Spelling suggestions: "subject:"histopathology"" "subject:"histopathologyc""
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IR imaging in breast cancer: from histopathological recognition to characterization of tumour microenvironment / Imagerie IR dans l'étude du cancer du sein: reconnaissance histopathologique et caractérisation du microenvironnement tumoralBenard, Audrey 15 June 2012 (has links)
Breast cancer is a global public health problem since it is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women in Western countries. Clinical guidelines for breast cancer prognosis/diagnosis are currently based on tumour size, histological type and grade, lymph node status as well as the expression of various cellular receptors. Yet, current predictions remain unsatisfactory to identify the best treatment for the individual patient. The search for identifying new predictive and prognostic factors is ongoing. Furthermore, compelling evidences have solidified the notion that the evolving epithelial cells, founders of the breast disease, are helped in their malignant course by the tumour microenvironment. Better characterizing the dual effect of the immune regulation but also the epithelial-stromal cross-talk on both tumour-promotion and -suppression is essential for understanding patient uniqueness and their implication in disease outcome. Because of its potential to probe tissues and cells at the molecular level without requirement for extrinsic contrast agents, infrared spectroscopy was seen as an attractive tool for clinical and diagnostic analysis in order to complement the existing methods. <p>In a first step, recording and processing methodology had to be defined in order to optimally compare IR spectra. The methodology developed and the analysis tools tested on carcinoma cell lines, demonstrated that spectra could be distinguished based on the cell line phenotypic nature. <p>The potential of IR imaging for breast tissular structure differentiation was highlighted in this thesis, demonstrating that spectral signature can be correlated with the major histological cell types observed in breast disease tissues. In order to develop a robust algorithm translating spectral data into helpful histopathological information, a spectral database of histologically well-defined breast tissues was built and used for the development of a cell type classifier. This latter one was extensively validated on independent clinical cases. Firstly, the IR-based histopathological classifier correctly assigned spectra acquired on eleven breast disease samples based on their histological nature. Secondly, lymphocyte and Collagen & Fibroblasts spectral signatures were demonstrated to be independent from tissue type and organ since, although trained on reference spectra recorded into breast disease samples, the cell type classifier correctly assigned spectra acquired on lymph nodes/tonsils and scar tissues respectively. Thirdly, we concluded that spectroscopically, breast carcinoma cell lines in culture are well-suited tumour models since spectra acquired on these carcinoma cell lines were correctly recognized as epithelium by the IR-based histological classifier. <p>By spectral characterizing lymphocytes from lymph nodes and tonsils, we demonstrated that the spectra acquired contained enough information to statistically discriminate them according to their lymphocyte activation states. Although considered as activated, the breast disease lymphoid infiltrates were found to present distinct spectral signature from lymphocytes acquired on activated lymph nodes and tonsils. Furthermore, tumour microenvironment, characterized by IR-imaging was demonstrated to exhibit a distinct spectral signature from wound healing tissues. These studies proved the uniqueness of the signature of both lymphoid infiltrate and tumour microenvironment in breast disease context. Correlating these specific spectral signatures to patient outcome and therapeutics response could help better consider the uniqueness of the patient. In a last step, considering the epithelial signature of carcinomas of both low and high grades, we demonstrated that the biochemical information reflected in the IR micro-spectra was clinically relevant for grading purpose.<p><p> <p><p>Le cancer du sein est le cancer le plus fréquemment diagnostiqué chez les femmes dans les pays occidentaux. Jusqu’à peu, les cellules épithéliales tumorales étaient vues comme les seuls acteurs de la carcinogenèse ;processus se déroulant dans un milieu extracellulaire considéré au pire comme passif ou permissif à l’évolution tumorale des cellules épithéliales adjacentes. Cependant, de nombreuses études ont montré que ce microenvironnement tumoral pouvait soit promouvoir le processus de carcinogenèse soit le combattre empêchant par la même, l’occurrence de la maladie. <p>Ce projet de thèse s’inscrit dans une problématique actuelle, à savoir une meilleure compréhension de la maladie mais également une prise en charge plus individualisée des patientes. Nous abordons ici une voie de recherche novatrice basée sur la signature globale des molécules cellulaires via leur spectre infrarouge. La technologie utilisée, à savoir la spectroscopie infrarouge, nous fournit une observation quantitative et qualitative de milliers de vibrations moléculaires. L’adaptation de réseaux de plusieurs milliers de détecteurs indépendants aux microscopes infrarouges permet, grâce aux méthodes statistiques multivariées, d’investiguer l’architecture macromoléculaire des cellules au sein d’une coupe tissulaire et de corréler les informations spectrales ainsi obtenues à l’histopathologie des tissus. Par cette technologie, nous visons à mettre au point un outil diagnostique et pronostique pour le cancer du sein basé sur l’imagerie IR. <p>Durant ce projet, nous avons montré que les différents types cellulaires observés dans les carcinomes mammaires pouvaient être distingués par le biais de leur spectre IR, qu’un modèle de reconnaissance histologique pouvait être construit, validé et surtout automatisé et que ce modèle pouvait être transposé à l’étude d’autres tissus (ganglions, amygdales et cicatrices) et d’autres types d’échantillons (cellules épithéliales en culture). Nous avons également montré que les spectres de cellules épithéliales pouvaient être corrélés au grade histopathologique de la tumeur. Les spectres acquis de ganglions/amygdales ont montré que les profils spectraux pouvaient être corrélés à l’état d’activation lymphocytaire. De plus, l’étude de l’état d’activation lymphocytaire et fibroblastique a permis de mettre en avant un profil spectral propre et bien distinct des infiltrats lymphocytaires d’une part et de la matrice extracellulaire aux abords des tumeurs invasives d’autre part. <p> / Doctorat en Sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Colorectal carcinogenesis via serrated routeStefanius, K. (Karoliina) 22 March 2011 (has links)
Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the developed countries. Originally, development of CRC was thought to proceed by a sequence of steps known as an adenoma-carcinoma sequence. At present CRC is recognized as a disease developing through diverse pathways. Serrated adenocarcinoma represents an endpoint of tumors developing from serrated pathway. This thesis focuses on studying the molecular alterations in serrated adenocarcinoma.
