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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Industrialismens pris : En undersökning om kopplingarna mellan rasbiologi och vattenkraftsutbyggnaden i Norrland under 1900-talets början

Agerhäll, Isabella January 2021 (has links)
Denna undersökning behandlar relationerna mellan högmodernism, rasbiologi och industrialiseringen av Norrland under tidigt 1900-tal. Syftet är att analysera de samband som fanns mellan teknikutbredningen, främst i form av vattenkraft, i traditionellt samiska områden och rasbiologins väg till att bli ett etablerat forskningsfält. Herman Lundborg, som var drivande i processen för ett statligt institut för rasbiologi i Sverige, hade särskilt fokus på samerna vilket gör det intressant att studera hans idéers påverkan på industrialiseringen i Norrland. De källor som används är främst riksdagstryck gällande samer, vattenkraft och avvittring och kompletteras av annat tryckt material från intressenter för och emot industrialiseringen samt tryckt material om rashygien och rasbiologi. Genom att använda Scotts teorier om högmodernism, Adas teori om kolonial vetenskap och Headricks teori om teknik som verktyg för kolonisering nåddes slutsatserna att tekniken fungerat både som verktyg och motiv för Norrlands kolonisering. Rasbiologin gav legitimitet till idéer om rasers olika värde bidrog till det osynlighetsgörande av samerna som var nödvändigt för att kunna exploatera naturresurser inom renbeteslandet.

Arbetarklass, skandinavism och representation : Om tidningen Fäderneslandet 1866 / Working class, scandinavianism andrepresentation : About the newspaper Fäderneslandet (TheFatherland) 1866

Lindgren, Johannes January 2021 (has links)
This paper is an historical investigation of three political ideas presented in the newspaperFäderneslandet (”The Fatherland”) during the year of 1866. The ideas are the writers viewof the working class, the treatment of the abolishment of the estate-based parliament andthe election of the new bi-cameral parliament and their view of the ideology ofscandinavianism.

Skogen i dialog med Sveriges natur : Konflikt eller samsyn på användningen av skogsmark 1977–2006?

Bodell, Kristian January 2021 (has links)
This essay examines how the magazines Skogen and Sveriges Natur have used the concept ofsustainable forestry in their editorial pages, as opinion leaders, during the period 1977-2006and analyzes how the concept has changed in meaning during these years.

Djurskyddshjärtat : Föreställningar om djur och människor i Ester Blenda Nordströms "En piga bland pigor" och "Kåtornas folk

Lundborg Eman, Elin January 2021 (has links)
This thesis set out to study the concept of non-human animals in En piga bland pigor (1914)and Kåtornas folk (1916) by the journalist and author Ester Blenda Nordström (1891-1948).By contextualizing contemporary views and ideas of non-human animals by the turn of the20th century, the conceptions are analyzed through different societal perspectives. How is themeeting between Nordström, as an emancipated upper-class woman, and the marginalisedgroups of people depicted in the books affecting her view of the non-human animals? Thisquestion originates from the understanding that the presence of non-human animals inhistorical material testifies not only of hierarchical relations and cultural notions but above allit shows something about humans. That is why this thesis uses contemporary ideas of animalwelfare, gender and hygiene to understand the intersectional connection between theconceptions of humans and animals. The study shows an ambivalence in the way of viewinghumans and animals, where expressed feelings of compassion are used both as a way ofindicating that the rights of exposed groups in society should be defended and at the sametime as a way of reinforcing boundaries. Boundaries between different groups of people,classes, humans and animals.

Handelsvara eller hot? : En begreppshistorisk undersökning om trolldomstermer i Malmö Tingbok / Commodity or threat? : A conceptual investigation of magical terms in Malmö Tingbok

Kindström, Naomi January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Writing Community : The sisterbooks of Töss, Oetenbach and St. Katharinental asbearers of community

Puth, Verena January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker förståelsen och konstruerandet av gemenskap bland senmedeltidanunnor. Studien baseras på så kallade Schwesternbücher (”systerböcker”), av hagiografininspirerade textsamlingar om uppkomsten av och livet i nunnekloster. Källmaterialet utgörs avböckerna från klostren Töss, Oetenbach och St. Katharinental i den dominikanska provinsenTeutonia. Fokus för studien är en samlingshandskrift som innehåller dessa tre böcker ochgjordes för att främja 1400-talets Observansreform. Genom en sympatisk läsning ifrågasättsdominanta antaganden ur tidigare forskning om böckernas funktion och betydelse. Böckernavisas ha en genomtänkt utbildningsfunktion för att stärka individerna och deras gemenskap somuppnås genom skicklig navigering av förväntningar från genre, teologi, och klostrets vardag.Studien öppnar för nya forskningsansatser angående rvidden och betydelsen av nunnors nätverki den senmedeltida tyskspråkiga regionen.

The learning process in young children : an experimental study in association

Kirkwood, Julia Allie 01 December 1926 (has links)
No description available.

En folkrörelses förändring : Kontinuitet och förändring i Svensk Idrott 1929-1979 / The changes of a People’s movement : Continuity and change in the official organ of the Swedish Sports Movement ‘Svensk sport’ 1929-1979

Strid, Marcus January 2021 (has links)
In this essay I will show the changes and continuity expressed in the official journal for the Swedish sports movement, Svensk Idrott. More precisely, the purpose of this essay is to investigate how the ideals of the Swedish sports movement changed or remained the same during the period 1929-1979. To further enable me to answer this my questions are as follows: What goals does the journal wish to achieve? Which groups and persons do they want to reach? How do they wish to work to achieve this? My material is the official journal for the Swedish sports movement Svensk Sport. It was a journal founded in 1929 with the expressed purpose of showing the work, goals and other aspects of Riksidrottsförbundet as well as to promote the sports movement. It eventually ended in 2013, but I have chosen to end my investigation of it in 1979 due to economic changes that caused the sports world as a whole to drastically change. My results are that due to economical and ideological changes related to commercialisation, amateuristic ideals and a democratic and feministic push within the larger people's movement changed Svensk Sport from a journal propagating amaturistic ideals with the man in focus to a journal propagating a sports for all people with less hostility to sports as a career choice.

Kolonialismens spöke : En undersökning av svensk kolonialism inom svenska arkiv angående samiskt material

Baer, Nils Ándá January 2021 (has links)
Colonialism is a word coated with history of trauma, opression and self-governance, something most people only apply to the past. However, most people do not realize that colonialism is still alive within our modern community and all the different levels of it. This essay is a analysis if colonialism exists within the swedish archival world in the context of the indigenous people of Sweden: the Sámi. The essay shall discuss how colonialism has affected Swedish archival ways of working in regard to Sámi issues and documenation, but also how colonialism affects todays archival work and the discussion around who should manage the historical items and documets that have been stolen from the Sámi people by Sweden. As the Sámi people live in four different countries, it’s needed to point out that this essay will be focusing on the Swedish side of Sápmi, as the situation in Finland, Norway and Russia are entierly different in regard to politics and, archival practices, yet some of the discussion will be around the Norwegian work with Sámi archives and discussing how it might be applicable to Sweden. As I am part of the Sámi and indingenous community this essay will be using a indingenous perspective of colonalism and the process of decolonisation and the affect it has on our communities, not only does it affect Sweden but globally and why indigenous people are working towards de-colonizing it even if it goes against typical archival practices. As i have the knowledge in both perspectives I will discuss why this is such a complex subject and how the process of de-colonization of swedish archives looks from the Swedish and archival perspective and the Sámi indigenous.

Effects of elaborations in expository texts: Large time cost, reduced attentionand lower memory for main ideas

Daley, Nola M. 01 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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