Spelling suggestions: "subject:"heart rate variability"" "subject:"peart rate variability""
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Information domain analysis of physiological signals: applications on the cardiac and neural systems of rats and monkeys / Ανάλυση φυσιολογικών σημάτων στο πεδίο της θεωρίας πληροφοριών: εφαρμογές στο καρδιακό και νευρικό σύστημα ποντικιών και πιθήκωνMoraru, Liviu 23 November 2007 (has links)
Extraction of physiological and clinical information hidden in biosignals, such as cardiac and neural signals, is an important and fascinating field of research. Noninvasive assessment of the physiological parameters of a patient enables to study the physiology and pathophysiology of the investigated system, with minimal interference and inconvenience. This approach may also help to assess noninvasively the clinical condition of the patient.
The primary focus of this study is therefore to extend the arsenal of research tools for the noninvasive investigation of the neural and cardiac systems.
The approaches developed in this work concern two major directions:
The first direction relies on the analysis of cardiac and neural responses during hypoxia. Hypoxia-ischemia remains a great challenge to the researchers, since it triggers complex responses at different levels in the organism. The functional recovery depends on a number of factors among which the state of autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulation plays an important role. Two different applications were considered in this framework. The first application studied the effect of global ischemic preconditioning on the heart rate variability (HRV) response to the asphyxia insult. Using linear (time and frequency domain) and nonlinear (approximate entropy and parameters of Poincare plots) measures, we evaluated the dynamic time course of the HRV response to the asphyxia insult and the effect of preconditioning on the autonomic neurocardiac control. Our results show for the first time that global ischemic preconditioning influences the HRV response to the asphyxia injury. The neuroprotective effect of preconditioning translates into a faster recovery of the basal HRV and the autonomic modulation of the heart. For the preconditioned group, at about 90 min after the asphyxic insult, the autonomic neural balance (measured by LF/HF ratio) appears fully recovered.
Another application addressed the problem of phase synchronization analysis of EEG signals during monitoring of recovery process following brain injury episode. The concept of phase synchronization offers a new perspective on the understanding and quantification of the dynamical interactions established among coupled systems. In this thesis, we present a new approach for the identification of the degree of interaction between two complex dynamical systems from experimental data analysis. We use the empirical-mode-decomposition (EMD) technique to decompose the output signals into a number of elementary orthogonal modes with well defined instantaneous attributes (IMFs).
The second direction addressed the problem of correlations between anticipatory pursuit eye movements and the neural response in the Supplementary Eye Fields (SEF) of the Macaque monkey. Anticipatory pursuit is a smooth movement of the eye occurring before the appearance of an expected moving target. The expectation of the subject is based on a subjective estimation of the probability that the target will move in a given direction. Recently, it has been suggested that the SEF could play a role in using past experience to guide anticipatory pursuit. This hypothesis is currently being tested at the single neuron level. In the behaving monkey, it has been shown that electrical microstimulation in the SEF can facilitate smooth pursuit initiation towards a moving target, suggesting that activation of the SEF might change the internal gain of the smooth pursuit pathway. In this study, we favored anticipatory responses in monkeys by using a cognitive cue, which produces a different anticipatory pursuit response than the one observed in previous studies, based on repetition. / H εξαγωγή φυσιολογικών και κλινικών πληροφοριών οι οποίες είναι κρυμμένες σε βιοσήματα όπως τα καρδιακά και νευροφυσιολογικά σήματα είναι ένας σημαντικός και πολύ ενδιαφέρον τομέας έρευνας. Μη επεμβατική αξιολόγηση των φυσιολογικών παραμέτρων ενός ασθενή επιτρέπει την μελέτη της φυσιολογίας και παθολογίας του μελετούμενου συστήματος με τις λιγότερες παρεμβολές και ενόχληση. Η προσέγγιση αυτή μπορεί επίσης να βοηθήσει στην μη επεμβατική αξιολόγηση της κλινικής κατάστασης του ασθενή.
Η πρώτη προσέγγιση της μελέτης αυτής είναι να επεκτείνει το οπλοστάσιο των ερευνητικών εργαλείων για την μη επεμβατική αναζήτηση του νευρικού και καρδιακού συστήματος.
Οι προσεγγίσεις που αναπτύσσονται σε αυτή τη δουλειά αφορούν δύο κύριες κατευθύνσεις:
Η πρώτη κατεύθυνση υπόκειται στην ανάλυση των καρδιακών και νευροφυσιολογικών αποκρίσεων κατά τη διάρκεια της υποξίας. Η ισχεμία – υποξία παραμένει μια μεγάλη πρόκληση στους ερευνητές εφόσον πυροδοτεί πολύπλοκες αποκρίσεις σε διαφορετικά επίπεδα στον οργανισμό. Η λειτουργική αποκατάσταση εξαρτάται από έναν αριθμό συντελεστών μεταξύ των οποίων ο έλεγχος της κατάστασης του αυτόνομου νευρικού συστήματος παίζει έναν πολύ σημαντικό ρόλο. Δύο διαφορετικές εφαρμογές ελήφθησαν υπόψη στο πλαίσιο αυτό. Η πρώτη εφαρμογή μελέτησε το φαινόμενο της ολικής ισχαιμικής προκατάστασης στην μεταβλητότητα του καρδιακού ρυθμού (heart rate variability - HRV) σε προσβολή από ασφυξία. Χρησιμοποιώντας γραμμικές (στον τομέα του χρόνου και των συχνοτήτων) και μη γραμμικές (υπολογισμός εντροπίας και παραμέτρων των γραφημάτων Poincare) τεχνικές υπολογίσαμε την δυναμική χρονική εξέλιξη της HRV απόκρισης στην προσβολή από ασφυξία και η επίπτωση της προ-κατάστασης στο αυτόνομο νευροκαρδιολογικό έλεγχο. Τα αποτελέσματά μας έδειξαν για πρώτη φορά ότι η ολική ισχαιμική προκατάσταση επηρεάζει την HRV απόκριση στον τραυματισμό από την ασφυξία. Η νευροπροστατευτική επίπτωση της προκατάστασης μεταφράζεται σε μία γρηγορότερη αποκατάσταση του βασικού HRV και μία αυτόνομη εναρμόνιση της καρδιάς. Για την ομάδα με την προκατάσταση σε περίπου 90 λεπτά μετά την προσβολή από ασφυξία, η αυτόνομη νευρολογική ισορροπία (μετρούμενη από τον λόγο χαμηλών προς υψηλών συχνοτήτων εμφανίζεται πλήρως αποκαταστημένη.
