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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Architecture for The Senses: A more-than visual approach to Museum Architecture

Muralidharan, Dilip 12 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Human-Centered Interface and System Design for Saving Lives

Mathews, Cristelle 25 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

En informativ affisch om busstrafikens klimatpositiva inverkan på samhället : Att skapa intresseväckande datavisualiseringar som engagerar målgruppen till att utforska informationsmaterialet.

Westerlund, Isabelle January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie avser att undersöka hur informationsgrafik kan användas i ett informationsmaterial för att uppmärksamma personer i samhället om vikten av att färdas klimatsmart.Till år 2030 ska städernas negativa miljöpåverkan minskat per person i Sverige. Att resa kollektivt är ett sätt att delta i arbetet mot minskningen av koldioxidutsläppen. För att öka takten mot renare städer behöver fler personer i samhället informeras om hur deras individuella påverkan på miljön ser ut och vad man kan göra för att förbättra den. Målet med detta arbete är att utforma ett bildmaterial som kan användas för att informera målgruppen, 31–44 åringar, om hur busstrafiken kan bidra i arbetet mot de uppsatta klimatmålen. I studien undersöktes målgruppens ställning och synpunkter på datavisualiseringar baserat på mängd dekoration och vad som tilltalar samt engagerar dem i en informationsgrafik. Arbetet grundades på teori och metodiska undersökningar för hur man med informativ illustration kan skapa ett informationsmaterial. Detta undersöktes genom en kombination av enkät, intervju och prototypande. Den samlade empirin påvisade att målgruppen engageras och tilltalas mer av datavisualiseringar och informationsmaterial med mer dekorativa element. Användandet av färg, typsnitt, layout och illustration på ett sätt målgruppen upplevde som estetiskt tilltalande visade en god inställning till informationsmaterialet. Ett estetiskt tilltalande informationsmaterial uppmuntrade målgruppen till att utforska materialet djupare. Resultatet av den samlade empirin och faktan tog form av en affisch, ämnad för visning i stadscentrum, som kommunicerar busstrafikens inverkan på miljön genom datavisualisering, text och illustration.

Utilizing Codesign to Create K-12 Online and Hybrid Learning Resources

Tadd S Farmer (11865212) 03 January 2022 (has links)
Instructional design is commonly referred to as the systematic process of creating consistent and reliable learning experiences (Branch & Merrill, 2011). Built on a foundation of learning theory and instructional design theory, instructional design relies heavily on various process models to guide design practice (Stefaniak & Xu, 2020) and to manage and communicate the process of design (Branch & Dousay, 2015). Despite their use, scholars argue that these models do not accurately represent instructional design practice (Bichelmeyer et al., 2006; Rowland, 1992; Smith & Boling, 2009; Visscher-Voerman & Gustafson, 2004; Wedman & Tessmer, 1993) and remain too focused on high-level processes rather than discrete methods and actions (Gibbons et al., 2014). In recent years, human-centered design (HCD) methods have emerged within instructional design practice, providing more methodological guidance for instructional designers within an empathetic design perspective (Stefaniak & Xu, 2020). HCD includes codesign practices (Steen, 2012)that seek to involve users directly throughout the design process. The current study explores the design experiences of 12 participant designers (e.g., teachers, digital coaches) who were purposely selected to engage in a seven-week codesign experience. Tasked with providing direction on resources designed to support K-12 teachers with online and hybrid teaching, these participant designers worked together to share previous teaching experiences, analyze teacher data, and identify and develop learning prototypes. Interviews with eight participant designers following the codesign experience revealed that participants viewed the project as open and ill-defined, lacking in a clear outcome and identified roles and responsibilities. As the codesign continued, participants described impactful moments that clarified the design project and shifted the design process to a focus on details. While the end product of design was described by participants generally, participants viewed their experiences and perspectives as their major contributions to the design process. Results from this investigation reveal important implications for design practice, education, and research.

Visual Communication Design for Human Differences and Needs: Visual Intelligence and Mood

Mejia Ramirez, German Mauricio 05 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Interaction with Fictitious Futuristic Soundscapes for the Hearing Impaired : A Museum Experience

