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Bound states and resistive edge transport in two-dimensional topological phasesKimme, Lukas 13 October 2016 (has links)
The subject of the present thesis are some aspects of impurities affecting mesoscopic systems with regard to their topological properties and related effects like Majorana fermions and quantized conductance. A focus is on two-dimensional systems including both topological insulators and superconductors.
First, the question of whether individual nonmagnetic impurities can induce zero-energy states in time-reversal invariant superconductors from Altland-Zirnbauer (AZ) symmetry class DIII is addressed, and a class of symmetries which guarantee the existence of such states for a specific value of the impurity strength is defined. These general results are applied to the time-reversal invariant p-wave phase of the doped Kitaev-Heisenberg model, where it is also demonstrated how a lattice of impurities can drive a topologically trivial system into the nontrivial phase.
Second, the result about the existence of zero-energy impurity states is generalized to all AZ symmetry classes. This is achieved by considering, for general Hamiltonians H from the respective symmetry classes, the “generalized roots of det H”, which subsequently are used to further explore the opportunities that lattices of nonmagnetic impurities provide for the realization of topologically nontrivial phases. The 1d Kitaev chain model, the 2d px + ipy superconductor, and the 2d Chern insulator are considered to show that impurity lattices generically enable topological phase transitions and, in the case of the 2d models, even provide access to a number of phases with large Chern numbers.
Third, elastic backscattering in helical edge modes caused by a magnetic impurity with spin S and random Rashba spin-orbit coupling is investigated. In a finite bias steady state, the impurity induced resistance is found to slightly increase with decreasing temperature for S > 1/2. Since the underlying backscattering mechanism is elastic, interference between different scatterers can explain reproducible conductance fluctuations. Thus, the model is in agreement with central experimental results on edge transport in 2d topological insulators.
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Illness and health care in ancient Israel : the role of the social-cultural context in interpreting 2 Chronicles 26:11-23van Eeden, Fay Clare 16 April 2010 (has links)
Understanding illness and health care in the ancient world, and especially within ancient Israel, is not an easy undertaking. Most of the research done on Israelite health care focuses on the identification of disease rather than their sociological implications. This study hypothesises that to truly understand ancient Israel’s thoughts on illness and health care it is important to take the wider social context, in which a sick person would have found himself, into account. This study analyses the illness of King Uzziah (2 Chronicles 26:11-23) against the backdrop of the ancient Near East’s understanding of illness and health care, Israel’s view of Yahweh’s role in illness, as well as the interwovenness between illness and the social values of honour and shame. The notions of purity and impurity and the role they played in Israel’s understanding of illness, as well as the role of the temple and other consultative options are also taken into account in the study. In so doing the study intends to shed some light on the interwovenness between illness and social values in ancient Israel and thus enabling a better understanding of 2 Chronicles 26:11-23 and illness and health care in ancient Israel. Copyright / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Ancient Languages / unrestricted
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Maskininlärning som verktyg för att extrahera information om attribut kring bostadsannonser i syfte att maximera försäljningspris / Using machine learning to extract information from real estate listings in order to maximize selling priceEkeberg, Lukas, Fahnehjelm, Alexander January 2018 (has links)
The Swedish real estate market has been digitalized over the past decade with the current practice being to post your real estate advertisement online. A question that has arisen is how a seller can optimize their public listing to maximize the selling premium. This paper analyzes the use of three machine learning methods to solve this problem: Linear Regression, Decision Tree Regressor and Random Forest Regressor. The aim is to retrieve information regarding how certain attributes contribute to the premium value. The dataset used contains apartments sold within the years of 2014-2018 in the Östermalm / Djurgården district in Stockholm, Sweden. The resulting models returned an R2-value of approx. 0.26 and Mean Absolute Error of approx. 0.06. While the models were not accurate regarding prediction of premium, information was still able to be extracted from the models. In conclusion, a high amount of views and a publication made in April provide the best conditions for an advertisement to reach a high selling premium. The seller should try to keep the amount of days since publication lower than 15.5 days and avoid publishing on a Tuesday. / Den svenska bostadsmarknaden har blivit alltmer digitaliserad under det senaste årtiondet med nuvarande praxis att säljaren publicerar sin bostadsannons online. En fråga som uppstår är hur en säljare kan optimera sin annons för att maximera budpremie. Denna studie analyserar tre maskininlärningsmetoder för att lösa detta problem: Linear Regression, Decision Tree Regressor och Random Forest Regressor. Syftet är att utvinna information om de signifikanta attribut som påverkar budpremien. Det dataset som använts innehåller lägenheter som såldes under åren 2014-2018 i Stockholmsområdet Östermalm / Djurgården. Modellerna som togs fram uppnådde ett R²-värde på approximativt 0.26 och Mean Absolute Error på approximativt 0.06. Signifikant information kunde extraheras from modellerna trots att de inte var exakta i att förutspå budpremien. Sammanfattningsvis skapar ett stort antal visningar och en publicering i april de bästa förutsättningarna för att uppnå en hög budpremie. Säljaren ska försöka hålla antal dagar sedan publicering under 15.5 dagar och undvika att publicera på tisdagar.
