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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psykiatripersonals attityder gentemot personer med psykisk ohälsa

Ågren, Barbro, Persson, Moa January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vårdpersonals (N=108) attityder gentemot personer med psykisk ohälsa samt se om skillnader i attityder fanns beroende på respondenternas utbildningsnivå och tidigare erfarenhet av psykisk ohälsa. Studien är en delstudie ur projekt Psykisk Ohälsa som har en prospektiv longitudinell design. För att beskriva attityder gentemot personer med psykisk ohälsa användes frågeformuläret Community Attitudes Towards Mental Illness (CAMI-s). Rekrytering av vårdpersonal skedde via enhetscheferna på ett 70-tal psykiatriska avdelningar och vårdpersonal som dagligen arbetar med människor med psykisk ohälsa tillfrågades om att delta. Resultatet visar inga signifikanta skillnader i attityder mellan olika (yrkesgrupper) utbildningsnivåer och statistisk signifikans återfanns endast vid ett påstående, där respondenterna tog ställning till om det bästa sättet att omhänderta människor med psykisk sjukdom var att låsa in dem. Inga skillnader i attityd upptäcktes beroende på erfarenhet av psykisk ohälsa. Slutsatsen av denna studie visar en övervägande positiv attityd bland vårdpersonal gentemot personer med psykisk ohälsa. Studien visar även, om än i mindre utsträckning än i de artiklar vi jämfört med, att det fortfarande finns tendenser till stigmatiserande och diskriminerande attityder till personer med psykisk ohälsa kvar bland vårdpersonal. / The aim of this study was to examine health professionals’ (N=108) attitudes towards people with mental illness as well as differences in attitudes depending on the respondents level of education and previously experiences of mental illness. The study is a part of the project “Psykisk Ohälsa” that has a prospective longitudinal design. To measure attitudes towards people with mental illness the questionnaire Community Attitudes Towards Mental Illness (CAMI-s) was used. Recruitment of health professionals was made with help from the unit directors on 70 different psychiatric wards and health professionals that worked with people with mental illness on a daily basis was asked to participate. The result shows only minor differences in attitudes towards people with mental illness between different education levels.  Statistical significance differences between education level groups, was only found in one claim, where the respondents took a standpoint if the best way to manage people with mental illness was to keep them locked in. Results showed no differences in attitudes depending on experiences of mental illness. The conclusion of this study shows a predominantly positive attitude among health professionals towards people with mental illness. The study also shows, though to a lesser extent, that there are still tendencies to stigmatization and discriminating attitudes towards people with mental illness among health professionals.

Migration of African-trained physicians abroad : a case study of Saskatchewan, Canada

Kogo, Seraphine 01 June 2009 (has links)
Several factors inform health professionals decisions to migrate from developing to developed countries to practice their profession. This study explores the Push and Pull factors that informed African-trained physicians decisions to migrate to the province of Saskatchewan, how well they integrated into their new working environments upon arrival and how that might contribute to future migration and retention in Saskatchewan. Based on questionnaire surveys and face-to-face interviews, this study identified differences in the relative importance of precipitating factors for physicans from South, North and Other African nations. Although the majority of African-trained physicians for the study indicated that profession-related push factors were the precipitating factors for their migration, a smaller number did not cite these as important. Most respondents for the study integrated well into the health care system and have remained at their current location of practice because of the support they received from colleagues at their work places.

