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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Det hör till vårt jobb!” : Utvärdering av Länsdelegationen i jämställdhet, Länsstyrelsen Västerbotten / "This is a part of our job!" : Evaluation of the County Delegation for Gender Equality in Västerbotten County

Fridlund, Linda January 2015 (has links)
Syftet är att ur ett kulturanalytiskt perspektiv beskriva och analysera Länsdelegationen i jämställdhet. Början av uppsatsen kan ses som ett bakgrundskapitel. Detta för att förstå uppkomsten av undersökningen. Där förklaras kort den svenska jämställdhetspolitiken, hur det strategiska arbetet sker genom jämställdhetsintegrering och Länsstyrelsens roll och arbete kring Länsdelegationen. Vidare behandlas hur delegationen arbetar med den avsiktsförklaring de tagit fram och hur de förhåller sig till den. Men också på hur delegaterna faktiskt ser på sitt deltagande, hur de arbetar med att införliva jämställdhetspolitiken i praktiken samt de svårigheter och möjligheter som kommer med arbetet i delegationen. Vidare diskuteras hur delegaterna ser på framtiden med sin medverkan och delegationens varande. Senare görs en kort jämförelse med hur förändringen gestaltat sig sedan delegationens start år 1997. Detta med hjälp av de två tidigare utvärderingarna från år 2000 och år 2006. I den avslutande diskussionen knyts uppsatsen ihop genom att besvara syftet med utvärderingen: att söka svar på hur delegationen arbetar och verkar med jämställdhetsarbetet. Till undersökningen valde jag att arbeta med två olika insamlingsmetoder, dels en webbenkät som gått ut till samtliga delegater i Länsdelegationen i jämställdhet, dels tre intervjuer med några av delegaterna. Jag har även studerat den avsiktsförklaring som togs fram för år 2014-2016 för att få kunskap om vad delegationen ska förhålla sig till. Jag har också använt två tidigare utvärderingar som gjorts av Länsdelegationen i jämställdhet samt den debattartikel som delegationen publicerade inför 2014 års nationella genusforskarkonferens, g14 som var förlagd till Umeå universitet. Slutsatserna i undersökningen är att Länsdelegationen främst verkar som en symbolisk faktor och många talar och skriver om att de vill bli en mer arbetande grupp och agera utåt och bidra till att Västerbotten ska bli ett jämställt län. Men det stannar av där, det blir tillsynes kanske inte mer än vackra ord i handlingsplanerna.

L’influence de la violation des conditions d’emploi constitutives du contrat psychologique et des conditions d’exercice de la profession, sur l’intention de quitter : le cas des professionnels de la gestion des ressources humaines

Derome, Stéphanie 10 1900 (has links)
Au cours de la dernière décennie, les changements observés sur le marché amènent les organisations à améliorer leurs conditions de travail afin d’être en mesure d’attirer et de retenir des travailleurs performants. Les PRH n’y font pas exception. En effet, les PRH présentent des attentes bien précises et développent un contrat psychologique qui leur est propre. Cette recherche porte sur l’intention de quitter des PRH. Plus précisément, elle vise à identifier à travers la théorie du contrat psychologique, les conditions d’emploi et d’exercice de la profession qui, lorsqu’elles ne sont pas respectées, influencent positivement l’intention de quitter des PRH. Il ressort de nos analyses statistiques que la violation du contrat psychologique, notamment des conditions d’emploi et des conditions d’exercice de la profession, influence positivement l’intention de quitter des PRH. Nos analyses nous ont permis d’identifier les différentes conditions d’emploi et d’exercice de la profession qui ont une influence sur l’intention de quitter des PRH. En ce qui concerne les conditions d’emploi, il s’agit de celles reliées au développement de carrière, à l’atmosphère au travail et au contenu de l’emploi. Du côté des conditions d’exercice de la profession, il s’agit du rôle d’agent de changement et de partenaires d’affaires qui ont une influence positive, tandis que le rôle d’expert fonctionnel influence négativement les intentions de quitter des PRH. Nos analyses mettent en évidence l’importance du respect des conditions d’emploi comparativement à celles associées aux conditions d’exercice de la profession. En effet, on constate que les trois conditions d’emploi qui ont une influence positive sur les intentions de quitter des PRH peuvent, sans contredit, être associées au développement professionnel, une valeur importante chez les PRH. / During the last decade, many changes have been observed in the labor markets which have lead organizations to review their work conditions. By improving the work environment, organizations have been able to attract and retain good workers. Human resource professionals (HRP) are not an exception. Indeed, HRP have specific expectations, they also develop their own psychological contract. This research attempts to understand the intent to quit of a HRP. Specifically, this research seeks to identify the conditions of employment and of professional practice through the theory of psychological contracts. When these conditions are not met, they positively influence the intent to quit of a HRP. According to our statistical analyses, psychological contract breach of the conditions of employment and of the conditions of professional practice positively influences the intent to quit of a HRP. More specifically, the conditions of employment which influence the intent to quit of a HRP are related to career development, social atmosphere and job content. Moreover, the role of a change agent and a strategic partner are the conditions of professional practice that influence negatively the intent to quit of a HRP. However, the role of an administrative expert influences positively the intent to quit of a HRP. Finally, our analysis highlights the importance of respecting the conditions of employment compared to those associated to the conditions of professional practice. Indeed, we find that the breach of three conditions of employment that have a positive influence on the intent to quit of a PRH can be associated to career development, which is a value that is more and more important for a PRH in current times.

