps in potentially explosive amounts at the area of the Harbour, and hydrogen sulfide is over the levels necessary to induce toxicological diseases and lethal effects.
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Corrosão, permeabilidade e danos provocados por hidrogênio em aços microligados. / Corrosion, Permeability and damage caused by hydrogen in microalloyed steels.Duberney Hincapie-Ladino 21 October 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar e comparar o comportamento quanto à resistência à corrosão, permeabilidade de hidrogênio e sua relação com a susceptibilidade ao trincamento induzido por hidrogênio de aços ARBL, em ambientes contendo H2S, enfatizando a influência da microestrutura. Foram realizados tratamentos térmicos de normalização e têmpera (em água) de dois tipos de tubos API 5L X65 para aplicação sour service, obtendo-se três condições com diferentes microestruturas para cada tubo. Assim, as duas amostras tais como recebidas apresentavam microestruturas de: ferrita/perlita e, o outro, ferrita/ferrita acicular; após tratamento de normalização os dois tipos de amostras apresentaram microestrutura de ferrita/perlita; e, por último, os aços que passaram por têmpera constituíram-se de martensita. O eletrólito empregado foi a solução A (ácido acético contendo cloreto de sódio) da norma NACE TM0284-2011, saturado com H2S. Os materiais foram submetidos a: ensaios de polarização linear para determinação da Resistência de Polarização (Rp), ensaios de permeabilidade de hidrogênio - baseado na ASTM G148-2003 - e ensaios de resistência ao trincamento induzido por hidrogênio (HIC) segundo a norma NACE TM0284-2011; exames em microscópio óptico e eletrônico de varredura para caracterização microestrutural, da morfologia da corrosão e do trincamento. Após os ensaios de polarização linear, foi observada uma diferença pequena dos valores de Rp entre as diferentes amostras estudadas, entre 120 ?.cm2 e 210 ?.cm2; dentro desta faixa, as microestruturas de martensita (aços temperados) apresentaram a menor resistência à corrosão. Foi realizado o tratamento dos dados obtidos por polarização linear com a metodologia desenvolvida por Mansfeld (1973) para cálculo da taxa de corrosão, observando mudanças nos declives de Tafel evidenciando a formação de produtos de corrosão. Apesar da formação destes produtos a taxa de corrosão não foi afetada, já que estes produtos são dissolvidos na solução A, oferecendo uma baixa proteção contra à corrosão. Nos ensaios de permeabilidade de hidrogênio foi utilizada uma célula modificada tipo Devanathan-Stachurski, com a solução A, com injeção de H2S no lado de geração de hidrogênio e 0,2M NaOH no lado de detecção. Foi realizado o tratamento dos dados com o método tlag, calculando a difusividade aparente, concentração de hidrogênio no metal e quantidade de sítios de ancoramento de hidrogênio. Também foi utilizado um método de ajuste da curva experimental com a equação obtida a partir da segunda lei de Fick para calcular a difusividade aparente. Foram comparados os valores obtidos com os dois métodos, obtendo-se resultados similares de difusividade aparente. As amostras temperadas foram as que apresentaram menor difusividade aparente, maior concentração de hidrogênio e maior número de sítios de ancoramento. Após o ensaio de resistência ao trincamento induzido por hidrogênio os exames em microscópio óptico mostraram que as amostras de tubos API 5L X65 como recebidas e normalizadas não apresentaram trincamento, já as amostras que passaram por tratamento de têmpera apresentaram trincas. A realização dos ensaios e tratamento dos dados permitiram observar a relação entre a quantidade de interface e a taxa de corrosão: assim a microestrutura martensítica apresenta a maior taxa de corrosão devido a maior quantidade de interfaces. A difusividade de hidrogênio também é afetada por esta mesma microestrutura, por ter maior quantidade de interface e maior número de discordâncias, apresentando menor difusividade aparente, maior concentração de hidrogênio e maior quantidade de sítios de ancoramento, tem-se que a microestrutura de martensita apresenta maior susceptibilidade ao trincamento induzido por hidrogênio. A nucleação e propagação das trincas nesta microestrutura depende de vários mecanismos que atuam simultaneamente: (i) nucleação das microtrincas, (ii) formação de H2 nas microcavidades com aumento da pressão local e (iii) migração de átomos de hidrogênio até a ponta da trinca diminuindo a força coesiva do reticulado facilitando a propagação. No entanto, esta relação entre microestrutura e HIC não pode ser generalizada, pois a susceptibilidade ao trincamento depende tanto da quantidade de sítios de ancoramento, como de sua energia de ligação, localização microestrutural e tamanho destes sítios. Outro fator importante é a presença de regiões de pouca ductilidade onde as trincas nucleadas tenham maior facilidade para sua propagação. Este trabalho contribuiu para o melhor entendimento dos mecanismos que levam à fragilização e danos provocados pelo hidrogênio, mostrando a relação entre microestrutura, corrosão, difusão e trincamento. Permitiu ampliar o conhecimento sobre os testes utilizados para avaliar o desempenho de aços microligados para aplicações em ambientes severos. / Pipelines produced from High Strength Low Alloy steels (HSLA) are a safe and cheap way to transport large quantities of petroleum and gas. HSLA steels offers mechanical and economic advantages. When HSLA steels are exposed to environments containing hydrogen sulphide (H2S), the steel can corrode and generate atomic hydrogen in the surface wich can diffuse and trapped, leading loss of mechanical properties and subsequent failures. The infrastructure to transport oil and gas represent a high cost investment, in adittion, they must be free from degradation processes that can causes severe health and environmental impacts. For this reason, the development of materials with high performance in aggressive environments is required. The aim of this study is to analyze and compare the corrosion behavior, hydrogen permeability and its relation with the susceptibility to Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) of HSLA steels in environments containing H2S, with emphasis on the influence of microstructure. Normalizing and quenching heat treatments were