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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Řízení kvality v projektech / Quality Management in Projects

Kanta, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The main objective is to organize and enrich the theory of Project Quality Management, which was achieved by several sub-objectives. There was performed a research on Project Quality Management in practice not only in Czech Republic, but also in the world. This research found the most common standard/methodology for Project Quality Management and subsequently was applied in practice. This thesis also includes selection of the most appropriate techniques and tools for Quality Management. Theoretical section explains basic terms related to the topic of thesis, described the most important standards and Project Quality Management methodologies, determined hypotheses and way of questionnaire survey carried out a research related to thesis topic. Given the results of the survey is the practical section devoted to application of PMBOK methodology into practical Project Quality Management. Follows an overview of the most appropriate techniques and tools suitable for Project Quality Management also based on results of research.

企業實施品質風險管理對財務績效影響之研究-以台灣製造業為例 / The association between quality risk management and financial performance: evidence of manufacturing industry in Taiwan

蔡宜君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討台灣製造業實施品質風險管理與財務績效之間的關聯性。以ISO 9001品質保證系統認證作為企業實施品質風險管理的衡量指標,研究台灣實施品質風險管理企業是否有較佳財務績效。本研究以截至2012年6月通過ISO 9001認證之上市櫃公司為實驗組,以未曾通過ISO 9001認證之相同產業和總資產大小相近之上市櫃公司為對照組,透過迴歸分析進行實證研究。主要研究結果如下: (一) 台灣製造業中,公司規模較大、營業成本率和營業收入淨額較高之公司,較會實施品質風險管理。 (二) 以實驗組樣本進行分析,發現企業實施品質風險管理短期內能顯著提升員工生產力,但同時亦顯著降低企業獲利、營運能力和公司價值。 (三) 加入對照組與實驗組進行比較,發現長期下實施品質風險管理之企業之營收和營運能力較佳,但卻也有較高的營業成本率和較低的獲利能力與公司價值。 (四) 將實驗組區分為高科技產業和傳統製造業分別探討,發現高科技產業企業實施品質風險管理對生產力有負向影響,而傳統製造業實施品質風險管理對生產力有正向影響,對獲利、營運能力和公司價值有負向影響。

