Spelling suggestions: "subject:"donor."" "subject:"honor.""
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Informe jurídico sobre la Casación laboral No. 24775- 2019 Lima EsteVega Flores, Nuria Alessandra 10 October 2024 (has links)
En el presente informe se analiza la injuria y faltamiento de palabra como causa
válida de cese, partiendo del procedimiento de despido seguido contra un
dirigente sindical que profirió comentarios sobre un representante de la empresa,
en una conversación por WhatsApp con otros afiliados al sindicato. En ese
sentido, el informe busca determinar si la conducta imputada al trabajador se
subsume en la falta regulada por el artículo 25. f) de la Ley de Productividad y
Productividad Laboral, aprobado por Decreto Supremo No. 003-97-TR.
Finalmente, se analiza el despido nulo por represalia y por discriminación, así
como el despido fraudulento por hechos falsos y por fabricación de pruebas,
ambos pretendidos por el demandante en el proceso. / This report examines the breach of word as a valid cause for termination, starting
with the dismissal procedure followed against a union leader who made
comments about a company representative in a WhatsApp conversation with
other union members. In this regard, the report seeks to determine whether the
conduct attributed to the worker falls under the offense regulated by Article 25(f)
of the Law on Productivity and Labor Competitiveness, approved by Supreme
Decree No. 003-97-TR. Finally, the report analyzes wrongful termination due to
retaliation and discrimination, as well as fraudulent dismissal based on false facts
and the fabrication of evidence.
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Det gör ont när mödomshinnor brister : En studie över gestaltningsramar om hymen i svensk tryckt press / It hurts when hymens are breaking : a study on descriptions of the hymen in Swedish printed pressNolskog, Cajsa January 2018 (has links)
This essay uses frame analysis to study changes in the descriptions of the hymen in Swedish printed press from 1989-2015. The study shows that the traditional story about the hymen has significant power in the dominant culture and affects the idea of what the hymen is and what is believed to be its functions. The study also showcases how our ideas about the hymen are socially constructed since the descriptions can shift widely but still be considered as the truth. The concept of the hymen has gone through a change over time, from a story of a hymen that breaks during first intercourse, to the hymen being a myth that doesn’t exist at all, to then emerge into the idea of the vaginal corona – another version of a hymen that is different from the traditional image. The study also shows that the traditional frame for describing the hymen does live on, and that the vaginal corona has not replaced the idea of the traditional hymen.
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In the Company of Cheaters (16th-Century Aristocrats and 20th-Century Gangsters)Murdock, Mark Cammeron 24 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This document contains a meta-commentary on the article that I co-authored with Dr. Corry Cropper entitled Breaking the Duel's Rules: Brantôme, Mérimée, and Melville, that will be published in the next issue of Essays in French Literature and Culture, and an annotated bibliography of primary and secondary sources featuring summaries and important quotes dealing with duels, honor, honor codes, cheating, historical causality, chance, and sexuality. Also, several examples of film noir are cited with brief summaries and key events noted. The article we wrote studies two instances of cheating in duels: one found in Brantôme's Discours sur les duels and the other in Prosper Mérimée's Chronique du règne de Charles IX, and the traditional, as well as anti-causal, repercussions they had. Melville's Le Deuxième souffle is also analyzed with regards to the Gaullist Gu Minda and the end of the aristocratic codes of honor that those of his generation dearly respected but that were overcome by the commercial world of republican law and order.
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A contact analysis of Caldecott medal and honor books from 2001-2011 examining gender issues and equity in 21st century children's picture booksYello, Nicole 01 May 2012 (has links)
An abundance of research has been conducted about the importance of including books and literature as part of a young child's developmental process. Much of this research suggests that picture books are vital to a young child's healthy development and "are important influences that shape us by reflecting the politics and values of our society" (Fox, 1993, p. 656). This study was completed to analyze character roles and gender representation of male and female characters exclusively in children's picture books. The entire population of Caldecott Award and Honor Medal books published between 2001 and 2011 was utilized for a frequency analysis. Each Caldecott Award and Honor Medal book meeting this study's criteria was examined, read and analyzed. Books included only works of fiction and were delimited to exclude biographies, autobiographies, informational books, concept books and poetry. A total of 24 books were used in the data analysis. This research attempted to answer the following question: Are males and females equitably represented in recently published children's literature? From a content-analysis approach, within a historical perspective, this research aimed at examining if gender bias still dominates the literature, and if so, to what extent. The intellectual interest of this project is in discovering male and female presence and imagery in children's picture books.