Microsatellite instability, hypermethylation of promoter region in DNA repair genes hMLH1 and MGMT, frequency of KRAS and BRAF mutations and mutation spectrum of PTCH1 was determined in serrated adenocarcinomas (n=42) and compared to non-serrated adenocarcinomas (n=75). MSI, particularly low level of MSI (p=0.02) and methylation of both hMLH1 and MGMT promoters (p=0.004, p=0.026) were found to be more prevalent for serrated CRC. BRAF mutation was frequent and specific to serrated adenocarcinomas (p<0.001) and KRAS mutations were more frequent in serrated adenocarcinomas than in non-serrated cancers (p=0.002). A significant association between BRAF mutation, hMLH1 and MGMT methylation and MSI-H phenotype was found in serrated carcinomas. KRAS mutation was seen in association with MSS/MSI-L phenotype; in fact, if serrated adenocarcinoma presents with MSI-L there always seems to be a KRAS mutation as well. Negative immunohistochemical staining of the hMLH1 enzyme was in association with methylation of the gene and proved reliable in the detection of MSI-H phenotype (p<0.0001). Sequencing analysis of the whole coding regions of the PTCH1 gene did not reveal any truncating mutation to explain the previously detected downregulation of the gene in serrated CRCs.
In conclusion, serrated adenocarcinomas proved to be an independent, but heterogeneous subtype of CRCs. High combined mutation rate (79–82%) of KRAS and <I>BRAF</I> in serrated adenomas and adenocarcinomas indicates that MAPK activation is a crucial part of the serrated pathway. BRAF mutations are specific for serrated adenocarcinoma, and identify a subset of serrated adenocarcinomas with gene methylation and a tendency for MSI-H. High frequency of KRAS mutations in serrated adenocarcinomas suggests that a significant proportion of KRAS-mutated CRCs originate from serrated precursors. / Tiivistelmä
Paksu- ja peräsuolisyöpä eli kolorektaalisyöpä on Suomessa kolmanneksi yleisin syöpätyyppi. Syöpää edeltävien muutosten tunnistaminen on tärkeää, jotta sen ehkäisy ja seuranta olisi tehokasta. Tavallisia adenoomapolyyppeja on pidetty tärkeimpinä kolorektaalisyövän esiastemuutoksina. 2000-luvulla on havaittu, että nk. sahalaitapolyypit edustavat tärkeää osaa esiastemuutoksista, ja näistä kehittyvää syöpää kutsutaan sahalaitaiseksi syöväksi. Sahalaitaisen syövän kehittymismekanismit eroavat huomattavasti tavallisesta kolorektaalisyövästä. Tässä väitöskirjassa keskityttiin tutkimaan sahalaitaiselle syövälle tyypillisiä morfologisia piirteitä sekä geneettisiä muutoksia.
Työssä selvitettiin DNA mikrosatelliitti-instabiliteetin sekä DNA korjausgeenien hMLH1 ja MGMT promoottorialueiden hypermetylaation esiintyminen, nk. MAPK –signaalinsiirtoreitin komponenttien, KRAS ja BRAF -geenien, mutaatioiden yleisyys sekä PTCH1 geenin mutaatiokirjo sahalaitaisissa (n=42) ja tavallisissa kolorektaalisyövissä (n=75). DNA:n mikrosatelliitti-instabiliteetti, erityisesti matala-asteisena (MSI-L) (p=0.02) sekä <I>MLH1</I> ja hMGMT -geenien metylaatio (p=0.004, p=0.026) olivat yleisempiä sahalaitaisissa syövissä. <I>BRAF</I> mutaatio oli yleinen sekä spesifinen sahalaitasyöville (p<0.001). Myös KRAS -mutaatiot olivat yleisempiä sahalaitaisissa syövissä (p=0.002). BRAF mutaatio, hMLH1 sekä MGMT metylaatio ja korkea-asteinen mikrosatelliitti-instabiliteetti (MSI-H) esiintyivät hyvin usein yhdessä sahalaitaisissa syövissä. Sahalaitaisissa syövissä KRAS –mutaatiot liittyivät MSI-L fenotyyppiin. hMLH1 geenin ilmentyminen tutkittiin myös immunohistokemiallisesti. Sahalaitaisissa syövissä MLH1 –proteiinin häviäiminen oli yhteydessä metylaatioon ja liittyi spesifisesti MSI-H:n esiintymiseen (p < 0.0001). PTCH1 geenin sekvensointi ei paljastanut proteiinin toimintaa vahingoittavia muutoksia, eikä tuloksen perusteella pystytä selittämään aikaisemmin havaittua geenin ilmentymisen häviämistä sahalaitaisessa syövässä.