Μία άλλη εφαρμογή απευθύνεται στο πρόβλημα της ανάλυσης του συγχρονισμού φάσεων των σημάτων Ηλεκτροεγκεφαλογραφήματος κατά τη διάρκεια παρακολούθησης της διαδικασίας αποκατάστασης μετά από επεισόδιο εγκεφαλικής βλάβης. Η ιδέα του συγχρονισμού φάσεων προσφέρει μία νέα προοπτική στην κατανόηση και ποσοτικοποίηση των δυναμικών αλληλεπιδράσεων μεταξύ συστημάτων συζευγμένων ταλαντωτών. Σε αυτή τη διδακτορική διατριβή παρουσιάζουμε μια νέα προσέγγιση για την ανίχνευση του βαθμού της αλληλεπίδρασης μεταξύ δύο πολύπλοκων δυναμικών συστημάτων από την ανάλυση πειραματικών δεδομένων. Χρησιμοποιούμε την τεχνική του εμπειρικού τρόπου αποδόμησης (empirical-mode-decomposition EMD) για να διασπάσουμε τα σήματα εξόδου σε έναν αριθμό βασικών ορθογώνιων μερών με πολύ καλά καθορισμένες στιγμιαίες ιδιότητες (instantaneous attributes IMFs).
Η δεύτερη κατεύθυνση είναι το πρόβλημα των συσχετίσεων μεταξύ προνοητικών κινήσεων των ματιών και των νευροφυσιολογικών αποκρίσεων στα παιδία των ματιών (Supplementary Eye Fields SEF) πιθήκων Macaque. Οι προνοητικές κινήσεις είναι απαλές κινήσεις των ματιών που συμβαίνουν πριν την εμφάνιση ενός αναμενόμενου κινούμενου στόχου. Η αναμονή από το υποκείμενο βασίζεται σε έναν υποκειμενικό υπολογισμό της πιθανότητας ότι ο στόχος θα κινηθεί σε μια δεδομένη κατεύθυνση. Πρόσφατα, έχει υποτεθεί ότι τα SEF μπορούν να παίζουν ρόλο στην χρησιμοποίηση παλαιών εμπειριών στην καθοδήγηση αναμενόμενων κινήσεων. Αυτή η υπόθεση έχει ελεγχθεί στο επίπεδο ενός μόνο νευρώνα. Στον πίθηκο έχει βρεθεί ότι ο ηλεκτρικός μικροερεθισμός στο SEF μπορεί να διευκολύνει την ομαλή έναρξη της κίνησης προς έναν κινούμενο στόχο, συνιστώντας ότι η ενεργοποίηση του SEF μπορεί να αλλάξει την εσωτερική απόδοση του δικτύου της ομαλής κίνησης. Σε αυτή τη μελέτη, ενισχύσαμε την εκκίνηση των ομαλών κινήσεων των πιθήκων προς ένα κινούμενο στόχο η οποία παράγει μία διαφορετική προνοητική κίνηση αυτής που παρατηρείται σε προηγούμενες μελέτες η οποία βασίζεται σε επανάληψη.
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Vergleich der physiologischen Stressreagibilität von Frauen mit komplexen Traumafolgestörungen und gesunden Frauen / Comparison of the physiological stress reactivity in healthy women and women with posttraumatic stress disorderBornschein, Gesine 20 August 2014 (has links)
Hintergrund: Vegetative Übererregbarkeit ist ein zentrales Symptom der posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung (PTBS), welche durch eine präfrontale Disinhibition des limbischen Systems mit hieraus folgenden maladaptiven peripheren Stressreaktionen erklärt wird. Lange Zeit hat die Forschung den starken Einfluss des Parasympathikus auf die Stressregulation vernachlässigt und durch Erfassung zu weniger Parameter der Komplexität der autonomen Stressregulation nicht ausreichend Rechnung getragen. In dieser Studie sollen die Auswirkungen der sympathovagalen Dysbalance auf alltägliche Stressreaktionen und das Entspannungsvermögen von Frauen mit PTBS im Vergleich zu gesunden Frauen untersucht und Erkenntnisse über verschiedene autonome Regulationsmechanismen gewonnen werden. Hierbei sollen auch medikamentöse Einflüsse berücksichtigt und das subjektive Stressempfinden mit den physiologischen Messwerten korreliert werden. Methoden: 52 Patientinnen (P) und 39 gematchte, gesunde Frauen (K) wurden mit Hilfe eines hämodynamischen Monitorsystems während zweier 5-minütiger Stresstests (Rechentest: RT, Babyschreien: BS) und in Ruhe untersucht. Mittels EKG-, Impedanz- und Blutdruckmessungen wurden für jeden Herzschlag die folgenden Parameter erhoben: Herzrate (HR), Herzindex (CI), Präejektionszeit (PEP), peripherer Gefäßwiderstandsindex (TPRI), systolischer Blutdruck (sBP), hoch- und niederfrequente Herzratenvariabilität (HF- und LF-HRV), Standardabweichung der regulären RR-‐Intervalle (SDNN) und Barorezeptorsensitivät (BRS). Neben dem globalen Gruppenvergleich wurde auch ein Subgruppenvergleich durchgeführt, bei welchem die Reaktionen der Patientinnen ohne kardial wirksame Medikamente (P0, n=21) jeweils mit denen der Patientinnen mit kardial wirksamer Medikation (P1, n=27) und denen der Kontrollgruppe verglichen wurde. Zu Beginn der Untersuchung, nach jeder Stressphase und nach der abschließenden Entspannungsmusik wurde zudem das subjektive Stressempfinden auf einer SUD-Skala von 0-10 erfragt. Ergebnisse: Die HF-HRV und die BRS von K fielen während des RT ab, während es zu einer Aktivierung der β-adrenergen Parameter kam (CI↑, HR↑, PEP↓). Das BS verursachte bei K hingegen einen Anstieg von HF-HRV und BRS, ohne dass hier starke sympathischen Reaktionen beobachtet werden konnten. P lag mit der HF-HRV während aller Messphasen signifikant unter den Werten von K (p=0,0003). Signifikante Wechselwirkungen konnten für HR (p<0,0001), PEP (p=0,0032), BRS (p=0,0002) und CI (p=0,0106) nachgewiesen werden: während des RT stiegen die HR (p<0,0001) und der CI (p=0,041) von P signifikant schwächer an als bei K, während die PEP entsprechend weniger abfiel (p=0,006). Der Anstieg der BRS während des BS war bei P ebenfalls signifikant geringer ausgeprägt (p=0,009), zu vermehrten sympathischen Reaktionen kam es bei P dennoch ebenfalls nicht. Insgesamt zeigten sich auch keine signifikanten Unterschiede für den sBD. Dafür war das subjektive Stressempfinden von P über alle Messphasen und insbesondere während des BS signifikant höher (p=0,01). Eine geringe Korrelation war hier vor allem mit der HF-HRV und der HR zu finden, für die meisten Parameter zeigte sich allerdings kein korrelativer Zusammenhang. Im Vergleich zwischen P0 und P1 fanden sich nur für CI, TPRI und SDNN signifikante Gruppenunterschiede (P1: CI↓, TPRI↑, SDNN↓) und für keinen der Parameter konnten im Subgruppenvergleich eine signifikante Wechselwirkung nachgewiesen werden. Insbesondere die HF-HRV war auch bei P0 signifikant niedriger als bei K (p=0,0432). Das subjektive Stressempfinden beider Subgruppen unterschied sich nicht signifikant. Interpretation: Die gesunden Frauen reagierten während des Rechentests wie erwartet mit einer vagalen Disinhibition und der simultanen Aktivierung β-adrenerger Aktivitätsparameter. Dies kann als eine aktive Stressbewältigung interpretiert werden. Während des Babyschreiens wurde jedoch offensichtlich eine andere autonome Reaktion ausgelöst, welche sich hauptsächlich in einer gesteigerten Vagusaktivität ausdrückte und kaum Veränderungen der sympathischen Parameter verursachte. Diese