Barone, Carlo January 2022 (has links)
Hearing impairments are a sensitive component of our society. Lots of people are affected by them and considering this aspect in imagining and designing how the future will sound like is important. In this research project, a suggestion on a soundscape design tool to be used and manipulated by people affected by hearing disabilities is proposed. Together with this, it will be described as well how to implement and define a user interface with the scope of managing and manipulating these soundscapes. This project also faces the task of creating a setup oriented towards a museum setting: this carries with itself several variables to be kept in account, such as an unpredictable and quite broad users' range, and a special consideration for the lower-age range users. These have been found to be the most attending the museum environment, as far as it concerns Tekniska Museet. A three-phase experiment was then carried out. It involved a class of hearing-impaired pre-teenagers, the visitors of Tekniska and other hearing-impaired testers. Both qualitative and quantitative data about the interaction with the interface and the perceptual experience with the soundscapes were collected. The final assessments are that a focus on a playful aspect and the simplicity of shapes was the key for a suitable interface design focused on children, and that the contribution of the hearing impaired is relevant, at least in the later stage of the soundscape design process. / Hörselskador är en känslig del av vårt samhälle. Många människor påverkas av dem och det är viktigt att tänka på den aspekten då man föreställer sig och designar hur framtiden ska låta. Inom det här forskningsprojektet ska ett förslag på ett ljudlandskapsdesign-vektyg, ämnat att användas och hanteras av människor påverkade av hörselskador, framföras. Tillsammans med detta så beskrivs också hur ett användargränssnitt, med omfattningen att hantera och manipulera dessa ljudlandskap, fastställdes och implementerades inom systemet. Det här projektet möter dessutom utmaningen av att skapa ett system byggt för en museiutställning. Med detta tillkommer några variabler som måste hållas i åtanke, som en oförutsägbar och ganska bred användarskara. Speciellt stor omtanke läggs dock på yngre användare, som visade sig vara majoriteten av besökarna hos museet i fråga, nämligen Tekniska Museet. Ett experiment bestående av tre faser utförs, bestående av en skolklass av hörselskadade elever i tidiga tonårsåldern, Tekniska Museets besökare samt andra hörselskadade användare. Efter en insamling av både kvalitativa och kvantitativa data på interaktionen med gränssnittet samt den perceptuella upplevelsen av ljudlandskapen, dras slutsatsen att ett fokus på lekfullt utseende och enkelhet inom formerna är nyckeln för en lämplig gränssnitsdesign som har i åtanke barnens deltagande. Dessutom dras även slutsatsen att bidraget av hörselskadade individer är relevant, åtminstone i senare skeden av ljudlandskapsdesign-processen.


Snow, Kristen Laviano 01 January 2023 (has links)
Nonprofit organizations are faced with unprecedented challenges as they seek to accomplish their lofty missions in a complex environment, ripe with uncertainty. The global COVID-19 pandemic brought forth new problems for communities and workplaces. As a result, some old ways of working may no longer be useful. To make meaningful progress on their social missions while navigating an unfamiliar post-pandemic context, nonprofits need new tools to help them understand and respond to changing community needs. Evidence has shown design thinking to be an effective approach to developing innovative strategies tailored to real needs, however, it has not been widely practiced in the nonprofit sector. Therefore, the purpose of this action research study was to introduce design thinking to one nonprofit organization where new strategies were necessary to effectively support constituents’ evolving needs. Five action research cycles engaged staff and stakeholders in a design team to apply human-centered design to a real organizational challenge. Research questions sought to understand how design thinking practices were implemented, which attributes contributed to the development of a new strategy, and the ways in which design thinking influenced how the organization responds to evolving constituent needs. Qualitative data from participant interviews, observation, and focus groups found four themes addressed the research questions: Relevance, Leadership Expectations, Capacity, and Intentionality. By way of engaging in play and inquiry, participants saw design thinking as an opportunity to innovate and adapt, helping nonprofits become more relevant. Findings also revealed expectations for leaders to have the answers may hinder ideation and implementation, though data also suggest leadership communication may be a particularly powerful facilitator of design thinking implementation, providing clarity on organizational priorities and aligning leaders and team members. Capacity, including organizational resources and personal bandwidth, was also found to affect how the design team’s ongoing work was supported and implemented across the organization. Finally, intentionality was revealed through the application of empathy, collaboration, and testing assumptions to aid learning. Such attributes may have already been present, but following design thinking, became intentional practices. Taken together, this also suggests incorporating elements of design thinking may be beneficial for nonprofits, as well as easier to implement than a full design thinking process. Findings from this study provide insights into what helps and hinders the implementation of a human-centered design practice, based on real experiences of nonprofit practitioners attempting to innovate and adapt to better serve their communities. This study contributes to knowledge regarding how design thinking might impact nonprofit organizations and offers some actionable insights regarding team dynamics, leadership, and facilitation of design practices. Finally, these findings offer practical implications and recommendations for organizations seeking to address longstanding problems in new ways, which may be particularly important in complex times.

