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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A religião como representação na filosofia de Hegel: os manuscritos de 1821 / Religion as representation on Hegel\'s philosophy: 1821\'s manuscripts

Raphael Feliciano Almeida 29 September 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho é uma dissertação que se destina a analisar a caracterização da religião através da noção de representação, notadamente nos manuscritos de Hegel elaborados em 1821 como notas de aula de suas preleções sobre a religião proferidas no mesmo ano. O intuito é esclarecer como a ideia de representação é central para marcar a posição da religião no sistema do Hegel maduro, bem como para apontar uma deficiência da religião como forma em relação ao pensamento conceitual e à filosofia. Para atingir esse objetivo, parte-se de uma análise da estrutura do sistema como um todo e da apresentação do conceito de religião nos referidos manuscritos, para finalmente investigar-se como a representação funciona para esclarecer a posição da religião no edifício da Enciclopédia das Ciências Filosóficas. / The present work is a dissertation that aims to analyse the description of religion through the notion of representation, specially on the Hegel´s manuscripts written on 1821 as class notes of his lessons of religion given that same year. The focus is to clarify how the notion of representation is the key to hold the position of religion on Hegel´s mature system, as to mark some deficiency of religion as form in relation to conceitual thought and philosophy. To achieve this goal, one starts from an analysis of the structure of the system as a whole and the statement of the concept of religion on the referred manuscripts, to finally investigate how representation works to clarify the position of religion on the building of the Encyclopaedia of the Philosofical Sciences.

Os momentos literários da individualidade moderna na fenomenologia do espírito de Hegel / The literary moments of modern individuality in Hegel\'s phenomenology of spirit

Adriano Blattner Martinho 01 July 2010 (has links)
Salientando asserções principais da Fenomenologia do Espírito sobre a categoria da individualidade, este estudo pretende avaliar o papel da literatura na compreensão da assim chamada efetivação da consciência-de-si racional através de si mesma. Na primeira parte, a grande obra de Hegel é apresentada como uma tentativa de destituir o estatuto transcendental da subjetividade na filosofia moderna. Na segunda, mostra-se como Hegel concebe, contra outras disciplinas em voga, a auto-criação humana da individualidade, baseado na experiência de três famosas personagens literárias: Fausto, Karl von Moor e Dom Quixote. / By highlighting major statements from the Phenomenology of Spirit on the individuality category, this inquiry intends to appreciate the role of literature in understanding the so-called realization of racional self-consciousness through itself. In the first part, Hegels great work is presented as an attempt to depose the transcendental status of subjectivity in modern philosophy. In the second one, its shown how, against other current disciplines, Hegel conceives the human self-creation of individuality, based on the experience of three famous literary characters: Faust, Karl von Moor and Don Quixote.

A liberdade: um estudo sobre os escritos de Frankfurt de Hegel / Freedom: a study of Hegel\'s writings in Frankfurt

Rosana de Oliveira 30 September 2016 (has links)
Os anos de juventude de Hegel representam um momento importante da formação de seu pensamento: através deles é possível acompanhar seu desenvolvimento partindo da formação teológica rumo ao sistema propriamente filosófico. Após a passagem por Tübingen e Berna, entre 1797 e 1800 Hegel se estabelece em Frankfurt e retoma em seus escritos temas dos anos anteriores explorando-os, porém, sob uma nova abordagem. Tais temas podem ser agrupados em dois níveis: Hegel detém-se, por um lado, nas figuras concretas do judaísmo, do cristianismo, do mundo helênico e da filosofia kantiana; por outro, no lado conceitual expresso na sequência legalidade, moralidade, amor e religião, costurando um percurso da liberdade em seus limites e avanços. Este percurso se desdobra ainda em noções que extrapolam o campo da religião e avançam pelo terreno do direito e da estética, como o crime, o castigo, o destino e a vida, com as quais Hegel analisa os conflitos de seu tempo representados sobretudo na necessidade de unificação frente ao mundo cindido. / The young years from Hegel represent an important moment from the formation of his thought: through them it´s possible to notice his development starting from the theological formation towards the philosophycal system. After passing for Tübingen and Bern, between 1797 and 1800 Hegel settles in Frankfurt and resumes in his writings the subjects of his previous years exploring them, however, with a new approach. Those subjects can be grouped together in two levels: on the one hand Hegel stoppes on the concret figures of Judaism, Christianity, Hellenism and Kant\'s philosophy; on the other hand, he focuses on the conceptual side expressed on the sequence legality, morality, love and religion, linking a route of the freedom in its limits and advances. This route develops itself in notions that exceed the field of religion, advancing on areas of right and aestethic, such as crime, punishment, fate and life, with those Hegel analyzes the conflicts of his time represented especially on the necessity of unification in face of the separated world.