隱性行銷的可行性: 時尚美妝部落格商業意圖揭露對部落客態度的影響 / Feasibility of Covert Marketing: The Effect of Beauty Blogs Commercial Intent Disclosure on the Attitude toward Bloggers

邱瑜庭 Unknown Date (has links)
在資訊爆炸的時代,行銷商在傳遞行銷訊息上面臨了巨大的難題,迫使市場繁衍出全新的行銷方式以抓住消費者的目光,隱性行銷便是這變革中的其一。在台灣,隱性行銷的運用方式除了商品置入外,另一較常見的就是「部落格行銷」。 只是當部落格沾染上行銷的色彩時,讀者將無法分辨文章的內容到底是出自於部落客的個人經驗或是廣告美言,也許會因此破壞讀者對部落客的好感與信任。 本研究目的為探討時尚美妝部落格商業意圖揭露(有/無)與商業意圖揭露時機(前/後)是否會對部落客的態度造成影響;此外本研究亦想探討消費者對商業意圖揭露的既存態度(高/低)是否也是影響該消費者對部落客態度的潛在因素。 本研究採取「實驗室研究法」,並以美妝保養部落格為例。實驗共分為三組(無揭露/揭露於產品置入之前/揭露於產品置入之後),對商業意圖揭露的既存態度則為調節因素。實驗對象主要為國立政治大學曾經在欲購買某產品前有先透過部落格搜集相關資訊的女學生共90人。統計工具使用SPSS進行分析,以檢驗本研究之模型及相關假設。 依據本研究結果,文章商業意圖揭露的有無與時機並不會顯著影響讀者對部落客的態度,另外讀者對商業意圖揭露的既存態度亦不會調節文章商業意圖揭露對部落客態度的影響。

