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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Getting up when falling down : reducing fall risk factors after stroke through an exercise program

Holmgren, Eva January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to identify fall risk individuals (+55) after stroke by validating a fall risk index and in post-stroke individuals with high risk of falls evaluate the impact of an intervention program on fall risk factors.A previously developed fall risk index was validated, modified and re-validated. The validation showed a sensitivity of 97% and a specificity of 26%. This result was not considered sufficiently accurate. Therefore a modified index was created in the Validation sample and re-validated back in the Model fit sample. The modified index was reduced to three items and included postural stability + visuospatial hemi-inattention + male sex.The randomized controlled trial contained an intervention program (IP) with High-Intensity Functional Exercises as well as implementation these exercises in to real life situations together with educational group discussions. The participants were enrolled and randomized three to six months after their stroke. The assessments were performed at the Clinical Research Center at Norrlands University Hospital. The Intervention Group (IG) received a program of 35 sessions (exercise and group discussions) and the Control Group (CG) received five group discussions.Performing daily activities at 6 months follow-up and falls-efficacy post-intervention and at the 3 months follow-up showed significant improvement in the IG compared with the CG (p<0.05). The IP did not have a statistically significant impact on Balance or Lifestyle activities. When evaluating gait, step time variability for the paretic leg and the variability in Cycle Time for the paretic and non-paretic leg were improved for the IG. The time spent on the non –paretic leg in the gait cycles’ most stable phase, Double Support, was reduced by almost half (0.9 sec to 0.4 sec) since baseline for the IG after the intervention and remained reduced to the three month follow-up. Quality of Life showed an improvement in the CG compared with the IG for the mental scales, Mental Component Scale and Mental Health subscale at the 3 month follow-up (p=.02).In conclusion, this intervention program significantly improved performance of everyday life activities, falls-efficacy and the variability in gait. These are three major fall risk factors and might in the long run have an impact on decreasing falls in persons that had a stroke.

Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität nach Schädel-Hirn-Trauma - Einfluss von Selbstwahrnehmung und Krankheitsverarbeitung / Health-related quality of life after traumatic brain injury in context of self-awareness and coping modes

Sasse, Nadine 08 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Akzeptanz elektronischer Befragung zur Lebensqualität in der Hausarztpraxis / Acceptance of electronic quality of life assessment in general practice

Seibert, Anna Janina 12 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Su sveikata susijusios gyvenimo kokybės sąsajos su kraujo spaudimo kitimais profilaktinėse grupėse / Relations between health - related quality of life and blood pressure variations in preventive groups

Antanaitienė, Milda 21 December 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti kraujospūdžio kitimo ir su sveikata susijusios gyvenimo kokybės sąsajas tarp vyrų ir moterų, kuriems nustatytas padidėjęs kraujospūdis, dalyvavimo profilaktinėse kraujospūdžio reguliavimo grupėse laikotarpiu. Naudota metodika: Gyvenimo kokybės – 100 klausimynas (WHOQOL-100). Profilaktinėse grupėse dalyvavo 110 terapinės apylinkės pacientų. Visus keturis užsiėmimus lankė atitinkamai 80 pacientų. Pacientai buvo prašomi užpildyti GK-100 klausimyną, siekiant nustatyti kraujospūdžio kitimus užsiėmimų metu ir sąsajas su pacientų gyvenimo kokybės ypatumais. Tiriamieji dalyvavo keturiuose vienos valandos užsiėmimuose, kurie vyko kartą per savaitę vakare. Visoms keturioms pacientų grupėms vedami tie patys užsiėmimai taikant modifikuotą progresyvios raumenų relaksacijos metodą, diskusiją gyvenimo būdo keitimo klausimais ir abiejų šių metodų (raumenų relaksacijos ir diskusijos) derinį. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, jog moterų ir vyrų grupėse statistiškai reikšmingas kraujo spaudimo sumažėjimas stebimas užsiėmimo pabaigoje. Aukštesni statistiškai reikšmingi arterinio kraujo spaudimo rodikliai susiję su vyresnio amžiaus ir žemesnio išsilavinimo rodikliais vyrų ir moterų grupėse. Aukšti statistiškai reikšmingi arterinio kraujo spaudimo rodikliai susiję su blogesne gyvenimo kokybe, o mažesni - su geresne gyvenimo kokybe. / Purpose of the survey is to assess the relations between blood pressure changes and health-related quality of life in men and women with high blood pressure during the period of blood pressure regulation in preventive groups. Methodology used: The Quality of Life - 100 Questionnaire (WHOQOL-100). Preventive groups involved 110 patients in the therapeutic environs. 80 patients attended all four workshops. Patients were asked to fill in WHOQOL-100 questionnaire to determine the associations with health – related quality of life and blood pressure variations in workshops. Patients participated in four one-hour classes, held once a week in the evening. All four groups of patients were involved in workshops using the modified progressive muscle relaxation method, the discussion on the changing of lifestyle and the combination of both of these methods (progressive muscle relaxation and discussion). The study showed that statistically significant decreased blood pressure was observed in men and women groups at the end of each workshop. Higher statistically significant arterial blood pressure was related to the older age and lower level of education in men and women groups. Higher statistically significant arterial blood pressure was related to poorer health – related quality of life, as lower arterial blood pressure was associated with better health – related quality of life.

