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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Patienter vid Furunäsets Hospital och Asyl : Om diagnostisering och behandling av psykiskt sjuka 1893–1914

Johansson, Liam January 2023 (has links)
This essay explores the diagnosis and treatment of the patients living at Furunäsets Hospitaland Asylum from 1893-1914. This was the biggest mental hospital in the north of Sweden atthe time. By examining patient case books, inspection documents and a textbook aboutpsychiatry of the time, this essay explores what getting a diagnosis meant for the patients ofthe time, as well as what treatments they got after arriving to the hospital. To answer thequestion of how well the treatments went this essay also studies the annual reports from thehospital, with particular interest in staff as well as the number of patients. By studying thereports, it is possible to see how many patients were discharged each year, and for what reason.This will also show how they were classified when discharged, either as dead, unchanged,better, or back to full health. All together this will show that diagnosis and treatment during thetime between 1983-1914 could be very different depending on the symptoms present. Somediagnoses were very similar to each other, and even overlaps. Almost all patients wereencouraged to work while living in the hospital, and it was seen as a part of their treatment.The results show that diagnosis and treatment was seen as a necessity to allow those who werediagnosed to return to “normal” society.Keywords: Hospital, Piteå, psykiatrihistoria, medici

Nationens vackraste recentior : könsöverskridande klädsel inom Luciafirande

Skoglund, Nanna January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Catharine Macaulay and the Liberal and Republican Origins of American Public Administration

Thomas, Lisa 05 June 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Kant’s Proleptic Philosophy of History: The World Well-Hoped

Fernandez, Jose Luis January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to examine and helpfully elucidate Kant’s proleptic philosophy of history by pursuing lines of thought across both his critical and historical body of work. A key motivation for this goal stems from noticing certain repetitive explications of Kant’s philosophy across, among other subjects, history, biology, religion, teleology, culture, and education, which, as precise and careful in their detail, all seem to converge on key Kantian ideas of teleology and morality. Rather than concentrating on any one aspect of Kant’s proleptic philosophy, I set out to (i) investigate seemingly untenable problems with his characterization of reason in history, (ii) to counter what I take as a misreading, if not misattributions, of Kant’s proleptic, and not prophetic, thoughts on historical progress, (iii) to offer an original reflection on Kant’s use of a famous stoic phrase in two of his political essays, and (iv) to an attempt a close exegesis toward tying notions of teleology and hope with that of need. The approach that I take in these chapters is both problem centered and exegetical, and while I attempt to answer concerns in the secondary literature pertaining to Kant’s proleptic philosophy of history, I also stay close to the primary texts by providing references and citations to key claims and passages which reinforce Kant’s forceful portrait of the poietic power of human reason to create a world hospitable to its rational ends. / Philosophy

Förnuftet i Guds tjänst : Trons förhållande till förnuftet under 1700-talet / Reason in God's service : Faith's relation to reason during the 18th century

Grundberg, Cleo January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to distinguish different perceptions about reason in lutheran Sweden during the 18th century enlightenment. By analyzing the discourse in the newly established scientific academy in Stockholm, I examine how the scientist valued reason and its relation to faith and science. Further I examine during which sociopolitical and theological contexts these perceptions formed and if the discourse can be explained by Lutheranism and a religious enlightenment. The study found a generally positive attitude towards reason as it was perceived as a gift from God and an important trait inherent only to humans. Reason had its limits however but these were not expressed as negatively as Luther warned during the 16th century. While Luther expressed great skepticism towards reason, especially in the realm of theology, the scientist had a more positive attitude. With previous research, this study finds that this shift in attitude, together with utilism, could be contributed to a religious enlightenment, in which a more orthodox church embrace enlightenment ideals – such as reason – to defend their faith and find a more solid ground during pressed times when criticism against religion grew and Pietism took hold.

