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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Frihetstida policyskapande : Uppfostringskommissionen och de akademiska konstitutionerna 1738–1766

Bertilsson, Fredrik January 2017 (has links)
Regulating education is a vital part of government. This thesis is inspired by recent changes on the political landscape of higher education. It is guided by an interest in how political objectives and concepts of ideal social relationships are transformed and expressed through government university policies and their consequences. An early stage of what is now commonly referred to as the modern state and the modern research university, rather than present or relatively recent developments, will be explored. Instead of studying trends on the European continent, the thesis inquiries into an attempt made by the Swedish government to revise the constitutions of Swedish schools and universities through the so-called Educational Commission appointed in 1745. The purpose of the thesis is to apply a modern policy perspective to the Educational Commission’s attempt at reforming the constitution of the Swedish universities. The aim is to illuminate the construction of university regulations and to place this within a larger framework of policy making during the Age of Liberty (Frihetstiden) in Sweden. The Commission was an attempt by the Swedish government to implement educational changes based on a holistic view of the realm. It was one of several contemporary initiatives with nationwide ambitions. The Commission did not, however, succeed in reaching its formal objectives, but by placing too much emphasis on what the Commission did not achieve one risks overlooking other results and consequences. It initiated new communication structures, operating procedures and accountability schemes. It changed the regulations for assessing higher education making the university transparent and accountable to the government in new ways. New administrative routines for producing university reform were introduced. The Commission also provided university actors with a legitimate channel for voicing their opinions in relation to the government. They were given a legitimate position to formulate problems, questions and solutions regarding the university. The demands of the professors for increased autonomy in seeking knowledge and providing education stood against the claims made by the government for added control and insight into academic affairs. Through the Commission, the views of the professors were put into circulation in an official political context. / Östersjöregionens akademiska kultur under tidigmodern tid

Konsten att fungera i det moderna arbetslivet : Om psykisk arbetshygien och självuppfostran, 1924-1939

Haage, Charlotta January 2017 (has links)
Denna uppsats tar sin utgångspunkt i moderniseringen av svenskt arbetsliv under 1900-talets första hälft och i de omsorger som 1920- och 30-talens sociala reformatörer, läkare och samhällsdebattörer uttryckte om människors förmåga att anpassa sig till det offentliga förvärvsarbetets nya villkor, höga tempo och uppskruvade krav på prestation och effektivitet. Syftet är att visa hur bildandet och reglerandet av 1920- och 30-talens arbetare gick till inom ramen för vad läkare och reformatörer under dessa årtionden kallade för psykisk arbetshygien och självuppfostran och inom den så kallade expertisens försök att forma individer till dugliga arbetare. Studiens källmaterial utgörs av Social-medicinsk tidskrift samt ett tiotal skrifter av rådgivande, samhällskritisk och medicinsk karaktär, utgivna mellan 1924 och 1939, då konsten att fungera i det moderna arbetslivet diskuterades särskilt intensivt. Hjälp till analys har hämtats ur teoribildningen kring medborgarskap och demokratisk styrning och kring hur individer i det moderna görs kapabla att styra sig själva men samtidigt regleras av olika normaliserande kunskapssystem. En demokratisk styrning där individen ingjuts kraft och vilja att forma livet, på ett till synes frivilligt men ändå tvingande sätt. Resultaten visar hur förändrade arbetsvillkor och sociala förhållanden skrevs fram som skäl till individens svårigheter att komma tillrätta i arbetslivet. Speciellt framhölls vissa individers begränsade förmåga att inordna sig i ett arbetsliv där många föll offer för nervåkommor, överansträngning och trötthet. Lösningen blev att hjälpa individen hjälpa sig själv till lämpligt arbete genom rådgivning baserat på arbetsvetenskap, där den psykiska arbetshygienen och självuppfostran många gånger handlade om att hantera och bemästra trötthet samt att på olika sätt framkalla, behålla eller återkalla tappad arbetsförmåga.