Mining Clickthrough Data To Improve Search Engine Results

Veilumuthu, Ashok 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, we aim at improving the search result quality by utilizing the search intelligence (history of searches) available in the form of click-through data. We address two key issues, namely 1) relevance feedback extraction and fusion, and 2) deciphering search query intentions. Relevance Feedback Extraction and Fusion: The existing search engines depend heavily on the web linkage structure in the form of hyperlinks to determine the relevance and importance of the documents. But these are collective judgments given by the page authors and hence, prone to collaborated spamming. To overcome the spamming attempts and language semantic issues, it is also important to incorporate the user feedback on the documents' relevance. Since users can be hardly motivated to give explicit/direct feedback on search quality, it becomes necessary to consider implicit feedback that can be collected from search engine logs. Though a number of implicit feedback measures have been proposed in the literature, we have not been able to identify studies that aggregate those feedbacks in a meaningful way to get a final ranking of documents. In this thesis, we first evaluate two implicit feedback measures namely 1) click sequence and 2) time spent on the document for their content uniqueness. We develop a mathematical programming model to collate the feedbacks collected from different sessions into a single ranking of documents. We use Kendall's τ rank correlation to determine the uniqueness of the information content present in the individual feedbacks. The experimental evaluation on top 30 select queries from an actual search log data confirms that these two measures are not in perfect agreement and hence, incremental information can potentially be derived from them. Next, we study the feedback fusion problem in which the user feedbacks from various sessions need to be combined meaningfully. Preference aggregation is a classical problem in economics and we study a variation of it where the rankers, i.e., the feedbacks, possess different expertise. We extend the generalized Mallows' model to model the feedback rankings given in user sessions. We propose a single stage and two stage aggregation framework to combine different feedbacks into one final ranking by taking their respective expertise into consideration. We show that the complexity of the parameter estimation problem is exponential in number of documents and queries. We develop two scalable heuristics namely, 1) a greedy algorithm, and 2) a weight based heuristic, that can closely approximate the solution. We also establish the goodness of fit of the model by testing it on actual log data through log-likelihood ratio test. As the independent evaluation of documents is not available, we conduct experiments on synthetic datasets devised appropriately to examine the various merits of the heuristics. The experimental results confirm the possibility of expertise oriented aggregation of feedbacks by producing orderings better than both the best ranker as well as equi-weight aggregator. Motivated with this result, we extend the aggregation framework to hold infinite rankings for the meta-search applications. The aggregation results on synthetic datasets are found to be ensuring the extension fruitful and scalable. Deciphering Search Query Intentions: The search engine often retrieves a huge list of documents based on their relevance scores for a given query. Such a presentation strategy may work if the submitted query is very specific, homogeneous and unambiguous. But many a times it so happen that the queries posed to the search engine are too short to be specific and hence ambiguous to identify clearly the exact information need, (eg. "jaguar"). These ambiguous and heterogeneous queries invite results from diverse topics. In such cases, the users may have to sift through the entire list to find their needed information and that could be a difficult task. Such a task can be simplified by organizing the search results under meaningful subtopics, which would help the users to directly move on to their topic of interest and ignore the rest. We develop a method to determine the various possible intentions of a given short generic and ambiguous query using information from the click-through data. We propose a two stage clustering framework to co-cluster the queries and documents into intentions that can readily be presented whenever it is demanded. For this problem, we adapt the spectral bipartite partitioning by extending it to automatically determine the number of clusters hidden in the log data. The algorithm has been tested on selected ambiguous queries and the results demonstrate the ability of the algorithm in distinguishing among the user intentions.

參考價格的效果:以消費者認知需求程度探討 / The moderating impact of need for cognition on the effect of reference prices - A contingency model

李景浩, Li,Ching-how Unknown Date (has links)
在各式各樣的銷售技巧中,誇張廠商建議價格是一種常見的手法,廠商漫天喊價誇大原始售價,無非是希望能讓消費覺得實際售價低廉且商品值得購買。但在廠商使用這樣的策略時,有些人會察覺到廠商操弄的意圖進而對廠商、商品產生負面的感覺。本研究認為消費者的認知需求程度是參考價格產生效果的重要調節變項,因此,本研究發展兩階段的實驗來探討消費者認知需求高低對其處理價格資訊的影響。研究方式與結果簡述如下: 在第一個階段中研究的是誇張的行銷訊息(誇張的廠商售價)對於認知需求程度不同的消費者的效果差異,以及廠商售價對於消費者的商品態度與購買意願的影響。研究結果發現,認知需求低者較易被廠商宣稱的誇張價格影響其對商品的推估價格,進而對商品產生較佳的態度與購買意願。 在第二個階段中,本研究設計讓已經受到廠商訂價影響的消費者接觸實際售價,探討消費者的認知需求程度對於其操弄意圖推論程度的影響及消費者操弄意圖推論程度對於其最終購買意願與商品態度產生的效果。結果發現,認知需求高的消費者其操弄意圖推論程度亦高,且消費者的操弄意圖推論程度愈高;對於消費者商品態度與購買意願負面的影響也愈大。 / One main concern regarding the use of reference prices in advertisements relates to the possibility of perceived deception due to consumers' reaction towards exaggerated or implausible price claims. This paper examines the moderating roles of an individual level variable-need for cognition (NFC), in influencing consumers’ evaluation of the reference prices in a two-stage experiment. The results support the hypothesized effects of need for cognition and demonstrate that, in the first stage, consumers with a high need for cognition assimilate a smaller portion of the external reference points (ERPs) into their existing internal reference point (IRPs). In addition, for consumers with a low need for cognition, the increasing level of reference price results in positive effects on value perception, brand attitudes and purchase intention. In the second stage, I introduced inferences of manipulative intent (IMI) as a dependant variable. The results suggest that for consumers with a high need for cognition, the greater the discrepancy between their estimated price and real price, the higher level of perceived manipulative intent of advertisers. This leads to negative attitudes toward the advertiser and results in negative effects on brand attitudes and purchase intention. Implications for research and practitioners are discussed.

Die actio libera in causa nach dem Rechtsprechungswandel des Bundesgerichtshofs /

Sydow, Dorothee, January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Göttingen, 2002. / Literaturverz. S. 227 - 256.

