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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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TERCIA GUEDES SEIXAS 03 January 2005 (has links)
[pt] Neste estudo foram determinadas as concentrações de selênio total (TSe) no músculo, fígado e gônada de três espécies de peixe (Mugil liza - tainha, peixe planctívoro; Bagre spp. - bagre, peixe onívoro e Micropogoni as furnieri - corvina, peixe carnívoro) e também, nos tecidos moles de uma espécie de mexilhão (Perna perna) coletados na Baía de Guanabara. TSe foi determinado por GF-AAS equipado com corretor Zeeman. O modificador químico foi o Pd. A metodologia analítica apresentou ótima precisão e exatidão quando comparada com amostras certificadas, DORM-2 e NIST 2976 e também, através de uma intercalibração laboratorial com amostras de peixe realizada entre dois laboratórios: Radioisótopos na UFRJ e um de referência na Finlândia. Dentre todos os tecidos, o fígado foi o que apresentou as maiores TSe em todas as espécies de peixe. Os peixes carnívoros e planctívoros apresentaram concentrações similares no fígado. O peixe carnívoro foi a espécie que apresentou as maiores TSe no músculo. O músculo parece ser o único tecido que sofreu influência direta do hábito alimentar. Nos peixes, TSe no músculo apresentou uma correlação significativa e positiva com o comprimento total, idade e conseqüentemente, com o tempo de exposição ao meio ambiente. Os mexilhões apresentaram uma correlação significativa entre TSe nos tecidos moles e o índice de condição (IC). Segundo a literatura científica, este trabalho é o segundo do gênero a ser realizado no Brasil. Sendo que este correspondeu ao primeiro trabalho em que se comparou TSe entre os diversos órgãos e tecidos da biota aquática com diferentes hábitos alimentares. / [en] This study assessed total selenium concentrations (TSe) in the muscle tissues, liver and gonads samples of three fish species (Mugil liza - mullet, planktivorous fish; Bagre spp. - catfish, omnivorous fish and Micropogonias furnieri - Atlantic croaker, carnivorous fish) and also in the soft tissues of a mussel (Perna perna) from Guanabara Bay. TSe in the digested samples was analyzed by GF-AAS using Zeeman background correction. Pd was the chemical modifier. The analytical methodology presented high precision and accuracy when tested with certified reference materials, DORM-2 and NIST 2976, and also through intercomparison between two laboratories, Laboratório de Radioisótopos (UFRJ) and a reference laboratory from a Finish National Public Health Institute, using fish samples. The liver samples of all studied fish species presented the highest TSe. Carnivorous and planktivorous fishes presented similar TSe in their liver. Carnivorous fish showed the highest TSe in the muscle. The muscle was the only tissue that presented a direct influence of the feeding habits. Carnivorous and planktivorous fishes showed high positive correlations between TSe in the muscle and their total length, age and consequently, with the exposure time at environment. A significant correlation was observed between the selenium concentration in the mussel soft tissues and the condition index (IC). We verified in the scientific literature that our study was the second one conducted in Brazil. Furthermore it was the first one that compared the total selenium concentrations in organs and tissues of several aquatic organisms with different feeding habits.

“Para seu intestino funcionar melhor, coma mais fibras e tome 2 litros de água por dia” : o que há de verdadeiro nesta recomendação?

Gonçalves, Gissele Vargas da Rosa January 2016 (has links)
Fundamento e objetivo: Mudanças na ingestão de fibra e água podem influenciar a fisiologia intestinal. Este conceito simplista fundamenta a recomendação médica popular de aumentar o consumo de fibras e ingerir 2 litros de água por dia para o tratamento da constipação intestinal. O nosso objetivo foi avaliar o que há de verdadeiro nesta recomendação, primeiramente em indivíduos saudáveis. Métodos: Neste ensaio clínico randomizado, não cego, de grupos paralelos, 20 voluntários sadios tiveram suas variáveis basais determinadas (dieta, hábito intestinal, qualidade de vida e microbiota intestinal), seguido de randomização para tratamentos de 14 dias com aumento na ingestão de fibras (grupo F) ou aumento de fibras acompanhado da ingestão de 2 litros de água por dia (grupo FA), repetindo-se a aferição das variáveis ao final. Resultados: Dezenove participantes foram analisados, sendo 10 no grupo F e 9 no grupo FA. A maioria dos participantes (68,4%) desenvolveu um ou mais sintomas abdominais, particularmente os do grupo F, em comparação ao FA (90% vs. 44%; P = 0,034). Participantes de ambos os grupos aumentaram significativamente o número de evacuações/semana (grupo F: 6,8 antes vs. 8,8 depois; grupo FA: 8,4 antes vs. 9,9 depois; P < 0,05), enquanto que apenas os participantes do grupo FA apresentaram aumento no peso bruto fecal (71,5 g vs. 126 g; P = 0,020) e no percentual de água nas fezes (74,5% vs. 78,4%; P = 0,038). A qualidade de vida mensurada pelo WHOQOL-Bref não diferiu em nenhuma intervenção. O tratamento com FA aumentou significativamente a população de bactérias do gênero Bacteroides e Prevotella, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii e Bifidobacteriums sp, enquanto que ambos FA e F reduziram a contagem das bactérias do gênero Desulfofibrio. Conclusões: Em voluntários sadios, o aumento no consumo de fibras e água melhorou o hábito intestinal, mas foi acompanhado de sintomas abdominais, particularmente quando o aumento na ingestão de fibras não foi acompanhado por aumento no consumo de água. O efeito na microbiota também foi superior no grupo tratado com fibra e água. / Background and aims: Intestinal physiology can be influenced by changes in fiber and water intake. This simple concept supports the recommendation of increasing fiber and water ingestion for treatment of bowel constipation. The aim of our study was to test whether such recommendation is true in healthy volunteers. Methods: In this open label clinical trial, 20 healthy participants had their basal characteristics determined (diet, bowel function, quality of life and intestinal microbiota), followed by randomization for 14 days treatment with increased fiber consumption (group F) or increased fiber and water intake (group FW), with reassessment of the variables at the end. Results: Nineteen participants were analyzed (10 F and 9 FW). The majority of them (68.4%) developed one or more abdominal symptoms during the treatments, particularly the group F as compared to FW (90% vs. 44%; P = 0.034). Both groups showed increased number of evacuations per week (group F: 6.8 before vs. 8.8 after; group FA: 8.4 vs. 9.9; P < 0.05), whereas group FW presented an increase in both fecal weight (71.5 g vs. 126 g; P = 0.020) and water percentage in feces (74.5% vs. 78.4%; P = 0.038). Quality of life measured by WHOQOL-Bref did not differ in any intervention. Participants receiving FW had a significant increase in bacteria from the Bacteroides and Prevotella genus, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii and Bifidobacterium, whereas both FW and F had a reduced number of Desulfofibrio. Conclusions: In healthy volunteers, a higher intake of fiber and water improved the bowel function but was accompanied by abdominal symptoms, particularly when the dietary fiber was introduced without changes in water intake. The effect on fecal microbiota was superior in participants treated with fiber and water.