Attityder från vårdpersonal i omvårdnaden av överviktiga patienter : En litteraturöversikt / Attitudes of health professionals in the care of overweight patients : A literature review

Borell, Magdalena, Tranberg, Sofie January 2010 (has links)
<p>Sjuksköterskor och läkare spelar en stor roll i vården av överviktiga patienter och att denna patientgrupp får samma vård på samma villkor som patienter som inte är överviktiga. Inom hälso- och sjukvård kan det finnas negativa attityder om att patienter med ett högt BMI är lata och odisciplinerade. Vårt syfte var tudelat. Det första delsyftet var att beskriva om det finns negativa attityder från vårdpersonal gentemot överviktiga patienter. Den andra delen av syftet var att beskriva den överviktiga patientens egna upplevelser av vårdpersonalens attityder.<strong> </strong>Det gjorde<strong>s </strong>en litteraturöversikt för att sammanställa forskningsläget. Sammanlagt har det analyserats 14 artiklar i resultatet, dessa var både kvantitativa och kvalitativa studier. Två teman arbetades fram. Till dessa framkom åtta underteman. Vårdpersonalens attityder visade sig påverkas av ett antal faktorer. Detta ledde i viss mån till att patienterna undvek att uppsöka vård. Resultatet visade att vårdpersonal är medvetna om att det finns negativa attityder mot överviktiga. Trots detta upplevde många överviktiga patienter nedvärderande attityder från just vårdpersonal. Vårdpersonal uppvisade en del attityder. Det visade sig att patienterna påverkades av dessa attityder oavsett om det var en egen upplevelse eller de faktiskt förekom.</p> / <p>Nurses and doctors play a major role in the care of obese patients and that this population receive the same treatment under the same conditions as patients who are not overweight. Within healthcare, there may be negative attitudes that patients with high BMI are lazy and undisciplined. Our purpose was twofold. The first part seeks to describe if there were negative attitudes of health professionals towards obese patients. The second part of the purpose was to describe the obese patient´s experiences of health professionals´ attitudes. This was a literature survey to compile the research situation. 14 articles were analyzed and put in the result, they were both quantitative and qualitative studies. Two themes were produced, to these eight sub-themes emerged. Health-care workers' attitudes were found to be influenced by a number of factors. This led to some extent that patients avoided seeking medical care. The results showed that health professionals were aware that there were negative attitudes towards overweight patients. Despite this, many overweight patients’ experienceed disparaging attitudes when visiting health professionals. Health professionals had a number of negative attitudes. It was found that patients were affected by these attitudes, whether they are their own experience or they do occur.</p>

Beröringens makt : En litteraturöversikt om hur vårdpersonal använder sig av beröring i omvårdnaden / The power of human touch : A literature review of how health professionals use touch in nursing

Bini, Christina, Nielsen, Claire January 2015 (has links)
Background: Human interaction by touch plays a central role for our health and well being throughout life. When people touch each other our bodies release a hormone called oxytocin into the bloodstream, this gives the body a soothing effect. Touching on the other hand can be perceived as unpleasant if it is not in accordance with the patient’s norm or wishes. From biblical times and through to today human touch plays a central part of nursing. The way we touch each other is not always something that comes naturally, habits of touching depends largely on one´s cultural background, upbringing and experiences. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how health professional’s uses touch in daily care. Method: The authors have made a literature review. Ten research papers of both qualitative and quantitative design have been gathered via database searches. Results: The result showed that touching is an inevitable part of nursing. Health professionals use touch to build relationships and support verbal communication with the patient. The result also showed that touching made patients feel more secure and it also gave health professionals pride. Discussions: The results were discussed in relation to the life-world theory according to Dahlberg and Segesten. The main focus of discussion was: how the relationship between health professionals and the patient is affected by the way touch is used, touch is also used to create positive feelings and health professionals themselves feel strengthened by using touch. / Bakgrund: Beröring har en central betydelse för människans hälsa och välbefinnande genom hela livet. När människan ger och får beröring frisätts hormonet oxytocin till blodet, vilket ger en lugnande effekt. Beröring kan upplevas som obehaglig om den inte är i enlighet med människans vilja. Från bibliska berättelser och fram till idag beskrivs beröring som en betydande del i vårdandet och hur vårdpersonal arbetar. Beröring är dock inte alltid något som kommer sig naturligt, användandet beror till stor del på människans uppväxt, erfarenheter och kulturella bakgrund. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att beskriva hur vårdpersonal använder beröring i den dagliga omvårdnaden. Metod: Författarna har gjort en litteraturöversikt. Tio forskningsartiklar av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ design samlades in genom databassökningar. Resultat: Resultatet visade att beröring är en oundviklig handling i vården. Vårdpersonalens beröring användes för att stärka vårdrelationen och den verbala kommunikationen. Resultatet visade också att beröring gav trygghet för patienterna samtidigt som det gav vårdpersonalen mening med sitt yrke. Diskussion: Resultatet har diskuterats i relation till livsvärldsteorin enligt Dahlberg och Segesten. Diskussionens huvudfokus är de mest framträdande upptäckterna i resultatet, vilka var: att vårdrelationen påverkas av hur vårdpersonalen använder beröring, att beröring används för att skapa positiva känslor samt att vårdpersonalen själva stärks då de använder sig av beröring.

