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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Аналитическое обеспечение инновационного it-решения для сообществ лиц с ОВЗ : магистерская диссертация / Analytical support of an innovate IT solution for communities of people with disabilities

Глушкова, М. А., Glushkova, M. A. January 2022 (has links)
Цель диссертации – аналитически обеспечить разработку системы взаимопомощи и социализации для лиц с ограниченными возможностями здоровья на базе существующей версии локальной платежной системы. Актуальность обусловлена огромными масштабами сообщества инвалидов в России. Проблема инвалидности остается болезненной, как с точки зрения медицины, так и с социально-экономической стороны. В работе решаются задачи: анализ предметной области, изучение альтернативных расчетных средств, электронных платежных системы. Изучены результаты исследований прошлых лет, а также модели и методики разработки продукта. Проведена полная аналитика системы, посчитаны все затраты, подготовлен проект внедрения, а также создан прототип системы для проведения деловых игр. Объектом исследования являются методы и инструменты изучения рынка ИКТ и разработки инновационного продукта. Предмет – аналитическое обоснование вывода на рынок и разработки инновационного продукта для лиц с ОВЗ. Научная новизна заключается в том, что в работе с помощью современных моделей и методик обоснована необходимость создания системы взаимодействия инвалидов, которая объединяла бы в себе функции интернет-магазина и ведение балансов счетов участников. Система уникальна и не имеет конкурентов. Практическая значимость заключается в создании аналитической базы сообщества инвалидов России и подготовке материалов для введения ЛПС в жизнь сообществ. / The purpose of the dissertation is to analytically ensure the development of a system of mutual assistance and socialization for people with disabilities based on the existing version of the local payment system. The relevance is due to the huge scale of the disabled community in Russia. The problem of disability remains painful, both from the point of view of medicine and from the socio-economic side. The paper solves the following tasks: analysis of the subject area, study of alternative means of payment, electronic payment systems. The results of previous years' research, as well as models and methods of product development are studied. A complete analysis of the system was carried out, all costs were calculated, an implementation project was prepared, and a prototype of the system for conducting business games was created. The object of the research is methods and tools for studying the ICT market and developing an innovative product. The subject is an analytical justification for launching and developing an innovative product for people with disabilities. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the work with the help of modern models and techniques justifies the need to create a system of interaction of disabled people, which would combine the functions of an online store and maintaining the balance of accounts of participants. The system is unique and has no competitors. The practical significance lies in the creation of an analytical base of the Russian disabled community and the preparation of materials for the introduction of LPS into the life of communities.

Поддержка принятия решений на разных этапах ЖЦ ИТ-инновации с использованием ChatGPT : магистерская диссертация / Decision-making support at different stages of LC IT-innovation using ChatGPT

Ерицян, Г. А., Yeritsyan, G. A. January 2023 (has links)
Данная работа исследует использование ChatGPT, мощной модели искусственного интеллекта, для поддержки принятия решений на различных этапах жизненного цикла ИТ-инновации. Работа основана на анализе эффективности и применимости ChatGPT в контексте поддержки принятия решений внаучно-исследовательских работах и процессах разработки программного обеспечения. Исследование описывает принципы взаимодействия с ChatGPT, его способность анализировать и обрабатывать текстовую информацию, а также его возможности в генерации содержательных и контекстно связанных ответов в контексте решаемых задач в научно-исследовательских работах и тестировании программного обеспечения. В работе рассматривается потенциальное использование использования ChatGPT для поддержки принятия решений, для определения преимуществ и ограничений. / This paper explores the use of ChatGPT, a powerful artificial intelligence model, to support decision-making at various stages of the IT innovation lifecycle. The work is based on the analysis of the effectiveness and applicability of ChatGPT in the context of decision support in scientific research and software development processes. The study describes the principles of interaction with ChatGPT, its ability to analyze and process textual information, as well as its capabilities in generating meaningful and contextually related answers in the context of tasks being solved in research and software testing. The paper discusses the potential use of using ChatGPT to support decision-making, to identify advantages and limitations.

