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Mapeamento de processos atraves de fluxogramas : analise da viabilidade de envolver pessoas, estabilizar processos, identificar restrições e promover melhorias continuas no sistema, atraves de mapeamento de processos com fluxogramas, conjugados com teorias comportamentais e de sistemasMerighi, Sergio 03 November 1998 (has links)
Orientador: Manuel Folledo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matematica, Estatistica e Computação Cientifica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-24T08:21:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 1998 / Resumo: O intuito básico deste trabalho é associar algumas teorias e metodologias desenvolvidas nos últimos anos, todas elas criadas para analisar e melhorar a efetividade de sistemas, e analisar a viabilidade de associá-las para que se possa obter uma metodologia básica através do mapeamento de processos pelos fluxogramas, capaz de influir positivamente na melhoria da eficácia dos sistemas industriais e de serviços. Iniciaremos o estudo, fazendo uma breve análise do que consiste ser um sistema e como criar uma visão macro do mesmo, para podermos nos ater em melhorias globais, evitando a busca dos "ótimos locais" que não influenciam de forma substancial o desempenho do todo. Falaremos dos conceitos básicos propagados por Deming, principalmente sua preocupação com o envolvimento das pessoas e a eliminação do medo nas organizações; ressaltaremos a necessidade de se levantar dados antes da tomada de decisões e de melhorar sempre e constantemente o sistema de produção e serviço. Iremos analisar também sua afirmativa de que 94% dos problemas das organizações são causados pelo pessoal que gerencia essas organizações e que somente eles podem resolvê-los, tentando associá-los à nova abordagem. Apresentaremos também os conceitos das Organizações de Aprendizagem de Peter Senge e, como em nossa abordagem poderão elas ser correlacionadas com um sistema que possa gerar por si só, as informações necessárias para gerar melhorias contínuas em todos os aspectos organizacionais. Passaremos então a avaliar a possível contribuição que os fluxogramas podem dar para facilitar o entendimento do sistema em estudo. Verificaremos que os fluxogramas, como normalmente utilizados e conhecidos, com pequenas modificações em sua estrutura, podem se tornar armas poderosas dentro do ambiente industrial, facilitando mapeamentos de processos e diagnósticos de restrições que impedem o aumento do ganho destes processos. Esses mesmos fluxogramas poderão, se criados e utilizados de forma correta, promover o comprometimento das pessoas com o sistema, facilitar o seu treinamento - independente do nível cultural das mesmas - e gerar um sistema no qual a busca de melhorias contínuas seja inerente ao mesmo. Faremos também uma correlação dos dados possíveis de serem levantados através de fluxogramas e as teorias de Deming, Senge, Goldratt e outros, para avaliarmos a viabilidade de, como forma de complementação, passar a encarar o sistema industrial como uma associação de dados que precisam ser transformados continuamente em informações; uma associação de pessoas que precisam ser treinadas constantemente, envolvidas e informadas sobre o sistema em que atuam, de forma a obter um comprometimento irrestrito com os resultados do mesmo; uma série de problemas crônicos que precisam de uma metodologia eficaz e, se possível, única, para a sua erradicação e, finalmente, encarar esse sistema industrial como um sistema que necessita constantemente avaliar as suas restrições, transformá-las e atingir sua meta final que é a de ganhar dinheiro, hoje e sempre, sem nunca esquecer que seu principal componente é o ser humano. O ponto básico para que possamos ter resultados positivos com a aplicação das teorias em voga no mercado (que serão resumidas em seus pontos básicos a seguir) é sabermos exatamente o que queremos, de onde estamos começando, como chegamos até aqui e como pretendemos chegar lá. Em outras palavras, precisamos descobrir nosso propósito e esse propósito de alguma forma deve estar compartilhado entre as pessoas, nunca esquecendo que, se não for bem trabalhado, resultará em percepções e expectativas diferentes por parte dessas pessoas. Quando falamos de propósito global da organização, não estamos ainda estabelecendo os focos secundários para planejamento e determinação de ações práticas. Temos que ter em mente que, quanto mais descemos na escala hierárquica organizacional, maiores serão as diferenças de percepção entre as pessoas. Mesmo entre uma organização privada fabricante de bens de consumo, uma organização