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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Det finns ingen heder inom hederskulturen” : En litteraturstudie av hederskultur och normer

Tarabeih, Sarah January 2023 (has links)
Under de senaste årtionden har en ny skepnad av heder tagit form i Sverige. Ideologin bortser från mänskliga rättigheter och våra demokratiska normer. Konsekvenserna är förödande för de berörda om dessa hedersnormer inte efterföljs. Individen kontrolleras av kollektivet. I denna kontext är heder en tro om att släktens eller familjen rykte hänger på att skydda kvinnans kropp och sexualitet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera tidigare forskningar som behandlar frågor som berör hedervåld. Detta för att förstå vilka uppfattning och värderingar människor i hederskontext har kring heder med kvinnans sexualitet i fokus. För att skapa en närmare förståelse till vad som driver förövarna till våldet har jag tolkat deras beteende utifrån attributionsteorin. Resultatet av undersökningen visade att hedersrelaterat våld kan komma till uttryck på olika sätt. Den visade också att de drivande faktorerna bakom hedersvåldet handlar om att män med utländsk bakgrund misslyckats integrera sig i samhället till skillnad från barnen och kvinnorna. Den misslyckade integrationen leder till en känsla av otrygghet och passivitet hos männen som resulterar i våld med syfte att återupprätta sin makt, kontroll och heder.

Hedersmetaforer : En analys av konceptuella metaforer i skildringar av hedersvåld i ungdomsböcker på svenska / Honor metaphors : An analysis of Conceptual Metaphors in depictions of Honor Violence in Young Adult Literature in Swedish

Daryamadj, Nima January 2022 (has links)
Föreliggande studie undersöker konceptuella metaforer om hedersvåld i skönlitterära ungdomsböcker på svenska. Med utgångspunkt i Lakoff och Johnsons Conceptual Metaphor Theory undersöks vilka konceptuella metaforer som används om heder, vad dessa metaforer avslöjar om hur hedersvåld konceptualiseras, samt vilka potentiella värderingar dessa metaforer ger uttryck för. Materialet, bestående av åtta ungdomsböcker, är varierat avseende författarnas kön, ursprung, bokens utgivningsår, etc. I genomförandet används proceduren Metaphor Identification Procedure. Resultatet konstaterar bland annat att heder konceptualiseras som ett ting placerat utanför den egna kroppen, vilket medför allvarliga konsekvenser för personer inom hedersnormer.

Hovrättens och tingsrättens bedömning av hedersrelaterat våld och annat våld : - En kvalitativ analys av rättsfall rörande våldsbrott / Court of Appeal's and District Court's assessment of honour related violence and other violence : – an content analysis on cases of violence crime

Balevi, Mehtap, Friborg, Carin January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of the study has been to describe and analyse in which way court make a distinction between honour related violence and violence in other cases by using an text analysis together with an content analysis. Previous research shows that honour related violence have been a controversial concept, which have made it hard for the swedish society to get a hand of the background of the phenomenon. Some researcher describe honour related violence as a cultural related lifestyle, all though some researchers does not agree with this explanation. The result have been analysed through a feministic perspective on gender, definitions of ascendancy, the normalizations process of violence and through honour and shame. To create an understanding of how the gender norms can take place in different family structures, Al-Baldawis pyramid of patriarchal family structure have been used as an illustration of the differences in authority of power. The main result shows that men's violence against women have been over represented, categorized after violence in close relationships. It also shows that the court´s assessment often is objective, based on the circumstances of the case.

Hinder vid undervisningen i Sexualitet, samtycke och relationer samt ämnets känslighet i Religionskunskap på grundskolan / Obstacles in the teaching of Sexuality, Consent and Relationshipsand the Sensitivity of the subject in Religious Studies in Comprehensive School

Koca, Murat January 2022 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna studie är att uppmärksamma hinder för undervisningen i Sexualitet, samtycke och relationer i ämnet religionskunskap i grundskolan, i det mångkulturella Sverige. Jag vill också ta reda på religionslärares uppfattning om att ämnet Sexualitet, samtycke och relationer är känsligt i deras ämne.</p><p>Denna studie baseras på hermeneutikens grund. Jag har valt den kvalitativa forskningmetoden genom intervjuer. Detta för att hitta svar på mina frågor och samtidigt ge respondenterna möjlighet att utveckla sina svar. Intervjuerna skedde utifrån en semistrukturerad intervjuguide. empirin som jag har erhållit från mina fem intervjuer tolkades sedan utifrån en hermeneutisk teori. I mitt avsnitt om tidigare forskning tar jag upp fakta kring hinder i Sexualitet, samtycke och relationer samt tolkningar om ämnets känslighet.</p><p>Resultatet i min undersökning visar att det finns hinder från lärare, skolan, vårdnadshavare liksom från elever och hedersnormer, -förtryck och -våld. Resultatet synliggjorde också att ämnet är känsligt för respondenterna i mina intervjuer. Ändå känner sig mina respondenter personligen trygga inför ämnet.</p><p>Slutsatserna är att lärarna behöver mer utbildning samt att skolan bör informera vårdnadshavare om ämnet. Hedersnormer, -förtryck och -våld är fortfarande aktuella och avgörande för undervisningens framgång och måste beaktas. Elevernas delaktighet i ämnets planering bör också förstärkas. Att ämnet ännu idag är känsligt för många lärare ska heller inte underskattas.</p>