Ligonių, ilgai gydytų intensyviosios terapijos skyriuje, gyvenimo kokybės pokyčiai ir jų rizikos veiksniai / Changes in the quality of life in patients with prolonged stay in the intensive care unit and risk factors related to the changes

Klimašauskas, Andrius 02 November 2011 (has links)
Disertacijoje tiriant ligonių, ilgai gydytų intensyviosios terapijos skyriuje, su sveikata susijusios gyvenimo kokybės skirtumus iki gydymo ir praėjus 6 mėnesiams po gydymo vertinamos gyvenimo kokybės pablogėjimo priežastys bei gyvenimo kokybės ir mirštamumo po iškėlimo iš intensyviosios terapijos skyriaus ryšys. Jau anksčiau nustatyta, kad gyvenimo kokybė po gydymo intensyviosios terapijos skyriuje pablogėja. Tačiau neaišku, kokie veiksniai turi didžiausios įtakos intensyviosios terapijos skyriaus ligonių gyvenimo kokybei. Ypač mažai duomenų apie ligonių, ilgai gydytų intensyviosios terapijos skyriuje, gyvenimo kokybę po iškėlimo iš intensyviosios terapijos skyriaus. Tyrimo rezultatai patvirtino, kad ilgas gydymas intensyviosios terapijos skyriuje turi didžiausios įtakos fizinėms su sveikata susijusioms gyvenimo kokybės sritims. Tyrimo rezultatai įrodo, kad būklės sunkumas pirmą gydymo intensyviosios terapijos skyriuje parą, terapinių intervencijų skaičius iškėlimo iš intensyviosios terapijos skyriaus metu ir sunkus kritinių būklių neuroraumeninis pažeidimas susiję su pablogėjusia gyvenimo kokybe, o dirbtinės plaučių ventiliacijos trukmė – veiksnys turintis didžiausią įtaką gyvenimo kokybės blogėjimui. Taip pat nustatyta, kad įprastos sistemos būklės sunkumui įvertinti netinka numatyti ligonių mirštamumui po gydymo intensyviosios terapijos skyriuje, o nustačius fizinį aktyvumą iki gydymo intensyviosios terapijos skyriuje tai galima atlikti. / The doctoral dissertation investigates changes in health-related quality of life for long-term intensive care patients prior to ICU admission and 6 months after ICU discharge, exploring into the causes of impaired quality of life and the relationship between the quality of life and post-ICU mortality. It has already been established that the quality of life decreases after treatment in the intensive care unit. However, factors that have the strongest effect on the quality of life in ICU patients have not been identified. Information on post-ICU quality of life in long-term intensive care patients is particularly scarce. The findings of our research confirmed that long term treatment in the intensive care unit has major implications for the physical domains of health-related quality of life. The findings evidence that severity of illness on the first day in the ICU, number of therapeutic interventions upon ICU discharge and severe critical illness neuromuscular abnormalities are associated with impaired quality of life, while duration of mechanical ventilation is the factor with the strongest effect on reduced quality of life. Likewise, the findings demonstrate that usual systems for identification of severity of illness are not useful for predicting mortality in patients after discharge from the intensive care unit. Yet, identification of pre-ICU physical activity allows predicting post-ICU mortality.

