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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Living with diabetes within the framework of Swedish primary health care : Somalian and professional perspectives

Wallin, Anne-Marie January 2009 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis was to provide knowledge on the one handSomalian-born immigrants´ experiences of living with diabetes mellitus (DM)in a new cultural environment, on the other hand their encounter with Swedishdiabetic care – this from both their own point of view and that of the health-care professionals. There was an endeavour to describe methodological aspectsof the interpreter´s role in respect of the trustworthiness of research performedin multicultural societies. A descriptive design was used, involving threequalitative interview studies with an interpreter (Studies II-IV) and onesystematic literature review (Study I). The latter served as a foundation forconducting the interviews with an interpreter and the Matrix Method was used.The same 19 patients with diabetes of Somalian origin participated in StudiesII-IV, joined by five health-care professionals in Study IV. The interviews weresubjected to qualitative content analysis in the case of Studies II and III, and to phenomenograpic analysis in the case of Study IV. In Study I, 13 empirical cross-cultural interview studies with aninterpreter involved were scrutinized. The findings showed that the interpreter’srole in the research process was given little attention. There was usually noaccount either of the style of interpreting, the interpreter’s previous experienceor the seating arrangements for the interviews. On the other hand most of thestudies offered direct or indirect information about the interpreter’s knowledgeof the aim of the research or participation in the transcription of the text or data analysis. The most frequent techniques used to established trustworthiness were prolonged engagement and member checks. A prominent problem for the participants in Study II was to give uptraditional eating habits. Difficulty in managing everyday life was mentionedespecially by women in connection with the need to keep to the diet regimebecause of a lack of understanding and support from family and friends. Tochanging lifestyle was considered as a hard work and a number of barriers wasmentioned especially when it comes to eating habits. The findings showed avariation how the participants managed the fasting month of Ramadan. Thosewho fasted did not see the diabetes as an obstacle, others did so and indicated that fasting was not compulsory for a sick person. In study III the findings showed that women used more supernaturalbeliefs than men when they described their experiences in connection with thediagnosis and their health beliefs. Most of the experiences of receiving thediagnosis consisted of ways of managing this information. Commonlymentioned by the participants, irrespective of gender, when they receiving thediagnosis was a attempt to find some advantages, or positive comparison. Other participants tried to repress the diagnosis and doubted it. Most of theparticipants, irrespective of gender, did not immediately respond with shock orother strong emotion when they received the diagnosis. In study IV the patients conceived the diabetes care as being of highquality but they also conceived limitation with the care. They conceived unmetneeds such as too long waiting times for appointments, not encountering thesame physician every time, lack of contact with specialists and failure toculturally adapt dietary advice. Health-care professionals conceived severalcultural challenges in the encounter such as managing language barriers,illiteracy and traditions such as fasting during Ramadan. In conclusion, this thesis generate knowledge which can serve as afoundation to securing the quality of diabetes care for this patient group andcontribute to working out local diabetic programmes for patients with anotherbackground than the Swedish. In addition the thesis can contribute to makingimprovements when it comes to working with an interpreter in qualitativeinterview studies as well as in clinical settings.

Bry er om oss : En litteraturstudie om hur familjer i vård i livets slutskede vill bli bemötta av vårdpersonal / Care about us : A literature review about how families in the end-of-life care would like to be treated by the healthcarers