Information technology governance and innovation adoption in varying organizational contexts

Winkler, Till J. 16 November 2012 (has links)
Diese kumulative Dissertation leistet einen Erklärungsbeitrag zu der Frage der theoretischen Beziehung zwischen der Informationstechnologie-(IT-)Governance und der Adoption von IT-basierten Innovationen auf Organisationsebene. IT-Governance kann in diesem Zusammenhang als der Ort der Verantwortungshoheit für IT-Entscheidungen verstanden werden. Adoption bezieht sich auf die Aneignung einer technologischen Innovation durch eine Organisation. Zwei übergeordnete Forschungsfragen leiten diese Dissertation: (1) Wie beeinflusst die Form der IT-Governance die Aneignung neuer Technologien, und umgekehrt (2) wie beeinflussen neue Technologien die Form der IT-Governance? Hinsichtlich Forschungsfrage (1) wurden vier Studien zu Innovationen im Mobile Government durchgeführt, d.h. zu der Nutzung von mobilen Technologien im öffentlichen Sektor mit dem Ziel Verwaltungsdienstleistungen und interne Prozesse zu verbessern. In Bezug auf Forschungsfrage (2) wurde in weiteren vier Studien die Aneignung von Unternehmenssoftware as a Service (SaaS), d.h. die Nutzung von Geschäftsanwendungen als webbasierte Dienste, untersucht. Zusammenfassend gibt diese Dissertation Aufschluss darüber, wie IT-Governance und entsprechende Mechanismen die Innovativität in bestimmten organisationalen Kontexten begünstigen können (in öffentlichen Verwaltungen z.B. durch die Verknüpfung von organisationalen und technologischen Verantwortlichkeiten) und umgekehrt wie die Form der IT-Governance selbst durch das Aufkommen von technologischen Neuerungen (z.B. durch externe Bereitstellungsmodelle wie SaaS) umgestaltet wird bzw. werden muss. Methodisch demonstriert diese Arbeit den Reichtum, der durch den wechselnden Einsatz von qualitativen und quantitativen Ansätzen erzielt werden kann. Abschließend werden eine Reihe von Implikationen für IT-Entscheider in öffentlichen und privatwirtschaftlichen Kontexten aufgezeigt. / This cumulative dissertation contributes to the question of the theoretical relationship between information technology (IT) governance and the adoption of IT-based innovations. IT governance has been described specifically as the locus of responsibility for IT functions within organizations. Innovation adoption in this context refers to the decision of an organization to make use of a technological innovation. Two principal research questions (RQ) guide this dissertation: (1) how does the mode of IT governance influence adoption of new technologies, and conversely (2) how does the adoption of new technologies affect organizational IT governance? In order to address RQ1, I conducted four studies in a public sector context regarding innovations in Mobile Government referring to the use of mobile technology to improve government services and internal processes. Regarding RQ2, I investigated the adoption of enterprise Software as a Service (SaaS) in four further studies. In this context, it is hypothesized that for some applications SaaS-based provision leads to a ‘governance shift’ of IT responsibilities from IT towards business units. In summary, this dissertation sheds light on the question of how IT governance and its mechanisms can foster innovativeness in certain contexts (e.g., through aligning organizational and technological responsibilities in public sector organizations), and conversely how the mode of IT governance itself can be shaped by the emergence of new technological innovations (e.g., external delivery models such as SaaS). Methodologically, this work demonstrates the richness provided by alternating between qualitative and quantitative empirical approaches. Finally, a number of relevant practical implications for IT decision makers in governmental and entrepreneurial contexts are outlined.