Diversity, ecology and evolution of monocaulous plants in New Caledonia / Diversité, écologie et évolution des plantes monocaules de Nouvelle-Calédonie

Bruy, David 28 November 2018 (has links)
L’évolution convergente des formes de croissance est un phénomène fondamental reliant l’écologie et l’évolution des plantes. Remarquablement illustré dans plusieurs systèmes insulaires, ce phénomène n’a jamais été identifié en Nouvelle-Calédonie, pourtant connue pour la richesse et l’originalité de sa flore. Par une approche combinant architecture des plantes, traits fonctionnels, taxonomie, phylogénie et données environnementales, cette thèse analyse l’histoire évolutive de la monocaulie, une forme de croissance mal connue, en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Les monocaules sont des plantes autoportantes ligneuses dont les fonctions majeures sont assurées par une seule tige apparente. En Nouvelle-Calédonie, elles sont représentées par 182 espèces dicotylédones appartenant à 41 genres et 30 familles et sont gravement menacées d’extinction. L’évolution répétée de la monocaulie en Nouvelle-Calédonie, issue d’au moins 31 événements d’apparition, est l’un des cas les plus remarquables de convergence en milieu insulaire. Dans le genre Atractocarpus, la monocaulie est apparue récemment deux à trois fois via diverses réductions des branches en inflorescences, montrant l’importance des processus hétérochroniques dans l’évolution des formes de croissance. La monocaulie est fortement corrélée à plusieurs traits démontrant des contraintes majeures dans la coordination fonctionnelle. L’évolution de la monocaulie est fortement associée aux forêts denses humides et au substrat ultramafique, et semble avoir contribué à la diversification des lignées par des phénomènes de partitionnement de niche. La remarquable convergence de la monocaulie en Nouvelle-Calédonie peut s’expliquer par quatre hypothèses majeures liées (i) à la structure particulière des forêts denses humides (en lien avec les cyclones) favorisant l’exploration unidirectionnelle de l’espace, (ii) aux contraintes édaphiques liées aux substrats ultramafiques favorisant la paupérisation architecturale, (iii) à l’absence historique de grands brouteurs, auxquels les monocaules sont particulièrement sensibles, et (iv) à la persistance des forêts denses humides lors des épisodes glaciaires (servant de refuges pour ces espèces sensibles) et leur expansion post-glaciaire (fournissant de nombreuses opportunités écologiques). / The convergent evolution in growth habit is a fundamental phenomenon linking plant ecology and evolution. Remarkably illustrated in island biotas, this phenomenon has never been identified in the original and megadiverse New Caledonian biodiversity hotspot. Through an approach combining plant architecture, functional traits, taxonomy, phylogeny and environmental data, this thesis analyses the evolutionary history of the scarcely known monocaulous growth habit in New Caledonia. Monocauls are self-supporting woody plants whose cardinal functions rely on a single visible stem. In New Caledonia, they are represented by 182 dicotyledonous species belonging to 41 genera and 30 families and are critically endangered. The repeated evolution of the monocaulie in New Caledonia, resulting from at least 31 independent events, is one of the most remarkable cases of convergence in insular environments. In the genus Atractocarpus (Rubiaceae), monocauly evolved recently two to three times through branch reductions into inflorescences, emphasizing the importance of heterochronic processes in the evolution of growth habit. Monocauly is strongly correlated with several traits illustrating major constraints in functional coordination. The evolution of monocauly is strongly associated with rainforests and ultramafic substrate, and seems to have contributed to the diversification of lineages by niche partitioning. The remarkable convergence toward monocauly in New Caledonia can be explained by four major hypotheses: (i) the structural features of rainforests (related to cyclone frequency and intensity) favoring unidirectional exploration of space, (ii) the edaphic constraints associated with ultramafic substrate favoring architectural pauperization, (iii) the historical absence of large native browsers to which monocauls are particularly sensitive, and (iv) the persistence of rainforest during – and spread-out after – glacial episodes that served as refugia and further provided ecological opportunities.