Organisational Adoption of Innovations : Management Practices and IT

Lundmark, Erik January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis describes effects of use and reasons for using three different organisational innovations: ISO 9000, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and an administrative tool (the YAF-module) in the Swedish Sports Confederation’s system Swedish Sports Online. This is done through three separate studies. The first study is directed at Swedish Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME) and the two following studies are directed at Swedish sport associations. The thesis contains three separate essays presenting the studies and an introductory part where the studies are compared.</p><p>In the introductory part of the thesis the interaction patterns between organisation and innovation are compared and discussed. I discuss the level of effort put into the decision and implementation processes, and how this is related to the satisfaction with the innovations. The patterns that emerged are quite different in the three studies. Understanding these different interaction patterns between organisation and innovation is a step away from a beneficial/ detrimental dichotomy of innovations.</p><p>The decision and implementation processes differ between the three studies regarding what parts of the organisations were involved. In the first study we saw top down decision and implementation processes, whereas in the second study we saw bottom or middle up processes. In the third study the decision and implementation was much narrower in scope, often involving only one person. I also describe how all perspectives (efficient choice, forced selection, fad and fashion perspective) suggested by Abrahamson (1991), bear some grain of truth for the adoption of ISO 9000 by SMEs and adoption of ICT by sport associations, whereas imitation (the fad and fashion perspectives) is less important in the adoption of the YAF-module. Furthermore, I discuss the parallels between human and organisational decisionmaking.</p><p>Summary of the first essay – The aim of the first study is to investigate the effects of quality management in accordance with the ISO 9000 as viewed by both quality managers and other managers. We also consider the way companies carried out the recertification process to ISO 9001:2000 and what consequences different approaches brought. The study is based on Swedish SMEs with an ISO 9000:1994 who had recertified according to the ISO 9001:2000 standard. The strongest, most obvious and most valued effects of the ISO 9000 standard are clearer and more apparent working procedures and responsibilities. The most apparent problem is bureaucracy, which according to some managers can lead to reduced flexibility. The effects of the certification vary depending on how the certification project is conducted and how consultants are used.</p><p>Summary of the second essay – This essay presents a descriptive study of the use of information and communication technology (ICT) and the change in communication patterns in Swedish sport associations over the period 1994 to 2003. The change is discussed in light of Internet and broadband diffusion. Results show that new channels for communication have been adopted, primarily Web sites and e-mail, but few established channels have been dropped. While there are associations that save time and money and increase the spirit of community using ICT, many organisations experience the increased number of communication channels as a burden since maintaining them takes extra resources but the benefits are not always easy to detect or measure. Certain characteristics common among non profit organisations (NPOs) as well as Internet and broadband access have influenced the development of ICT use.</p><p>Summary of the third essay – This essay presents a new model for analysing adoption of discretionary, public information systems (PIS) with digital use patterns (such as use or non-use, as opposed to frequency of use, or degree of engaged or compliant use). The model is based on Rogers’ innovation diffusion theory (IDT) and Nilsson’s user centred access model (UCAM). The model is an alternative to the general technology acceptance model (TAM). The AKAM-Model identifies six prerequisites for use and four management approaches and describes how these are related. To illustrate its applicability, the AKAM-Model is used to analyse the adoption of a specific module, the YAF-module, in the Swedish Sports Confederation’s (SSC) system Swedish Sports Online. We present empirical results that indicate the frequency and importance of the barriers and driving forces as experienced by the YAF-module users and the potential YAF-module users.</p> / <p>Denna avhandling beskriver effekterna av, och skälen för, användning av tre organisatoriska innovationer: ISO 9000, informations- och kommunikationsteknologi (ICT) och en administrativ modul (LOK-stödsmodulen) i Riksidrottsförbundets system Svenskidrott Online. Avhandlingen presenterar tre olika studier samt en kappa där studierna diskuteras och jämförs. Den första riktar sig mot svenska små och medelstora företag, och de två följande studierna riktar sig mot svenska</p><p>idrottsföreningar.</p><p>I den inledande delen av avhandlingen diskuterar jag interaktionsmönstren mellan organisation och innovation och jämför mellan de olika studierna. Jag diskuterar hur mycket kraft som läggs på besluts- och implementeringsprocessen, och hur detta är relaterat till nöjdheten med innovationen. Mönstren som framträder är olika mellan de tre studierna. Att förstå dessa interaktionsmönster är ett steg bort från dikotomin förbättring/försämring rörande innovationer.</p><p>Besluts- och implementeringsprocesserna skiljer sig också mellan studierna avseende vilka delar av organisationen som är inblandade. Den första studien handlar om ”topdown” processer medan den andra studien handlar om ”bottom-up” eller ”mitten-upp”- processer. I den tredje studien var besluts- och implementeringsprocesserna betydligt mindre omfattande, ofta var endast en person inblandad. Jag beskriver också hur alla, av Abrahamson (1991) föreslagna perspektiven (efficient choice, forced selection, fad and fashion-perspektiven) har ett korn av sanning för adoption av ISO 9000 och för adoption av ICT medan imitation (fad and fashion-perspektiven) är mindre viktigt för adoption av LOK-stödsmodulen. Utöver detta diskuterar jag också tänkbara paralleller mellan individuellt och organisatoriskt beslutsfattande.</p><p>Sammanfattning av den första studien – Syftet med studien är att undersöka effekterna av kvalitetsledning i enlighet med ISO 9000, som de upplevs av både kvalitetschefer och andra chefer. Vi beaktar också hur företagen genomför omcertifieringsprocessen till ISO 9001:2000 och vilka konsekvenser olika genomföranden fick. Studien fokuserar på svenska små och medelstora företag med ett ISO 9000:1994 certifikat som senare omcertifierat sig enligt ISO 9001:2000. De starkaste, tydligaste och högst värderade effekterna av ISO 9000 är tydligheten i arbetssätt och ansvarsfördelning. Det största problemet är byråkrati som kan leda till minskad flexibilitet. Effekterna av certifiering varierar beroende på hur certifieringsprojektet genomfördes och hur konsulter används.</p><p>Sammanfattning av den andra studien – Denna studie är deskriptiv och fokuserar på hur ICT används och hur kommunikationsmönstren förändrats i svenska idrottsföreningar under perioden 1994 till 2003. Förändringen diskuteras i ljuset av utbredningen av Internet och bredbandsuppkoppling. Resultaten visar att idrottsföreningarna har börjat använda nya kommunikationskanaler, främst hemsida och epost, men ofta inte slutat använda traditionella kanaler. Det finns föreningar som har sparat både tid och pengar samt ökat gemenskapen genom att använda ICT. Många föreningar upplever dock de nya kanalerna som en börda, i de fall de inte slutat använda några traditionella kanaler. Vissa faktorer utmärkande för ideella organisationer och vissa faktorer utmärkande för Internet- och bredbandstillgång har påverkat ICT-användningen.</p><p>Sammanfattning av den tredje studien – I denna studie utvecklas en ny modell (AKAM-modellen) för att analysera adoption av valfria, publika informationssystem (PIS) med digitala användningsmönster (d.v.s. användning eller ingen användning till skillnad från grad av användning). Modellen baseras på Rogers innovations- och diffusionsteori (IDT) och Nilssons användarcentrerade tillgångsmodell (UCAM). Modellen är ett alternativ till teknologiacceptansmodellen (TAM). AKAM-modellen baseras på sex förutsättningar för användning och fyra sätt att hantera PIS samt beskriver hur dessa är relaterade till varandra. För att illustrera tillämpbarheten av AKAM-modellen, använder vi den för att analysera adoptionen av LOK-stödsmodulen i Riksidrottsförbundets system Svenskidrott Online. Vi presenterar empiriska resultat som ger en indikation om hur vanliga och hur viktiga olika barriärer och drivkrafter är, för användare och potentiella användare av LOK-stödsmodulen.</p> / Report code: LIU-TEK-LIC-2008:10.