Moralidade e eticidade: uma discussÃo entre Kant e Hegel / Morality and ethicity: a discussion between Kant and Hegel

Josà Aldo CamurÃa de AraÃjo Neto 01 April 2011 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / A questÃo da moralidade pode ser estudada valendo-se de uma pergunta aparentemente simples: como devo agir? Esta pergunta, todavia, desencadeia uma sÃrie de novas perguntas: como posso julgar minha aÃÃo e a dos outros? Quais os critÃrios segundo os quais faÃo esse julgamento? Segundo que mÃximas, princÃpios e valores devem orientar-se minha aÃÃo? Qual a relaÃÃo existente entre a moralidade individual e a normatividade social? A resposta a todas essas perguntas nÃo esgota a problemÃtica da moralidade jà que cada pergunta gera uma infinidade de outras, que, por sua vez, exigem respostas cada vez mais sofisticadas. Immanuel Kant e Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel tentam, cada um a sua maneira, dar uma resposta satisfatÃria a essa problemÃtica. De fato, o objeto de anÃlise principal da moralidade à o indivÃduo, o sujeito, que age no mundo. à nele que as sociedades criam critÃrios, valores, para que suas aÃÃes possam ser reconhecidas no mundo. PorÃm, a fim de que suas aÃÃes tenham validade, os indivÃduos externalizam suas vontades, inclinaÃÃes, nas instituiÃÃes: famÃlia, sociedade civil e Estado. à diante desse contexto que encontramos a filosofia kantiana se contrapondo à filosofia hegeliana. De um lado, temos uma filosofia que exclui a sensibilidade das aÃÃes humanas a fim de postular a existÃncia de um ente que supera o empÃrico, o sensÃvel: Kant e o seu imperativo categÃrico. Do outro lado, encontramos uma filosofia que valoriza o desenvolvimento da ideia de liberdade em todas as suas mediaÃÃes â do momento mais abstrato atà o mais concreto â sendo esse desenvolvimento completo, sistemÃtico: a filosofia hegeliana. A partir desses dois extremos està a moralidade. Enquanto que Kant concebe o conteÃdo da aÃÃo moral destituÃdo de um interesse especÃfico, a aÃÃo moral em Hegel possui interesse; somos motivados, portanto, pela paixÃo, inclinaÃÃo, entre outros sentimentos. à diante dessas diferenÃas que Kant e Hegel contribuÃram bastante para a Ãtica, a Filosofia polÃtica, onde o tema da moralidade se apresenta. Em Kant, o conceito de autonomia torna o indivÃduo livre, independente, capaz de legislar em causa prÃpria, de controlar e orientar os seus atos segundo certos critÃrios e princÃpios. Jà em Hegel, a liberdade se internaliza na moralidade de modo tal que o sujeito dispÃe a assumir, conscientemente, as consequÃncias de seus atos se responsabilizando por eles. Por esta razÃo, a relaÃÃo entre as filosofias kantiana e hegeliana à extremamente frutÃfera e nÃo se pode preterir uma em detrimento da outra de forma absoluta. A crÃtica de Hegel a Kant à possÃvel na esteira tanto da Moralidade quanto o da HistÃria, pois Kant lanÃou todas as condiÃÃes para que fosse posteriormente criticado. Ou seja, a partir dos questionamentos à metafÃsica tradicional, o filÃsofo de KÃnigsberg dà margem a diversas interpretaÃÃes. Dentre estas interpretaÃÃes, encontra-se Hegel com a sua noÃÃo de Eticidade. / The issue of morality can be studied through an apparently simple question: how I must act? This question, however, unchains a series of new questions: how can I judge my actions and other peopleâs actions? What are the criteria according to which I make this judgment? Which principles and values must guide my actions? What is the relation between individual morality and social normativity? Answering all these questions do not deplete the problem of morality, since each question may generate a multitude of others which, in their turn, demand more elaborated answers each time. Immanuel Kant and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel try, in their own way, to give a satisfactory reply to this polarization. In fact, the object of main analysis of morality is the individual, the citizen who acts in the world. It is in the world that societies create criteria and values, so that the actions of individuals can be recognized in the world. However, to be sure that their actions become valid, the individuals externalize their wills and inclinations in the institutions: family, civil society and the State. On these grounds, we find Kantian philosophy as opposite to Hegelian philosophy. On the one hand, we find a philosophy which excludes the sensitivity of human actions in order to claim the existence of a being that surpasses the empiricist, the sensitiveness: Kant and his Categorical Imperative. On the other hand, we find a philosophy which values the development of the idea of freedom in all its mediations â from the most abstract moment to the most concrete one â seeing this development as complete and systematic: the Hegelian philosophy. Between these two divergent viewpoints, there is morality. Whereas Kant conceives the content of moral action in an uninterested way, that is, the fulfillment of our actions only for the sake of our duty. The moral action in Hegel doesnât happen without interest; we are motivated, therefore, by passion, inclinations, desires amongst other feelings. Despite all these differences, Kant and Hegel contribute a lot to the problematic of morality either in Ethics or in the realm of political philosophy. In Kant, the concept of autonomy makes the individual independent and capable of legislating in his/her own favor, controlling and guiding their act according to certain criteria and principles. In Hegel, freedom is internalized into morality, so that the individual assumes, conscientiously, the consequences of his/her own actions, being responsible for them. For this reason, the relation between the two philosophies is extremely fruitful and we cannot neglect one in detriment of the other. Hegelâs critique of Kantian moral philosophy is possible either in the realm of morality or in the realm of History because Kant himself gave the seeds to be criticized later. In other words, from the questionings about traditional metaphysics, the philosopher of KÃnigsberg is a target for many different interpretations. Amongst these interpretations, Hegel is found with his notion of Ethicity.

