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Mulheres da Rede Fitovida: ervas medicinais, envelhecimento e associativismo / The Fitovida network women: medicinal herbs, ageing and associativismMariana Leal Rodrigues 14 August 2007 (has links)
Existem no Rio de Janeiro cento e oito grupos que produzem remédios com ervas medicinais de maneira voluntária. Desde 2000, formam a Rede Fitovida para transmitir conhecimento e debater soluções conjuntas para as dificuldades que enfrentam. É um movimento sem filiação partidária ou religiosa cujas características principais são o trabalho voluntário e a venda de preparações medicamentosas a preço de custo. É composto por mulheres com 50 anos ou mais, de camadas populares, que se reúnem em cozinhas comunitárias. O objetivo da pesquisa é analisar os aspectos culturais práticas curativas e transmissão de conhecimentos  de um grupo que integra a Rede Fitovida. Através da metodologia antropológica e do registro audiovisual, o que possibilita um olhar mais cuidadoso sobre os fenômenos sociais, esta pesquisa visa compreender quem são essas mulheres, o que fazem e por que o fazem. Na medida em que participam de uma rede de trocas, além de cuidarem da saúde de si, dos familiares e vizinhos, as mulheres da Rede Fitovida se constituem como um movimento social reivindicatório  pois demandam o reconhecimento do Estado pelo saber que detêm  e transformam a própria percepção enquanto sujeitos em processo de envelhecimento, resignificando alguns estigmas negativos da velhice. / In Rio de Janeiro State, there are one hundred and eight groups of women who produce medicines with herbs. Since 2000, they are organized in a network called Rede Fitovida to transmit their knowledge and debate how to deal with their common difficulties. Its a social movement without party or religion affiliation composed by old women from popular layers that get together at kitchens of communitarian centers. None of them receive money or any other kind of payment for their work. Their activity is volunteer and non- profitableThe objective of this ethnography is to analyze cultural aspects of a group that belongs to this network, such as healing practices and knowledge transmission. Through an anthropological methodology and audiovisual documentation  which allows a more careful look on the social phenomena  this research aims to understand who are those women, what they do and why. As part of a network of exchanges, besides taking care of their health and of their neighborhoods, these women create a social movement that demands the recognition for their traditional knowledge by the State. They also change their own perception of individuals in aging process, overcoming the negative elderly stigmas
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Obtenção e caracterização físico-química de complexos supramoleculares de óleo essencial e substância isolada em ciclodextrinas / Obtainment and physicochemical characterization of complexes supramoleculars essential oil and substance isolated on cyclodextrinsMenezes, Paula dos Passos 27 February 2015 (has links)
The essential oils, which are secondary metabolites produced by plants. These metabolites are part of the group of terpenes. Such organic molecules are characterized by presenting important pharmacological activities such as anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive, antimicrobial, among others. Thus, the essential oil of Hyptis pectinata (EOHP), a native fragrant plant of the states of Alagoas and Sergipe and widely used by the population, has attracted attention of researchers in order to validate its popular use. In addition, the isopulegol (ISOP), a major monoterpene in the industry for their flavoring properties and medicinal has been the subject of research in scientific research. However, EOHP present ISOP and the physico-chemical characteristics and limited water solubility, high volatilization photosensitivity and easy oxidation. In this perspective, an alternative to preserve the characteristics of these substances is the formation of supramolecular complexes involving cyclodextrins (CDs). The CDs have a molecular structure suitable for the formation of inclusion complexes since they have polar and hydrophilic surface cavity. Thus, the inclusion complex of essential oils and CDs improve the physico-chemical properties of these molecules to optimize the pharmacological activity thereof. Hence, the aim of this study was to identify the chemical constituents of OEHP by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry with flame detector (GC-MS/FID) and from there to prepare the samples with β -CD and ISOP in the α- and β-CD by the methods of the physical mixture (PM), paste complexation (PC) and slurry complexation (SC). Furthermore, the physico-chemical characterization of the samples through the techniques of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was performed thermogravimetry/derivative thermogravimetry (TGA/DTG) absorption spectrophotometry in the infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (FT-IR) scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), complexation efficiency by GC-MS/FID, pharmacological test formalin with the best complex obtained from OEHP and study of molecular modeling (docking) to isopulegol and CDs. Based on these results, we observed three major constituents in OEHP, (E) -caryophyllene (54.07%), caryophyllene oxide (14.91%) and germacrene-D (7.46%). The results of physicochemical characterization showed that the EC was the best method to complex (E)-caryophyllene and germacrene-D, caryophyllene oxide has not been complexed and this may be related to its low affinity for the cavity of β- CD. The formalin test showed a better antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory OEHP / β-CD when compared with pure EOHP that can be attributed to the high percentage of (E) -caryophyllene complexed. Regarding isopulegol, it was observed that α-CD complexes more stable inclusion of the β-CD, as showed in the docking analysis and PC/α-CD gave a higher ratio of complexing with respect to PM and SC. But the SC obtained with β-CD showed the highest molecular inclusion. Thus, the techniques used were efficient in the complexation of EOHP and ISOP. / Os óleos essenciais são metabólitos secundários das plantas constituídos de terpenos. Tais moléculas orgânicas caracterizam-se por apresentar atividades farmacológicas importantes como anti-inflamatória, antinociceptiva, antimicrobiana, dentre outras. Dessa forma, o óleo essencial da Hyptis pectinata (OEHP), uma planta odorífera nativa dos estados de Alagoas e Sergipe e bastante utilizada pela população, tem despertado interesse dos pesquisadores com o objetivo de validar o seu uso popular. Além disso, o isopulegol (ISOP), um monoterpeno importante na indústria por suas propriedades flavorizantes e medicinais tem sido objeto de investigação na pesquisa científica. Entretanto, o OEHP, bem como o ISOP apresentam características físico-químicas como solubilidade limitada em água, elevada volatilização, fotossensibilidade e fácil oxidação. Nessa perspectiva, uma alternativa para preservar as características dessas substâncias é a formação de complexos supramoleculares envolvendo ciclodextrinas (CDs). As CDs apresentam uma estrutura molecular adequada para a formação de complexos de inclusão uma vez que possuem cavidade apolar e superfície hidrofílica. Assim, os complexos de inclusão de óleos essenciais e CDs melhoram as características físico-químicas dessas moléculas de modo a otimizar a atividade farmacológica das mesmas. Diante disto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar a identificação dos constituintes químicos do OEHP através da cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrômetro de massas com detector de chamas (CG-EM/DIC) e a partir daí preparar as amostras com β-CD e do ISOP em α- e β-CDs através dos métodos da mistura física (MF), malaxagem (MA) e co-evaporação (CE). Além disso, foi realizada a caracterização físico-química das amostras através das técnicas de calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), termogravimetria/termogravimetria derivada (TG/DTG), espectrofotometria de absorção na região do infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FT-IR), microscopia eletrônica de varredura, difração de raios-X (DRX), eficiência de complexação através da CG-EM/DIC, ensaio farmacológico de formalina com o melhor complexo obtido do OEHP e estudo de modelagem molecular (Docking) para o ISOP e CDs. Diante dos resultados obtidos, foram observados três constituintes majoritários no OEHP, (E)-cariofileno (54,07%), óxido de cariofileno (14,91%) e germacreno-D (7,46%). Os resultados de caracterização físico-química demonstraram que o CE foi o melhor método para complexar o (E)-cariofileno e o germacreno-D, o óxido de cariofileno não foi complexado e isso pode estar relacionado a sua baixa afinidade pela cavidade da β-CD. O teste de formalina demonstrou melhor atividade antinociceptiva e anti-inflamatória do OEHP/β-CD quando comparado com o OEHP puro que pode ser atribuída ao elevado percentual de (E)-cariofileno complexado. Em relação ao ISOP, foi observado que a α-CD forma complexos de inclusão mais estáveis que a β-CD, pela análise de Docking, e a MA/α-CD forneceu uma maior razão de complexação em relação a MF e CE. Já o CE obtido com β-CD apresentou maior taxa de inclusão molecular. Assim, as técnicas utilizadas foram eficientes na complexação do OEHP e ISOP.
