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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modulação do gene ugp e análise das alterações na composição dos carboidratos da parede celular primária e secundária de Nicotiana tabacum e Eucalyptus grandis / Modulation of ugp gene and analysis of the changes in carbohydrates composition of the Nicotiana tabacum and Eucalyptus grandis primary and secondary cell wall

Gunta Gutmanis 11 April 2008 (has links)
A associação de tecnologias como transgenia, genômica e proteômica aos programas de melhoramento convencional de árvores, pode acelerar o processo de obtenção de exemplares com características específicas da madeira para a indústria de papel e celulose. A parede celular vegetal é extremamente importante para este setor industrial, pois fornece polissacarídeos como celulose e hemiceluloses. A UDP-glucose pirofosforilase (UGPase, EC é uma enzima chave na produção de UDP-glucose, precursor relevante na interconversão de nucleotídeoaçúcares que constituem os monômeros desses polissacarídeos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi clonar os cDNAs que codificam a UGPase, extraídos do tubérculo de batata (Solanum tuberosum L.) e da raiz de eucalipto (Eucalyptus grandis), e inseri-los por meio de transformação genética via Agrobacterium tumefaciens, respectivamente, no genoma de plantas de fumo (Nicotiana tabacum) e de eucalipto, para alterar o fluxo de carbono de modo a aumentar o conteúdo de pentosanas (xilose e arabinose). O maior teor de pentosanas é benéfico economicamente para a indústria de papel e celulose, pois diminui a energia consumida no refino da polpa além de benificiar a qualidade do papel que se torna mais resitente ao rasgo. O impacto da superexpressão do gene ugp nas plantas de tabaco e de eucalipto obtidas da transformação genética, foi avaliado por meio de análises bioquímicas e morfológicas. A análise de Southern blot indicou uma a quatro cópias do transgene no DNA genômico de dez linhagens T2 de tabaco, e uma cópia em uma linhagem T0 de eucalipto. A análise de qPCR mostrou que todas as linhagens T2 de tabaco apresentaram expressão do gene ugp exógeno, sendo que em quatro o nível de expressão foi maior que nas demais. As linhagens com menor expressão do gene ugp exógeno, com exceção de uma delas, também expressaram menos o gene ugp endógeno, sugerindo que nessas linhagens algum mecanismo de regulação atuou alterando a expressão desse gene, tanto endógeno, quanto exógeno. As linhagens transgênicas de tabaco foram morfologicamente semelhantes às plantas controle quando comparadas quanto à altura da planta, comprimento de internós, área foliar total, diâmetro do caule e massa seca da raiz. As alterações nos tabacos transgênicos, em relação aos controles, verificadas através das análises químicas, foram estatisticamente mais significativas na medula caulinar, onde houve aumento no conteúdo dos monossacarídeos e dos ácidos urônicos. As poucas diferenças encontradas no tecido xilemático sugerem que a planta, de alguma forma, tende a alterar menos a composição da parede celular secundária, do que da parede primária. Também sugerem que o metabolismo dos carboidratos pode afetar o conteúdo de lignina, embora seja sintetizada por outra rota metabólica. A parede celular primária, analizada utilizando a medula das plantas de tabaco e folhas de eucalipto, mostrou um aumento no conteúdo de pentosanas, o que não foi observado na análise de plântulas de tabaco. / Assossiating technologies like transgenesis, genomics and proteomics with conventional forestry breeding can accelerate the process of obtaining new trees with specific wood properties for the paper and pulp industry. Plant cell wall is extremely important for this industry, providing polysaccharides like cellulose and hemicelluloses. UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (UGPase, EC is a key enzyme producing UDP-glucose, an important forerunner for nucleotide sugars that constitute the monomers of these polysaccharides. The goal in this work was to clone the cDNAs that encode UGPase, extracted from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber, and eucalypt (Eucalyptus grandis) root, and transfer through genetic transformation via Agrobacterium tumefaciens, respectively, in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants and eucalypts, in order to change the carbon flux, increasing the pentosans (arabinose and xylose) content. Higher pentosans content is economicaly important for the paper and pulp industry, as decreases energy consumption at pulp refining and also can benefit paper quality that becomes more resistant to rip. The impact of the ugp gene overexpression over tobacco and eucalypt plants obtained through genetic transformation were morphological and biochemicaly evaluated. Southern blot analysis showed one to four copies of the transgene in the genomic DNA of ten tobacco T2 lines, and one copy in one eucalypt T0 line. The qPCR analysis showed that all tobacco T2 lines expressed exogenous ugp gene, being the expression level in four of them biger than the others. Lines that expressed less exogenous ugp gene, with exception of one of them, equally had less endogenous ugp gene expression level, suggesting that in these lines, some kind of regulation acted changing the gene expression. The transgenic tobacco lines were morphologicaly similar to the control plants when compared for total height, internode lenght, total leaf area, stem diameter and root dry mass. Alterations in transgenics tobacco plants, in relation to controls, checked by chemical analysis, were statisticaly more significants in the pith, where the monosaccharides and uronic acids contents increased. The few diferences founded in the xilematic tissue sugest that the plant, somehow, tends to change less the secondary cell wall composition than the primary wall. They also suggest that the carbohydrate metabolism can affect lignin content, thought it\'s sintetizaded in another metabolic pathway. The primary cell wall, evaluated using tobbaco plants pith and eucalypt leaves, showed an increase in pentosanas content, that wasn\'t observed analising tobacco seedlings.

