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Einfluß der magnetischen Ordnung auf Supraleitung und Kristallstruktur in Seltenerd-Nickel-Borkarbid-VerbindungenKreyßig, Andreas 04 July 2001 (has links)
Rare-earth nickel borocarbids RNi2B2C are particularly suitable for investigations on one of the most interesting problems in modern solid-state physics: these compounds display competition and coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism. Depending on the R3+ ion, the transition temperatures are in an experimentally easy accessible range of 1 K to 25 K. This thesis presents experimental studies on the interplay of both ordering phenomena. Neutron diffraction is used to determine the magnetic order and the resulting changes of the crystal structure. Experiments are performed on polycrystalline and single crystal samples in dependence on temperature and external magnetic fields. The Ni-B stoichiometry of the tetragonal RNi2B2C compounds is systematically varied and the magnetic R3+ ions are partially substituted by other magnetic or nonmagnetic R?3+ ions. The experimental results are compared with macroscopic magnetic and electrical properties. For HoNi2B2C three different magnetic structures are found in a narrow temperature range. While for two magnetic structures the Ho3+ moments are modulated along the c axis, a third magnetic structure with a modulation in a direction is observed. Both, partial substitution of Ho3+ ions and variation of the Ni-B stoichiometry, strongly modify the formation of these different types of magnetic order. The comparison with the concomitant changes of the superconducting properties yields the following scenario for HoNi2B2C-based compounds: superconductivity coexists with both magnetic structures with modulations in c direction. However, the onset of magnetic order weakens the superconductivity. For the magnetic structure with modulation along the a axis, components of the magnetic moments arise in c direction. The resulting local magnetic fields on Ni sites yield a strong suppression of the superconductivity. The observed competition between superconductivity and the magnetic structure with modulation along the a axis strongly suggests that the modification of the electronic structure due to the superconducting state influences the magnetic ordering. As a further impact of the magnetism in RNi2B2C compounds with R = Ho, Dy, Tb and Er changes of the crystal structure are investigated. Using high-resolution neutron diffraction, tetragonal-to-orthorhombic lattice distortions are found. They are induced by those magnetic structures with either parallel or anti-parallel alignement of R3+ magnetic moments. The direction of the lattice distortions, the dependence of their size on the square of the effective ordered magnetic moment and on the type of the R3+ ions indicate that the magneto-elastic interactions are determined by crystal-field effects. This fact also facilitates the elucidation of the magnetic phase diagrams by neutron diffraction experiments in external magnetic fields. For a given phase, absence or presence of magneto-elastic lattice distortions restrict the set of possible magnetic structures. For HoNi2B2C the magnetic phases reported in literature are confirmed. The experimental results for DyNi2B2C are interpreted using a simple model to determine the magnetic structures. Based on mean field calculations, the differences in the magnetic structures for increasing and decreasing magnetic fields can be understood as very strong hysteresis effects in connection with first-order phase transitions. / Seltenerd-Nickel-Borkarbid-Verbindungen RNi2B2C sind bestens zur Untersuchung eines der interessantesten Probleme der modernen Festkörperphysik geeignet: Diese Substanzen weisen Konkurrenz und Koexistenz von Supraleitung und Magnetismus auf, wobei die vom R3+-Ion abhängigen Übergangstemperaturen in einem experimentell gut zugänglichen Bereich von 1 K bis 25 K liegen. Die vorliegende Dissertation stellt experimentelle Arbeiten zum Wechselspiel der beiden Ordnungsphänomene vor. Für poly- und einkristalline Proben werden die magnetischen Ordnungen und resultierende Veränderungen der Kristallstruktur mittels Neutronendiffraktion in Abhängigkeit von der Temperatur und vom äußeren Magnetfeld bestimmt und mit den makroskopischen magnetischen und elektrischen Eigenschaften verglichen. Hierbei werden die tetragonalen RNi2B2C-Verbindungen gezielt in ihrer Ni-B-Stöchiometrie variiert sowie die magnetischen R3+-Ionen partiell durch andere magnetische als auch unmagnetische R?3+-Ionen substituiert. Für HoNi2B2C werden in einem engen Temperaturbereich drei verschiedene magnetische Strukturen nachgewiesen. Während