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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aktuální situace v oblasti zdravotního pojištění v Rusku / Current situation in russian health insurance

Fedorenko, Anton January 2012 (has links)
Analysis of current russian legislation regarding health insurance. Detailed overview of russian private health insurance market. Comparison with foreign health insurance systems.

Reforma zdravotnictví USA / U.S. Health Care Reform

Čapková, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the basic moments in the U.S. health care reform. The theoretical part is based on the concept of health as human capital, as a factor of labor productivity. The rate of depreciation of health capital is closely associated with age and grows throughout the life cycle. In the U.S. is currently more than 46 million people uninsured and their access to health care is very limited. U.S. health care system is a highly cost, total expenditure exceeded 16 percent of GDP. Based on various calculations, the thesis describes assumed purposes of reform in terms of health coverage of population, share of private and public spending, additional insurance, etc. The thesis also deals with a reduction in price elasticity of demand for health care in context of increasing the number of insured persons. Theoretically justifies a possibility of moral hazard at participating elementary subjects.

我國全民健康保險體系下政府保險費補貼之探討 / The premium subsidies in the system of national Health Insurance

黃淑娟, Hwang, Shwu Jiuan Unknown Date (has links)
全民健康保險實施後,政府保險費的補貼對勞動市場產生的影響,以及該影響所產生之勞工流動的現象,皆為本研究所探討之主題。   研究結果發現,在各種不同之勞動供給及勞動需求彈性下,政府保險費補貼對工資率的影響即有所不同。一般而言,政府對被保險人的補貼會使勞動市場之均衡工資率下降,但當勞動供給無彈性及勞動需求彈性無限大時,此影響即不存在,意即市場均衡工資率將不因該補貼政策而有所變動;至於政府對雇主保險費之補貼方面,除勞動需求完全無彈性的情況外,此種補貼的施行通常會使工資率上升,而就我國情況來看,由於各產業的勞動需求有彈性,而台北市大、小家庭已婚男性的勞動市場之勞動供給曲線已達後彎階段,故政府保險費補貼會使工資率上升,而在其他勞動市場的情況下,由於勞動供給曲線為正斜率,故政府對被保險人的補貼會促使工資率下降。   在實施全民健康保險後,若勞動市場之勞動需求彈性無限大,則其工資率將會因此而降低,但當該市場之勞動供給曲線為正斜率且勞動需求完全無彈性時,全民健康保險的施行反而會使其工資率上升,然多數的情況是:全民健康保險實施後,工資率的變動會呈現不明確的狀態,其將隨當時條件的不同而有不同的變動方向。   由於實施全民健康保險將促使勞動市場之工資率產生改變,但由於政府對各類被保險人補貼比例上的不同,造成各產業及各類被保險人工資變化上的差異,進而產生勞工流動的現象。在同一產業不同類被保險人的流動上,由於經實際工資計算的結果得知:就同一產業而言,以「自營作業」之身份投保者將獲得最低之實際工資,「公民營事業、機構有一定雇主之受雇者」次之,而「職業工人」最高,因此推論勞動者將較喜愛受雇於人的就業型態,同時有一定雇主之勞動者亦會傾向加入職業工會,設法以「職業工人」的身份投保。如此即造成各類被保險人相互流動的現象。   而政府實行該補貼政策時,在無法縮減其他公共支出的前提下,必會以課徵其他租稅的方法來籌措財源,若此財源來自於綜合所得稅,除勞動供給無彈性、勞動需求彈性無限大,及勞動供給曲線為負斜率且勞動需求有彈性的情況下,一般而言,此租稅的課徵會使工資率進一步上升。而我國之勞動市場多數屬於勞動供給為正斜率,而勞動需求為負斜率的型態,故若財源來自於綜合所得稅,則將會使工資進一步上升。至於以其他租稅做為補貼財源時,就一般分析而言,某些租稅的課徵會造成工資率的上升,但有些租稅反而會進一步降低工資率。然就實務上而言,由於我國加值營業稅有稅基廣、稅收穩定及課徵阻力小等優點,故本文認為,若我國一定要施行此保險費之補貼政策時,其最適之財源籌措方式應以課徵加值營業稅為宜。   然本研究發現,政府保險費之補貼將造成工資率的改變,進而扭曲被保險人就業型態及投保單位的選擇,並且產生勞工流動的現象,如此將造成社會的福利損失,再者,若該補貼之財源來自於各種扭曲性租稅的課徵,則政府保險受的補貼將更進一步產生社會成本。