Délignification du bois de châtaignier par une approche de chimie verte : Mise en œuvre et impacts sur la structure et le potentiel anti-radicalaire des phyto-polysaccharides extraits / Delignification of chestnut wood by a green chemistry approach : Implementation and impacts on the strucutre and anti-ridicalizing potential of extracted phyto-polysaccharides

Renault, Emmanuel 15 December 2014 (has links)
Le fractionnement du bois est un processus faisant appel à des méthodes encore non éco-compatibles. L’étape-clé de ce fractionnement est la délignification, qui utilise des composés chlorés, donc nocifs. Ainsi, des procédés originaux de délignification des sciures de bois de châtaignier ont été développés, utilisant des catalyseurs de type phtalocyanine et porphyrine. Ceux-ci, en milieu oxydant,permettent d’oxyder la lignine et donc de la détruire. Cette délignification a été caractérisée par différentes techniques, notamment par spectroscopie FT-IR et UV-Visible et par la mesure du nombre Kappa. Les résultats se sont révélés globalement décevants mais nous avons tout de même souhaité extraire les 4-O-Méthylglucuronoxylanes (MGX), les hémicelluloses majoritaires du châtaignier, à partir de sciures délignifiées par le système phtalocyanine/H2O2. Ceux-ci ont été extraits par simple traitement à l’eau chaude, ce qui a permis d’obtenir un MGX original porteur de résidu phénolique prouvant la délignification incomplète des sciures. Ces résidus phénoliques confèrent aux MGX un pouvoir antioxydant intéressant mesuré face au radical stable 2,2-diphényl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) par Résonance Paramagnétique Electronique (RPE) dont la CI50 a été mesuré à 225μg.mL-1, qui, comparé à des références, peut se placer comme un alternatif crédible en tant qu’antioxydant dans l’industrie alimentaire ou cosmétique. Nous avons enfin caractérisé plus précisément un fragment du polysaccharide afin de remonter à sa structure native dans le bois. / Fractionation of wood, essential for the development of its molecular constituents, generally includes non eco-friendly steps. The key-step of the fractionation, the delignification, is generally based on the implementation of aggressive conditions, using harmful reagents, particularly chlorinated. In this work, we developed a new method of delignification of sawdust chestnut, emblematic species of the Limousin region, using phthalocyanine or porphyrin as a catalyst and hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant. Lignin degradation was characterized by various techniques, including FT-IR spectroscopy, UV-visible absorption and by measuring the kappa number. Then we showed that the use of phthalocyanine, less effective that porphyrins in terms of degradation mass yields of lignocellulosic material are however more selective to lignin oxydation. It was then possible, from residues only partially delignified, to extract by a simple hot water a hemicellulose with a similar structure to the 4-O-M¨¦thylglucuronoxylans classically extracted from hardwood. This polysaccharide is characterized by the presence of phenolic residues providing it an interesting antioxidant activity, measured against the radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and its IC50 is estimated at 225¦Ìg. mL-1. This value, compared to reference products such as vitamin E, allows to classify this compound among good candidates for development as a natural preservative for food or cosmetic industries.

Entwicklung ramanspektroskopischer Messmethoden zur Untersuchung lignocelluloser Pflanzenmaterialien

Feldner, Alexander 20 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Landlebende Pflanzen weisen differenzierte Gewebetypen auf, die neben der Aufrechterhaltung physiologischer Stoffwechselvorgänge äußeren mechanischen Belastungen standhalten müssen. Durch zweckmäßige Verteilung von Festigkeitsgeweben über den Sprossquerschnitt erlangen Pflanzen die notwendigen Versteifungen und Stabilitäten. Zur ortsaufgelösten Darstellung der unterschiedlichen Pflanzengewebe wird auf die Methode der Ramanspektroskopie zurückgegriffen. Dazu werden valide ramanspektroskopische Methoden entwickelt, die die Bestimmung der Cellulosekristallinität sowie die Quantifizierung des Lignins und der Hemicellulosen zum Ziel haben. Am Beispiel eines Pflanzenquerschnittes des Gemeinen Flachs Linum usitassimum werden die spektroskopischen Methoden angewandt und die Verteilung der unterschiedlichen Gewebetypen aufgezeigt und diskutiert.