Tulosten perusteella sahalaitainen syöpä on oma, mutta heterogeeninen kolorektaalisyövän alatyyppi. KRAS ja BRAF –geenien aktivoivien mutaatioiden yleisyys (79–82%) osoittaa, että MAPK -reitin aktivaatio on tärkeää sahalaitaisen syövän kehityksessä. BRAF -mutaatiot ovat spesifisiä sahalaitaisille syöville, ja yhdessä metylaation sekä MSI-H:n kanssa identifioi osan sahalaitasyövistä omaksi ryhmäkseen. <I>KRAS</I> –mutaatioiden yleisyys sahalaitaisissa syövissä antaa aiheen epäillä, että merkittävä osa KRAS –mutaation sisältävistä kolorektaalisyövistä kehittyy sahalaitapolyypeista.
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Avaliação da fibrose miocárdica pela ressonância magnética cardíaca na doença valvar aórtica grave: validação de um algoritmo de quantificação e comparação com a histopatologia / Assessment of myocardial fibrosis by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in severe aortic valve disease: validation of a quantitative algorithm and comparison with histopathologyClerio Francisco de Azevedo Filho 05 March 2009 (has links)
Introdução: A doença valvar aórtica grave é caracterizada por um processo de acúmulo progressivo de fibrose intersticial no tecido miocárdico. No contexto da sobrecarga mecânica crônica do VE característica dessa condição, a quantidade de fibrose intersticial pode exercer um papel importante na indesejável transição entre hipertrofia ventricular esquerda compensada e insuficiência cardíaca congestiva clinicamente manifesta. Entretanto, a avaliação quantitativa da fibrose intersticial só tem sido possível através da análise histopatológica de fragmentos miocárdicos obtidos por biopsia endomiocárdica. Objetivos: Avaliar se a ressonância magnética (RM) cardíaca com técnica do realce tardio permite a quantificação não-invasiva da fibrose miocárdica quando comparada à análise histopatológica em pacientes portadores de doença valvar aórtica grave. Adicionalmente, avaliou-se a relação entre a quantidade de fibrose miocárdica e parâmetros prognósticos importantes, tais como mortalidade e recuperação funcional do VE após cirurgia de troca valvar aórtica. Métodos: Entre Maio de 2001 e Dezembro de 2003 foram incluídos 54 pacientes com indicação de cirurgia de troca valvar aórtica. Antes da cirurgia, todos os pacientes foram submetidos a RM cardíaca com técnicas de cine-RM e realce tardio miocárdico. A quantificação da fibrose miocárdica pela RM baseou-se na análise das imagens de realce tardio utilizando um novo algoritmo semi-automático. As regiões de fibrose miocárdica foram definidas como o somatório de todos os pixels do tecido miocárdico com intensidade de sinal acima de um limiar definido como: intensidade de sinal média do miocárdio + 2 desvios padrão da intensidade de sinal média da área remota + 2 desvios padrão da intensidade de sinal média do ar. Amostras de tecido miocárdico obtidas por miectomia durante o ato cirúrgico foram submetidas a coloração pelo picrosírius para quantificação da fibrose intersticial. Os pacientes foram submetidos a um segundo exame de RM cardíaca 6 meses após a cirurgia para se avaliar as alterações evolutivas dos parâmetros funcionais do VE e todos foram acompanhados por pelo menos 24 meses quanto à sobrevida após a cirurgia de troca valvar aórtica. Resultados: O percentual de fibrose miocárdica pela RM apresentou boa correlação com os valores obtidos pela histopatologia (r=0,69; y=3,10x+13,0; p<0,0001). A quantidade de fibrose miocárdica, tanto pela histopatologia como pela RM, apresentou correlação inversa significativa com a FE ventricular esquerda basal (r=-0,63 e -0,67 respectivamente; p<0,0001). Adicionalmente, o percentual de fibrose miocárdica apresentou correlação inversa significativa com o grau de recuperação funcional do VE após a cirurgia de troca valvar (r=- 0,42, p=0,04 para a histopatologia; r=-0,47, p=0,02 para a RM). Mais importante, a análise de Kaplan-Meier revelou que o acúmulo de fibrose miocárdica associou-se a menor sobrevida 52±17 meses após a cirurgia de troca valvar (teste log-rank: 2=6,32; p=0,01 para histopatologia; 2=5,85; p=0,02 para RM). Conclusões: A RM cardíaca permite quantificar as regiões de fibrose miocárdica com boa acurácia quando comparada à análise histopatológica nos pacientes portadores de doença valvar aórtica grave. A magnitude de acúmulo de fibrose miocárdica está associada a pior recuperação funcional do VE e a menor sobrevida após a cirurgia de troca valvar aórtica. / Introduction: Severe aortic valve disease is characterized by a process of progressive accumulation of interstitial fibrosis in the myocardial tissue. It has been shown that the amount of interstitial myocardial fibrosis can play an important role in the transition from well-compensated hypertrophy to overt heart failure in the setting of chronic left ventricular mechanical overload typical of this condition. However, assessment of interstitial myocardial fibrosis has only been possible through histological analyses of myocardial fragments obtained from endomyocardial biopsies, which is a complex and invasive procedure and, therefore, with limited clinical applicability. Objectives: Determine whether delayedenhancement cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allows for the non-invasive quantification of myocardial fibrosis when compared against histopathological analyses in patients with severe aortic valve disease. Additionally, we evaluated the relationship between the amount of myocardial fibrosis and important prognostic parameters, such as all-cause mortality and LV functional recovery after aortic valve replacement. Methods: Fifty-four patients scheduled to undergo aortic valve replacement surgery were enrolled between May 2001 and December 2003. Before surgery, all patients underwent