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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vicisitudes del Narcisismo: consideraciones psicopatológicas a partir de un caso clínico

Jeria Ortíz, Nicolás Francisco January 2013 (has links)
Psicólogo / El estudio busca, a partir de la consideración de un caso clínico, y desde una perspectiva psicoanalítica básicamente freudiana, abordar la problemática de las oscilaciones del ánimo y del sentimiento de sí, en sus múltiples relaciones con el problema del narcisismo. Para ello, y sobre la base de una revisión general de la nosografía de Freud, se identifica y delimita un terreno psicopatológico propio del narcisismo, dentro del cual se toman algunas entidades psicopatológicas y ámbitos del operar psíquico que resultan de especial interés para ensayar una comprensión del material. En un intento por dilucidar algo de los mecanismos psíquicos inconcientes a la base de las formaciones psicopatológicas y del operar general del paciente, se lleva a cabo un estudio de algunas categorías íntimamente ligadas al campo del narcisismo, interrogando al material desde el modelo que ofrecen la paranoia y el par melancolíamanía, así como considerando el lugar central que ocupa en estos procesos el superyó. A partir de todo lo anterior, se busca llevar a cabo una reflexión en torno al trabajo clínico, con especial énfasis en el modo de concebir la configuración psicopatológica de los casos que se presentan en dicho quehacer

Organizando maiorias, agregando preferências: a Assembleia Nacional Constituinte de 1987-88 / Organizing majorities, aggregating preferences: the 1987-88 National Constituent Assembly

Danilo Buscatto Medeiros 04 March 2013 (has links)
Reza a literatura neo-institucionalista que as normas que regem um processo decisório terão grande influência sobre o resultado final. Isto vale também para Assembleia Nacional Constituinte de 1987-1988. Não fosse assim um agrupamento de parlamentares descontentes com o andamento dos trabalhos constituintes não teria insurgido com uma proposta para a reformulação do Regimento Interno após quase um ano de funcionamento. Entender a importância do arcabouço institucional para as disputas políticas e o resultado final da ANC éa questão central desta dissertação. Desta forma, pretende-seresponder a seguinte pergunta: quais os efeitos tanto das normas que regularam o processo de formação/convocação da ANC, quanto do seu regimento que foi alterado ao longo dos trabalhos sobre o resultado final? O modelo de constituinte aprovado na convocação (congressual e não exclusiva) e o formato dos trabalhos constituintes (descentralização em subcomissões e comissões temáticas) foram amplamente contestados e disputados pelas consequências que os atores políticos antecipavam ou projetavam sobre elas. Os atores políticos sempre sabem que regras afetam resultados. Resta saber se eles sempre anteciparam corretamentee, para tanto, é possívelatentar para como eles se comportaram. Com o intuito de aprofundar o debate sobre a interação estratégica noprocesso constituinte, são analisadas as votações nominais no plenário da Constituinte para compreender como atores coletivos organizam preferências, reunindo maiorias em disputas políticas radicalizadas. / According to the new institutionalist literature, the rules regulating a decision making process play great influence on its final result. Thisassumption applies to the 1987-1988 National Constituent Assembly (NCA). Otherwise, a group of legislators dissatisfied with the works course would not have risen with a proposal to reform the Internal Rules after two years of Assembly. The main goal of this work is tocomprehend the importance of the institutional structure for the political contests and the final result of the NCA. Thus, I aim to answer the following question: what are the effects of the rules regulating the convocation of the NCA, as well as the rules regulating its works which have changed during theprocess on the final results? The constitution-making design approved at the beginning (a congressional one instead of an exclusive one) and the organization form of the works (decentralized in thematic commissions) were largely contested because of the consequences political actors were anticipating and looking forward to, since they are always aware of the rule´s impact. The question is whether or not they anticipated it correctly, and for such it is possible to watch how they have behaved. Attempting to deepen the debate about strategic interaction on the constitutional process, the roll calls will be analyzed in order to understand how collective actors organize their preferences, building majorities in radicalized political contests.

