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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energikartläggning enligt ISO 50001 : En kartläggning av en industrianläggning för betong

Nilsson, Anneli, Hedberg, Fanny January 2014 (has links)
Den här rapporten har skrivits som en del av ett examensarbete på energiingenjörsprogrammet på Högskolan i Halmstad under våren 2014. Examensarbetet har genomförts i samarbete med AB Färdig Betong samt ÅF Infrastructure AB i Göteborg. Syftet med projektet är att undersöka energibesparingspotentialen hos AB Färdig Betongs produktionsanläggning på Ringön i Göteborg. Projektet har inneburit en energikartläggning av en industriell produktionsanläggning för lösbetong. Utgångspunkt för energikartläggningen har varit energiledningssystemet ISO 50001, med målsättningen att ta fram en teknisk energikartläggningsrapport i enlighet med standarden. Anläggningen har analyserats ur ett energibesparingsperspektiv. Data- och informationsinsamling samt mätningar har genomförts för att ta fram indata som beräkningsunderlag. Genom beräkningar har sedan möjliga energibesparingspotentialer och åtgärdsförslag tagits fram. Den totala energibesparingspotentialen för anläggningen innebär en besparing på 223 MWh av anläggningens totala energianvändning på 857 MWh år 2013, vilket motsvarar en minskning med omkring 26 %. Allmänna slutsatser är bland annat att all produktionsutrustning bör placeras inom klimatskalet, att all uppvärmning bör vara temperaturreglerad samt att ett mer långsiktigt energiperspektiv behövs i anläggningen. Energibesparingsmöjligheterna för anläggningen är mycket goda och investeringskostnaderna är i allmänhet låga. / This report has been written as part of a degree project at the Bachelor’s programme in energy engineering at Halmstad University in the spring of 2014. The project was made in collaboration with AB Färdig Betong and ÅF Infrastructure AB in Gothenburg. The project aims to investigate the potential energy savings of AB Färdig Betong’s production plant at Ringön in Gothenburg. The project was to make an energy audit of an industrial production plant for concrete. The starting point for the energy audit has been the ISO 50001 energy management system with the aim to develop a technical energy audit report in accordance with the standard. The plant has been analyzed from an energy perspective. Measurements, collection of data and information has been carried out to develop the input data basis. Through calculations, potential energy savings and proposals for actions were developed. Among the four largest energy saving potentials, there are two that have no investment cost at all. The total of all potentials represent a saving of 26 % of the total plant energy consumption of 857 MWh in 2013. General conclusions include that all production should be located within the building, that all heating should be temperature regulated and that a long term perspective on energy use is needed.

Upprättande av långsiktiga energimål för Västerbottens läns landsting / Establishment of long-term energy objectives for the county council of Västerbotten

Ruda, Ida January 2015 (has links)
Detta examensarbete utfördes våren 2015 på uppdrag av Västerbottens läns landsting. Syftet med arbetet har varit att hjälpa landstinget inför implementeringen av energiledningssystemet ISO 50001, genom att ta fram mål för fastighetsbeståndets specifika energianvändning år 2050, utföra en omvärldsanalys av andra landstings energianvändning, samt ta fram nyckeltal relevanta för verksamheten. Målet 2050 har bestämts utifrån planerade åtgärder för energibesparing, och en simulering av klimatskalsförbättringar på byggnader med höga U-värden. Simuleringen utfördes i programmet IDA ICE med handledningshjälp från Sweco Systems AB i Umeå. Resultatet visade på att landstinget kan nå en specifik energianvändning på 215 kWh/m2 till år 2050, motsvarande en minskning av den totala energianvändningen med 23 % jämfört med år 2009. Då 2050 är så pass långt fram i tiden och det finns stora möjligheter för teknikutveckling och ytterligare energibesparande åtgärder kan detta mål höjas till 30 %, motsvarande 196 kWh/m2. Eftersom specifik energianvändning inte ger en rättvis bild av hur effektivt energin nyttjas har även nyckeltalen specifik energianvändning per vårdtillfälle och specifik energianvändning per länsinvånare analyserats.

