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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evolutionary Ethics and Idealism : The idealists Henry Jones and Andrew Seth Pringle-Pattison in dialog with Darwinism concerning evolution and ethics.

Abdullahi Elmi, Salma January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Historiebruk i Norrbottniska dagstidningar : Exemplet med rallarna / History-use in Norrbottnic newspapers : The Railway navvy example

Pihl, Per-Jonas January 2018 (has links)
This paper concerns the question how the Norrbottnic railway navvy has been used inNorrbottnic newspapers in order to deal with contemporary issues of a political and economicnature. The time period covered is 1951-2004 and 36 newspaper articles have been used. Thepaper shows that there is no obvious connection between the newspapers political affiliationand the components from the navvies lives one otherwise would expect the newspaper topresent. Ideological use of history is not always present. There are other uses of history to, inthe articles. On the other hand the results of this investigation shows all newspapers wants topreserve the navvies accomplishments for later generations. There is no clear connectionbetween a decision to preserve and important events in the surrounding contemporary society.A commitment to preserve is taken independently of important contemporary events.

En annorlunda salongsbildning : Den borgerliga kvinnans bildning utifrån Magasin för konst, nyheter och moder (1818-1844).

Forsberg, Emma January 2018 (has links)
The history of women education has been structured by two powerful narratives. The first of these is the tale of the separation of the spheres and the second is the application of the cult of true womanhood to understand women place in the early 19th century. The purpose of this thesis is to examine and analyse the educational ideal for upperclass women in Sweden. By applying an unconventional source material, namely the Swedish lifestyle magazine Magasin för konst, nyheter och moder, a new narrative emerge. The previous research into the topic has mainly used the concepts of the separate spheres and the cult of true womanhood to explain the cultural paradigm that occurred to the hierarchy of genders during the early 19th century. This thesis aims to test if these concepts also can be applied on the previously mentioned source material, and still be viable. This thesis purpose that the previously named historical narratives can not be applied as strictly as it was previously believed. This paper critically reviews the level of education that Magasin för konst, nyheter och moder expected from its female readers, and hope that through this critical review a debate on the topic will emerge.

Att straffa trons förkunnare : Om 1860-talets offentliga samtal om religionen och prästerskapet i samhället

Ström, Ragnvald January 2018 (has links)
Denna C-uppsats handlar om hur inslag i den kristna tron kom att betraktas som problematiska under 1860-talet i ett framväxande offentligt och liberalt dominerat samtal. Studien visar att i media såväl som av andra deltagare i den offentliga debatten, trosföreställningar betraktades som orsaken bakom oönskade och problematiska beteenden som barnamord. Som en följd därav kom den bakomliggande läran och de som förkunnade denna att kritiseras. Kritiken tog fasta på olika aspekter och förordade olika nya sätt att närma sig kristendomen på. En av kritikerna som rönte stor uppmärksamhet till följd av sin höga akademiska ställning var filosofen Christopher Jacob Boström som använde sig av ett barnamord som argument mot den kristna läran om helvetet. Uppsatsen sätter Boströms argumentation i relation till andra argument, både från religionskritikernas och prästerskapets håll. Den kritik som Boström framför visas därigenom besitta gemensamma drag med den kritik som den liberala pressen framförde, alltmedan dessa slutsatser nås på olika sätt. Gemensamt för båda linjernas kritik är en historisering av bibeln och kristendomen. Medan de liberalt sinnade kritikerna förordar en förnyad bibelgranskning och en modern blick på den historiske Jesus – en slags trons restaurering, företer Boström en mer ahistorisk inställning.

Rave och hotet mot ungdomen : Konstruktionen av social ordning i svensk dagspress 1995-1997

Märak Leffler, Björn January 2018 (has links)
I Sverige är kopplingen mellan rave, ungdomar och droger så signifikant att polisen år 1996 upprättar en speciell polisenhet vid namn Ravekommissionen. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur rave konstrueras som ett problem i svensk dagspress mellan 1995 och 1997, och därmed belysa hur social ordning reproduceras i offentligheten genom samtalsordningen om rave. Från socialkonstruktivistisk synvinkel är media central i konstruktioner av problem. Tidigare forskning inom området rör kopplingar mellan ungdomar och narkotika, samt ungdomskultur och narkotika, men inte den offentliga problemformuleringsprocessen.                                     Studien bygger på 772 förekomster av ordet rave respektive rejv i allt från insändare till debattartiklar i fyra rikstäckande dagstidningar. Den har tagit utgångspunkt i begreppet representation för att kunna belysa de praktiker och aktörer som varit centrala i problemkonstruktionerna.                       I samtalsordningen är det etablerat att rave är en ungdomskultur, och det har skett en successiv betydelseförskjutning i att de frågor som prioriterats övergått från musik till droger. Problemet konstrueras delvis som att det ständigt intensifieras, där praktiker som ligger till grund för detta är att beskriva hur ravespecifika droger ökar i tillgång, sprider sig ut i samhället, och att missbrukarna är en ny grupp, så kallade vanliga ungdomar.                       Analysen visar att samtalet på en övergripande nivå rör farhågor om att den sociala ordningen hotas, genom att ungdomen hotas.  Två ideologiska hotbilder konstrueras. Attityden mot droger hos unga beskrivs ha förändrats till en mer liberal attityd, vilket på sikt utgör ett direkt hot den restriktiva narkotikapolitiken och underförstått den sociala ordningen. Parallellt med detta konstrueras ett mer direkt hot mot den sociala ordningen, delvis i att de påverkbara ungdomarna riskerar präglas av en statsfientlig nyliberalism, delvis genom att polisens praktik skapar en ökad misstro mot den sociala ordningens representanter.