in zwei magnetischen Ordnungen die Ho3+-Momente entlang der c-Achse moduliert sind, wird für die dritte magnetische Ordnung eine Modulation in a-Richtung beobachtet. Sowohl durch die partielle Substitution der Ho3+-Ionen als auch durch die Ni-B-Stöchiometrievariation wird die Ausprägung der magnetischen Strukturen stark modifiziert. Der Vergleich mit den ebenfalls veränderten supraleitenden Eigenschaften ergibt das folgende Bild für die HoNi2B2C-Verbindungen: Die Supraleitung koexistiert mit den beiden c-Achsen-modulierten magnetischen Strukturen, das Einsetzen der magnetischen Ordnung führt jedoch zu einer Schwächung der Supraleitung. Die a-Achsen-modulierte magnetische Struktur weist Momentkomponenten in c-Richtung auf, die auf Grund der resultierenden lokalen Magnetfelder an den Ni-Plätzen eine starke Unterdrückung der Supraleitung bewirken. Die beobachtete Konkurrenz zwischen der Supraleitung und der a-Achsen-modulierten magnetischen Struktur gibt andererseits einen starken Hinweis darauf, daß die Modifizierung der elektronischen Struktur im supraleitenden Zustand auf das magnetische System rückwirkt. Als weitere Auswirkung des Magnetismus kommt es in RNi2B2C-Verbindungen mit R = Ho, Dy, Tb und Er zu Veränderungen der Kristallstruktur. Mittels hochauflösender Neutronendiffraktion werden magnetisch induzierte, tetragonal-zu-orthorhombische Gitterverzerrungen für diejenigen magnetischen Ordnungen nachgewiesen, bei denen die magnetischen Momente der R3+-Ionen parallel bzw. antiparallel ausgerichtet sind. Die Richtung der Gitterverzerrung, die Abhängigkeit ihrer Größe vom Quadrat des geordneten magnetischen Momentes als auch von der Art der R3+-Ionen deuten darauf hin, daß die magneto-elastischen Wechselwirkungen durch Kristallfeldeffekte bestimmt werden. Diese Einsicht unterstützt auch die Aufklärung der magnetischen Phasendiagramme mittels magnetfeldabhängiger Neutronenbeugungsexperimente. Für eine magnetische Phase schränkt das Auftreten bzw. Fehlen der magneto-elastischen Effekte die Vielfalt der möglichen magnetischen Strukturen ein. Die aus der Literatur bekannten magnetischen Phasen von HoNi2B2C werden bestätigt. Für DyNi2B2C werden die experimentellen Ergebnisse unter Nutzung eines einfachen Modelles interpretiert und die magnetischen Strukturen bestimmt. Anhand von Molekularfeldrechnungen können die Unterschiede in den magnetischen Strukturen für ansteigendes und für abnehmendes Magnetfeld als sehr starke Hystereseeffekte in Zusammenhang mit Phasenübergängen erster Ordnung gedeutet werden.
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The context, purpose, and dissemination of legendary genealogies in northern England and Iceland, c.1120-c.1241Lunga, Peter Sigurdson January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is a comparative and multidisciplinary study of legendary genealogies in the historical writing of northern England and Iceland c. 1120 – c. 1241. Historical writing was produced in abundance over this period in both areas and the frequent contact between England and Scandinavia, as well as shared use of early medieval insular sources make them especially suitable for comparison. The Viking invasions and settlement in England had a significant impact on English culture, language and literature and changed attitudes to their own legendary past. The Danish conquest of England in the early eleventh-century also brought the insular and Scandinavian worlds closer together, and even after the Norman Conquest in 1066, England and Scandinavia engaged in scholarly and textual exchange The theoretical framework for the thesis combines approaches from religious history, art history, political history, literature history and gender history. The main research questions of the thesis consider the dissemination, development, and purpose of legendary genealogies. The sources are a collection of Durham related manuscripts with illuminations of the pagan god Woden (c. 1120–88) in two historical works De Primo Saxonum Aduentu and De Gestis Regum; Genealogia Regum Anglorum (Rievaulx, 1153x54) by Aelred of Rievaulx; two works attributed to Snorri Sturluson’s Prose Edda (Iceland, 1220s) and Heimskringla (Iceland, 1225x35). Common to the sources is the inclusion of genealogies that stretch from legendary generations to living individuals at the time of writing. Thus, genealogies connected dynasties and civilisations in mutual descent from pagan, Trojan and biblical ancestors. By analysing textual dissemination as well as political contexts, literary patronage and mechanisms in legitimisation of power, the thesis address amalgamations of origin myths, the use and significance euhemerised pagan gods, and female generations in genealogies.