Johnsson, Frida, Mäki, Sofie January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det finns brister i sjukvårdsystemet inom palliativ vård. En anledning är att vårdpersonalen saknar tillräcklig utbildning. Den palliativa vården kan ses som ett lotteri – där nitlotten är att få vårdas i slutet av sitt liv av någon som endast har några timmars utbildning. Familjer kan uppleva livets slut som den mest smärtsamma fasen. Det är av betydelse att vårdpersonalen identifierar när patienten går in i fasen, vård i livets slut. Familjerna är i en utsatt situation, är sårbara och upplever brist på stöd och förståelse från vårdpersonalen. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva hur familjer i vård i livets slutskede vill bli bemötta av vårdpersonal. Metod: Studien är en litteraturstudie baserad på aktuell kvalitativ forskning inom ämnet. Resultat: Data genomsyrades av att vårdpersonalen skulle bry sig om familjerna. Familjer ville att vårdpersonalen skulle se dem som unika individer och inte bli lämnade utanför. Det var viktigt att de blev tagna på allvar och blev förberedda på slutet. Familjer ville att vårdpersonalen skulle kunna visa känslor och skapa en personlig relation med dem. Slutsats: Trots att familjer i vård i livets slut inte förväntar sig mycket av vårdpersonalen så är det betydelsefullt för dem om vårdpersonalen bryr sig om dem. / Background: There are deficiencies in the healthcare system regarding palliative care. A reason is that healthcarers lack of education. The palliative care can be seen as a lottery - the blank is to be treated by someone with only a few hours education. Families can experience end of life as the most distressing stage. It is therefore important that healthcarers identify when the patient enter the end of life stage. These families are exposed, vulnerable and other experience lack of support and understanding from the healthcarers. Aim: The aim was to describe how the families would like to be treated by the healthcarers. Methods: The study is a literature review based on qualitative articles from current research. Results: The major finding was that healthcarers should care for the families. The families needed to be seen as unique individuals and not to be left behind. It was important to be taken seriously and to be prepared for the end of life. The families wanted that the healthcarers were able to show emotions and create a personal relation to them. Conclusion: Despite that the families in the end of life stage does not expect much from the heatlhcarers it is significant for the families if the healthcarers care about them.

Kvinnors våld mot män : Våld i nära relationer / Women’s violence against men : Intimate partner violence

Landaverde, Domenica, Nyberg, Linda January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Våld i nära relationer är ett globalt samhällsproblem som leder till fysisk och psykisk ohälsa. Våldet kan vara både fysiskt, psykiskt och/eller sexuellt. Män upplever rädsla att förlora sin manliga identitet samt att bli förlöjligade när de söker hjälp. Det finns ringa forskning kring män som är utsatta för våld i nära relationer. Förståelsen och medvetenheten om mäns erfarenheter av våldet, samt deras behov av stöd och hjälp, är begränsade. Syfte: Att belysa hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens kunskap och attityder gällande män som är utsatta för våld i nära relationer. Metod: En litteraturöversikt baserad på tre kvalitativa studier, sex kvantitativa studier och en mixad studie. Resultat: Tre teman kunde urskiljas utifrån syftet; Kunskap, Attityder och Upplevelser. Ur dessa teman urskiljdes fyra subteman; Teoretisk kunskap och utbildning, Praktisk kunskap, Upplevda hinder och Upplevd frustration. Slutsats: Kompetensen om våld i nära relationer hos hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens är bristfällig. Fortsatt forskning kan leda till att ämnet belyses och hälso- och sjukvården får större beredskap, vilket kan leda till bättre omvårdnad för patienten. Klinisk betydelse: Ökad kunskap om män utsatta för våld i nära relationer kan leda till förbättrad attityd gentemot utsatta män. Kunskapen kan till exempel integreras i sjuksköterskeutbildningen genom att vid utbildning om våld i nära relationer ge männens utsatthet större uppmärksamhet. / Background: Intimate partner violence is a global health problem which leads to physical and mental illness. The violence can be physical, psychological and/or sexual. The men experiences fear to lose their male identity and also to be ridiculed when they seek help. There are few researches about men exposed to intimate partner violence, which has led to limited understanding and consciousness about men’s experiences of violence and their needs of support and help. Aim: To illuminate health care professional´s knowledge and attitudes regarding men exposed to intimate partner violence. Method: A literature review based on three qualitative studies, six quantitative studies and one study with mixed method. Result: Three themes could be identified based on the aim; Knowledge, Attitudes and Experiences. Out of these themes four subthemes could be identified; Theoretical knowledge and education, Practical knowledge, Perceived barriers and Perceived frustration. Conclusion: Health care professional´s competence of intimate partner violence is inadequate. Further research would bring more knowledge on the topic and give the health care greater preparedness, which in turn would result in better care for the patient. Clinical significance: Increasing the knowledge about men exposed to intimate partner violence can result in improving the attitude against these exposed men. For example, such knowledge could be integrated in the nursing program and bring more attention about intimate partner violence and men´s vulnerability.

