Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ideas."" "subject:"ldeas.""
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A formulação teórica da moderna gramática portuguesa, de Evanildo Bechara, vista pela perspectiva da história das ideias / A theoretical formulation of Evanildo Bechara\'s modern Portuguese grammar in light of the history of ideasCinthia Cardoso de Siqueira 31 March 2017 (has links)
Considerando a relevância da Moderna gramática portuguesa, de Evanildo Bechara, para os cenários pedagógico e acadêmico brasileiros, este estudo buscou investigar como as teorias apresentadas nas duas fases dessa obra repercutem no tratamento dos fatos linguísticos. O corpus analisado foi composto pelas 36ª e 37ª edições da Moderna gramática portuguesa, publicadas em 1997 e 1999, respectivamente, pois consideramos que essas edições são os testemunhos que demarcam a transição da primeira para a segunda fase da obra. Fundamentando-se na perspectiva teórico-metodológica de Sylvain Auroux (2008; 2009), essencialmente no que diz respeito aos princípios condutores do trabalho do historiador das ciências da linguagem (definição puramente fenomenológica do objeto, neutralidade epistemológica e historicismo moderado) e a alguns conceitos por ele estabelecidos (como gramatização, instrumento linguístico, horizonte de retrospecção e domínio de objetos históricos), nossa metodologia de trabalho pautou-se no estabelecimento do horizonte de retrospecção de Evanildo Bechara e na comparação dos dois textos gramaticais anteriormente citados para apontar como: (i) a teoria greco-latina e o estruturalismo se complementam na 1ª versão da MGP; (ii) o estruturalismo ainda se reflete na obra após a sua reconfiguração (a partir da 37ª edição); e (iii) como a teoria funcionalista repercute no tratamento linguístico na 2ª versão da obra. Desse modo, com vistas a investigar de forma global a complementaridade teórica que se apresenta na obra e a entender o como e o porquê desse fenômeno, esta pesquisa se inscreve, especificamente, no campo da História das ideias linguísticas. / Considering the relevance of Evanildo Becharas Moderna gramática portuguesa (Modern Portuguese grammar), for both pedagogical and academic scenarios in Brazil, this study aimed to investigate how theories presented in the two phases of this work affect the processing of linguistic facts. The corpus assessed was composed of the 36th and 37th editions of Moderna gramática portuguesa, that were published in 1997 and 1999, respectively, as we consider them the editions that establish the transition from the first to the second phase of the work. Based on theoretical and methodological perspective by Sylvain Auroux (2008; 2009), mainly in regards to the guiding principles of this language sciences historian\'s work (a purely phenomenological definition of the object, epistemological neutrality and moderate historicism) and concerning to some concepts he established (such as grammaticalization, linguistic tool, retrospection horizon, and historical objects domain), our work methodology has been conducted to establish Evanildo Becharas retrospection horizon and to compare the two grammar texts mentioned above aimed to verify: (i) how graeco-latin theory and structuralism complement each other in the 1st release of MGP; (ii) how structuralism is still reflected in the work after its reconfiguration (since the 37th edition); and (iii) how the functionalist theory affects language processing in the 2nd release of the work. Thus, in order to investigate comprehensively the theoretical complementarity presented in Evanildo Becharas work and to understand how and why this phenomenon has happened, this research pertains specifically to the field of History of linguistic ideas.
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Likhet eller svar? : En kvantitativ studie om elevers uppfattningar om likhetstecknetEklund, Isabelle, Eklund, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att bidra med kunskap om hur elever i årskurs tre uppfattar likhetstecknets innebörd. För att kunna uppfylla syftet med uppsatsen ställde vi tre forskningsfrågor: hur uppfattar eleverna likhetstecknets betydelse i olika kontexter?, Hur ser ett antal svenska elevers i prestationer i algebra ut jämfört med ett antal sydkoreanska elever?, samt vilka olika resonemangsvariationer ser vi i elevernas olika svar? I den första forskningsfrågan avser kontexter likhetstecknet i tre olika moment: i) Ekvationers strukturer (inkluderar även relationella resonemang uppgifter), t.ex. om 22+15=15+22 är sant eller falskt, ii) Definition av likhetstecknet, t.ex. beskriv innebörden av likhetstecknet, iii) Öppna ekvationer, t.ex. vilket är det okända talet i den givna ekvationen? Vi valde att genomföra en kvantitativ studie med hjälp av ett matematiktest. 72 elever i årskurs tre genomförde testet i vår studie. Med hjälp av en så kallad konstruktionskarta kategoriserade vi var eleverna befann sig kunskapsmässigt i sin förståelse för likhetstecknets innebörd.Blanton, Stephens, Knuth, Murphy Gardiner, Isler och Kim (2015) har kategoriserat algebran i fem olika kategorier så kallade ”big ideas". Med hjälp av ”big ideas” kunde vi få en översiktlig bild över hur eleverna i undersökningen uppfattar likhetstecknet i olika algebraiska kontexter det vill säga i de fem olika kategorierna. För att kunna jämföra hur eleverna i vår undersökning presterade på matematiktestet med en internationell forskningsstudie valde vi en forskningsstudie som genomförts i Sydkorea, där man har använt sig av samma matematiktest som eleverna i vår undersökning har genomfört. Således jämförde vi elevernas prestationer i vår undersökning med de sydkoreanska eleverna i årskurs tre prestationer på samma matematiktest. Resultatet visade att eleverna uppfattar likhetstecknet olika beroende på vilken kontext symbolen presenteras i. Majoriteten av eleverna missuppfattar likhetstecknet och ser det som signal till svaret på frågan. Eleverna presterar lägst i det område inom algebran som representerar generaliserad aritmetik som innefattar strukturer, relationer och mönster inom aritmetiken. Eleverna i studien har en lägre relationell förmåga det vill säga har lägre förmåga att se strukturer och relationer än de sydkoreanska eleverna men ligger i övrigt på samma kunskapsnivå inom detta test.