Pojkars utsatthet inom hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck : En kvalitativ studie baserad på LVU-domar utifrån ett genus- och maktperspektiv / Boys vulnerability within honor-related violence and oppression : A qualitative study based on LVU (Care of Young Persons Act) court judgements from a gender and power perspective

Nilsson, Sara, Malmros, Tova January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to gain increased knowledge about the vulnerability of boys living in honor-related violence and oppression by examining 2§ LVU (The Compulsory Care of Young Persons Act) of judgments from a gender and power perspective. A qualitative method has been employed to collect data from 15 LVU judgments from administrative courts, between the years 2020-2023. To analyze the empirical data, elements of Foucault's theory of power and Hirdman's gender theory have been utilized. The primary conclusion of the study is that administrative courts and social services interpret honor-related violence and oppression in different ways, and the definition varies across different judgments. Another conclusion is that administrative courts and social services depict the vulnerability of boys in honor-related violence and oppression in various ways, highlighting that boys are subjected to both physical and psychological violence, and the violence may have multiple causes. In conclusion, it is evident that the vulnerability of boys in honor-related violence and oppression should be given more attention to counteract the socialization of honor-related beliefs.

Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck - en helt främmande sak? : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares och enhetschefers upplevelser av socialtjänstens arbete med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck / Honor-related violence and oppression - an alien concept? : A qualitative study about social workers experiences of the work with honor-related violence and oppression in social services

Allert, Astrid, Sjönneby, Sofia January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att på en kommunal nivå undersöka hur arbetet och kompetensen kring hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck ser ut inom socialtjänsten. Fokus är på socialarbetares upplevelser och resonemang kring hedersrelaterat våld. Studien har en kvalitativ forskningsansats och syftet har uppnåtts genom semistrukturerade telefonintervjuer med socialarbetare i 15 kommuner, fördelat på två län. Den insamlade datan har analyserats med hjälp av tematisk analys. Intervjudeltagarnas uttalanden har tolkats med hjälp av Michael Lispkys teori om gräsrotsbyråkrati och handlingsutrymme samt med begrepp som kulturessentialism och postkolonial teori.  Resultatet visar på att det finns särskild kompetens om hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck inom de flesta kommuner men att den ofta är knuten till enskilda handläggare. Det har även framkommit hur viktigt kunskap är för att identifiera och ge rätt stöd i hedersrelaterade ärenden. Gemensamt för de insatser som erbjuds offer, familj och förövare är att få av dem är anpassade för hedersproblematik. De insatser som erbjuds utsatta individer tycks tillgodose deras behov av skydd men tvingar också individen att genomgå stora uppoffringar, därmed finns ett behov av att utveckla och förbättra dessa insatser. Vidare framgår att det finns delade meningar om vad hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck antas bero på samt inom vilka familjer det förekommer. Vissa uttrycker att hedersrelaterat våld endast förekommer inom vissa kulturer och grupper, medan andra menar att så inte är fallet. / The purpose of the following study is to examine how the work is organized on a municipal level and what expertise social workers in different municipalities have about honor-related violence. The focus is on social workers experiences and reasoning about honor-related violence. The study has a qualitative research approach, and the purpose has been achieved by doing semi-structured interviews per telephone with social workers from 15 municipalities, divided into two regions. The collected data has been analyzed through a thematic analysis. The statements of the study participants have been interpreted with help from Michael Lipsky's theory about street-level bureaucracy and discretion and also by the terms culture essentialism and postcolonial theory.  The results show that in most of the municipalities the social workers have special skills about honor-related violence, though the skills are often directly linked to individual employees in the organization. It has also emerged how important knowledge is to be able to identify and to give the right support in honor-related cases. Common for the interventions social services are offering victims, families and perpetrators is that few of them are adjusted for honor-related issues. The interventions that are offered to victims seems to meet their needs of shelter although it comes with great personal sacrifices, therefore there is a need to develop and improve the interventions. Further there are split opinions about what the causes for honor-related violence are and within which groups it occurs. Some of the participants expresses that honor-related violence only occurs in certain cultures and groups, while other claims the opposite.