Model upravljanja tokovima energije u industrijskim sistemima / The model of the energy flow management in industrial systems

Rajić Milena 12 June 2020 (has links)
<p>Održivo poslovanje i pozicioniranje kompanija na trži&scaron;tu zahteva od kompanija da maksimiziraju dodatu vrednost uz minimalno iskori&scaron;ćenje resursa. Sve veći izazov za kompanije predstavlja racionalna upotreba energije i energetskih izvora, a sve sa ciljem očuvanja životne sredine. Industrijski sistemi, pre svega proizvodni sistemi, predstavljaju najveće potro&scaron;ače energije. Istraživanje ima za cilj utvrđivanje trenutnog stanja u praktičnoj primeni sistema menadžmenta energijom u proizvodnim i uslužnim sistemima u Srbiji. Motivacija za ovakvu temu je pritisak evropske regulative na primenu mera za u&scaron;tedu energije, kao i za za&scaron;titu životne sredine. Standardi za sistem menadžmenta energijom, na kojima se ovo istraživanje zasniva, razmatraju energetsku performansu koju postiže organizacija. Jedan od najpoznatijih predstavnika ove vrste standarda je ISO 50001. Istraživanjem su statistički analizirane veze određenih faktora i nivoa primene zahteva za sistem menadžmenta energijom.</p> / <p>Sustainable business development and companies market positioning require companies to maximize added value with minimal resource utilization. The rational use of energy and energy sources is also a growing challenge, which aims to preserve the environment. Industrial systems, primarily production systems, are the largest energy consumers. The aim of this research is to determine the current situation regarding the application of energy management practices in production and service systems in Serbia. The motivation for these theme is the pressure of European regulation on the implementation of energy saving measures as well as on the environment. The standard for the energy management system on which this research is based consider the energy performance achieved by the organization. One of the most well-known representatives of this type of standard is ISO 50001. The research has statistically analyzed the relations of certain factors and levels of requirements application for the energy management system</p>

Redução do custo da energia elétrica em ambientes industriais por meio de uma estratégia de baixo custo em gestão energética / Reducing the cost of electricity in industrial environments using a low-cost strategy for energy management

Oureste Elias Batista 27 February 2013 (has links)
A evolução do consumo de energia elétrica, as dificuldades crescentes para atender à demanda, o elevado custo das alternativas de suprimento, o impacto de novas plantas geradoras ao meio ambiente, e a necessidade das empresas inserirem-se em um mundo globalizado e competitivo, requer uso otimizado dos recursos. Muitas empresas, principalmente as pequenas e médias têm dificuldade em conceber a Gestão Energética (GE) como uma prática gerencial com caráter decisivo para as diretrizes do planejamento estratégico. A proposta desta dissertação é apresentar medidas de baixo custo, geralmente desconhecidas, na gestão energética industrial e quantificar seu benefício econômico. Os resultados foram obtidos por meio de um estudo de caso, para o qual foi realizada uma breve auditoria energética em uma indústria que produz caldeiras, levantando dados sobre o perfil energético e o histórico de faturas de energia elétrica para um ciclo de produção (11 meses). A economia mensal resultante superou 45% nas faturas e valor presente maior que R$ 1.000.000,00 para o montante acumulado em 2 anos, que pode ser tanto investido no retrofit das instalações, como aplicado em outros targets dados pelo Planejamento Estratégico, contribuindo significativamente para a garantia da competitividade e crescimento dentro do mercado. / The development of consumption of electric energy, the growing difficulties to meet the demand, the high cost of supply alternatives, the impact of new generating plants to the environment, and the need of the companies enter into a globalized and competitive world requires optimized use of resources. Many companies, especially small and medium-sized find it difficult to conceive of the Energy Management (EM) as a management practice with decisive character for strategic planning guidelines. The purpose of this dissertation is to introduce low-cost measures, generally unknown, in industrial energy management and to quantify its economic benefit. The results were obtained through a case study, which was performed a brief energy audit in an industry that produces boilers, lifting energy profile data and history of electricity bills for one production cycle (11 months). The resulting monthly economy exceeded 45% on bills and present value greater than $ 1,000,000.00 for the cumulative amount in 2 years, which can be either invested in retrofit installations, as applied in other data targets for strategic planning, contributing significantly to ensuring competitiveness and growth within the market.