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'Blood of a Woman' : A Critical Reevaluation of the Traditional Views on Menstrual Impurity in Akkadian TerminologyLindholm, Disa January 2022 (has links)
Assyriology as a field of study has long been dominated by the ideas and values of the white, Western men who, during the 19th century, were responsible for the development and growth of all scientific research. This has resulted in a resilient androcentric bias in the discipline, which to this day continues to influence scholarly perceptions of Ancient Mesopotamian society - and particularly of Mesopotamian women. Amongst many other things this includes the application of modern, misogynistic prejudice regarding the female body onto Akkadian women; one such modern concept which, despite recent criticism, is still widely accepted as true, is the notion of ‘menstrual impurity’. By the implementation of standpoint theory - an epistemology which emphasises the influence of a scholar’s own experiences on their perception and interpretation of their field of study - this paper examines the translations of three Akkadian terms which have been used to support the alleged existence of the concept of menstrual impurity in Mesopotamia. The terms are reexamined through an analysis of their etymological and contextual semantics, the results of which are then used comparatively in order to determine the validity of their current translations. The results of this analysis reveal a thoroughly biassed and unscientific interpretation process, which perpetuates the androcentric perspective within the discipline and contributes to the spread of a false image of Ancient Mesopotamian women and their lives. Not only is it highly unlikely that any of the analysed terms actually signify menstruation, but the very notion of ‘impurity’, which is indeed a significant part of the words’ meaning, is interpreted in a modern, stereotypically negative sense that most certainly is not reflective of the Mesopotamian perception of the concept.
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Interdiffusion And Impurity Diffusion In Magnesium Solid SolutionsKammerer, Catherine 01 January 2013 (has links)
Magnesium, being lightweight, offers potential to be developed into extensive structural applications. The transportation segment has particular interest in Mg and Mg alloy for applications where reduced vehicle weight is proportional to increased fuel efficiency. Aluminum and zinc are two of the most common alloying elements in commercial Mg alloys. They improve the physical properties of Mg through solid solution strengthening and precipitation hardening. Diffusion plays a key role in the kinetics of and microstructural development during solidification and heat treatment. However, there is limited diffusion data available for Mg and Mg alloys. In particular, because Al is monoisotopic, tracer diffusion data is not available. Interdiffusion of Mg solid solution with Zn also does not exist in literature. The diffusional interaction of Al and Zn in Mg solid solution at temperatures ranging from 623 – 723K was examined using solid-to-solid diffusion couple method. The objective of this thesis is two-fold: first, is the examination of interdiffusion in the Mg solid solution phase of the binary Mg-Al and Mg-Zn systems; second, is to explore non-conventional analytical methods to determine impurity diffusion coefficients. The quality of diffusion bonding was examined by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy with X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy, and concentration profiles were determined using electron probe microanalysis with pure standards and ZAF matrix correction. Analytical methods of concentration profiles based on Boltzmann-Matano analysis for binary alloys are presented along with compositional dependent interdiffusion coefficients. As the iv concentration of Al or Zn approaches the dilute ends, an analytical approach based on the Hall method was employed to estimate the impurity diffusion coefficients. Zinc was observed to diffuse faster than Al, and in fact, the impurity diffusion coefficient of Al was smaller than the self-diffusion coefficient of Mg. In the Mg solid solution with Al, interdiffusion coefficients increased by an order of magnitude with an increase in Al concentration. Activation energy and pre-exponential factor for the average effective interdiffusion coefficient in Mg solid solution with Al was determined to be 186.8 KJ/mole and 7.69 x 10-1 m2/sec. On the other hand, in the Mg solid solution with Zn, interdiffusion coefficients did not vary significantly as a function of Zn concentration. Activation energy and pre-exponential factor for the average effective interdiffusion coefficient in Mg solid solution with Zn was determined to be 129.5 KJ/mole and 2.67 x 10-4 m2/sec. Impurity diffusion coefficients of Al in Mg was determined to have activation energy and pre-exponential factor of 144.1 KJ/mole and 1.61 x 10-4 m2/sec. Impurity diffusion coefficients of Zn in Mg was determined to have activation energy and preexponential factor of 109.8 KJ/mole and 1.03 x 10-5 m2/sec. Temperature and compositiondependence of interdiffusion coefficients and impurity diffusion coefficients are examined with respect to reported values in literature, thermodynamic factor, Φ, diffusion mechanisms in hexagonal close packed structure, and experimental uncertainty
