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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Cuevas, Rebecca Frost 01 December 2014 (has links)
This project explores research-based methods for creating an e-learning resource to teach an intellectual skill. Intellectual skills are one of the five domains of learning defined by Robert M. Gagné. The intellectual skill taught via the e-learning resource is the rules of Turkish vowel harmony, a fundamental phonological feature of the Turkish language. The purpose of the e-learning resource is to provide novice learners with a set of tools and strategies with which to approach the future study of Turkish. A literature review was conducted in three areas: Gagné’s instructional design theories, Turkish language learning, and best practices for the design of multimedia e-learning. Two rapid prototypes in the form of Moodle course sites were developed. Guidance for improving the prototypes was sought from experts in instructional design, usability, and computer software. The resulting finished e-learning product is a nine-topic Moodle course based on Gagné’s nine events of instruction. The main Moodle course content teaches the rules of Turkish vowel harmony as an intellectual skill which has been broken down into discriminations (the Turkish vowels), concepts (the Turkish vowel groups) and rules (Turkish vowel harmony). Higher order rules are taught in the form of exceptions to the rules of Turkish vowel harmony found in foreign loan-words in Turkish. Practice is provided in applying the rules of Turkish vowel harmony as a set of word attack skills for approaching Turkish language artifacts found online and in the environment. A comprehensive list of resources relating to learning Turkish, learning about the Turkish language, and learning about learning Turkish, is provided to facilitate future extension and application of what was learned in this course. Each lesson is presented in the form of a Moodle book. Each lesson is followed by an ungraded assessment in the form of an Adobe® PDF quiz. The quizzes and accompanying answer keys are designed to provide guided practice, feedback, and self-assessment to help students extend and apply the lesson material. All lessons were beta-tested to ensure usability and reduction of extraneous cognitive load. The project resulted in the development of a Best Practices Checklist for designing e-learning resources to teach intellectual skills. The Best Practices Checklist, which can be found in Appendix B, was used to develop the outline for e-learning resources to teach intellectual skills in other subject areas and was found to be an effective rapid prototyping and instructional design tool. Insight was gained into the significance of prior knowledge for teaching intellectual skills, and on how to calibrate cognitive load in e-learning design relative to the learner’s prior knowledge of the subject matter being taught.

La docència d'enginyeria electrònica: directrius per al disseny de la instrucció presencial i a distància