Fractionnement des complexes lignine-polysaccharides issus de différentes biomasses lignocellulosiques par extrusion bi-vis et séparation chromatographique / Fractionation of lignin-polysaccharides complex from different lignocellulosic biomass by twin-screw extrusion and chromatographic separation

Mogni, Assad 09 December 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de ces travaux est de développer une nouvelle voie de valorisation de différents coproduits agricoles et forestiers. L’étude s’est focalisée sur l’étape de séparation entre les hémicelluloses et les lignines contenues dans des extraits aqueux obtenus par extrusion bi-vis. La technologie bi-vis du fait de sa modularité a été choisie pour évaluer différentes conditions d’extraction. Les essais ont été menés afin de mettre en évidence l’influence des effets mécanique, thermique et chimique sur l’extraction des hémicelluloses à partir des différentes matrices végétales étudiées. Les travaux ont été conduits soit en conditions hydrothermales, eau sous pression et haute température, soit en conditions faiblement alcalines pour extraire des molécules les plus natives possibles. Ceci a permis d’identifier les conditions d’extraction les plus favorables en fonction des caractéristiques de chacune des biomasses. Dans un second temps, les extraits obtenus, contenants des hémicelluloses et des composés phénoliques, ont été purifiés au moyen de méthode de fixation sur résines d’échange d’ions et d’adsorption. Les travaux se sont focalisés sur la compréhension des mécanismes de fixation des molécules avec des solutions modèles contenant un ou plusieurs solutés. La cinétique et les isothermes d’échanges ont été évaluées pour l’acide férulique, l’acide coumarique et la lignine. Les résultats ont ensuite été comparés à ceux obtenus avec les extraits alcalins. Cette étude a permis d’identifier les mécanismes d’échanges qui interviennent lors de la séparation des complexes lignine-polysaccharides. / The objective of this work is to validate a new way of valuing various agricultural and forestry coproducts. Study was devoted on the separation of lignin and hemicelluloses contained in extracts obtained by twin-screw extrusion. Twin-screw technology has been chosen to evaluate different extraction conditions. Trial conditions have been adopted in order to highlight the influence of mechanical, thermal and chemical effects on the extraction performances for various plant matrices. Efforts have been made to give priority to mild extraction conditions in the interest of preserving the integrity of the extracted polymers and limiting the environmental impact. Thus hydro-thermal extraction tests without chemical solvents were compared to more conventional alkaline extraction to evaluate their efficiency. This identified the most favorable extraction conditions according to the characteristics of each biomass. The extracts, with hemicelluloses and phenolic compounds, were purified with ion exchange and adsorption resins. Work focused on mechanisms fixations characterization with model solutions conditions containing one or several molecules. Kinetic and isotherm were determined for lignin, coumaric acid and ferulic acid. Then, results were compared to results obtained with the extracts. This study allowed to identify the mechanisms involved in the separation of the lignin-carbohydrates complex.

Production of biopolymers and synthons from lignocellulosic wastes / Production de biopolymères et synthons à partir de résidus lignocellulosiques

