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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台灣創新IT產品在俄羅斯的接受及推廣之研究 / Adaptation and Implementation of Taiwanese Innovative IT in Russia

夏宜麗 Unknown Date (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to explore the innovative product in such processes as adaptation and its first step in the international market. The most successful sector of international business between Russia and Taiwan is IT business. Contents of this thesis can be divided into four parts. First part reveals the importance of innovative idea in the new product development and its analysis according to the marketing strategy. Meanwhile, it also highlights potential problems with the introduction of the new product in the international market. In the second part the author reviews the market of IT-technologies in Russia and in Taiwan as well, moreover there is shown the trade and economic situation between Russia and Taiwan. The third part is devoted to detailed analyze of one Taiwanese company and its products, which are aggressively promoted in Russian Federation nowadays. And the last part summarizes the whole research conclusions and suggests the complex program for introduction and promotion of innovative products in international market. There is no doubt that innovations are the only way to maintain the high development rate and profitability level. The issue of new product development is one of the most important points in successful company strategy. Moreover, consideration of this issue is very important to understand the economic cooperation between Russia and Taiwan.

行動裝置在IT產業未來發展之研究 / A Study on the Mobile Device Development in Information Technology Industry

王智群 Unknown Date (has links)
在行動裝置普及發展趨勢已漸強勢的時代,消費者對於行動裝置的功能性需求越來越講求實用與方便性。面對穿戴式裝置的興起與物聯網時代的來臨,行動裝置與居家安全、醫療照護、運動健身等之裝置雲端聯結技術更是IT產業需要加強發展與重視的領域。因此,IT產業大廠之行動裝置行銷經營模式之可行性與前景,則成為值得探討議題。 研究顯示2020年資訊電子(IT)產業主流地位將被取代,台灣應先利用優勢,及早轉換到其他領域。台灣應將資訊電子產業能量,轉型為跨產業的整合力量,在國際化過程,強化產業面對全球化的競爭力。因此,本研究欲瞭解IT產業從業人員對於行動裝置之在IT產業未來發展之看法,遂進行深度訪談。並藉由SWOT分析、五力分析與歸納分析等方法,探討行動裝置在台灣資訊科技(IT)產業之現況以及未來發展機會與潛力,茲將研究分析發現概分下列幾項: (一) 台灣資訊科技(IT)產業在國際將漸失去競爭優勢; (二) 台灣資訊科技(IT)產業人才面臨流失危機; (三) 台灣資訊科技(IT)產業發展行動裝置具可行性與潛力; (四) 台灣資訊科技(IT)產業投入行動裝置市場的必須針對消費者需求擬訂行銷決策; (五) 行動裝置與物聯網結合運用之未來發展有可觀前景。