Margalef i Marrugat, Jordi 23 March 2007 (has links)
La idea principal d'aquesta tesis és la discussió sobre si les pràctiques presencials poden ser substituïdes per les no presencials utilitzant sistemes de teleformació.Partint d'aquest concepte, les dues idees principals que s'aporten en aquesta tesi sóncom un simulador pot cobrir l'ensenyament de la pràctica i quines directrius podem extraure per a l'ensenyament no presencial i la instrucció dins un laboratori virtual.Conjuntament amb això, per donar solidesa a les conclusions que les dades ofereixen es fa una revisió de les teories de l'aprenentatge escollint les que més s'adiuen amb l'ensenyament de continguts procedimentals. Aquest marc teòric serà el que el permetrà donar directrius per a la creació de laboratoris virtuals en els estudis d'Enginyeria.És finalitat d'aquest estudi mostrar que les actuacions docents i processos d'aprenentatge efectius, ho són perquè se sustenten en explicacions coherents que tenen a veure amb com el subjecte aprèn (i per tant com, a partir d'aquí, el docent ensenya).S'ha de tenir present que aquesta tesi, a part del camí de recerca que obre i de lesaportacions que poden servir per treballs futurs, fa una revisió a fons de l'assignaturad'Electrònica, seguint l'esquema de treball que hem exposat fins ara:a) Revisió de la teoria precedent (aprenentatge, coneixement de conceptesabstractes)b) Aplicació a la matèria i al centre en concret (apropament de la teoria a lapràctica docent quotidiana)c) Validació experimental (disseny quasiexperimental i anàlisi de resultats)d) Obtenció de directrius per al disseny instruccional / La idea principal de esta tesis es la discusión sobre si las prácticas presenciales puedenser sustituidas por las no presenciales utilizando sistemas de teleformación.Partiendo de este concepto, las dos ideas principales que introducimos en esta tesis soncomo un simulador puede cubrir la enseñanza de la práctica y que directrices podemos extraer para la enseñanza a distancia no presencial y la instrucción dentro de unlaboratorio virtual.De igual forma, para dar solidez a las conclusiones que los datos ofrecen se hace unarevisión de las teorías del aprendizaje escogiendo las que más congenian con laenseñanza de contenidos procedimentales. Este marco teórico será el que el permitirádar directrices para la creación de laboratorios virtuales en los estudios de Ingeniería.Es finalidad de este estudio, mostrar que las actuaciones docentes y procesos de aprendizaje efectivos, lo son porque se sustentan en explicaciones coherentes que tienen a ver con la forma de cómo aprende el sujeto (y por tanto como, a partir de aquí, el docente enseña).Hay que tener presente que esta tesis, además del camino de investigación que abre y delas aportaciones que pueden servir para trabajos futuros, hace una revisión a fondo de laasignatura de Electrónica, siguiendo el esquema de trabajo que hemos expuesto hastaahora:a) Revisión de la teoría precedente (aprendizaje, conocimiento de conceptos abstractos)b) Aplicación a la materia y al centro en concreto (acercamiento de la teoría a lapráctica docente cotidiana)c) Validación experimental (diseño casi-experimental y análisis de resultados)d) Obtención de directrices para al diseño instruccional / The main goal of this thesis is to discuss whether it is possible to substitute learning in a classroom setting for learning out of the classroom setting via online training systems.Parting from this concept, the two main ideas this thesis deals with are how a simulatorcan cover the teaching of practical aspects and the rules we can apply to non attendedlearning and instruction within a virtual laboratory.In order to provide solidity to the conclusions offered we have revised the theories onlearning, choosing those which are easier to apply to the teaching of practical contents.This theoretical setting will allow us to provide instructions for the creation of virtuallaboratories within the Engineering studies.Our aim is to show that effective teaching and learning processes are so because they are based on coherent explanations related to how the person learns (and how, parting from this, the teacher teaches).Besides the doors it opens for research and the contributions it makes to future work,this thesis does an in depth revision of the Electronics subject, following the workprocess presented up to now:a) Revision of previous theory (learning and knowledge of abstract concepts)b) Application to the specific matter and centre (bringing theory closer to the daily teaching practice).c) Experimental validation (nearly experimental design and results analysis)d) Achievement of rules for instructional design

Erstellung einer computerbasierten Lernumgebung zum Thema „Gesundheitswesen in Deutschland“

Gläßer, Jana 31 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die Bachelorarbeit dokumentiert die Entwicklung eines computerbasierten Lernangebots zum Thema „Gesundheitswesen in Deutschland“, welches als Untersuchungsmaterial in einer experimentellen Studie eingesetzt werden soll. Das Lernziel der Probanden ist, so viel wie möglich über Gesetze und Bestimmungen der Gesundheitsreform herauszufinden, um die Aufgabenbearbeitung und Lernzielerreichung erfolgreich zu absolvieren. Der erste Teil stellt die pädagogisch-psychologisch fundierte theoretische Konzeption eines computerbasierten Lernangebots dar. Dabei werden zunächst theoretische Grundlagen zum E-Learning, Instruktionsdesign, selbstgesteuerten Lernen und unterstützenden Lernaktivitäten gelegt. Danach erfolgt die Vorstellung von Lern- und Testaufgaben als eine Möglichkeit der Selbstregulation. Dabei wird besonders auf die formalen Aspekte von Aufgaben, das Generieren von Lehrzielen sowie die Konstruktion von fehlerbasiertem Feedback eingegangen. Im zweiten Teil erfolgt die darauf aufbauende praktische Umsetzung: Auf Basis des konzipierten Instruktionsdesigns erfolgt die Erarbeitung von Lernaktivitäten, welche von den Versuchspersonen zur Selbststeuerung ihrer Lernprozesse genutzt werden können. Dafür werden insbesondere Lernaufgaben zur fakultativen selbstständigen Wissensüberprüfung sowie Testaufgaben zur Erfassung des Wissenszuwachses konstruiert. Im Anhang sind die zum Thema „Gesundheitswesen in Deutschland“ entwickelten Lehrziele, konstruierten Aufgaben und dazugehöriges Feedback enthalten.