Redução do custo da energia elétrica em ambientes industriais por meio de uma estratégia de baixo custo em gestão energética / Reducing the cost of electricity in industrial environments using a low-cost strategy for energy management

Batista, Oureste Elias 27 February 2013 (has links)
A evolução do consumo de energia elétrica, as dificuldades crescentes para atender à demanda, o elevado custo das alternativas de suprimento, o impacto de novas plantas geradoras ao meio ambiente, e a necessidade das empresas inserirem-se em um mundo globalizado e competitivo, requer uso otimizado dos recursos. Muitas empresas, principalmente as pequenas e médias têm dificuldade em conceber a Gestão Energética (GE) como uma prática gerencial com caráter decisivo para as diretrizes do planejamento estratégico. A proposta desta dissertação é apresentar medidas de baixo custo, geralmente desconhecidas, na gestão energética industrial e quantificar seu benefício econômico. Os resultados foram obtidos por meio de um estudo de caso, para o qual foi realizada uma breve auditoria energética em uma indústria que produz caldeiras, levantando dados sobre o perfil energético e o histórico de faturas de energia elétrica para um ciclo de produção (11 meses). A economia mensal resultante superou 45% nas faturas e valor presente maior que R$ 1.000.000,00 para o montante acumulado em 2 anos, que pode ser tanto investido no retrofit das instalações, como aplicado em outros targets dados pelo Planejamento Estratégico, contribuindo significativamente para a garantia da competitividade e crescimento dentro do mercado. / The development of consumption of electric energy, the growing difficulties to meet the demand, the high cost of supply alternatives, the impact of new generating plants to the environment, and the need of the companies enter into a globalized and competitive world requires optimized use of resources. Many companies, especially small and medium-sized find it difficult to conceive of the Energy Management (EM) as a management practice with decisive character for strategic planning guidelines. The purpose of this dissertation is to introduce low-cost measures, generally unknown, in industrial energy management and to quantify its economic benefit. The results were obtained through a case study, which was performed a brief energy audit in an industry that produces boilers, lifting energy profile data and history of electricity bills for one production cycle (11 months). The resulting monthly economy exceeded 45% on bills and present value greater than $ 1,000,000.00 for the cumulative amount in 2 years, which can be either invested in retrofit installations, as applied in other data targets for strategic planning, contributing significantly to ensuring competitiveness and growth within the market.

An Energy Management Oriented Analysis: Case Study of a Waste to Energy Plant in Lecco, Italy