The wounded healer : clinical and counselling psychologists with experience of mental health problems

Davison, Elizabeth January 2013 (has links)
This study aimed to explore how the experience of previous mental-health problems affects clinical and counselling psychologists’ approach to practice. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six clinical and four counselling psychologists who had experienced mental-health difficulties. Data was analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Analysis of the interviews highlighted five master themes: Use of the personal-self of psychologist; Ambivalence; Identity as a psychologist; Psychologists as agent of change; and Finding meaning in suffering. The results of this research showed that psychologists with a history of mental-health problems actively draw upon their experience. In managing their dual identity of service-user and professional, they reported a degree of ambivalence which influenced the way that they viewed themselves and their practice. Their personal experiences seemed to be closely tied up with their professional-identity, which either conflicted with their sense of self or complemented it through highlighting how fortunate they were compared to others. The interviews frequently highlighted how psychologists’ experiences can provide an impetus to speak out for patients’ rights to ensure that they are treated with respect and dignity. A number of psychologists with an experience of mental-health difficulties felt that they might not have pursued their career had they not had previous mental-health difficulties. There appeared to be mixed findings concerning whether the participants felt that their mental-health difficulties had helped or hindered their practice.

Attitudes to fat and fat consumption and sharing of dietary advice : A comparison between healthcare professionals and non-health professionals / Attityder till fett, fettkonsumtion och kostrådgivning : En jämförelse mellan hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal och icke-vårdpersonal