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Effective visual representation: graphic style and the communication of design intentPrudenti, Richard January 1900 (has links)
Master of Landscape Architecture / Department of Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning / Katie (Mary Catherine) Kingery-Page / Landscape architecture lacks evidence-based theory for the communicative effectiveness of graphics used in representing design ideas to stakeholders. For the purpose of this study, communicative effectiveness is operationalized as visual communication that expresses accurately the design in a way that the receiver understands the intentions — programmatic, experiential or otherwise — of the design.
People need graphic representation to grasp abstract concepts, and drawings can help one imagine what a place can look like years down the road (Hester 2007). Graphics inform the viewer about essential elements of the design and the broader impact that design has on future experiences (Coe 1981). Knowing how people perceive and understand design graphics is key to communicating effectively to clients and other stakeholders. Graphic communication is complex, and no formula exists for communication in landscape architecture (Kingery-Page and Hahn 2012; Ware 2014).
The questions guiding this study are: What graphic representation styles increase the non-designers’ understanding of design proposals? Do degrees of abstraction or realism affect understanding of the design drawing?
I identified three research phases to adequately answer the questions:
Phase One: Site Design Development — I designed a site plan for the Manhattan Arts Center (MAC), a community arts center in Manhattan, Kansas. Design intentions were carefully outlined based on stakeholder input.
Phase Two: Graphics Production — Visual representations of the site design were developed in styles ranging from formal abstract to more realistic, based on review of precedent images in academic and professional architectural publications.
Phase Three: Evaluation of Graphics Through Focus Groups— The communicative effectiveness of the representations were tested through three focus groups of stakeholders. Content analysis of the recorded focus group sessions revealed patterns of understanding the graphics. Overall, participants revealed that the more real the abstraction, the less understanding takes place. Formal Abstraction communicates the physical dimensions of the design most effectively, and Formal Abstraction has relatively the same communicative effectiveness regarding experience of place. Quantitative and qualitative data informed the creation of theories and a framework practitioners may use for selecting the most effective graphic communication options appropriate to project and audience.
Key Words: Effective visual representation, visual communication, graphic style, Formal Abstraction, Semi-Realistic Abstraction, Realistic Abstraction, drawings, design intent, design ideas, accurate, perception, understanding, stakeholders, non-designer, landscape architecture.
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Both ways and beyond : in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health worker educationGrootjans, John, University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury, Faculty of Health, Humanities and Social Ecology January 1999 (has links)
During 1987 my essential beliefs about the nature of the world were challenged by a chance event which led to my arrival in Arnhemland. Working with Aboriginal people allowed me to see first hand the failings of Western ideas in Aboriginal education and health. This is how a 12 year collaboration with Aboriginal people began. The aim was to search for answers to the question, 'Why so many ideas that had been successfully used in the Western world, fail to meet the needs of aboriginal people? My experiences prior to 1995 had led me to believe that Both Ways, an education pedagogy developed in teacher education, was the best approach for empowering Aboriginal Health Workers. I believed Both Ways gave Aboriginal Health Workers a means to develop solutions to aboriginal health issues which valued and respected their aboriginal knowledge. I needed to describe and evaluate the practice of both ways with Aboriginal Health workers for the purpose of proving the benefit of this pedagogy for other educators in this field. This thesis describes how I came to think Both Ways was a good idea; how I defined Both ways; and how I put it into practice. It also provides a description of the issues raised in my critique of Both Ways and in my attempts to provide answers to these issues. Several years of collecting data, including records from action research group discussions, participant observation, interviews with peers and students, and formal evaluations left me with many concerns about Both Ways. As educators follow my journey of discovery I hope that they will recognise experiences and insights that they themselves have shared. The descriptions and discussions in this thesis will add significantly to the overall discourse about health worker education. Similarly, the exploration of ideas beyond Both Ways will add significantly to the overall body knowledge about the power relationships involved in teaching in a cross cultural setting / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Hälsa i skolan : En studie om hur elever i grundskolans årskurs åtta beskriver ämnet idrott och hälsa i skolan.Stenberg, Carina January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>My purpose with this composition was to investigate how the pupils at the nine-year compulsory school year eight describe the subject sport and health in school. The results