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Contending for liberty : principle and party in Montesquieu, Hume, and BurkeElliott, Sean January 2010 (has links)
This thesis explores the political reformation of “faction” in the political thought of Montesquieu, David Hume, and Edmund Burke, three thinkers whose works span what Pierre Manent calls “an exquisite moment of liberalism.” It examines the transformation of faction from one based largely on class to one based largely on political function and argues that as the political emphasis of “party” overtook that of class, a disconnect in constitutional theory appeared between the principles formerly associated with class, such as honor, and the principles now associated with parties. This disconnect is examined by focusing on the interrelated concepts of political principle, or that which motivates and regulates men, and faction, itself divided into two types, principled and singular. This thesis further considers the role of political principle to faction in each thinker’s thought in order to demonstrate how limited domestic political conflict could sustain itself via a party system. Each thinker recognized that limited political conflict did not weaken the state but rather strengthened it, if engendered by “principled faction” cognizant of a nominal sovereign. Accordingly, it is argued that a similar understanding of “principled faction,” though focused largely on aristocratic ideas of prejudice, self-interest, and inequality, better promoted political liberty within the state and contributed to a greater acceptance of party in political thought.
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Вербализација концепта части и поштења у српском језику / Verbalizacija koncepta časti i poštenja u srpskom jeziku / Verbalization of the concepts “Honor” and “Honesty” in Serbian languageDimitrijević Ivan 25 May 2016 (has links)
<p>Најрепрезентативнији показатељ вербализације части и поштења у српском језику су српске паремије. Но, оне одражавају врло растегљиво схватање тих моралних појмова, и тешко је наћи јединствени лингвистички чинилац који их означава. Српски народ је исказивао поменуте концепте сразмерно ретко у пословицама и изрекама помоћу речи поштење и част, те њихових изведеница, а ова лексичка разноврсност је одраз недовољно екзактне концептуализације поштења и части уопште, уз многа поклапања са другим моралним појмовима. Различити разлози су утицали на ову неегзактност. Први је дуг, можда и вишемиленијумски период од настанка појединих паремија до њиховог објављивања, што је створило велику шароликост денотација поштења и части у српској паремиологији: од примитивног праисторијског поимања, заснованог више на на митском мишљењу, преко преетичке, хомеровске античке идеје, по којој је моралност изједначавана са обичајношћу, теорија попут Аристотелове, па до средњовековног теолошког учења (о врлини као богоугодности, светости, правоверности), нововековних становишта и тако даље. Сва ова схватања имају мање-више заједночко једино поистовећивање поштења са поштовањем етичких правила заједнице коју појединац осећа као своју, однсоно части са награђивањем те индивидуе од стране истог колектива за поштовање речених норми. Чињеница да су Срби, услед вишевековног живота под страним, турским законима, често могли да се ослоне искључиво на неписане, моралне законе властигог колектива, значајно је утицала да етички термини поштења и части прошире изворно значење. Такође, подређени положај нашег народа у Отоманском царству истакао је функцију пословица и изрека као својеврсног тајног, интерног језичког кода у српском друштву. Ова је функција захтевала симболичку употребу речи, како би се прикрио њихов стварни контекст од туђина, често упознатог са српским језиком, али у исто време да би се вербализовали и учинили препознатљивим апстрактни појмови части и поштења у махом неписменом домаћем становништву, које је преносило те пословице и изреке, и које је кудикамо боље познавало конкетне термине, колико год ови били семантички „тврди“ и у основи непрецизни. За ту сврху су се користили лексичко-семантички бинарни парови (поређења по слиности или супротности), рима и друге игре речи, с њиховом експресивном симболиком и емфатичким карактером, те најзад, обиље митологема, иако је многим од њих првобитни смисао временом измењен или заборављен.</p> / <p>Najreprezentativniji pokazatelj verbalizacije časti i poštenja u srpskom jeziku su srpske paremije. No, one odražavaju vrlo rastegljivo shvatanje tih moralnih pojmova, i teško je naći jedinstveni lingvistički činilac koji ih označava. Srpski narod je iskazivao pomenute koncepte srazmerno retko u poslovicama i izrekama pomoću reči poštenje i čast, te njihovih izvedenica, a ova leksička raznovrsnost je odraz nedovoljno ekzaktne konceptualizacije poštenja i časti uopšte, uz mnoga poklapanja sa drugim moralnim pojmovima. Različiti razlozi su uticali na ovu neegzaktnost. Prvi je dug, možda i višemilenijumski period od nastanka pojedinih paremija do njihovog objavljivanja, što je stvorilo veliku šarolikost denotacija poštenja i časti u srpskoj paremiologiji: od primitivnog