Adoção de computação em nuvem : estudo de casos múltiplos

Sobragi, Cyro Gudolle January 2012 (has links)
A computação em nuvem é considerada um paradigma computacional da atualidade. Sua adoção vem crescendo nos últimos anos, contudo ainda é incipiente nas organizações brasileiras. Por ser uma tecnologia inovadora, a computação em nuvem vem recebendo maior atenção da academia nos últimos anos, contudo a abordagem do assunto na literatura de Sistemas de Informação ainda é considerada baixa, apesar de crescente. A presente dissertação tem o objetivo de analisar os fatores de adoção da tecnologia, estabelecendo uma relação entre elementos de teorias de base e fatores de adoção. Foram identificados na literatura elementos teóricos e fatores relacionados à computação em nuvem, sendo realizadas associações entre tais fatores e elementos. Os elementos teóricos identificados na revisão da literatura são oriundos da teoria dos custos de transação, teoria da dependência de recursos e teoria de difusão da inovação. A pesquisa realizada é de caráter exploratório, por meio de estudos de casos múltiplos, realizados em três empresas que já adotaram computação em nuvem. O estudo utilizou como fontes de evidências entrevistas semiestruturadas, documentos e consulta a sites corporativos das organizações pesquisadas. Para análise das entrevistas foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo, com o auxílio do software MAXQDA10. Os resultados do estudo apresentaram como fatores de adoção de computação em nuvem: confiabilidade, escalabilidade, economia, privacidade e segurança. A pesquisa também contribui para o preenchimento da lacuna na literatura de Sistemas de Informação, oferecendo subsídios para estudos quantitativos que confirmem os fatores levantados. / Cloud computing is considered a new computational paradigm for many researchers and practitioners. The adoption of this technology has been arisen in the last few years by the organizations, nevertheless it is still emerging in Brazil. As considered an innovative technology, cloud computing adoption has been gathering more attention in the academy. However, this subject in the Information Systems literature still has little attention, although increasing. This dissertation intends to analyze the adoption factors of cloud computing and establish associations between technology adoption factors and theory elements. Initially were identified in the literature of economic and organizational theories some elements related to the Diffusion of Innovations Theory, Transaction Cost Economics and Resource Dependency Theory. Then, the technology adoption factors were related directly to the cloud computing features. Consequently the theory elements were associated with the technology adoption factors. This research was exploratory, through multiple case studies in three companies that already adopted cloud computing. The data collection was made by interviews and documents analysis. To analyze the seven interviews this research used the content analysis method, using the software MAXQDA10. Thereafter, was conducted an association between the theory elements and the technology adoption factors. As main results, were confirmed as adoption factors in cloud computing: reliability, scalability, security, privacy and economy. This study also contributes for fill in a lack in the literature, as well as offer information for future quantitative researches about the technology adoption factors.

Adoção de computação em nuvem : estudo de casos múltiplos

Sobragi, Cyro Gudolle January 2012 (has links)
A computação em nuvem é considerada um paradigma computacional da atualidade. Sua adoção vem crescendo nos últimos anos, contudo ainda é incipiente nas organizações brasileiras. Por ser uma tecnologia inovadora, a computação em nuvem vem recebendo maior atenção da academia nos últimos anos, contudo a abordagem do assunto na literatura de Sistemas de Informação ainda é considerada baixa, apesar de crescente. A presente dissertação tem o objetivo de analisar os fatores de adoção da tecnologia, estabelecendo uma relação entre elementos de teorias de base e fatores de adoção. Foram identificados na literatura elementos teóricos e fatores relacionados à computação em nuvem, sendo realizadas associações entre tais fatores e elementos. Os elementos teóricos identificados na revisão da literatura são oriundos da teoria dos custos de transação, teoria da dependência de recursos e teoria de difusão da inovação. A pesquisa realizada é de caráter exploratório, por meio de estudos de casos múltiplos, realizados em três empresas que já adotaram computação em nuvem. O estudo utilizou como fontes de evidências entrevistas semiestruturadas, documentos e consulta a sites corporativos das organizações pesquisadas. Para análise das entrevistas foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo, com o auxílio do software MAXQDA10. Os resultados do estudo apresentaram como fatores de adoção de computação em nuvem: confiabilidade, escalabilidade, economia, privacidade e segurança. A pesquisa também contribui para o preenchimento da lacuna na literatura de Sistemas de Informação, oferecendo subsídios para estudos quantitativos que confirmem os fatores levantados. / Cloud computing is considered a new computational paradigm for many researchers and practitioners. The adoption of this technology has been arisen in the last few years by the organizations, nevertheless it is still emerging in Brazil. As considered an innovative technology, cloud computing adoption has been gathering more attention in the academy. However, this subject in the Information Systems literature still has little attention, although increasing. This dissertation intends to analyze the adoption factors of cloud computing and establish associations between technology adoption factors and theory elements. Initially were identified in the literature of economic and organizational theories some elements related to the Diffusion of Innovations Theory, Transaction Cost Economics and Resource Dependency Theory. Then, the technology adoption factors were related directly to the cloud computing features. Consequently the theory elements were associated with the technology adoption factors. This research was exploratory, through multiple case studies in three companies that already adopted cloud computing. The data collection was made by interviews and documents analysis. To analyze the seven interviews this research used the content analysis method, using the software MAXQDA10. Thereafter, was conducted an association between the theory elements and the technology adoption factors. As main results, were confirmed as adoption factors in cloud computing: reliability, scalability, security, privacy and economy. This study also contributes for fill in a lack in the literature, as well as offer information for future quantitative researches about the technology adoption factors.