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Estudo comparativo da bioatividade de compostos fenólicos em plantas medicinais / Comparative study of the bioactivity of phenolic compounds in medicinal plantsLima, Fernanda Oliveira 25 September 2013 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Phenolic compounds are secondary metabolites, widely distributed in the plant
kingdom, which present antiinflamatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antialergical and
antitumoral activities, in addition to antioxidant activities. Even in low concentrations
compared to the oxidant substrate, the antioxidant compounds can delay or inhibit
free radical oxidation rates. Thus, this study aimed to quantitatively determine and
classify the compounds as natural antioxidants isolated and its contribution to the
antiradical activity from the chromatographic analysis (HPLC-DAD) and a systematic
study of the antiradical activity of antioxidant compounds isolated (patterns reference)
and natural (herbal extracts) using in vitro and ex vivo.bem. Furthermore, the
antioxidant species bioactivity was assessed from cells of the cortex and permeation
cell biomembranes, artificial lipid. Among the antioxidant compounds studied,
quercetrin presented protection action against free radicals on cell-based studies
(cortex cells), high in vitro and cell-based antiradical actions, and also biomembrane
permeations. These responses, when added, can confer to quercitrin higher
relevance as a antioxidant at physiological levels when compared to others
poliphenols. This work presents a systematic study on antiradical activities of isolated
antioxidant compounds (from reference standards) and natural antioxidant
compounds (medicinal plant extracts), by using in vitro and ex vivo methods. / Os compostos fenólicos constituem-se por um grupo de metabólitos
secundários, amplamente distribuídos no reino vegetal, que apresentam
propriedades antinflamatórias, antibacterianas, antivirais, antialérgicas e
antitumorais, além de possuírem propriedades antioxidantes. Mesmo presentes em
baixas concentrações em relação ao substrato oxidante, os antioxidantes podem
atrasar ou inibir as taxas de oxidação dos radicais livres. Desta forma, este estudo
teve como objetivo classificar e determinar quantitativamente os compostos
antioxidantes isolados e naturais quanto a sua contribuição na atividade
antirradicalar a partir da análise cromatográfica (HPLC-DAD) e de um estudo
sistemático da atividade antirradicalar de compostos antioxidantes isolados (padrões
de referência) e naturais (extratos de plantas medicinais) usando métodos in vitro e
ex vivo.bem. Além disso, a bioatividade das espécies antioxidantes foi avaliada a
partir de células de córtex e da permeação por biomembranas celulares artificiais
lipídicas. Dentre os antioxidantes estudados, a quercitrina apresentou ação protetora
contra radicais livres em nível celular (células de córtex), alta ação antirradicalar in
vitro e em nível celular (ex vivo), além de permear biomembranas. Essas respostas,
quando somadas, podem credenciar a quercitrina com um dos antioxidantes da
classe dos polifenóis de maior relevância em nível fisiológico.
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A systematic review of post-breast cancer lymphoedema and its treatment with natural medicineZygmont, Jesica Graciela Massaro January 2009 (has links)
Magister Curationis - MCur / In this minithesis a systematic review of all of the available contemporary literature on post-breast cancer lymphoedema was undertaken. The purpose of this systematic review was to search for, collate, synthesize and thereby provide the reader with a comprehensive, evidence-based account of all the available research published between 1988 and 2008 on the treatment of post-breast cancer lymphoedema with natural medicine.Because the large number of articles published every year across a plethora of biomedical journals makes it incredibly difficult for practitioners to keep up-to-date within their specialized areas, systematic reviews are particularly useful as they summarize high quality, contemporary scientific knowledge on a topic in one place (Antman, Lau, Kupelnik, Mosteller & Chalmers, 1992). One such topic on which many health practitioners have a paucity of information regarding management and risk reduction is lymphoedema (Radina, Armer, Culbertson & Dusold,2004) The primary objective of this research project was to assess the effects of natural medicine on post-breast cancer lymphoedema in regard to 1) life style improvement including any signs and symptoms related to the condition such as heaviness, tightness, pain, ache, itch, mobility of the affected arm, skin texture as well as psychological symptoms like distress;2) arm volume changes of the affected limb; 3) adverse effects; and 4) modification or cessation of treatment.Several online databases were searched for articles that contain the term lymphoedema, lymphedema, limb swelling or "linfedema" (Spanish and Portuguese); thereby including all possible spellings in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Relevant information was extracted and recorded in tabular format. The quality of each study was analysed using a checklist,which was drawn up by the primary researcher and study supervisor based on the CONSORT guidelines (Altman, 1996).To ensure quality, only randomized controlled trials, quasi-randomized controlled trials or clinical trials that met the inclusion or exclusion criteria, reporting benefits or adverse effects of natural medicines for the treatment of post-breast cancer lymphoedema were included. In addition,studies had to focus on natural medicine versus placebo or routine treatment or no treatment as types of intervention; and participants had to
include women of all ages that had been diagnosed with post-breast cancer
lymphoedema.The relevant data from included studies was entered into Review Manager 5 (Revman 5) software for meta-analysis. The primary studies included in
this systematic review generally suffered from small sample sizes, varied somewhat in their operationalisation of outcomes and the format for presenting results, making meta-analysis very difficult. However, results suggest that sodium selenite taken orally and CYCLO 3 FORT also taken orally are effective in the reduction of limb volume. The results also suggested that aromatherapy using an intervention cream containing wheat germ oil and essential oils of fennel, sage, geranium, black pepper and juniper; and vitamin E plus pentoxifylline taken orally are not effective.Seeing as these results are drawn from single studies with heterogeneous outcome variables, they should be seen as tentative until they are
confirmed by replication. Gaps in the literature regarding natural medicine as a treatment for post-breast cancer lymphoedema were identified, and recommendations for further research are proposed.