夏逸葦, Hsir, Yi-wei Unknown Date (has links)
自九十年代初期起,台商在中國大陸投資急速增加,產業投資方向也由傳統產業逐步移往資訊科技產業。而中國大陸產業實力在改革開放後不斷增強,一方面由於中共政策的鼓勵以及廣大中國大陸市場的吸引力;一方面主要中國大陸擁有低廉的生產要素,可降低生產成本,維持國際市場價格競爭力。因此吸引台商到中國大陸投資,並與當地廠商合作以進行兩岸全球分工及合作的佈局;但中國大陸在取得研發及專業技術使產業實力加強後,卻也逐漸成為台灣廠商在中國大陸及國際市場上的競爭對手。而台商在大陸投資的產業,主要是製造業,其次是服務業,農業較少。製造業之中主要包括電子電器業、基本金屬及其製品、食品及飲料、塑膠製品、化學品製造等產業,其中電子電器業投資金額居各業之首,其佔台商在中國大陸投資總額的比重將近23%。 中國大陸在「科技興國」的政策下,傾全國之力發展高科技產業,除了採用市場經濟的各種手段如:租稅優惠、低利融資、設立中小企業技術創新基金外,並模仿台灣新竹科學園區的模式,在中國大陸廣設高新技術開發區並重視知識經濟,著重高新技術的產業化與創新能力,中國大陸高科技產業的發展得力於外國資金與技術之處甚大,尤以資訊、通訊、半導體等以資訊科技為主產業為然。 台灣資訊科技產業赴中國大陸投資,自1980年代後期起逐漸增多, 到了1990年代中期,上市(櫃)電子業廠商赴中國大陸投資的情形愈來愈普遍,而對台灣經濟成長貢獻最大的資訊科技產業一旦大量轉移至海外,是否會危及未來台灣經濟永續成長。台灣IT產業早期到中國大陸投資,尤其是電子及零組件、電腦及周邊產品等IY產業主要是為了降低生產成本,提高國際競爭力;現階段投資的動機,主要則是需求面因素,一旦中國大陸當地市場變大時,就必須前往投資設廠,以接近客戶,否則將難以佔有當地市場,喪失發展機會。因此便與中國大陸的IT產業產生了既競爭又合作的關係,一方面台灣公司會利用既有的產業網絡,在台灣進行產品設計研發,採購所需的機器設備和原材料、半成品等。而利用中國大陸當地廉價的人力及水電等資源加工,然後將生產的成品或半成品回銷台灣,因而使得兩岸的垂直分工合作緊密。 惟中國大陸的IT產業擁有廣大的潛在市場需求、人力、土地、原材料、基礎技術、與政府支援等優勢,加上外資的大幅度加碼。又對台灣的IT產業形成威脅。 本文將針對資訊科技產業,參考競合理論和產業分工、整合的概念,探討台商投資與兩岸產業競合現況及其未來展望,全文結構除前言與結論之外,首先將專述中國大陸資訊科技產業發展、策略總體分析;其次專論兩岸資訊科技產業的互動與競合;最後做相關問卷的實證分析並對政府與產業界提出將來可能面對的問題與應對之到。 / At the early 90s’, the Taiwanese investors have been rapidly imposing more investment on Mainland China. Therefore, the result has attracted increasingly Taiwanese investors and then they co-work with the local companies to launch globalized co-operation. On the other hand, the companies of Mainland China has been accumulating increasing strength at IT industry after they acquire skilled technologies and development of research. This paper analyzes co-opetition and competition tendency to Information Technology industry between Taiwan and Mainland China. It adopts Co-operation Theory, Vertical Integration and Vertical Dis-integration and discusses the actualities of IT industry and prospection between two sides. First of all, this paper explores a macro analysis of development of IT industry at Mainland China. Second, it probes the interaction and competition of IT industry between two sides. Last, it conducts a relative poll that stems originally from Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research and then addresses problems that we might encounter in the future. The focal points of the research includes: (1)Analysis of the actualities of Information Technology development at Mainland China. a.Policy of China’s Information Technology b.Why China’s IT policy induces to foreign companies c.Brief introduction to science district at Mainland China d.Prospect of IT development at Mainland China (2)Interaction and co-opetition of IT industry between Taiwan and Mainland China. a.Advantages and disadvantages of IT industry between two sides. b.The existing situation and analysis of co-opetition between two sides. c.Brief introduction to division of labor of IT industry at Mainland China and the feasibility. (3)Analysis of the outcome to the poll. (4)Challenges of IT industry that Taiwan may face and the solutions to this problems.


許敬基 Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究目的,在於探討台灣資訊科技(information technology)產業廠商的研發資本存量及產業內(intra-industry)研發資本存量的外溢效果(spillover effect)對於生產技術效率的影響。文中所採用的資料,主要來自於台灣經濟新報資料庫及廠商的財務報表,利用1997-2003年402家於台灣證券交易所上市及上櫃廠商的財務資料,並對Battese and Coelli(1995)所提出隨機邊界生產函數(stochastic frontier production function)與技術無效率效果(technical inefficiency effect)模型,同時進行實證估計。本文主要研究發現為,不論是以整體IT產業的廠商來看,或是分別就電腦硬體產業、半導體產業、通訊產業及光電產業的廠商來看,產業內R&D資本的外溢對於廠商的生產技術效率有正向的影響。但廠商自身的R&D資本存量對於其生產技術效率卻無顯著的影響,而軟體產業的廠商,卻現負面影響。另外,台灣IT產業廠商亦存在著技術進步的情形,但其技術效率則隨著時間而遞減。再則,本文研究也發現,台灣的IT產業中,半導體產業的廠商在生產技術效率方面表現最好,光電產業的廠商則最差。此外,上市廠商的技術效率較上櫃廠商佳。而有在科學園區設立工廠的廠商,除了半導體產業的廠商之外,其他四個產業的在科學工業園區設立工廠的廠商生產技術效率與未於科學園區設立工廠的廠商並無顯著差異。 / This paper aims to investigate the influence of and intra-industry spillovers of R&D spending on firm’s technical efficiency of production in Taiwan’s information technology (IT) industry. Firm-level panel data of 402 firms in IT industry from 1997~2003 provided by Taiwan Economic Journal (TEJ) data bank and the stochastic frontier production function and technical inefficiency function proposed by Battese and Coelli (1995) are adopted in this study. The primary finding of this study is that the intra-industry spillovers of R&D spending on firm’s technical efficiency exist in Taiwan’s IT industry. This finding also exists in sub-industries of IT industry: computer hardware industry, semi-conductor industry, software industry, telecom industry, and photoelectric industry. However, influence of R&D capital on firm’s technical efficiency is insignificant in whole IT industry in Taiwan. Besides, in the period, there are technical advancements in firms of whole IT industry. Finally, the performance of the IT firms inside the Science Park is insignificant better than the firms outside in terms of technical efficiency, but excluding semi-conductor firms.

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