La normativa d'assegurament de la qualitat ISO 9000: impacte a les empreses de Catalunya

Casadesús Fa, Martí 21 January 2000 (has links)
Durant aquests darrers anys hem pogut veure com el concepte de qualitat apareixia amb molta força a casa nostra. En l'àmbit empresarial i possiblement degut a la influència que ha tingut la implicació de les grans empreses en tot aquest moviment, o potser només a la creixent competència de les empreses estrangeres, el petit i mitjà empresari del nostre país s'ha vist obligat a obrir les portes de casa seva al que podríem definir com a la "Cultura de la Qualitat". És evident que en aquesta entrada l'administració també hi ha pres part. Ara bé, sovint aquest missatge a favor de la qualitat ha estat "disfressat" de la tant coneguda normativa ISO 9000. Poc a poc, sota aquestes sigles la gent s'ha fet la distorsionada idea de que això vol dir qualitat i tot el que surti d'això és sinònim de mala qualitat. Així doncs, val realment la pena la implicació en el compliment d'aquestes normes? És realment per això pel que la majoria de les petites i mitjanes empreses del nostre entorn s'han implicat en l'assegurament de la qualitat segons la ISO 9000? I més encara, una vegada han aconseguit el certificat de qualitat n'estan realment satisfetes de les millores que han tingut? O la única millora important és la de la imatge externa de l'empresa? La recerca d'una resposta amb base científica és la que porta al desenvolupament del present treball, omplint el buit que hi ha actualment entre els treballs teòrics i la realitat. Aquesta tesi vol esbrinar quin ha estat l'impacte que hi ha hagut a les empreses catalanes degut a la implicació en la normativa d'assegurament de la qualitat ISO 9000. El mètode de recerca es basarà en una anàlisi de les dades que es recullin d'un treball empíric a realitzar en petites i mitjanes empreses de les comarques de Catalunya. Al primer capítol es defineix exactament quin és l'objectiu d'aquest treball de recerca. Al capítol dos es pot trobar una perspectiva del que ha estat la qualitat en la història i de la gent que ha fet possible que prengués la importància que ara té. La normativa d'assegurament de la qualitat ISO 9000, marc de treball d'aquesta tesi es mereix un capítol apart, el tres. A partir de les hipòtesis a contrastar, i la literatura sobre la gestió de la qualitat, al quart capítol es defineix com es portarà a terme es treball, quedant definit doncs quin serà el treball empíric que s'ha portat a terme. Al cinquè capítol es troben els resultats obtinguts del treball empíric, així com un anàlisi descriptiu d'aquests. Les hipòtesis plantejades es resolen al capítol sisè, mitjançant l'aplicació de la tècnica estadística denominada: "Anàlisi cluster". Aquesta tècnica permetrà veure per a quines agrupacions d'empreses es compleixen les hipòtesis i per quines no, realitzant-se així un estudi més concret de la situació. Finalment al capítol setè és on s'hi troben les conclusions d'aquest treball,analitzant-se també quines poden ser futures línies d'investigació en aquest camp.