Studie zeigt somit als erste unterschiedliche vagale Reagibilitätsmuster auf externe Stimuli bei gesunden Frauen und verdeutlicht so den starken Einfluss der vagalen Modulation auf die verschiedenen Stressreaktionen. Bei den Patientinnen war hingegen bereits in Ruhe ein erniedrigter Vagotonus zu beobachten, welcher unter Stress eine reduzierte Reaktionsfähigkeit zeigte. Insbesondere während des Babyschreiens stiegen die vagalen Parameter bei ihnen nicht vergleichbar stark an. Darüber hinaus war bei den Patientinnen während des Rechnens eine geringere Aktivierung der β-adrenergen Parameter und zu finden und auch während des Babyschreiens kam es trotz eines stärkeren subjektiven Stressempfindens nicht zu einer verstärkten sympathischen Reaktion. Diese Ergebnisse sprechen somit für eine vorwiegend vagale Dysfunktion bei PTBS im Sinne einer vagalen Hyporeagibilität bei insgesamt reduziertem Vagotonus. Auch wenn die Korrelation niedriger vagaler Werte mit einem erhöhten subjektiven Stressempfinden bei den Patientinnen nur schwach ist, ist sie mit den anderen Ergebnissen dieser Studie gut vereinbar. Stress scheint also möglicherweise auch durch den ausbleibenden Anstieg des Vagotonus zu entstehen und nicht nur durch eine Aktivierung des Sympathikus. Insgesamt muss jedoch eine Diskrepanz zwischen dem starken subjektiven Stresserleben und den nur gering reagierenden physiologischen Parametern hervorgehoben werden. Die kardialen Nebenwirkungen der Medikamente führten bei den Patientinnen lediglich zu einem Shift einiger Werte, nicht zu einem grundsätzlich veränderten Reaktionsmuster.
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Performance, metabolic and hormonal alterations during overreachingHalson, Shona L. January 2003 (has links)
Many athletes incorporate high training volumes and limited recovery periods into their training regimes. This may disrupt the fragile balance and the accumulation of exercise stress may exceed an athlete's finite capacity of resistance. A state of elevated fatigue, increased mood disturbance and decreased exercise performance can result. This is commonly known as overreaching and if increased training and limited recovery is continued, it is believed that the more serious state of overtraining may develop. This is relatively commonly experienced in athletes, however little scientific investigation has been conducted to determine the characteristics and underlying mechanisms. The overall aim of this thesis was to gain a greater understanding of the state of overreaching and to specifically provide new information on potential markers of this state as well as possible mechanisms. To study the cumulative effects of exercise stress and subsequent recovery on performance changes, fatigue indicators and possible mechanisms, the training of endurance cyclists was systematically controlled and monitored in two separate investigations. A number of variables were assessed including performance, physiological, biochemical, psychological, immunological and hormonal variables. In addition heart rate variability and serotonergic responsiveness were also assessed. Some of the more pertinent effects of overreaching included an increase in heart rate variability, a reduction in carbohydrate oxidation, an increase in serotonergic responsiveness and a reduction in stress hormone concentrations. These results suggest that autonomic imbalance in combination with decreased hormonal release appears to be related to the decline in performance and elevated fatigue apparent in overreached athletes. Additionally it also appears that alterations in the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis may occur in overreached athletes.
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Nicht-invasive Risikostratifikation für den plötzlichen Herztod bei Patienten mit angeborenem Herzfehler / Non-invasive Riskstratification for Sudden Cardiac Death in Patients with Congenital Heart DiseaseRoth, Sabine 04 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Efeito da terapia estrogênica sobre o controle autonômico da freqüência cardíaca e a capacidade aeróbia de mulheres saudáveis.Neves, Valéria Ferreira Camargo 12 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:18:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
TeseVFCN.pdf: 4070585 bytes, checksum: 7958766fa01b36832cbe4c73c56a27f2 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2007-02-12 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / The effects of female sex hormones on the cardiovascular system have been the topic of
much discussion and controversy in the literature. Nevertheless, many scientists believe that
estrogens play an important cardioprotective role in premenopausal women, with their effects being
observed directly on blood vessels or indirectly by the promotion of an antiatherogenic lipid profile. In
recent years, studies have reported that estrogen hormone levels may also influence autonomic
control of heart rate (HR) and exercise tolerance. However, other researches have found no
modification of these parameters in function of hormone therapy. Within this context, three studies
were conducted to verify whether estrogen therapy (ET) could attenuate the age-related decline in
autonomic control of HR under resting and exercise conditions and aerobic capacity of healthy
women. Thirteen young women (mean age: 24 years), 10 postmenopausal women undergoing ET
(PMET, mean age: 53 years) and 15 postmenopausal women not undergoing ET (PMnET, mean age:
56 years) were studied. Hormonal treatment consisted of 0.625 mg/day of conjugated equine
estrogens. In the first study, the effect of age and ET on HR variability (HRV) under resting conditions
in the supine and sitting positions was evaluated. HRV was analyzed by time (TD) and frequency
domain (FD) methods. In this study, higher values of the temporal indices of HRV were observed for
the young group. In the analysis of FD, the PMnET group presented lower values in the indices
reflecting vagal activity and higher values in the indices reflecting sympathetic activity compared to the
young group (supine position) and to the PMET group (sitting position). These results suggest that
HRV decreases during aging and that ET may attenuate this process by promoting a reduction of
sympathetic activity on the heart and contributing to the cardioprotective effect of estrogen hormones.