cine and delayedenhancement MRI in a 1.5 Tesla scanner. Quantification of myocardial fibrosis by cardiac MRI was based on the assessment of the delayed-enhancement dataset using a novel semiautomatic algorithm. The regions of myocardial fibrosis were defined as the sum of pixels with signal intensity above a threshold value defined as: mean signal intensity of the myocardium + 2 standard deviations of mean signal intensity of a remote area + 2 standard deviations of mean signal intensity of air. During open-heart surgery, myectomy samples were acquired from the LV septum and later stained with picrosirius for interstitial myocardial fibrosis quantification. A second cardiac MRI study was performed 6 months after surgery to assess long-term changes in LV functional parameters, and all patients were followed for at least 24 months to evaluate survival after aortic valve replacement. Results: There was a good correlation between the values of myocardial fibrosis measured by MRI and those obtained by histopathological analyses (r=0.69; y=3.10x+13.0; p<0.0001). The amount of myocardial fibrosis, either by MRI or by histopathology, exhibited a significant inverse correlation with LV ejection fraction before surgery (r=-0.63 e -0.67 respectively; p<0.0001). Additionally, the amount of myocardial fibrosis displayed a significant inverse correlation with the degree of LV functional recovery after aortic valve replacement (r=-0.42, p=0.04 for histopathology; r=-0.47, p=0.02 for MRI). Most importantly, Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression analyses revealed that higher degrees of myocardial fibrosis accumulation were associated with worse survival 52±17 months after aortic valve replacement surgery (log-rank test: 2=6.32; p=0.01 for histopathology; 2=5.85; p=0.02 for MRI). Conclusions: Cardiac MRI allows for the non-invasive quantification of myocardial fibrosis with good accuracy when compared with histopathological analyses in patients with severe aortic valve disease. The degree of myocardial fibrosis accumulation is associated with impaired LV functional recovery and worse survival after aortic valve replacement surgery.
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Generative Image-to-Image Translation with Applications in Computational PathologyFangda Li (17272816) 24 October 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Generative Image-to-Image Translation (I2IT) involves transforming an input image from one domain to another. Typically, this transformation retains the content in the input image while adjusting the domain-dependent style elements. Generative I2IT finds utility in a wide range of applications, yet its effectiveness hinges on adaptations to the unique characteristics of the data at hand. This dissertation pushes the boundaries of I2IT by applying it to stain-related problems in computational pathology. Particularly, the main contributions span two major applications of stain translation: H&E-to-H&E and H&E-to-IHC, each with its unique requirements and challenges. More specifically, the first contribution addresses the generalization challenge posed by the high variability in H&E stain appearances to any task-specific machine learning models. To this end, the Generative Stain Augmentation Network (G-SAN) is introduced to augment the training images in any downstream task with random and diverse H&E stain appearances. Experimental results demonstrate G-SAN’s ability to enhance model generalization across stain variations in downstream tasks. The second key contribution in this dissertation focuses on H&E-to-IHC stain translation. The major challenge in learning accurate H&E-to-IHC stain translation is the frequent and sometimes severe inconsistencies in the groundtruth H&E-IHC image pairs. To make training more robust to these inconsistencies, a novel contrastive learning based loss, named the Adaptive Supervised PatchNCE (ASP) loss is presented. Experimental results suggest that the proposed ASP-based framework outperforms the state-of-the-art in H&E-to-IHC stain translation by significant margins. Additionally, a new dataset for H&E-to-IHC translation – the Multi-IHC Stain Translation (MIST) dataset, is released to the public, featuring paired images from H&E to four different IHC stains. For future directions of generative I2IT in stain translation problems, a proof-of-concept study of applying the latest diffusion model based I2IT methods to the problem of virtual H&E staining is presented.</p>
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Deep Neural Network for Classification of H&E-stained Colorectal Polyps : Exploring the Pipeline of Computer-Assisted HistopathologyBrunzell, Stina January 2024 (has links)
Colorectal cancer is one of the most prevalent malignancies globally and recently introduced digital pathology enables the use of machine learning as an aid for fast diagnostics. This project aimed to develop a deep neural network model to specifically identify and differentiate dysplasia in the epithelium of colorectal polyps and was posed as a binary classification problem. The available dataset consisted of 80 whole slide images of different H&E-stained polyp sections, which were parted info smaller patches, annotated by a pathologist. The best performing model was a pre-trained ResNet-18 utilising a weighted sampler, weight decay and augmentation during fine tuning. Reaching an area under precision-recall curve of 0.9989 and 97.41% accuracy on previously unseen data, the model’s performance was determined to underperform compared to the task’s intra-observer variability and be in alignment with the inter-observer variability. Final model made publicly available at https://github.com/stinabr/classification-of-colorectal-polyps.
