Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mormon"" "subject:"hormon""
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Genetická a hormonální regulace dětského růstu / Genetic and Hormonal Regulation of Children's GrowthVosáhlo, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Genetic and Hormonal Regulation of Children's Growth MUDr. Jan Vosáhlo Abstract Growth in childhood is a complex process of changing the body, which can be disrupted by various illnesses including endocrine disorders, particularly growth hormone deficiency. Tumors or other processes affecting hypothalamic-pituitary area can be a postnatal cause of GHD; prenatal causes include 1) developmental disorders of the pituitary as part of complex syndromes, 2) developmental disorders of the pituitary due to defects in regulatory genes and 3) defects in genes involved in the synthesis and secretion of GH. The first topic of the thesis was septo-optic dysplasia - a complex syndrome involving optic nerve hypoplasia, structural brain abnormalities and pituitary dysfunctions. We extensively described phenotype in 11 Czech patients; we observed both complete SOD and incomplete forms variously combining two of the three main components of the syndrome. The cohort then became a part of an international study of 68 patients, in which we studied the phenotype in dependence on the brain morphology. We found correlation between the severity of clinical symptoms and the degree of septum pellucidum abnormities and also a correlation between hippocampus and falx abnormities and neurological symptoms. As the second topic we studied...
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Efeitos de ACTH, PMA e dcAMP na expressão de genes das famílias FOS e JUN do gene C-MYC e na atividade do fator de transcrição AP-1 em células adrenocorticais Y-1. / Effects of ACTH, PMA and dcAMP on fos, jun and c-myc gene expression and AP-1 transcription factor activity control in Y-1 adrenocortical cellsAna Paula Lepique 04 November 1996 (has links)
As células Y-1 pertencem a uma linhagem clonal de células funcionais de córtex adrenal de camundongo, que respondem a ACTH. Em células Y-1, ACTH promove a esteroidogênese (função) e tem efeitos regulatórios complexos na transição G0→G1→S do ciclo celular. ACTH promove a transição G0→G1, mas inibe a transição G1→S. É possível que a regulação do ciclo celular por ACTH seja mediada pelo controle da expressão dos proto-oncogenes das famílias fos, jun e myc. Nosso laboratório mostrou, anteriormente, que ACTH induz a expressão dos genes fos e jun, mas inibe c-myc. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar pontos de controle na expressão dos genes fos, jun e myc e na atividade dos fatores de transcrição AP-1 (dímeros da proteínas Fos e Jun) por ACTH, derivados de cAMP (ativadores de PKA), PMA (ativador de PKC) e FCS (soro fetal bovino). ACTH, PMA e dcAMP aumentam a atividade de ligação de AP-1 a DNA, independentemente de síntese protéica. Ensaios de elongação de cadeia nascente de RNA (run off transcription) mostram que ACTH, PMA e FCS são fortes indutores de c-fos, c-jun e junB, enquanto dcAMP induz apenas c-fos e junB. Hibridizações Northern permitiram estimar a meia-vida dos mRNAs de c-fos e c-jun em 30 min, independentemente do tratamento com ACTH ou PMA. Diferentemente de c-fos, o mRNA de fosB é superinduzido por ActinomicinaD em células Y-1 tratadas com ACTH e PMA. / The Y-1 cells belong to a clonal lineage of functional mouse adrenocortical cells, which are responsive to ACTH. In Y-1 cells, ACTH promotes esteroidogenesis (function) and has complex effects on the G0→G1→S transition of the Y-1 cell cycle. ACTH induces the G0→G1 transition but inhibits the G1+S transition. Probably, the cell cycle regulation by ACTH is mediated by the expression control of the proto-oncogenes from the fos, jun and myc families. Our laboratory has previously shown that ACTH induces the fos and jun genes expression, but inhibits c-myc expression. The target of this work was to identify control points in the fos, jun and myc genes expression and in the AP-1 transcription factors (Fos and Jun proteins dimers) by ACTH, cAMP derivatives (PKA activators), PMA (PKC activator) and FCS (Fetal Calf Serum). ACTH, PMA and dcAMP raise the AP-1 DNA binding activity, independently of protein synthesis. Run off transcription assays show that ACTH, PMA and FCS are strong c-fos, c-jun and junB inducers, while dcAMP induces only c-fos and junB. Northern hybridisations allowed us to estimate the half life of the fos and jun mRNAs in about 30 min, independently of ACTH or PMA treatment. Differently of c-fos, fosB mRNA is superinduced by ActinomicinD treatment in Y-1 cells treated with ACTH or PMA.