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The efficacy of TranQuin® Day Formula supplement on psychological stress in university studentsJenkins, Lynn 02 June 2014 (has links)
M.Tech. (Homoeopathy) / Psychological stress refers to an individual’s interaction with what he perceives as adverse or threatening phenomena of the external environment (stimulus) and the ensuing physiological response that occurs within the body. Although the stimulus itself may not be harmful, the physiological reaction of the individual to the perceived threat may lead to health consequences. University students may experience greater levels of stress than the average population. They may also experience symptoms of anxiety, irritability, sleep disturbances and impaired memory due to psychological stress. These symptoms may be exacerbated by concomitant use of alcohol and stimulants such as nicotine and caffeine, which students may use as coping mechanisms. Conventional treatment for stress might include anti-depressants and anxiolytics that often have adverse effects. TranQuin® Day Formula is a combination vitamin and herbal supplement formulated to assist the body to cope with stress. Although each individual vitamin and herbal constituent of TranQuin® Day Formula has been thoroughly researched, to date, no research has been conducted on the efficacy of TranQuin® Day Formula dietary supplement for the treatment of psychological stress in university students. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of TranQuin® Day Formula supplement on psychological stress in university students, with the use of the Cohen’s Perceived Stress Scale-10 (PSS-10) and Goldberg’s General Health Questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28). Thirty participants, both male and female, between the ages of 18 and 49 years, who obtained a minimum score of 10 on the Cohen’s Perceived Stress Scale-10, were selected to participate in this six week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Participants were also requested to complete Goldberg’s General Health Questionnaire-28. The scores obtained by the participants on both stress scales were measured at the beginning of the study (week 0) to obtain a baseline score, in the middle of the study (week 3) and at the end of the study (week 6). The participants were randomly divided into the control and experimental groups. Participants were asked to take two capsules of the supplement or placebo, preferably in the morning after breakfast, or the first meal of the day, for the duration of the study period (6 weeks). Each participant received a daily data sheet which recorded capsules taken and any symptoms experienced, as well as any other medication taken. The results of the study were statistically analysed using the Mann-Whitney-U Test, the Shapiro-Wilk Test, the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test, Friedman Test and descriptive statistics.