Experiência estética em Hegel / Aesthetic experience in Hegel

Maíra Protasio Dias de Oliveira 27 February 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho é uma dissertação que tem como objetivo investigar de que modo podemos compreender o conceito de experiência estética na filosofia hegeliana, tomando como ponto de partida o modo como Hegel trabalha o conceito de experiência na Fenomenologia do espírito. A partir desta primeira etapa da nossa investigação, procuramos também entender de que modo o conceito de experiência pode ser entendido na Enciclopédia das ciências filosóficas, para somente então encaminharmos nossa análise para os Cursos de estética, onde podemos encontrar de fato um trabalho voltado prioritariamente para o tema da arte e, desse modo, é onde encontraremos uma forma de pensarmos o conceito de experiência observado nas duas obras supracitadas no contexto específico da estética, isto é, da filosofia da bela arte. Assim sendo, o presente trabalho busca analisar, ao longo dos segundo e terceiro capítulos, os diversos aspectos presentes nos Cursos de estética que apresentam-se com maior relevância à luz do nosso objetivo, a investigação do tema da experiência estética, mantendo-nos em referência ao conceito de experiência apresentado de início, no primeiro capítulo. / The present work is a dissertation that aims to investigate how we can understand the concept of aesthetic experience in Hegelian philosophy, taking as the starting point the way Hegel works the concept of experience in the Phenomenology of the spirit. From this first stage of our research, we also seek to understand how the concept of experience can be understood in the Encyclopedia of philosophical sciences, to only then progress our analysis to the Hegels aesthetics: lectures on fine art, where we can find indeed a work focused primarily on the theme of art and thus is where we will find a way to think of the concept of experience observed in the two works mentioned above in the specific context of aesthetics, i.e. the philosophy of art. That being said, the present work seeks to analyse, throughout the second and third chapters, the various aspects present in Hegels aesthetics: lectures on fine art which have greater relevance in light of our objective, the investigation of the theme of aesthetic experience, keeping us in reference to the concept of experience presented at the beginning, in the first chapter.