multinacional ou uma entidade prestadora de serviços, as diferenças culturais e diferentes níveis de exigência do mercado, promovem a criação de organizações onde os mesmos profissionais possuem cargas de informações e conhecimentos muito diferentes. Dizemos isso para ressaltar que não podemos aplicar o mesmo "pacote" em duas empresas diferentes, mesmo que atuando no mesmo ramo e segmento de mercado. A cultura das pessoas e organizações certamente apresentará diferenças. As teorias existentes favorecem o estabelecimento do propósito global, porém deixam a desejar quando olhamos para a parte prática de sua implementação. A alta e média gerências podem até ser conscientizadas, pode-se obter o seu comprometimento, porém, a partir desse ponto, as coisas começam a ficar mais obscuras. Como fazer com que o supervisor de produção ou o técnico de manutenção seja conscientizado da importância de sua função para o bom desempenho do sistema como um todo? E o que dizer do operador de máquina ou do vendedor de serviços? Ou até mesmo da telefonista? Como envolver essas pessoas e obter o seu comprometimento para a melhoria geral do sistema, ou até mesmo do subsistema do qual ela faz parte? Precisamos de metodologias mais simples de serem entendidas e aplicadas, a qualquer nível hierárquico organizacional, para as pessoas que realmente executam as funções definidas no sistema. Precisamos saber como identificar os focos secundários em relação ao propósito global. Isso significa identificar como cada um dos subsistemas envolvidos deverá analisar os seus processos e identificar a forma de focalizar onde deverão ser concentrados os esforços. É necessário identificar como envolver as pessoas que fazem parte desses subsistemas e obter o seu comprometimento. Em outras palavras, as teorias existentes são ótimas para efetuar um trabalho com os dirigentes da empresa mas deixam uma lacuna importante não mencionando o método a ser utilizado para a sua disseminação em todos os níveis da empresa. Em geral, essa tarefa é delegada aos gerentes, os quais não possuem ferramentas adequadas para implementar a tarefa eficientemente. O que estamos propondo com este trabalho é, através de passos simples de serem seguidos, mapeando processos através de fluxogramas, relatar como temos tido sucesso no envolvimento e treinamento de pessoas dentro das organizações, obtendo o seu entendimento em relação à importância dos resultados de seu trabalho e a sua relação com o todo do processo / Abstract: The basic aim of this work is to combine some theories and methodologies which were developed in the past years in order to analyze and improve a system's efficiency as well as analyze the viability of its association with these theories and methodologies, to obtain a basic methodology that can positively influence the improvement of the efficiency of industrial systems and services. We will begin this study by analyzing the fundaments of a system and how to create a macro vision of .it in order to concentrate efforts to improve the whole system instead of improving activities that don't change the final results. Deming's basic concepts, his worries about the commitment of workers, the elimination of fear in the organization, the need to get data before making decisions and his statement which says 94% of the problems are caused by management and can only be solved by management, will be discussed. Also presented, will be the concepts of Learning Organizations of Peter Senge, and how we associate it to a system that is meant to generate the necessary information for a continuous improvement process in an organization. Flowcharts with small structural changes, will be proved to be powerful weapons in the industrial environment. These will make the mapping of processes and their diagnosis much easier, as well as commit workers to the system and facilitate their training. Therefore, the continuous improvement process will be carried out by the workers. Following the explanation of this new way of making flowcharts, you will see how they can transform data into information and commit the employee to the final results of the process, showing them how vital it is for the process that they identify constraints in order to eliminate them. To obtain positive results using the methodologies in use today, there must be a common goal, which must be known and shared by ali workers involved. We must not forget that employees have different perceptions among themselves. Managers, directors and other executives inside an organization may be able to understand and apply the modern methodologies, however, factory floor employees may not feel