praistorijskog poimanja, zasnovanog više na na mitskom mišljenju, preko preetičke, homerovske antičke ideje, po kojoj je moralnost izjednačavana sa običajnošću, teorija poput Aristotelove, pa do srednjovekovnog teološkog učenja (o vrlini kao bogougodnosti, svetosti, pravovernosti), novovekovnih stanovišta i tako dalje. Sva ova shvatanja imaju manje-više zajednočko jedino poistovećivanje poštenja sa poštovanjem etičkih pravila zajednice koju pojedinac oseća kao svoju, odnsono časti sa nagrađivanjem te individue od strane istog kolektiva za poštovanje rečenih normi. Činjenica da su Srbi, usled viševekovnog života pod stranim, turskim zakonima, često mogli da se oslone isključivo na nepisane, moralne zakone vlastigog kolektiva, značajno je uticala da etički termini poštenja i časti prošire izvorno značenje. Takođe, podređeni položaj našeg naroda u Otomanskom carstvu istakao je funkciju poslovica i izreka kao svojevrsnog tajnog, internog jezičkog koda u srpskom društvu. Ova je funkcija zahtevala simboličku upotrebu reči, kako bi se prikrio njihov stvarni kontekst od tuđina, često upoznatog sa srpskim jezikom, ali u isto vreme da bi se verbalizovali i učinili prepoznatljivim apstraktni pojmovi časti i poštenja u mahom nepismenom domaćem stanovništvu, koje je prenosilo te poslovice i izreke, i koje je kudikamo bolje poznavalo konketne termine, koliko god ovi bili semantički „tvrdi“ i u osnovi neprecizni. Za tu svrhu su se koristili leksičko-semantički binarni parovi (poređenja po slinosti ili suprotnosti), rima i druge igre reči, s njihovom ekspresivnom simbolikom i emfatičkim karakterom, te najzad, obilje mitologema, iako je mnogim od njih prvobitni smisao vremenom izmenjen ili zaboravljen.</p> / <p>The most representative indicator of verbalization of honor and honesty in the Serbian language are Serbian proverbs. However, they show very elastic conception of these moral concepts, and it is hard to find unique linguistic factor which marks them. Serbs were expressing forenamed concepts relatively rarely in proverbs and sayings with words поштење (“honesty”) and част (“honor“), or their derivatives, and the lexical diversity is a reflection of insufficient exact conceptualization of honesty and honor in general, with many matching with other moral concepts. Reasons that contributed to this inexactness are various. The first is long, perhaps millenniums-old period from the occurrence of certain proverbs to their publication, which has created a great diversity of denotations of honesty and honor in Serbian proverbs: from primitive prehistoric comprehension, based more on the mythical thought, through the idea of pre-ethical Homeric antiquity, when morality has been equated with tradition, theories such as those of Aristotle, to Middle Ages theological learning (of the virtue as obedience, holiness, orthodoxy), New Century opinions and so on. All these opinions have more or less in common only mere identification of the honesty with respect of the ethics rules of community which an individual feels like his own, and identification of the honor with rewarding the individual by the same community for respect of the abovementioned rules. The fact that the Serbs, due to centuries of living under foreign Ottoman laws, often were able to rely exclusively on unwritten, the moral standards of their own collective, has significantly influenced the ethical terms of honesty and honor extend their original meaning. Also, the subordinate position of Serbs in the Ottoman Empire emphasized the function of proverbs and sayings as a kind of secret, internal language code of Serbian community. This function required the symbolic use of words, so as to conceal their actual contents from aliens, often familiar with the Serbian language, but at the same time to verbalize and make recognizable abstract concepts of honor and honesty to almost illiterate local population who communicated these proverbs and sayings, rather accustomed to concrete terms, however semantically “hard” and basically imprecise. For that purpose have been used binary pairs that is opposites (comparison by semantic and lexical similarity or contrast), rhyming words and other wordplays with their expressive symbolism and emphatic character, and finally, plenty of mythologems, even though original meaning of many of these words by time was altered or forgotten.</p>
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Place de la notion d’honneur en psychothérapie et en pratique ethnopsychiatrique : entrevues réalisées auprès de psychothérapeutes et ethnothérapeutes montréalais et parisiensWarnant, Ariane L. M. A. 03 1900 (has links)
Confrontée à des familles devant faire face à des questions reliées à l'honneur, l'ethnopsychiatrie ne peut faire l'économie de s'interroger sur cette notion. C'est l'un des objectifs de cette thèse qui se donne pour mission, non seulement de réaliser une revue de la littérature sur ce thème, mais aussi de dégager l'intérêt de ce concept pour cette discipline. / The notion of honor in psychotherapy and ethnopsychiatry: Interviews conducted with psychotherapists and ethnotherapists in Montreal and Paris.