Avaliação genética de pacientes com osteoporose /

Tayar, Giullianna January 2006 (has links)
Resumo: A osteoporose é uma doença metabólica, que se caracteriza por baixa massa e deterioração do tecido ósseo, conduzindo à fragilidade do osso com conseqüente aumento do risco de fraturas. O início da doença é influenciado por uma complexa interação entre fatores genéticos e ambientais, que pode afetar diferentemente os indivíduos. Por essa razão, faz-se necessário o estudo dos polimorfismos dos genes associados ao metabolismo ósseo, como os do Receptor para Vitamina D (VDR) e da Apolipoproteína E (APOE), além dos envolvidos no biometabolismo de agentes ambientais, como as Glutatião-S-Transferases (GSTs). Foram estudados 53 pacientes, homens e mulheres, com osteoporose e ou osteopenia, pareados por sexo e faixa etária com um grupo controle. O DNA foi extraído de leucócitos de sangue periférico e amplificado por Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR). Os polimorfismos GSTM1 e GSTT1 foram analisados em gel de agarose 2%, enquanto os da APOE e VDR foram submetidos à restrição enzimática com as enzimas Hha I e Fok I, respectivamente, seguido da análise em gel de poliacrilamida 6%, corados com brometo de etídeo e visualizados em luz UV. A análise estatística dos dados foi realizada, utilizando-se o teste t, teste de Fisher, a regressão multivariada e o teste de equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg. O genótipo nulo (0/0) de GSTM1 mostrou-se significantemente mais freqüente nos pacientes (64,1%) comparado ao dos controles (37,7%; P= 0,00112). Por outro lado, pacientes e controles não diferiram quanto à presença (+/+) e ausência (0/0) do gene GSTT1 (P=0,5328). A distribuição genotípica do polimorfismo VDR - Fok I revelou freqüência significantemente aumentada do genótipo ff nos pacientes (22,6%; P=0,0078). Para o gene da APOE, o alelo e3 foi significantemente mais freqüente nos controles (0,85; P=0,0431), enquanto...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Osteoporosis is a metabolic disease characterized by low body mass and bone deterioration, leading to bone fragility with the consequent increase of fractures risk. The disease onset is influenced by a complex interaction between genetic, and environment factors that can affect differently the individuals' response. Therefore, the study of polymorphisms regarding the genes involved in bone metabolism is of upgrade necessity, such as the Vitamin D Receptor gene (VDR), Apolipoprotein E (APOE), besides the genes involved in xenobiotic metabolism, it means, the Glutathion-S-Transferases (GSTs). We have studied 53 patients, men and women, with osteoporosis and/or osteopenia, matched by gender and age with a control group. The DNA was extracted from peripheral blood lymphocytes and amplified through Polimerase Chain Reaction (PCR). GSTM1, and GSTT1 polymorphisms were analyzed in 2% agarose gel, while APOE, and VDR had been submitted to enzymatic restriction with Hha I and Fok I enzymes, respectively, followed by the analysis in 6% polyacrilamide gel, stained with ethidium bromide and visualized under UV light. The statistic analysis was carried on using test t, test of Fisher, the multi-varied regression and the test of Hardy-Weinberg balance. The GSTM1 null genotype (0/0) was significantly more frequent in patients (64.1%) compared to the controls (37.7%; P= 0.00112). On the other hand, patients, and controls did not differ concerning the presence (++) and absence (0/0) of GSTT1 gene (P=0.5328). The genotypic distribution of VDR -Fok I polymorphism showed a significantly increased frequency of the genotype ff in patients (22.6%; P=0.0078). For the APOE, the allele e3 was significantly more frequent in controls (0.85; P=0.0431), while the allele e4 was in patients (0.20; P=0.0075). The genotype...(Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Orientador: Nívea D T Conforti Froes / Coorientador: Dorotéia Rossi Silva / Banca: Adriana Madeira Alvares da Silva / Banca: Eny Maria Goloni Bertollo / Mestre

H??bito no consumo, rolagem da d??vida e penalidade no mercado de cr??dito

Monteiro, Marcel Stanlei 13 August 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Kelson Anthony de Menezes (kelson@ucb.br) on 2016-10-18T16:39:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MarcelStanleiMonteiroDissertacao2014.pdf: 1251084 bytes, checksum: afa38f20436a6e1254867ae41af7763c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-18T16:39:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarcelStanleiMonteiroDissertacao2014.pdf: 1251084 bytes, checksum: afa38f20436a6e1254867ae41af7763c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-13 / This research investigated the existence of representative agents ' consumption habit of the Brazilian economy, using for this purpose, the model of Dubey, Geanakoplos and Shubik (2005), which received the incorporation of a term that represents the penalty applied to agents who take credit and subsequently missing with their financial commitments. It was used the model known as the Consumption-Based Capital Asset Pricing Model-CCAPM, to assign to the model of Dubey, Geanakoplos and Shubik (2005) generalization of infinite periods, instead of just two periods. Thus, to meet the objectives of this research, it has been estimated, through two utility functions, using the Generalized Method of Moments GMM, the inter-temporal discount factor consumption, also known as the impatience of the agents, the coefficient of relative risk aversion and the parameter that governs the separability of the time consumption. In addition, the penalty rate was calculated and, also, the scroll rate of these agents, debt relating to these calculations and estimates, information on the Brazilian economy, since 2000, making it possible to conclude that, for the period under examination, existed the habit in the consumption of representative agents, all of whom were penalized whenever preferred not to pay their obligations, which occasioned in the scrolling your debt. In addition, it was concluded that these agents are impatient and risk-averse and, also, that the important role played credit to contribute to growth and economic development. / Esta disserta????o investigou a exist??ncia do h??bito no consumo dos agentes representativos da economia brasileira, utilizando, para tanto, o modelo de Dubey, Geanakoplos e Shubik (2005), que recebeu a incorpora????o de um termo que representa a penalidade aplicada aos agentes que tomam cr??dito e, posteriormente, faltam com seus compromissos financeiros assumidos. Utilizou-se, ainda, o modelo conhecido como Consumption-Based Capital Asset Pricing Model CCAPM, para que fosse poss??vel atribuir ao modelo de Dubey, Geanakoplos e Shubik (2005) a generaliza????o de infinitos per??odos, ao inv??s de apenas dois per??odos. Assim, para atender aos objetivos desta pesquisa, estimou-se, atrav??s de duas fun????es de utilidade, pelo M??todo dos Momentos Generalizados GMM, o fator de desconto intertemporal do consumo, tamb??m conhecido como a impaci??ncia dos agentes, o coeficiente de avers??o relativa ao risco e o par??metro que rege a separabilidade do consumo no tempo. Al??m disso, foi calculada a taxa penalidade e, tamb??m, a taxa da rolagem da d??vida desses agentes, relacionando a esses c??lculos e estima????es, informa????es sobre a economia brasileira, desde 2000, o que possibilitou concluir que, para o per??odo analisado, existiu o h??bito no consumo dos agentes representativos, os quais foram penalizados sempre que preferiram n??o pagar seus compromissos assumidos, o que ocasionou na rolagem de sua d??vida. Al??m disso, chegou-se ?? conclus??o de que esses agentes s??o impacientes e avessos ao risco e, tamb??m, que o cr??dito desempenhou o importante papel de contribuir para o crescimento e o desenvolvimento econ??mico.