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The advantages of using endoscopic ultrasound in adult patients with early stage rectal cancer : a systematic reviewHashem, Rania 04 1900 (has links)
Contexte: Le cancer colo-rectal est la deuxième cause de décès, par ordre de fréquence. L’utilisation de l’imagerie dans la stadification du cancer colo-rectal est un élément important de la prise en charge de la maladie. L’échographie endoscopique est une modalité qui permet de préciser la profondeur de l’atteinte néoplasique. Les données probantes concernant la performance diagnostique dans l’identification de cancers peu avancés sont variables. Objectif : Effectuer une revue systématique sur la performance diagnostique de l’échographie endoscopique dans l’identification de cancer de stade T1 et T2. Devis : Revue systématique. Sources bibliographiques : PubMed, EMBASE, Ovid and Cochrane library Méthodes: Dans un premier temps, une recherche de revue systématique publiée dans les 15 dernières années fût effectuée sur la précision diagnostique de l’échographie endoscopique dans les banques PubMed, Cochrne et trip database. Deux revues systématiques, publiées en 2008 et 2009 fûrent identifiées. Une deuxième recherche portant sur des études primaires a été effectuée pour la période 2009 à 2016, dans les mêmes banques bibliographiques. La qualité des études primaires a été évaluée à l’aide de la grille QUADAS2. Les mots clés utilisés étaient échographie endoscopique, EUS, cancer rectal, histo-pathologie, staging. Sélection d’études : Les critères d’inclusion : population adulte avec diagnostic de cancer du rectum pas avancé, articles complets publiés dans des revues avec comité de pairs, articles en anglais. Critères d’exclusion : population pédiatrique, cancers avancés avec atteinte métastatique, patients évalués avec d’autres modalités (CT ou IRM) sans échographie endoscopique, absence de confirmation histologique. Résultats : Dix articles, publiés depuis 2009, répondaient aux critères d’inclusion. Ces articles furent ajoutés aux articles retenus dans les revues systématiques déjà publiées. Au total,49 articles sont inclus dans cette revue systématique. La performance diagnostique de l’échographie endoscopique a été évaluée en calculant la sensitivité et la spécificité des études regroupées. Pour le stade T1, les valeurs de sensitivité et spécificité étaient 0.84 (CI 0.75-0.91) et 0.93 (CI 0.86–0.97), respectivement. Pour le stade T2 les valeurs de sensitivité et spécificité étaient 0.83 (CI 0.74–0.90) et 0.93 (CI 0.86–0.97), respectivement. Conclusion: L’échographie endoscopique présente une performance diagnostique pour l’identification de cancers de stade T1 et T2. Ceci permet d’orienter des patients vers des chirurgies moins invasives avec une survie égale et un taux de complications inférieures comparativement à des chirurgies plus invasives. / Background:
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of death. The use of preoperative imaging in the staging of (CRC) plays a major role in the management.
Endorectal ultrasound (ERUS) is a precise imaging modality to determine the depth of penetration. The data on the precision of (ERUS) to predict early stage of rectal cancer has been variable
To conduct a systematic review, on the diagnostic performance of (ERUS) in the staging of T1 and T2 CRC.
Systematic review.
Data sources:
A literature search via PubMed, EMBASE, Ovid and Cochrane library.
An initial search for systematic review articles published in the last 15 years on the diagnostic accuracy of EUS in the staging of CRC using PubMed, Cochrane library, and trip database was conducted. After finding two systematic reviews that were published in
2008 and 2009, a second search of original studies published since the systematic reviews were conducted using the same databases from 2009 to 2016. The primary studies included in the systematic reviews and the primary studies published afterwards were included in the review.
Methodological quality was applied using a modified version of the quality assessment of diagnostic accuracy studies (QUADAS2) tool.
Terms used for search were endoscopic ultrasound, EUS, rectal cancer, histo-pathological finding, and staging.
Study selection:
Inclusion criteria includes adult people diagnosed with early stage CRC, all articles in english language and must be a full manuscripts published in peer-reviews journals.
Exclusion criteria includes any recurrent or metastasis cancer and children with rectal cancer. Patients who were staged preoperatively by other imaging modality (MRI or CT) and no comparison with post operative pathology.
The search identified 420 articles, 97 articles were duplicate and excluded, and 232 refined articles were screened for title and abstract, reviewed. Thirty-two full text studies were assessed for eligibility, and ten published as full text and met the inclusion criteria; they were added to the articles identified in the earlier systematic reviews a total of 49 articles. Results of the evaluation of the accuracy of ERUS analyzed according to the diagnostic measures of sensitivities and specificities calculated for each study.
The pooled sensitivity and specificity of EUS for stage T1 CRC was 0.84 (CI 0.75-0.91) and 0.93 (CI 0.86–0.97), and for T2 was 0.83 (CI 0.74–0.90) and 0.93(CI 0.86–0.97) respectively.
The range of sensitivity and specificity values suggest that EUS performs well in accurately staging T1 and T2 cancers.
Further advancement in this technology will lead to an improved diagnosis, clinical decision-making, and reduce the over staging drawback.