Adoção de computação em nuvem : estudo de casos múltiplos

Sobragi, Cyro Gudolle January 2012 (has links)
A computação em nuvem é considerada um paradigma computacional da atualidade. Sua adoção vem crescendo nos últimos anos, contudo ainda é incipiente nas organizações brasileiras. Por ser uma tecnologia inovadora, a computação em nuvem vem recebendo maior atenção da academia nos últimos anos, contudo a abordagem do assunto na literatura de Sistemas de Informação ainda é considerada baixa, apesar de crescente. A presente dissertação tem o objetivo de analisar os fatores de adoção da tecnologia, estabelecendo uma relação entre elementos de teorias de base e fatores de adoção. Foram identificados na literatura elementos teóricos e fatores relacionados à computação em nuvem, sendo realizadas associações entre tais fatores e elementos. Os elementos teóricos identificados na revisão da literatura são oriundos da teoria dos custos de transação, teoria da dependência de recursos e teoria de difusão da inovação. A pesquisa realizada é de caráter exploratório, por meio de estudos de casos múltiplos, realizados em três empresas que já adotaram computação em nuvem. O estudo utilizou como fontes de evidências entrevistas semiestruturadas, documentos e consulta a sites corporativos das organizações pesquisadas. Para análise das entrevistas foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo, com o auxílio do software MAXQDA10. Os resultados do estudo apresentaram como fatores de adoção de computação em nuvem: confiabilidade, escalabilidade, economia, privacidade e segurança. A pesquisa também contribui para o preenchimento da lacuna na literatura de Sistemas de Informação, oferecendo subsídios para estudos quantitativos que confirmem os fatores levantados. / Cloud computing is considered a new computational paradigm for many researchers and practitioners. The adoption of this technology has been arisen in the last few years by the organizations, nevertheless it is still emerging in Brazil. As considered an innovative technology, cloud computing adoption has been gathering more attention in the academy. However, this subject in the Information Systems literature still has little attention, although increasing. This dissertation intends to analyze the adoption factors of cloud computing and establish associations between technology adoption factors and theory elements. Initially were identified in the literature of economic and organizational theories some elements related to the Diffusion of Innovations Theory, Transaction Cost Economics and Resource Dependency Theory. Then, the technology adoption factors were related directly to the cloud computing features. Consequently the theory elements were associated with the technology adoption factors. This research was exploratory, through multiple case studies in three companies that already adopted cloud computing. The data collection was made by interviews and documents analysis. To analyze the seven interviews this research used the content analysis method, using the software MAXQDA10. Thereafter, was conducted an association between the theory elements and the technology adoption factors. As main results, were confirmed as adoption factors in cloud computing: reliability, scalability, security, privacy and economy. This study also contributes for fill in a lack in the literature, as well as offer information for future quantitative researches about the technology adoption factors.

Cloud Computing: a new approach for Hallstahammar’s IT companies

Kokkinos, Andreas - Filippos, Stanley D'Cruze, Ricky January 2010 (has links)
Thesis Purpose Examine the possibility of small IT companies being benefited from a Cloud Computing transition. Through one case study of a software development company and interviews from five Hallstahmmar’s IT companies, we showed how Cloud Computing can enable organizations to decrease IT investments and related costs. Besides we critically analyzed some drawbacks of this latest concept.   Methodology Primary and secondary data has been collected based on a qualitative method and a structured approach. The collected material of the secondary data was mainly based on latest journals. The interviewing parts have been recorded and summarized.   Theoretical Perspective We have used theories of various aspects of business related to Cloud Computing; e.g. innovation and Cloud Computing, business model and Cloud Computing in order to acquire a complete knowledge base for analyzing our empirical data.   Empirical Foundation A case study of TotalAssist, interview data of LifeCenter AB and interviews of four IT companies of Hallstahammar, are our empirical foundation of the reserach.   Conclusion IT companies of Hallstahammar may adopt the Cloud Computing paradigm. Besides, yet this new concept has its risks. Security remains a concern among many CIO’s. In addition, we recommend means that a company can pursue while implementing a Cloud Computing transition.