Vårdpersonals erfarenheter av att vårda äldre personer med demenssjukdom som har upplevt psykiskt trauma : en kvalitativ intervjustudie / Health care professionals' experience of caring for elderly with dementia who have experienced psychological trauma : a qualitative interview study

Båkman, Kajsa January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Medicinos darbuotojų psichologinių darbo aplinkos veiksnių ir savo sveikatos vertinimo sąsajų tyrimas / Medical staff health assessment research in perfective their interfaces of psichosocial work environment factors

Leščinskienė, Kristina 11 June 2012 (has links)
Įvadas. Pastarųjų metų Lietuvos ir Europos tyrimai rodo, kad psichologinė įtampa ir distresas darbe sukelia vis daugiau sveikatos sutrikimų bei įtakoja ligų atsiradimą. Darbo tikslas. Nustatyti sąsajas tarp medicinos darbuotojų psichosocialinių darbo aplinkos veiksnių ir savo sveikatos vertinimo. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrime iš viso dalyvavo 278 sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų darbuotojai. Iš jų 121 gydytojas ir 157 bendrosios praktikos slaugytojos. Tyrimas atliktas anoniminės apklausos būdu 2011 metų vasario - birželio mėnesiais. Naudojome standartizuotą Lietuvoje adaptuotą švedų klausimyną pagal Karaseką – reikalavimai, kontrolė, socialinė parama. Duomenų analizei naudotos programos SPSS 14,0 ir MS Word. Rezultatai. Kauno miesto sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų bendrosios praktikos slaugytojos (55,4 proc.) statistiškai reikšmingai dažniau patyrė įtampą darbe nei gydytojai (35,5 proc.) (p<0,001). Nustatytas statistiškai reikšmingas ryšys tarp aukšto arterinio kraujo spaudimo ir savo sveikatos vertinimo. 46,3 proc. (p=0,01) gydytojų turėjo aukštą arterinį kraujospūdį ir savo sveikatą įvertino kaip blogą. 45,3 proc. (p<0,001) slaugytojų turėjo aukštą arterinį kraujospūdį ir savo sveikatą įvertino kaip blogą. Nustatyti statistiškai reikšmingi skirtumai tarp gydytojų patiriamo psichologinio distreso (p=0,03), silpnos vidinės darnos (p<0,001) bei blogo savo sveikatos vertinimo. 41,9 proc. (p=0,02) bendrosios praktikos slaugytojų, patiriančių aukštus reikalavimus darbe ir pasižyminčių silpna... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Introduction. In recent years Lithuanian and European studies have shown that the psychological strain and distress at work is causing more and more health problems and influence the emergence of diseases. Aim of study. To determine the associations between medical staff’s psychosocial work environment factors and their health perception. Methods. The study included a total of 278 health care workers, 121 medical doctors and 157 general practice nurses. The survey has been accomplished anonymously in 2011, between February and June. A standardized Swedish questionnaire by Karasek adapted to Lithuanians – demands, control, and social support – was used. For Data analysis SPSS 14.0 and MS Word was used. Results. The general practice nurses in Kaunas city (55.4%) statistically significantly more frequently experienced job strain as compared to medical doctors (35.5%) (p<0.001). We established a statistically significant association between high blood pressure and self-rated health assessment. 46.3% (p=0.01) of medical doctors with elevated blood pressure assessed their health as poor. 45.3% (p<0.001) of nurses with elevated blood pressure rated their health as poor. We established statistically significant differences between psychological distress (p=0.03), weak sense of coherence (p<0.001) and poor self-rated health among medical doctors. 41.9% (p=0.02) general practice nurses experiencing high demands at work and having weak sense of coherence 33.7% (p=0.01) rated their... [to full text]

Paliatyviosios pagalbos organizavimas onkologine nepagydoma liga sergančiam vaikui: specialistų patirtis ir požiūris / Organisation of palliative care for children with terminal cancer: professional experience and approach