L’impact de la rémunération variable sur l’intention de rester via l’engagement organisationnel : étude longitudinale dans le secteur des TIC

Gendron-Boulanger, Aurélie 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Individualisation of a Driver Coaching Service : Combining Design Ethnography and Service Design to Gain Insights About the Coaches’ Role and Activities

Rosenqvist, Rebecka, Wikström, Maria January 2018 (has links)
Services surround us every day and companies all over the world have to adapt to the demand of services to make their products more successful and attractive. This master thesis has, on behalf of Scania in Södertälje, Sweden, focused on the service Driver coaching, a service where drivers are dedicated a personal coach who gives regular calls to the drivers. The aim of the thesis was to explore how a driver coaching service could be individualised to each driver. Furthermore, the aim was to develop a design proposal for Driver coaching that creates value for both coaches and drivers. Three coaches from Sweden, Finland and Norway were observed and interviewed to identify what role the coaches have in the service and all the activities they perform. During the analysis of the ethnographic findings, explorations were made on whether valuable insights can be found by interpreting the data with service design visualisations. A customer journey was created which catalysed the analysis phase and helped to generate insights in which pain points could be identified. Three important themes that emerged from the insights were individualisation, trust and communication. Insights from the ethnographic findings and the literature review show that a driver coaching service should, in fact, be individualised. The design proposal that was developed enables different arrangements of the service, which fit each driver’s needs and goals, with the help of a driver profile. Conclusions include information about what is important to think about when designing a driver coaching service that is individualised. Lastly, the thesis contributes to research with lessons learned about how ethnographic data can be used in a generative service design process.

Die misdaad onsedelike aanranding

Du Plooy, Renita Elizabeth Evelyn 11 1900 (has links)
Indecent assault consists in an unlawful and intentional indecent assault which is and is intended to be indecent. There is some controversy in the case law whether the indecency is committed only by acts which are, objectively speaking indecent, against the view that even though the act is not indecent itself, may nevertheless found a conviction of indecent assault if it was the intention of the accused to act indecent and such intention was conveyed to the victim. It is submitted that the last mentioned approach is to be preferred but that the following test should be used: 1. If the act, is objectively speaking indecent and there is no doubt about the unlawfulness as well as the indecent intention of the accused, the crime of indecent assault was committed. 2. If the act is objectively speaking indecent but the indecent intention of the accused can not be proven, there is a rebuttable presumption that the accused acted with an indecent intention. Such as presumption must be rebutted b the accused himself. 3. If the act is not objectively speaking, indecent but the indecent intention of the accused can for example be proven by the accused confession to such an intention, the act became indecent. / Text in Afrikaans / Law / LL.M.


[pt] Confiança é um elemento essencial na construção de relacionamentos. Esta tese de doutorado propõe um modelo que trata a confiança como um construto multidimensional mediador na construção da intenção do consumidor de comprar produtos e serviços usando um dispositivo móvel. O estudo aborda os impactos do tipo de produto sobre as relações entre confiança e intenção de compra via dispositivo móvel, compara três modelos que utilizam diferentes versões do construto confiança e considera características inovadoras da tecnologia móvel na construção da confiança, a fim de aprofundar o conhecimento existente sobre as relações de confiança envolvendo compra de produtos e serviços em contextos móveis. Os dados utilizados foram coletados por meio de um levantamento online e analisados pelo método de modelagem de equações estruturais. Os resultados mostram a importância da utilização de construtos multidimensionais para a confiança e o papel desta como mediadora entre as características inovadoras dos dispositivos móveis e a adoção destes para compras de produtos e serviços, os efeitos dos produtos de busca sobre a atitude e os efeitos dos produtos de experiência sobre a intenção de compra, e a importância da facilidade de uso dos dispositivos móveis e da competência dos vendedores para a adoção e uso de dispositivos móveis para a compra de bens e serviços. / [en] Trust is an core element in relationships. This dissertation proposes a model in which a multidimensional trust construct mediates consumer intention to purchase products and services using a mobile device. This study also analises impacts of product type on the proposed relations and compares three different models each one using an alternative representation of trust in order to expand academic knowledge regarding trusting relationships in mobile contexts. An online survey using social networks provided the data used in a structural equation modeling analysis. Results show that trust constructs should be multidimensional whenever trust is a construct of importance, that trust mediates the relationships between mobile devices innovative characteristics and adoption of mobile commerce, that search and experience products produce different effects, and that ease of use of mobile devices and vendor competence play important parts in the adoption and use of mobile commerce.

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