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Ekonomické aspekty screeningu tyreopatií v graviditě a u žen s poruchou fertility / Economic aspects of screening for thyroid disease in pregnancy and in women with fertility disordersBartáková, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The incidence of thyroid diseases in pregnancy in the Czech Republic reaches 10- 15%. Emphasis on early diagnosis and treatment is laid not only during pregnancy but also in the time preceding conception due to the impact of thyroid diseases on fertility, the course of pregnancy, birth and fetal development. The aim of the dissertation was to assess the effectiveness and economical aspects of screening for thyroid disease in pregnancy and in women with fertility disorders in the conditions of the Czech Republic. The dissertation consists of four published studies. The first study is a prospective cross-sectional study of 200 positively screened pregnant women. In the study we come to conclusion that pregnant women who are at high- and low-risk for thyroid disease have similar clinical and laboratory characteristics and screening, currently focused only on risk groups, is ineffective. The second study of 5 223 pregnant women is a case-control study. We find that the age of women over 30 cannot be regarded as a risk factor for thyroid disease in pregnancy, although addition this age criterion to the case-finding screening strategy improve its efficiency and ATA (American Thyroid Association) include it in their guideline 2011. The third publication is a retrospective cross-sectional study of 188...
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Ekonomické aspekty screeningu tyreopatií v graviditě a u žen s poruchou fertility / Economic aspects of screening for thyroid disease in pregnancy and in women with fertility disordersBartáková, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The incidence of thyroid diseases in pregnancy in the Czech Republic reaches 10- 15%. Emphasis on early diagnosis and treatment is laid not only during pregnancy but also in the time preceding conception due to the impact of thyroid diseases on fertility, the course of pregnancy, birth and fetal development. The aim of the dissertation was to assess the effectiveness and economical aspects of screening for thyroid disease in pregnancy and in women with fertility disorders in the conditions of the Czech Republic. The dissertation consists of four published studies. The first study is a prospective cross-sectional study of 200 positively screened pregnant women. In the study we come to conclusion that pregnant women who are at high- and low-risk for thyroid disease have similar clinical and laboratory characteristics and screening, currently focused only on risk groups, is ineffective. The second study of 5 223 pregnant women is a case-control study. We find that the age of women over 30 cannot be regarded as a risk factor for thyroid disease in pregnancy, although addition this age criterion to the case-finding screening strategy improve its efficiency and ATA (American Thyroid Association) include it in their guideline 2011. The third publication is a retrospective cross-sectional study of 188...
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Genetická a hormonální regulace dětského růstu / Genetic and Hormonal Regulation of Children's GrowthVosáhlo, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Genetic and Hormonal Regulation of Children's Growth MUDr. Jan Vosáhlo Abstract Growth in childhood is a complex process of changing the body, which can be disrupted by various illnesses including endocrine disorders, particularly growth hormone deficiency. Tumors or other processes affecting hypothalamic-pituitary area can be a postnatal cause of GHD; prenatal causes include 1) developmental disorders of the pituitary as part of complex syndromes, 2) developmental disorders of the pituitary due to defects in regulatory genes and 3) defects in genes involved in the synthesis and secretion of GH. The first topic of the thesis was septo-optic dysplasia - a complex syndrome involving optic nerve hypoplasia, structural brain abnormalities and pituitary dysfunctions. We extensively described phenotype in 11 Czech patients; we observed both complete SOD and incomplete forms variously combining two of the three main components of the syndrome. The cohort then became a part of an international study of 68 patients, in which we studied the phenotype in dependence on the brain morphology. We found correlation between the severity of clinical symptoms and the degree of septum pellucidum abnormities and also a correlation between hippocampus and falx abnormities and neurological symptoms. As the second topic we studied...
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För stora risker med livsnödvändig hjälp? : En litteraturöversikt över unga transpersoners psykiska ohälsa kopplat till hormonbehandlingMennt, Annika, Zarmani, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Researchers agree that young transgender individuals are at higher risk of mental illness and suicide problems compared to the general population. Through a literature review, the purpose of this study has been to investigate how young transgender people's mental illness can be affected by the National Board of Health and Welfare's new recommendations to limit hormone treatments for transgender people under the age of eighteen. Since the National Board of Health and Welfare first started to recommend hormone treatment the access to the medication has now been severely limited. The literature review has been conducted through an analysis of 26 scientific articles and the results has been analyzed on the basis of Goffman's theory of stigma and Meyer, minority stress model. The results of this analysis shows that young transgender people pay a high price of stigma and mental illness for living outside of societal norms. As a transgender person, it is important to be seen for who you are and to be able to freely express your gender identity. Being addressed with the right name and pronoun is part of this. The possibility to undergo hormone treatment is thus of great importance for many individuals. At the same time there are risks linked to this treatment. Good relations with and access to health care is therefore crucial. Nevertheless, according to the results in this study young transgender people’s relationship to health care is in fact both complicated and limited. Based on the identified themes, the conclusion of this study is that the National Board of Health and Welfare's new recommendations increase the risk mental illness for young transgender people, which consequently also may risk costing the lives of these young people.