Having to treat families with honor related issues, ethnopsychiatry cannot afford to ignore this notion. The objectives of this thesis are to review the literature on the theme of honor and to impress the importance of the notion of honor in the field of ethnopsychiatry.
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Obraz ženy ve dvorském románu druhé poloviny 14. století / Image of woman in romances of second half of 14th centuryHlavatý, Michal January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with image of women in romances of second half of 14th century with accent on the Czech productions. Foreign productions are mentioned as well, but this productions are mentioned marginally. At the beginning of this project, there are presented primary and secondary sources on which the project is based. Methodics of project are next. Next there is described issue of romances in european and Czech environment and there is description of real stand of woman in the Middle Ages. Afterwards there are presented characters of women in particular sources with historical context. End of project includes conclusion which is trying to explain how a woman in the 14th century was perceived in used sources.
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La quête de l’honneur apaisée de la « grandeur indienne ». : Déni de reconnaissance des « tigres tamouls » et événements catalyseurs au Sri Lanka. identité virile et inimitié des décideurs dans un conflit (1987-1990 puis 2000-2009) / A peaceful quest for honor of the indian greatness. : Non-recognition of the “ Tamil Tigers” and catalyst events in Sri Lanka. Manliness and inimity among the decision-makers in conflicts (1987-1990 then 2000-2009)Soosaithasan, Solène Nadia 25 November 2016 (has links)
La quêtede l’honneurpeut paraitre désuète de nos jours en Occident mais cela n’est pas forcément le cas si l’on poussait plus loin les analyses. Elle caractérise depuislongtemps les relations entre les décideurs indiens et les dirigeants de la région Asie du Sud. Les relations avec les belligérants sri lankais n’en font pas exception. L’honneur et la gloire sont souvent le produit d’un éthos guerrier et d’une démonstration de virilité de la part des dirigeants politiques et non pas uniquement des militaires.La virilité n’est donc pas biologique mais est un construit politique et social. Les heurts ont été nombreux quant à la résolution du conflit sri lankais.Les décisions, attitudes et actions prises par les Indiens ont été façonnées par les interactions avec leurs interlocuteurs sri lankais et par des éléments extrêmement importants que nous qualifions d’« événements catalyseurs».Après le départ de l’IPKF et l’assassinat de Rajiv Gandhi, les dirigeants indiens ont adopté une autre attitude et des discours plus apaisés vis-à-vis des dirigeants sri lankais tout en refusant de reconnaitre les « Tigres tamouls » (LTTE), une guérilla tamoule au Sri Lanka. La reconnaissance de la part des dirigeants indiens vis-à-vis des décideurs sri lankais a par ailleurs permis la résolution du conflit sri lankais par des moyens militaires. Vingt ans auparavant, cela aurait été totalement inconcevable pour les dirigeants indiens de laisser ainsi faire les décideurs sri lankais. La reconnaissance de part et d’autre a donc pu permettre d’améliorer les relations interpersonnelles et interétatiques indiennes et sri lankaises. / Today, the quest for honor can seemoutdated in Western countries. But for a long timeit has characterizedthe relationships between the Indian decision-makers and the South Asian leaders. Relationships with Sri Lankan protagonists are also shaped by this question of honor but also of glory. Just as the military, political leaders are also influenced by honor and glory which are often produced by a warrior ethos So they want to show their manliness. Virility is not biological but a political and social construct. Throughout the resolution of the Indian-Sri Lankan conflict, numerous clashes took place between between their respective leaders. Decisions, attitudes and actions taken by the Indians have been shaped by their interactions with their Sri Lankan counterparts. And this evolution has also been possible because of “catalyst events”. After the IPKF’s withdrawal and Rajiv Gandhi’s murder,Indian decision-makers refused to recognize the“Tamil Tigers” guerilla (Liberation Tamil Tigers of Eelam, in Sri Lanka. But the Indian Political leaders’ recognition of the Sri Lankan rulersopened the way to a conflict resolution with military means. Twenty-years ago it would have been completely impossible for the Indians to allow the Sri Lankans to have their way.Recognition on both parts have largely improved the Indian and the Sri Lankan interpersonal and interstate relationships.