Implementation of ISO 9000 in electrical & mechanical services Department /

Lee, Kam-hung. January 1996 (has links)
Thesis (M.B.A.)--University of Hong Kong, 1996. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 99-101).

Systém řízení kvality ve vybraném podniku / The quality management system in the selected company

WERNEROVÁ, Petra January 2016 (has links)
This Thesis is focused on the quality management system. The aim of this Thesis is an analysis of the current situation of the quality management system. Suggest measures to improve that system based on the detected results. The Thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part presents readers the basic information about quality management system necessary for understanding this issue. This theoretical part is due to the practical part focused on quality management system according to ISO 9000 standards and also partly on integrated management system. The second practical part consists of three other individual parts, namely the characteristics of the selected company, an analysis of the current situation in the quality management system and suggestions to improve the current situation. The areas necessary to understand the way the company secures the system of quality are primarily analysed (the attitude of the company's leaders towards the quality system management, quality audit, economics of quality, quality system documentation, etc.). Main section of this part is a chapter devoted to suggestions, to improve the current situation, which in case of interest could be used by the selected company. While drafting the proposals the emphasis was focused on meeting the basic principles of quality management. All proposals are draw up with the intent to improve the quality of provided services and increase the satisfaction of company's customers.

O impacto da cultura organizacional na implementação da ISO 9000 (um estudo de caso)

Bonani, Valter Vallone 08 October 2002 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:19:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2002-10-08T00:00:00Z / Trata da análise do impacto da cultura organizacional de uma empresa, na implementação de um determinado sistema de qualidade, que é a ISO 9000. Aborda conceitos de cultura, sob a ótica de diferentes autores, bem como seus elementos e suas dimensões. No que se refere à qualidade, trata da evolução de seu conceito, da necessidade de padronização, e do processo de certificação. Através dos resultados de uma pesquisa empírica, pode-se observar, de modo significativo, a relação que existe entre a cultura e a mudança pretendida pela organização.

Metodologia para o monitoramento dos processos produtivos através dos resultados obtidos no gerenciamento de riscos à qualidade / Methodology for monitoring of production processes through the results of the risk management quality