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Reformulação do perfil lipídico de produto cárneo emulsionado adicionado de óleo de linhaça e ervas e especiarias = avaliação das características físico-químicas e sensoriais / Reformulation of the lipid profile of emulsified meat product with the addition of linseed oil and herbs and spices : evaluation of the physico-chemical and sensoryIgnácio, Ana Karoline Ferreira 08 May 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Marise Aparecida Rodrigues Pollonio / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T16:44:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Ignacio_AnaKarolineFerreira_M.pdf: 13650039 bytes, checksum: 86e2c4212924c9feca270a8406774621 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: O desenvolvimento de produtos alimentícios com propriedades mais saudáveis é uma das tendências mais relevantes na atualidade, favorecido por novas orientações nutricionais e por mudança de hábitos dos consumidores. A reformulação lipídica de produtos cárneos implementada pelo uso de componentes substitutos à gordura saturada, nesse contexto, tem sido tema de muitas pesquisas. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da adição de óleo de linhaça como substituto parcial de gordura suína em produto cárneo tipo mortadela sobre suas características físico-químicas e sensoriais. Inicialmente, foi realizado um delineamento fatorial composto central para determinar os efeitos do teor de gordura (5-20%) e do óleo de linhaça (2,5-12,5%) sobre a estabilidade da emulsão, perfil de textura, cor e aceitação sensorial. O teor de gordura influenciou os atributos firmeza e mastigabilidade em valores acima de 15% nas amostras. Os valores de L* e b* foram significativamente maiores (p<0,05) para as formulações contendo óleo de linhaça na maioria dos níveis avaliados. A adição do óleo de linhaça pré-emulsionado com caseinato de sódio contribuiu para a melhora da estabilidade do batter cárneo. Com relação às propriedades sensoriais, a adição de óleo de linhaça influenciou principalmente os atributos aroma, cor e sabor, resultando em notas menores nas formulações com óleo quando comparadas com a formulação controle. Posteriormente, foram estudadas diferentes ervas e especiarias como componentes antioxidantes para serem utilizadas na formulação de melhores resultados da fase anterior. As ervas que apresentaram maior efeito antioxidante foram o coentro, salvia e pimenta branca, segundo as melhores respostas em teste de oxidação lipídica acelerada. Foi também observado um efeito pró-oxidante na salsa. Na última etapa do estudo, uma formulação previamente selecionada na primeira fase com 60% de substituição da gordura suína por óleo de linhaça, adicionada de blends de ervas e especiarias com melhores resultados antioxidantes, foi avaliada através das. análises de perfis de ácidos graxos, cor, perfil de textura, estabilidade de emulsão, TBARS e aceitação sensorial. As amostras de uma forma geral apresentaram menores valores para firmeza e mastigabilidade em relação à formulação padrão. Os blends de ervas e especiarias influenciaram a cor objetiva com maiores valores de b* e menores de L* em relação à formulação padrão com óleo e sem ervas. Os blends de ervas e especiarias conferiram proteção antioxidante aos produtos até o 30º dia de armazenamento sob refrigeração. Houve um aumento considerável de PUFAs e uma diminuição na relação ?-6/?-3 na formulação estudada quando comparada à formulação controle, além de uma boa aceitação sensorial sem diferenças perceptíveis na textura e com notas semelhantes ao padrão para o sabor e o aroma. As características físico-químicas e sensoriais demonstram que é possível produzir uma mortadela mais saudável com um perfil lipídico favorável sob aspecto nutricional, com até 60% de substituição da gordura suína por óleo de linhaça, rico em ácidos graxos polinsaturados / Abstract: The development of food products with healthier properties is one of the more relevant current, favored by new nutritional guidelines for nutrition and changing habits of consumers. The reformulation of lipid meat products implemented by the use of substitute components to saturated fat in this context has been the subject of many investigations. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of addition of linseed oil as a partial replacement of pork fat in bologna sausage on its characteristics physical-chemical and sensory. Initially, was realized a factorial central composite design to determine the effects of fat content (5-20%) and linseed oil (2.5 to 12.5%) on the emulsion stability, texture profile, color and acceptance sensory. The fat content influenced the attributes firmness and chewiness at concentrations above 15% in the samples. The values of L * and b * were significantly higher (p<0.05) for formulations containing linseed oil in majority of the level evaluated. The addition of linseed oil pre-emulsified with sodium caseinate contributed to the improved stability of the meat batter. With respect to sensory properties, the addition of linseed oil influenced mainly attributes aroma, color and flavor, resulting in lower scores in the formulations with oil when compared with the control formulation. Later, was studied different herbs and spices as antioxidant compounds for use in the formulation with better results of the previous phase. The herbs with the highest antioxidant effect are coriander, sage and white pepper, referring the best answers to the test of accelerated lipid oxidation. It was observed a pro-oxidant effect in parsley. In the last stage of the study, a formulation previously selected in the first phase with 60% substitution of pork fat in linseed oil, plus blends of herbs and spices with the best results antioxidants, was evaluated by analysis of fatty acid profiles, color, texture profile, emulsion stability, TBARS and sensory acceptance.The samples generally showed lower values for firmness and chewiness than the standard formulation. The blends influenced in the objective color with higher values of b * and lower L * compared with standard formulations with oil and without herbs. The blends of herbs and spices conferred antioxidant protection to the products until the 30th day of refrigerated storage. There was a considerable increase of PUFAs and a decrease in the ratio ?