A comparison of the effects of mobile device display size and orientation, and text segmentation on learning, cognitive load, and user perception in a higher education chemistry course

Karam, Angela Marie 27 August 2015 (has links)
This study aimed to understand the relationship between mobile device screen display size (laptops and smartphones) and text segmentation (continuous text, medium text segments, and small text segments) on learning outcomes, cognitive load, and user perception. This quantitative study occurred during the spring semester of 2015. Seven hundred and seventy-one chemistry students from a higher education university completed one of nine treatments in this 3x3 research design. Data collection took place over four class periods. The study revealed that learning outcomes were not affected by the mobile screen display size or orientation, nor was working memory. However, user perception was affected by the screen display size of the device, and results indicated that participants in the sample felt laptop screens were more acceptable for accessing the digital chemistry text than smartphone screens by a small margin. The study also found that neither learning outcomes, nor working memory was affected by the text segmentation viewed. Though user perception was generally not affected by text segmentation, the study found that for perceived ease of use, participants felt medium text segments were easier to learn from than either continuous or small test segments by a small margin. No interaction affects were found between mobile devices and text segmentation. These findings challenge the findings of some earlier studies that laptops may be better for learning than smartphones because of screen size, landscape orientation is better for learning than portrait orientation in small screen mobile devices, and meaningful text segments may be better for learning than non-meaningful, non-segmented, or overly segmented text. The results of this study suggest that customizing the design to the smartphone screen (as opposed to a one-size-fits-all approach) improves learning from smartphones, making them equal to learning from laptops in terms of learning outcomes and cognitive load, and in some cases, user perspective. / text

Naturerfaheungen bei elektronisch unterstützer Lernumgebung, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von arabischen Kinder in Deutschland / Nature experiences in a mobile electronically supported learning environment, with special consideration of arabian childern in germany

Ahmad, Mutieah 12 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Changing practices and systems: Implementing the online learning community at the University of South Africa

Heydenrych, Jacob Frederik 15 June 2003 (has links)
This study reports on the use of action research methodology to generate a critical reflective collaborative setting. The aim was to infuse the institution with the results of this study in order to stimulate debate on the issues regarding change in practice and systems. The suitability of Internet communication technologies, more specifically the online learning community, is evaluated as a delivery mode that would address today’s learning needs. This required the collaborative construction of knowledge in a community setting with the teacher enabling communication and interaction, and facilitating and stimulating the sharing and testing of ideas and constructs. But such a learning scenario was found to be significantly challenging to the current print-based learning experience. It implied a challenge to teaching and support staff as well as the questioning of the efficiency and legitimacy of current instructional design staff and procedures used. The teaching responsibilities and commitment in the online community was outlined as against current print-based teaching practice. The current development and production culture, which restricts innovation and change in practice and systems significantly, came under pressure. The success of the online learning community in the Unisa context was nevertheless significant and it has the potential to serve as an opportunity to re-examine print-based production and delivery and to devise strategies and solutions to increase the quality significantly. / Faculty of Education / D. Ed.

Towards developing a web-based blended learning environment at the University of Botswana