Den ideala intimiteten : Privatlivets expertis i 1940-talets svenska populärkultur

Sjödin, Arvid January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om rådgivning i kärlek- och intimitetsfrågor i svensk veckopress under 1940-talet. I undersökningen analyseras veckotidningarna Damernas värld, Veckorevyn och Husmodern. Undersökningens syfte är att förstå hur en ideal intimitet skapades i tidningarnas rådgivning i dialogen mellan expertis och läsare. Undersökningen har ämnat belysa denna ideala intimitet i relation till den historiska epok av intensiv samhällelig modernisering i vilken denna rådgivning skedde. En tid där relationen mellan det privata och det politiska börjat se en ny typ av överbryggning. I undersökningen beskrivs hur ett ideal om upplysning och vetenskaplighet fick strukturera sättet läsaren tilltalades i populärmagasinen och hur det förkroppsligades i en idé om emotionell kompetens. Jag argumenterar för att idealet om emotionell kompetens fungerade som ett sätt att upprätthålla institutioner av vikt för det samhällsideologiska bygget i tiden – att intimiteten kunde regleras efter önskvärda mål genom ett ideal av upplyst kunskap och emotionell kompetens istället för moraliska regler och konventioner. Genom en reglering av de intima sfärernas emotionella ekonomi, där ett upplyst subjekt med emotionell kompetens skulle styra, kunde den ideala intimiteten skapas. Jag visar hur talet om den unga generationen och oron för dess lössläppta sätt att behandla känslovärlden fick stärka ideal om upplysning, vetenskaplighet och emotionell kompetens i intimitetsfrågor, samt hur talet om trasiga och förlorade äktenskap gjorde detsamma. Vidare argumenterar jag för att idealet om emotionell kompetens kan förstås som en del av gränsdragningar i dikotomin sjukdom/hälsa, där den ickekompetenta intimiteten patologiserades. Med denna historiska analys av moderniseringens samspel med intimitetsideal har jag velat bidra till en djupare förståelse för kärlekens och intimitetens nutida tillstånd, och hur det kan spåras tillbaka till en tid då kunskap och konceptualisering började bli viktiga aktörer i det individuella känslolivet.

En kvinnokropp inom Crossfit är kunnig och stark - den har förmåga : Kvinnliga tävlande crossfit-atleters upplevelser, tankar och känslor till kroppsuppfattning och kroppsideal relaterat till sporten och tävling. / Competitively active female crossfit athletes and their experience, thoughts and feelings towards body image and body ideals related to the sport and competition

Andersson, Emilia, Lindborg, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med den aktuella studien var att undersöka kvinnliga tränings- och tävlingsaktiva crossfit-atleters upplevelser, tankar och känslor till kroppsuppfattning och kroppsideal relaterat till sporten och tävling. I studien användes en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Deltagarna i studien var åtta kvinnliga tävlingsaktiva crossfit- atleter från Sverige i åldrarna 21-46 år (M=31.5, SD=8.76). Intervjuerna varade mellan 45-60 minuter och analyserades utifrån Braun et al. (2016) tematiska analys där huvudteman och underteman togs fram. I resultatet framkom det att deltagarna främst upplevde positiva tankar och känslor till sin egen kropp vilket kan bidra till en positiv kroppsuppfattning. Deltagarna i den aktuella studien ansåg den idrottsliga prestationen viktigare än att sträva efter ett visst utseendeideal. Vidare framkom det i resultatet att negativa känslor och tankar kunde uppstå gällande utseendeideal som framställs enligt samhällsnormer, där bland annat sociala medier upplevdes påverka atleterna negativt.  Resultatet kan vara intressant för coacher inom Crossfit, boxägare, andra utövare samt forskare för att öka kompetensen för kroppsideal och kroppsuppfattning inom träningskulturen som Crossfit ingår i. / The aim of the study was to investigate competitively active female Crossfit athletes and their experience, thoughts and feelings towards body image and body ideals related to the sport and competition. In the study, a qualitative research methodology with semi-structured interviews was used. The participants in the study were eight competitively active female Crossfit athletes from Sweden in the ages 21-46 years (M=31.5, SD=8.76). The interviews lasted between 45-60 minutes and were analysed based on Braun et al. (2016) thematic analysis, where main themes and sub-themes were created. The result showed that the participants mainly experienced positive thoughts and feelings about their own body which can contribute to a positive body image. The participants in the current study considered athletic performance as more important than striving to a specific ideal. Furthermore the result showed that negative thoughts and feelings could appear regarding body ideals that are being represented in the society, where social media, which was pointed out, could have a negative effect on the participants.  By increasing the competence regarding body image and body ideals in the Crossfit training culture, the result can be interesting for Crossfit coaches, owners of the boxes, other practitioners and researchers.