Changes in the quality of life in patients with prolonged stay in the intensive care unit and risk factors related to the changes / Ligonių, ilgai gydytų intensyviosios terapijos skyriuje, gyvenimo kokybės pokyčiai ir jų rizikos veiksniai

Klimašauskas, Andrius 02 November 2011 (has links)
The doctoral dissertation investigates changes in health-related quality of life for long-term intensive care patients prior to ICU admission and 6 months after ICU discharge, exploring into the causes of impaired quality of life and the relationship between the quality of life and post-ICU mortality. It has already been established that the quality of life decreases after treatment in the intensive care unit. However, factors that have the strongest effect on the quality of life in ICU patients have not been identified. Information on post-ICU quality of life in long-term intensive care patients is particularly scarce. The findings of our research confirmed that long term treatment in the intensive care unit has major implications for the physical domains of health-related quality of life. The findings evidence that severity of illness on the first day in the ICU, number of therapeutic interventions upon ICU discharge and severe critical illness neuromuscular abnormalities are associated with impaired quality of life, while duration of mechanical ventilation is the factor with the strongest effect on reduced quality of life. Likewise, the findings demonstrate that usual systems for identification of severity of illness are not useful for predicting mortality in patients after discharge from the intensive care unit. Yet, identification of pre-ICU physical activity allows predicting post-ICU mortality. / Disertacijoje tiriant ligonių, ilgai gydytų intensyviosios terapijos skyriuje, su sveikata susijusios gyvenimo kokybės skirtumus iki gydymo ir praėjus 6 mėnesiams po gydymo vertinamos gyvenimo kokybės pablogėjimo priežastys bei gyvenimo kokybės ir mirštamumo po iškėlimo iš intensyviosios terapijos skyriaus ryšys. Jau anksčiau nustatyta, kad gyvenimo kokybė po gydymo intensyviosios terapijos skyriuje pablogėja. Tačiau neaišku, kokie veiksniai turi didžiausios įtakos intensyviosios terapijos skyriaus ligonių gyvenimo kokybei. Ypač mažai duomenų apie ligonių, ilgai gydytų intensyviosios terapijos skyriuje, gyvenimo kokybę po iškėlimo iš intensyviosios terapijos skyriaus. Tyrimo rezultatai patvirtino, kad ilgas gydymas intensyviosios terapijos skyriuje turi didžiausios įtakos fizinėms su sveikata susijusioms gyvenimo kokybės sritims. Tyrimo rezultatai įrodo, kad būklės sunkumas pirmą gydymo intensyviosios terapijos skyriuje parą, terapinių intervencijų skaičius iškėlimo iš intensyviosios terapijos skyriaus metu ir sunkus kritinių būklių neuroraumeninis pažeidimas susiję su pablogėjusia gyvenimo kokybe, o dirbtinės plaučių ventiliacijos trukmė – veiksnys turintis didžiausią įtaką gyvenimo kokybės blogėjimui. Taip pat nustatyta, kad įprastos sistemos būklės sunkumui įvertinti netinka numatyti ligonių mirštamumui po gydymo intensyviosios terapijos skyriuje, o nustačius fizinį aktyvumą iki gydymo intensyviosios terapijos skyriuje tai galima atlikti.