Associação entre os hábitos de sucção nutritiva e não nutritiva e as características oclusais e miofuncionais orais em crianças com dentição decídua / Association between nutritive and non nutritive sucking habits and occlusal and oral myofunctional characteristics in children with primary dentition

Anna Paula Verrastro 13 October 2008 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a associação entre os hábitos de sucção nutritiva e não nutritiva e as características oclusais e miofuncionais orais em crianças com dentição decídua. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado com 226 crianças entre 3 e 5 anos que procuraram atendimento na triagem realizada pela Disciplina de Odontopediatria da FOUSP, em 2007 e 2008. Os responsáveis responderam a um questionário contendo perguntas acerca dos hábitos orais das crianças. As crianças foram submetidas à exame clínico para avaliação oclusal (mordida aberta anterior, relação canina, mordida cruzada posterior e sobressaliência) e para avaliação miofuncional oral (postura de lábios e língua em repouso, ocorrência de interposição lingual anterior, pressionamento dental e participação de musculatura perioral durante a deglutição, fala e ocorrência de interposição lingual anterior durante a fala), conduzidos, respectivamente por uma dentista e uma fonoaudióloga. Utilizou-se a Regressão de Poisson para análise estatística. Não houve associação entre os hábitos de sucção nutritiva e a presença de maloclusões e alterações miofuncionais orais. O hábito de sucção de chupeta até os 2 anos de idade já esteve associado com a presença de mordida aberta anterior (RP=3,43) e o risco para esta alteração aumentou expressivamente com o aumento na duração do uso da chupeta (respectivamente RP=5,42 e 12,74 para hábito interrompido até e após 3 anos de idade). A associação entre o hábito de sucção de chupeta e a presença de alteração na relação canina e mordida cruzada posterior foi estatisticamente significante nas crianças que permaneceram com a chupeta após os 2 anos de idade (respectivamente RP=1,83 e 4,30). As crianças que permaneceram com o hábito de sucção de chupeta após 3 anos de idade, apresentaram também maior risco para sobressaliência aumentada (RP=1,91). As alterações miofuncionais orais associadas com o uso de chupeta foram posturas inadequadas de lábios e língua (respectivamente RP=1,64 e 1,87) e a ocorrência de interposição lingual anterior durante a deglutição e fala (respectivamente RP=1,62 e 1,96). O hábito de sucção digital esteve associado com aumento na sobressaliência nas crianças avaliadas, e o risco para esta alteração aumentou à medida que houve aumento na duração do hábito (RP=2,39 e 3,42 para hábito interrompido antes e após 4 anos de idade, respectivamente). A única alteração miofuncional oral associada ao hábito de sucção digital foi alteração no tônus de bochechas (RP=1,74). O hábito de sucção de chupeta e a presença de qualquer alteração oclusal estiveram associados com alteração na postura de língua em repouso e ocorrência de interposição lingual anterior durante a deglutição. A interposição lingual anterior durante a fala esteve associada especificamente com a presença de mordida aberta anterior (RP=1,43), além da chupeta. As principais variáveis associadas à presença de alteração de fala na amostra foram o aleitamento natural por período superior a 3 anos de idade (RP=1,38), a presença de mordida aberta anterior e mordida cruzada posterior (respectivamente RP=1,16 e 1,17). / The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between nutritive and non nutritive sucking habits and occlusal and oral myofunctional characteristics in children with primary dentition. It was a cross-sectional study, conducted with 226 children, aged 3 to 5 years old, who looked for dental treatment at FOUSP Pediatric Dentistry Discipline patient selection, in 2007 and 2008. Caregivers answered a questionnaire about the child`s oral habits. Children underwent a clinical examination for occlusal (anterior open bite, canine relationship, posterior crossbite and overjet) and oral myofunctional status (lips and tongue rest postures, occurence of anterior tongue interposition, tongue pressure against teeth and perioral muscle contraction during deglutition, speech and anterior tongue interposition during speech), performed respectively by a dentist and a speech therapist. Poisson Regression was used for statistical analysis. There was not association between nutritive sucking habits and the presence of malocclusion or oral myofunctional disturbances. Pacifier sucking habit up 2 years of age was already associated with anterior open bite (PR=3.43) and the risk for this alteration increased significantly with the increase in the duration of pacifier use (respectively PR=5.42 and 12.74 for habit discontinued up to and after 3 years of age). The association between pacifier sucking habit and presence of altered canine relationship and posterior crossbite was statistically significant in children who still used the pacifier after 2 years of age (respectively, PR=1.83 and 4.30). Children who still used the pacifier after 3 years of age also showed a higher risk for increased overjet (PR=1.91). Oral myofunctional disturbances associated with pacifier use were inadequate lips and tongue rest postures (respectively PR=1.64 and 1.87) and the occurence of anterior tongue interposition during deglutition and speech (respectively PR=1.62 and 1.96). Finger sucking habit was associated with increased overjet in children, and the risk for this alteration also increased as the duration of the habit increased (PR=2.39 and 3.42 for habit discontinued before and after 4 years of age, respectively). The only oral myofunctional alteration associated with finger sucking habit was altered cheeks tonus (PR=1.74). Pacifier sucking habit and the presence of any occlusal alteration were associated with inadequate tongue rest posture and occurence of anterior tongue interposition during deglutition. Anterior tongue interposition during speech was specifically associated with the presence of anterior open bite (PR=1.43), besides pacifier. The main variables associated with altered speech in the sample were breastfeeding for a period over 3 years of age (PR=1.38), the presence of anterior open bite and posterior crossbite (respectively PR=1.16 e 1.17).

