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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Across the Borders : A Study of Counter-Trafficking Work in Lao PDR

Hansson, Emma January 2009 (has links)
In the wake of state borders becoming more porous the flows of people crossing them in search for opportunities have increased. This trend is evident in Greater Mekong Sub region where the economic boom of Thailand attracts thousands of migrant workers every year from neighboring countries making Thai industries dependent on the cheap labor. Alongside these developments, human trafficking, the slave trade of our time, has emerged as an increasing challenge. In Lao PDR the historic ties to Thailand make for a long history of cross-border relations and flows. With the relative economic differences, labor migration to the richer neighbor is becoming an accepted way of improving family conditions. However, the risks involved, exploitation and trafficking, are not widely known in the communities. Counter-trafficking work in Lao PDR has been evolving over the passed 10 years. This study has, through an ethnographic approach to organizational work combined with reflections and observations, tried to create a picture of the counter-trafficking work on the ground. Using semi-structured interviews projects, aims and assumptions could be derived and three main problems identified: Trafficking is hard to separate from labor migration, thus making it hard to effectively target; there is a dissonance between perceived and actual inter-sector communication, and; the trafficking sector is isolated from other sectors as dialogue across sector borders appear to be nonexistent. Reasons given for these discords mainly came down to dependency on donors and a need to meet their requirements. Essentially it seems that organizations working with this open-border phenomenon are rigidly closed to each other.

The Circuit Breaker: Recommendations to Combat Sex Trafficking Between Seattle and Portland

Faltesek Gibbons, Theresa 01 January 2018 (has links)
Washington and Oregon are more renowned for their artisanal coffee shops, impressive mountainscapes, and booming technology industry than sex trafficking. Nevertheless, in coffee shops, using the roads that run through those mountain ranges, and capitalizing on the tech-driven population growth are traffickers who profit off the sexual exploitation of their victim’s bodies. Through careful examination of anti-trafficking theory, what is known about sex trafficking in the Pacific Northwest, and Washington and Oregon’s separate anti-trafficking efforts this thesis seeks to identify the reason why the region struggles to combat the sex trafficking circuit between Seattle and Portland. I determined that each state’s anti-trafficking efforts operate well in their separate spheres, but are not preventing the region’s sex trafficking economy from increasing. Since the problem defies state lines, maybe the solution should as well.

Aspectos bioéticos envolvidos na obtenção de órgãos para transplantes : a questão do mercado órgãos

Andrade, Daniela Alves Pereira de January 2014 (has links)
O tempo de espera para obtenção de órgão para transplante constitui-se num grande problema na área da saúde em todo o mundo. O número de doadores voluntários não cresce na mesma medida da necessidade de órgãos. Diante deste quadro, surgiu um mercado ilícito de órgãos, em que os compradores e intermediadores se dirigirem aos países onde há uma porcentagem grande de população vulnerável, objetivando adquirir órgãos de indivíduos vivos, mediante pagamento. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa buscou avaliar e comparar as percepções de profissionais de saúde e da população em geral com relação à forma de obtenção dos órgãos, em especial a abordagem de mercado, e comparar a opção desinteressada com outra opção, que tem a percepção do envolvimento da necessidade pessoal ou familiar para obter órgãos com o fim de transplante, utilizando a abordagem de mercado. Para atender aos objetivos deste estudo foi elaborado um questionário para coletar a opinião dos participantes. Sua distribuição foi realizada pessoalmente, de forma aleatória, e também foi elaborada uma versão eletrônica que foi divulgada via página no facebook, criada exclusivamente para este fim. A análise das respostas obtidas foram discutidas ao nível de 5% de significância e consideradas significativas quando o valor de p foi < 0,05. Ao todo, 692 pessoas participaram da pesquisa. Foi identificado que na categoria do profissional de saúde há maior tendência do que entre aqueles que não são profissionais da saúde em discordar dos incentivos indiretos relacionados com a redução de impostos e licença remunerada de 30 dias. Estas foram as únicas associações significativas ligadas aos profissionais da saúde no estudo. A maioria dos participantes (80,1%) concordou que a doação de órgãos deve ser um ato desinteressado e estritamente solidário. Por outro lado, 52% acredita que o mercado poderia ser um sistema justo e benéfico para todos, visando ampliar a possibilidade de realização de transplantes. Em uma situação extrema, de carência absoluta de órgãos, 54,9% dos participantes indicaram que pagariam por um órgão para salvar a sua vida ou a vida de algum familiar. Nesta questão, 24,1% discordaram e 20,2% indicaram que não possuem opinião sobre o assunto. / Waiting in aqueue for obtaining organ transplant constitutes a major problem in healthcare worldwide. The numbers of voluntary donors do not grow to the same extent of the need for organs. Given this situation, there was an illicit market for organs, in which buyers and intermediaries to address the countries where there is a large percentage of low-income population, aiming to acquire organs from living individuals, through payment. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate and compare the perceptions of health professionals and the general public regarding the method of obtaining the organs, especially the market approach and compare the disinterested option with another option, which has the perception of involvement personal or family need for organs for the purpose of transplantation, using the market approach. To meet the objectives of this study, a questionnaire was developed to collect the opinions of participants. Its distribution was held personally randomly and was also prepared an electronic version of the questionnaire was disseminated via facebook page created solely for this purpose. The analysis of the responses were discussed at 5% significance and considered significant when the p value was <0.05. In all, 692 people participated in the survey. It was identified that the health professional category there are more likely than among those who are not health professionals to disagree on the indirect incentives related to the reduction of taxes and paid leave of 30 days for those who make donations. These were the only significant associations related to health professionals throughout the study. Most participants (80.1%) indicated that agree that organ donation must be a disinterested and strictly act of solidarity. On the other hand, 52% believe that the market for organs could be fair and beneficial system for all in order to extend the possibility of performing transplants. In an extreme situation, absolute shortage of organs, 54.9% of respondents indicated they would pay for an organ to save your life or the life of a family member. On the same question, 24.1% disagreed and 20.2% indicated that they have no opinion on the matter.