Silva, Aline Paiva Nunes da January 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-04T13:55:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 11.pdf: 2838569 bytes, checksum: ff9adb4c0a3745d7fcf024b9e53b8b37 (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto de Tecnologia em Fármacos/Farmanguinhos. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. / O gerenciamento de riscos à qualidade é um processo sistemático de avaliação, controle, comunicação e revisão dos riscos à qualidade, sendo um componente valioso de um sistema da qualidade efetivo e robusto. Visando uma abordagem pró-ativa do monitoramento dos controles existentes e das ações implementadas para o controle dos riscos dos processos produtivos de Bio-Manguinhos, realizou-se um estudo de caso do insumo farmacêutico ativo (IFA) da vacina febre amarela, cujo objetivo foi propor uma metodologia para o monitoramento deste processo produtivo através dos resultados obtidos no gerenciamento de riscos à qualidade. O IFA produzido no Laboratório de Febre Amarela (LAFAM) do Departamento de Vacinas Virais (DEVIR), é obtido a partir da cepa atenuada 17DD do vírus da febre amarela cultivada em ovos embrionados de galinha spf (ovos livres de agentes patogênicos específicos) e este é utilizado na produção da vacina febre amarela, que atualmente encontra-se com a tecnologia 100% brasileira. O LAFAM é uma unidade reconhecida internacionalmente como fabricante da vacina antiamarílica. Devido à sua importância para Bio-Manguinhos, somado à experiência e conhecimento dos especialistas do Instituto no processo, este foi o primeiro IFA a ter uma avaliação de riscos das etapas do processo produtivo através da ferramenta FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis). Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, utilizou-se a folha de verificação que é uma ferramenta da qualidade, tendo como critério para o monitoramento das atividades, os controles existentes e as ações implementadas para o controle dos riscos com as suas respectivas frequências, que foram definidas de acordo com o nível do modo de falha identificados na avaliação de riscos do processo produtivo. Como resultado do estudo, foram elaboradas 9 folhas de verificação, sendo uma para cada etapa do processo produtivo, além da metodologia para o monitoramento, foram sugeridas propostas de melhoria nos documentos internos (protocolos) usados para o registro do processo produtivo. A utilização da folha de verificação, mesmo na ausência de aplicação desta, demonstrou ser bastante útil na medida em que se tem a necessidade de saber com que frequência certos eventos acontecem? e para obter dados factíveis da efetividade dos controles existentes e das ações implementadas para controlar os riscos dos modos de falhas identificados neste processo. Devem ser realizados estudos futuros para a revisão das folhas de verificação com o objetivo de propor novos monitoramentos e/ou novas ferramentas, ampliando o escopo da metodologia, que venha a abranger efetivamente todas as etapas críticas do processo e que esta possa ser implementada em outros processos produtivos de Bio-Manguinhos que já tenham o seu mapeamento concluído. / The quality risk management is a systematic process of evaluation, control and review of risks that could be related to quality, it is an important component of an effective and robust quality system. Aiming a proactive approach of monitoring, existing controls and implemented actions to control the risks of Bio-Manguinhos’ manufacture processes, were conducted a case study of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) of yellow fever vaccine. The objective of this study was suggesting a methodology to monitor this process based on the quality risk management results. The API produced in Yellow Fever Lab of Viral Vaccines Department is obtained from 17DD, attenuated strain of yellow fever virus, grown in chicken embryonic SPF eggs (Specifics Pathogens Free) and this API is used on the yellow fever vaccine, that actually is produced by a 100% Brazilian technology. The Yellow Fever Lab is internationally recognized as the lab of vaccine against yellow fever. Due to its importance to Bio-Manguinhos and the experience and knowledge of its staff, this was the first API to have a risk evaluation of the manufacture process based on FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) tool. To achieve the proposed objective, the check sheet was used which is a tool having as criteria for monitoring activities, the controls and the actions taken to control the risks with their respective frequencies, that were defined considering the identified fail mode level during the manufactured process risk evaluation. The results of this study allow the elaboration of 9 check sheets, one for each manufacture process step, besides of monitoring methodology, were suggest improvement proposals in the internal documents (forms) that are used to record the manufacture process. The check sheet utilization, even if in the absence of its application, demonstrated that is very useful when we have to know what is the frequency that certain events occurs? And to obtain real data of effectiveness of existent controls and implemented actions to control the risks of fail modes identified during this process. Future studies should be conducted to review the check sheets in order to propose new monitoring and / or new tools, expanding the scope of the methodology, which will effectively cover all critical process steps and that can be applied in other to manufacture processes of Bio-Manguinhos which have already your completed mapping.