How to establish a community feeling post-donation

Tiller, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
The post-donation process has long lacked attention, and the majority of users experience little to no personal updates after donating. Studies regarding the subject often tend to focus on attracting donors and keeping them interested in the charity, but rarely does it seem like the researchers study possible solutions for the post-donation process. This thesis aims to do that and investigate how an alternative to the process can be presented. Additionally, the aim is to explore if it is possible for a community feeling to arise when using the prototype and if the sharing aspect affects the perception of being part of a community. The thesis was split up into several different phases based on a human-centered design method called the Double Diamond. In the beginning, a literature study and qualitative interviews were executed to understand the problem area further. These interviews brought forward intriguing aspects, such as that users enjoy seeing others sharing donation information but avoid doing so themselves. The project continued with brainstorming to bring forward ideas. These ideas were then visualized in prototypes, iterated, and tested with the help of users and usability experts. Finally, after four iterations, a concluding design proposal was presented, which envisioned an alternative to a donation process. From the usability tests, users expressed an appreciation for the prototype and that the concept delivered a new aspect to donating. The users also stated that some elements in the prototype conveyed a sense of community. These elements were primarily the ability to participate in donation groups and the comment sections within posts and groups. Regarding the sharing aspect, the users mentioned that if the alternatives to interact and share thoughts with other users were removed, the community feeling would decline. Therefore, it was concluded that sharing affects the perceived sense of a community and that a community feeling can be present in a donation service. A disclaimer is that these conclusions are made within the study and apply to the users participating, and it is not certain that they can be applied to others. / Processen efter en donation har länge saknat uppmärksamhet, och majoriteten av dem som donerar erhåller få till inga personliga uppdateringar efteråt. Studier om ämnet i sig tenderar ofta att fokusera på att fånga nya donatorer och att bibehålla deras intresse av välgörenhetsorganisationen, men sällan verkar det som att forskarna studerar möjliga förbättringar för processen efter en donation. Det här examensarbetet ämnar till att utforska processen och undersöker hur ett alternativ kan presenteras. Dessutom syftar arbetet till att undersöka om det är möjligt för en känsla av gemenskap att uppstå när prototypen används och om en delningsaspekt kommer påverka denna känsla. Projektet delades up i ett flertal olika faser baserat på en metod vid namn Double Diamond som kan nyttjas när det är användaren som befinner sig i fokus. Till en början utfördes en litteraturstudie tillsammans med kvalitativa intervjuer för att skapa en förståelse för ämnet. Dessa intervjuer förde med sig intressanta insikter såsom att användare uppskattar när andra delar donationsinformation på sociala medier, men att de själva drar sig för att utföra samma sak. Arbetet fortsatte med en brainstormingssession med syftet att få fram många olika idéer. Idéerna blev sedan visualiserade i prototyper som itererades och testades med hjälp av användare och användbarhetsexperter. Efter fyra iterationer presenterades ett slutgiltigt designförslag som åskådliggjorde ett alternativ till donationsprocessen. Under testerna uttryckte användarna en uppskattning för prototypen och det nämndes att konceptet levererade en ny synvinkel till en donationstjänst. Användarna yttrade även att ett par av elementen inom prototypen förmedlade en känsla av gemenskap. Dessa element var främst möjligheten att delta i donationsgrupper och kommentarssektionerna inom inlägg och grupper. Angående delningsaspekten så nämnde användarna att om möjligheterna till interaktion med övriga användare försvann så skulle gemenskapskänslan minska. En slutsats blev därmed att delning troligen påverkar gemenskapen och att en känsla av en gemenskap kan uppstå i en donationstjänst. En begränsning kopplad till slutsatserna är däremot att de utgår från studiens deltagare och det kan därmed inte bekräftas att resultaten är representiva för alla användare.

Power of Napping`Designing a Tool to Promote Napping Behavior’

Saleminik, Motahareh 04 November 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Nourishing Campus Lives : A Human-Centered Exploration of Drivers of Student Nutrition Behaviour for Innovative Interventions in Fiji

Sagan, Sonya January 2023 (has links)
Non-communicable disease (NCD) rates, like diabetes, in Fiji are among the highest globally. Given that poor nutrition behaviours increase one’s risk for developing NCDs later in life, it is critical to address this early on.  However, there is limited evidence on drivers of nutrition behaviours among indigenous iTaukei university students in Fiji nor how to best engage them in nutrition programming.  The study, informed by the Behavioural Drivers Model and Human Centered Design, uses a qualitative approach to identify behavioural drivers relevant to nutrition among iTaukei university students attending two universities in Suva, Fiji’s capital city. The research also engages student participants to identify ideas for interventions that they would be interested in taking forward.   Findings of the study uncover the complexity of behaviour and highlight the psychological, sociological and environmental drivers that are critical behavioural determinants of students’ diets. Research participants propose innovative ideas to shape nutrition programming and ensure they are active participants in the process.

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