-6/?-3 formulation studied when compared to the control formulation, besides good sensorial acceptance without noticeable differences in texture and notes similar to the standard for flavor and aroma. The physico-chemical and sensory characteristics demonstrated that it is possible to produce a healthier bologna sausage with a favorable lipid profile in the nutritional aspect, with up to 60% substitution of pork fat in linseed oil, rich in polyunsatured fatty acids / Mestrado / Tecnologia de Alimentos / Mestre em Tecnologia de Alimentos
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Estabilidade oxidativa de óleo de soja adicionado de extratos de especiarias: correlação entre parâmetros físico-químicos e avaliação sensorial / Oxidative stability of soybean oil added of spices extracts: correlation between physicochemical parameters and sensory evaluationDébora Ravelli 11 October 2011 (has links)
Os antioxidantes são substâncias capazes de inibir a oxidação lipídica, responsável pela produção de compostos de cor, aroma e sabor indesejáveis. Na busca por produtos naturais associada à crescente preocupação com a saúde do consumidor, à vista dos possíveis riscos que o uso irregular dos antioxidantes sintéticos pode acarretar ao homem, torna-se essencial verificar a viabilidade do emprego de compostos naturais, com poder antioxidante, em um óleo cuja suscetibilidade à oxidação é reconhecidamente elevada. Com esse objetivo, o presente trabalho avaliou a proteção antioxidante oferecida por extratos hidroalcoólicos de especiarias ao óleo de soja. Os resultados físico-químicos do teor de compostos fenólicos totais, do sequestro do radical livre DPPH (1,1-difenil-2-picrilidrazil), Trolox, da estabilidade oxidativa, através de teste acelerado em estufa e em Rancimat, e da qualidade oxidativa, como o índice de peróxido e a absortividade na faixa do UV, foram base para a seleção dos extratos de alecrim, sálvia, tomilho e orégano, os quais apresentaram maior potencial antioxidante. Os extratos de alecrim, sálvia e tomilho, adicionados ao óleo de soja, foram igualmente eficientes em sua ação antioxidante no teste acelerado em estufa. O óleo, adicionado destes extratos, foi avaliado sensorialmente para verificar o mais preferido pelos consumidores quanto às características de cor, aroma e sabor. Houve uma preferência pelo óleo de soja adicionado de extrato de alecrim. / Antioxidants are compounds able of inhibiting lipid oxidation, responsible for the production of compounds of undesirable color, aroma and flavor. The search for natural products associated with the growing concern over the health of the consumer, in view of the possible risks that the irregular use of synthetic antioxidants can lead to man becomes essential to checking the feasibility of employing natural compounds with antioxidant power, in oil whose susceptibility to oxidation is high. With this purpose, the present study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant protection offered by hydroalcoholic extracts of spices to soybean oil. Analytical results of total phenol compounds, content of kidnapping free radical DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrilidrazil) substances, Trolox, oxidative stability, through accelerated test in Schaal oven and Rancimat tests, oxidative status, as the acid value and peroxide and absorptivity in the UV range, had been the basis for the selection of extracts of rosemary, sage, thyme and oregano, which presented the highest antioxidant potential. Rosemary, sage and thyme extracts added to soybean oil were similarly efficient as antioxidant in the Schaal Oven Test. Oil added of these extracts were sensorially evaluated according to their colour and flavor. Based on these sensorial characteristics, consumers preferred soybean oil added of rosemary extract.
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Exploring cultural beliefs and practices for the use of herbal medicine and remedies during pregnancy in LesothoLekhotsa, Thakanyane Juliah 01 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Sesotho / This qualitative, exploratory, descriptive study explored culturally sensitive health
information about the use of herbal medicine by pregnant women in Lesotho, in order to
provide culturally sensitive health advice to pregnant women. Pregnant women used
herbal medicine and remedies during pregnancy resulted in still births and complications
during labour. Data on the beliefs and practices of fifteen purposively and conveniently
sampled pregnant women attending a rural antenatal clinic was collected through semistructured interviews and analysed using Colaizzi’s seven-step method. Ethical principles
and strategies to ensure trustworthiness were applied. One central theme emerged:
‘Women believe that the use of herbal medicine and remedies is a traditional practice that
pregnant women need to follow due to culture’. The cultural beliefs and practices of the
women were deeply rooted in Basotho culture, which guided the use of herbal medicine.