Thomas, Pelleth Yohannan 05 1900 (has links)
Extant literature indicates that web-based blended learning will become the most accepted mode of delivery in the near future as an alternative to traditional face-to-face instruction particularly in the higher education landscape due to its potential to provide increased access to education for more people, increased student engagement with the tutor, rich learning resources, peers, and external experts, and flexibility beyond the limits of classrooms without compromising quality. The study focused on developing a web-based blended learning model that could help reap the benefits of blended learning at the University of Botswana (UB). With this in mind, the research question, "How can a web-based blended learning environment be designed, developed and implemented at the University of Botswana?" was formulated. In order to address the research question, a six-dimensional model called LAPTEL was developed. The six dimentions are: Digital Leadership, Equitable Access, Active Participation, Authentic Tasks, Intellectual Engagement and Learning (LAPTEL); the first five dimentions are requisites to enable studnets to progress towards successful learning which is the sixth dimension. The LAPTEL model depicts guidelines on how to ensure equitable access for students to learning contexts, motivate and enable them to participate in meaningful educational processes, design and develop effective online as well as classroom learning materials (tasks), and engage students in active 'communityes of practice' in order to help them construct their own knowledge (learning) collaboratively under proper leadership. The Researcher considers it essential to have a complex interplay between the three components - active participation, authentic tasks and intellectual engagement to facilitate active, non-linear learning, and it will be catered for in the design, development and delivery of courses based on the LAPTEL model. The fact that these three dimensions have got features of both face-to-face and onlilne learning, integrated seamlessly, makes the LAPTEL a Web-based learning model. The overall aim was to develop a model of curriculum (re)design based on the student-centred pedagogical approaches that combine synergistically the effectiveness of traditional classroomwith technologically enhanced socialization and active learning oppotunities of the online environment in order to support student learning more effectively than what is possible in a typical lecture room. In a case study to evaluate the effectiveness of the LAPTEL model in the context of UB, the Researcher found that it could provide students with opportunity for increased interactive engagement (more than that is normally possible in 'face-to-face-only' or 'online-only' environments), flexibility and cognitive scaffolding that enhanced their learning experience. The Researcher concludes that the LAPTEL model fits well in the UB context, and it may be adopted by other institutions working under similar contexts. / Teacher Education / D. Ed. (Didactics)

An evaluation framework for virtual reality safety training systems in the South African Mining Industry

Van Wyk, Etienne Anton 02 1900 (has links)
The mining industry in South Africa contributes significantly to the national economy. Despite stringent safety legislation, mining accidents cause numerous fatalities and injuries. Inadequate or insufficient training is often cited as a root cause of accidents. Conventional class-based safety training has not reduced the incidence of accidents significantly. By contrast, virtual reality training tools can provide simulated exposure to real-world working conditions without the associated risks. This study describes the application of design-based research (DBR) in the design and development of two desktop virtual reality (VR) systems for safety training in the South African mining industry. The results of a usability context analysis were applied in the design of a VR prototype on generic hazards recognition and rectification, which was used and evaluated at South Africa‘s largest platinum mine site. A case study was conducted to investigate the causes and occurrences of falls of ground, which resulted in the design and development of a second VR prototype focusing on identifying and addressing underground geological conditions. DBR was also used in the generation of an evaluation framework for evaluating VR training systems, namely the Desktop VR Evaluation Framework (DEVREF), which is the major deliverable of the research. DEVREF can make a major contribution to the domain of e-training in mines and is transferable and customisable beyond its initial application. The process flow of the research thus moved beyond merely providing a solution to a complex real-world problem and became a classic DBR study with dual outcomes, namely a practical real-world solution in the form of two VR training systems and a theoretical contribution in the form of the DEVREF evaluation framework. DEVREF evaluates the design of desktop VR training systems in the categories of instructional design, usability, VR systems design, and context-specific criteria for mining. The use of DEVREF is demonstrated by reporting the application of its criteria in evaluating the two VR training systems. Heuristic evaluation, end-user surveys, and interviews were used as evaluation methods. A third contribution is methodological, in that this work proposes a new DBR process model and an interaction design lifecycle model suitable for VR training systems. / Computing / D. Phil. (Information Systems)

Scénarisation pédagogique pour des EIAH ouverts : une approche dirigée par les modèles et spécifique au domaine métier / Instructional design for open TEL systems : model-driven and domain-specific approach