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Physiological role of prolylcarboxypeptidaseSchadock, Ines Claudia 04 October 2011 (has links)
Prolylcarboxypeptidase (PRCP, EC3.4.16.2) ist ein ubiquitär exprimiertes Enzym, mit höchster Expression im Maushirn. Es spaltet spezifisch die letzte carboxyterminale Aminosäure von Substraten, deren vorletzte Aminosäure ein Prolin ist. Seine bisher publizierten Substrate Angiotensin II (AngII) und alpha Melanocortin Stimulierendes Hormone (alphaMSH) legen eine Rolle von PRCP in der Entwicklung von kardiovaskulären und metabolischen Krankheiten nahe. Um die in vivo Funktion von PRCP zu studieren, wurde eine Knockout Maus generiert (PRCP-/-). Metabolischer Phänotyp: PRCP-/- Mäuse zeigten generell ein reduziertes Körpergewicht, selbst wenn sie über Monate mit einer Hochfettdiät versorgt wurden. Erhöhte Plasmaleptin Werte und Proopiomelanocortin (pomc) Expression in knockout Hypothalami wiesen auf eine wichtige Rolle von PRCP in der Regulation von Futteraufnahme und Energiehomöostase hin. Eines der Genprodukte von pomc ist alphaMSH, welches im Hypothalamus die Futteraufnahme terminiert. Die carboxyterminale Struktur dieses Neuropeptids erfüllt alle Voraussetzungen, um von PRCP gespalten zu werden. Zudem konnte prcp Promotoraktivität in den selben Hirnstrukturen gezeigt werden, in denen auch alphaMSH-Wirkung beschrieben wurde. Eine mögliche Funktion von PRCP wäre somit die Inaktivierung des Appetitzüglers alphaMSH im Hypothalamus. Kardiovasculärer Phänotyp: Zunächst erwiesen sich zirkulierende Ang-Peptide in PRCP-/- Mäusen als unverändert. Jedoch konnte ein erhöhtes Niveau des Degradationsproduktes Ang1-7 in der Niere gezeigt werden. Die Entdeckung einer erhöhten Enzymaktivität von Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2) in PRCP-/- Nieren, wurde als Kompensation der fehlenden PRCP Aktivität in PRCP-/- Nieren interpretiert. bot einen Erklärungsansatz für dieses Ergebnisse. Es wird davon ausgegangen, daß ACE2 die fehlende PRCP Aktivität in knockout Mäusen kompensiert. Das es sich hierbei um eine lokale begrenzte Kompensation handeln muß, zeigten der erhöhte Blutdruck und Herzrate, sowie die milde Herzhypertrophie. Da spezifische prcp Promotoraktivität in Hirnnuclei gefunden wurde, die in die Kontrolle der Herzfrequenz und des Blutdrucks involviert sind, wird eine regulatorische Funktion von Hirnstamm-PRCP auf Herzrhytmus und Blutdruck vermutet. / Prolylcarboxypeptidase (PRCP, EC3.4.16.2) is an enzyme specifically cleaving the last carboxy-terminal amino acid from substrates containing a penultimate proline. Its known potential substrates are linked to cardiovascular and metabolic phenomenon. To analyse the in vivo function of this enzyme a PRCP knockout mouse was generated. Homozygous knockout mice are viable but show tendency of decreased life span. In mice prcp expression is present in all tissues tested with very specific localizations of prcp promotor activity to distinct brain areas within the cortex, hippocampus, hypothalamus and the brain stem. The metabolic phenotype of PRCP deficient mice is characterized by low body weight even when feeding the animals a high fat diet. The increased plasma leptin levels and elevated expression of proopiomelanocortin gene (pomc) found in knockout hypothalami suggests an involvement of PRCP in the regulation of food intake and energy homeostasis. One of the gene products of pomc is alpha-melanocortin stimulating hormone (alphaMSH) that is terminating feeding when released from hypothalamic POMC neurons. Its carboxy-terminal structure is fitting the cleavage preferences of PRCP. Prcp promotor activities are localized in arcuate nucleus and paraventricular nucleus, brain areas of known alphaMSH signalling, supporting a role of PRCP in the degradation of central alphaMSH. The impact of PRCP on angiotensin II (AngII) metabolism was studied by determining the level of AngII and its degradation product Ang1-7 in blood and tissues. But instead of increased AngII levels due to the missing degradation enzyme in knockout mice, Ang1-7 levels were increased in kidney. These results were explainable by the increased activity of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) found in kidney. Probably ACE2 is compensating the lack of PRCP in the knockout mouse. Nevertheless, blood pressure and heart rate of PRCP knockout mice was increased. The mild hypertension was accompanied by mild hypertrophy of the hearts. Prcp promotor activity was found in brain stem an area important for regulation of blood pressure and heart rate suggesting that central PRCP regulates blood pressure.
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Arabidopsis thaliana class II TGA transcription factors provide a molecular link between salicylic acid and ethylene defense signalling / Arabidopsis thaliana Klasse II TGA-Transkriptionsfaktoren verbinden den Salicylsäure- mit dem Ethylen-SignalwegZander, Mark 27 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Die Expression von Sulfattransportern als Funktion einer fortschreitenden Nierenfibrose am Modell der Alport-Maus / (Den übersetzten Titel in englischer Sprache einfügen!!!)Mirgel, Marcia 10 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Regulation of small-conductance, calciumactivated potassium channels (SK) in mouse brain in response to aging and stress / Regulation of small-conductance, calciumactivated potassium channels (SK) in mouse brain in response to aging and stress / Characterisierung der Expression von SK2 und SK3 KanälenKye, Min-Jeong 01 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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