The Communication Constitution of Law Enforcement in North Carolina’s Efforts Against Human Trafficking

Jeter, Elizabeth Hampton 17 June 2016 (has links)
Over the past 20 years, human trafficking has gained international attention and resulted in the creation of anti-trafficking laws in the United States. Politicians, scholars, and organizations have called for more professional efforts against human trafficking and advocated for better education and awareness to identify victims and prosecute traffickers. Local law enforcement is recognized for its ideal position in communities to combat this crime. In 2011, North Carolina implemented a statewide human trafficking training program for law enforcement. This research study examines the communication constitution of law enforcement and the use of power through this training program and as officers work trafficking cases. I position this research study within the literature of interorganizational collaboration (ICO), high- reliability organizations (HROs), and the Four Flows Model – a communication constitution of organizations (CCO) theory. I then provide a comprehensive methodical review of this research, which includes organizational documents and ethnographic data collected over a two-year period. The research results are divided into two discussions of law enforcement’s organizational constitution. First, I discuss law enforcement’s communication constitution through its human trafficking opposition and traffickers’ power to control victims. Second, I discuss law enforcement’s communication constitution through roles and partnerships in anti- trafficking efforts and power through government sanctioned authority. Finally, I conclude with a review of the research, contributions to the field, and recommendations.

Where is the Survivor’s Voice? An Examination of the Individual and Structural Challenges to the Reintegration of Immigrant Human Trafficking Survivors

Rocha, Michelle Cristina Angelo Dantas 26 June 2016 (has links)
The United States is one of the top destination countries for human trafficking, and Florida has the third highest number of reported cases of human trafficking. Despite the severity of this issue, Florida anti-trafficking legislation, reintegration programs, and awareness campaigns tend to contribute to the invisibility of the victims and undermine their recovery and reintegration into society, especially when the victims are immigrants. This project uses a multi-method approach including content analysis of anti-human trafficking campaigns to argue that portrayals of a “perfect victim” only amplify stigmatization and discrimination against immigrant victims. Through in-depth interviews and ethnographic observation highlighting the voices of immigrant survivors, law enforcement and service providers, I analyze the individual and structural challenges to reintegration. Using these insights, I offer several recommendations about the type of services and training necessary to help trafficking victims recover from their trauma and rebuild their lives.