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Histopathological alterations induced by exposure to suspended sediments in the orange-spotted grouper Epinephelus coioides.January 2006 (has links)
Pak Ah Pan. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 149-158). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / ABSTRACT --- p.ii / 摘要 --- p.vi / ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- p.vii / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.ix / LIST OF TABLES --- p.xiv / LIST OF FIGURES --- p.xvi / Chapter CHAPTER ONE --- LITERATURE REVIEWS --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1. --- Sediment pollution problems --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2. --- Effects of suspended sediments (SS) on aquatic biota --- p.3 / Chapter 1.3. --- Histopathological biomarkers in fish --- p.7 / Chapter CHAPTER TWO --- INTRODUCTION --- p.20 / Chapter CHAPTER THREE --- MATERIALS AND METHODS --- p.23 / Chapter 3.1. --- Sediments --- p.23 / Chapter 3.1.1. --- Sediment sampling sites --- p.23 / Chapter 3.1.2. --- Sediment collection and handling --- p.25 / Chapter 3.1.3. --- Chemical analysis of sediments --- p.25 / Chapter 3.2. --- Collection and maintenance of fish --- p.26 / Chapter 3.3. --- Sediment bioassays for groupers (E. coioides) --- p.28 / Chapter 3.3.1. --- Preparation of suspended sediments (SS) --- p.28 / Chapter 3.3.2. --- Experimental design --- p.30 / Chapter --- 10-day exposure experiment --- p.30 / Chapter --- 30-day exposure experiment --- p.31 / Chapter --- Time-course and recovery experiment --- p.33 / Chapter 3.3.3. --- Measurement of oxygen consumption and ventilation rates --- p.33 / Chapter 3.4. --- "Tissue sample collection, preparation and examinations" --- p.35 / Chapter 3.4.1. --- Study of sediment clogging --- p.35 / Chapter 3.4.2. --- Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) study --- p.37 / Chapter 3.4.3. --- Histopathological investigations --- p.38 / Chapter --- Histopathology of gills --- p.40 / Chapter --- Histopathology of liver --- p.40 / Chapter --- Histopathology of kidney --- p.41 / Chapter 3.5. --- Sediment bioassays for seabreams (A. schlegeli) --- p.42 / Chapter 3.6. --- Statistical analysis --- p.43 / Chapter CHAPTER FOUR --- RESULTS --- p.44 / Chapter 4.1. --- Chemical analysis of sediments --- p.44 / Chapter 4.2. --- Physicochemical parameters --- p.47 / Chapter 4.3. --- Sediment bioassays for groupers (E. coioides) --- p.49 / Chapter 4.3.1. --- Feeding rate --- p.49 / Chapter 4.3.2. --- Growth rate --- p.49 / Chapter 4.3.3. --- Sediment clogging --- p.53 / Chapter 4.3.4. --- Survival rates --- p.53 / Chapter 4.3.5. --- Oxygen consumption rate and ventilation rate --- p.56 / Chapter 4.3.6. --- SEM study --- p.56 / Chapter 4.3.7. --- Histopathological investigations --- p.64 / Chapter --- Histopathology of gills --- p.64 / Chapter --- Histopathology of liver --- p.82 / Chapter --- Histopathology of kidney --- p.94 / Chapter 4.4. --- Sediment bioassays for seabreams (A. schlegeli) --- p.113 / Chapter 4.4.1. --- Survival rates --- p.113 / Chapter 4.4.2. --- Histopathological investigations of gills and liver --- p.113 / Chapter CHAPTER FIVE --- DISCUSSION --- p.122 / Chapter 5.1. --- Hypoxic effects of SS on histopathology --- p.122 / Chapter 5.2. --- Synergistic effects between SS and chemical --- p.126 / Chapter 5.3. --- Effects of gill impairment on biological responses --- p.131 / Chapter 5.4. --- Reparability of histopathological alterations --- p.135 / Chapter 5.5. --- Species differences in sensitivity to SS --- p.135 / Chapter 5.6 --- Recommendation --- p.136 / Chapter CHAPTER SIX --- CONCLUSION --- p.138 / APPENDICES --- p.140 / REFERENCES --- p.149
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An investigation of the health status of wild Libyan dusky grouper, Epinephelus marginatus (Lowe), with characterisation of a new disease, Dusky Grouper Dermatitis (DGD)Rizgalla, Jamila January 2016 (has links)
The dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus (Lowe 1834), is a protogynous sequential hermaphrodite and is considered to be one of the most important fish species in the Mediterranean Sea. It is a K-strategist, being slow growing and late maturing, and this, coupled with its reproductive biology and relatively sedentary behaviour, has made it extremely sensitive to overexploitation, leading it to be classified by the IUCN as an endangered fish species. Wild dusky grouper have suffered from disease outbreaks in the past decade, leading to mass mortalities across the Mediterranean Sea, including Libyan coastal waters. These mortalities have mostly been attributed to Nodavirus infections. In Europe and Brazil, efforts are in place to culture this fish for commercial grow-out and stock enhancement programmes. In Libya, the dusky grouper is consumed regularly and is considered a prime-eating fish. Its importance for the Libyan internal market, as well as its potential for export, makes it an ideal candidate for future Libyan aquaculture activities. Given the scarce literature regarding the dusky grouper in Libya, this study aimed first to assess dusky grouper fisheries, spawning seasons and to identify the main threats that the fishing sector poses for wild stocks. Second this study aimed to determine the health status of wild dusky grouper offered at a local fish market in the capital Tripoli, in order to identify pathogens, pathologies or other health issues that might pose a hazard to cultured populations but also to remaining wild dusky grouper stocks. To achieve these aims, twelve field surveys spanning the period of 2013-2015 were conducted. From these surveys, it was established that the dusky grouper is captured throughout the year, including the spawning season. Fish sizes offered for sale ranged between 20-92 cm total length (TL), with the fish being sold from local fishing grounds around Tripoli, but also from as far as Benghazi, 1300 km to the east of Tripoli. The dusky grouper is principally caught in artisanal fisheries and by spearfishing, with approximately 300 spear-fishermen serving one particular fish market in Tripoli that was a focus in this study, and with dusky grouper being one of their main targets. Over the period of the survey, 267 landed dusky grouper were inspected for visible lesions prior to sampling. A total of 50 dusky grouper with sizes ranging from 27- 66 cm TL including the gonads from a further five fish measuring 66-92 cm TL that were sampled separately and examined to assess the stage of sexual maturity and to look for the presence of parasitic infections mainly affecting the gills, skin