Sergančių 2 tipo diabetu su sveikata susijusios gyvenimo kokybės, emocinės įtampos ir psichotropinių medžiagų vartojimo sąsajos / Relations between health-related quality of life, emotional tension and psychotropic substances in patients with type 2 diabetes

Bankauskaitė, Aurelija 11 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti sergančiųjų 2 tipo diabetu su sveikata susijusios gyvenimo kokybės sąsajas su emocine įtampa ir psichotropinių medžiagų vartojimu. Tyrime iš viso dalyvavo 149 asmenys, sergantys 2 tipo diabetu (57 vyrai ir 92 moterys). 56 tiriamieji buvo iš diabeto klubų (37 – Marijampolės „Diabetikas ABC“ ir 28 – Jonavos „Ramunė“). Taip gavus prof. A. Goštauto leidimą, buvo naudoti 84 tiriamųjų duomenys, paimti iš archyvinių duomenų, surinktų iniciatyvinių tyrimų, atliktų 2009 m. KMU Endorinologijos klinikoje Diabetologijos skyriuje besigydančiais ligoniais sergančiais 2 tipo diabetu, metu. Tiriamieji užpildė Pasaulio sveikatos organizacijos su sveikata susijusios gyvenimo kokybės klausimyną (PSOGK-100). Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, sergantys 2 tipo diabetu vyrai ir moterys, patiriantys daugiau emocinės įtampos, savo su sveikata susijusią gyvenimo kokybę vertina prasčiau, nei patiriantys mažiau emocinės įtampos. Prastesni savo su sveikata susijusios gyvenimo kokybės vertinimai pastebėti ir rūkančių vyrų bei alkoholį vartojančių moterų grupėse. Tuo tarpu rūkančių moterų ir alkoholį vartojančių vyrų grupėse su sveikata susijusios gyvenimo kokybės įvertinimai yra geresni. Taip pat sergantys 2 tipo diabetu vyrai ir moterys, kurie rūko, patiria daugiau emocinės įtampos, nei tie, kurie nerūko ir atvirkščiai. Sergančių 2 tipo diabetu vyrų ir moterų, vartojančių ir nevartojančių alkoholio, tarp patiriamos emocinės įtampos statistiškai patikimų skirtumų nerasta. Sergančių 2... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to assess the relations between health-related quality of life, emotional tension and psychotropic substances consumption in people with type 2 diabetes. The subjects of the study were 149 people with type 2 diabetes (57 men and 92 women), 56 subjects were from diabetes clubs (37 from Marijampolė club „Diabetikas ABC“ and 28 from Jonava club „Ramunė“). Also after receiving permission from prof. A. Goštautas, 84 archival cases, which taken from KMU Endokrinology clinic Department of Diabetology‘s patiens with type 2 diabetes, was used in this study. The subjects completed World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQoL-100). The results of the study showed that men and women with type 2 diabetes who reported more emotional tension rated their health-related quality of life poorer than those who reported less emotional tension. Though smoking men and alcohol consuming women rated their health-related quality of life poorer, smoking women and alcohol consuming men rated their health-related quality of life higher. Also smoking men and women with type 2 diabetes reported more emotional tension than non-smokers and vice versa. There were found no relations between emotional tension and alcohol consumption in both men and woman. Men with type 2 diabetes rated their health-related quality of life higher compared with women. Also more men than women were smokers and alcohol consumers. There were found no differences between men and women... [to full text]

Helbredsrelateret livskvalitet efter apopleks : Validering og anvendelse af SSQOL-DK, et diagnosespecifikt instrument til måling af helbredsrelateret livskvalitet blandt danske apopleksipatienter