Ekvivalence ve zdravotním pojištění / Equivalence in the health insurance

Bišof, Milan January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation considers the issue of equivalence and the related matter of solidarity in the health insurance sector. The used methodology is an analysis on the basis of which the specific causes of the current state of the healthcare system are investigated. The initial chapters focus on the theoretical basis and insurance principles in general, and then health insurance in more detail. The individual systems (models) of healthcare, which are compared with the aim of finding the optimum method of financing the healthcare sector, are then described. The analytical section looks at the current state of healthcare in the Czech Republic and the main problems it faces: an ageing population and constantly rising healthcare costs, which are slowly becoming uncontrollable. Healthcare reform, which began on 1 January 2008 with the introduction of regulation fees, is also evaluated. A great deal of attention is paid to fees because the legality of their introduction is being settled by the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic. In conclusion, the author outlines a healthcare system that would be, in his opinion, more financially manageable, and just more equitable and fair.

Dirbtinio apvaisinimo finansavimo iš Privalomojo sveikatos draudimo fondo biudžeto teisiniai aspektai / Legal aspects of human assisted reproduction's reimbursement from the Budget of Public Health Insurance Fund

Kavaliauskienė, Birutė 14 March 2006 (has links)
This postgraduate thesis investigates legal aspects of human assisted reproduction‘s reimbursement from the Public Health Insurance Fund‘s Budget. Nowadays human assisted reproduction is not covered by the State Budget in Lithuania. That‘s why this thesis presents hypothetical model of reimbursement. The model is substantiated using historical anglysis of the probleme, worldwide practice in biomedicine and health care management. Legal aspects are analysed from the standpoint of intersection in different branches of sciences. The emphasis lays on imperfect legislation and controversies of reproductive health care, it‘s close connections with ethical problemes in human relationships, on human life and traditional family protection as priority in Lithuania‘s Fundamental Law. Legal propositions are linked with Evidence Based Medicine Gudelines (EBMG) and efficient assesment of State Budget resources as a basis of Public Health Insurance.

國家與社會福利--全民健康保險政策個案研究(1986-1995) / State and Soucial Welfare --Taiwan Health Care Insurance Policy Case Study(1986-1995)