and gonads. The spawning season was found to extend from May to early September, with females ranging between 39-68 cm TL, males measuring 57-92 cm TL, and transient fish measuring 58-68 cm TL. From otolith readings of 8 fish, the youngest fish was a 3 year old juvenile of 28 cm TL and the oldest was an 8-9 year old 56 cm TL female. Whilst the highest prevalence of parasitic infection was found to be monogenean infection of the gills, with 100% prevalence, followed by gnathiid isopods infecting the oral cavity with 92% prevalence, it was the nematode Philometra sp. infecting post-spawning ovaries at 52% prevalence, that gave the highest apparent pathological impact. Necrosis potentially attributed to Philometra sp. in one particular ovary, was at a level likely to have caused complete parasitic castration, while others showed varying levels of probable functional reduction. The pathologies described need further investigation, especially in relation to possible synergies between Philometra sp. and bacteria in causing the necrosis. From the 267 inspected dusky grouper, 55 fish ranging in size from 42-92 cm TL were observed to be affected by external skin lesions of unknown aetiology. Twenty-six of these fish were sampled, having lesions at various stages of severity, and 5 further unaffected fish were used for histological assessment of the skin as negative controls. Histopathologically, the lesions comprised a multifocal, unilateral or bilateral dermatitis, involving the epidermis, superficial dermis and scale pockets, and sometimes, in severe cases, the hypodermis. Severe lesions had marked epidermal spongiosis progressing to ulceration. Healing was observed in some fish. Bacteria and fungi could be isolated from severe lesions, although they were not seen histopathologically in early-stage lesions. By contrast, metazoan parasite eggs were observed in the dermis and epidermis of some fish with mild and moderate dermatitis. Unidentified gravid digenean trematodes, carrying similar eggs, were also seen within the blood vessels of the deep and superficial dermis. The newly described condition was termed dusky grouper dermatitis (DGD). DGD’s geographical distribution along the Libyan coastline was investigated using a novel application of the social media network Facebook. Using Facebook, it was possible to document skin lesions of dusky grouper in Libyan waters from images attached to the entries of spear-fishermen. Thirty two Facebook accounts and 8 Facebook groups posting from 23 Libyan coastal cities provided a retrospective observational dataset comprising a total of 382 images of dusky grouper caught by spearfishing from December 2011-December 2015. Skin lesions were observable on 57 / 362 fish, for which images were of sufficient quality for analysis, giving a minimal prevalence for lesions of 15.75%. Only dusky grouper exceeding an estimated 40 cm total length exhibited lesions. The ability to collect useful data about the occurrence and geographical distribution of pathological conditions affecting wild fish using social media networks, demonstrates their potential utility as a tool to support epidemiological studies and monitor the health of populations of aquatic animals. The gravid digenean trematode described from mild lesions of five fish was identified using reconstruction through histological sectioning as belonging to the Family Aporocotylidae Odhner, 1912. This is the first description of a blood fluke from the dusky grouper, as well as from dermal blood vessels. The parasite was relatively long; the longest section of the parasite that could be measured was 1500 µm and 20-80 µm in width, while the total length of the parasite was estimated at 1500-2000 µm. Minute tegumental spines, possibly covering only a few parts of the parasite, were seen from some cross-sections. The parasite had one post-testicular ovary, which might overlap the testis, a pre-ovarian ascending uterus, and a post-ovarian descending uterus. It also possessed an oesophagus surrounded by oesophageal glandular cells and a pre-ovarian and pre-testicular extension of the vitelline cells, mostly at the level of the ascending uterus. The parasite was observed to be intra-vascular, the uterine lumen varies in size to accommodate between 1-7 eggs. The uterine eggs were embryonated and observed to span several stages of maturation. Eggs were also found in the dermal blood vessels, in the dermis, and in the epidermis, with the latter appearing to provide a potential route of egress of eggs into the environment. The extra-uterine eggs were 23.5 to 37.52 µm long and contained a ciliated miracidium. The eggs seemed to elicit a mixed inflammatory reaction, with degranulation of eosinophilic granular cells attached to the external surface of some of the eggs within the blood vessels but also the dermis. From observations made in the current study, this parasite appears to be a new species, most closely allied to none of the currently described Aporocotylidae genera. / In summary, the present study has demonstrated that the dusky grouper is extensively fished in Libya without discrimination to sizes and season, by both artisanal and spearfishing, with the latter as one of the main fishing methods, posing treats to the spawning potential and conservation of dusky grouper in Libya. The philometrid infecting the ovaries has a potential to reduce fecundity or to result in parasitic castration of wild broodstock. Gill-infecting monogeneans might represent a hazard for all stages of dusky grouper production. Dusky grouper dermatitis is a skin lesion, although there are no indications that infections may result in mortalities. Under culture conditions, however, this might change due to increase bacterial loads, which might lead to secondary bacterial infection. The presence of skin lesions would undoubtedly reduce the market value of whole fish. These findings are important for existing wild stocks, and for future plans regarding the aquaculture of dusky grouper. Future studies need to focus on the pathology of DGD, describing the disease process and aetiology using laboratory techniques such as TEM and virology as well as using morphology and molecular-based tools to describe the blood fluke and to determine their potential role in the initiation the disease. The novel approach to disease surveillance using social media Facebook posts could be further expanded by attracting citizen scientists, for future research assessing disease in wild fish, for sightings of mortality events and/or the appearance of disease outbreaks, or, for mapping marine mammal stranding’s and/or turtle nesting activity.