In the second study, the effect of age and ET on the autonomic control of HR during dynamic exercise
and anaerobic threshold (AT) was evaluated. Dynamic exercise was performed on a cycle ergometer
starting at 15 W and followed by 5 W increments, until the loss of HR response stabilization was
identified by a semiparametric model, characterizing AT. The autonomic control of HR during exercise
was analyzed by vagal withdrawal at the beginning of exercise and by calculating the rMSSD index of
the stable interval of each workload level. The vagal withdrawal and the rMSSD index were higher for
the young group at the workloads studied. The young group also presented higher workload and HR
values at AT compared to the postmenopausal groups. These results suggest that autonomic
modulation of HR during exercise and aerobic capacity are strongly influenced by age.
Hypoestrogenism and ET had no effect on the variables studied. In the third study, the effect of age
and ET on cardiorespiratory responses during a cardiopulmonary exercise test was evaluated. This
test was performed on a cycle ergometer with 10 to 20 W/min increments until physical exhaustion.
The AT was determined by graphic visual analysis of the curves for carbon dioxide output and oxygen
uptake ( O2). Higher workload and HR values both at AT and at the peak of exercise were observed
for the young group. HR was similar between groups at AT and significantly higher at peak exercise
for the young group. The percentages of AT in relation to peak exercise for O2 and HR values were
higher for the postmenopausal groups. These results suggest that ET had no effect on
cardiorespiratory responses during the incremental exercise test. In conclusion, the results obtained in
the three studies suggest that the vagal-protective effect of estrogen hormones detected at rest is not
maintained during exercise. In addition, exercise tolerance does not seem to depend on the
physiological levels of estrogens. On this basis, the present findings support the importance of the
prescription of physical exercise in the clinical orientation for climacteric women / Os efeitos dos hormônios sexuais femininos sobre o sistema cardiovascular tem sido um
tópico de muita discussão e controvérsias na literatura. Apesar disso, muitos cientistas acreditam que
os estrogênios exercem importante papel cardioprotetor nas mulheres pré-menopausadas, sendo
seus efeitos observados diretamente sobre os vasos sangüíneos ou indiretamente através da
promoção de um perfil lipídico antiaterogênico. Nos últimos anos, tem sido reportado que o controle
autonômico da freqüência cardíaca (FC) e a tolerância ao exercício também podem ser influenciados
pelos níveis hormonais de estrogênios. No entanto, outros pesquisadores não encontraram qualquer
modificação nesses parâmetros em função da terapia hormonal. Dentro desse contexto, foram
realizados três estudos, com o objetivo de verificar se a terapia estrogênica (TE) poderia atenuar o
declínio relacionado à idade no controle autonômico da FC, em condições de repouso e exercício, e
na capacidade aeróbia de mulheres saudáveis. Para isso foram estudadas 13 mulheres jovens
(média etária de 24 anos), 10 na fase pós-menopausa em uso de TE (PMCTE: média etária de 53
anos) e 15 na pós-menopausa sem uso de TE (PMSTE: média etária de 56 anos). A TE consistiu de
0,625 mg/dia de estrogênios eqüinos conjugados. No primeiro estudo, foi avaliado o efeito da idade e
da TE sobre a variabilidade da FC (VFC) durante o repouso, nas posições supina e sentada. A VFC
foi analisada no domínio do tempo (DT) e da freqüência (DF). Nesse estudo foram observados
maiores valores dos índices temporais de VFC para o grupo jovem. Na análise no DF, o grupo
PMSTE apresentou menores valores dos índices que refletem a atividade vagal e maiores valores
dos índices que refletem a atividade simpática em relação aos grupos jovem (posição supina) e
PMCTE (posição sentada). Esses resultados sugerem que a VFC diminui com o envelhecimento e
que a TE pode atenuar esse processo, promovendo uma redução na atividade simpática sobre o
coração, e contribuindo para o efeito cardioprotetor dos hormônios estrogênios. No segundo estudo,
foi avaliado o efeito da idade e da TE sobre o controle autonômico da FC durante exercício dinâmico
e o limiar de anaerobiose (LA). O exercício dinâmico foi realizado em cicloergômetro, sendo iniciado
na potência de 15 W e seguido por incrementos de 5 W, até que fosse identificada a perda da
estabilização da resposta da FC pelo modelo semiparamétrico, caracterizando o LA. O controle
autonômico da FC durante o exercício foi analisado por meio da retirada vagal no início do exercício e
pelo cálculo do índice rMSSD do trecho estável de cada nível de potência. A retirada vagal e o índice
rMSSD foram maiores para o grupo jovem, nas potências estudadas. As jovens também
apresentaram maiores valores de potência e de FC no LA em relação aos grupos na pós-menopausa.