applied in two different API 5L X65 pipelines for sour service. Three conditions were obtained (as received, normalized and quenched). The as received has a microstructure of ferrite / pearlite and ferrite / acicular ferrite, respectively; the microstructure of normalized specimens consist of ferrite / pearlite and finally quenched steels presented a microstructure of martensite. Solution A (acetic acid containing sodium chloride), according to NACE TM0284-2011 standard and saturated with H2S was used. The materials were tested by linear polarization technique, hydrogen permeability and Hydrogen Induced Cracking test (HIC). HIC tests were performed according to NACE TM0284-2011 standard. Optical microscope and scanning electron microscope were used for microstructural, corrosion and cracking characterization. Rp values show a slight difference between the different samples studied (120 ?.cm2 e 210 ?.cm2); the martensite microstructure (quenched) showed the lower corrosion resistance. Mansfeld (1973) method was used to calculate the corrosion rates from polarization curves. The Tafel slopes are differents between samples making evident the formation of corrosion products. Despite the growth of those corrosion products, the corrosion rate was not affected, since these products are dissolved in the solution A, providing a low corrosion protection. A modified Devanathan-Stachurski cell was used for the hydrogen permeability tests. It was used the solution A, with injection of H2S in the charging cell, and 0.1M NaOH solution on the oxidation cell. The hydrogen effective diffusivity, sub-surface concentration of atomic hydrogen at the charging side and number of hydrogen-trap sites were calculate by tlag method. Moreover, the experimental data were fitted using an equation derived from Fick\'s second law, in order to determinate the diffusion coefficient. The diffusion coefficient obtained from both methods were compare showing similar results. The quenching samples showed the lower diffusion coefficient, higher hydrogen concentration and number of trap sites. The steels in the as received and normalized conditins did not show cracks in Hydrogen Induced Cracking test; in the other hand, quenched samples presents cracks. The results shoed the relationship between the amount of interface and the corrosion rate. Being the martensitic microstructure the one with the higher corrosion rate. The diffusion coefficient in the martensitic microstructure, is a result of the high amount of interfaces and high dislocation density, leading to a lower diffusion coefficient, higher hydrogen concentration and number of trap sites. In the Hydrogen induced Cracking test the martensitic microstructure has shown the lower resistance to crack. The nucleation and propagation of the cracks in martensite depend of mechanisms that may act simultaneously: (i) nucleation of micro-cracks in preferential sites, (ii) formation of H2 in micro-cavities, with increase the local pressure, and (iii) hydrogen migration to the tip of the crack, decreasing the cohesive force in the lattice. However, the relationship between microstructure and Hydrogen Induced Cracking can not be generalized, since the susceptibility to cracking depends of several factors, like number of trap sites, binding trap energy, microstructural distribution and trap sizes. In addition, the presence of regions of low ductility can result in easy cracks nucleation and propagation. This thesis contributed to the understanding of the mechanisms that lead to hydrogen embrittlement and hydrogen damage, showing the relationship between microstructure, corrosion rate, diffusion and cracking, I ncreasing the scientific knowledge about the standard tests actually used to evaluate the performance of microalloyed steels in sour environments.
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Etude thermodynamique et expérimentale du cycle géochimique du soufre dans les bassins sédimentaires / A thermodynamic and experimental study of the geochemical cycle of sulfur in sedimentary basinsUteyev, Rakhim 10 March 2011 (has links)
Le soufre est présent dans les systèmes pétroliers à la fois sous forme organique et minérale. Il est impliqué dans de nombreuses réactions d'oxydoréduction qui affectent la qualité des huiles (par des réactions de sulfuration ou de désulfuration) et du gaz naturel (par la génération de H2S en contexte de réduction thermochimique des sulfates), ainsi que la porosité des roches réservoirs (par la dissolution de l'anhydrite ou la précipitation de soufre élémentaire ou de pyrobitume). Ces réactions sont gouvernées par la température (et dans une moindre mesure la pression), les conditions d'oxydoréduction et la composition chimique globale du système. La thèse comporte trois parties : (1) une étude thermodynamique des réactions chimiques impliquant le soufre dans les bassins sédimentaires ; (2) une étude expérimentale des réactions de sulfuration et de désulfuration des composés organiques ainsi que de la réduction thermochimique des sulfates; (3) une étude pétrographique et d'inclusions fluides sur des échantillons d'un réservoir carbonaté du bassin Pré-Caspien / Sulfur occurs in petroleum systems as both organic compounds and minerals as well as under different oxidation states. It is involved in a number of redox reactions which may impact the quality of crude oils (through sulfurization or desulfurization reactions) and natural gas (through the generation of H2S during thermochemical sulfate reduction), as well as the petrophysical properties of reservoir rocks (through the dissolution of anhydrite and the precipitation of elemental sulfur and pyrobitumen). These reactions are controlled by temperature (and to a lesser extent pressure), the redox conditions, and the overall chemical composition of the system representing the petroleum reservoir. The thesis consists of three parts: (1) a thermodynamic study of chemical reactions involving sulfur which occur in sedimentary basins; (2) an experimental simulation of sulfurization and desulfurization reactions of organic compounds, as well as of thermochemical sulfate reduction; and (3) a petrographic and fluid inclusion study of carbonate rock samples from a sulfur-rich hydrocarbon reservoir of the northern Caspian Sea
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