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The “Ideal” Teacher: Bridging Pre-service to In-service Teacher Identity PresentersJordan, Jennifer, Vines, Nora, Norvell, Cassie K., Buckner, Carrie, Broemmel, Amy 08 November 2019 (has links)
Presenters will introduce the research base behind the relationship between critical reflection and pre-service teacher growth. Participants will engage in discussions of how to scaffold critical reflection to allow access points for students at differing levels of reflective development.
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The “Ideal” Teacher: Bridging Pre-service to In-service Teacher Identity PresentersJordan, Jennifer, Buckner, Carrie, Norvell, Cassie K., Vines, Nora 12 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Toward an Ideal Library: A Synthesis of Wilson's Library and Information Policy and Gilbert's Performance MatrixKoremura, Yuka 08 1900 (has links)
Inquiry about ideal library was sought by interdisciplinary approach from human competence derived from performance engineering by Gilbert (1978), and the library information policy by Wilson (1977). With Wilson's insights into the field of library and information science (LIS), this work demonstrated the synthesis of Wilson and Gilbert: engineering as common ground. One of the central concerns in LIS, utilization of knowledge, is re-conceptualized as Gilbert's view of performance, which reflected at different vantage points. Four leisurely theorems are introduced for his view of performance engineering, which produce human competence. The performance matrix is the application tool that represents Gilbert's theorems of performance engineering. It is used to clarify vantage points about the library, and constructed a model of the performance engineering system of ideal library. Based upon the model, two applications were made. One is to apply the performance matrix to the existing academic library. Another is to apply the performance matrix for building a special collection. These two applications show that the performance matrix is capable to analyze existing performance system as well as designing and building a performance system.
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Konečně generované polookruhy a polotělesa / Finitely generated semirings and semifieldsŠíma, Lucien January 2021 (has links)
We investigate commutative semirings, which are formed by a ground set equipped with two binary associative and commutative operations such that one distributes over the other. We narrow down our interest to ideal-simple semirings, that is, semirings without proper ideals. We present the classification of ideal-simple semirings and deal with some classes of ideal-simple semirings, namely semifields and parasemifields. The main result of this thesis is giving tight bounds on the minimal number of generators needed to generate a parasemifield as a semiring. We also study how the semifields that are finitely generated as a semiring look like. Last, but not least, we show that every finitely generated ideal-simple semiring is finitely-generated as a multiplicative semigroup.
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Vilken politisk riktning har Donald Trump? : En idéanalys av Donald Trumps ideologi och inrikespolitik / What political direction has Donald Trump? : An idea analysis of Donald Trump's ideology and domestic policyHjelm, Mathilda January 2021 (has links)
This essay is about Donald Trump and his ideology and domestic policy. The purpose of this essay is to find out how and to what extent is Donald Trump a nationalist and conservative during the years 2015 - 2021 and what is his view on domestic policy are, and in which way is it displayed. The study uses the methods of an idea analysis with the help of nationalist and conservative ideal types to analyze Donald Trump's 2016 campaign kickoff speech, Inauguration of Donald Trump, 2020 Trump Tulsa rally, and Donald Trump's farewell address. This method is effective because it will analyze ideology and how he uses ideology and how his view on domestic policy is, which is why idea analysis is an ideal choice of use. This essay's result is that Donald Trump uses nationalist ideas much more than he uses conservative ideas and that Donald Trump has a positive view on domestic policy and that he presents both these things very much and he repeats it often because of the importance.
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Är Sverigedemokraterna ett mittenparti? : Idealtypsanalys av Sverigedemokraternas principprogram / Is the Sweden Democrats a Centrist Party? : An Ideal Type Analysis of the Sweden Democrats´ Political PlatformJonsson, Benjamin January 2021 (has links)
This essay studies if the Sweden Democrats is a centrist party or not. The party’s ideological affiliation has been debated for a long time in Sweden. The party has been described as fascists and racists by opponents from both right- and left-wing. Most of the research on the Swedish Democrats has focused on the party’s connections to right-wing populism and nationalism. But the research has paid little attention to study the Sweden Democrats as a centrist party, despite the party defining itself as it. This makes it interesting to further investigate what ideological association the party has since they define themselves as centrist combined with elements from both right-and left-wing ideologies. It’s a study on the party’s updated party-platform, the study focuses on how the party describes the state, the economy and their view of humanity. The purpose of this study is to examine if the party is a centrist party based on the ideologies of liberalism, conservatism and social democracy through the use of the ideal-type analysis. The ideologies work as theories in this study. These ideologies were formed into ideal-types and were then applied to the chosen policy areas to be examined, to study whether the party had any connection to these as they claimed.