Esses resultados sugerem que a modulação autonômica cardíaca durante o exercício e a capacidade
aeróbia são fortemente influenciados pela idade. Ambos, hipoestrogenismo e TE, não exerceram
qualquer influência sobre as variáveis estudadas. No terceiro estudo, foi avaliado o efeito da idade e
da TE sobre as respostas cardiorrespiratórias durante teste de exercício cardiopulmonar. Esse teste
foi realizado em cicloergômetro, com incrementos de 10 a 20 W/min até a exaustão física. O LA foi
determinado visualmente pela análise das curvas de produção de dióxido de carbono e de consumo
de oxigênio ( O2). Foram observados maiores valores de potência e de FC tanto no LA como no pico
do exercício para o grupo jovem. A FC foi similar entre os grupos no LA e, significantemente maior no
grupo jovem, no pico do exercício. Os valores percentuais do LA em relação ao pico do exercício para
os dados de O2 e de FC foram maiores para os grupos na pós-menopausa. Esses resultados
sugerem que a TE não teve influencia sobre as respostas cardiorrespiratórias durante teste de
exercício incremental. Finalizando, os resultados obtidos nos três estudos sugerem que o efeito
protetor vagal dos hormônios estrogênios evidenciado durante o repouso não se mantém durante o
exercício. Além disso, a tolerância ao exercício parece não depender dos níveis fisiológicos dos
estrogênios. Desse modo, nossos achados reforçam a importância da prescrição de exercícios físicos
na orientação clínica das mulheres no climatério
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Influência do alongamento da cadeia muscular respiratória na postura rã do método de reeducação postural global (RPG) sobre as respostas cardiorrespiratórias.Moreno, Marlene Aparecida 29 June 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:18:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
TeseMAMO.pdf: 4078900 bytes, checksum: 4421c9cd008941297c1f599867d52654 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2007-06-29 / Stretching by the global postural re-education method (GPR) has been widely used as a
physical therapeutic procedure for postural alterations, but its action on the cardio-respiratory
system has been little documented. However, scientific evidence is necessary to validate it as
an alternative treatment. Within this context, three studies were carried out with the objective
of verifying the effect of stretching the respiratory muscle chain in the open-arm, open hip
joint angle posture by the GPR method on cardio-respiratory responses. Twenty young
(22.7±2.5 years old), healthy, sedentary (VO2max: 30.2±4.3 mL.kg.min-1) men with BMI =
25.3±1.5 kg/m2 were studied, divided at random into two groups of ten: the control group (CG)
that did not take part in the stretching and the group submitted to treatment (GPR-G). The
intervention consisted of two weekly stretching sessions, each of 30 min, for eight weeks,
giving a total of 16 sessions. In the first study, the maximal respiratory pressure and the
respiratory coefficient were assessed by way of a manovacuometer and thoracoabdominal
cirtometry, respectively. Only the GPR-G presented greater values for inspiratory (IPmax)
and expiratory (EPmax) maximal pressures and for axillary, xyphoid and abdominal
cirtometry after the intervention period. The results showed that the method caused a
beneficial effect on respiratory muscle force and on thoracoabdominal mobility, contributing to
an improvement in respiratory mechanics. In the second study, pulmonary function was
assessed by spirometry. The manoeuvres of slow vital capacity (SVC), forced vital capacity
(FVC) and maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV) were carried out. The results showed there
was a significant increase in the values for SVC, inspiratory capacity (IC), FVC, forced
expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) and MVV for the GPR-G after the training period,
providing evidence that the proposed stretching was efficient in promoting an increase in
pulmonary capacity and volume. In the third study, the effect of stretching on the autonomic
modulation of the heart rate (HR) and on the ventilatory and metabolic variables was
assessed at rest and during the cardio-pulmonary exercise test respectively. The ventilatory
and metabolic variables were captured using an automatic metabolic system and the HR
using a one-channel heart monitor. The exercise test was carried out using a cycle
ergometer, with 20 to 25 W/min increments up to physical exhaustion. Intervention did not
change the variables studied either at rest or during the cardio-pulmonary exercise test, for
either of the groups. These results showed that the respiratory muscle chain stretching
exercise did not promote any adaptations with respect to HR neither at rest and the
ventilatory and metabolic variables during the exercise, which could be attributed to the noninvolvement
of the major muscle groups in the type of protocol used. Finally, the results
obtained in the three studies gave evidence that stretching the respiratory muscle chain by
the GPR method was efficient in promoting an increase in respiratory muscle strength,
thoracoabdominal mobility and pulmonary function, reflecting in an increase in respiratory
mechanics, this fact being attributable to the specificity of the training. In this way, the findings
of the present study, reinforce the importance of the GPR method in the maintenance of the
functional capacity of the respiratory chain muscles, suggesting that it could be used as an
alternative treatment for dysfunctions of the respiratory mechanics. / O alongamento pelo método de reeducação postural global (RPG) tem sido muito utilizado
como conduta fisioterapêutica em alterações posturais, porém, sua ação sobre o sistema
cardiorrespiratório é pouco documentada. No entanto, as evidências científicas são
necessárias para sua validação como alternativa de tratamento. Dentro desse contexto,
foram realizados três estudos com o objetivo de verificar o efeito do alongamento da cadeia
muscular respiratória na postura rã no chão com os braços abertos do método de RPG sobre
as respostas cardiorrespiratórias. Foram estudados 20 homens jovens (22,7±2,5 anos),
saudáveis, sedentários (VO2max: 30,2±4,3 mL.kg.min-1) e com IMC = 25,3±1,5 kg/m2,
divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos de dez: grupo controle (G-C) que não participou do
alongamento e grupo submetido ao treinamento (G-RPG). A intervenção consistiu em duas
sessões semanais de alongamento de 30 min cada, durante oito semanas, totalizando 16
sessões. No primeiro estudo, foram avaliadas as pressões respiratórias máximas e o
coeficiente respiratório, por intermédio da monovacuometria e da cirtometria
toracoabdominal, respectivamente. Somente o G-RPG apresentou maiores valores das
pressões inspiratórias (PImáx) e expiratórias (PEmáx) máximas e da cirtometria axilar,
xifoideana e abdominal após o período de intervenção. Os resultados mostraram que o
método teve um efeito benéfico na força muscular respiratória e na mobilidade
toracoabdominal, contribuindo para a melhora da mecânica respiratória. No segundo estudo,
foi avaliada a função pulmonar por intermédio da espirometria. Foram realizadas as
manobras de capacidade vital lenta (CVL), capacidade vital forçada (CVF) e ventilação
voluntária máxima (VVM). Os resultados mostraram que houve aumento significativo dos
valores da CVL, capacidade inspiratória (CI), CVF, volume expiratório forçado no primeiro
segundo (VEF1) e VVM do G-RPG após o período de treinamento, evidenciando que o
alongamento proposto foi eficiente para promover aumento dos volumes e capacidades
pulmonares. No terceiro estudo, foi avaliado o efeito do alongamento nas variáveis
ventilatórias e metabólicas durante o teste de exercício cardiopulmonar e na modulação
autonômica da freqüência cardíaca (FC) em repouso. As variáveis ventilatórias e
metabólicas foram captadas a partir de um sistema metabólico automático, e a FC a partir de
um monitor cardíaco de um canal. O teste de exercício foi realizado em cicloergômetro, com
incrementos de 20 a 25 W/min até a exaustão física. A intervenção não modificou as
variáveis estudadas em nenhum dos grupos. Esses resultados mostram que o exercício de
alongamento da cadeia muscular respiratória não promoveu adaptações na FC e em sua
variabilidade em repouso e nas variáveis ventilatórias e metabólicas durante o exercício, o
que pode ser atribuído ao não envolvimento de grandes grupos musculares no tipo de
protocolo utilizado. Finalizando, os resultados obtidos nos três estudos evidenciaram que o
alongamento da cadeia muscular respiratória pelo método de RPG mostrou-se eficiente para
promover aumento da força muscular respiratória, mobilidade toracoabdominal e função
pulmonar, refletindo na melhora da mecânica respiratória, sendo que tal fato pode ser
atribuído à especificidade do treinamento. Desse modo, nossos achados reforçam a
importância do método de RPG para manutenção da capacidade funcional dos músculos da
cadeia respiratória, sugerindo que a postura utilizada pode ser coadjuvante no tratamento
das disfunções da mecânica respiratória.