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O discurso colonial na legislação nazista: análise de conteúdo da lei de proteção ao sangue alemão e à honra alemã e do primeiro decreto suplementar de 14 de novembro de 1935Adamatti, Bianka 30 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-02-08T12:52:06Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-30 / CNPQ – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / O regime imposto pelo nacional-socialismo de 1933 a 1945 guarda semelhanças com as dominações coloniais exercidas durante a modernidade, por todo o discurso de inferiorização dos indivíduos produzido e técnicas semelhantes aos dos métodos colonizatórios empregados pela Europa Ocidental. Diante do exposto, o objetivo dessa dissertação consiste em verificar se na Lei de Proteção ao Sangue Alemão e à Honra Alemã e no Primeiro Decreto Suplementar de 14 de novembro de 1935 existem indicadores de discurso colonial, através da análise de conteúdo, com suporte do método histórico e levantamento bibliográfico. As referidas legislações são de cunho racista e segregaram, a partir da sua vigência, todos os judeus que estivessem em território alemão, incluindo o ocupado após o início da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Verifica-se que vários métodos discursivos na Alemanha nazista, tiveram sua gênese na modernidade, com a adoção dos termos sangue impuro e racialmente inferior, referindo-se a judeus e outros considerados racialmente inferiores. O nacional-socialismo também se espelhou no laboratório experimental realizado no Sudoeste Africano (atual Namíbia), que foi colônia alemã do final do século XIX até o ano de 1915. Os primeiros campos de concentração, a modernização de tecnologia de estudos sobre hierarquia racial e as legislações restritivas de casamento entre nativos e germânicos foram exemplos de práticas que foram aperfeiçoadas anos depois, com a ascensão de Hitler. Tal e qual como no continente africano, o leste europeu foi o palco dos campos de extermínio nazistas e utilizado para estudos (pseudo)científicos com cobaias humanas. Para atingir este desiderato, a metodologia que sustenta o desenvolvimento dessa dissertação foi o de análise de conteúdo, com a finalidade de captar os discursos ocultos no conteúdo do texto das leis discriminatórias, com o apoio do método histórico para contextualizar o surgimento dos referidos diplomas legais. Ao final do trabalho, observa-se que existem indicadores de discurso colonial nas legislações analisadas, demonstrando que as relações de poder modernas podem ser manipuladas através do domínio do Direito. / The imposed regime by National Socialism from 1933 to 1945 has some similarities to the colonial dominations deployed during modernity due to the individuals infeiorization discourse and techniques similar to the colonizing methods employed by Western Europe. Therefore the purpose of this dissertation is to verify whether there are indicators of colonial discourse in the Law for the Protection of German Blood and the German Honor and in the First Supplementary Decree of November 14th 1935, by the content analysis tool, with the support of the Historical and bibliographical survey methods. These laws are racist and have segregated all Jews on German territory, including the region occupied after the start of World War II. Thus various discursive methods in Nazi Germany, had their genesis in the modernity, by adopting terms like “impure blood” and “racially inferior”, referring to Jews and others considered racially inferior. The nazism was also based on the experimental laboratory conducted in South-West Africa (present-day Namibia), which was a German colony from the late nineteenth century until the year 1915. The first concentration camps, the modernization of technology of studies on racial hierarchy and the law about marriage prohibition between natives and Germans, were examples of practices that were enhanced years later with the rise of Hitler. Just asin the African continent, Eastern Europe was witness of Nazi death camps and used for (pseudo) scientific studies with human guinea pigs. In order to achieve this goal, the methodology that supports the development of this dissertation was the content analysis, with the purpose of capturing the hidden discourses in the text of the discriminatory laws, with the support of the historical method to contextualize the rise ofmentioned legal diplomas. At the end of the paper, it is observed that there are indicators of colonial discourse in the analyzed legislations, demonstrating that modern power relations can be manipulated through the rule of law.
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