Ekofeministiska perspektiv på kvinnor och miljö. : Elin Wägners Väckarklocka och Charlotte Perkins Gilmans Herland analyserade ur ett ekofeministiskt perspektiv. / Ecofeminist perspectives on women and the environment. : Elin Wägner's Alarm Clock and Charlotte Perkins Gilman Herland analysed from an ecofeminist perspective.

Karlsson, Micael January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis the Swedish author Elin Wägner’s debate book Alarm clock and the American author Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s novel Herland are analysed and compared from an ecofeminist perspective. Since the use of an ecofeminist perspective can be perceived as anachronistic as the term ecofeminism was drafted far later than the literary works in question I have chosen to distinguish between empirical and analytical concepts to approach their texts. In order to interpret their texts in their intellectual and historical contexts, concepts such as ecofeminism, matriarchy, utopia, vision and science have been of significance. This as the authors’ theoretical approaches in matriarchal theories, utopic perception, vision and science shaped their literary point of departure. The sociologist Lester Frank Ward’s theories on social planning had a huge impact on Gilman’s ideas as had the influence of the Darwinian movement focusing on evolution and eugenic, theories that at the time around the turn of the 19th century influenced social science, history and psychology. Elin Wägner found her inspiration in works by Johan Jakob Bachofen, Rosa Mayreder and Mathilde Vaerting, anchored in the Central European literacy discourse of her time; ideas significant for her civilization-critical thinking focusing on the relationship between women’s subordination and the environment, where the ruling of the earth is understood by the same logic that drives men’s dominion over women. Wägner and Gilman follows a line in the eco-feminist theorem, based on the statement that women are more responsive than men to nature and environmental issues, a biological determinism, conceptual essentialism and universalism, based on women’s different experiences in a gender society.

En informationsteknisk atombomb : Lars Kristiansson och mikrodatorn, 1970–1983 / The atomic bomb as a metaphor for the computer : Lars Kristiansson and the microcomputer, 1970–1983

Persson, Patrik January 2018 (has links)
In Sweden, the 1970s saw widespread public concerns about data privacy. The use of computers in the 1970 census sparked debate, and in 1973 Sweden's data privacy law, datalagen, came into force. In 1980, a parliamentary delegation was tasked with investigating further options for political action. In the years around 1980, computers, and how they should be used, was a topic of hot political and public debate. One particularly influential voice in this debate was professor Lars Kristiansson. He shared his visions of the future in debate articles, radio and television interviews, and books. Moreover, he co-hosted two educational series in Swedish public service television. Kristiansson took it on himself to educate Swedish citizens on the perils of a future, Big Brother-like society. Kristiansson frequently expressed his concerns in drastic terms. He repeatedly associated computers in general, and microcomputers in particular, with the atomic bomb. In this thesis, I set out to interpret Kristiansson's visions of the future computer society, including his atomic bomb metaphor. His work is placed in a context of contemporary ideas, such as those of the Cold War and the 1960s popular left-wing movements, as well as his own academic and professional background. The atomic bomb metaphor was, in this interpretation, shaped both by Kristiansson's personal experience and by widespread popular ideas of an imminent "intelligence explosion". Much of Kristiansson's criticism, directed against the computerized society of the future, concerned what he viewed as a conflation of theory and reality. The criticism was originally directed against a naïve positivism, as Kristiansson warned his engineering students against confusing mathematical models with physical reality. This criticism of positivism evolved into a warning against a society shaped by governmental computer models, but the examples, including some illustrations, were largely retained from his teaching materials.

Banbryterskorna : Skapandet av den kvinnopolitiska arenan och kvinnan som politisk aktör kring sekelskiftet 1800-1900

Bergström, Emilia January 2017 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen ämnar undersöka hur kvinnor kring sekelskiftet 1800-1900 arbetade för att skapa en kvinnoseparatistisk arena samt höja sig själva som politiska aktörer i en manligt dominerad sfär. Uppsatsen ställer frågor om historikerns identitet och ifrågasätter bilden av den neutrala personen som en man. Undersökningen diskuterar framför allt hur tre kvinnliga historiker verkade för att skapa ett rum där de och andra kan agera utanför den manliga blicken och dess norm. Men den svarar även på frågor om hur kvinnorna bemöttes av sin manliga omgivning. Genom att utföra denna undersökning vill författaren bidra till en vidare förståelse av strategier kvinnor använde för att navigera sig genom en samtid som verkat begränsade för dem och hur de aktivt arbetade för att bidra till kvinnohistorien.