committed to them. How can we involve and commit these workers so that the system as a whole, as well as the system of which they are a part, may improve? We need methodologies that can be applied to ali workers despite their instruction levei, in order to identify the root causes of problems. We need to commit workers because they are the best source of ideas related to problem solving. The existent theories are good for managerial people to practice their skills but they have an important lack of information on how managers are going to disseminate the knowledge they gained to ali the work force; exactly where managers, in general, miss cleverness. What we are proposing is, through simple steps, to report how we have been well succeeded to commit and to train people inside organizations, giving them knowledge and skills to manage their processes and obtain continuous improvement / Mestrado / Mestre em Qualidade
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Možnosti zlepšování systému environmentálního managementu ve společnosti ČSA, a.s. / Possibilities for improvement of EMS of Czech AirlinesFedorčáková, Tatiana January 2008 (has links)
Thesis analyzes the Environmental Management System of Czech Airlines. The main goal is to find possibilities for improvement of EMS according to ISO 14001.
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Normalización y los ODS: Oportunidades para LatinoaméricaMujica, Sergio 30 May 2018 (has links)
Sergio Mujica - Secretario General ISO. / Conferencia realizada en el marco del evento "Los desafíos del Perú en la Normalización Internacional" que contó con la participación del Ministerio de la Producción y del Instituto Nacional de la Calidad (INACAL)
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Méthodes à progression rapide et analyse multirésolution pour la détection de contours en traitement d'imagesDésautels, Marc-André January 2002 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Le tournant ontologique de la terminologie / The ontological turn in terminologyRoche, Julien 20 December 2018 (has links)
L’opérationnalisation des terminologies à des fins de traitement de l’information requière une représentation computationnelle du système conceptuel. La théorie du concept sur laquelle se fonde la Terminologie ISO ne permet pas aujourd’hui une telle représentation informatique [Roche TKE 2012]. Même si les normes ISO sur la Terminologie n’ont pas pour objectif l’opérationnalisation de terminologies mais la communication entre humains, elles doivent pouvoir – elles le précisent – servir à la modélisation des informations et des données [ISO 704 :2009]. Les résultats de disciplines telles que l’ingénierie des connaissances ont permis de mettre en évidence la nécessité de disposer d’une théorie du concept qui puisse donner lieu à une représentation informatique. Dans ce cadre, les ontologies, issues de l’ingénierie des connaissances, constituent une des perspectives les plus intéressantes pour la modélisation du système conceptuel d’une terminologie [Roche 2015, Handbook of Terminology].Mots clés en français : Terminologie, ontologie, ingénierie des connaissances ISO-1087, ISO-704, ISO-860 / The operationalization of terminologies for information processing purposes requires a computational representation of the conceptual system. The theory of concept of the theory currently defined in ISO Terminology does not allow a computer representation [Roche TKE 2012]. Although ISO standards on Terminology does not aim to operationalize terminologies but communication between humans and used to model information and data [ISO 704: 2009]. The results of disciplines such as engineering knowledge helped to highlight the need for a theory of concept that could lead to a computer representation. In this context, ontologies, from knowledge engineering, is one of the most interesting perspectives to model the conceptual system of Terminology [Roche, 2015, Handbook of Terminology]