張家麟, Johnny Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在於:1.希望透過國家與社會福利的關係研究並理解三民主義在台灣的理論與實踐;2.透過國家與社會福利關係的研究,理解國家與社會福利的理論與實踐;3.嘗試用全民健康保險政策的個案研究來檢証新國家主義的理論。 本研究假設為: 1.國家自主性愈強,愈能展現國家在全民健康保險政策的偏好。 2.國家能力愈強,愈能貫徹國家在全民健康保險政策的偏好。 3.領導菁英的社會福利的理念,影響國家自主性偏好在全民健康保險政策的形成。 4.過去社會保險政策的傳統,影響國家選擇社會保險類型的健保政策。 5.國家民主化的發展,造成國家自主性在全民健康保險政策的形成影響力減弱。 6.學者與官僚結合,國家規劃健保政策的能力增強。 7.國家權力結構愈集中,國家機關間對健保政策的協調能力增強。 8.社會團體無法整合,社會偏好愈不容易在健保政策中實踐。 9.國家與社會的交互作用,影響全民健康保險政策的形成。 本研究結論:1.全民健康保險政策的形成深受國家自主性及國家能力的影響,而國家自主性又受國家領導政治菁英的社會福利政治理念及過去國家社會保險政策的傳統所影響;而國家民主化的發展卻造成國家自主性在全民健康保險政策形成的影響力減弱。2.官僚與學者的結合、國家權力集中促使國家規劃及協調全民健康保險政策的能力增強。3.社會團體無法整合,社會偏好愈不能在全民健保政策中貫徹;國家與社會團體的交互作用影響之下,國家偏好強過社會偏好,對全民健保政策形成產生較大的影響。 本研究發現與貢獻:1.新國家主義理論解釋臺灣社會福利政策的形成在全民健康保險政策頗具解釋力,除了用國家自主性及國家能力兩個理論概念詮釋全民健康保險政策外,並在國家自主性當成中介變數,發展影響國家自主性的自變數,如:政治菁英理念、政策傳承與創新及民主化。2.國家能力當成中介變數時,發展影響國家能力形成的自變數,如:官僚與學者結合及政黨優勢。由上述兩點,本研究豐富新國家主義的理論內涵。3.新國家主義對臺灣公共政策的形成,已經在土地改革政策、經濟發展政策、考試政策、宗教管理政策、外匯管制政策及本研究獲得檢証,所以新國家主義與公共政策形成的關聯研究,已頗具解釋力。4.新國家主義在比較歷史社會學已頗有進展,至於在台灣研究的領域中,除了本研究以社會福利發展為主題獲得檢証外,理應在尋求臺灣政治、經濟、文化及社會各面向獲得更進一步的證實。5.運用深度訪談11個主要關鍵人物(key person)蒐集一手資料,為臺灣社會福利研究相關論文中首篇,開創以深度訪談法建構國家與社會福利的關聯理論。 目錄 目錄 I 表次 III 圖次 V 附表 VI 附圖 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究問題 4 第三節 研究假設 7 第四節 研究方法 8 第五節 研究目的 12 本章參考書目 13 第二章 理論回顧與研究途徑 17 第一節 傳統政治研究對「國家」的重視 17 第二節 行為主義政治研究對「國家」的拋棄 27 第三節 「新國家主義」重拾「國家」研究 32 第四節 社會福利理論回顧 45 第五節 國家研究新趨勢與社會福利的研究 51 本章參考書目 57 第三章 全民健保政策中國家自主性形成之因素 71 第一節 行政領導菁英的理念 71 第二節 政策傳承與創新 86 第三節 民主化 99 本章參考書目 107 第四章 全民健保政策形成過程中的國家自主性 114 第一節 國家行動成員及其角色 114 第二節 行政系統在全民健保政策的偏好 119 第三節 立法院在健保政策的偏好及與行政院的互動 135 第四節 考試院在全民健保政策的偏好與行政院互動 156 本章參考書目 162 第五章 國家推動全民健保政策中影響國家能力形成之因素 167 第一節 官僚與學者的結合和國家能力 167 第二節 國家權力結構與國家能力 177 本章參考書目 185 第六章 國家推動全民健保政策能力之分析 187 第一節 國家在全民健康保險政策的整合能力 188 第二節 國家機關內部在全民健康保險政策的協調能力 194 本章參考書目 210 第七章 全民健保政策形成過程中「國家—社會」關係之分析 213 第一節 社會在全民健保政策形成過程中偏好的展現 213 第二節 「國家—社會」在全民健保政策的互動 232 第三節 國家對社會在全民健保政策形成過程中偏好的扭轉與讓步 239 第四節 社會團體「破碎化」與國家能力的貫徹之分析 257 本章參考書目 263 第八章 結論 267 第一節 研究發現 267 第二節 研究限制 281 第三節 政策建議 282 本章參考書目 286 本書參考書目 288 附錄圖表 314

A critical analysis of the doctor-patient relationship in context of the right to adequate health care

Keevy, Daniel Matthew John 28 May 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to prove the existence of the right to adequate healthcare through a critical analysis of the law of obligations, constitutional law and international law framed in the wider focal point of South African medical law. The Constitution only makes provision for the right to access to health care. Conclusively this thesis will have to establish a link between a minimum standard in health care and the Constitution. It is submitted that the most efficacious method of establishing this link is with the duty of care, which is intrinsically linked to the doctor-patient relationship. If a critical analysis of the doctor-patient relationship can establish a clear link between the duty of care and state liability then such a link can successfully be applied to the Constitution. If this link is transposed onto the Constitution, a critical evaluation of the rights in the Bill of Rights will then reveal the most applicable right that can house the right to an adequate standard of health care. Such an analysis is only part of the solution however. In order to make this right effective, the international body of medical laws must be critically analysed and juxtaposed against this adequate standard. This carries the dual purpose of adding normative content as well as determining the current state of South Africa’s obligations under international human rights law, and to what extent those obligations have been discharged. Finally, and most significantly, the right to adequate healthcare, as it was forged in the international legal analysis, will be transposed onto the current South African jurisprudence of socio-economic rights. This practical application will then be reflected onto the new National Health Care Insurance to show conclusively that the current governmental approach of effecting health care is wholly inoperable and will ultimately result in significant harm and extensive human rights violations. This is based on the government only considering access to health care sufficient to discharge its duties and being totally incapable of effectively managing its resources. The core outcome for this thesis is to prove the existence of the right to adequate healthcare. Secondary outcomes are tracing the history of medicine to illustrate the creation and evolution of the doctor-patient relationship, a critical analysis of the application of medical ethics to South African law of obligations, a critical analysis of the Constitution and its fundamentals, an exhaustive evaluation of South Africa’s duties and accomplishments under its international obligations and effectively applying the right to adequate healthcare which is diametrically opposed to the current course South Africa is taking to provide health care. / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Public Law / unrestricted

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