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Efeito de um protocolo de fisioterapia hospitalar sobre a variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca e variáveis hemodinâmicas de pacientes com infarto agudo do miocárdioHiss, Michele Daniela Borges dos Santos 28 February 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-02-28 / There are very few published studies evaluating the effect of a protocol of graded exercise of short duration, during phase I cardiac rehabilitation (CR) on the cardiac autonomic modulation in patients after acute myocardial infarction (AMI), thus three investigations were undertaken in order to evaluate the safety of the protocol of cardiovascular therapy (CPT) phase I, as well as observing the behavior of heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP) and autonomic modulation of HR through HR variability (HRV) in time domain (TD) and frequency (DF) in patients undergoing phase I protocol CPT after the 1st AMI. Physical therapy in phase I of the CR can be initiated 12 to 24 hours after AMI, however, it is common to prolonged bed rest due to fears of instability of the patient. So the goal of the 1st study was to evaluate the hemodynamic and autonomic responses to post-AMI patients undergoing day 1 of phase I protocol of CPT, as well as their safety. We studied 51 patients with first AMI uncomplicated, 5511 years, 76% men and submitted to the 1st day of the protocol CPT Stage I, on average, 24 hours after AMI, consisting of 10 minutes of rest before and after exercises, followed by 4 min of breathing exercises and 5 min of dynamic exercise. The results indicate that the exercise was safe because it caused hemodynamic and autonomic modulation in these patients, without causing any medical complications. The 2nd study aimed to characterize the autonomic and hemodynamic responses to CPT in patients with stage I of an AMI. We studied 21 patients with first uncomplicated AMI, age 5212 years, 81% men, six days a progressive exercise program (phase I CPT), consisting of a daily standard protocol (10 min rest in supine position pre-and post-exercise and 4 min of breathing exercises) and a protocol for dynamic graded exercise, progressing to active-assisted movements of the legs in the first days after AMI, even walking in the last days of hospitalization. The protocol applied CPT promoted hemodynamic and autonomic changes during the course of the year, allowing early mobilization of the patient and gradually preparing to return to their activity of daily living after discharge from hospital, without being observed the presence of any sign and / or symptoms of exercise intolerance. The 3rd study was to evaluate the effects of a progressive exercise protocol used in phase I of RCV on HRV at rest in patients after AMI. We studied thirty-seven patients who were admitted to hospital with first uncomplicated AMI. The treated group (TG) (n= 21, age= 52±12 years) conducted a five-day program of progressive exercises during phase I of the RCV, while the control group (CG) (n= 16, age= 54±11 years) had only breathing exercises. The progressive exercise program performed during the first phase of cardiac rehabilitation associated with clinical treatment increased cardiac vagal modulation and reduced cardiac sympathetic modulation in patients after AMI. Overall Conclusion: The results of the three studies suggest that the protocol is safe when applied CPT started after 24 hours of AMI not complicated, and allows early mobilization of patients and gradually prepare them to return their activity of daily living after discharge, without being observed the presence of any sign and / or symptoms of exercise intolerance. In addition the progressive exercise program that compose the physiotherapy intervention associated with clinical treatment caused an increase in cardiac vagal modulation and reduction of cardiac sympathetic modulation at rest in the patients studied. / Há carência de estudos na literatura que avaliem o efeito de um protocolo de exercício físico progressivo (EFP) de curta duração, durante fase I da reabilitação cardiovascular (RCV), sobre a modulação autonômica cardíaca em pacientes pós-infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM), deste modo, uma investigação dividida em três partes foi desenvolvida no intuito de avaliar a segurança do protocolo de fisioterapia cardiovascular (FTCV) fase I, bem como, observar o comportamento da frequência cardíaca (FC), da pressão arterial (PA) e da modulação autonômica da FC, por meio da variabilidade da FC (VFC) nos domínios do tempo (DT) e da freqüência (DF), em pacientes submetidos ao protocolo de FTCV fase I após o 1º IAM. A fisioterapia na fase I da RCV pode ser iniciada de 12 a 24 horas após o IAM, no entanto, é comum o repouso prolongado no leito devido ao receio de instabilização do paciente. Assim o objetivo do 1º estudo foi avaliar as respostas autonômicas e hemodinâmicas de pacientes pós-IAM submetidos ao 1º dia de protocolo de FTCV fase I, bem como, sua segurança. Foram estudados 51 pacientes com 1o IAM não-complicado, 5511 anos, 76% homens e submetidos ao 1º dia do protocolo de FTCV fase I, em média, 24 horas pós-IAM, composto de 10 min de repouso pré e pós-exercícios, 4 min de exercícios respiratórios e 5 min de exercícios físicos dinâmicos (EFD) de membros inferiores (MMII). Os resultados obtidos indicam que o exercício realizado foi seguro, pois promoveu alterações hemodinâmicas e na modulação autonômica da FC nestes pacientes, sem ocasionar qualquer intercorrência clínica. O 2º estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar as respostas autonômicas e hemodinâmicas a FTCV fase I em pacientes com 1º IAM. Foram estudados 21 pacientes com 1o IAM não-complicado, idade 5212 anos, 81% homens, durante 6 dias de um programa de EFP (FTCV fase I), composto por um protocolo padrão diário (10 min de repouso na posição supina pré e pós-exercícios e 4 min de exercícios respiratórios) e um protocolo de EFD gradativos, progredindo de movimentos ativo-assistidos de MMII no 1o dia pós-IAM até deambulação nos últimos dias de internação. O protocolo de FTCV aplicado promoveu alterações autonômicas e hemodinâmicas durante a realização do exercício, permitindo a mobilização precoce do paciente e gradativamente o preparando para o retorno a sua atividade de vida diária (AVD) após a alta hospitalar, sem ser observada presença de qualquer sinal e/ou sintoma de intolerância ao esforço. O 3º estudo teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos de um protocolo de EFP utilizado na fase I da FTCV sobre a VFC de repouso de pacientes pós-IAM. Foram estudados 37 pacientes com 1º IAM não complicado. O grupo tratado (GT) (n=21, idade=52±12 anos) realizou 5 dias de um programa de EFP durante a fase I da FTCV, enquanto o grupo controle (GC) (n=16, idade=54±11 anos) realizou somente exercícios respiratórios. O programa de EFP realizado durante a fase I da FTCV associado ao tratamento clínico aumentou a modulação vagal cardíaca e reduziu a modulação simpática cardíaca em pacientes pós-IAM. Conclusão geral: Os resultados obtidos nas três partes do estudo sugerem que o protocolo de FTCV aplicado é seguro quando iniciado após 24 horas do IAM não complicado, além de permitir a mobilização precoce dos pacientes e gradativamente os preparar para o retorno as suas AVDs após a alta hospitalar, sem ser observada presença de qualquer sinal e/ou sintoma de intolerância ao esforço. Em adição o programa de EFP que compõem a FTCV fase I associado ao tratamento clínico promoveram aumento da modulação vagal cardíaca e redução da modulação simpática cardíaca em repouso nos pacientes estudados.