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Input and State Observability of Linear Network Systems with Application to Security of Cyber Physical Systems / Observabilité états-entrées des systèmes linéaire en réseau avec application à la sécurité des systèmes cyber-physiqueGracy, Sebin 23 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de la notion d’observabilité états-entrées (ISO) dans les systèmes de réseaux linéaires. On cherche des caractérisations graphiques en utilisant la notion de structure (resp. s-structural) ISO. Tout d’abord nous nous concentrons sur les systèmes de réseaux linéaires invariant en temps, représentés par des graphes fixes et fournissons des caractérisations pour structure ISO fortes. Par la suite, nous nous intéressons aux systèmes de réseaux linéaires variant en temps, dans lesquels nous nous concentrons d’abord sur le cas particulier des graphes fixes (la structure du graphe reste fixe mais les poids sur les arêtes peuvent varier à la dynamique qui varie dans le temps). Nous montrons que, sous des hypothèses appropriées sur la structure des matrices de commande, d’observation et d’action, l’ISO d’un système équivaut à l’observabilité d’un sous-système défini de manière appropriée. Par la suite, nous exploitons cette équivalence pour obtenir des caractérisations graphiques de l’ISO structurelle (resp. S-structurelles).Ensuite, pour la configuration du LTV, nous considérons le cas plus général des graphes variant en temps tout en ne faisant aucune hypothèse sur la structure des matrices du système. Nous introduisons deux descriptions appropriées de la collection complète de graphes, nommés graphes dynamiques et graphes dynamiques bipartites. Deux caractérisations équivalentes de l’ISO structurelle sont ensuite présentées en termes d’existence d’une liaison et d’une correspondance de taille appropriée, respectivement, dans le graphe dynamique et dans le graphe dynamique bipartite. Pour les ISO fortement structurelles, nous fournissons une condition suffisante et une condition nécessaire, concernant à la fois à l’existence d’une correspondance restreinte de taille appropriée dans le graphe dynamique bipartite et dans un sous-graphe de celle-ci. Lorsqu’il n’y a pas d’action directe de la commande sur les mesures, les deux conditions peuvent être fusionnées pour donner lieu à une condition nécessaire et suffisante.Enfin, nous présentons un algorithme récursif sans biais qui estime simultanément les états et les commandes. Nous nous concentrons sur les systèmes à retard-l inversibles avec retard intrinsèque l > 1, où la reconstruction de la commande est possible uniquement en utilisant des sorties allant jusqu’à un nombre "l" de temps plus tard. En montrant une équivalence avec un système de descripteurs, nous présentons des conditions dans lesquelles le filtre variant en temps converge vers un filtre stationnaire stable, impliquant la solution d’une équation algébrique à temps discret de Riccati. / This thesis deals with the notion of Input and State Observability (ISO) in linear network systems. One seeks graphical characterizations using the notion of structural (resp. s-structural) ISO. We first focus on linear time-invariant network systems ,represented by fixed graphs, and provide characterizations for strong structural ISO. Thereafter, we turn our attention to linear time-varying network systems wherein we first narrow our attention to the particular case of fixed graphs (i.e., the structure of the graph remains fixed; the weights along the edges are allowed to vary, thereby giving rise to time-varying dynamics). We show that, under suitable assumptions on the structure of input, output and feedthrough matrices, ISO of a system is equivalent to observability of a suitably defined subsystem. Subsequently, we exploit this equivalence to obtain graphical characterizations of structural (resp. s-structural) ISO.Thereafter, for the LTV setting, we consider the more general case of time-varying graphs and furthermore make no assumptions on the structure of system matrices. We introduce two suitable descriptions of the whole collection of graphs, which are named as dynamic graph and dynamic bipartite graph. Two equivalent characterizations of structural ISO are then stated in terms of existence of a linking and a matching of suitable size in the dynamic graph and in the dynamic bipartite graph, respectively. For strongly structural ISO, we provide a sufficient condition and a necessary condition, both concerning the existence of a uniquely restricted matching of suitable size in the dynamic bipartite graph and in a subgraph of it. When there is no direct feedthrough of the input on the measurements, the two conditions can be merged to give rise to a necessary and sufficient condition.Finally, we present an unbiased recursive algorithm that simultaneously estimates states and inputs. We focus on delay-$ell$ left invertible systems with intrinsic delay $ellgeq 1$, where the input reconstruction is possible only by using outputs up to $ell$ time steps later in the future. By showing an equivalence with a descriptor system, we state conditions under which the time-varying filter converges to a stationary stable filter, involving the solution of a discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation.