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Moderní sakrální architektura / Modern Sacral Architecture.PODROUŽKOVÁ, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with European sacral architecture of the twentieth and the twenty-first century. Particularly, it refers to Judaic, Roman-Catholic and Islamic buildings. The second part puts into historical context the sacral constructions of individual religions including their function, characters and typology. In the third part of this thesis the representative sample of significant modern sacral constructions is selected, always under circumstances regarding their creation, the urban description and the setting in a specific location as well as the architectural layout, the interior arrangment and a possible use of special technological procedures at their construction. The mutual comparison and the evaluation of the modern European sacral architecture development are carried out in the fourth part. This section notices the function and the usage of light and presents some extraordinary buildings from this point of view. The final fifth part tries to answer the question, how a modern temple should look like.
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Covenant (berith) in Daniel and the Dead Sea Scrolls : an exposition of Daniel 9-12 and selected sections of the Damascus Document (CD), Community Rule (1QS), Hymns Scroll (1QHA) and War Scroll (1QM)Linington, Silvia 11 1900 (has links)
The following thesis comprises a systematic, synchronic study of the term בְּרִית (berîṯ,
covenant) in the book of Daniel, the Damascus Document, the Community Rule (Serekhha-
Yaḥad), the Hymn Scroll (Hodayot) and the War Scroll (Milḥamah). The basic text
used for Daniel is the BHS, and for the Dead Sea Scrolls the Dead Sea Scrolls Electronic
Library, supplemented by other editions.
Apart from an introduction (chapter 1), the work is divided into two sections. The
second chapter begins with a discussion of some introductory matters, such as the dating
and purpose of the book of Daniel. The remainder of the chapter comprises two
subsections, consisting firstly of an exegesis of Daniel 9 and secondly an exposition of
Daniel 10-12 with particular reference to covenant terminology. The prayer in Daniel 9 is
given much space since it is replete with covenant language, though the word בְּרִית only
occurs at Daniel 9:4. The main focus of the second subsection is the vision report in Daniel
11, with particular emphasis on Daniel 11:20-45 where the word בְּרִית occurs.
The third chapter contains four subsections, each giving an exegesis of those
parts of the Damascus Document, Community Rule, Hymn Scroll and War Scroll where
the term בְּרִית occurs. Each subsection is preceded by a brief introduction to the scroll
concerned, looking at such issues as the provenance and dating of the scroll without going
into too much detail, and followed by a conclusion, summarising the findings in each
section. While such issues as the nature of the community represented by each scroll are
mentioned where appropriate, they do not form a major emphasis in this study.
Throughout, particular prominence is given to specific terminology used in order
to determine the authors’ theological emphases. A few terms that are related to ,בְּרִית
‘covenant’, such as חֶסֶד (ḥeseḏ ‘mercy, lovingkindness’), אָהָב (’āhāḇ; [covenant] love), אָלָה
(’ālāh; ‘curse, oath’), are also included in this study at the relevant places.