Muus, Ingrid January 2008 (has links)
Sammenfatning Baggrund og formål: Apopleksisygdommen er ansvarlig for flest tilfælde af invalidering blandt voksne i eget hjem. I Danmark alene lever godt 50.000 mennesker med følgerne efter apopleksi. En følge kan være reduceret evne til at kommunikere, afasi. Forebyggelse kan reducere antallet af nye tilfælde og følgerne efter sygdommen. Livskvalitet ved kronisk sygdom har voksende bevågenhed. Rehabilitering medvirker til at patienten kan blive fysisk, psykisk og socialt fungerende på et niveau, men sygdommens indvirken på oplevelsen af helbredsrelateret livskvalitet er i Danmark ikke undersøgt med sygdomsspecifikke instrumenter. Patienter med afasi udelukkes som regel fra undersøgelser, der kræver intakt tale og forståelse. Afhandlingens overordnede mål er at tilvejebringe et instrument, som kan anvendes til at måle helbredsrelateret livskvalitet efter apopleksi inkl. afasi. Metode og materiale: Afhandlingen har en kvantitativ tilgang. Et nordamerikansk instrument, Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale, version 2.0, SSQOL © (copyright Linda S. Williams), er blevet oversat og kulturelt bearbejdet til dansk i overensstemmelse med anerkendt systematik i studie I. Instrumentet dækker med 49 items 12 domæner med fysisk, socialt og mentalt fokus samt 13 items, der dækker en vurdering af domænerne og livskvaliteten sammenlignet med før apopleksien. Instrumentets psykometriske egenskaber er blevet testet ved hjælp af tre studiepopulationer rekrutteret dels retrospektivt, dels konsekutivt. I studie II blev reliabilitet og validitet undersøgt, og i studie III responsivitet og sensitivitet. Afprøvningerne er foretaget med referenceformularer som eksterne kriterier i form af etablerede generiske skalaer. I studie IV er afprøvet en proxy-version tiltænkt patienter, som er ude af stand til selv at udfylde skemaet eller som ikke er i stand til at kommunikere tilstrækkeligt. Afprøvningen blev udført af en nærtstående udpeget af patienten. I studie V blev en gruppe let ramte patienter beskrevet, og variabler med betydningsfuld sammenhæng med oplevelsen af forringet helbredsrelateret livskvalitet blev undersøgt. Data er blevet testet ved hjælp af gennemsnit og standarddeviationer, median og range, proportioner, korrelationer og logistisk regression. Resultater: Den danske version af SSQOL, SSQOL-DK, har god face- og indholdsvaliditet. Det udfyldes på 10-20 minutter. Stabilitet, undersøgt med test-retest metode, viste korrelationer i området rs 0.65-0.99. Intern konsistens undersøgt med Cronbach’s alfa viste værdier i områderne 0.81-0.94 i studie II, 0.75-0.96 i studie III og 0.64-0.87 i studie V. Der blev set en ceiling effekt, 24-52%, men beskeden floor effekt. Begrebsvaliditet viste moderat delte varianser med de eksterne kriterier, r2 0.03-0.62. Konvergent validitet var (r) > 0.40 med undtagelse af et enkelt item. SSQOL-DK var i stand til at klassificere retning af ændring i livskvalitet over tid i overensstemmelse med eksterne kriterier i 43-58 % af tilfældene. Proxy-versionen viste god overensstemmelse mellem patient- og proxy data. I en gruppe af let ramte patienter med apopleksi og transcerebral iskæmi, TCI, et år efter sygdommen vurderede 57 % deres livskvalitet som uændret i forhold til før apopleksien. Det mandlige køn (OR 3.77), erhvervsaktivitet (OR 2.84), og lavere scores på domænerne Mood og Work ved tre måneder var covariater, som var signifikant relateret til sandsynligheden for at vurdere livskvaliteten forringet efter sygdommen. Konklusion: Der foreligger nu et dansksproget instrument, SSQOL-DK, som har demonstreret tilfredsstillende reliabilitet og validitet, og som kan anvendes på gruppeniveau