Prefer?ncia alimentar de Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann, 1896) (Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae) por diferentes tipos de madeira em ?reas urbanas / Food preference of Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann, 1896) (Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae) by different types of wood in urban areas

FERNANDES, Vinicius Jos? 14 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-09-15T18:31:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Vinicius Jos? Fernandes.pdf: 1911449 bytes, checksum: be7cc0bc21735a414b6214599fc45adc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-15T18:31:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Vinicius Jos? Fernandes.pdf: 1911449 bytes, checksum: be7cc0bc21735a414b6214599fc45adc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-14 / CAPES / Termites are well known for their great economic importance as pests of various woods and other cellulosic materials. Among the termites harmful to the urban environment, standing out Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann) (Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae), a species introduced in Brazil and frequently occurs in the Southeast region, causing incalculable economic losses to cellulosic materials and to living trees. The objectives of this study were to determine the foraging and feeding preference of the C. gestroi in relation to five types of wood (four forest species and MDF), with or without foraging monitoring device (bait-holder), in eight sites distribuited in different neighborhoods of the municipalities of Rio de Janeiro (Campo Grande, Padre Miguel and two sites in Santa Cruz), S?o Gon?alo (two sites in Alc?ntara) and Serop?dica (UFRRJ and Canto do Rio), RJ. These sites were selected because of the high foraging activity of C. gestroi. In each site, wood stakes of Allantoma lineata (Mart ex O. Berg) Miers, Didymopanax morototonii (Aubl.) Dcne. et Planch., Manilkara huberi (Ducke) Cheval., Pinus elliottii Engel. and MDF-Medium Density Fiberboard stakes were buried in the soil inside a PVC pipe and free (without pipes), simultaneously, in a situation of choice, equidistant from each other. The stakes remained buried in the soil for 15, 30, 60 and 90 days (n = 320), 50% within the bait-holder. At the end of each exposition period that the stakes remained in the soil, they were unearthed, the frequency of occurrence of C. gestroi on each stake was determine, and they were taken to the laboratory to determine the weight of the stake to calculate the wood consumption by termites. Forage castes, when present at the stakes, they were collected for conclusive identification. The experimental design adopted was the sub-sub split plot, where each type of wood represented a plot, each exposition period a sub-plot and the use or not of bait-holder a sub-sub plot. The Alc?ntara 2 site was the one that obtained the highest occurrence of C. gestroi foragers in the wood stakes. There was no occurrence of foraging in the stakes by C. gestroi in Alc?ntara 1, Santa Cruz 2 and Serop?dica 1 in all periods of exposure, although there was activity of this termite when the stakes were installed. The termite was able to recruit individuals to forage equally all the stakes of the forest species and the MDF. The longer the exposure time of the buried stakes, the greater the occurrence of C. gestroi and the consumption of the stakes by the termite, except in 30 days, since there could have been disturbances during the previous collection. The P. elliottii stakes were more consumed by C. gestroi followed by those of MDF, which were preferentially more consumed than stakes of D. morototonii and A. lineata. When there was both low and medium density woods in contact with the soil C. gestroi did not consume high density M. huberi wood. There was no difference in the occurrence of foraging and consumption of the stakes of the five types of wood with or without bait holder, indicating that this device facilitates the monitoring without interfering in these activities of C. gestroi. / Os t?rmitas s?o conhecidos por sua grande import?ncia econ?mica como pragas de diversas madeiras e de outros materiais celul?sicos. Em ?rea urbana, destaca-se Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann) (Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae), esp?cie introduzida no Brasil, com ocorr?ncia frequente na regi?o Sudeste, causando preju?zos econ?micos incalcul?veis a materiais celul?sicos e ?s ?rvores vivas. Este trabalho objetivou determinar o forrageamento e a prefer?ncia alimentar de C. gestroi em rela??o a cinco tipos de madeira (quatro esp?cies floretais e o MDF), com ou sem dispositivo de monitoramento do forrageamento (porta-isca), em oito locais distribu?dois em diferentes bairros dos munic?pios do Rio de Janeiro (Campo Grande, Padre Miguel e dois locais em Santa Cruz), S?o Gon?alo (dois locais em Alc?ntara) e Serop?dica (UFRRJ e Canto do Rio), RJ. Esses locais foram selecionados por apresentar alta atividade de forrageamento de C. gestroi. Em cada local, estacas de madeira de Allantoma lineata (Mart ex O. Berg) Miers, Didymopanax morototonii (Aubl.) Dcne. et Planch., Manilkara huberi (Ducke) Cheval., Pinus elliottii Engel. e estacas de MDF- Medium Density Fiberboard (Painel de Madeira de Densidade M?dia), previamente pesadas, foram enterradas no solo dentro de tubos de PVC e livres (sem tubos), em situa??o de escolha, equidistantes uma das outras. As estacas permaneceram enterradas no solo durante 15, 30, 60 e 90 dias (n=320), sendo 50% dentro do porta-isca. Ap?s cada per?odo de perman?ncia das estacas no solo, estas foram desenterradas, determinou-se a frequ?ncia de ocorr?ncia de C. gestroi em cada estaca e em seguida levadas para o laborat?rio para determina??o do peso para o c?lculo do consumo de madeira pelos t?rmitas. Castas forrageadoras, quando presentes nas estacas, foram coletadas para identifica??o conclusiva. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de parcela sub-sub dividida, onde cada tipo de madeira representou uma parcela, cada ?poca de avalia??o uma sub-parcela e o uso ou n?o de porta-isca uma sub-sub parcela. O local Alc?ntara 2 foi a que obteve a maior ocorr?ncia de forrageadores de C. gestroi nas estacas de madeira. N?o houve ocorr?ncia de forrageamento nas estacas por C. gestroi em Alc?ntara 1, Santa Cruz 2 e Serop?dica 1 em todos os per?odos de exposi??o, embora existisse atividade desse t?rmita quando da instala??o das estacas. O t?rmita foi capaz de recrutar indiv?duos para forragear igualmente todas as estacas das esp?cies florestais e de MDF. Quanto maior o tempo de exposi??o das estacas enterradas, maior foi a ocorr?ncia de C. gestroi e o consumo das mesmas pelo t?rmita, exceto em 30 dias, pois pode ter ocorrido perturba??es durante a coleta anterior. As estacas de P. elliottii foram mais consumidas por C. gestroi, seguida das de MDF, as quais foram preferencialmente mais consumidas que estacas de D. morototonii e A. lineata. Quando houve simultaneamente madeiras de densidade baixa e m?dia em contato com o solo C. gestroi n?o consomiu a madeira de M. huberi, de densidade alta. N?o houve diferen?a na ocorr?ncia de forrageamento e consumo das estacas dos cinco tipos de madeira com ou sem porta-isca, indicando que este dipositivo facilita o monitoramento sem interferir nessas atividades de C. gestroi.