Karel Havlíček Borovský jako zakladatel českého ekonomického učení? Příspěvek k dějinám českého ekonomického myšlení. / Karel Havlicek Borovsky founder of Czech economic thought? Ppart of the history of Czech economic thought

Brožek, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The aim of my paper is a critical examination of the thesis, held by Czech public professionals, that Karel Havlíček Borovský was the founder of Czech economic thinking. I begin with the premise that Havlíček was primarily an economic journalist with a basic knowledge of liberal thinking, which he wanted to interpret for the general Czech public in his articles, in order to familiarize the upcoming "Czech national movement" with the basics of economic theory. Based on the methodology of the History of Ideas, I want to show how liberalism looked in the Czech region of the 19th Century, to focus on the social stratification of Czech society and illustrate the difference between a scientist and journalist. In my work, I want to not only deal with That Havlíček wrote in his texts, but would also like to take into account an analysis of the interests of the "Czech national movement" in the 19th Century.

”Död åt klass-samhället!” : Moral och retorik i Socialdemokratiska Arbetarepartiets ungdomsförbund 1903–1907 / "Death to class-society!" : Morality and rhetorics in the Swedish Social Democratic Party's youth organizations 1903–1907

Olsson, Sakarias January 2020 (has links)
This study analyzes the moral dimensions of the polemic rhetorics between the two youth organizations tied to Sweden’s Social Democratic Party in the years 1903–1907, ungsocialisterna, the Young Socialists and ungdemokraterna. the Young Democrats. The examined debate centers around which methods and tactics were best suited to achieve their common goal, the liberation of the workers. Instead of looking at the ideological connotations of their arguments, the study examines which underlying moral assumptions give meaning to the two groups line of reasoning, and how they formulated their own ethical structures in the critique of the other organization. The study positions the debate within the context of the older discussions within the Party about violence as a method in class struggle and also relates it, inter alia, to a broader European framework drawing on the worker movements experiences of the Paris commune in 1871. Results include that both youth organizations considered themselves being bearer of true socialism and that the ethical structure they adhered to was primarily natural and common sense. While the Young Democrats rhetorically created virtues around rationality and science the Young Socialists emphazised a youthfulness associated with an unadulterated feeling and action.

Det gamla lander och det nya : Synen på Sverige och Amerika hos svenska emigranter 1859-1909 / The old country and the new : Perceptions of Sweden and America among Swedish emigrants 1859-1909

Phil, Per-Jonas January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis in History of Science and Ideas explores ideas held by Swedishimmigrants to the United States during the period 1859-1909: their opinions about the newlife in America compared to the life they had before in Sweden. Previous researchindicates that Swedish immigrants in general had a positive view on the possibility tosupport themselves by working in America, contrasted to the limited possibilities to do soin Sweden. Furthermore, they were attracted to America since workers there wereconsidered as equals to persons from upper social classes. Yet, Swedes also had to adaptto the new culture, for example by learning English. The immigrants did not likeeverything about America but most of them wanted to stay there for the rest of their life.The results in this study points to the same conclusions but the source material usedletterswritten by (mainly) workers- makes it possible to take the analysis a bit further, insome respects.

Hydrografi och fiskeriförvaltning : Svenska Hydrografiska Kommissionen 1893–1901 / Marine Research and Fisheries Management : Swedish Hydrographic Commission 1893–1901