Hej hembiträde : En begreppshistorisk studie om namnbytet från tjänarinna till hembiträde / Hello maid : An inquiry into the name change of maids in Sweden from a conceptual history approach

Fagerström, Pontus January 2018 (has links)
This work examines the discussion that precedes the name change for maids in Sweden. In1917 the labor union club for maids called Stockholms tjänarinneförening changes its name toHembiträdesföreningen i Stockholm. Over time, hembiträde slowly replaces tjänarinna as thecommon name for maids. Through a conceptual history approach the study wishes to shinelight upon the ideas about titels found in printed sources preceding the name change. Thesource material consists of newspapers, articles in periodicals as well as printed books on thesubject. In addition to the conceptual history approach, social categories are used as a way ofmaking titles, found in the source material, comprehensible from a historical perspective.Also, Ferdinand Tönnies two concepts Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft is used to analyzedifferent view on historical change, in relation to the maid occuptation, found in the sourcematerial. An overarching question in the work is: what kind of value can be achieved througha name change of this kind?

O conceito de ‘Comunidade de Destino’ na obra ‘Die Nationalitätenfrage und die Sozialdemokratie’ de Otto Bauer (1907) / The concept of 'Community of Destination' in Otto Bauer's 'Die Nationalitätenfrage und die Sozialdemokratie' (1907)

Margis, Simone Maciel 01 February 2017 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The Master's Dissertationentitled "The Concept of Community of Destination in Otto Bauer's 'Die Nationalitätenfrage und die Sozialdemokratie' (1907), developed in the Research Line Frontier, Politicsa nd Society, linked to the Graduate Program in History of the University Federal University of Santa Maria and Research Projects "The Concept of Community of Destination in Otto Bauer's Die Nationaltätenfrage und die Sozialdemokratie" (1907) ", to the Research Group "Intellectual History in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Philosophy, Culture, Policy, coordinated by Prof. Carlos Henrique Armani, DR., with featured of a Capes/DS scholarship, aimed to carry out an internal analysis of Otto Bauer's work (1881-1938) entitled "Die Nationalitätenfrageund die Sozialdemokratie". Refers to the construction of the significant nation from a methodology proposed by the History of Ideas. In order, it was intended to expose Bauer's intentions about the formation of the complex hierarchical network of constitutive concepts of being-nation, whose intertwined identities of the concepts of Natural and Cultural Community culminate in what Bauer called "Community of Destination", represented by the will In the projection to a common end. Following the analysis, we also propose to analyze the temporal implications in the author's theory, in order to identify the use of temporality in its national perspective. Thus, we try to understand how Otto Bauer understood the national phenomenon from his textual corpus - both Bauer and related authors - as well as the temporal implications in his discourse. / A dissertação de Mestrado intitulada “O Conceito de Comunidade de Destino na Obra ‘Die Nationalitätenfrage und die Sozialdemokratie’ de Otto Bauer (1907), desenvolvida na Linha de Pesquisa Fronteira, Política e Sociedade, vinculado ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria e aos Projetos de Pesquisa “O Conceito de Comunidade de Destino na Obra „Die Nationaltätenfrage und die Sozialdemokratie” (1907) de Otto Bauer”, ao Grupo de Pesquisa “História Intelectual nos Séculos 19 e 20: Filosofia, Cultura, Política”, coordenados pelo Profº Dr. Carlos Henrique Armani, tendo auxílio de uma Bolsa Capes/DS, teve como objetivo realizar uma análise interna da Obra de Otto Bauer (1881-1938), intitulada “Die Nationalitätenfrage und die Sozialdemokratie” no que se refere à construção do significante nação a partir de uma metodologia proposta pela História das Ideias. Para tanto, pretendeu-se expor as intenções de Bauer acerca da formação da complexa rede hierárquica de conceitos constitutivos do ser-nação, cujos entrelaçamentos identitários dos conceitos de Comunidade Natural e Cultural culminam no que Bauer denominou “Comunidade de Destino”, representado pela vontade na projeção a um fim comum. Seguindo a análise, propomos também analisar as implicações temporais na teoria do autor, de forma a identificar o uso da temporalidade em sua perspectiva nacional. Assim, procuramos entender como Otto Bauer compreendia o fenômeno nacional a partir de seu corpus textual – tanto de Bauer quanto de autores relacionados a ele – bem como as implicações temporais em seu discurso.

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