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Förstudie för införande av ISO 9001 : Nulägesanalys och handlingsplan / Feasibility study for implementing ISO 9001Laven Fredriksson, Daniel January 2011 (has links)
Today's industries are constantly evolving and the demands according to quality for products and services produced and performed are becoming more and higher. ISO 9001 is a standard that serves as a tool for organizations who wants to effectively control and manage their quality workforce on business different processes. A background to the introduction of a quality managementsystem towards Skärås svets och mekaniska in Västerås are that more and more customers demand this from a company to enable it to obtain an order of production. Efforts to introduce a quality system such as ISO 9001-2008 all begin with to carry out a situationanalysis of the business. Skärås svets och mekaniska currently has no existing quality management system so therefore there is no current directives regarding who is responsible, for a future certification in the business. By structuring a situation analysis of the business. You get a good overview of the business and how it is conducted today. This analysis can be performed in separate ways, but this thesis has chosen to perform it using the process mapping. Process mapping is a powerful tool for an organization, not just as a situation analysis, but as a tool for future efficiencies and improvements. Process mapping has been done in accordance with walk-trough concept where you go through the tasks that are within the business itself and see what the people involved in the making are doing in there tasks. To compile this to the process maps later on. An Analysis of the process and the mapping of them compered to the requirements of ISO 9001-2008. Is explaining where Skärås svets och mekaniska really are today in the work towards a future certification. Against what the standard requires. What do you need to implement in their business or change for a future certification will be possible?. This is one of the main issues reguarding this thesis. The results of this thesis is a comprehensive situation analysis consisting of process maps for Skärås svets och mekaniska, and an analysis of these against the requirements of ISO 9001-2008 standard. That are requiered for a business lika Skärås svets och mekaniska in order to be able to certify against the ISO 9001 Series.
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Övergångsfasen till ISO 9001:2015 i ett marknadsledande företag / The transition to ISO 9001:2015 in a market-leading organizationBinadam, Zulkiflee, Bergeling, Gustav January 2018 (has links)
Arbetet har genomförts på ett marknadsledande företag inom måleri-industrin, där rapportens fokus legat på att ta fram underlag för vilka områden som företaget behöver förbättra för att certifiera sig mot ISO 9001:2015. Produktionsavdelningen har i rapporten setts som ett fristående företag i syfte att kunna tillämpa de krav i standarden som faller på högsta ledningen. Rapporten har behandlat de problem som de flesta företag kan uppleva i övergångsprocessen till ISO 9001:2015. Frågeställningar är upplagda för att ge svar på hur väl det studerade företaget uppfyller kraven i nuläget och för att sedan presentera en gap-analys över vad som fattas för att nå de krav som inte uppfyllts. Dessa analyser leder till ett resultat där viktiga förbättringsområden inom företaget presenteras tillsammans med förslag på åtgärder för att uppfylla de krav som ställs i ISO-standarden. För att göra arbetet så trovärdigt som möjligt har flera olika metoder använts och utvärderats, för att sedan kunna göra en rättvis bedömning över företagets nuläge. Metoderna som presenteras i rapporten involverar bland annat en metod för egenbedömning, där författarna har fått inspiration från tidigare examensarbeten, intervjuer med revisionsbolag och relevant personal på företaget. Det har även genomförts en observation/survey-undersökning på operatörerna i företaget för att få en inblick i deras bild av verksamheten. Rapportens diskussion och slutsats presenterar de områden i verksamheten som företaget brister i och ger förslag på hur företaget bör utveckla dessa. De huvudområden som har identifierats är: ständiga förbättringar, ledarskap, processinriktning och riskbaserat tänkande. Dessa områden har författarna analyserats som det mest bristfälliga områden som företaget bör vidareutveckla och åtgärdsförslag på hur de kan utveckla dessa områden har presenterats. Åtgärdsförslagen är baserade på författarnas kunskap och erfarenheter, där förslagen utvecklats i samråd med handledare och personal på företaget. Slutsatsen utvärderar även metodernas och verktygens lämplighet vid