Aplicação do controle estatístico de processos na indústria de laticínios Lactoplasa

Silva, Luciana Santos Costa Vieira da January 1999 (has links)
Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. / Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-18T14:55:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 151811.pdf: 1069816 bytes, checksum: b3e7d6b1d2a24bcd5f3ec79e058291ef (MD5) / O objetivo desse trabalho é realizar uma aplicação utilizando-se da ferramenta do Controle Estatístico de Processos (CEP) na indústria de laticínios Lactoplasa, situada no Planalto Serrano, na cidade de Lages em Santa Catarina. Tal ferramenta pode proporcionar, aos gestores do processo produtivo, a manutenção e melhoria nos níveis de qualidade dos produtos fabricados, refletindo na redução dos custos de produção. Para tanto, buscou-se revisar os conceitos relacionados tanto ao setor alimentício, como também à ferramenta utilizada, descrevendo-se posteriormente o processo produtivo da empresa estudada e aplicando-se, numa fase posterior, as cartas de Shewhart e CUSUM nos pontos selecionados. Os resultados obtidos a partir da metodologia adotada mostrou que o processo avaliado encontra-se fora de controle, necessitando que seja realizado um acompanhamento sistemático, com o objetivo de melhorar a qualidade dos produtos processados. Abordou-se também, a necessidade das empresas do setor avaliado buscarem a implantação do sistema ISO-9000, obtendo-se, a partir daí, maior credibilidade junto aos mercados nacional e internacional. Propõe-se, ainda, uma adaptação das Normas às indústrias de laticínios, direcionando-as sob a ótica do cumprimento das leis vigentes.

Análise crítica da NBR ISO 9001:2000 x NBR 6118:2003 para aprovação de execução de estruturas de concreto armado / Critical analysis of NBR NBR ISO 9001:2000 X NBR 6118:2003, for approval of implementation of concrete structures

Nunes, Harlen 04 July 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:09:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3743.pdf: 4830809 bytes, checksum: 998475e28c26160ce1f08ff3598ba2c0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-07-04 / This work shows the methodology for standardization of quality programs like NBR ISO 9001:2000 employed in construction of reinforced concrete structure for multi floor building, and relationship of this standard to the NBR 6118:2003 and 14931 NRB, governing the requirements and methodology for design and execution of concrete structures. It was, therefore, present the main recommendations of ISO 6118:2003 and NBR14931 interface with the NBR ISO 9001:2000 standard procedure for receiving approval of reinforced concrete structures. This work was conceived through a methodology of presenting guideline of quality programs and standards pertaining to the concrete, trying to match the tables and guidelines used for verification of services advocated by quality programs, with the technical regulations defined by the rules. And finally, proposes a new type of design for these checks and standards proposed by quality programs so now rendered compatible with the requirements of the standards that define and guide the design, implementation and receipt of reinforced concrete structures. This new design is done through a simple check with the help of tables which ensure that standards are met will the project level, performance and visual appearance of this structure. / Este trabalho mostra a metodologia de padronização dos programas de qualidade do tipo NBR ISO 9001:2000 empregada em construções de estrutura de concreto armado para edifício de múltiplos pavimentos, bem como relação desta norma com a NBR 6118:2003 e a NRB 14931, que regem as prescrições e metodologia para projeto e execução das estruturas em concreto armado. Procurou-se, portanto, apresentar as principais recomendações da NBR 6118:2003 e da NBR14931 com interface à norma NBR ISO 9001:2000 para procedimento de recebimento de aprovação de estruturas de concreto armado. Este trabalho foi concebido através de uma metodologia de apresentação das diretrizes dos programas de qualidade e das normas pertinentes ao concreto armado, tentar compatibilizar as tabelas e orientações usadas para as verificações de serviços preconizadas pelos programas de qualidade, com as técnicas normativas definidas em normas. E, finalizando, propõe um novo tipo de concepção para estas verificações e padronizações propostas pelos programas de qualidade, já de forma compatibilizada com as prescrições das normas que definem e orientam os projetos, a execução e o recebimento de estruturas em concreto armado. Este novo tipo de concepção se faz por meio de uma simples verificação com auxílio de tabelas que garantem que as normas sejam atendidas à nível de projeto, execução e aspecto visual desta estrutura.

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