Oriez, Vincent 29 January 2019 (has links)
Les résidus forestiers et agricoles, également appelés résidus lignocellulosiques, constituent de par leur quantité et leur structure un potentiel unique pour la production d’énergie et de molécules d’origine renouvelable, afin de pallier à la raréfaction des hydrocarbures fossiles ainsi qu’aux problèmes environnementaux liés à l’utilisation de ceux-ci. Les biomasses lignocellulosiques sont constituées principalement de cellulose, hémicelluloses et lignines. Le fractionnement et la purification de ces trois constituants est nécessaire à leur valorisation comme produits de substitution des hydrocarbures fossiles. Cette étude s’est tout d’abord attachée à la description et la compréhension des fractionnements chimiques acides et alcalins de la lignocellulose et aux voies de purification qui leur sont actuellement associées. Les travaux expérimentaux ont été réalisés à partir de deux matières premières : la bagasse de canne à sucre et le tourteau de tournesol. Une caractérisation fine de ces matières premières ainsi que des extraits acides et alcalins obtenus à partir de ces matières a été réalisée. Les étapes de purification se sont focalisées sur l’extrait alcalin de bagasse obtenu en conditions douces. En effet, la bagasse de canne à sucre peut être considérée comme un bon modèle de biomasse lignocellulosique, et la purification d’extraits alcalins lignocellulosiques obtenus en conditions douces a été peu étudiée malgré l’intérêt de ce procédé de fractionnement. La filtration membranaire et la chromatographie d'élution sur résine échangeuse de cation ont été évaluées séparément puis en association, afin de séparer les cinq grandes familles de molécules constitutives de l’extrait : des oligomères de lignines, des oligomères de sucres, des monomères phénoliques, de l’acide acétique et des sels inorganiques. Des essais d’ultrafiltration sur plusieurs membranes en faisant varier divers paramètres de filtration ont permis de déterminer que les oligomères de lignine et de sucres, récupérés dans le rétentat, sont séparés des monomères phénoliques, de l’acide acétique et des sels inorganiques, récupérés dans le perméat. Une membrane en fibres creuses de 10 kDa en polysulfone a présenté les meilleures performances de séparation et a été retenue pour les essais suivant en mode concentration et diafiltration. Des essais de chromatographie d'élution avec de l’eau pour éluant en testant plusieurs résines cationiques fortement acides ont montré qu’une fraction très pure d’oligomères de lignines et de sucres peut être obtenue avec une résine de type macroporeuse, alors qu’une résine de type gel a permis la séparation de monomères phénoliques entre eux en fonction de la présence ou non dans leur structure d’une fonction carboxyle. A partir d’extrait alcalin de bagasse, un procédé intégré de purification a été développé combinant de la filtration membranaire puis de la chromatographie sur le perméat et de la précipitation par ajout d’acide sur le rétentat. Il en a résulté l'obtention de quatre fractions purifiées : les monomères phénoliques avec fonction carboxyle, les sels inorganiques et les monomères phénoliques sans fonction carboxyle, les oligomères de lignine, et les oligomères de sucres. / Agricultural and forestry residues, also known as lignocellulosic residues, have a unique potential based on their quantity and structure for the production of renewable energy and molecules, inorder to solve the issues raised by the increasing scarcity of fossil hydrocarbons and the environmental disorder caused by their use. Lignocellulosic biomasses are essentially made ofcellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin. Fractionation and purification of these three compounds are necessary for their valorization as substitutes of fossil hydrocarbons. In the first place, this studydescribed the chemical fractionation of lignocellulose under acidic and alkaline conditions, and their related purification pathways. The experimental work was carried out on two raw materials:sugarcane bagasse and sunflower oil cake. A thorough characterization of the raw materials as well as the acid and alkaline extracts produced from these materials was performed. The purification steps focused on the sugarcane bagasse mild alkaline extract. Indeed, sugarcane bagasse can be considered a model lignocellulosic biomass and the purification of lignocellulosicmild alkaline extract has not been widely studied despite the numerous assets of this fractionation process. Membrane filtration and elution chromatography on strong acid cationic exchange resins were assessed individually then combined, for the separation of the five main pools of molecules that constitute the extract: lignin oligomers, sugar oligomers, phenolic monomers, acetic acid and inorganic salts. Ultrafiltration trials run on several membranes under various filtration conditions showed that lignin and sugar oligomers, recovered in the retentate, were separated from phenolicmonomers, acetic acid and inorganic salts, recovered in the permeate. A hollow fiber membrane of 10 kDa in polysulfone exhibited the best separation performance and was selected for further trials in concentration and diafiltration modes. Elution chromatography tests using water as eluent and various strong acid cationic exchange resins resulted in the production of a very pure lignin andsugar oligomers fraction with a macroporous-type resin, whereas a gel-type resin led to the separation of phenolic monomers from each other depending on the presence or absence in their structure of a carboxyl group. From a sugarcane bagasse mild alkaline extract, an integrated purification process was developed combining membrane filtration then chromatography on the permeate and precipitation by acid addition on the retentate. It resulted in the production of four purified fractions: phenolic monomers with a carboxyl group, inorganic salts and phenolicmonomers without carboxyl group, lignin oligomers, and sugar oligomers

The initial phase of sodium sulfite pulping of softwood : A comparison of different pulping options

Deshpande, Raghu January 2016 (has links)
Single stage and two-stage sodium sulfite cooking were carried out on either spruce, pine or pure pine heartwood chips to investigate the influence of several process parameters on the initial phase of such a cook down to about 60 % pulp yield. The cooking experiments were carried out in the laboratory with either a lab-prepared or a mill-prepared cooking acid and the temperature and time were varied. The influences of dissolved organic and inorganic components in the cooking liquor on the final pulp composition and on the extent of side reactions were investigated. Kinetic equations were developed and the activation energies for delignification and carbohydrate dissolution were calculated using the Arrhenius equation. A better understanding of the delignification mechanisms during bisulfite and acid sulfite cooking was obtained by analyzing the lignin carbohydrate complexes (LCC) present in the pulp when different cooking conditions were used. It was found that using a mill-prepared cooking acid beneficial effect with respect to side reactions, extractives removal and higher stability in pH during the cook were observed compared to a lab-prepared cooking acid. However, no significant difference in degrees of delignification or carbohydrate degradation was seen.  The cellulose yield was not affected in the initial phase of the cook however; temperature had an influence on the rates of both delignification and hemicellulose removal. It was also found that the  corresponding activation energies increased in the order:  xylan, glucomannan, lignin and cellulose. The cooking temperature could thus be used to control the cook to a given carbohydrate composition in the final pulp. Lignin condensation reactions were observed during acid sulfite cooking, especially at higher temperatures. The LCC studies indicated the existence of covalent bonds between lignin and hemicellulose components with respect to xylan and glucomannan. LCC in native wood showed the presence of phenyl glycosides, ϒ-esters and α-ethers; whereas the α-ethers  were affected during sulfite pulping. The existence of covalent bonds between lignin and wood polysaccharides might be the rate-limiting factor in sulfite pulping. / The sulfite pulping process is today practised in only a small number of pulp mills around the globe and the number of sulfite mills that use sodium as the base (cation) is less than five. However, due to the increasing interest in the wood based biorefinery concept, the benefits of sulfite pulping and especially the sodium based variety, has recently gained a lot of interest. It was therefore considered to be of high importance to further study the sodium based sulfite process to investigate if its benefits could be better utilized in the future in the production of dissolving pulps. Of specific interest was to investigate how the pulping conditions in the initial part of the cook (≥ 60 % pulp yield) should be performed in the best way. Thus, this thesis is focused on the initial phase of sodium based single stage bisulfite, acid sulfite and two-stage sulfite cooking of either 100 % spruce, 100 % pine or 100 % pine heartwood chips. The cooking experiments were carried out with either a lab prepared or a mill prepared cooking acid and the temperature and cooking time were varied. Activation energies for different wood components were investigated as well as side reactions concerning the formation of thiosulfate. LCC (Lignin carbohydrates complexes) studies were carried out to investigate the influence of different cooking conditions on lignin carbohydrate linkages.