Cerra, Noemi January 2019 (has links)
The ISO 50001 standard on energy management systems was released in 2011 with the aim of providing organizations with a standardised guideline for the evaluation and continual improvement of energy performance. Complex structures such as the waste to energy (WTE) sector, which must comply with social, environmental, economic and productivity objectives, can benefit from the development of a compliant energy management system (EnMS). Energy efficiency and energy savings contribute to the mitigation of the heavy cost of such a facility, while the benchmark analysis allows verifying the state of the system and the potential areas for improvement. The energy performance improvements can be valorised on an environmental base, and proper promotion of the process can contribute to the mitigation of social opposition. This thesis reviews the energy performance of a waste to energy facility located in Lecco, Italy, using the information available from the control system already installed in the company. Regression analysis is used to fit linear and polynomial functional forms to the energy consumption data and create the energy baseline for the areas of significant energy use and production with a predictive power of 59 – 92%. The difference among the baseline and the actual energy consumption is proposed as energy performance indicator, in order to appreciate the results of the improvement opportunities, and a set of key performance indicators are evaluated for internal and external benchmarking of the facility. The economic feasibility of a selection of sectorial Best Available Technologies (BATs) and the related energy performance improvement is evaluated, revealing that 2 – 16 M€ can be invested in the system retrofit; the creation of synergies with the facility heating, cooling and electricity demand is also suggested. Lastly, an energy, economic and environmental analysis is suggested as a ranking system for the identified improvement opportunities. The methodology and results of this study are intended to provide a proper energy review for Silea Spa, suggest a review procedure for other WTE facilities willing to develop a compliant EnMS and enrich the literature with a case study on WTE. For the Italian context, which is currently facing difficulties in the modernization of the waste management system (WMS), the ISO 50001 application on WTE facilities offers a unified structure that can be used by the government to map the current status of each facility and develop the legislative framework in accordance to the needs of the WMS, the circular economy and the public opinion. / ISO 50001-standarden för energihanteringssystem släpptes 2011 för att ge organisationer en standardiserad riktlinje för utvärdering och kontinuerlig förbättring av energiprestanda. Komplexa strukturer som sektorn för avfall till energi (WTE), som måste uppfylla målen socialt, miljömässigt, ekonomiskt och produktivt, kan dra nytta av utvecklingen av ett kompatibelt energihanteringssystem (EnMS). Energieffektivitet och energibesparingar bidrar till att mildra den stora kostnaden för en sådan anläggning, medan jämförelseanalysen gör det möjligt att verifiera systemets tillstånd och de potentiella förbättringsområdena. Förbättringen av energiprestanda kan värderas på en miljöbas, och en korrekt främjande av processen kan bidra till att mildra social opposition. Denna avhandling granskar energiprestanda för ett slöseri till en energianläggning i Lecco, Italien, med hjälp av den information som finns tillgänglig från det styrsystem som redan är installerat i företaget. Regressionsanalys används för att passa linjära och polynomiska funktionsformer till energiförbrukningsdata och skapa energigrundnivå för områdena med betydande energianvändning och produktion med en prediktiv effekt på 59-92%. Skillnaden mellan baslinjen och den faktiska energiförbrukningen föreslås som indikator för energiprestanda för att uppskatta resultaten av förbättringsmöjligheterna och en uppsättning nyckelresultatindikatorer utvärderas för intern och extern riktmärkning av anläggningen. Den ekonomiska möjligheten för ett urval av sektorns bästa tillgängliga teknik (BAT) och den därmed sammanhängande förbättringen av energieffektiviteten utvärderas, vilket visar att 2 - 16 miljoner euro kan investeras i systemets eftermontering. skapandet av synergier med anläggningens uppvärmning, kylning och el efterfrågan föreslås också. Slutligen föreslås en energi-, ekonomisk och miljöanalys som ett rankningssystem för de identifierade förbättringsmöjligheterna. Metoden och resultaten av denna studie är avsedda att ge en ordentlig energianalyse för Silea Spa, föreslå ett granskningsförfarande för andra WTE-anläggningar som är villiga att utveckla en kompatibel ENMS och berika litteraturen med en fallstudie om WTE. För det italienska sammanhanget, som för närvarande står inför svårigheter i moderniseringen av avfallshanteringssystemet (WMS), erbjuder ISO 50001-tillämpningen på WTE-anläggningar en enhetlig struktur som kan användas av regeringen för att kartlägga nuvarande status för varje anläggning och utveckla den rättsliga ramen i enlighet med WMS, den cirkulära ekonomins och den allmänna opinionens behov.

Diseño de un sistema de gestión de la energía basado en la Norma ISO 50001 para mejorar la eficiencia energética en la Molinera Sudamérica S.A.C. Lambayeque-2018

Santamaria Tullume, Jan Carlo January 2023 (has links)
Este trabajo de investigación nace debido a que, la Molinera Sudamérica S.A.C. desconoce lo importante que es tener una buena utilización de la energía, por lo que la molinera no presta la debida atención en verificar los gastos energéticos, pues todo ello es desfavorable, ya que reduce la rentabilidad y economía. El objetivo general fue diseñar un sistema de gestión de la energía basado en la Norma ISO 50001 con el fin de la mejora de la eficiencia energética en la molinera descrita, conformada por áreas y dispositivos que consumen energía, para lo cual se aplicó el análisis documental, asimismo se ha empleado como instrumento la guía de análisis documental, dicho instrumento ayudó a saber que tan importante es el costo energético en la empresa, y que mediante una buena optimización de la energía se obtiene mejoras económicas. La actual eficiencia energética de la Molinera Sudamérica a través de los cálculos realizados tuvo un valor de 6,05 kWh/saco producido, esto quiere decir que se ve inmerso en los indicadores recomendados según la OLADE que brinda un factor de 7 kWh/unidad producida. Asimismo, se obtuvo una rentabilidad en el aspecto de la economía de S/. 40 111,16 anual, donde el costo de inversión fue de S/. 70 336,70, VAN de S/. 131 986,58 y TIR de 54,17 % y tiempo para recuperar la inversión de 2 años y 2,16 meses, concluyendo que es necesario implantar un sistema para gestionar la energía, demostrando su viabilidad para ser ejecutado. / This research work was born because Molinera Sudamérica S.A.C. It does not know how important it is to have good use of energy, so the mill does not pay due attention to verifying energy expenses, since all this is unfavorable, since it reduces profitability and economy. The general objective was to design an energy management system based on the ISO 50001 Standard in order to improve energy efficiency in the described mill, made up of areas and devices that consume energy, for which documentary analysis was applied. Likewise, the documentary analysis guide has been used as an instrument, this instrument helped to know how important the energy cost is in the company, and that through good optimization of energy economic improvements are obtained. The current energy efficiency of Molinera Sudamérica through the calculations carried out had a value of 6.05 kWh/bag produced, this means that it is immersed in the recommended indicators according to OLADE which provides a factor of 7 kWh/unit produced. Likewise, a profitability was obtained in the economic aspect of S/. 40,111.16 annually, where the investment cost was S/. 70,336.70, NPV of S/. 131,986.58 and IRR of 54.17% and time to recover the investment of 2 years and 2.16 months, concluding that it is necessary to implement a system to manage energy, demonstrating its viability to be executed.