Gutestrand Mandarić, Samuel January 2020 (has links)
Samuel Gutestrand Mandarić, Marine Research and Fisheries Management: Swedish Hydrographic Commission 1893–1901, Umeå University: Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious studies, Master thesis in History of Science and Ideas, 15 credits, Spring semester 2020.The aim of this thesis is to describe the development of the Swedish marine research from a scientific and institutional perspective. The time period studied begins with the establish-ment of the Swedish Hydrographic Commission in 1893 and ends with the government decision to develop the Swedish Hydrographic-Biologic Commission in 1901. The first motive with the thesis is to increase the understanding for the development of the Swedish hydrography as a field of knowledge and science. Additionaly, with the purpose of gaining insight as to how the hydrographic research was organized, to highlight scientific ideas and theories, as well as to account for the questions that aimed to be answered through the conducting of marine research. The second motive with the thesis is, from a societal perspective, to increase the knowledge in for the existing relations between hydrographic research and fisheries management. The purpose of this being to show the significance and influence given to the survey of fish stocks within the field of marine research, as well as to describe the role of scientific knowledge and rationality in the fisheries management.The empirical and theoretical approach of this thesis is based on scientific development being a result of the cooperation between parties both producing and using gained knowledge. Three analytical concepts have been used to unlock the principles of using and producing knowledge; co-production, boundary work and networking. These concepts bring forth different aspects of the studied relation and they are used heuristically, with focus mainly on specific historical events within the field of marine research.The results show that the Scandinavian marine research was developed in the inter-section between establishment of managing an enterprise, the transformation of the hydrographical and biological research, and increasing national and international research cooperations. Societal applications were the prime motive for government approved and financed marine research and its institutional internationalization. The scientific marine and fish stock surveys were part of a commercial and political program with aim to bring reformation to the fisheries. The marine surveys were considered necessary in order for rational fishing to be carried out and they were also important in the development of the fishing industry. The official decision to introduce fisheries management, together with the international council, enabled the establishment of marine research as a branch of know-ledge and research within the field of natural science.

How Blue is the Sky? : Horace B. de Saussure and his cyanometer – its invention, use and legacy

Lindberg, Michael January 2020 (has links)
Anyone who has gazed at a cloud free sky during daytime certainly havenoticed that the colour of the sky is blue. A careful observer may also havenoticed that the sky can look darker or lighter blue. The actual reasonsbehind this nature phenomena were not resolved until the second half ofthe 19th century but the variation of blue was already investigated duringthe time of Enlightenment by the Genovan scientist, aristocrat and mountainexplorer Horace Benedict de Saussure (1740{1799). De Saussure wasa scientist of his time and he measured many natural constants. When deSaussure climbed the Alp mountains he noticed that the sky turned darkerwith a more intense blue, at higher altitudes. To get a relative measure onhow blue the sky was, de Saussure invented a device he called cyanometer.It is a colour chart containing dierent hues of blue, starting with very lightblue, ranging all the way to dark blue. With this simple device de Saussurecould get a recordable measurement on how blue the sky was at the timefor the observation.This thesis deals with the cyanometer as a scientic instrument. It is ofinterest to investigate the cyanometer from a history of ideas perspective,so that this scientic instrument can be put in a visual culture context.Moreover, an investigation of how de Saussure developed the instrumentcan also show his thinking for the modications of it that he made. Further,the visual culture ideas can be applied on the main article de Saussure wroteabout the cyanometer in 1789.During the period when de Saussure was an active mountain explorer,he made several cyanometers which all varied in layout and the number ofblue colour sections included. In this thesis an analyse of the four dierentoriginal cyanometers that de Saussure made will be done. This analysis includesa quantitative comparison between the versions and a discussion onhow the instrument was made and operated. In order to trace a biographicalviewpoint on the cyanometer the thesis will also discuss how de Saussure'sidea, to measure the blueness of the sky, developed after his lifetime.

Den ideala intimiteten : Privatlivets expertis i 1940-talets svenska populärkultur

Sjödin, Arvid January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om rådgivning i kärlek- och intimitetsfrågor i svensk veckopress under 1940-talet. I undersökningen analyseras veckotidningarna Damernas värld, Veckorevyn och Husmodern. Undersökningens syfte är att förstå hur en ideal intimitet skapades i tidningarnas rådgivning i dialogen mellan expertis och läsare. Undersökningen har ämnat belysa denna ideala intimitet i relation till den historiska epok av intensiv samhällelig modernisering i vilken denna rådgivning skedde. En tid där relationen mellan det privata och det politiska börjat se en ny typ av överbryggning. I undersökningen beskrivs hur ett ideal om upplysning och vetenskaplighet fick strukturera sättet läsaren tilltalades i populärmagasinen och hur det förkroppsligades i en idé om emotionell kompetens. Jag argumenterar för att idealet om emotionell kompetens fungerade som ett sätt att upprätthålla institutioner av vikt för det samhällsideologiska bygget i tiden – att intimiteten kunde regleras efter önskvärda mål genom ett ideal av upplyst kunskap och emotionell kompetens istället för moraliska regler och konventioner. Genom en reglering av de intima sfärernas emotionella ekonomi, där ett upplyst subjekt med emotionell kompetens skulle styra, kunde den ideala intimiteten skapas. Jag visar hur talet om den unga generationen och oron för dess lössläppta sätt att behandla känslovärlden fick stärka ideal om upplysning, vetenskaplighet och emotionell kompetens i intimitetsfrågor, samt hur talet om trasiga och förlorade äktenskap gjorde detsamma. Vidare argumenterar jag för att idealet om emotionell kompetens kan förstås som en del av gränsdragningar i dikotomin sjukdom/hälsa, där den ickekompetenta intimiteten patologiserades. Med denna historiska analys av moderniseringens samspel med intimitetsideal har jag velat bidra till en djupare förståelse för kärlekens och intimitetens nutida tillstånd, och hur det kan spåras tillbaka till en tid då kunskap och konceptualisering började bli viktiga aktörer i det individuella känslolivet.