Caracterização estrutural das hemiceluloses de paredes celulares de cana-de-açúcar / Characterization of the sugarcane cell wall hemicelluloses

Crivellari, Augusto Cesar 11 June 2012 (has links)
O Brasil, segundo maior produtor mundial de biocombustíveis, produz etanol a partir da extração e fermentação de sacarose de colmos de cana-de-açúcar. A utilização da energia presente nas ligações químicas entre os carboidratos da parede celular (celulose, hemiceluloses e pectina), das biomassas de folha e bagaço (hoje ambos considerados resíduos de produção), é uma possibilidade para o incremento, de cerca de 3 vezes o valor atual, na produção de etanol. O entendimento da estrutura química dos polissacarídeos da parede celular de cana-de-açúcar é imprescindível para que esta tecnologia seja desenvolvida. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo isolar as hemiceluloses de colmo de cana-de-açúcar e estudar as suas estruturas químicas. Para tal, utilizou-se AIR (Alcohol Insoluble Residue) - parede celular sem açúcar solúvel - de colmo e folha de cana-de-açúcar SP80-3280 em hidrólises enzimáticas com endo-β-xilanase, liquenase e celulase isoladamente ou em conjunto de forma a determinar a estrutura fina dos polímeros atacáveis por tais hidrolases. O AIR de colmo também foi submetido ao fracionamento da parede celular com oxalato de amônio, seguido de extrações com 1M e 4M de NaOH para a separação das hemiceluloses. Somente as frações 1M e 4M de NaOH foram analisadas, através de hidrólises com endo-β-xilanases, seguido da análise dos oligossacarídeos resultantes por HPAEC-PAD (High Performance Anionic Exchange Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection) e por espectrometria de massas MALDI-TOF. Paralelamente, grupos de oligossacarídeos provenientes de hidrólises do colmo com endo-β-xilanase foram isolados por cromatografia em camada delgada (TLC) preparativa e, em seguida, hidrolisados com α-arabinofuranosidases e analisados por PACE (Polyacrylamide Carbohydrate Electrophoresis) para o esclarecimento da estrutura fina de arabinoxilanos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram a presença de xiloglucano na fração NaOH 4M em pequena proporção, cerca de 3% da parede celular, sendo este xiloglucano de 2 tipos: estrutura fina típica de gramíneas (composta por glucose, e os oligossacarídeos isoprimeverose, XG, XXG, XXGG, XXGGG) e estrutura fina de eudicotiledôneas e monocotiledôneas não-comelinóides (composta por oligossacarídeos: XXXG, XLXG/XXLG, XXXXG). A análise por MALDI-TOF da hidrólise das frações 1M e 4M de colmo de cana-de-açúcar com endo-β-xilanase revelou a existência de xilanos lineares (série homóloga de xilanos) em conjunto com um grupo de xilanos ramificados com arabinose de forma regular, com motivos arabinosilados com até 6 xiloses na cadeia principal. As hidrólises com endo-β-xilanase e liquenase em conjunto revelaram que o arabinoxilano e o β-glucano, juntos, perfazem cerca de 40% da parede celular de cana-de-açúcar, e não interferem na hidrólise uma da outra, permitindo o uso concomitante das enzimas em processos industriais. Além disso, especula-se que as arabinoses do arabinoxilano interagem, possivelmente, através de ligações por compostos fenólicos, prevenindo a ação enzimática. O presente trabalho começa a desvendar a estrutura fina das principais hemiceluloses da parede celular de colmo de cana-de-açúcar e aponta para a necessidade de experimentos que permitam compreensão de outros níveis de complexidade da parede celular, como por exemplo, as ramificações com agliconas e interações entre os polissacarídeos. / Brazil is the second-generation ethanol producer in the World, obtaining it from sugarcane soluble sugar from culms. The second generation ethanol consists of using the energy present in the covalent linkages of the cell wall carbohydrates (cellulose, hemicelluloses and pectin) from culms and leaves (both considered nowadays as litter). This is considered as a great opportunity to increase ethanol production up to 3 times the current figures. The knowledge about sugarcane polysaccharide structure is crucial for the development of the second-generation ethanol technology. This work, aimed at the isolation and structural studis of the hemicellulosic components of the sugarcane cell walls. To achieve this, AIR (Alcohol Insoluble Residue) from culms and leaves (SP 80-3280 variety) were digested with endo-β-xylanase, lichenase and cellulase (in different sequences, or with isolated or combined enzymes) to help determining the fine structures of the polysaccharides. The AIR from culm was fractionated with increasing alkali concentrations (NaOH 0,1M, 1M and 4M) to purify the different hemicelluloses. Only the 1M and 4M fractions were analyzed, after digestions with endo-β-xylanase, followed by HPAEC-PAD (High Performance Anionic Exchange Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection) and MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry analyses. Also, the oligosaccharides obtained by the endo-β-xylanase digestion were isolated by preparative TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography), re-digested with α-arabinofuranosidases and finally analyzed by PACE (Polyacrylamide Carbohydrate Electrophoresis) in order to clarify the fine structure of the arabinoxylan from sugarcane culm. The same fractionated material was digested by an endo-β-glucanase to clarify the xyloglucan structure. The results showed that in the 4M fraction, a small concentration of xyloglucan can be found (ca. 3% of the total hemicelluloses), and this polysaccharide has the typical grass structure: XG, XXG, XXGG and XXGGG/XLGG. Other oligosaccharides, typical from eudicotyledons were also found: the XXXG, XLXG/XXLG and XXXXG. The MALDI-TOF and PACE analyses performed after digestion with endo-β-xylanase and α-arabinofuranosidases, revealed the presence of linear xylan oligosaccharides (from 2 to 14) and also fragments with arabinose substitutions. The digestions with endo-β-xylanase and lichenase at the same time, revealed that the arabinoxylan and β-glucans, are 40% of all the sugarcane cell wall mass, and one enzyme does not interfere in the activity of the other. The present work starts to clarify the fine structure of the sugarcane culm (and leaves) major hemicelluloses, and also suggest that experiments aimed at understanding cell wall complexity are important steps to help developing efficient cellulosic ethanol technologies to obtain second generation ethanol from sugarcane biomass.