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Ajustes da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca em repouso e durante o exercício em indivíduos com asma controladaAraújo, Adriana Sanches Garcia de 29 August 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-08-29 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / Asthma is a chronic disease, with periods of exacerbation and worsening of airflow obstruction and may be triggered by various stimuli, including exercise, and is associated with dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). In this context, two studies were conducted to assess adjustments of ANS in asthmatic volunteers in different situations. The first study was entitled: Increased sympathetic modulation and decreased response of the heart rate variability response in controlled asthma , was designed to evaluate the adjustments of indices of autonomic modulation of heart rate (HR) at rest in supine and seated positions and during the respiratory sinus arrhythmia maneuver (M-RSA). The assessment of 12 asthmatic volunteers included pulmonary function tests and measures of heart rate variability (HRV). The results suggest that in asthma appears to be an association of airflow obstruction with reduced total variability, and in addition, to postural change seems to be reduced adjustment of the sympathetic nervous system in asthmatic women. The second study entitled: Airway responsiveness at exercise recovery and adjustments of heart rate variability at rest and exercise in controlled asthma , evaluated the adjustments of cardiac autonomic modulation during exercise its association with the exercise induced bronchoconstriction. Sixteen asthmatics volunteers underwent constant speed exercise test, forced vital capacity maneuver before and after exercise testing and register of HR and R-R intervals. With this second study, it can conclude that in asthmatics, even with controlled disease, injury presents postural and autonomic adjustments during the year and reduced complexity of dynamical systems of HRV during exercise. / A asma é uma doença crônica, com períodos de exacerbação e piora da obstrução ao fluxo aéreo, podendo ser desencadeada por vários estímulos, incluindo o exercício, e está associada a disfunções do sistema nervoso autonômico (SNA). Nesse contexto, foram realizados dois estudos para avaliação dos ajustes do SNA em voluntários asmáticos, em diferentes situações. O primeiro estudo intitulado: Elevada modulação simpática e atenuada resposta da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca na asma controlada , teve como objetivo avaliar os ajustes dos índices de modulação autonômica da frequência cardíaca (FC) em repouso, na manobra de mudança postural e durante a manobra de acentuação da arritmia sinusal respiratória. A avaliação de 12 voluntárias asmáticas, incluiu prova de função pulmonar e medidas da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) nas diferentes posições e durante a manobra de acentuação da arritmia sinusal respiratória. Os resultados sugerem que na asma parece haver associação da obstrução ao fluxo aéreo com reduzida variabilidade total, e além disso, frente à mudança postural parece haver reduzido ajuste do sistema nervoso simpático em mulheres asmáticas. Diante destes resultados, objetivamos avaliar a VFC também durante o exercício em voluntários asmáticos. Sendo assim, o segundo estudo intitulado: Responsividade das vias aéreas na recuperação do exercício e os ajustes da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca em repouso e durante o exercício em asmáticos controlados , avaliou os ajustes da modulação autonômica cardíaca durante o exercício e sua associação com a presença de broncoconstrição induzia pelo exercício (BIE). Dezesseis voluntários com asma foram submetidos a um teste de exercício de carga constante em esteira, manobras de capacidade vital forçada antes e após o teste de exercício e registro da FC e dos intervalos R-R. Com este segundo estudo, pode-se concluir que em asmáticos, mesmo com a doença controlada, há prejuízo nos ajustes autonômicos posturais e durante o exercício, bem como reduzida complexidade dos sistemas dinâmicos de VFC durante o exercício.
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Efeitos do envelhecimento e da atividade física regular em índices da variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca e da arritmia sinusal respiratória de homens saudáveis. / Effects of aging and physical activity on indices of the heart rate variability and respiratory sinus arrhythmia in healthy men.Melo, Ruth Caldeira 22 December 2004 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2004-12-22 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of the aging and the
regular physical activity on the autonomic control of heart rate (HR) at rest and during
deep breath test (DBT) in healthy men. Nine young sedentary (mean = 22.67 ±2.45
years), sixteen young active (mean = 22.38 ±2.13 years), eight sedentary older
(mean = 63.5 ±2.39 years) and eight older active (mean = 61 ±1.6 years) men were
studied. Electrocardiogram was continuously recorded during 15 minutes (rest), 4
minutes (DBT, with breath rate at 5 to 6 cycles/minute) and 1 minute (recovery) in
supine position. The HR (bpm) and the R-R intervals (RRi) (ms) were analyzed by
time (RMSSD index) and frequency domain methods. The power spectral
components were expressed as absolute (a) and normalized units (nu) at low (LF)
and high (HF), and as the LF/HF. The HR and the RRi were analyzed by the
respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) indices: expiration/inspiration ratio (E/I) and
inspiration-expiration difference (∆IE). The HR was lower in the activity groups than
to the matched-age sedentary groups. The older sedentary group had lower heart
rate variability (HRV), E/I and ∆IE than young ones. The older active group showed
higher RMSSD and HF component than matched-age sedentary group (45.04 and
28.78 ms, 58,167 and 12,218 ms2/Hz, P<0.05; respectively). No differences were
found between young and older active groups for RMSSD (61.71 and 45.04 ms,
respectively) and HRV (TP:130,816 and 125,710, LFa:33,295 and 32,611,
HFa:84,346 and 58,167, ms2/Hz, respectively) and DBT indices (E/I: 1.40 and 1.35,
∆IE: 23 and 18, respectively). The results show that aging associates with inactivity
reduces the HRV. However, the regular physical activity increases the HRV,
independent of age, suggesting attenuation the effects of the aging in the autonomic
control of the heart rate. / O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da idade e da
atividade física regular sobre o controle autonômico da freqüência cardíaca (FC)
durante o repouso e durante a manobra para acentuar a arritmia sinusal respiratória
(MASR) em homens saudáveis. Participaram do presente estudo, 9 jovens
sedentários (média= 22,67 ±2,45 anos), 16 jovens ativos (média= 22,38 ±2,13 anos),
8 idosos sedentários (média= 63,5 ±2,39 anos) e 8 idosos ativos (média= 61 ±1,6
anos). O traçado eletrocardiográfico foi registrado durante 15 minutos (repouso com
respiração espontânea), 4 minutos (MASR, com freqüência respiratória mantida
entre 5 a 6 ciclos/minuto) e 1 minuto de recuperação. A freqüência cardíaca (FC),
em bpm, e os intervalos RR (iR-R), em ms, foram analisados pelo domínio do tempo
(índice RMSSD) e pelo domínio da freqüência. Os componentes da potência
espectral foram expressos em valores absolutos (a) e em unidades normalizadas
(un) para a densidade total de potência (DTP), as bandas de baixa freqüência (BF),
alta freqüência (AF) e razão BF/AF. A FC obtida durante a manobra MASR foi
analisada a partir dos índices: razão expiração/inspiração dos iR-R (E/I) e de sua
variação durante a inspiração-expiração (∆IE). Os grupos ativos apresentaram
valores inferiores de FC de repouso em comparação aos controles sedentários de
mesma idade. O grupo idoso sedentário apresentou menor variabilidade da
variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca (VFC), E/I e ∆IE que o grupo jovem sedentário.