Os trabalhadores bolivianos em São Paulo: uma abordagem jurídica / Bolivisan workers in São Paulo: a juridical view

Gabrielle Louise Soares Timóteo 11 March 2011 (has links)
No atual cenário de globalização são verificadas diversas práticas de exploração laboral. O trabalho escravo é a forma de exploração laboral mais intensa que pode existir nos dias atuais. O tráfico de pessoas é uma prática criminosa crescente em nossa sociedade. No Brasil, em São Paulo, existem casos de trabalhadores imigrantes bolivianos vítimas de tráfico de pessoas e trabalho escravo. Esta pesquisa busca discutir os conceitos de trabalho decente, trabalho escravo, tráfico de pessoas, tráfico de migrantes, com o objetivo de focar na análise da exploração de imigrantes bolivianos em oficinas de costura de São Paulo. É argumentado que estes trabalhadores bolivianos, independentemente de seu status imigratório, possuem direitos laborais que devem ser respeitados. / In the present scenario of globalization many labor exploitation practices take place. Slave labor is the most intensive form of labor exploitation that exists nowadays. Human trafficking is an ascending crime in our society. In Brazil, in Sao Paulo, there are cases of Bolivian immigrant workers victims of human trafficking and slave labor. This research intends to discuss concepts of decent work, slave labor, human trafficking, migrant smuggling, in order to focus on the analyses of the exploitation of Bolivian immigrants in textile sweatshops in Sao Paulo. It is argued that these Bolivian workers, independently of their migratory status, have labor rights that should be respected.

Vulnerable and Marginalized Women and Young Girls: The development of Human Trafficking in Sweden

Fekadu, Mikal January 2019 (has links)
In this thesis, the author explores the main factors that may have contributed to the development of human trafficking in terms of sexual exploitation in Sweden. The aim is to identify the background of the main women and young girls exposed to human trafficking and to identify the factors that could potentially decrease the development of human trafficking. The theoretical underpinnings, which incorporated the push and pull model, the postcolonial feminist theory and the routine activity theory, as well as the information provided by the seven semi-structured interviews, provided a necessary framework to analyze and discuss the findings. The knowledgeable and experienced informants of this qualitative thesis consist of relevant authorities and organizations in the field of human trafficking. The findings of this thesis suggested that human trafficking in women and your girls for sexual exploitation is driven by poverty, the experience of war, lack of opportunities, the trafficker’s greed for profit and the demand for prostitution from countries such as Sweden. The findings moreover presented that the women and young girls that generally are exposed to human trafficking in terms of sexual exploitation, usually originate from third world countries and through circular migration within Europe. The results of this thesis furthermore presented various aspects and areas of improvement that are needed for relevant actors, in order for them to jointly work towards their common goal; to combat human trafficking cases in Sweden.

''Samverkan är A och O''

Lindén, Alma January 2020 (has links)
Människohandel för sexuella ändamål är en lukrativ och organiserad brottslighet som kan beskrivas som en modern slavhandeln. De som utsätts för människohandel får ofta svåra psykiska men, i vissa fall berövas de på sina liv. Oftast är offer i människohandeln från länder med socioekonomiska utmaningar och annan social problematik. I Sverige kan den som utsätter någon för människohandel dömas till fängelse till lägst sex månader och högst fyra år. Studien undersöker arbetet kring identifieringen av offer i människohandel för sexuella ändamål samt samverkan mellan regionkoordinatorer och polis, utifrån regionkoordinatorns perspektiv. Tre regionkoordinatorer intervjuades. I intervjuerna framkom det bland annat att det finns en allmän okunskap av människohandel, vilket sätter krav på utbildning av yrkesverksamma. Det råder ett mörkertal gällande offer, och att uppsökande arbete kan vara ett effektivt sätt att identifiera dessa. Utöver uppsökande arbete kan offer identifieras hos migrationsverk och polis. I Sverige finns det polisgrupper som är specialiserade inom människohandel. I intervjuerna framkom det även att det är viktigt att polisen har goda kunskaper om människohandel för att kunna bemöta offer på ett adekvat sätt. Gällande samverkan så beskrivs en lyckad samverkan genom fall som lett till domar, medan det är av stor vikt med tydliga roller för regionkoordinatoren och polis i samverkansarbetet. Vidare fungerar samverkan väldigt bra med engagerade poliser och en avsaknad av formella mål verkar inte vara hämmande för arbetet med människohandelsoffer. / Human trafficking for sexual purposes is a lucrative crime and could be described as a modern slave trade. Those who fall victims for human trafficking often suffer physical trauma, and sometimes get killed. The victims often origin from countries with socioeconomical challenges and other social problematics. In Sweden, those who engage in human trafficking could face jail for least six months to four years at most. This study examines the identifying of and collaboration between regional coordinator and police in cases regarding human trafficking for sexual purposes, from the regional coordinators’ perspective. The results consist of interviews from a total of three regional coordinators. The interviews revealed among other things that there is a general lack of knowledge of human trafficking, which shows a necessity of education for practitioners. There a high estimated number of unknown cases regarding victims, and outreach work could be an effective method to identify them. In addition to outreach work, victims can be identified by immigration agencies and police. In Sweden, there are police groups that specialize in human trafficking. The interviews also showed that it is important that the police have knowledge of human trafficking in order to respond appropriately to victims. Regarding collaboration, successful collaboration is described through cases leading to a sentence, while it is of great importance with clear roles for both the regional coordinator and the police while collaborating. Furthermore, collaboration works very well with committed police officers and a lack of formal goals for the collaboration does not seem to be hampering the work with human trafficking victims.