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Mechanism of Transformation and Therapeutic Targets for Hematological Neoplasms Harboring Oncogenic KIT MutationMartin, Holly René January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Gain-of-function mutations in the KIT receptor tyrosine kinase have been associated with highly malignant human neoplasms. In particular, an acquired somatic mutation at codon 816 in the second catalytic domain of KIT involving an aspartic acid to valine substitution is found in patients with systemic mastocytosis (SM) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The presence of this mutation in SM and AML is associated with poor prognosis and overall survival. This mutation changes the conformation of the KIT receptor resulting in altered substrate recognition and constitutive tyrosine autophosphorylation leading to constitutive ligand independent growth. As there are currently no efficacious therapeutic agents against this mutation, this study sought to define novel therapeutic targets that contribute to aberrant signaling downstream from KITD816V that promote transformation of primary hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells in diseases such as AML and SM. This study shows that oncogenic KITD814V (murine homolog) induced myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) occurs in the absence of ligand stimulation, and that intracellular tyrosines are important for KITD814V-induced MPN. Among the seven intracellular tyrosines examined, tyrosine 719 alone has a unique role in regulating KITD814V-induced proliferation and survival. Residue tyrosine 719 is vital for activation of the regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), p85α, downstream from KITD814V. Downstream effectors of the PI3K signaling pathway, in of leukemic cells bearing KITD814V with an allosteric inhibitor of Pak or its genetic inactivation results in growth repression due to enhanced apoptosis. To assess the role of Rac GEFs in KITD814V induced transformation, EHop-016, an inhibitor of Rac, was used to specifically target Vav1, and found to be a potent inhibitor of human and murine leukemic cell growth. In vivo, the inhibition of Vav or Rac or Pak delayed the onset of MPN and rescued the associated pathology in mice. These studies provide insight on mechanisms and potential novel therapeutic targets for hematological malignancies harboring an oncogenic KIT mutation.
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Physiological responses of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) after exposure to diclofenac and metoprololKeitel-Gröner, Frederike 06 March 2017 (has links)
(Oberflächen-) Gewässer weltweit sind mit geringen Mengen (ng/L bis wenige µg/L) humaner Pharmazeutika belastet. Diclofenac (DCF; nicht-steroidal, entzündungshemmend) und Metoprolol (MTP; ß-Blocker) gehören entsprechend ihres hohen Verbrauchs zu den am häufigsten gefundenen Substanzen. Deren biologische Aktivität ist nicht auf den Menschen beschränkt. Gut konservierte Enzyme innerhalb der Vertebraten legen Auswirkungen auf Nicht-Zielorganismen wie Fische nahe, die bisher in Langzeituntersuchungen mit umweltrelevanten Konzentrationen unzureichend untersucht wurden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die physiologischen Effekte von DCF und MTP auf die Nil-Tilapie (Oreochromis niloticus), einem der wichtigsten Aquakulturfische weltweit, untersucht. In vitro konnte anhand primärer Hepatozyten gezeigt werden, dass bereits umweltrelevante Konzentrationen von DCF zu einer erhöhten Genexpression verschiedener Schlüsselenzyme der Detoxifizierung führten. Nach MTP-Exposition waren die Veränderungen weniger eindeutig. Beide Substanzen induzierten die Vitellogenin Genexpression, nur DCF jedoch bereits in umweltrelevanter Konzentration. In vivo wurden in zwei Langzeit-Expositionsversuchen die physiologischen Effekte vom befruchteten Ei bis 80 Tage nach Schlupf in O. niloticus untersucht. Beide Substanzen hatte keinen Einfluss auf Schlupferfolg und Überleben, das Wachstum war nach 80 Tagen nach Schlupf leicht reduziert. Die deutlichsten Auswirkungen waren histopathologische Veränderungen der Kiemen, veränderte Genexpressionen der Gonadotropine und eine erhöhte Expression von Vitellogenin. Die Ergebnisse legen eine stärkere östrogene Aktivität von DCF im Vergleich zu MTP nahe. Zusammenfassend sind die Bedenken gegenüber den Einzelsubstanzen eher gering, negative Auswirkungen auf die Reproduktion und sich verstärkende Effekte bei zeitgleicher Exposition gegenüber DCF und MTP lassen sich jedoch nicht ausschließen und sollten im Weiteren untersucht werden. / Surface waters worldwide are contaminated with low levels (ng/L up to few µg/L) of human pharmaceuticals. Diclofenac (DCF; non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory) and metoprolol (MTP; ß-blocker) are highly consumed and therefore commonly detected. Their biological activity is not restricted to humans. Well conserved enzymes within the vertebrates suggest effects on non-target organisms such as fish, poorly studied in long-term exposure experiments using environmentally relevant concentrations. In the presented work, physiological effects of DCF and MTP on the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), an important aquaculture fish species, were studied. Using primary hepatocytes, it was shown in vitro that environmentally relevant concentrations of DCF increased the gene expression of different key enzymes of the detoxification, while MTP exposure had a less clear effect. Both substances induced vitellogenin gene expression, but only after DCF exposure this was significantly elevated already at the environmentally relevant concentration. In vivo, two long-term exposure studies on the physiological effects from the fertilized egg until 80 days post-hatch were evaluated. Both substances did not affect hatching success and survival, while growth was slightly reduced after 80 days post-hatch. Histopathological alterations of the gills, changed gene expression patterns of the gonadotropins and induced vitellogenin gene expression were the most dominant findings. The results indicate a stronger estrogenic mode of action of DCF compared to MTP. Overall, the risk due to a single substance exposure seems to be relatively low but adverse effects on reproduction and additive effects during simultaneous exposure to DCF and MTP cannot be excluded and should be investigated further.
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