til dansktalende patienter med let til moderat apopleksi. Apopleksipatienten med større kommunikationsproblemer har dog stadig begrænsede muligheder med dette instrument, idet de foreliggende resultater fra proxy-afprøvningen fordrer yderligere undersøgelse af datas validitet / Abstract Background and aim: Stroke is most frequently the cause of adult disability. In Denmark more than 50.000 people suffer from the sequels of stroke. One of them may be aphasia, i.e. reduced ability to communicate. Primary and secondary prevention may reduce the incidence and the severity of stroke. The interest in quality of life with a chronic disease is increasing. Rehabilitation efforts are targeted for physical, mental and social function but the impact on health related quality of life after stroke has not been studied with stroke specific instruments. Aphasic patients are normally excluded from studies where communicative skills are required. The aim of this thesis is to develop an instrument suitable for measuring health related quality of life after stroke. Methods and material: The design of the thesis is quantitative. In study I Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale, version 2.0, SSQOL © (copyright Linda S. Williams), an American instrument recently developed, was translated and culturally adapted to Danish according to established guidelines. With 49 items SSQOL covers 12 domains comprising physical and mental issues. Thirteen items covers an appraisal of each domain compared to pre stroke status and overall quality of life. Psychometric properties was examined by studying three samples of stroke survivors. Study II and III examined reliability, validity and responsiveness. Established generic scales were used as external criteria. Study IV tested a proxy-version meant for stroke patients with language impairment or patients who are unable to fill in a questionnaire. The patients chose the proxies. Study V provided health related quality of life in a group of mildly affected patients after stroke or transient ischemic attack, TIA. Significant covariates with deteriorated health related quality of life were studied. Data were analyzed with mean and standard deviations, median and range, proportions correlations and logistic regression. Results: The Danish version of SSQOL, SSQOL-DK, showed good face- and content validity. It can be completed in less than 25 minutes. Test-retest showed correlations rs 0.65-0.99. Internal consistency showed Cronbach’s alpha from 0.81-0.94 in study II, 0.75-0.96 in study III and 0.64-0.87 in study V. Ceiling effect was 24-52%, floor-effect was modest. Construct validity showed shared variance with external criteria, r2 0.03-0.62. Convergent validity showed (r) >0.40 for 48 out of 49 items. SSQOL-DK classified direction of change in over all quality of life concordantly from 43-58% with external criteria. The agreement between patient- and proxy data was good. Fifty seven (57) percent of mildly affected patients after stroke or TIA rated their overall quality of life unchanged one year after stroke compared to pre stroke status. In the regression model male sex OR 3.77), working outside home (OR 2.84), and less than 5.00 (maximum score) on the domains Mood and Work/productivity at three months were significant predictors for rating over all quality of life deteriorated at 12 months. Conclusion: The SSQOL-DK has demonstrated satisfactory reliability and validity and can be used on group level measuring health related quality of life among Danish survivors after mild to moderate stroke and TIA. Stroke survivors with severe communication problems are still limited as validity of the proxy data should be further tested