Hur representeras människohandel för sexuella ändamål? : En fallstudie av EU:s policydokument / How is Human Trafficking for the Purpose of Sexual Exploitation Represented? : A Case Study on EU’s Policy Documents

Alkaaby, Nor January 2021 (has links)
For many years human trafficking has transcended national borders and posed a major challenge to countries around the world. The European Union is one of many supranational organizations that has prioritized the eradication of sex trafficking on their policy agenda. Public policies not only contain aims and approaches to achieve objectives, but they also contain a problematization of the issue at hand. The way a phenomenon is constructed in public policies can influence society and its citizens in terms of how the issue and those involved should be perceived. The aim of this study is to examine the way EU represents sex trafficking in their public policies. In order to achieve the research objective, the following two policy documents by the Union have been examined, namely Directive 2011/36/EU and The strategy towards the eradication of sex trafficking in human beings 2012–2016. A discourse analysis has been applied in this study. The method of choice is Carol Bacchis What’s the problem represented to be. The questions presented in Bacchis approach, and the theory of Governmentality has been applied to analyze the policies at hand. The result of this study showcases that human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation is constructed as an issue of inadequate legal action, crime against human rights, benefiting gender-based inequality and jeopardizing democratic values and the safety within the Union and its member states. Trafficking victims are represented as forced participants in trafficking, a perception that doesn’t necessarily correspond with reality. EU’s problem representation promotes gender stereotypes while also excluding and silencing other perspectives.

Till vilket pris : En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstens och ideella organisationers arbete mot prostitution och människohandel / At what price : A qualitative study about how social service and non-profit organizations work to prevent prostitution and human trafficking

Emtfelt, Maja, Johnsson, Madeleine January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att belysa olika delar av prostitution och människohandel inom svensk socialtjänst och ideella organisationer. Dessutom kan denna studie bidra till att uppmärksamma samhället om fenomenet prostitution och människohandel samt bidra till vidare diskussion kring ämnet. För att uppnå syftet användes en kvalitativ metod där åtta intervjuer genomfördes med yrkesverksamma inom socialtjänst och ideella organisationer. Intersektionalitet, empowerment och social mobilisering var studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter. Den insamlade empirin analyserades med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet av studien visade att det finns en begränsad kunskap kring prostitution och människohandel inom socialtjänst och samhället generellt. Det påvisades att det är ett komplext fenomen där det finns behov av att utöka resurser för att kunna bedriva ett effektivt arbete och ge utsatta bästa möjliga förutsättningar att få tillgång till rätt stöd och skydd. Vidare framkom att det krävs en ökad medvetenhet kring fenomenet då det förekommer i alla kontexter och grupper vilket föranleder att stödet behöver bli mer differentierat för att inkludera alla. Studiens slutsats visar att prostitution och människohandel är ett komplext fenomen som det finns en bristande kunskap och förståelse kring. Det är av vikt att arbetet mot fenomenet utvecklas samt att medvetenheten kring fenomenets förekomst ökas. / The purpose of this study was to shed light on various parts of prostitution and human trafficking within Swedish social service and non-profit organizations. In addition, this study can help to draw society’s attention to the phenomenon of prostitution and human trafficking, as well as contribute to further discussion on the subject. A qualitative method through interviews with eight workers within social service and non-profit organizations was used to reach the purpose of this study. The theoretical basis of the study was intersectionality, empowerment and social mobilization. A qualitative content analysis helped to analyze the collected data. The result of the study showed limited awareness about prostitution and human trafficking among social service and non-profit organizations. It also showed that this is a complex phenomenon where there is a need to expand the resources in order to conduct an effective work and provide vulnerable people with the best possible conditions for gaining access to the right support and protection. Furthermore, it shows that awareness needs to be greater about the phenomenon as it occurs in all contexts and groups which means that the support needs to be more adapted for each individual to include everyone. The conclusion of the study shows that prostitution and human trafficking is a complex phenomenon of which there is a lack of knowledge and understanding. It is important that the work against the phenomenon is developed and that awareness about the phenomenon's occurrence is increased.

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