Kierkegaard and Copenhagen : the urban performance of theory

Chipp, Jonathan Laurence January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

An Ideal Justification of Punishment

Johnson, Amanda Jane January 2006 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Legal punishment is frequently regarded as a cornerstone of both the legal system and of society more broadly yet (surely to its detriment) it is a practice which lacks a firm philosophical foundation. In spite of exercising many extremely capable legal and philosophical minds (particularly during the twentieth century) no generally agreed upon justification of punishment has been found. The nub of the problem has however been acknowledged as the inability of either of the major candidate theories (utilitarianism or retributivism) to provide an account able to address all the relevant parties. Whilst utilitarianism is often regarded as competent to the task of justifying punishment to society in terms of the attainment of some greater good, it seems entirely inadequate when it comes to formulating a justification to the criminal to explain why he has been singled out for punishment. And in the case of retributivism the situation is reversed. To the criminal it can be put that through punishment he is treated in accordance with what has done, but in the matter of justifying punishment to society, the key principle of desert is unable to be properly grounded. Thus the central motivation of this thesis is to attempt to redress this shortcoming in the philosophical literature and to formulate a viable justification of legal punishment. Ultimately it will be argued that the accounts of both Kant and Hegel offer a way of resolving the dilemma of punishment, and in particular their idealist orientation over and above their more widely acknowledged characterization as retributivists. In Kant’s case his contribution is derived from a reworked and more sophisticated version of his retributivism than is generally found in the literature, inspired by the work of Susan Meld Shell. Following Shell’s lead Kant’s construction of justice is explored and found to both enhance and support the traditional justification of punishment he can offer to the criminal, and to furnish an otherwise elusive justification of punishment to society more broadly. A reading of Hegel on punishment is also developed by taking seriously his theory of recognition and aspects of his logic, particularly regarding negation and contradiction. His account then addresses quite neatly and straightforwardly the three audiences for whom a justification of punishment is sought – the criminal, the victim and society itself. Not only does the thesis address the problem of punishment but it has further implications for Kant and Hegel scholarship as well as philosophy more broadly. One of the key points to come out of this thesis is that Kant and Hegel (if given adequate intellectual consideration) seem potentially able to offer up significant contributions to contemporary problems and issues beyond just the one argued for here regarding punishment. Their work is not merely of historical interest but has real and wide ranging possibilities which provide a rich resource for future research.

Gelebte Vernunft : Konzepte praktischer Rationalität beim frühen Hegel /

Plotnikov, Nikolaj, January 2004 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Diss. Fachbereich Erziehung, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften--Hagen--Fernuniversität, 2001. / Bibliogr. p. 393-410. Index.

Die Mechanik der Wärme in Hegels Jenaer Systementwurf von 1805-06 : ein Kommentar vor dem Hintergrund der Entwicklung der Wärmelehre von 1620 bis 1840 /

Posch, Thomas, January 2005 (has links)
Diss.--Fakultät für Human- und Sozialwissenschaften--Universität Wien, 2002. / Bibliogr. p. 181-188.

Love and politics : re-interpreting Hegel /

Ormiston, Alice, January 1900 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Diss.--Toronto (Ont.), 1998. / Bibliogr. p. 147-157. Index.

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