Hälsorelaterad livskvalitet hos partner till personer med afasi : En undersökning baserad på hälsoenkäten SF-36 och semistrukturerade intervjuer / Health-Related Quality of Life in Significant Others of People with Aphasia : A Qualitative Study Based on the Health Survey SF-36 and Semi-Structured Interviews

Krögerström, Sanna, von Eichwald, Frida January 2014 (has links)
Around 30,000 people in Sweden suffer stroke every year, out of which about 12,000 end up with language difficulties, aphasia. Behind every person with aphasia there are significant others whose lives are also affected. Studies of how aphasia affects the health of these people are few. The overall aim of the present study was to examine how significant others of people with aphasia perceive their life situation, and how their quality of life is affected by the illness of their partner. Spouses of people with aphasia were contacted through aphasia groups and the Swedish Aphasia Association. A total of eleven people participated in the study, which consisted of the health survey SF-36 and semi-structured interviews. The results indicated that men, working people, and people at retirement age are at risk of having a lower health-related quality of life, by living with a person suffering from aphasia. Other factors that seemed to contribute to a lower quality of life were; a more severe aphasia, a big work load at home, less mutual activities as a couple, and a general decrease of communication in everyday life. The conclusion is therefore, that the health-related quality of life is at risk of becoming negatively affected by living with a person who suffers from aphasia. / Varje år insjuknar cirka 30 000 personer i stroke i Sverige och av dem drabbas cirka 12 000 av språkliga svårigheter i form av afasi. Bakom varje person med afasi finns det anhöriga, vars liv också påverkas. Hur afasin påverkar den anhöriges hälsa är inte väl studerat. Det övergripande syftet med föreliggande studie var därmed att undersöka hur anhöriga, till personer med afasi, uppfattar sin egen livssituation, samt hur deras livskvalitet påverkas av den närståendes sjukdom. Partner till personer med afasi kontaktades genom afasigrupper och afasiföreningar. Totalt valde elva personer att deltaga i studien, vilken bestod av hälsoenkäten SF-36 samt en semistrukturerad intervju. Resultaten pekade på att män, yrkesverksamma och personer i pensionsålder riskerar att få en lägre hälsorelaterad livskvalitet av att leva med någon med afasi. Övriga faktorer, som tycktes bidra till en lägre livskvalitet, var en svårare afasi, en hög börda i hemmet, färre gemensamma aktiviteter som par samt en generell försämring av kommunikationen i vardagen. Slutsatsen är därmed att den hälsorelaterade livskvaliteten riskerar att påverkas negativt av att leva med en person som drabbats av afasi.