Att framställa normer och skönhetsideal genom visuella representationer -En semiotisk och multimodal studie om hur företag konstruerar den “perfekta kroppen”

Hägglund, Emma, Stråhle-Wolke, Rebecca January 2020 (has links)
To produce norms and beauty ideals through visual representations - A semiotic and multimodal study of how companies construct the “perfect body”.The aim of this qualitative study is to investigate how clothing companies, with the help of visual representations, construct, confirm and/or whether they challenge different norms and ideologies regarding the "perfect body". Based on the above-mentioned research aim, this thesis aspires to answer the following research questions:- How do visual representations on Instagram contribute to constructing, confirming and/or challenging beauty ideals and norms? - What are the norms regarding each gender according to the analyzed visual representations?In order to address the study’s aim and research questions, this study adopts a case study design which is based on qualitative methodology. More specifically, this thesis conducts a multimodal semiotic analysis of a Swedish clothing company’s Instagram posts. Based on a purposeful collection method, the study offers an in-depth analysis of six Instagram posts, considered to be representative of the company’s overall marketing strategy.Drawing from theoretical perspectives such as, social constructivism, social semiotics, self-discrepancy and poststructuralist feminism this thesis shows cases that both can confirm and contest society’s norms and beauty ideals. In summary, this thesis shows that the company under investigation both constructs and contests ideals and norms regarding the "perfect body", for the individual gender. These ideals are confirmed by creating visual representations where only people who meet society's ideals and norms are presented. The company thus does not challenge the notion of the "perfect body", which is a fit and thin body.

Verklighet eller fiktion? : Litteraturens påverkan på 1800-talets kvinnors syn på sig själva och sitt liv / Reality or fiction? : The influence of literature on 19th century women’s views of themselves and their lives

Ekerup, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Research has shown that studies on the impact of literature on the individual probably have been bigger than we previously thought. The 19th century writers had great power in influencing public opinion on current social issues. Well aware of their power, they used it to the maximum. Both the way they wrote, and the content, was adapted to relate and speak to the reader and maximise the literatures influence. This study is based on this statement and focus on author Marie Sophie Schwartz short stories. The study focuses at how women in the short stories viewed themselves and their role in society, in what ways they were included and excluded, how the outside world treated women who violated the current norms and ideals and what expressions/desires for change they expressed? These are some of the questions that are investigated in this study. The source material was processed through a qualitative and inductive method with a narrative approach. Furthermore, the material was coded based on the studies focus questions to be able to answer them. The survey shows that despite the fact that society’s norms and ideals are largely upheld, patterns and themes emerge that challenge this. One can clearly see the ambiguity in Schwartz’s message. Her own everyday life and prevailing norms and ideals are opposed to her own thoughts and opinions. The short stories give a glimpse of female emancipation, break prejudices about class differences and show that norm-breaking action do not always lead to misfortune and exclusion for the individual. Schwartz tried to show people that life is unpredictable and there is no manual to follow to be happy, which is completely contradictory from the common themes that appeared in the 19th century literature.