implementering av ISO 9001:2015 i en organisation / The thesis work has been carried out in a market-leading company in the painting industry, where the main focus of the report focuses on which areas in the company that needs improvement in order to certify itself against ISO 9001:2015. The production department has been reported as an independent company within the company in order to apply the requirements of the standard that fall on management. The report has addressed the problems that most companies have in the transition process to ISO 9001:2015. The issues are formulated to provide answer to how well the studied company meets the requirement at current situation and then present a gap-analysis of what needs to be done to meet the requirements that are not met. These analysis leads to a result where key areas of improvement within the company are presented together with proposals to meet the requirements of the ISO-standard. In order to make the thesis as credible as possible, several different methods have been used and evaluated, to then make a fair assessment of the company’s current situation. The methods presented in the report include, among other things, a method of self-assessment, where the authors have received inspiration from previous thesis works, as well as interviews with an audit firms and relevant staff at the company. An observation/survey has also been conducted on the operators in the company to gain an insight of how they feel about the company’s work with ISO-standards. The report's discussion and conclusion presents the areas in the business that the company is lacking and suggests how the company should develop these areas. The key areas identified are: continuous improvement, leadership, process orientation and risk-based thinking. These areas have been analyzed by the authors as the most deficient areas that the company should further develop and proposals for how to develop these areas have been presented. The action proposals are based on the authors' knowledge and experience, where the proposals were developed in consultation with supervisors and staff at the company. The conclusion also evaluates the suitability of methods and tools for implementing ISO 9001: 2015 in an organization.
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The Implementation of ISO/IEC 29110 Software Engineering Standards and Guides in Very Small EntitiesLaporte, Claude Y., O’Connor, Rory V., García Paucar, Luis Hernán 03 1900 (has links)
This paper outlines the details of seven case studies involving the pilot
usage of the new standard ISO/IEC 29110standard ‘Lifecycle Profiles for
Very Small Entities’, which was specifically designed by Working Group 24 of
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 to address the standardization needs of Very Small Entities
(VSEs). The purpose of this paper is to add substantially to the body of
knowledge and the literature on the rollout and implementation of this new and
evolving standard and to act as guidance for other researchers in the design and
implementation of ISO/IEC 29110 case studies. Furthermore it is hoped that
that the lessons learnt from these case studies will help promote the adoption of
this new standard in an industrial setting.
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Evolución de las normas ISOLópez Castro, Sebastián January 2005 (has links)
Seminario para optar al grado de Ingeniero Comercial, Mención Economía / La ISO, o "International Organization for Standardization" define calidad como todos los atributos y cualidades que un bien o servicio deben poseer para satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes.
En un comienzo, calidad estaba orientada principalmente a la inspección del producto, de modo que se pudiese asegurar un nivel de calidad determinado. Sin embargo, este método no solucionaba las causas del problema de no-calidad. Posteriormente la calidad fue incorporada a todas las áreas funcionales de una empresa que pudieran estar asociadas al proceso de producción.
En un mercado global, comprender que es lo que los consumidores desean y esperan de los bienes y servicios es la base del intercambio, ya que un alto nivel de calidad en determinado producto, no es útil si los consumidores no desean dicho producto o si lo encuentran muy caro. Así, la clave esta determinada por elaborar el producto adecuado, bajo condiciones óptimas.
La calidad, no sólo se limita a los productos, también se incorpora a la administración y diseño de funciones y actividades en la producción de un bien o servicio. Así, la calidad puede ser considerada como una función de administración, que necesita ser planeada, implementada, monitoreada y controlada.
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