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Topological Quantum Impurity ModelsGuangjie Li (18419091) 22 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">A bath of free electrons interacting with a local quantum impurity leads to various exotic non-Fermi liquid behaviors, such as the non-integer effective ground state degeneracy of the impurity and the correction to the zero temperature conductance, which is temperature to the power of a fractional number. The former indicates emergent anyons, which are the key ingredients for achieving topological protected quantum computations. The latter can be used for experimentally probing non-Fermi liquid physics. It was recently proposed that a Coulomb blockaded M-Majorana island coupled to normal metal leads realizes a novel type of Kondo effect where the effective impurity “spin” transforms under the orthogonal group SO(M). Inspired by the multichannel generalization of the original Kondo model, we introduce a physically motivated N-channel generalization of this topological Kondo model whose impurity spin stems from the non-local topological ground state degeneracy of the island. This multichannel topological Kondo model supports Z3 parafermion and Fibonacci anyon (not supported by one-channel topological Kondo model) but may be limited to experiments because it is unstable to channel anisotropy. Therefore, we propose a Majorana-free meso- scopic setup which implements the Kondo effect of the symplectic Lie group and can harbor emergent anyons (including Majorana fermions, Fibonacci anyons, and Z3 parafermions) even in the absence of perfect channel symmetry. Besides, I comment on the future work such as the strong tunneling case that is beyond the topological Kondo regime and the two-impurity Kondo physics.</p>
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Il presente lavoro ha per oggetto la filosofia morale di Vladimir Jankélévitch e, specificatamente, l’arco teorico che dalla metafisica porta all’etica. Tale lavoro mira a mettere a fuoco la domanda fondamentale della morale di Jankélévitch e, contestualmente, a mostrarne l’ancoramento nella prospettiva metafisica dell’Autore. L’obiettivo ultimo della ricerca, in sintesi, è rendere ragione della coincidenza tra morale e filosofia prima teorizzata da Vladimir Jankélévitch. L’ipotesi guida della ricerca è che il fondamento di tale coincidenza sia da rintracciare nelle pagine di Philosophie première, testo del 1954 in cui Jankélévitch compie due mosse teoriche decisive. In primo luogo, presenta l’Assoluto come Faire-être sans être e secondariamente lo qualifica come atto puro rispetto al quale l’atto umano è impuro. Unitamente alla ricostruzione della proposta metafisica dell’Autore, allora, è l’analisi del significato filosofico degli aggettivi puro e impuro che ha permesso di mostrare due punti. Innanzitutto, che la domanda di fondo di Jankélévitch in sede morale riguarda la possibilità per l’uomo di fare esperienza dell’Assoluto. In secondo luogo, che la risposta di Jankélévitch a tale interrogativo è affermativa e che l’articolazione di tale riposta passa attraverso la nozione di sacrificio per amore. / This research focuses on the moral philosophy of Vladimir Jankélévitch and, in particular, on the theoretical relation between metaphysics and morality. This work aims to clarify the essential question of Jankélévitch’s moral philosophy and, at the same time, to show the close link of this question with Jankélévitch’s metaphysical perspective. The main aim of this research is to present and to explain the reasons why Jankélévitch asserts that ethics is first philosophy. The core hypothesis is that the foundation of this assessment could be found in the pages of Philosophie première, where, in 1954, Jankélévitch proposes two decisive arguments. First of all, he presents the Absolute as Faire-être sans être and, secondly, he qualifies the Absolute as pure Act with regard to which every human act is impure. In addition to the critical presentation of Jankélévitch’s metaphysics, the analysis of the philosophical meaning of the adjectives pure and impure allows to show two points. Firstly, it shows that the fundamental question of Jankélévitch’s ethics concerns the human possibility to experience the Absolute. Secondly, it demonstrates that Jankélévitch’s answer to this question is affirmative and it is centred on the notion of loving sacrifice.