The conclusion (chapter 4) draws together the findings of all sections and seeks
to compare the terminology used in Daniel with that of the Dead Sea Scrolls. / Old Testament & Ancient Near Eastern Studies / D. Th. (Old Testament)
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A synchronic approach to the Serek ha-Yahad (1QS) : from text to social and cultural contextSkarström Hinojosa, Kamilla January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the social and cultural contexts of 1QS (Serek ha-Yahad) by means of a textual study. The analysis of the text is performed in a synchronic perspective. This means that lexical choices, grammatical forms, references, topics, themes, and intertextuality are analyzed text-internally. By doing so, this study sheds new light on old questions of textual cohesion and coherence, questions that until now have been dealt with mostly from a diachronic perspective. The text analysis entails investigation in view of three interrelated dimensions of language function: ideational, interpersonal, and textual. These imply language as transmitting information, creating and sustaining relations, and functioning to organize itself into cohesive units. Although applying some of the terminology from the field of text linguistics (SFL), the focus in this study is on what a text means rather than why. This means that the semantic-pragmatic aspects of language are of foremost interest here. The analysis is performed from bottom and up, then from top down again. Words, phrases, and sentences are investigated up to the broadest linguistic level, namely, to the semantic discourse itself. With an understanding of the larger discourse at hand thanks to this analysis of textual cohesion and coherence, textual details are once again revisited and interpreted anew. In this work, 1QS is analyzed from beginning to end—chronologically, so to say. Then, at the end of each major section, the discourse is analyzed overall. Following the text analysis, conclusions of the investigations are presented. The conclusions argue that the hierarchal structure of the community and its stringent regulations are to be understood as a corrective in response to corrupt society. It is also argued that language in 1QS has a performative function. Rather than describing the way things are, it aspires to evoke the ideal society. Instead of understanding 1QS and the community mirrored in it as a deviant group with little or no contact with the surrounding world, it is then understood as a potent contribution to late Second Temple Jewish discourse concerning how to create a just society and a sanctifying cultic practice. In the final chapter, the insights gained from textual analysis of 1QS are brought into encounter with the theoretical framework posited by French historian and philosopher René Girard (1923–2015). In light of Girard’s philosophy, the hierarchal organization of the community (the Yahad) as well as its regulations can be interpreted as an effort to prevent a mimetic crisis. The function of the scapegoat in 1QS is discussed in light of Girard’s grand theory of the mechanisms of scapegoating in all societies. The study closes with the tentative hypothesis that the community in 1QS deconstructs the scapegoating mechanism by taking the role of the scapegoat upon itself.
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Development of polymer based composite filaments for 3D printingÅkerlund, Elin January 2019 (has links)
The relatively new and still growing field of 3D-printing has opened up the possibilities to manufacture patient-specific medical devices with high geometrical accuracy in a precise and quick manner. Additionally, biocompatible materials are a demand for all medical applications while biodegradability is of importance when developing scaffolds for tissue growth for instance. With respect to this, this project consisted of developing biocompatible and bioresorbable polymer blend and composite filaments, for fused deposition modeling (FDM) printing. Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and polycaprolactone (PCL) were used as supporting polymer matrix while hydroxyapatite (HA), a calcium phosphate with similar chemical composition to the mineral phase of human bone, was added to the composites to enhance the biological activity. PLA and PCL content was varied between 90–70 wt% and 10-30 wt%, respectively, while the HA content was 15 wt% in all composites. All materials were characterized in terms of mechanical properties, thermal stability, chemical composition and morphology. An accelerated degradation study of the materials was also executed in order to investigate the degradation behavior as well as the impact of the degradation on the above mentioned properties. The results showed that all processed materials exhibited higher mechanical properties compared to the human trabecular bone, even after degradation with a mass loss of around 30% for the polymer blends and 60% for the composites. It was also apparent that the mineral accelerated the polymer degradation significantly, which can be advantageous for injuries with faster healing time, requiring only support for a shorter time period.
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From cuprates to manganites: spin and orbital liquidsKilian, Rolf 05 July 1999 (has links) (PDF)
Both cuprates and manganites belong to the transition metal oxides. The physics of these compounds is characterized by a dualism of local electron interaction and itinerant charge motion. In the present work, several key issues of metallic cuprates and manganites are addressed on a theoretical level, while close connection to recent experimental work is kept. The work is based on the notion of spin and orbital liquids, representing elegant tools to handle the strongly correlated nature of the metallic state in an efficient and transparent manner. A concise introduction to the physics of cuprates and manganites as well as to the methods employed is presented at the beginning of the work. In a subsequent part, we show that the peculiar magnetic response of metallic cuprates upon impurity doping can be successfully explained within a spin-liquid picture. The remainder of the work is devoted to the metallic state of manganites. Elaborating on the notion of an orbital liquid, the interplay of electron correlations, orbital degeneracy, and double exchange is studied. Thereby, the unconventionally large incoherent optical spectrum of metallic manganites and the pronounced softening of the magnon spectrum observed in experiment can be explained. Finally, a theory of the metal-insulator transition of manganites is presented which is based upon the newly introduced notion of orbital polarons. In general, we believe the close agreement of our results with experiment to strongly support the validity of our approach, giving new insight into the spectacular and sometimes as-tonishing physics of transition metal oxides.