Food consumption, paternalism and economic policy

Thunström, Linda January 2008 (has links)
<p>The thesis consists of a summary and four papers, concerned with food consumption, behavior associated with overconsumption of food and analysis of the economic policy reforms designed to improve health.</p><p>Paper [I] estimates a hedonic price model on breakfast cereal, crisp bread and potato product data. The purpose is to examine the marginal implicit prices for food characteristics associated with health. A trade-off exists between health and taste. For instance, sugar, salt and fat are tasty but can be unhealthy if overconsumed; whereas fiber is unhealthy if underconsumed. If the marginal implicit price for sugar is negative, consumers value health over its taste. Our results are the marginal implicit price for sugar is negative for breakfast cereals and crisp bread—consumers value health over the taste of sugar. For salt, we find the opposite—a positive marginal implicit price, suggesting people value its taste over health. For fat, we find a negative marginal implicit price of fat in breakfast cereals and potato products containing salt, whereas we find a positive marginal implicit price of fat in hard bread and potato products that contain no salt. For the one healthy characteristic, fiber, we find a negative marginal implicit price in breakfast cereals and a positive implicit price in hard bread.</p><p>Paper [II] uses a general equilibrium model to derive the optimal policy if people overconsume unhealthy food due to self-control problems. Individuals lacking self-control have a preference for immediate gratification, at the expense of future health. We show the optimal policy to help individuals with self-control problems to behave rationally is a combination of subsidies for the health capital stock and the physical capital stock.</p><p>Paper [III] estimates a demand system for grain consumption based on household panel data and detailed product characteristics, and simulate the effect on grain consumption of economic policy reforms designed to encourage a healthier grain diet. Our results imply it is more cost-efficient to subsidize the fiber content than to subsidize products rich in fiber given the goal to increase the fiber intake of the average Swedish household. Our results also imply subsidies alone give rise to an increase in fiber, and to other unhealthy nutrients. Also, subsidies alone have negative effects on the budget. We therefore simulate the effect of policy reforms in which the subsidies are funded either by taxes on the content of unhealthy nutrients or by taxes on products that are overconsumed. Our results suggest that price instruments need to be substantial to change consumption. For instance, removing the VAT on products rich in fiber has little effect on consumption.</p><p>Paper [IV] explores habit persistence in breakfast cereal purchases. To perform the analysis, we use a mixed multinomial logit model, on household panel data on breakfast cereal purchases. If habit persistence in consumption is strong, short and long-run responses to policy reforms will differ. Our results are breakfast cereal purchases are strongly associated with habit persistence. Our results also imply preferences for breakfast cereals are heterogeneous over households and the strength of habit persistence is similar over educational and income groups.</p>