Ledarskap inom socialtjänst : En kunskapsöversikt

Shabo, Roá, Elias, Simel January 2020 (has links)
De organisatoriska villkoren för ledarskap inom den offentliga sektorn har förändrats kraftigt sedan slutet på 1980-talet. Socialtjänsten ställs ständigt inför nya utmaningar i form av exempelvis budgetåtstramningar, effektiviseringar och nu även en pandemi (covid-19). Dessa utmaningar ställer höga krav på socialtjänsten som organisation och på dess ledare samt deras ledarskap. Syftet med studien är att söka reda på, sammanställa och analysera kunskap om ledarskap inom svensk socialtjänst. Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka vad det innebär att vara ledare inom socialtjänsten, vilka utmaningar ledaren ställs inför samt om det finns ledarskapsideal inom socialtjänsten. Men även att undersöka hur ledarskap påverkar organisationer inom socialtjänst samt att kunna bidra med bredare kunskaper inom fältet. Metoden är en kunskapsöversikt med 24 analyserade artiklar. Resultatet visar att det inte finns en entydig definition av vad ledarskap är i socialt arbete. Det transformativa ledarskapet anses i flertalet av artiklarna som ett eftersträvat ideal inom socialt arbete. / The organizational conditions for leadership in the public sector have changed dramatically since the late 1980s. The social services are constantly faced with new challenges in the form of, for example, budget cuts, efficiency requirements and now also a pandemic (covid-19). These challenges place high demands on the social services as an organization and on its leaders as well as on their leadership. The purpose of the study is to research, compile and analyze knowledge about leadership in Swedish social services. Furthermore, the study aims to investigate what it means to be a leader in the social services, what challenges the leader faces and whether there is an ideal of leadership in the social services. But also, to investigate how leadership affects organizations in social services and to be able to contribute with broader knowledge in the field. The method is a knowledge overview that consist of analyzing 24 articles. The result shows that there is no clear definition of what leadership is in social work. In most of the articles, transformative leadership is considered a sought-after ideal in social work.

Near Miss abc-Triples in General Number Fields / 一般の数体におけるニアミスabc3つ組

Kawaguchi, Yuki 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第21538号 / 理博第4445号 / 新制||理||1639(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科数学・数理解析専攻 / (主査)教授 望月 新一, 教授 向井 茂, 教授 玉川 安騎男 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

Reconstruction of invariants of configuration spaces of hyperbolic curves from associated Lie algebras / 双曲的曲線の配置空間の不変量の付随するリー代数からの復元

Sawada, Koichiro 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第21540号 / 理博第4447号 / 新制||理||1639(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科数学・数理解析専攻 / (主査)教授 玉川 安騎男, 教授 向井 茂, 教授 望月 新一 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

The Enchantment of Noble Masculinity : A look at the material enchantment of nobility through the professional uniforms of count Carl Axel Lewenhaupt in fin de siècle Sweden

Persson, Hilma January 2021 (has links)
The analytical framework of enchanted objects has mainly been studied in the fields of anthropology and religion, but can equally be applied to fashion and dress. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the material process of enchantment through the fragments of count Carl Axel Lewenhaupt’s professional uniforms from fin de siècle Sweden. It further aims to uncover the myth(s) of noble masculinity by the theoretical perspectives of discipline and white masculinity. The thesis uses object analysis to dissect a Chamberlain uniform’s bicorn hat, a Hussar’s dolman jacket, and a Chamberlain court uniform (type B) and places them in assemblages of enchantment – the micro and macro settings that made the garments become powerful. Through the material splendour, elegance and sensory opulence of the garments, together with their placement in ceremonial, traditional, elevated and mythical environments, they could enchant nobility to symbolically remain dutiful, heroic and close to the King, even as noble power subsided. This thesis proposes a way in which dress may captivate senses even across the distance of history, and furthermore, exposes the process of material enchantment in the making of ideal and heroic masculinity, which is still relevant and alive in contemporary culture.

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