What energy management practice can learn from research on energy cultures?

Rotzek, Jan Niklas, Scope, Christoph, Guenther, Edeltraud 25 August 2021 (has links)
Purpose – This investigation aims to reframe the sizeable literature on barriers and drivers for energy efficiency measures and the phenomenon of the energy efficiency gap. We identified a gap between academic methods and industrial needs as well as a neglect of the cultural di-mension, despite its considerable impact. Based on this insight, the purpose of this paper is to integrate all of the various influences on industrial energy behavior previously identified in the literature in a refined energy cultures framework. Design/methodology/approach – This paper includes a systematic literature review of re-search in the field of energy management, energy efficiency, and cultural aspects within barri-ers and drivers of energy behavior. We selected and refined an existing energy cultures framework for the industrial context. To meet industrial needs, we applied an ontology map-ping of its core elements onto an international standard common for industrial energy man-agement practice. Findings – First, we present a refined framework for industrial energy cultures incorporating past barriers and drivers as factors. The framework enables an evaluation of attitude and be-havioral aspects, underlying technologies, organizational culture and actions related to energy as a system of interdependencies. Second, the factors are ranked based on number of appear-ances and empirical metadata. Economic aspects such as ‘Purchase, installment, and hidden costs’, ‘General investment and risk behavior’, and ‘Regulatory conditions’ are the highest ranked factors, but ‘Existing knowledge about EEM’, ‘Hierarchy approach: Top down’, and ‘Environmental concerns’ follow closely and represent cultural aspects which are still under-rated. Third, while illustrating a successful mapping onto a standardized process of continuous improvement, we also argue for heightened an academia-practice efforts. Social implications – Targeting the energy efficiency gap is an essential part of the sustainable development goals. The refined energy cultures framework allows for a better understanding of the industrial energy behaviors that are responsible for a significant share of a company’s success. The introduction of energy cultures serves as a starting point for future scholarly re-search within sustainability management accounting. Originality/value – The investigation combines existing research streams, their concepts, and their results about cultural aspects related to energy efficiency for both academics and practi-tioners. This review is the first to capture all of the various factors analyzed in academic litera-ture using the energy cultures framework as a basis. We add to the theoretical development of that framework with its application to the industrial context. This was identified as a gap. Its refinement helps to holistically understand barriers and drivers of industrial energy efficiency measures in order to support its practical implementation.

Gestão energética nos setores transversais para redução do consumo de energia em uma empresa automobilística / Management energy sectors in cross for reducing power consumption in a company automotive