“Min pappa ströp mig när jag var jätteliten” : En Kvalitativ Studie om Hedersförtryck Inom Nära Relationer / “My father strangled me when I was very small” : A Qualitative Study About Honor Suppression Within Close Relationships

Arifzade, Evelina Zulfiya January 2023 (has links)
Abstract Honor-related violence and oppression is a major problem in our society. Many individuals live in fear and don't dare to seek help from public authorities. The most targeted group of individuals are young girls and women. Most often, the perpetrators are the men in the family and relatives, but the women can also be the perpetrators. Many lives are taken because of collective norms in honor groups and many suffer in silence.The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge about the practices of the honor culture and the consequences with a particular focus on honor-related violence and oppression within close relationships. The study contains experiences of individuals who live in collective groups with honor norms. Previous studies on honor-related violence and oppression show that it has been difficult to map how many individuals are victims of this kind of crime. The chosen theories in this study are: stigma, individualism and collectivism and gender.These will be a tool to gain a deeper understanding of different kinds of honor norms and how they affect the victims.The collected material in this study consists of semi-structured interviews which were then analyzed with the help of the chosen theories and previous research. The results and the analysis show that honor norms express themselves differently depending on the gender and what kind of society you are in. It also shows that there is a lack of competence on honor-related violence and oppression. The respondents in the interviews demonstrate that standards of honor exist and that it must be talked about more in our society.

”Ett beteende som mitt måste straffas och skulden skulle betalas i blod” : En kvalitativ studie om socialförvaltningens arbete med hedersrelaterat våld: begränsningar, utmaningar och brister / "A behavior like mine must be punished and the guilt would be paid in blood” : A qualitative study of the social administration's work with honour-related violence: limitations, challenges and shortcomings

Aidi, Husni, Alsabek, Rana January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to highlight the challenges and shortcomings that affect social work related to honor-based issues, which often result in individuals at risk of honor-based violence choosing to remain in oppressive situations, regardless of the consequences. We have conducted semi-structured interviews with social workers who address these problems in various professional roles, including social secretaries, counselors, foster homes, and organizations that work with preventive measures. Scientific articles, books, and reports were used in the study to gain deeper insight into the subject. The material was analyzed based on intersectionality, systems theory, and anomie theory to gain a more profound understanding of the subject from different perspectives. These perspectives help analyze the factors that contribute to honor-based violence and oppression, and how the interaction between these factors can reinforce honor norms in Sweden. The results reveal shortcomings in addressing honor-based problems, such as a lack of cooperation, knowledge, and interventions. These deficiencies, among other factors, restrict the opportunities for victims of honor-based violence to escape their destructive situations. The study also underscores limiting factors such as victims' low trust in authorities and insufficient long-term measures following a break-up. The segregation of ethnic groups in Sweden and its consequences is a recurring theme, focusing on how cultural distinctions and segregation can reinforce honor norms in society. The study also points out a lack of adequate strategies and sufficient knowledge about how to effectively address honor norms within schools and social work, often overshadowed by the fear of being accused of racism. A key conclusion is that more knowledge about the issue is needed, along with the development of interventions for non-emergency cases that are grounded in a deeper understanding of the cultural context. It is also essential that the stigma surrounding terms such as "honor culture" and "honor-related violence" be eliminated, promoting a more productive debate and dissemination of knowledge at different levels, among politicians, in social work, in schools, and among immigrants. Additionally, the study emphasizes the need to improve integration efforts.

Hur görs jämställdhet i Sverige? : En analys av den svenska jämställdhetspolitiken mellan 2014 och 2019 utifrån ett postkolonialt feministiskt perspektiv / How is gender equality made in Sweden? : A postcolonial feministic perspective on Swedish Gender Equality politics between 2014 and 2019

Lind, Jasmin Doreen January 2020 (has links)
The starting point of this thesis is that gender equality should be studied as an empirical field. After the Swedish general election in 2014 the newly formed government proclaimed itself to be the world’s first feminist government. This study aims to examine how gender equality is made and filled with meaning by this feminist government since 2014 and to analyse the results by making use of postcolonial feminist theory and relevant research. Carol Bacchis analytical strategy, “What´s the problem represented to be?” is used as the study’s methodological framework. This approach to critical policy analysis focuses on how governing takes place through problematizations within policy. The results of the study show that gender equality is made by problematizing a lack of regulation, a lack of knowledge, a lack of collaboration, wrongful designation, a lack of attention for certain groups as well as a lack of Swedish strategy. One of the most significant results drawn from the analyses confirms previous research findings that neoliberalism as well as ethnocentric discourses dominate this field of policy. This leads to the conclusions that Swedish Gender Equality Politics, through to its fragmentation is emptied of a specific content and direction as well as that Swedishness and Norms of Honor are created in an asymmetric-diametrically relationship.

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