Balčiūnienė, Andželika 20 June 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas. Atskleisti sveikatos priežiūros specialistų, dirbančių vaikų onkohematologiniame skyriuje, patirtį teikiant paliatyviosios pagalbos paslaugas ir požiūrį į vaikų paliatyviosios pagalbos paslaugų organizavimą vaikui, sergančiam onkologine nepagydoma liga, Lietuvoje. Tyrimo klausimai: Kokia yra sveikatos priežiūros specialistų patirtis teikiant paliatyviosios pagalbos paslaugas vaikų onkohematologiniame skyriuje? Koks yra sveikatos priežiūros specialistų požiūris į vaikų paliatyviosios pagalbos paslaugų organizavimą vaikui, sergančiam onkologine nepagydoma liga, Lietuvoje? Tyrimo metodika. Atliktas kokybinis aprašomasis tyrimas, taikant giluminį interviu ir kokybinę turinio indukcinę analizę. Tyrimas buvo vykdomas 2012 m. lapkričio – 2013 m. vasario mėnesiais. Viso atlikta 12 interviu. Tyrime dalyvavo 12 specialistų: trys gydytojai, šeši slaugytojai, du psichologai, vienas socialinis darbuotojas. Tyrimo duomenų apdorojimui pasirinktas temų analizės metodas. Rezultatai. Tyrime dalyvavę specialistai vaikų paliatyviosios pagalbos sampratą apibūdino ir suprato plačiąja prasme, įžvelgdami ne tik medicininės, bet ir socialinės, psichologinės pagalbos svarbą. Grupinės diskusijos metu dominavo nuomonė, kad teikiant vaikų paliatyviosios pagalbos paslaugas labai svarbus yra medicininis aspektas, skausmo malšinimas, medicininė slauga. Specialistai aptarė vaikų paliatyviąją pagalbą kaip ypatingą bei keliančią didelę emocinę naštą dirbantiems šioje sityje. Specialistų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The objective of the research is to disclose the experience of health care professionals working at the Children’s Department of Oncology and Hematology in providing palliative care services and their approach towards organisation of palliative care services for children with terminal cancer in Lithuania. Research issues: What is the experience of health care professionals in providing palliative care services to children with terminal cancer at the Children’s Department of Oncology and Hematology? What is the approach of health care professionals towards organisation of palliative care services for children with terminal cancer in Lithuania? Research methods. The qualitative descriptive research involving in-depth interview and qualitative inductive content analysis was performed. The research was carried out during the period from November 2012 till February 2013. The total of 12 interviews was completed. 12 professionals participated in the research: three doctors, six nurses, two psychologists and one social worker. The topic analysis method was selected for the processing of the research data. Results. The professionals who participated in the research described and perceived the conception of palliative care for children in a broad sense and discerned the significance not only of medical care, but also of social and psychological help. During the group discussion the opinion that the medical aspect, pain relief and medical nursing are very important in providing... [to full text]

Att möta föräldrar på vårdcentral : Är att balansera mellan skilda perspektiv och förväntningar

Mars, Ida, Rajala, Satu January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vårdcentraler är första instans vid vårdbehov om patientens tillstånd inte är akut. Av alla läkarbesök på vårdcentral utgörs 23 % av barn 0-18 år. Barn kommer sällan själva utan har med sig föräldrar eller vårdnadshavare. Därmed behöver vårdpersonalen förhålla sig till två individer i vårdsituationen. Föräldrar är en resurs för barnet och behöver ges möjlighet att tillsammans med barnet vara delaktiga i vårdsituationer. Vårdrelationen påverkar hur mötet mellan föräldrar, barn och vårdpersonal blir. Syfte: Att beskriva vårdpersonals reflektioner kring möten med föräldrar som söker vård för sina barn på vårdcentral. Metod: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys med en induktiv ansats. Det analyserade materialet utgörs av vårdpersonals reflektioner ur ett tidigare forskningsprojekt om barns delaktighet. Resultat: Att möta föräldrar som söker vård för sina barn på vårdcentral innebär att vårdpersonal balanserar mellan skilda perspektiv och förväntningar. Detta beskrivs som: Att ha föreställningar om föräldrars föreställningar och förväntningar; Att möta föräldrar och barn som en enhet och unika individer och Att vägleda föräldrar. Slutsats: Distriktssköterskans förutsättning för att upprätta en vårdande relation med föräldrar och barn i en vårdsituation innebär att försöka förstå och möta föräldrars och barns perspektiv och förväntningar. Genom en vårdande relation gynnas vårdsituationen, barnets hälsa och förälderns förtroende för vårdpersonalen. / Background: Primary Healthcare Centers (PHC) are the first instance to seek care for patients who are not acutely ill. Children between 0-18 years account for 23 % of all doctor visits at PHC. These children rarely arrive by themselves; they are accompanied by parents or guardians. Thereby the health care professionals (HCP) need to relate to two individuals in the care situation. Parents are a resource for their child and they should be given the opportunity to participate with the child in caring situations. The care relation influences the outcome of the encounter between parent, child and HCP. Aim: To describe HCP' reflections about the encounters with parents seeking care for their children at the PHC. Method: A qualitative content analysis with inductive approach was used. The analyzed material consists of HCP's reflections derived from a prior research project regarding children's involvement. Results: Encountering parents who seek care for their children at PHC means that HCP's in these care situations balance between different perspectives and expectations. This balance includes reflections that are described as: To have beliefs about parent's perceptions and expectations; To encounter parents and children as a unit and unique individuals and To guide parents. Conclusion: The prerequisite for district nurses to create a caring relationship with parents and children in a care situation involves understanding and encountering parents and childrens perspectives. A caring relationship benefits the care situation, the child's health and parent's trust in the HCP's.