Single limb exercises in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : feasibility, methodology, effects and evidence

Nyberg, Andre January 2014 (has links)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. COPD is a slowly progressive, inflammatory disease in the airways and lungs, caused mainly by smoking. The inflammation leads to a narrowing of the small airways (airway obstruction) and a destruction of tissue in the lungs. This gives a decreased expiratory airflow which leads to dyspnea, the primary symptom of the disease. The chronic airflow limitation also is associated with the development of limb muscle dysfunction. Decreases in both limb muscle strength and endurance have been shown which, in turn, is associated with exercise intolerance, one of the key disabling factors of the disease. Pulmonary rehabilitation including exercise training is the cornerstone of treatment and is strongly recommended. However, it is still unclear how to optimize exercise training for this group of patients. Also how to address the increase in dyspnea which limits the exercise stimulus, and how to assess muscular strength, need further study. Partitioning the exercising muscle mass, known as single limb exercises, is a novel exercise strategy aimed at reducing the negative consequences of chronic airflow limitation in patients with COPD. The aim of this thesis was to study the current evidence of single limb approaches in patients with COPD, to examine the feasibility and effects of a high-repetitive single limb exercise (HRSLE) regimen in patients with COPD and to examine whether elastic resistance could be used to evaluate muscular strength. This thesis is based on five papers. In order to study the evidence on single limb exercises, a systematic review of randomized controlled trials was performed. The review showed that single limb exercises, performed as one-legged cycling appeared to be more effective than two-legged cycling with regard to exercise capacity but not dyspnea, and might be included in exercise programs for patients with COPD (Paper I). Thirty healthy older women and men participated in a validation study comparing elastic resistance maximal strength with isokinetic dynamometry measurements. Excellent levels of agreement and no differences between the two pieces of equipment were found which indicates that elastic resistance could be used to evaluate muscular strength (Paper II). A study protocol was created for a randomized controlled trial designed to identify the effects of HRSLE in combination with COPD-specific patient training (experimental group) in comparison to patient information alone (control group) (Paper III). HRSLE was performed as resistance training, using a single limb at a time, elastic bands as resistance and a high number of repetitions (25 repetitions in 2 sets) with the aim of increasing limb muscle endurance. After eight weeks of exercise, the differences between the groups were in favor of the experimental group on lower- and upper-extremity functional capacity, upper-extremity endurance capacity and muscular function. No differences were seen between the groups on endurance-cycle capacity or health-related quality of life (Paper IV). In patients with COPD, the HRSLE regimen was considered feasible with a high attendance rate, excellent compliance and high relative exercise intensity. No severe adverse events occurred. The physiotherapists conducting the HRSLE in the clinical setting also found it to be feasible (Paper V). This thesis shows that single limb exercises performed as one-legged cycling may be useful and effective for patients with COPD. Eight weeks of HRSLE was feasible and effective with regard to exercise capacity but without effect with regard to health-related quality of life. Elastic resistance could be used as exercise equipment to improve limb muscle function in patients with COPD and to evaluate muscular strength in healthy older adults. / Kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL) är idag ett stort globalt problem.  KOL är en långsamt fortskridande inflammatorisk sjukdom i luftvägar och lungor, i huvudsak orsakad av cigarrettrökning. Inflammationen leder till en förträngning i de små luftvägarna och förstör vävnaden i lungorna. Detta medför en luftvägsobstruktion där flödet av luft vid utandning är minskat, vilket bidrar till varierande grad av andnöd hos patienten. Luftvägsobstruktionen är relaterad till försämrad muskelfunktion hos patientgruppen. Både nedsatt muskulär styrka och uthållighet har påvisats vilket är relaterat till ett av huvudproblemen vid KOL; nedsatt förmåga till fysisk aktivitet och träning.  Lungrehabilitering inklusive fysisk träning är centralt i behandlingen och starkt rekommenderat. Det är dock inte fastställt hur patientgruppen skall träna för att optimera effekterna av träningen eller hur träningen bäst kan utvärderas. Det är också oklart hur man skall hantera den successivt ökande andfåddheten vid träning. Träning med en arm eller ett ben i taget, så kallad lokal muskelträning är en strategi som syftar till att minska andnöd under träning hos patienter med KOL Syftet med denna avhandling var att undersöka vilken evidens det finns för lokal muskelträning hos patienter med KOL, utvärdera genomförbarhet och effekter av lokal högrepetitiv muskelträning utfört med elastiska träningsband hos patienter med KOL samt att undersöka ifall elastiska träningsband kan användas för att utvärdera muskelstyrka. Avhandlingen består av fem delstudier. För att undersöka evidens för lokal muskelträning genomfördes en systematisk litteraturgranskning av randomiserade kontrollerade studier. Granskningen visade att lokal muskelträning, i form av cykling med ett ben i taget kan vara effektivt, avseende fysisk förmåga, men utan effekt avseende andfåddhet för patienter med KOL (delstudie 1). Trettio friska kvinnor och män, deltog i en valideringsstudie där jämförelser gjordes mellan maximal kraftutveckling utfört med elastiska träningsband och en isokinetisk dynamometer. Ett högt samband mellan de två metoderna och ingen skillnad i maximal kraft, indikerade att elastiska band kan användas för att utvärdera muskelstyrka (delstudie 2). Ett studieprotokoll skapades för en randomiserad kontrollerad studie, som syftade till att undersöka effekterna av lokal högrepetitiv muskelträning i kombination med KOL-specifik patientutbildning (interventionsgrupp) jämfört med enbart KOL-specifik patientutbildning (kontrollgrupp) (delstudie 3). Lokal högrepetitiv muskelträning utfördes i grupp med elastiska träningsband som redskap. Övningarna genomfördes med en arm eller ett ben i taget med 25 repetitioner i 2 set med syfte att påverka muskulaturens uthållighet. Efter åtta veckors träning hade interventionsgruppen bättre muskelfunktion i både övre och nedre extremitet samt en bättre funktionell förmåga jämfört med kontrollgruppen. Inga skillnader i effekt sågs mellan grupperna avseende uthållighet vid test på ergometercykel eller avseende hälsorelaterade utfallsmått, såsom livskvalitet och tilltro till sin egen förmåga (delstudie 4). För patienter med KOL, visade sig lokal högrepetitiv muskelträning vara en genomförbar metod avseende följsamhet och närvaro i träningen. De fysioterapeuter som ledde träningen i klinisk verksamhet ansåg att den var möjlig att genomföra med hög relativ intensitet och utan allvarliga biverkningar (delstudie 5). Sammanfattningsvis visar denna avhandling att lokal muskelträning kan vara en användbar och effektiv metod för patienter med KOL. Åtta veckor med lokal högrepetitiv muskelträning är genomförbart och effektivt avseende fysisk förmåga hos dessa patienter. Elastiska träningsband kan användas som träningsredskap för att förbättra muskelfunktion hos patienter med KOL samt för att utvärdera muskelstyrka hos friska vuxna.

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