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A strategic decision-making model for optimal alignment of 3PL providers with SASOLs outbound supply chainRabie, Dewaldt Johannes January 2018 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Sesotho / The study was inspired by the global phenomenon of failure rates of outsourcing ventures; yet, the outsourcing value proposition of 3PL providers is promising and potentially lucrative. The approach of the outsourcing venture was thus investigated, specifically how to align and integrate outsourcing parameters appropriately at the inception of the outsourcing venture in order to attain the benefits brought about by the outsourcing decision over the projected life of the outsourcing venture. To this effect, a strategic decision-making model, with the objective of ascertaining optimal alignment and integration was developed. The model comprises a dualistic development followed by a methodological process path to operationalise the strategic decision-making model. A services continuum (development one) is established, which is a permutation matrix that classifies four aspects of importance (service type, category of 3PL provider, strategic alignment and investment), in order to align the aspects optimally and enable appropriate model application. The services continuum is a conglomeration of nine models:
a capabilities matrix for 3PL provider services;
a framework for evaluating the supply chain role of 3PL providers;
a mathematical model;
a supplier selection and evaluation process;
a presentation of the Hayes–Wheelwright framework;
an outsourcing variables differentiated model;
four categories of the 3PL providers model;
an estimated path model; and
a process integration via survey data collection model.
The services continuum was extended for utilisation with risk management practices, and an outsourcing risk matrix (development two) was established. The enablement of the outsource risk matrix is an element review, consisting of three categories: collaboration and integrated planning systems; performance measurement; and broad-based black economic empowerment. The strategic decision-making methodology process path was developed as having three phases, which operationalise the strategic decision-making model.
The research was primarily focussed on literature reviews, with the models classified according to the services continuum. To a lesser extent, the research focussed on primary data, which served as model application input specifically for application requirements related to Sasol. The study established a universally applicable strategic decision-making model, as well as the application of the model for Sasol’s outbound (final packaged product) supply chain. / Thuto e ile ya kgothaletswa ke tshebetso ya lefatshe mabapi le maemo a ho hloleha ha ho nyaolwa/ntshuwa ha diprojeke kgwebong; leha ho le jwalo, tlhahiso ya boleng ba ditshebeletso tsa 3PL e a tshepisa ebile e ka ba le hlahiso ya tjhelete e ngata. Ka tsela eo, mokgwa wa ho tswa kgwebong o ile wa phenyekollwa, haholoholo mabapi le ho tsamaisana le ho kenyelletsa maemo a ho ntshetsa pele maruo ka mokgwa o nepahetseng ha ho thehwa kgwebo ya ho ntshetsa pele ho fumana melemo e tliswang ke qeto ya ho ntshetsa pele ka bophelo ba morero wa ho nyaolwa kgwebong. Ka lebaka lena, ho ntshetswa pele mokgwa/motlolo o motle wa ho etsa diqeto, ka sepheo sa ho netefatsa hore ho na le boemo bo nepahetseng le ho kopanngwa ho tsitsitseng. Motlolo ona o na le ntshetso pele e habedi e latelwang ke tshebetso ya mokgwa wa ho kenya tshebetsong tsela ya ho nka diqeto. Tatellano ya ditshebeletso e tswelang pele (ntshetsopele ya pele) e a thehwa, e leng phethoho ya tikoloho e kgethollang dikarolo tse nne tsa bohlokwa (mofuta oa tshebeletso, mokga wa mofani wa 3PL, kemiso ya moralo le matsete), e le ho dumellana le dintlha ka tsela e nepahetseng le ho etsa hore ho sebediswe motlolo hantle. Ditshebeletso tse tswelang pele ke kopano ya dimotlolo tse robong:
bokgoni ba maemo a tikoloho bakeng sa ditshebeletso tsa bafani ba 3PL;
sebopeho sa ho hlahloba phepelo ya tatellano ya ho nka karolo ha bafani ba 3PL;
mokgwa/motlolo wa mathemathiks;
kgetho ya mofani le mokgwa wa o hlahloba;
tlhaloso ya moralo wa Hayes-Wheelwright;
mefuta e fapaneng ya ho nyaola dikarolo tse fapaneng;
ntho tse mene tsa bafani ba 3PL;
mohlala wa tsela ya dimotlolo; le
mokgwa wa ho kopanya ka mokgwa wa ho bokella lesedi la dipatlisiso.