Ammande mödrars erfarenheter av stöd i samband med amning : En beskrivande litteraturstudie

Eliasson, Malin, Nilsson, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Mödrar har ammat i alla tider mer eller mindre. Attityder från familj och rådande kultur kan göra modern ambivalent till att amma sitt barn. Problem kan uppstå, som kan leda till att modern avstår från att amma. Det finns många fördelar med att amma både för barnet och för modern. Sjuksköterskan kan främja amning och bidra till att mödrar i större utsträckning får stöd att amma sina barn.                                                            Syfte: Att beskriva ammande mödrars erfarenheter av stöd i samband med amning samt att beskriva de valda artiklarnas undersökningsgrupp.                    Metod: En beskrivande litteraturstudie baserad på tio vetenskapliga artiklar. Artiklarna hämtades från databaserna MedLine/PubMed och Cinahl via högskolan i Gävle.  Resultat: Resultatet i litteraturstudien beskriver mödrars erfarenheter av amningsstöd i olika situationer, både positivt och negativt. De olika teman som framkom var, Blandade reaktioner innan förlossning, Efterfrågan av expertstöd och socialt stöd, Få ett bra bemötande, Osäkerhet och frustration, samt Uppskattning och missnöje av praktiska tips. Mödrar upplevde förberedelser för amning som användbart, men att amning inte alltid presenterades på ett realistiskt och ärligt sätt. Både förstföderskor och omföderskor önskade professionellt stöd. Om vårdpersonalen svarade på den enskilda moderns behov, värderades stödjande och icke-dömande som positivt amningsstöd. Motsägelsefulla budskap skapade förvirring och osäkerhet. Praktiskt stöd uppskattades särskilt i början. Hårdhänt vårdpersonal vid det praktiska stödet gjorde att mödrar kände sig missnöjda. Mödrarna i litteraturstudien var i olika åldrar, både förstföderskor och omföderskor som hade fött vaginalt eller med kejsarsnitt. Tre världsdelar fanns representerade som Europa, Oceanien och Nordamerika.                                                        Slutsats: Vikten av professionellt bra amningsstöd är en förutsättning för att fler mödrar ska känna sig tryggare vid amning. En bra förberedelse, praktiskt stöd och att informationen presenteras på ett realistiskt, ärligt, konsekvent sätt samt är baserat på mamman som individ gör kanske att fler mödrar ammar sina barn. Detta kan leda till att fler mödrar och barn kan ta del av det fördelar som amning innebär.  Nyckelord: Amning, problem, stöd, hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal, kvalitativ, omvårdnad. / Abstract Background: Mothers are breastfeeding at all times more or less. Attitudes from family and current culture can make mother ambivalent to breastfeeding their child. Problems may arise which may result in the mother refraining from breastfeeding. There are many benefits of breastfeeding both for the child and for the mother. The nurse can promote breastfeeding and contribute until mothers get more support to breastfeeding their children.                  Aim: To describe breastfeeding mothers experiences of breastfeeding support and to describe the selected articles study-group.                                       Method: A descriptive literature review based on ten scientific articles. The articles were retrieved from databases Med Line/PubMed and Cinahl through the University of Gävle.  Results: The outcome of the literature study describes mothers' experiences of breastfeeding support in different situations, both positive and negative. The different themes that emerged was, Mixed pre-delivery reactions, Demand for expert support and social support, and Get a good deal of attention, Insecurity and frustration, as well as Appreciation and dissatisfaction with practical tips. Mothers experienced preparations for breastfeeding as useful, but breastfeeding was not always presented in a realistic and honest way. Both prim parous and multiparous desired professional support. If the healthcare staff was responding to the needs of the single mother, evaluated supportive and non-judging as positive breastfeeding support. Contradictory messages created confusion and uncertainty. Practical support was especially appreciated initially. Hard-hearted healthcare professionals in the practical support made mothers feel dissatisfied.The mother´s in the literature study was of different ages, both prim parous and multiparous, who had born vaginally or with caesarean sections. Three continents were represented as Europe, Oceania and North America.                                                                                                                     Conclusion: The importance of professionally good breastfeeding support is a prerequisite for more mothers to feel safer when breastfeeding. A good preparation, practical support and that the information presented in a realistic, honest, consistent way and is based on the mother as an individual way make more mother´s breastfeed their children. This can lead to more mothers and children taking advantage of the benefits that breastfeeding involves.     Keywords: Breastfeeding, problems, support, health care- professionals, qualitative,nursing.

The knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of health care professionals at the Mahalapye District Hospital about the World Spine Care model in the Central District of Botswana

Chihambakwe, Mufudzi January 2018 (has links)
Submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Master’s Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2018. / Background: The World Spine Care (WSC) is a non-governmental organization that provides evidence-based spinal care to underserved communities around the world. The WSC opened a clinic in the Mahalapye District Hospital (MDH) in 2011 (Haldeman et al., 2015:2304). The WSC aims for long term presence in Botswana. They will require ‘buy in’ from the local community including the health care professionals of the region. Little is known about how WSC has been received by other health care professionals in the settings where they are present. Hence, this study aimed to determine the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of health care professionals working at the MDH about the WSC. Method: A qualitative exploratory descriptive study was conducted using semi-structured interviews. Twenty health care professionals were interviewed at the Mahalapye District Hospital to ascertain their levels of knowledge, attitudes and perceptions. The interviews were semi- structured and conducted in English and later transcribed verbatim. The transcripts were then analyzed using the thematic analysis described by Graneheim and Lundman (2003:105). Thereafter codes, categories and themes were formed. Results: A variety of health care professionals from different departments were interviewed. Three overarching themes emerged from the data: knowledge of WSC and the management of spinal related disorders at the MDH, the perceived role of WSC, challenges to integration and possible solutions. The HCPs had varying levels of knowledge of the WSC depending on the amount of interaction they had with WSC. Some HCPs who had greater inter-professional interaction with WSC displayed more positive attitudes towards WSC. Many of the HCPs had a positive perception of the WSC though they were not confident in their knowledge of the WSC scope of practice which has limited referral by HCPs WSC. This is mainly due to an unclear referral pathway within the hospital and limited knowledge of WSC’s scope of practice. Increased awareness and an improved system of referral was a strong recommendation made. Many mentioned an unclear referral pathway for their patients. Those who had interacted with WSC generally had pleasant personal interactions with the WSC. Several of the HCPs had themselves been patients of the WSC. Most HCPs felt that WSC was beneficial to patients and made suggestions for WSC to expand to other centres across Botswana. Conclusion: Overall there was a positive perception of WSC however more effort to increase knowledge of what WSC offers and how it can be integrated into the hospital is necessary. Future studies should assess the perceptions of patients as well as knowledge and attitudes of HCPs towards WSC at other sites. / M