Food consumption, paternalism and economic policy

Thunström, Linda January 2008 (has links)
The thesis consists of a summary and four papers, concerned with food consumption, behavior associated with overconsumption of food and analysis of the economic policy reforms designed to improve health. Paper [I] estimates a hedonic price model on breakfast cereal, crisp bread and potato product data. The purpose is to examine the marginal implicit prices for food characteristics associated with health. A trade-off exists between health and taste. For instance, sugar, salt and fat are tasty but can be unhealthy if overconsumed; whereas fiber is unhealthy if underconsumed. If the marginal implicit price for sugar is negative, consumers value health over its taste. Our results are the marginal implicit price for sugar is negative for breakfast cereals and crisp bread—consumers value health over the taste of sugar. For salt, we find the opposite—a positive marginal implicit price, suggesting people value its taste over health. For fat, we find a negative marginal implicit price of fat in breakfast cereals and potato products containing salt, whereas we find a positive marginal implicit price of fat in hard bread and potato products that contain no salt. For the one healthy characteristic, fiber, we find a negative marginal implicit price in breakfast cereals and a positive implicit price in hard bread. Paper [II] uses a general equilibrium model to derive the optimal policy if people overconsume unhealthy food due to self-control problems. Individuals lacking self-control have a preference for immediate gratification, at the expense of future health. We show the optimal policy to help individuals with self-control problems to behave rationally is a combination of subsidies for the health capital stock and the physical capital stock. Paper [III] estimates a demand system for grain consumption based on household panel data and detailed product characteristics, and simulate the effect on grain consumption of economic policy reforms designed to encourage a healthier grain diet. Our results imply it is more cost-efficient to subsidize the fiber content than to subsidize products rich in fiber given the goal to increase the fiber intake of the average Swedish household. Our results also imply subsidies alone give rise to an increase in fiber, and to other unhealthy nutrients. Also, subsidies alone have negative effects on the budget. We therefore simulate the effect of policy reforms in which the subsidies are funded either by taxes on the content of unhealthy nutrients or by taxes on products that are overconsumed. Our results suggest that price instruments need to be substantial to change consumption. For instance, removing the VAT on products rich in fiber has little effect on consumption. Paper [IV] explores habit persistence in breakfast cereal purchases. To perform the analysis, we use a mixed multinomial logit model, on household panel data on breakfast cereal purchases. If habit persistence in consumption is strong, short and long-run responses to policy reforms will differ. Our results are breakfast cereal purchases are strongly associated with habit persistence. Our results also imply preferences for breakfast cereals are heterogeneous over households and the strength of habit persistence is similar over educational and income groups.

Implementación y evaluación de políticas para el control del tabaquismo en los hospitales