Castro, Alexandre Teles de [UNESP] 04 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by ALEXANDRE TELES DE CASTRO null (axandre1@hotmail.com) on 2016-05-12T03:47:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Alexandre_27_04_2016_Versão FINAL.docx: 2706941 bytes, checksum: 571c1689b57b8c4f5187e8c13a74c86b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-05-12T18:31:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 castro_at_me_guara.pdf: 2054530 bytes, checksum: 9738a869d771260980ea50f64ba32192 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-12T18:31:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 castro_at_me_guara.pdf: 2054530 bytes, checksum: 9738a869d771260980ea50f64ba32192 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-04 / Este trabalho visa analisar a energia elétrica das instalações elétricas, os consumos de energia elétrica, ar comprimido e água gelada, criação de novos indicadores de desempenho energético e uso de ferramentas estatísticas em uma empresa montadora de veículos. Seu principal objetivo é obter novos indicadores de desempenho energético, redução do consumo de energia elétrica em uma pesquisa ação, com a necessidade de encontrar reduções de consumo de energia nas áreas das utilidades, água gelada, água quente, ar comprimido, energia elétrica nas áreas transversais. Dentre os insumos utilizados pelas indústrias, a energia elétrica insere-se como recurso essencial em quase todas as atividades de um sistema produtivo. Dessa forma, são evidenciados os consumos de maior relevância nas áreas de utilidades e nas áreas transversais. O investimento no uso eficiente de energia elétrica traz uma série de benefícios para a empresa, para o país e para seu cliente final. Dentre os aspectos econômicos envolvidos na atividade de racionalização do uso de energia, deve-se destacar a valorização da imagem e da visão estratégica da empresa. São evidenciados os novos indicadores de desempenho energético nos setores transversais e nas utilidades, mensais. Não houve correlação dos consumos de energia elétrica entre os prédios. As tendências de consumo de ar comprimido e água gelada mostraram uma incompatibilidade, observado nos gráficos de correlação. / This work aims to analyze the demand for electric energy, electric energy consumption, compressed air and chilled water, creating new indicators of energy performance and use of statistical tools in a vehicle assembly company. Its main objective is to obtain new indicators of energy performance, reduced power consumption in an action research, with the need for energy consumption reductions in the areas of utilities, cold water, hot water, compressed air, chilled water, energy electric in cross-cutting areas. Among the inputs used by industries, the electricity is part of an essential feature in almost all activities of a production system. Thus, it is highlighted the most relevant consumption in the areas of utilities and in cross-cutting areas. Investment in energy-efficient brings a number of benefits for the company, for the country and for your end customer. Among the economic aspects involved in rationalizing activity of energy use, it should be noted to enhance the image and the strategic vision of the company. It will be shown the new energy performance indicators in cross-cutting sectors and the utilities, monthly. There was no correlation of electric energy consumption between buildings. The compressed air consumption trends and chilled water showed a mismatch, seen in correlation graphs.

Gestão energética nos setores transversais para redução do consumo de energia em uma empresa automobilística /

Castro, Alexandre Teles de January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: José Antonio Perrella Balestieri / Resumo: Este trabalho visa analisar a energia elétrica das instalações elétricas, os consumos de energia elétrica, ar comprimido e água gelada, criação de novos indicadores de desempenho energético e uso de ferramentas estatísticas em uma empresa montadora de veículos. Seu principal objetivo é obter novos indicadores de desempenho energético, redução do consumo de energia elétrica em uma pesquisa ação, com a necessidade de encontrar reduções de consumo de energia nas áreas das utilidades, água gelada, água quente, ar comprimido, energia elétrica nas áreas transversais. Dentre os insumos utilizados pelas indústrias, a energia elétrica insere-se como recurso essencial em quase todas as atividades de um sistema produtivo. Dessa forma, são evidenciados os consumos de maior relevância nas áreas de utilidades e nas áreas transversais. O investimento no uso eficiente de energia elétrica traz uma série de benefícios para a empresa, para o país e para seu cliente final. Dentre os aspectos econômicos envolvidos na atividade de racionalização do uso de energia, deve-se destacar a valorização da imagem e da visão estratégica da empresa. São evidenciados os novos indicadores de desempenho energético nos setores transversais e nas utilidades, mensais. Não houve correlação dos consumos de energia elétrica entre os prédios. As tendências de consumo de ar comprimido e água gelada mostraram uma incompatibilidade, observado nos gráficos de correlação. / Abstract: This work aims to analyze the demand for electric energy, electric energy consumption, compressed air and chilled water, creating new indicators of energy performance and use of statistical tools in a vehicle assembly company. Its main objective is to obtain new indicators of energy performance, reduced power consumption in an action research, with the need for energy consumption reductions in the areas of utilities, cold water, hot water, compressed air, chilled water, energy electric in cross-cutting areas. Among the inputs used by industries, the electricity is part of an essential feature in almost all activities of a production system. Thus, it is highlighted the most relevant consumption in the areas of utilities and in cross-cutting areas. Investment in energy-efficient brings a number of benefits for the company, for the country and for your end customer. Among the economic aspects involved in rationalizing activity of energy use, it should be noted to enhance the image and the strategic vision of the company. It will be shown the new energy performance indicators in cross-cutting sectors and the utilities, monthly. There was no correlation of electric energy consumption between buildings. The compressed air consumption trends and chilled water showed a mismatch, seen in correlation graphs. / Mestre

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