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Pseudo jahn-teller versus reconstrucao quimica : oxigenio em silicio. / Pseudo Jahn-Teller versus chemical reconstruction: oxygen in silicon.Camargo, Francisco de Paula 03 September 1990 (has links)
Estudamos neste trabalho o comportamento da impureza oxigênio em rede cristalina de silício, usando primeiramente o método INDO (lntermediate Neglect of Differential Overlap) com parametrização espectroscópica e incluímos os efeitos de muitos elétrons via Método CI-(Interacão de Configuração). Fazemos uma análise sobre as possíveis origens do posicionamento não-central (off-center) dessa impureza, - se decorrente de uma distorsão Pseudo Jahn-Teller: - se originária de um CR Reconstrução Química. Quando o átomo de Oxigênio é deslocado ao longo da direção [100] ocupa um sitio de mínimo absoluto. O oxigênio introduz no gap de banda um orbital anti-ligante de simetria a1 totalmente ocupado, situação semelhante à dos anti-sitios em materiais semi-condutores III-V. Estudamos também o comportamento dessa impureza quando a mesma é deslocada ao longo da direção [111], verificando que é criada uma posição de Instabilidade mas, os auto-valores têm comportamento não esperado para orbitais anti-ligantes. / In this work we studied the Oxygen impurity in Silicon. The calculations were performed using a semi-empirical method (INDO/S) with Configuration Interaction to account for many-electron effects. We analyse the origin of the off-center position for substitutional oxygen. Pseudo Jahn-Teller distortion or Chemical Rebonding effects. The oxygen introduces an a1 anti-bonding state in the forbidden band-gap similar to anti-site defects in III-V materials. To answer the question about distortion, we also studied oxygen dislocation in the (111) direction and we obtained a metastable state but his eigen-value has a non-expected behavior for anti-bonding orbitals.
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Contribuições á física das propriedades eletrônicas das heteroestruturas semicondutoras / Contributions to the physics of the electronic properties of the semiconductor heterostructuresSilva, Erasmo Assumpção de Andrada e 13 December 1990 (has links)
Esta tese compõe-se de contribuições à física das propriedades eletrônicas das heteroestruturas semicondutoras. São investigadas propriedades eletrônicas das duas heteroestruturas básicas: o poço quântico e a super-rede. Considera-se o poço quântico dopado com impurezas rasas e estudam-se as suas propriedades eletrônicas nos regimes de poço fraca e altamente dopado. No caso de baixa densidade de impurezas é feita uma simulação Monte Carlo. É utilizado um modelo semi-clássico de band de impureza. A interação elétron-elétron é incluída de forma exata e são calculadas as seguintes propriedades do estado fundamental à temperatura zero: densidade de estados de uma partícula, distribuição de carga, energia de Fermi e distribuição do campo elétrico sobre os doadores neutros, todas em função do grau de compensação, da densidade de impurezas e da largura do poço. É observada uma. grande dependência com a compensação. Os resultados são explicados à luz da competição entre os efeitos de desordem e confinamento. É observada a ocorrência de Coulomb Gap característico de sistemas bidimensionais. Mostra-se que a. distribuição de carga possui largura e constante de decaimento determinados independentemente pela compensação e pela concentração de impurezas, respectivamente. Tais resultados são importantes para a caracterização de poços quânticos puros. No limite altamente dopado parte-se de um modelo light-binding desordenado e calculase a densidade de estados de uma partícula formada devido ao overlapping entre os estados localizados; utiliza-se o método de Matsubara e Toyosawa. para a obtenção da média sobre configurações. Discutem-se os efeitos da desordem diagonal introduzida pelo potencial de confinamento os quais são comparados com os da. desordem não-diagonal. São apresentados resultados para a densidade de estados em função do grau de confinamento e concentração de impurezas para poços e fios quânticos. Sâo estudadas as propriedades eletrônicas das super-redes sob campo magnético transversal à direção de crescimento. Mostra-se que esta configuração é ideal para o estudo das características básicas das super-redes: a estrutura de mini bandas e o tunelamento. Calculam-se as sub-bandas de condução utilizando a teoria de massa efetiva de muitas bandas. Introduz-se a idéia de massa efetiva renormalizada para barreiras semicondutoras. Comparam-se os resultados com dados experimentais de ressonância ciclotrônica. A ótima concordância obtida demonstra a grande importância e a utilidade do conceito de massa efetiva renormalizada para barreiras semicondutoras, que é uma maneira nova e simples de lidar com as soluções evanescentes. / This thesis is composed of contributions to the theory of electronic properties of semicon ductor heterostructures. Electronic properties of the basic two