Den äldre kvinnans sexualitet : framställningar av äldre kvinnors sexualitet i populärmedicin kring sekelskiftet 1900

Zart, Jona January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker framställningen av äldre kvinnors sexualitet i populärmedicinsk litteratur i relation till begärets modernisering kring sekelskiftet 1900. Kring sekelskiftet 1900 separerades könsdriften från fortplantning och denna separation har beskrivits som begärets modernisering i relation till den undersöks hur äldre kvinnors sexualitet framställs, vilka normer kring deras sexualitet som framkommer, vilken bild av den äldre kvinnan konstrueras, och hur den konstrueras. För att lyfta fram, normer, vilken bild som konstruerades och hur den konstruerades anläggs en queerteoretisk utgångspunkt. Bilden som den medicinska litteraturen skapar av den äldre kvinnan är generellt att hon är asexuell, denna bild konstrueras genom att äldre kvinnors sexualitet antingen kopplas till ungdom, sjukdom, abnormitet eller genom att författarna förlöjligar eller skapar kriterier för sexualiteten eller genom att det normativa framställs som det självklara. Kvinnans sexualitet associeras inte med ålderdom. Begärens modernisering tycks inte påverka författarnas uppfattning av äldre kvinnors sexualitet. Äldre kvinnors sexualitet förknippas av både författare som separerar könsdriften från fortplantning och av författare som inte gör det, till reproduktion. Kvinnans könsdrift blev aldrig helt oberoende av fortplantningsfunktionen.

Den axiella ålderns innebörd : En studie av Karl Jaspers idé om människans kulturella ursprung och existentiella liv i moderniteten / The meaning of axial age : Thesis of Karl Jasper's idea on the cultural origins of man and the existential life in modernity

Astborg, Robert January 2020 (has links)
This thesis examines Karl Jaspers' theory of the origin of man in a historical period 2500 years ago.Jaspers believes that it was then that man's current mental and spiritual consciousness was formed and developed. Jaspers was convinced that man should use the abilities of his origin as a counterforce in the struggle in modern reality, a development which in many respects was based on myths, dogmas and irrationality, and which characterized man's living conditions. After suffering the trauma of World War II until 1945, Jaspers decided to identify the good qualities that he believed all people should have in common, thereby creating new existential conditions. Jaspers started from the archaic and classical times in history and then found a period where man had obviously been endowed with specific soul gifts and cognitive qualities. He called the period "the axial age" in the book published in 1949, Vom Ursprung und Ziel der Geschichte, which was then translated into English in 1953 with the title The Origin and Goal of History. The English edition is the primary source in this study. In his book, Jaspers uses a philosophical-historical perspective on the origins and events that he associates with human development during the axial age, in order to draw attention to the normative image we have of our selves and others as human beings in the world. Jaspers pedagogically describes the life man lives in modernity in the same way as when Plato explains the world of ideas. As it is demonstrated in the thesis, Jasper's idea is based on a speculative reflection on the origin and properties of man and regards it as a "tabula rasa" with new existential conditions intended for man in the modern world, facing a charge and a prelude to the future. Furthermore, the thesis explores comments on and critique of this theory expressed by other scholars.

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