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En kvinnas lott : Normer och ideal i husmorsfilmerna 1952–1975Lindell, Tove January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att med hjälp av en kritisk diskursanalys undersöka framställningen av husmodern i Husmorsfilmerna mellan åren 1952 och 1975. I studien har teorier om genus använts samtidigt som en diskursanalytisk ansats appliceras för att studera de lexikala aspekterna i filmerna och som i sin tur synliggör förekomsten av samhälleligt förekommande diskurser. Utifrån tre frågeställningar analyseras materialet i studien: Hur konstrueras diskursen om den ideala husmodern i Husmorfilmerna? Vilka uttryck tar sig reformering av husmodern mellan årtalen 1952–1975? Hur avspeglar sig folkhemmets ideologi på husmorfilmernas innehåll? Husmorfilmerna och dess totala produktion på 31 filmer utgör studiens empiri. Materialet har studerats med uppsatsens frågeställningar som utgångspunkter för att sedan delas in i fyra underrubriker som har fått representera de teman som har varit återkommande i diskursen i samtliga husmorsfilmer: Husmodern i relation till familjen, husmodern i relation till folkhemmet, husmodern och förhållandet till hennes yttre samt husmodern i förhållande till yrkesarbetet. Dessa underrubriker representerar de olika aspekter av rollen som husmoder, som husmorsfilmerna repetitivt har förmedlats under studiens gång. I filmerna påträffades en återkommande gestaltning av hur husmodern som roll bör vara. I inslagen, informativa såväl som reklam, så får hon representerar normgivande ideal om hur hon som kvinna ska utöva och praktisera sin roll. Husmorsfilmernas innehåll visar även på och ger konkreta exempel när det kommer till hur en lyckad husmor respektive en mindre lyckade husmor presenterar sig och agerar. Det blir tydligt att definitionen av en lyckad husmor är den som utövar och balanserar alla roller och ansvarsområden medan hon simultant ska balansera och ta hand om sin omgivning i form av familj och vänner. I slutdiskussion avhandlas husmodern som roll och hur den har skapats samt cementerats i hemmet då hennes funktion som hushållsarbetare inte bara har gynnat hennes nära omgivning utan även samhället strukturellt.
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Från Kvinna Till Monster, Eller Tvärtom? : En jämförelse av hur myterna om Medusa och Lilith tolkats utifrån feministisk teoriSandström, Malin January 2022 (has links)
AbstraktDenna uppsats ger en inblick i hur myter görs aktuella för kvinnor i nutid med hjälp av feministisk teori. Myterna som introduceras är de om Medusa och Lilith, två kvinnliga monster som förstenar människor eller dödar barn, den ena från grekiska mytologin och den andra från judisk folktro. Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie av hur feminister tolkat dessa myter och hur dessa tolkningar sedan använts i kvinnors identitetsskapande. Tolkningarna presenteras utifrån teman konstruerade utifrån feminism och feministisk teori. Det visade sig att Medusa och Lilith har mer gemensamt än att bara vara monster. De ses båda som uttryck för antiroller i sina respektive samtider, de är båda upprätthållare av samhälleliga ideal och normer och de kan båda ses som uttryck för kvinnohat.
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Unveiling the Arab Mind: What are the Characteristics of Leaders Who Need to Capture Followers' Hearts and Minds?Farrag, Mohamed Ahmed 02 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Characterization of Asphalt Mixture Cracking Resistance Based on Mix Design ParametersQuasem, Tanvir 05 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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