Skapandet av folkhemsmedborgaren : Hur den ideala individen framställs i den svenska sexualupplysningen 1932–1938

Winther, Olga January 2024 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om hur den ideala folkhemsmedborgaren skapades och framställdes i sexualupplysningen under folkhemsbyggandets start. Undersökningen fokuserar på två olika sexualupplysningstidskrifter: Populär tidskrift för sexuell upplysning respektive Sexualfrågan, och går igenom vad de har publicerat under åren 1932–1938. Genom artiklar om könslivet, könsdriften, sexualmoral, födelsekontroll, uppfostran, äktenskap och skilsmässa mm. målas det upp en helhetsbild av en ideal medborgare. Undersökningen visar att det var tydligt utskrivet vilka personlighetsdrag och egenskaper den ideala folkhemsinvånaren skulle besitta. Bland dessa var sundhet, rationalitet, förnuft och ansvarsfullhet ständigt återkommande. Genom att hävda dessa drags “naturlighet”, och deras sammankoppling till socialism, legitimerades folkhemmets existens. Parallellt med detta framställs ett borgerligt samhälle, och borgerliga värden, som sjukliga och hycklande samtidigt som “borgerlighet” blir separerad från de eftersträvansvärda personlighetsdragen. Jag menar att forskningen inte har tagit sig an sexualupplysningen som en aktiv aktör i folkhemsbyggandet. Trots forskning kring den svenska sexualupplysningen i sig har sexualupplysningens roll i formandet av folkhemsmedborgaren förbisetts. Genom att analysera sexualupplysningen kommer jag att visa att den skapade och framställde ett ideal för hur folkhemsmedborgaren skulle se ut.

"Mer än bara jordbruk?" : En analys av efterkrigstidens debatt om lantbrukets framtid

Heimdahl, Selma January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsats analyserar efterkrigstidens debatt om jordbrukets framtid som pågick under 1945-1955 i syfte att ta reda på vilka värden som framkommer i diskussionen, och vilka framtidsutsikter som blir möjliga med dessa värden som grund. Det undersöks genom att ställa frågeställningar till tre olika typer av material som erbjuder olika perspektiv på frågan. Genom ett teoretiskt ramverk bestående av begreppen biopolitik, statsindividualism och framtidsvision visar undersökningen på att staten och politiken under tidsperioden värdesatte ekonomiska resultat och nationalekonomiska modeller högre än vad som i efterhand skulle betraktas som rationellt. Lantbrukarna och landsbygdens befolkning samt olika typer av experter ser olika på vilka värden som är viktiga, ändå lämnar det inget utrymme för alternativa framtidsutsikter eftersom rationaliseringen utformad efter politiken betraktas som oundviklig.

Från plastkort till pixlar : Svenska statens syn på utvecklingen av e-legitimation

Maathz, Felix January 2024 (has links)
Under 2000-talet har digitaliseringen blivit alltmer påtaglig i samhället och befolkningen började i högre utsträckning använda de e-tjänster som erbjöds. E-legitimation blev ett exempel på vad nya teknologiska framsteg kan erbjuda allmänheten. Denna utveckling blev för många revolutionerande, men väckte samtidigt frågor kring vilka samhällsgrupper som blivit inkluderade i utvecklingen av teknologin. Denna uppsats undersöker synen staten haft på e-legitimationens roll i samhället genom att analysera vilka problem som identifieras, vilka samhällsgrupper som ansetts vara exkluderade och hur framtidsvisioner förmedlats i statliga utredningar av 24-timmarsdelegationen, E-delegationen och i Betalningsutredningen. Undersökningen visar att äldre, låginkomsttagare, personer med utländsk bakgrund och personer med funktionshinder har identifierats som exkluderade i statliga utredningar under utvecklingen av e-legitimation i Sverige vilket påverkat deras möjlighet att delta i den digitala utvecklingen. Genom att belysa dessa aspekter av e-legitimationens utveckling bidrar uppsatsen till ytterligare förståelse för hur teknologiska framsteg kan leda till exkludering av samhällsgrupper, och hur statens synsätt på teknologi påverkar detta.

La traduction du néo-travaillisme britannique dans la gauche socialiste française (1997-2008) / The translation of the new labourism in the french socialist left (1997-2008)