Ruth, Panashe January 2014 (has links)
Background One of the challenges to public health in Sweden is the consumption of excessive saturated fat and too little unsaturated fat. The National Board of Health and Welfare (NBHW), the Swedish National Food Agency (SNFA) and the health sector work together to tackle such challenges, through educating the public on healthy dietary habits. The SNFA provides guidelines for all nutritional information but some of the guidelines have often been questioned leading to uncertainty and differing attitudes towards the consumption of fat in particular. Aims The study’s aim was to compare healthcare professionals’ attitudes to dietary fat and fat consumption to those of non-health professionals. A further aim was to assess if the named two groups gave advice on dietary habits. Method An online questionnaire survey was carried out with the participation of 260 adults recruited through convenience sampling. The questionnaire comprised 13 questions and the data collected were compiled in Microsoft Excel then imported to IBM SPSS 20.0., for processing and analysis. Results were analyzed using chi-square tests with p&lt;0.05. Results A total of 73 healthcare professionals and 187 non-health professionals took part in the study.  Significantly more healthcare professionals than non-health professionals knew and were positive to established dietary advice regarding fat. There were however no differences between the two groups in the consumption of hard dietary fats. Both groups gave advice on dietary habits. Conclusions Healthcare professionals can be perceived as more knowledgeable than non-health professionals on fat consumption. The sharing of dietary advice by healthcare professionals may therefore lead to positive developments regarding those dietary guidelines that have often been questioned. This however requires that the healthcare professionals act professionally and separate what they do in private from what they advise their patients. / Bakgrund En av utmaningarna för folkhälsan i Sverige är konsumtion av för mycket mättat fett och för lite omättat fett.  Socialstyrelsen, det svenska Livsmedelsverket (SLV) och hälsosektorn arbeta tillsammans för att hantera utmaningen genom att utbilda allmänheten om goda matvanor. SLV ger riktlinjer för all näringsinformation men vissa av dessa har ifrågasatts vilket leder till osäkerhet och varierande inställning till just fett och dess konsumtion. Syfte Studiens syfte var att studera attityder till fett och fettkonsumtion bland hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal och icke-vårdpersonal.  Ytterligare syfte var att se om de två grupperna gav råd om matvanor. Metod En webbaserad enkätundersökning genomfördes med deltagandet av 260 vuxna som rekryterades genom bekvämlighetsurval. Enkäten bestod av 13 frågor.  Data som samlades in sammanställdes i Microsoft Excel och fördes sedan över till IBM SPSS 20.0 för bearbetning och analys. Resultaten analyserades genom att använda chi-två test med p &lt; 0,05. Resultat Totalt deltog 73 hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal och 187 icke-vårdpersonal i studien. Betydligt fler hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal än icke-vårdpersonal visste om och var positiva till etablerade kostråd om fett. Det fanns dock inga skillnader mellan de två grupperna i konsumtionen av hårda fetter i kosten. Båda grupperna gav råd om matvanor. Slutsatser Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal kan upplevas som mer kunniga än icke-vårdpersonal angående fettkonsumtion. Råden om matvanor från hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal kan därför leda till positiv utveckling när det gäller de kostråd som ofta ifrågasätts. Detta kräver dock att hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen agerar professionellt och separerar vad de gör privat och råd de ger till patienter.


Perkins, Kate Louise 01 January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to assess the need for menu labeling of calories based on the ability of food consumers to identify lower calorie options. By surveying consumers in Kentucky and Ohio and health professionals in Kentucky about their awareness of caloric content, basic nutrition knowledge and ability to choose lower calorie options, we can predict the potential benefit of menu labeling initiatives and the amount of education that will be necessary for consumers to effectively use menu labeling to make informed decisions on calorie intake. Through online surveys, it was determined that consumers were better able to predict calorie levels of foods at common quick serve restaurants, compared to health professionals. Health professionals are more knowledgeable about daily calorie requirements and more likely to change their quick serve food order with calorie labels. Health professionals and consumers dining out 3-5 times per month were better able to determine low calorie options and daily calorie requirements. These findings suggest that show that health professionals are in no better able to predict calorie levels at restaurants. Furthermore, nutrition education is necessary to aid in the use of menu calorie labeling for consumers.

Vårdpersonalens kunskapsläge i hjärtlungräddning samt följsamhet till det svenska hjärtlungräddningsregistret på ett länssjukhus i Mellansverige : En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie / Healthcare proffessional´s knowledge in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and compliance of the Swedish Register of Cardiopulmonary resusitation at a county hospital in central Sweden Författare:

Dragsten, Mirjam, Salmonsson, Ingela January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: Att kartlägga vårdpersonalens kunskapsläge samt utbildningsfrekvens i hjärtlungräddning på ett länssjukhus i Mellansverige, samt beskriva följsamheten till att registrera behandlade hjärtstopp till det svenska hjärt-lungräddningsregistret. Metod: Enkätstudie med kvantitativ ansats bestående av 177 respondenter samt även som en retrospektiv observationsstudie. Huvudresultat: Enskilda personer svarade rätt på alla kunskapsfrågorna men som grupp fanns det brister i kunskapen i hjärtlungräddning. Då man jämförde vårdpersonalens kunskap påvisades att i fyra av sju kunskapsfrågor fanns en signifikant skillnad i kunskap mellan den vårdpersonal som har mer regelbunden utbildning, än den som har mindre. De som hade mer regelbunden utbildning hade flera rätt. En signifikant skillnad påvisades även beroende på när man hade haft sin senaste HLR-utbildning, där de som haft sin utbildning nyligen hade flera rätt. Följsamheten hos vårdpersonalen till att registrera patienter som behandlats för hjärtstopp på sjukhus till det svenska hjärt-lungräddningsregistret, kan sammanfattas med att det brister i rapporteringen. Konklusion: Det är viktigt att skapa förutsättningar för frekventa utbildningar till vårdpersonal för att öka kunskap och beredskap i hjärt- och lungräddning, vilket även kan ses som ett kvalitetssäkringsarbete. Ett förbättringsarbete är nödvändigt för att förbättra följsamheten till registreringen. / Objective: To identify the healthcare professional´s knowledge and training frequency of cardiopulmony resuscitation in a county hospital in central Sweden, and compliance of the Swedish Register of cardiopulmony resuscitation. Method: Survey with quantitative approach consisting of 177 respondents, as well as a retrospective observational study. Main results: Individuals answered correctly to all knowledge questions, but as a group, there were deficiencies in the knowledge of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. When comparing healthcare professional´s knowledge it was demonstrated that in four of the seven knowledge questions it was a significant difference in knowledge between the health professionals who have more regular training than those with fewer. Those who had more regular education had more right answers. A significant difference was also detected depending on when they had their latest CPR training, where those who have had their education more recently also had more right answers. Compliance of healthcare professional´s to register patients treated for cardiac arrest in hospital at the Swedish CPR registry, can be summarized by the deficiencies in reporting. Conclusion: It is important to create conditions for frequent training to health professionals to increase the knowledge and preparedness in CPR, which can also be seen as a quality assurance work. An improvement is necessary in order to improve compliance to registration.

Bemötandet av familjer till barn med övervikt och fetma : En litteraturstudie om svårigheter och möjligheter / Responses to families of children with overweight and obesity : A literature review about difficulties and opportunities

Hammarberg, Julia, Rasmuson, Cecilia January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Övervikt och fetma bland barn är ett stort folkhälsoproblem. Problemet beskrivs som ett resultat av för hög konsumtion energi i förhållande till den fysiska aktiviteten. Påföljderna kan ge uttryck i både medicinska, psykologiska och sociala konsekvenser och aktuell behandling har visat begränsat resultat. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att belysa vårdpersonals bemötande av familjer till barn med övervikt och fetma. Metod: En allmän litteraturstudie utfördes på tio kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar som sammanställdes. Resultat: Aspekter som uppmärksammades var olika svårigheter och möjligheter som kan framträda i bemötandet. Resultatet påvisade svårigheter sammankopplade med familjernas livsstil och förändrade samhälleliga normer. Attityder och okunskap bland vårdpersonal och familjer, samt ämnets känsliga karaktär ansågs vara andra hinder i bemötandet. De möjligheter som observerades var uppbyggnaden av en tillitsfull relation mellan vårdpersonal och familj med hjälp av omsorgfull dialog. Vidare konstaterades familjefokuserad omvårdnad, samarbete mellan olika yrkesroller, prevention och utbildning som framgångsrika tillvägagångssätt. Slutsats: Ämnet har en känslig och komplex karaktär, vilket medför en rad svårigheter vid bemötandet av patientgruppen. Genom att utöka resurser och utbilda vårdpersonal inom behandlingsstrategier och bemötande kan omvårdnaden effektiviseras. Klinisk betydelse: Utökad kunskap och insikt om svårigheter och möjligheter i vårdpersonalens bemötande av familjer till barn med övervikt och fetma är betydelsefullt för inblandade parter då detta kan leda till förbättringar i omvårdnaden. / Background: Overweight and obesity among children is a major public health concern. The problem is described as a result of excessive consumption of energy in relation to the physical activity. Consequences may show through medical, psychological and social aspects, and current treatments have shown limited results. Aim: The aim of the study was to highlight nursing staff’s responses to families of children with overweight and obesity. Method: A literature review was done on ten qualitative scientific articles. Results: Various difficulties and opportunities that may emerge in the health professional’s responses were observed. The results revealed difficulties that are associated with family lifestyles and changed societal standards. Attitudes and lack of awareness among both health professionals and families, and the sensitive nature of the subject could pose obstacles in the approach. The opportunities that were observed were the building of a trusting relationship between health professionals and family with the help of a caring dialogue. Moreover, family - focused care, collaboration between professional roles, prevention and education showed to be successful patient approaches. Conclusion: The subject is of sensitive and complex nature, which therefore creates difficulties when approaching patients. In order to develop the care effectively there is a need to expand resources and educate health professionals in treatment strategies and patient approach. Clinical Value: Advanced knowledge and understanding of the difficulties and opportunities in nursing staff responses to families of children with overweight and obesity is important for those involved, as this can lead to improvements in care.