Dishebeletso tse tswelang pele di ile tsa atoloswa bakeng sa tshebediso ya mekgwa ya taolo ya dikotsi, mme maemo a tikoloho a kotsing ya boipheliso (ntlafatso ya bobeli) a thehwa. Ho kengwa tshebetsong ha kotsi ya maemo a tikoloho ke ntho e shejwang botjha e nang le mekga e meraro: mekgwa ya ho sebedisana le meralo e kopanetsweng; tekanyo ya tshebetso; le ho matlafatsa bofuma ba batho batsho lehlakoreng la moruo. Mokgwa wa ho etsa diqeto o ile wa ntlafatswa e le o nang le mekgahlelo e meraro, e sebetsang ka mokgwa o motle wa ho etsa diqeto.
Phuputso e ne e lebisitswe haholo ditabeng tsa tlhahlobo ya dingodilweng, le dimotlolo tse kgethollwang ho latela ditshebeletso tse tswelang pele. Ho ya ka tekanyo e nyenyane, dipatlisiso di lebisitse tlhokomelong ya lesedi la mantlha, le neng le sebetsa e le mokgwa wa ho kenya letsoho bakeng sa ditlhoko tsa kopo tse amanang le Sasol. Phuputso ena e thehile mokgwa wa ho etsa diqeto tse amohelehang lefatsheng ka bophara, hammoho le ho sebediswa ha setshwantsho sa phepelo ya tlhahiso ya Sasol (thlahiso ya ho qetela). / Dié studie is deur die globale verskynsel van die falingstempo van uitkontrakteringsondernemings geïnspireer; ten spyte hiervan lyk die uitkontrakteringswaardevoorstel van 3PL-verskaffers belowend en is dit potensieel winsgewend. Die benadering wat die uitkontrakteringonderneming volg, is derhalwe ondersoek en in die besonder hoe om die uitkontrakteringparameters by die aanvang van die uitkontrakteringonderneming toepaslik in lyn te stel en te integreer om die voordele te benut van die uitkontrakteringsbesluit oor die geprojekteerde lewe van die uitkontrakteringsonderneming. ’n Strategiesebesluitnemingsmodel wat ten doel het om optimale inlynstelling en integrasie te verseker, is dus ontwikkel. Die model bestaan uit ’n dualistiese ontwikkeling, gevolg deur ’n metodologiese prosesbaan om die strategiese besluitnemingsmodel te operasionaliseer. ’n Dienstekontinuum (ontwikkeling een) is op die been gebring, wat ’n permutasiematriks is wat vier aspekte van belangrikheid (dienssoort, kategorie van die 3PL-verskaffer, strategiese inlynstelling en investering) klassifiseer, ten einde die aspekte optimaal in lyn te stel en toepaslike modeltoepassing moontlik te maak. Die dienstekontinuum bestaan uit ’n versameling van nege modelle:
’n bekwaamheidsmatriks vir 3PL-diensverskafferdienste;
’n raamwerk om die voorsieningskettingsrol van 3PL-verskaffers te evalueer;
’n wiskundige model;
’n verskafferseleksie en evalueringsproses;
’n aanbieding van die Hayes-Wheelwright-raamwerk;
’n uitkontrakteringsveranderlike-gedifferensieerde model;
vier kategorieë van die 3PL-verskaffersmodel;
’n geraamde baanmodel; en
prosesintegrasie deur middel van ’n ondersoekdata-insamelingsmodel.
Die dienstekontinuum is uitgebrei vir gebruik by risikobestuurspraktyke en ’n uitkontrakteringrisikomatriks (ontwikkeling twee) is op die been gebring. Die bemagtiging van die uitkontrakteringsrisikomatriks is ’n elementhersiening, wat uit drie kategorieë bestaan: samewerkings- en geïntegreerdebeplanningstelsels; prestasiemeting; en breë swart ekonomiese bemagtiging. Die strategiese besluitnemingsmetodologieprosesbaan is met drie fases ontwikkel, wat die strategiese besluitnemingsmodel operasionaliseer.