Extraction des hémicelluloses de pâtes papetières pour la production de pâte à dissoudre / Hemicellulose extraction of paper grade pulp for dissolving pulp production

Arnoul Jarriault, Benoît 17 December 2015 (has links)
Les pâtes à dissoudre, composées à 95% de cellulose, sont la matière première pour la production de fibres cellulosiques régénérées (viscose, Lyocell…) et de dérivés cellulosiques (ester, éther ou nitrate de cellulose). En tant qu’alternative aux matériaux issus de ressources pétrolières, ces produits connaissent actuellement un fort regain d’intérêt. Ainsi, la production de pâte à dissoudre devrait croître fortement au cours de la prochaine décennie. L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer des procédés de conversion d’une pâte papetière de résineux en pâte à dissoudre. Pour cela les hémicelluloses présentes dans les pâtes kraft papetières doivent être extraites. Trois méthodes d’extraction d’hémicelluloses ont ainsi été étudiées : (1) une extraction alcaline à froid (CCE) dans des conditions non conventionnelles, (2) un procédé se divisant en deux étapes successives : un stade acide à haute température (150°C) suivie d’une extraction alcaline à chaud (AHCE) et (3) une hydrolyse enzymatique par trois enzymes commerciales (une xylanase, une mannanase, une cellulase). Les deux premières méthodes ont permis de produire des pâtes avec des caractéristiques proches des pâtes à dissoudre commerciales. Cependant, dans les trois voies d’extraction étudiées, l’extraction d’hémicelluloses n’a jamais atteint 100%. Des prétraitements des pâtes (raffinage, explosion à la vapeur, oxydation TEMPO) ont alors été testés pour améliorer l’extraction des hémicelluloses. De nouvelles séquences de purification basées sur la combinaison d’une étape de raffinage suivie d’une extraction alcaline à froid (CCE) peuvent être ainsi imaginées. La dernière partie de ces travaux de thèse s’est intéressée au gonflement des pâtes à dissoudre. Les travaux ont abouti à la création d’une nouvelle méthode simple et rapide de caractérisation du gonflement des fibres de pâte cellulosique. Cette méthode de mesure peut être, dans certaines conditions, considérée comme une mesure alternative de la réactivité des pâtes à dissoudre habituellement caractérisée par le test Fock. / Dissolving pulps, which are composed of 95% cellulose, are the raw materials for the production of regenerated cellulose fibres for textile application and for the production of cellulose derivatives. These products are alternatives to oil based materials. A growing demand in such products is expected in the next decades. Therefore, additional capacities in the production of wood dissolving pulp must be created. The purpose of this work is to develop hemicellulose removal processes with the aim to convert a softwood kraft paper pulp into a dissolving pulp. Three extraction methods were tested: (1) A cold caustic extraction process (CCE) performed under conventional and unconventional conditions; (2) A process consisting in an acid stage at high temperature (up to 150°C) followed by a hot caustic extraction (A-HCE); (3) An enzymatic hydrolysis using xylanase, mannanase, and cellulase. Conversion was quite successful with the two first processes. However, 100% of hemicellulose removal was never reached. In order to improve the hemicellulose extraction efficiency, several pre-treatments were tested (refining, steam explosion, TEMPO oxidation). The addition of a refining stage allows a reduction of the NaOH concentration during CCE extraction without affecting the hemicellulose extraction efficiency. The last part of this thesis work focus on the dissolving pulp swelling. A new and rapid test for the characterization of fibre swelling was developed. This method was used as an approach to the assessment of dissolving pulp reactivity in the viscose process in place of the Fock’s method.