Ouraiba, El Amine 19 September 2012 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’ouverture des EIAH (EnvironnementsInformatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain), pour répondre à leur faible déploiement dansles établissements de formation, en facilitant leur appropriation par des usagers. Notre travailde recherche s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet REDiM (Réingénierie des EIAH Dirigée par lesModèles) mené au LIUM (Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université du Maine), dont un desobjectifs est d’intégrer les enseignants dans le processus de conception des scénariospédagogiques d’un EIAH.Nous proposons une approche d’ingénierie et de réingénierie pour rendre un EIAH ouvertà la conception et à l’adaptation de ses scénarios pédagogiques par les enseignantsutilisateurs. Nous avons défini un processus de conception basé sur la modélisationde scénarios pédagogiques ouverts (SPO), qui permet l’instrumentation des enseignantspour les aider dans la conception continue (i.e. qui se poursuit dans l’usage) d’une activitéd’apprentissage. Nous faisons trois propositions scientifiques :- Un modèle de représentation des SPO, qui permet de les structurer en variantes enfonction des contextes d’exécution. Nous qualifions ce modèle de rationnel puisqu’il s’appuieprincipalement sur l’approche du Design Rationale que nous avons adaptée à notreproblématique.- Un processus itératif et incrémental d’ingénierie et de réingénierie qui guide lesenseignants pour concevoir et adapter des SPO conformes au modèle que nous avonsdéfini.- Une méthode dirigée par les modèles et spécifique au domaine métier pour instrumenterle processus d’ouverture des scénarios pédagogiques d’un EIAH existant. Cette méthoded’instrumentation, reposant sur l’IDM (Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles) et le DSM(Domain-Specific Modeling), implique les enseignants utilisateurs de l’EIAH, considérés icicomme des experts du domaine. Elle est structurée en plusieurs phases qui amènentprogressivement à définir, de façon spécifique à l’EIAH considéré, un langage d’expressiondes SPO (ADSGEML - Adaptive Domain-Specific Graphical Educational ModelingLanguage) et un éditeur associé permettant la conception et l’adaptation des SPO dansl’univers métier de l’EIAH.Afin d’évaluer et de raffiner nos propositions, nous les avons appliquées sur l’EIAH«Hop3x», préalablement conçu au LIUM dans le cadre d’un autre projet pour pratiquer laprogrammation orientée objet. Nous avons donc élaboré un ADSGEML et un environnementd’édition graphique pour permettre aux enseignants de concevoir et d’adapterdynamiquement des sessions ouvertes de Hop3x, à un niveau élevé d’abstraction. / In this thesis, we are interested in opening TEL systems (Technology EnhancedLearning) up in order to respond to the problem of their low deployment in teachinginstitutions, we need to facilitate their adoption by users. Our research work is part ofthe REDiM (French abbreviation which means “Model-Driven Re-engineering of TELsystems”) project led by the LIUM Computer Science Laboratory of Le MansUniversity in France. One of the main objectives of this project is to involve teachersin the design process of learning scenarios of a TEL system.We propose an engineering and re-engineering approach for opening TEL systemsin order to facilitate for teachers the design and adaptation of pedagogical scenarios.We defined a design process based on the modeling of Open Pedagogical Scenarios(OPS), which allows the building of supports helping teachers in the continuousdesign of a learning activity (i.e. design which continues in the use process). Wemake three scientific proposals:- A model of OPS representation which defines a structure based on variantsaccording to execution contexts. We consider this model to be “rational” because it isbased mainly on the Design Rationale approach that we have adapted for ourresearch problem.- An iterative and incremental engineering and re-engineering process that guidesteachers to design and adapt OPS according to the rational model that we define inthis work.- A model-driven and domain-specific method for supporting the process of openingpedagogical scenarios of a legacy TEL system. This method, based on the MDE(Model-Driven Engineering) and DSM (Domain-Specific Modelling), involves teachersusing the TEL system, as they are considered to be domain experts. Our method isdivided into several phases that lead progressively to define the TEL system’sADSGEML (Adaptive Educational Graphical Domain-Specific Modelling Language)and an associate editor allowing the design and adaptation of OPS in the businessfield of the TEL system to open for teachers.To evaluate and refine our proposals, we have applied them on the TEL system"Hop3x" which was designed at LIUM under another project for practicing objectorientedprogramming. We therefore developed an ADSGEML and a graphicalediting environment to enable teachers to design and adapt dynamically the openHop3x’s learning sessions at a high level of abstraction.


Barton-Verdi, Michele A. 17 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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