Die navorsing het hoofsaaklik op literatuuroorsigte gefokus, met die modelle wat volgens die dienstekontinuum geklassifiseer is. Die navorsing het in ’n mindere mata op die primêre data gekonsentreer, wat as die modeltoepassingsinset gedien het, in die besonder vir die toepassingsvereistes wat op Sasol betrekking het. Die studie het ’n universele, toepaslike strategiesebesluitnemingsmodel daargestel, asook die aanwending van die model op Sasol se uitgaande voorsieningsketting (finaal verpakte produk). / Business Management / D. Phil. (Management Studies)
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Covenant (berith) in Daniel and the Dead Sea Scrolls : an exposition of Daniel 9-12 and selected sections of the Damascus Document (CD), Community Rule (1QS), Hymns Scroll (1QHA) and War Scroll (1QM)Linington, Silvia 11 1900 (has links)
The following thesis comprises a systematic, synchronic study of the term בְּרִית (berîṯ,
covenant) in the book of Daniel, the Damascus Document, the Community Rule (Serekhha-
Yaḥad), the Hymn Scroll (Hodayot) and the War Scroll (Milḥamah). The basic text
used for Daniel is the BHS, and for the Dead Sea Scrolls the Dead Sea Scrolls Electronic
Library, supplemented by other editions.
Apart from an introduction (chapter 1), the work is divided into two sections. The
second chapter begins with a discussion of some introductory matters, such as the dating
and purpose of the book of Daniel. The remainder of the chapter comprises two
subsections, consisting firstly of an exegesis of Daniel 9 and secondly an exposition of
Daniel 10-12 with particular reference to covenant terminology. The prayer in Daniel 9 is
given much space since it is replete with covenant language, though the word בְּרִית only
occurs at Daniel 9:4. The main focus of the second subsection is the vision report in Daniel
11, with particular emphasis on Daniel 11:20-45 where the word בְּרִית occurs.
The third chapter contains four subsections, each giving an exegesis of those
parts of the Damascus Document, Community Rule, Hymn Scroll and War Scroll where
the term בְּרִית occurs. Each subsection is preceded by a brief introduction to the scroll
concerned, looking at such issues as the provenance and dating of the scroll without going
into too much detail, and followed by a conclusion, summarising the findings in each
section. While such issues as the nature of the community represented by each scroll are
mentioned where appropriate, they do not form a major emphasis in this study.
Throughout, particular prominence is given to specific terminology used in order
to determine the authors’ theological emphases. A few terms that are related to ,בְּרִית
‘covenant’, such as חֶסֶד (ḥeseḏ ‘mercy, lovingkindness’), אָהָב (’āhāḇ; [covenant] love), אָלָה
(’ālāh; ‘curse, oath’), are also included in this study at the relevant places.
The conclusion (chapter 4) draws together the findings of all sections and seeks
to compare the terminology used in Daniel with that of the Dead Sea Scrolls. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / D. Th. (Old Testament)
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From cuprates to manganites: spin and orbital liquidsKilian, Rolf 26 July 1999 (has links)
Both cuprates and manganites belong to the transition metal oxides. The physics of these compounds is characterized by a dualism of local electron interaction and itinerant charge motion. In the present work, several key issues of metallic cuprates and manganites are addressed on a theoretical level, while close connection to recent experimental work is kept. The work is based on the notion of spin and orbital liquids, representing elegant tools to handle the strongly correlated nature of the metallic state in an efficient and transparent manner. A concise introduction to the physics of cuprates and manganites as well as to the methods employed is presented at the beginning of the work. In a subsequent part, we show that the peculiar magnetic response of metallic cuprates upon impurity doping can be successfully explained within a spin-liquid picture. The remainder of the work is devoted to the metallic state of manganites. Elaborating on the notion of an orbital liquid, the interplay of electron correlations, orbital degeneracy, and double exchange is studied. Thereby, the unconventionally large incoherent optical spectrum of metallic manganites and the pronounced softening of the magnon spectrum observed in experiment can be explained. Finally, a theory of the metal-insulator transition of manganites is presented which is based upon the newly introduced notion of orbital polarons. In general, we believe the close agreement of our results with experiment to strongly support the validity of our approach, giving new insight into the spectacular and sometimes as-tonishing physics of transition metal oxides.
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