However, some considered herbal medicines to be harmful, as the dosage and content
of these medicines vary. Nurses are therefore key to providing culturally sensitive health
care advise on using herbal medicine during pregnancy. / Boithuto bona ba boleng bo botle, bo hlalosang le ho fumaneng tlhaiso-leseling e mabapi
le bophelo bo botle mabapi le ts’ebeliso ea meriana ea litlama ke basali ba baimana
Lesotho, ele ho fana ka likeletso tsa bophelo bo botle ba setso. Lintlha tse mabapi le
litumelo le litloaelo tsa basali ba baimana ba leshome le metso e mehlano ka boomo le
ka mokhoa o fumanehang li ile tsa bokelloa ka lipuisano tse hlophisitsoeng le ho hlahlojoa
ho sebelisoa mekhoa e supileng ea Colaizzi. Melao-motheo ea boits’oaro le maano a ho
netefatsa hore a ts’epahetse a sebelisitsoe. Ho ile hoa hlaha sehlooho se le seng se
bohareng: ‘Basali ba lumela hore ts’ebeliso ea litlama ke tloaelo eo basali ba baimana ba
lokelang ho e latela ka lebaka la moetlo’. Litumelo le litloaelo tsa basali li ne li metse ka
metso moetlong oa Basotho, o neng o tataisa ts’ebeliso ea meriana ea litlama. Leha ho
le joalo, ba bang ba ne ba nka meriana ea litlama e le kotsi, hobane litekanyetso le litlhare
tsa meriana ena li ea fapana. Ka hona baoki ke senotlolo sa ho fana ka thuto ea bophelo
bo botle ba setso mabapi le ho sebelisa litlama nakong ea boimana.
Mehopolo ea bohlokoa
Meriana ea litlama, litumelo le litloaelo tsa moetlo, basali ba baimana, thuto ea bophelo
bo botle / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)
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Androgenetic alopecia: a possible treatment and a relationship with hair greying. Assessment of the herbal mixture Xiantene for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia and a relationship between early hair greying and the progression of androgenetic alopeciaDavies, Paul G. January 2010 (has links)
Hair plays an important role in human social and sexual communication. The
androgen-stimulated, patterned loss of hair in cases of androgenetic
alopecia (or common baldness) in genetically pre-disposed individuals, is
associated with ageing and can cause marked phychological distress.
However, it is poorly controlled. To investigate the effectiveness of daily
topical application of a Chinese medicine-derived herbal mixture, Xiantene,
on balding progression, two double-blind, placebo-controlled studies (3 and
12 months) were carried out on balding men using the trichogram approach.
Xiantene significantly increased both the total number of hairs and those in
anagen, improving the ratio of anagen:telogen hairs. This suggests that
topical Xiantene increased the length of the anagen phase and may promote
a cessation, or partial reversal, of the progression of androgenetic alopecia
in men.
Canities, loss of scalp hair colour, is another mark of ageing. To investigate
whether early greying may protect follicles from androgenetic alopecia, the
extent of alopecia, assessed using the Hamilton scale, was compared
between men who first became grey before, or after, 30. Both alopecia and
greying increased with age in 843 men (217 European, 626 Thai) whenever
they first started greying. However, men who showed greying before 30
were significantly less bald, though more grey, in both groups. Hair follicle
melanocytes synthesise the pigment melanin, producing reactive oxygen
species (ROS) and oxidative stress; losing melanocyte pigmentary activity,
and therefore these toxic factors, appears to enable hair follicles to maintain
their full size for longer, despite the androgen drive to miniaturisation. / Tri-Mill Charitable Trust, Global Beauty International Management Ltd.
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Исследование антиоксидантных свойств эстрактов виноградного шрота и лекарственных трав : магистерская диссертация / The study of the antioxidant properties of grape-meal extracts and medicinal herbsПешкова, А. С., Peshkova, A. S. January 2019 (has links)
В данной работе составлен аналитический обзор литературы по методам определения антиоксидантной емкости. Проведено исследование антиоксидантной емкости экстрактов лекарственных трав и экстрактов виноградного шрота потенциометрическим методом с системой гексацианоферрата калия (III)/ гексацианоферрата калия (II), потенциометрическим титрованием и спектрофотометрическим методом Фолина-Чокальтеу. / In this paper, an analytical review of the literature on the method of determining the antioxidant capacity. A study of the antioxidant capacity of herbal extracts and grape shock extracts by the potentiometric method with the potassium (III) hexacyanoferrate / potassium hexacyanoferrate (II) system, potentiometric titration and the Folin-Chocalteu spectrophotometric method was carried out.
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