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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förutsättningar för integration : en kvalitativ studie om fem män med patriarkala rötter, deras integrationsprocess och synen på heder

Berber, Nevin January 2006 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie med utgångspunkt i intervjuer med fem män. I fokus är deras patriarkala rötter, deras förutsättningar för integration och deras syn på heder. Syftet med denna studie är att fördjupa förståelsen för hur män med patriarkala rötter upplever sin integrationsprocess i det svenska samhället. Målet är att uppnå en förståelse för och insikt i de faktorer som är väsentliga för dessa mäns integration men också de omständigheter som motverkar integration. De forskningsfrågor som legat till grund för studien var: Vilka skäl har de haft för att flytta till Sverige? Hur har de etablerat sig i det nya landet? Känner de sig delaktiga i det svenska samhället? Vilka förändringar har skett i familjestrukturerna? Har synen på heder förändrats sedan migrationen till Sverige? Hur definierar de begreppet heder i dag? Resultaten analyseras utifrån den tidigare presenterade forskningen samt teorier som förändringar i patriarkala familjestrukturer, det civila samhället, stat, marknad, familj och kollektivism kontra individualism. Resultaten visar att det sker ständiga förändringar i familjestrukturer med patriarkala värderingar samt även mentalitetsförändringar hos män med patriarkala rötter i integrationsprocessen. Studiens inriktning på förutsättningar för integration hos män med patriarkala rötter byggdes på integrationsdimensioner såsom arbetsintegration, boendeintegration, socialintegration, medborgarskapsintegration och subjektivintegration, utifrån ett integrationsperspektiv. Studien visade att det fanns omständigheter både på individuell- och samhällsnivå som motverkade integrationen hos män med patriarkala rötter. Resultaten visade också att förändringar som har skett när det gäller synen på heder överlag inte är så stora.</p>
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"Det rör sig om ett hedersmord" : En kvalitativ studie av hur hedersrelaterad problematik konstrueras som ett socialt problem i massmedia / ”It’s about honor killing” : A qualitative study of how honor-related issues are constructed as a social problem in mass media

Oklopcic, Ajla, Pajic, Annamari January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate how honor-related violence is constructed by media. Over the years, a number of terrible stories of humans have been noticed in media. This forms the basis of why it is important to study media in relations to social work. In today’s society, media has great power, which means that media has a huge impact on how social problems are perceived; honor- related violence is an example of this. The core of this study is to analyze from what perspective honor-related violence is produced in newspapers, and there are three different perspectives to this; the cultural-, gender- and intersectional perspective. The empirical material we have used in this study is news articles of the greatest newspaper companies in Sweden. The results in our study showed that the most occurring perspective reflecting the news articles related to honor issues is the cultural perspective. That is, the universal violence is not as observed in the same way in connection with these issues. Thereby, the honor-related violence differs from the general violence that media report; that is where one can see a pattern that differs and angles men’s universal violence against women. Aspects that are excluded when it comes to honer-related issues could contribute to a disordered image of the issue, but also exclude another important aspect of the social issue. The study has shown that mass medias production of honor is usually directly connected with the immigrant culture that is considered to promote violence; whereas the Swedish culture is considered to be associated with freedom and equality.
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Hovrättens och tingsrättens bedömning av hedersrelaterat våld och annat våld : - En kvalitativ analys av rättsfall rörande våldsbrott / Court of Appeal's and District Court's assessment of honour related violence and other violence : – an content analysis on cases of violence crime

Balevi, Mehtap, Friborg, Carin January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of the study has been to describe and analyse in which way court make a distinction between honour related violence and violence in other cases by using an text analysis together with an content analysis. Previous research shows that honour related violence have been a controversial concept, which have made it hard for the swedish society to get a hand of the background of the phenomenon. Some researcher describe honour related violence as a cultural related lifestyle, all though some researchers does not agree with this explanation. The result have been analysed through a feministic perspective on gender, definitions of ascendancy, the normalizations process of violence and through honour and shame. To create an understanding of how the gender norms can take place in different family structures, Al-Baldawis pyramid of patriarchal family structure have been used as an illustration of the differences in authority of power. The main result shows that men's violence against women have been over represented, categorized after violence in close relationships. It also shows that the court´s assessment often is objective, based on the circumstances of the case.

Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck : En litteraturstudie om insatser, svårigheter och brister i arbetet mot hederskulturen / Honor related violence and oppression : A literature review on difficulties and shortcomings in the work against honor culture

Chamoun, Julia, Pour Mehran, Reihane January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera insatser, svårigheter och brister i arbetet mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar har en litteraturstudie genomförts. Studierna som använts har bland annat bestått av rapporter och vetenskapliga artiklar. Dessa visar att hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är ett svårdefinierat begrepp som kan ses utifrån olika perspektiv samt ta sig uttryck i kontroll, hot, våld och i de mest extrema fall, mord. Hedersproblematiken har fått mycket uppmärksamhet sedan mordet på Fadime, år 2002. Detta resulterade i att regeringen satsade på arbetet mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck.  Trots det antyder analysen att socialtjänsten och en del andra aktörer som är involverade i arbetet mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck fortfarande känner en osäkerhet då det gäller hur hedersrelaterade ärenden bör hanteras och att det fortfarande råder brist på kunskap inom området och samverkan mellan olika aktörer brister. Studien visar att det förekommer olika förklaringar då det gäller hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck och väcker frågan om en gemensam syn hade förbättrat samarbetet mellan aktörerna och underlättat arbetet med att fånga upp de hedersutsatta. Trots regeringens satsningar finns det sparsamt med forskning inom området. / The purpose of this study is to identify interventions, difficulties and shortcomings in the work against honor related violence and oppression. A literature review has been conducted to answer the questions for the purpose of the study. The studies that were used have consisted, among other things, of reports and scientific articles. Honor related violence and oppression is a comprehensive concept that is difficult to define, partly because it can be seen from different perspectives and because it is expressed in many different forms such as control, intimidation, violence and in the most extreme cases, murder. Honor related violence and oppression has received a lot of attention since the assassination of Fadime took place in 2002. As a result, the Government introduced major efforts to combat honor violence and oppression.  The analysis showed that social services and some other actors involved in the work against honor related violence and oppression show an uncertainty in dealing with honor cases where there is a lack of knowledge in the field. This, in turn, is proving to affect cooperation in the work regarding honor matters between the actors. If a common approach to honor related violence had improved the cooperation between the actors and helped capture the victims more easily was discussed in this study. However, it is a difficult question to answer since it has its advantages and disadvantages. But a common consensus would have a lot of benefits in the work as it could reduce the uncertainty in relation to the phenomenon. However, this can be difficult to achieve when some explanations and approaches to honor related violence have interpretation precedence, while others have fallen into the shadows. Despite major efforts, there is scant research and a lack of scientific research in the field.
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Heder och trauma : En kvalitativ studie som belyser socialarbetares upplevelser av att arbeta med människor som har varit utsatta för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck / A qualitative study of social workers experiences in working with people who suffered violence and oppression in the name of honour

Bäckström, Angelica January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att belysa socialarbetares upplevelser av att arbeta med människor som har varit utsatta för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Datainsamlingen har skett med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Fyra socialarbetare som arbetar på skyddade boenden för personer utsatta för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck har fått beskriva sitt arbete med klienterna och hur detta arbete påverkar dem själva. Det insamlade materialet har analyserats genom tematisk analys. Socialarbetarna beskriver ett komplext arbete med traumatiserade klienter, ett arbete som kräver att de arbetar med ett speciellt förhållningssätt. Det komplexa arbetet med klienterna innebär att härbärgera svåra berättelser dagligen vilket i sin tur påverkar socialarbetarna i viss mån negativt. Socialarbetarna beskriver också att arbetet är utmanande och intressant där de får hjälpa andra människor genom att stödja klienterna under en tid i deras liv, på vägen mot ett självständigt liv utan våld.

Länsrättens bevishantering i LVU-mål med hedersrelaterad problematik

Gavlevik, Lena, Jelic, Lena January 2006 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study was to look into how evidence evaluation in verdicts considering 2 § LVU (Care of Young Persons Act) linked to honor related problems are handled by the County Administrative Court of Stockholm. The questions at issue were how the County Administrative Court handles the prerequisites regarding 2 § LVU verdicts, how the County Administrative Court proceeds when evaluating evidence in 2 § LVU verdicts, and how the County Administrative Court handles indications of that a child is living in an honor-related context. To answer this, five verdicts have been analyzed. In addition to this, two interviews were made as a complement. In the analysis of the collected material, the authors proceeded from a theory of evidence and used a hermeneutic method for the analysis. Through the study, it has been observed that the court doesn’t seem to use any verified method to evaluate evidence. Further on, the results show that the court, in their verdicts, seems to prefer to assign to the most general prerequisite in the actual paragraph and doesn’t refer or even mention honor in the verdicts. The authors believe these circumstances make it difficult for the parties in the lawsuit to understand how the court has reached its judgement.</p>
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Om att våga lyfta frågan : en kvalitativ studie om orsaker till hedersrelaterat förtryck och frivilligorganisationers attitydförändringsarbete