Martínez Martínez, Cristina 04 April 2011 (has links)
Antecedentes: Varios estudios han demostrado como las políticas de control del tabaquismo favorecen el abandono del consumo del tabaco entre los fumadores, incrementan la aceptabilidad y el cumplimiento de los espacios sin humo. Sin embargo, se desconoce el impacto que las diferentes medidas de control del tabaquismo tienen en los hospitales catalanes. Hipótesis: 1) La política de espacios sin humo en los hospitales reduce la prevalencia de consumo de tabaco entre los trabajadores, favoreciendo cambios en la actitud y el comportamiento en el cumplimiento de las normativas. 2) La Ley 28/2005 ha contribuido a la progresión y el avance de las políticas de control de tabaquismo en los hospitales y 3) ha fomentado cambios en la disminución del humo ambiental del tabaco (HAT) en los hospitales de Cataluña. 4) Los hospitales de 7 países europeos que han desarrollado el modelo de hospital sin humo de la Red Europea sin Humo (ENSH) presentan niveles bajos de HAT en distintas áreas de hospitalización. 5) El programa de cesación tabáquica dirigido a trabajadores fumadores de los hospitales miembros de la Red Catalana de Hospitales sin Humo (XCHsF) consigue una alta tasa de abstinencia. Objetivos: 1) Describir los efectos en el consumo de tabaco tras la implantación progresiva de las políticas de control de tabaquismo en un centro hospitalario: el Instituto Catalán de Oncología (ICO). 2) Valorar la progresión de las políticas de control de tabaquismo en los hospitales miembros de la XCHsF antes y después de la implantación de la Ley de medidas de control del tabaco 28/2005. 3) Evaluar el impacto de la Ley de control de tabaquismo 28/2005 en la exposición al HAT en los hospitales públicos catalanes, antes (2005) y después (2006) de su implantación. 4) Describir los niveles de HAT mediante la determinación de partículas PM2.5, en una muestra de hospitales europeos en el año 2007. 5) Evaluar la efectividad de un programa de cesación tabáquica dirigido a los trabajadores hospitalarios. Metodología: Para conseguir los objetivos marcados se han realizado cinco estudios que incluyen: una serie de encuestas transversales, un estudio pre-post de evaluación de las medidas de control del tabaco, dos estudios de determinación del HAT - uno realizado en Cataluña, y el otro en 7 países europeos- y un estudio de evaluación de la efectividad de un programa de cesación tabáquica coordinado por la XCHsF en 33 hospitales. Resultados: La prevalencia de consumo de tabaco en el ICO disminuyó del 34,5% en 2001 al 30,6% en el 2006. Entre los médicos la prevalencia descendió del 20,0% al 15,2%, entre las enfermeras del 34,0% al 32,6%, y entre los administrativos del 56,0% al 37,0%. Se produjeron cambios en el patrón de consumo como la reducción del número de cigarrillos y del número de fumadores diarios. La puntuación media de la implementación de las políticas de control del tabaco en los hospitales fue del 52,4 (IC 95%: 45,4-59,5) en 2005 y 71,6 (IC 95%: 67,0-76,2) en 2007 (aumento del 36,7%). Los hospitales con mayor incremento fueron los hospitales generales (48%), hospitales con >300 camas (41,1%), hospitales cuyos trabajadores fuman entre un 35-39% (72,2%), hospitales con un implantación reciente de políticas de control del tabaco (74,2%). En los hospitales de Cataluña la concentración media de nicotina disminuyó de 0,23 μg/m3 (rango intercuartil: 0,13-0,63) antes de la Ley 28/2005, a 0,10 μg/m3 (rango intercuartil: 0,02-0,19) después de la Ley (disminución del 56,5%). Tras la Ley se observaron reducciones significativas en la concentración mediana de nicotina en todas las localizaciones, aunque se continuaron detectando valores de HAT en las entradas de los hospitales, sala de urgencias, escaleras de incendios y cafeterías. La mediana de las concentraciones de PM2.5 en una muestra de 30 hospitales europeos fue de 3,0 μg/m3. La mitad de las medidas presentaron valores entre 2,0 a 7,0 μg/m3. Los niveles de PM2.5 fueron similares entre los diferentes países. Once medidas (5,5%) estaban por encima de 25,0 μg/m3, límite recomendado por la OMS para los espacios exteriores. Los trabajadores de una muestra de hospitales catalanes que entraron en el programa de cesación tabáquica coordinado por la XCHsF presentaron una probabilidad de abstinencia global a los 6 meses de 0,504 (IC 95%: 0,431- 0,570). Los hombres obtuvieron mejor abstinencia 0,526 (IC 95%: 0,398-0,651) que las mujeres (0,495 IC 95%: 0,410-0,581). Por grupos profesionales, los médicos obtuvieron una abstinencia más alta (0,659, IC 95%: 0,506-0,811) que las enfermeras (0,463, IC 95%: 0,349-0,576). Los trabajadores con mayor dependencia a la nicotina tuvieron una menor probabilidad de abstinencia (0,376, IC 95%: 0,256-0,495) que los trabajadores con baja dependencia (0,529, IC 95%: 0,458-0,599). Se observa una alta probabilidad de abstinencia en trabajadores que siguieron un tratamiento farmacológico combinado (bupropion y sustitutivos de la nicotina) (0,761, IC 95%: 0,588-0,933). Conclusiones: La introducción progresiva de políticas de control del tabaquismo en los hospitales se asocia con una ligera disminución del consumo de tabaco y la modificación del patrón de consumo entre los trabajadores fumadores. La política de espacios sin humo en los hospitales disminuye la percepción de la exposición al HAT e incrementa el cumplimiento auto reportado de la normativa entre los trabajadores. Los niveles de HAT disminuyen en los hospitales tras la entrada en vigor de la Ley 28/2005. La valoración de las concentraciones de nicotina en fase vapor ofrece un sistema de monitorización objetivo y fiable que refuerza el cumplimiento de los espacios sin humo. La presencia de HAT en los hospitales europeos monitorizada mediante PM2.5 es baja, a excepción de la hallada en lugares en los que se permite fumar cuya concentración es elevada. Los hospitales miembros de la XCHsF presentan un mayor control de tabaquismo (medidas mediante el cuestionario europeo selfaudit) tras dos años de implantación de la Ley 28/2005 (2007) que los obtenidos antes de la Ley (2005). El programa de cesación tabáquica coordinado por la XCHsF dirigido a los trabajadores hospitalarios fumadores obtiene una alta probabilidad de abstinencia a los seis meses. Los trabajadores tratados con dependencia baja o media, los fumadores de 10-19 cigarrillos al día y los tratados con terapia combinada obtuvieron mejores tasas de abstinencia / Background: Several studies have shown that tobacco control policies favour the cessation of tobacco use, increase population support and improve compliance with smoke free policies. However, the impact of tobacco control measures in Catalan hospitals is unknown. Hypothesis: 1) The smoke free policy in hospitals reduces the prevalence of tobacco consumption among workers and increases compliance with smoke free regulations; 2) Law 28/2005 has increased tobacco control policies in hospitals; 3) has decreased second-hand smoke (SHS) levels among Catalan hospitals; 4) European hospitals which have developed the European smoke free model (ENSH) have low levels of SHS in different areas; 5) the smoking cessation program addressed to hospital employees achieves a high rate of abstinence. Aims: 1) To describe the effects on tobacco consumption after the gradual implementation of tobacco control policies in a hospital; 2) to evaluate the progression of tobacco control policies in hospitals members of the XCHsF before and after the implementation of Law 28/2005, 3) To assess the impact of tobacco control Law 28/2005 on exposure to SHS in public hospitals in Catalonia, before (2005) and after (2006) its implementation. 4) To describe the levels of SHS by the assessment of PM2.5 particles in a sample of European hospitals in 2007; 5) to evaluate the effectiveness of a smoking cessation program addressed to hospital workers. Methodology: Five studies have been conducted, which were: a series of cross-sectional surveys, a pre-post evaluation of tobacco control measures, two studies for the assessment of SHS- one in Catalonia, and another in 7 European countries- and a study evaluating the effectiveness of a smoking cessation program. Results: The tobacco consumption at one hospital dropped from 34.5% in 2001 to 30.6% in 2006. Smokers changed their consumption patterns with the reduction of the number of cigarettes smoked per day and the decrease of daily smokers. The average score of the implementation of tobacco control policies in hospitals was 52.4 (95% CI 45.4 to 59.5) in 2005 and 71.6 (95% CI 67.0 to 76.2) in 2007 (up 36.7%). The average median concentration of nicotine decreased 56.5% after the implementation of Law 28/2005. However, nicotine was found in hospitals halls, emergency rooms, fire escapes and cafeterias. The median concentrations of PM2.5 in a sample of 30 European hospitals were low (3.0 ug/m3). The abstinence probability of the XCHsF tobacco cessation program at 6 months was 0.504 (95% CI 0.431 to 0.570). Workers with higher nicotine dependence showed a lower likelihood of abstinence (0.376, 95% CI: .256 to .495) than the low-dependence (0.529, 95% CI 0.458 to 0.599). There is a high probability of abstinence among workers treated with combined drug therapy (bupropion and nicotine replacement) (0.761, 95% CI 0.588 to 0.933). Conclusions: Tobacco control policies in hospitals are associated with a slight decline in smoking consumption, reduction of levels of SHS, and high probability of abstinence at 6 months.

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