Challenges of AI Adoption in SMEs / Utmaningar i samband med införandet av AI i små och medelstora företag

Roa Baez, Julian, Igbekele, Remi Leon January 2021 (has links)
This thesis paper discusses the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in the context of small and medium-sized companies. AI is a disruptive innovation currently leading a technological transition in many industries. Academic literature on its adoption in the context of SMEs is limited. This thesis aims to answer the research question "W hat are the main challenges of AI adoption in SMEs?". The authors use a qualitative research approach, interviewing 18 representatives of different Swedish organizations to answer the question. The authors identify six main challenge categories regarding AI adoption in SMEs via a coding process, which are Change Management, Education, Data, Hiring, Project Structuring, and External Help. The authors show similarities to challenges described in the existing literature on AI adoption. However, Hiring and External Help impact AI adoption in SMEs more significantly than in larger corporations, while Change Management can be easier for smaller organizations. Furthermore, a framework that helps to prioritize the above challenges is introduced. In comparison with literature on the adoption of other (non-AI) IT innovations in SMEs, some challenges are more salient to AI: the unclear definition of the term, false expectations as a result of the AI Hype, the uncertainty of project outcome, and the prerequisite of a previous digitalization process. The authors recommend further research in other contexts. / I denna avhandling diskuteras införandet av artificiell intelligens (AI) teknik i små och medelstora företag. AI är en disruptiv innovation som för närvarande leder en teknisk övergång i många branscher. Den akademiska litteraturen kring dess användning i små och medelstora företag är begränsad. Denna avhandling syftar till att besvara forskningsfrågan "Vilka är de största utmaningarna med att införa AI i små och medelstora företag?". Författarna använder en kvalitativ forskningsansats och intervjuar 18 representanter från olika svenska organisationer för att besvara frågan. Författarna identifierar sex huvudsakliga utmaningar områden avseende AI-adoption i små och medelstora företag via en kodningsprocess: förändringshantering, utbildning, data, anställning, projekt strukturering och extern hjälp. Författarna visar på likheter med de utmaningar som beskrivs i den befintliga litteraturen om AI-användning. Anställning och extern hjälp påverkar dock AI-användningen i små och medelstora företag mer påtagligt än i större företag, medan förändringshantering kan vara lättare för mindre organisationer. Vidare introduceras ett ramverk som hjälper till att prioritera ovanstående utmaningar. I jämförelse med litteratur om antagandet av andra (icke-AI) IT-innovationer i små och medelstora företag är vissa utmaningar mer framträdande när det gäller AI: den oklara definitionen av begreppet, falska förväntningar som ett resultat av AI-hypen, osäkerheten från projektresultatet och förutsättningen av tidigare digitaliseringsprocess. Författarna rekommenderar ytterligare forskning i andra sammanhang.

Leveraging customer knowledge in open innovation processes by using social software