O grupo idoso ativo mostrou valores superiores de RMSSD e da banda de HF em
relação ao grupo sedentário idoso (45,04 e 28,78 ms, 58.167 e 12.218 ms2/Hz,
p<0,05; respectivamente). Diferenças estatísticas não foram encontradas entre o
grupo jovem ativo e idoso ativo para o RMSSD (61,71 e 45,04 ms, respectivamente)
e para a VFC (DTP: 130.816 e 125.710, LFa: 33.295 e 32.611, HFa: 84.346 e
58.167, ms2/Hz, respectivamente) e para os índices da ASR (E/I: 1,40 e 1,35, ∆IE:
23 e 18, respectivamente). Para os grupos sedentários foi observado correlação
negativa entre os índices DTP, AFa, E/I e ∆IE e a idade (p<0,05), sendo que o
mesmo não pode ser observado nos grupos ativos. Os resultados sugerem que o
envelhecimento associado ao sedentarismo provoca reduções na VFC,
representadas pela diminuição da atividade vagal sobre o coração, determinada
tanto pela análise no domínio da freqüência como pelos índices da arritmia sinusal
respiratória. Entretanto, a atividade física regular aumenta a VFC,
independentemente da idade, e atenua as alterações, decorrentes do processo de
envelhecimento, no controle autonômico da freqüência cardíaca.
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Efeito do treinamento de força excêntrica no controle autonômico da freqüência cardíaca de idosos durante o repouso e contrações isométricas.Takahashi, Anielle Cristhine de Medeiros 26 February 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-02-26 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of eccentric strength training
(ST) on autonomic control of heart rate (HR) evaluated at rest and during isometric exercise.
Nine healthy men (62 ±2 years old) were submitted to 12 weeks of ST for knee extensors and
flexors muscles (2x/week, 2-4 series of 8-12 repetitions, 70-80% of eccentric peak torque).
Before and after the ST, the HR and its variability were evaluated at rest (supine and seated
conditions) and during the sub-maximal isometric contractions (SIC; 15, 30 and 40% of
maximal voluntary contraction) of knee extension wich were performed during 240s or until
exhaustion. The HR was obtained at pre- (60s), during and post SIC (120s). Then, the
variation (∆) between the resting HR and HR at 10, 30, 60s and end of contraction observed
during each SIC was analyzed. The HR variability was evaluated by the RMSSD index,
which was determined in resting condition and during SIC (i.e., two windows of 30s in
duration at the beginning and end of R-R interval data). The ANOVA two-way (repeated
measures) and t-test was utilized for statistical analysis (p < 0.05). The ST increased the
eccentric torque (extension: 210 ± 38 to 252.7 ± 61 N.m, flexion: 117.6 ± 25.1 to 133 ± 27.3
N.m) , but did not change the HR and HR variability at rest (HR supine: 62 ± 11 to 65 ± 9
bpm, HR seated: 62 ± 11 to 66 ± 9, RMSSD supine: 28.5 ± 18 to 21.5 ± 8.4, RMSSD seated:
30.4 ± 2 to 18.9 ± 6.2). The ST did not modify the isometric peak torque (177.6 ± 25 to 195.2
± 31,2 N.m) and the time of execution of each SIC (15%: 240 to 240s, 30%: 203.4 ± 55 to
218 ± 5s, 40%: 135.6 ± 56.7 to 144.6 ± 55.6s). During the SIC, the pattern of HR response
(significative increase in ∆HR from 30s to the end of contraction in 15 and 40%) and the
RMSSD index (significative decrease from the first 30s to the last 30s of contraction in all
levels of effort) was similar for the pre- and post training. Despite the ST increased the
eccentric torque, it did not generate changes in the autonomic control of heart rate at rest and
during the SIC. / The aging process is marked by several physiological changes, and the reduction in muscle strength is very important one. In order to minimize this force decline there are recommendations for using resistance training for elderly persons. Some studies available in the literature state that the eccentric contraction would be more suitable for the elderly, since it generates less cardiovascular overload during the exercise. However, the chronic effect of the eccentric strength training (EST) on the heart rate (HR) autonomic modulation is unclear. So, the aim of the first study was to investigate whether the EST changes HR and heart rate variability (HRV) during submaximal isometric contractions (SIC). This study included 17 volunteers who form divided into two groups: training group (9 men, 62 ± 2 years) and control group (8 men, 64 ± 4 years). The results indicate that although this type of training improves eccentric strength, the EST does not have any effect sufficient to promote changes in the autonomic control of HR during isometric exercise. Another important factor to consider is the increase in incidence of cardiovascular disease that occurs with aging. Furthermore, there are modifications of autonomic control of HR related to ageing that are detected by the reduction in HRV and changes in the complexity of physiological dynamics. Based on these considerations the aim of the second study was to verify whether changes in HR modulation, caused by the aging process, can be detected by the Shannon entropy (SE), conditional entropy (CE) and symbolic analysis (SA). In this study were evaluated 21 elderly (63 ± 3 years) and 21 young (23 ± 2 years). Elderly present distributions of patterns in HRV that are similar to young subjects. However, the patterns are more repetitive, thus reducing the complexity. This decrease of complexity comes from the increased presence of stable patterns and a decreased presence of highly variable patterns. This difference indicates that apparently healthy older subjects have a marked unbalance in autonomic regulation. The results of the second study indicate that non-linear approaches might be helpful to better characterize the changes on the autonomic control of HR in the aging process.
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