Bergfeldt, Marie, Bergman, Pia January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this research has been to investigate possible reasons for why honour related oppression exist in Sweden as well as to find out how some voluntary organisations work to change honour oppression related attitudes. The questions that the reserachers were trying to answer were (1) What are the possible causes for honour related oppression in Sweden? (2) How can honour related oppression be identified? (3) What are the voluntary organisations doing to change these attitudes? To answer these questions a qualitative method was used. The reserachers examined what leading researchers in this area thought were the reasons to why honour related oppression exist and then carried out interviews with participants from four voluntary organisations. A social constructional approached were chosen as the theoretical framework for this research and the results were also analysed from several perspectives. The reserachers found that the reasons for the honour related oppression links to the upkeep of old traditions and customs as well as gaps in the Swedish integration of immigrants. The researchers concluded that the honour related oppression exist due to old habits that can change over time.</p>
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Hur arbetar socialarbetare med flickor/kvinnor utsatta för våld inom familjen? : en kvalitativ studie kring socialtjänstens arbete med flickor/kvinnor utsatta för hedersrelaterat våld

Bloch, Agata January 2005 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie med utgångspunkt i intervjuer med fem socialarbetare som på olika sätt i sitt arbete kommer i kontakt med flickor/kvinnor utsatta för hedersrelaterat våld. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva hur man på socialkontor i Stockholm arbetar med flickor/kvinnor från patriarkala familjer utsatta för hedersrelaterat våld. De forskningsfrågor som har legat till grund för studien var: Hur definierar socialarbetarna hedersrelaterat våld som är riktat mot flickor/kvinnor från patriarkala familjer? Hur arbetar socialsekreterare med flickor/kvinnor utsatta för hedersrelaterat våld som vänder sig till socialtjänsten? Vad upplever socialarbetarna som hinder och vad som behöver förändras i arbetet med flickorna/kvinnorna? Har arbetssätten på socialtjänsten i arbetet med flickor från patriarkala familjer förändrats sedan 2003? Resultaten analyserades utifrån den tidigare presenterade forskningen samt teorier som ekologiska systemteorin, empowerment och några tankar om organisationens betydelse. Resultaten visade att arbetet med flickor/kvinnor utsatta för hedersrelaterat våld har förändrats till flickans/kvinnas bästa sedan 2003. Alla respondenterna är nog överens om att det fortfarande behövs fler och olika slags insatser för att ge flickorna det stöd och hjälp som de behöver.</p>
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I skuggan av friheten : Upplevelser av att bryta upp från en hederskontext / In the shadow of freedom : Experiences of breaking up from a context of honour

Rosén, Maria-Theresia January 2009 (has links)
<p>So called honour based violence is a present problem in Sweden. Although recently there has been a steadily growing political and academic awareness around so called honour based violence, there are still problems in the face to face meeting with the victims. This dissertation contributes to the understanding of these victims. The empirical material is based on five young women's stories about growing up in a context of 'honour' and their experiences from breaking up from this context.  My ambition is letting these stories be heard and told as to lead to an increasing understanding of how these women experience themselves and their surrounding society. The purpose of this dissertation is to illustrate how young women interpret their <em>self</em> in the light of a separation from their families. How do they interpret the past, present and future? None of the women interviewed wanted to leave their family and my interpretation is that they all reached a point of no return, a point when they couldn´t see any other choice. I have called this a turning point. The turning point has been more or less apparent, but most of the women had a feeling of”I have had enough".</p>

Om att våga lyfta frågan : en kvalitativ studie om orsaker till hedersrelaterat förtryck och frivilligorganisationers attitydförändringsarbete

Bergfeldt, Marie, Bergman, Pia January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this research has been to investigate possible reasons for why honour related oppression exist in Sweden as well as to find out how some voluntary organisations work to change honour oppression related attitudes. The questions that the reserachers were trying to answer were (1) What are the possible causes for honour related oppression in Sweden? (2) How can honour related oppression be identified? (3) What are the voluntary organisations doing to change these attitudes? To answer these questions a qualitative method was used. The reserachers examined what leading researchers in this area thought were the reasons to why honour related oppression exist and then carried out interviews with participants from four voluntary organisations. A social constructional approached were chosen as the theoretical framework for this research and the results were also analysed from several perspectives. The reserachers found that the reasons for the honour related oppression links to the upkeep of old traditions and customs as well as gaps in the Swedish integration of immigrants. The researchers concluded that the honour related oppression exist due to old habits that can change over time.
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