Etude de l'impact de l'extraction des hémicelluloses du bois sur les procédés d'obtention de cellulose et d'éthanol dans le cadre d'une bioraffinerie lignocellulosique / Study of the impact of hemicellulose extraction from wood on cellulose fibres and ethanol production as part of a lignocellulosic biorefinery

Boiron, Lucie 07 September 2012 (has links)
Le renouveau des biocarburants pourrait être aussi celui de l’industrie chimique de la pâte àpapier, en diversifiant l’éventail des produits fabriqués à partir de bois. Cette étude porte surl’intégration d’une extraction des hémicelluloses du bois au procédé Kraft dans le cadre d’une coproductionde fibres cellulosiques et de bioéthanol.Le travail expérimental de cette étude balaie l’ensemble du procédé depuis l’extraction de plus dela moitié des hémicelluloses de bois de résineux, par autohydrolyse ou par hydrolyse à l’acidedilué, jusqu’à la production de fibres cellulosiques blanchies et d’éthanol obtenu par la fermentationdes hydrolysats.Les pâtes de bois préhydrolysé se sont distinguées par de très bonnes aptitudes à ladélignification lors de la cuisson Kraft et lors du blanchiment à l’oxygène. Une analyse desconstituants des pâtes de bois préhydrolysé a permis de comprendre pourquoi la préhydrolyseconduit à une diminution du rendement de cuisson (perte de lignine et de la totalité deshémicelluloses dont les xylanes). L’analyse des lignines de pâtes écrues de bois préhydrolysé apermis d’émettre une hypothèse quant à l’excellente aptitude de ces pâtes à la délignification lorsdu blanchiment à l’oxygène.En définitive, l’intégration d’une extraction des hémicelluloses à une usine Kraft telle qu’elle estproposée par cette étude permet d’obtenir à partir de 100 kg de bois de résineux, 27 à 36kilogrammes de fibres cellulosiques blanchies et jusqu’à 6 litres de bioéthanol. Ces fibrescellulosiques blanchies présentent des caractéristiques attrayantes pour la production de cellulose àusage chimique ou de nanocristaux de cellulose. / Biofuel revival could be a great opportunity for the chemical pulp industry to widen the range ofits products made from wood. This thesis deals with the integration of a softwood hemicelluloseextraction step prior to the Kraft pulping process in order to produce both cellulose fibres andbioethanol.In this study the experimental work covers the entirety of the process: from the extraction ofmore than half of the hemicelluloses from wood either by autohydrolysis or dilute acid hydrolysis tothe production of bleached cellulosic fibres as well as ethanol from fermentated wood hydrolyzates.Prehydrolyzed wood and their subsequent pulps stood out by their excellent delignification abilityduring Kraft cooking and oxygen bleaching. Quantitative analysis of the main constituants of thepulps showed why prehydrolysis leads to decreased Kraft pulp yields (extra lignin loss andhemicelluloses loss including xylans). A range of hypotheses to explain the good delignificationability of prehydrolyzed wood Kraft pulps during oxygen bleaching was narrowed to one by Kraftlignin analysis.The overall results of the hemicellulose extraction prior to Kraft pulping as it has been defined inthis study showed that from 100 kg of softwood, 27 to 36 kg of bleached cellulosic fibres and 6litres of ethanol could be produced. The bleached cellulosic fibres are of great interest for dissolvingpulp or cellulose nanocrystals production.

Caracterização estrutural das hemiceluloses de paredes celulares de cana-de-açúcar / Characterization of the sugarcane cell wall hemicelluloses