Kruse, Paul 10 September 2015 (has links)
Involving customers in the creation and design process of new products and services has been dis-cussed in practice and research since the early 1980’s. As one of the first researchers, von Hippel (1986) shed light on the concept of Lead Users, a group of users who are able to provide most accu-rate data on future needs for organizations. Subsequently, many scholars emphasized different areas of contribution for customers and how they provide assistance to the process of innovation. First of all, customers may contribute to product innovation (Cooper & Kleinschmidt, 1987; Driessen & Hillebrand, 2013; Füller & Matzler, 2007; Gruner & Homburg, 2000; Sawhney, Verona, & Prandelli, 2005; Snow, Fjeldstad, Lettl, & Miles, 2011; Yang & Rui, 2009) and service innovation (Abecassis-Moedas, Ben Mahmoud-Jouini, Dell’Era, Manceau, & Verganti, 2012; Alam, 2002; Chesbrough, 2011; Larbig-Wüst, 2010; Magnusson, 2003; Paton & Mclaughlin, 2008; Shang, Lin, & Wu, 2009; Silpakit & Fisk, 1985), e.g., by co-creating values (Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2004), such as concepts or designs as well as reviewing and testing them throughout the stages of the process of innovation. From the customers’ point of view, being involved in innovation processes and becoming a part of the organ-ization is a desire of an increasing number of them. Customers are demanding more individual and more tailored products. They are increasingly knowledgeable and capable of designing and produc-ing their own products and services. Due to the fact that their influence on product development is positively related to the quality of the new product (Sethi, 2000), more and more organizations appreciate them as innovation actors and are willing to pay them for their input. Today, customers are not only involved in the qualification of products (Callon, Méadel, & Rabeharisoa, 2002; Callon & Muniesa, 2005; Grabher, Ibert, & Flohr, 2009) but also allowed to customize and evaluate them on the path to innovation (Franke & Piller, 2004; Piller & Walcher, 2006; von Hippel & Katz, 2002; von Hippel, 2001). Moreover, there is an abundance of studies that stress the customers’ influence on effectiveness (de Luca & Atuahene-Gima, 2007; Kleinschmidt & Cooper, 1991; Kristensson, Matthing, & Johansson, 2008; Still, Huhtamäki, Isomursu, Lahti, & Koskela-Huotari, 2012) and risk (Bayer & Maier, 2006; Enkel, Kausch, & Gassmann, 2005; Enkel, Perez-Freije, & Gassmann, 2005). While the latter comprises the risk of customer integration as well as the customers’ influence on market risks, e.g., during new product development, studies on effectiveness are mostly concerned with customer-orientation and products/services in line with customers’ expectations (Atuahene-Gima, 1996, 2003; Fuchs & Schreier, 2011). The accompanying change in understanding became known as open innovation (OI; first coined by Chesbrough in 2003) and represents a paradigm shift, where organizations switch their focus from internally generated innovation (i.e., ideation, in-house R&D, etc.) toward external knowledge and open innovation processes, thus, allowing them to integrate external ideas and actors, i.e. custom-ers (Chesbrough, 2006) and other external stakeholders (Laursen & Salter, 2006). Since then, OI has been identified as a success factor for increasing customer satisfaction (Füller, Hutter, & Faullant, 2011; Greer & Lei, 2012) and growing revenues (Faems, De Visser, Andries, & van Looy, 2010; Mette, Moser, & Fridgen, 2013; Spithoven, Frantzen, & Clarysse, 2010). In addition to that, by open-ing their doors to external experts and knowledge workers (Kang & Kang, 2009), organizations cope with shorter innovation cycles, rising R&D costs, and the shortage of resources (Gassmann & Enkel, 2004). Parallel to the paradigm shift in innovation, another shift has taken place in information and com-munication technologies (Kietzmann, Hermkens, McCarthy, & Silvestre, 2011). Only a few years ago, when customer integration was still very costly, companies had to fly in customers, provide facilities onsite, permanently assign employees to such activities, and incentivise each task execut-ed by customers. Today, emerging technologies (subsumed under the term ‘social software’) help integrating customers or other external stakeholders, who are increasingly familiar with the such technologies from personal usage experience (Cook, 2008), and grant them access from all over the world in a 24/7 fashion. Examples include blogging tools, social networking systems, or wikis. These technologies help organizations to access customer knowledge, facilitate the collaboration with customers (Culnan, McHugh, & Zubillaga, 2010; Piller & Vossen, 2012) at reduced costs and allow them to address a much larger audience (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). On the other hand, customers can now express their needs in a more direct way to organizations. However, each technology or application category may present a completely different benefit to the process of innovation or parts of it and, thus, the innovation itself. Reflecting these developments, organizations need to know two things: how can they exploit the customers’ knowledge for innovation purposes and how may the implementation of social soft-ware support this. Hence, this research addresses the integration of customers in organizational innovation, i.e. new product development. It addresses how and why firms activate customers for innovation and which contribution customers provide to the process of innovation. Additionally, it investigates which tasks customers may take over in open innovations projects and which strategies organiza-tions may choose to do so. It also addresses which social software application supports each task best and how organizations may select the most suitable application out of a rapidly growing num-ber of alternatives. The nature of this research is recommendatory and aims at designing a solution for organizations that are interested in the potential contribution of customers during innovation, already involve customers in innovation tasks or plan to do so. Following the recommendations of this research should result in a more effective organizational exploitation of customer knowledge and their workforce and, thus, a value added to innovation and the outcomes of the process of innovation, e.g., a product that better fits the customers’ expectations and demands or consequently a better adoption of the product by the customer.:1 Introduction 2 Theoretical foundation 3 Research areas and focal points 4 Research aims and questions 5 Methods 6 Findings 7 Conclusion References Essay 1: The Role of External Knowledge in Open Innovation – A Systematic Review of Literature Essay 2: External Knowledge in Organisational Innovation – Toward an Integration Concept Essay 3: Idea Mining – Text Mining Supported Knowledge Management for Innovation Purposes Essay 4: How do Tasks and Technology fit? – Bringing Order to the Open Innovation Chaos

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