heterostructures (quantum well and superlattice) are investigated. A quantum well doped with shallow impurities is considered and its electronic properties are studied in both limits: lightly and heavily doped. In the first case a Monte Carlo simula tion technique is used. A semiclassical impurity band model is used . The electron-electron interaction is included exactly and properties of the ground state such as the density of single particle states, the charge distribution, the Fermi energy and the electric field di tribution on the neutra/ donors are calculated, all of them as a function of the degree of compensation, the impurity concentration and the width of the well. A great dependency with the compensation is observed. The results are explained by the competition between the effects of disorder and confinement. The existence of a Coulomb Gap is verified . The charge distribution is shown to have a width and decay rate given by the degree of compensation and impurity concentration, in this order. Such results are important to characterize pure quantum wells. On the heavily doped limit, a disordered tight-binding model is used and the density of states that is formed by the overlapping of localized states is calculated by using the method of Matsubara and Toyosawa for the configuration average. The diagonal disord er effect introduced by the confinement potential is considered and compared to that of the non diagonal disorder. Results of the density of states as a function of the degree of confinement and impurity concentration for quantum wells and wires are presented. The electronic propertie s of a superlattice under a magnetic field which is transversal to the growth direction are studied. Jt is shown that this configuration is id eal for the study of the basic characteristics of the superlattices: the subband structure and the tunneling. The conduction subbands are calculated by using the theory of many bands effective mass. The idea of renormalized effective mass for barriers is introduced. The obtained level spacings are compared with cyclotron resonance experimental data (infrared absorption). The good agreement obtained demonstrates the importance and usefulness of the renormalized effective mass, which is a new and simple way to handle evanescent waves.
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Suitability of cellulose ester derivatives in hot melt extrusion : thermal, rheological and thermodynamic approaches used in the characterization of cellulose ester derivatives for their suitability in pharmaceutical hot melt extrusionKarandikar, Hrushikesh M. January 2015 (has links)
Applications of Hot Melt Extrusion (HME) in pharmaceuticals have become increasingly popular over the years but nonetheless a few obstacles still remain before wide scale implementation. In many instances these improvements are related to both processing and product performance. It is observed that HME process optimisation is majorly focused on the active pharmaceutical ingredient's (API) properties. Characterising polymeric properties for their suitability in HME should be equally studied since the impact of excipients on both product and process performance is just as vital. In this work, two well-established cellulose ester derivatives: Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Cellulose Acetate Succinate (HPMCAS) and Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Cellulose Phthalate (HPMCP) are studied for their HME suitability. Their thermal, thermodynamic, rheological, thermo-chemical and degradation kinetic properties were evaluated with model plasticisers and APIs. It was found the thermal properties of HPMCP are severely compromised whereas HPMCAS is more stable in the processing zone of 150 to 200 °C. Thermodynamic properties revealed that both polymers share an important solubility parameter range (20-30 MPa P1/2P) where the majority of plasticisers and BCS class II APIs lie. Thus, greater miscibility/solubility can be expected. Further, the processability of these two polymers investigated by rheometric measurements showed HPMCAS possesses better flow properties than HPMCP because HPMCP forms a weak network of chain interactions at a molecular level. However, adding plasticisers such as PEG and TEC the flow properties of HPMCP can be tailored. The study also showed that plasticisers have a major influence on thermo-chemical and kinetic properties of polymers. For instance, PEG reduced polymer degradation with reversal in kinetic parameters whereas blends of CA produced detrimental effects and increased polymer degradation with reduction in onset degradation temperatures. Further, both polymers are observed to be chemically reactive with the APIs containing free -OH, -SOR2RN- and -NH2 groups. Finally, these properties prove that suitability of HPMCP is highly debated for HME and demands great care in use while that of HPMCAS is relatively better than HPMCP in many instances.
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