Augusto Cesar Crivellari 11 June 2012 (has links)
O Brasil, segundo maior produtor mundial de biocombustíveis, produz etanol a partir da extração e fermentação de sacarose de colmos de cana-de-açúcar. A utilização da energia presente nas ligações químicas entre os carboidratos da parede celular (celulose, hemiceluloses e pectina), das biomassas de folha e bagaço (hoje ambos considerados resíduos de produção), é uma possibilidade para o incremento, de cerca de 3 vezes o valor atual, na produção de etanol. O entendimento da estrutura química dos polissacarídeos da parede celular de cana-de-açúcar é imprescindível para que esta tecnologia seja desenvolvida. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo isolar as hemiceluloses de colmo de cana-de-açúcar e estudar as suas estruturas químicas. Para tal, utilizou-se AIR (Alcohol Insoluble Residue) - parede celular sem açúcar solúvel - de colmo e folha de cana-de-açúcar SP80-3280 em hidrólises enzimáticas com endo-β-xilanase, liquenase e celulase isoladamente ou em conjunto de forma a determinar a estrutura fina dos polímeros atacáveis por tais hidrolases. O AIR de colmo também foi submetido ao fracionamento da parede celular com oxalato de amônio, seguido de extrações com 1M e 4M de NaOH para a separação das hemiceluloses. Somente as frações 1M e 4M de NaOH foram analisadas, através de hidrólises com endo-β-xilanases, seguido da análise dos oligossacarídeos resultantes por HPAEC-PAD (High Performance Anionic Exchange Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection) e por espectrometria de massas MALDI-TOF. Paralelamente, grupos de oligossacarídeos provenientes de hidrólises do colmo com endo-β-xilanase foram isolados por cromatografia em camada delgada (TLC) preparativa e, em seguida, hidrolisados com α-arabinofuranosidases e analisados por PACE (Polyacrylamide Carbohydrate Electrophoresis) para o esclarecimento da estrutura fina de arabinoxilanos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram a presença de xiloglucano na fração NaOH 4M em pequena proporção, cerca de 3% da parede celular, sendo este xiloglucano de 2 tipos: estrutura fina típica de gramíneas (composta por glucose, e os oligossacarídeos isoprimeverose, XG, XXG, XXGG, XXGGG) e estrutura fina de eudicotiledôneas e monocotiledôneas não-comelinóides (composta por oligossacarídeos: XXXG, XLXG/XXLG, XXXXG). A análise por MALDI-TOF da hidrólise das frações 1M e 4M de colmo de cana-de-açúcar com endo-β-xilanase revelou a existência de xilanos lineares (série homóloga de xilanos) em conjunto com um grupo de xilanos ramificados com arabinose de forma regular, com motivos arabinosilados com até 6 xiloses na cadeia principal. As hidrólises com endo-β-xilanase e liquenase em conjunto revelaram que o arabinoxilano e o β-glucano, juntos, perfazem cerca de 40% da parede celular de cana-de-açúcar, e não interferem na hidrólise uma da outra, permitindo o uso concomitante das enzimas em processos industriais. Além disso, especula-se que as arabinoses do arabinoxilano interagem, possivelmente, através de ligações por compostos fenólicos, prevenindo a ação enzimática. O presente trabalho começa a desvendar a estrutura fina das principais hemiceluloses da parede celular de colmo de cana-de-açúcar e aponta para a necessidade de experimentos que permitam compreensão de outros níveis de complexidade da parede celular, como por exemplo, as ramificações com agliconas e interações entre os polissacarídeos. / Brazil is the second-generation ethanol producer in the World, obtaining it from sugarcane soluble sugar from culms. The second generation ethanol consists of using the energy present in the covalent linkages of the cell wall carbohydrates (cellulose, hemicelluloses and pectin) from culms and leaves (both considered nowadays as litter). This is considered as a great opportunity to increase ethanol production up to 3 times the current figures. The knowledge about sugarcane polysaccharide structure is crucial for the development of the second-generation ethanol technology. This work, aimed at the isolation and structural studis of the hemicellulosic components of the sugarcane cell walls. To achieve this, AIR (Alcohol Insoluble Residue) from culms and leaves (SP 80-3280 variety) were digested with endo-β-xylanase, lichenase and cellulase (in different sequences, or with isolated or combined enzymes) to help determining the fine structures of the polysaccharides. The AIR from culm was fractionated with increasing alkali concentrations (NaOH 0,1M, 1M and 4M) to purify the different hemicelluloses. Only the 1M and 4M fractions were analyzed, after digestions with endo-β-xylanase, followed by HPAEC-PAD (High Performance Anionic Exchange Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection) and MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry analyses. Also, the oligosaccharides obtained by the endo-β-xylanase digestion were isolated by preparative TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography), re-digested with α-arabinofuranosidases and finally analyzed by PACE (Polyacrylamide Carbohydrate Electrophoresis) in order to clarify the fine structure of the arabinoxylan from sugarcane culm. The same fractionated material was digested by an endo-β-glucanase to clarify the xyloglucan structure. The results showed that in the 4M fraction, a small concentration of xyloglucan can be found (ca. 3% of the total hemicelluloses), and this polysaccharide has the typical grass structure: XG, XXG, XXGG and XXGGG/XLGG. Other oligosaccharides, typical from eudicotyledons were also found: the XXXG, XLXG/XXLG and XXXXG. The MALDI-TOF and PACE analyses performed after digestion with endo-β-xylanase and α-arabinofuranosidases, revealed the presence of linear xylan oligosaccharides (from 2 to 14) and also fragments with arabinose substitutions. The digestions with endo-β-xylanase and lichenase at the same time, revealed that the arabinoxylan and β-glucans, are 40% of all the sugarcane cell wall mass, and one enzyme does not interfere in the activity of the other. The present work starts to clarify the fine structure of the sugarcane culm (and leaves) major hemicelluloses, and also suggest that experiments aimed at understanding cell wall complexity are important steps to help developing efficient cellulosic ethanol technologies to obtain second generation ethanol from sugarcane biomass.

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