Santos, Bibiana Ramos dos 19 January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this research was to know the demands identified by health care team professionals of Family Health Care Strategy, focusing on adolescence. Such study contemplates on its theoretical review a presentation of the Health System and the Family Health Care Strategy, as well as the public policies for adolescents proposed by the Health Ministry (PROSAD). There is a specific chapter about adolescence, in which changes experienced in such period of development are approached, including physical, psychic and social aspects, as well as the importance of the family relationships as regards the adolescents. Such study aimed to understand, through the Bioecological Theory of Human Development, the relation between the adolescent and his context, establishing interferences among microsystems and their effects on the adolescent‟s health. In order to reach the aim of the study, a qualitative approach was used. Data collection consisted of semi-structured interviews carried out with professionals of five teams of Family Health Care Strategy in Santa Maria/RS. Results were understood through the analysis of multiple cases and analyzed through content analysis. The reports of the professionals indicate the fragility of actions directed to the adolescent public, but also point out important problems presented in such group. Among them, the results highlight pregnancy in adolescence, violence, drugs and family problems. The professionals point out the absence of projects directed to the adolescent public, what could increase the risk concerning the problems previously described. The health care professionals have no knowledge of the existence of Adolescent Health Care Program (PROSAD), and such aspect enables understanding the difficulties referred concerning assistance of the adolescent public. Moreover, aspects regarding working instability related to the maintenance of the health care teams were pointed out by the professionals. Such aspects interfere on the bonds established with the community, as well as on the investment concerning new actions and/or projects. The final considerations highlight the importance of making improvements in the working process of the teams of Family Health Care Strategy, emphasizing the proposal to strengthen the implementation of ideas present in PROSAD, which includes the main questions highlighted by the professionals as part of their communities. Without the consolidation of specific actions for the adolescents, risks seem to increase within such group. Thus, health care promotion and prevention become increasingly urgent and necessary. / O objetivo desta pesquisa foi conhecer as demandas identificadas por profissionais de saúde das equipes de Estratégia de Saúde da Família, com foco na adolescência. O estudo contempla em sua revisão teórica uma apresentação do Sistema Único de Saúde e Estratégia de Saúde da Família, assim como o resgate das políticas públicas, direcionadas aos adolescentes, propostas pelo Ministério da Saúde (PROSAD). Encontra-se no estudo um capítulo específico sobre adolescência, no qual se procurou dar enfoque às mudanças vivenciadas nesta etapa do desenvolvimento, incluindo aspectos físicos, psíquicos e sociais, assim como a importância das relações familiares para os adolescentes.O estudo buscou compreender através da Teoria Bioecológica do Desenvolvimento Humano, a relação do adolescente com seu contexto, estabelecendo as interferências entre esses microssistemas e seu efeito sobre a saúde do adolescente. Para atender ao objetivo proposto, o estudo foi de caráter qualitativo. Foram entrevistados, através da técnica de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, profissionais de cinco equipes da Estratégia de Saúde da Família da cidade de Santa Maria/RS. Os resultados foram compreendidos através da proposta de casos múltiplos, e analisados através da análise de conteúdo. Os resultados evidenciados através das falas dos profissionais indicaram a fragilidade das ações direcionadas ao público adolescente, mas, também apontaram para importantes problemáticas presentes neste grupo. Entre elas destaca-se a gravidez na adolescência, a violência, as drogas e os problemas familiares. Os profissionais apontaram para a ausência de projetos direcionados ao público adolescente, o que aumentaria o risco para as problemáticas anteriormente descritas. Os profissionais de saúde não têm conhecimento da existência do Programa de Saúde do Adolescente (PROSAD), aspecto que possibilita compreender as dificuldades referidas na atuação junto ao público adolescente. Foram apontados, ainda, pelos profissionais, aspectos referentes à instabilidade no trabalho com relação à manutenção das equipes, aspecto que interfere nos vínculos estabelecidos com a comunidade, bem como no investimento em novas ações e/ou projetos. As considerações finais destacam a importância de incrementar o trabalho das equipes de Estratégia de Saúde da Família, fomentando a proposta de forma a fortalecer a implantação das idéias presentes no PROSAD, que inclui as principais questões destacadas pelos profissionais, presentes em suas comunidades. Sem a consolidação de ações específicas para os adolescentes percebe-se o aumento de riscos presentes neste grupo, razão pela qual a promoção de saúde e a prevenção se tornam cada vez mais urgentes e necessárias

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