Prescribing in teaching hospitals:exploring social and cultural influences on practices and prescriber training

Page, Meredith Ann January 2008 (has links)
Master of Pharmacy / Medicines are a fundamental healthcare intervention, but the benefits they provide depend entirely on the way in which they are used. This begins with prescribing, a complex task with substantial risks. Systematic evaluation of biomedical factors may be viewed as an essential component of this task, but prescribers also integrate an array of individual, social, cultural, environmental and commercial factors into their prescribing decisions. Furthermore, social and cultural characteristics of the prescriber’s workplace may influence how well prescribing decisions are carried out. Whilst numerous research efforts have helped to construct an in-depth understanding of non-biomedical influences on GP’s prescribing patterns, the characteristics of corresponding sorts of influences in teaching hospitals have not been well determined. In hospitals, supervised medical trainees, registrars and consultants prescribe within the framework of medicines management systems involving nurses, pharmacists and patients. Currently, little is known about whether each of these groups has distinct beliefs, attitudes and values that may affect either prescribing behaviour or how prescribing skills of medical trainees are acquired. The aim of this study was to explore the social and cultural dynamics of prescribing and prescriber training in teaching hospitals. To do this, established qualitative methods were employed. Junior doctors, registrars, consultants, nurses, and pharmacists from two metropolitan teaching hospitals were sampled purposively and invited to participate in semi-structured interviews. A brief questionnaire was used to collect demographic and contextual information. In the interviews, participants were asked about their attitudes towards prescribing, their perceptions of roles and responsibilities, how they communicated prescribing decisions, their perceptions of influences on prescribing, and their perceptions of factors contributing to prescribing errors. Participants were also asked for their opinions on various aspects of new prescriber training. Sampling proceeded until redundancy of themes was established. A pilot study was conducted with one participant from each professional group to optimise the interview schedule, and then using this tool, a further 38 participants were interviewed. In total, eight consultants, eight registrars, nine junior doctors, eleven pharmacists, and seven nurses participated. Using reiterative content analysis of a third of all transcripts, a coding scheme was developed, which was used to label and categorise the remaining transcripts. Categories were further developed and refined. The resultant core themes were cross indexed against the five different health professional types using thematic charts to explore patterns. The main lines of enquiry for this research were mapped, the properties of these categories and interrelationships explored in detail, and a model of the prescribing process was developed. Prescribing at the teaching hospitals was a complex process consisting of multiple steps undertaken by several different health professionals of varying levels of experience from three different health care disciplines. Because of the intricate separation of responsibilities, the operation of the process was highly reliant on the behaviours of each player and their relationships with each other. Key prescribing decisions associated with patient admissions were made, almost exclusively, by medical teams. Prescribing was therefore chiefly characterised by factors influencing the behaviours of the doctors. Their behaviours were influenced by factors relating to their individual characteristics (eg, knowledge, skills, experience); but also by a web of socio-cultural determinants inherent to the environment in which they worked. These factors were related to: the organisational structure of the prescribing process; the knowledge characteristics of the doctors; the communication patterns they used; the underlying assumptions they made about prescribing; and the work environment.

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