Rioufreyt, Thibaut 03 July 2012 (has links)
À la croisée de la sociologie des intellectuels et de l'expertise, des travaux sur le Parti socialiste et des études de réception, j'ai exploré dans le cadre de ma thèse les mécanismes par lesquels les discours et les idées politiques circulent à la fois entre espaces nationaux et entre espaces savants et politiques. Elle prend pour objet la traduction dans le milieu socialiste français de la « Troisième voie » britannique entre 1997 et 2008. Contribution à une sociologie des discours politiques et idéologiques, elle combine une archéologie des textes produits par les traducteurs, recourant aux outils élaborés par M. Foucault et, à sa suite, l'analyse de discours, avec une analyse écologique de leurs conditions sociales de production, de circulation et de traduction, recourant aux outils d'analyse des propriétés sociales des acteurs et des espaces dans lesquels ils se socialisent. Cette enquête montre comment les usages du référent néo-travailliste et sa circulation se rapportent à la position occupée par ses traducteurs non seulement dans leur différents champs d'origine (en l'occurrence le champ politique, le champ intellectuel et l'espace de l'expertise d'État) mais aussi dans le réseau hybride qu'ils constituent à la croisée de ces différents champs. Mais, contre la tentation de réduire les discours au statut de reflets ou de supports expressifs, la traduction du néo-travaillisme doit aussi se comprendre comme une entreprise d'enrôlement d'une référence étrangère au service d'un travail de problématisation et de redéfinition idéologique du socialisme contemporain face aux problèmes auxquels il est confronté. À la différence d'une approche strictement transnationale ou comparative, la référence à l'étranger fonctionne ici comme une manière de mieux comprendre les logiques socio-discursives à l'œuvre dans le milieu socialiste français. La description des références à la « Troisième voie » ou à la figure de Tony Blair fonctionnent ainsi comme un révélateur fécond de reconfigurations plus larges, comme la mutation des rapports entre savants et politiques, la désintellectualisation de l'activité politique au sein du Parti socialiste ou encore la recomposition idéologique de la gauche française à l'égard du libéralisme dans les années 1990-2000. / My research stands at the meeting point of sociology of intellectuals and expertise, works on the Socialist party and studies on reception. I investigate the mechanisms through which political discourse and ideas circulate both on a national scale and in intellectual and political spaces. I focus on how the British « Third Way » was translated within the French socialist circle between 1997 and 2008. My thesis works as a contribution to the sociology of political and ideological discourse : referring to M. Foucault's theoretical tools, it is based on an « archeology » of texts produced by the translators. It also relies on discourse analysis through an ecological analysis of their social conditions of production, circulation and translation, taking also into account the social characteristics of the agents and the spaces in which they socialize. This investigation underlines how the New Labour model is used and spread in relationship with the translators' position within the diverse fields they belong to (that is to say, political field, intellectual field, state expertise field) but also within the hybrid network they form at the meeting point of these various fields. However, in order to resist the temptation to reduce discourse to simple reflections or expressive material, the translation of the New Labourism has also to be understood as an attempt to incorporate a foreign reference to help problematizing and redefining the ideology of contemporary socialism, given the problems it has been confronted with. My research is not strictly a transnational or comparative approach : the references to Great Britain work here as a way to better understand the socio-discursive logics at work in the French Socialist circle. Therefore, the references to the « Third Way » or to Tony Blair's figure are made explicit to reveal larger reconfigurations, as the mutation of the relationship between scientists and politicians, the desintellectualization of politics within the Socialist Party or the ideological shifting attitude of the French Left towards liberalism during the 1990's.

Den moraliska kroppen : Tolkningar av kön och individualitet i 1800-talets populärmedicin

Larsson, Maja January 2002 (has links)
<p>The 19th century is often described as a period when sexual differences were strongly accentuated in medical interpretations. While this is not an inaccurate description, it is in need of greater nuance. For one thing, notions of the male are usually forgotten in the process. As the female body by the shift to the 18th hundreds, to a greater extent than before, became associated with reproduction and biological constraints of various kinds, representations of the male body also changed. According to medical texts published in Sweden in the 19th century, men’s blood, bones, breath and digestion bore witness to their "freedom" from a forced sexual body. Physically, the male constituted an abstract, cultivated and highly differentiated individual, focused on his own development and wellbeing. The male body was described as clearly fit for public and political life, which legitimized male claims to a monopoly on power as well as the doctrine of "the separate spheres" in 19th century bourgeois society. </p><p>But there is more to this story. A closer examination of more limited discussions in medical texts and advice literature reveal that representations of the male and female body were remarkably unstable and marked by tensions and contradictions. During the Romantic era of medicine in Sweden during the 1830’s and 40’s, the way sex and individuality in the body were valued were totally different from the description above. Reproduction and physical desires were characteristic, according to a number of medical men, of highly developed creatures, connected to God, society, and culture, whereas sexless species, immature children and "lower" peoples were seen as materialistic and focused only on their own individual development. Discussions regarding female puberty and single men further reveal the unstable polarization between sex and individuality as well as culturally constructed differences, not only between men and women, but also between classes, age groups, single and married persons, cultivated and non-cultivated peoples. Notions about nature/culture, tradition/progress, female/male, sex/individuality were not organized into stable dichotomies—rather they constituted an unstable body of representations. </p>

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