from the interviews were compared with some of existing ideas and theories that are used in work for health of today. The studies that earlier has been done in the subject have in the most cases had focus from an adult perspective, with a view to look at the subject sport and health. I choose to examine what possible experienced health factors from a perspective of pupils, witch are important for the pupils to reach physical between the subject, what did they learn about health at the lessons and how they define the conception of health</p><p>In my qualitative study I used interview to investigate the pupils describe of the subject sport and health in school. The choice of method was inductive in purpose to develop ideas and hypothesis in the subject. My study showed that the pupils experienced that they reached health effects through the subject in form of feeling well. They described how important the subject is for their health in school.</p><p>The study also showed that the conception of health was complex and difficult to define for the pupils. My conclusion is that the subject sport and health gives many pupils experiences of own health effects, but needs to be developed for in order to engage even the physical inactive pupils and in that way be able to reach the aim of the course plan. Besides the conception of health needs to be define more clearly in the documents to reach a concordant in teaching and to make possible the learning and knowledge-development in the subject.</p>
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Torgny Segerstedt och Torsten Fogelqvist - En komprativ undersökning om deras religiösa och politiska åsikterSamadragja, Refik January 2010 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats handlar om två opinionsbildare, Torgny Segerstedt och Torsten Fogelqvist och deras religiösa och politiska åsikter. Genom att göra en komprativ undersökning försökte uppsatsen ge en så täckande bild som möjligt om vilken utstäckning Segerstedt och Fogelqvist tolkade facismen och nazismen som religiösa fenomen. Syftet med uppsatsen, förutom att försöka ge en täckande bild av deras tolkning av fascismen och nazismen som religilös fenomen, är att framlägga är hur deras religiösa bakgrund påverkade deras politiska uppfattning. Avgränsningen i uppsatsen har gjorts med hänsyn till tidsperiod och källmaterial. Tidsperioden är i stort från deras barndom till andra världskrigets slut. Och källmaterialet består av artikelsamlingar som har utgivits i bokform, sedan biografier och egna skrivna verk som används till uppsatsen. Metoden som används i uppsatsen är en komparativ undersökning mellan Segerstedt och Fogelqvist. Uppsatsen avser att analysera och få fram deras uppfattning särskilt när det gäller deras kristna perspektiv. Resultatet över undersökningsperioden var både Segerstedt och Fogelqvist med sina liknande bakgrunder och uppväxter påverkade av sina religiösa bakgrunder i sina texter och skrifter, fast på två olika sätt. Segerstedt skrev med och om bibliska uttryck samtidigt som han hämtade inspiration från sin religion, medan den andra opinionsbildaren Fogelqvist valde ett tema att skriva och det blev om religionen eller kulturer som han fick observera med tanke på sin religiösa bakgrund.</p>
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Den sociale konstruktion af idéer: en multimodal interaktionsanalytisk undersøgelse af hvordan idéer skabes socialt via deltageres disaffilierende eller affilierende responsformaterDue, Brian L. 29 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Denne afhandling handler om hvordan deltagere ved idéudviklingsmøder i danske organisationer udvikler nye idéer. Datagrundlaget i afhandlingen er elleve filmede møder fra tre danske organisationers kommunikationsafdelinger. Afhandlingen har fokus på hvordan idéer skabes i detaljen når deltagere interagerer tur efter tur og ved hjælp af multimodale ressourcer såsom brug af kroppen og artefakter i rummet. Dette fokus på idéudvikling er underbelyst i den eksisterende litteratur om innovation og kreativitet. Få har undersøgt i detaljen hvordan idéer skabes i specifikke situationer hvor medarbejdere interagerer. Afhandlingen tilbyder her en mere præcis og detaljeret beskrivelse af hvordan idéer skabes. Dette sker med særligt fokus på to sammenhængende forskningsspørgsmål: Hvordan idéer skabes i medgang, dvs. når andre deltagere affilierer med idéfremsætteren og den fremsatte idé, og hvordan idéer skabes i modgang, dvs. når andre deltagere disaffilierer med idéfremsætteren og den fremsatte idé. Det konkluderes at udvikling af idéer er en kompleks, sekventielt udfoldet og multimodalt betinget social proces der ikke handler om at overføre information (som antaget i mange kreativitetsteorier og den klassiske transmissions-kommunikationsmodel), men om at samskabe idéer ved hjælp af en række semiotiske in situ-ressourcer. Afhandlingen bidrager derpå med en helt ny metodologisk tilgang til at studere innovationens første kaotiske kreative fase hvor deltagere skaber idéer. Det indebærer udviklingen af en særlig multimodal analysemodel (Multimodal Interaktionsanalyse) der tager højde for deltagernes lokale produktion af mening.
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Hälsa i skolan : En studie om hur elever i grundskolans årskurs åtta beskriver ämnet idrott och hälsa i skolan.Stenberg, Carina January 2008 (has links)
Abstract My purpose with this composition was to investigate how the pupils at the nine-year compulsory school year eight describe the subject sport and health in school. The results from the interviews were compared with some of existing ideas and theories that are used in work for health of today. The studies that earlier has been done in the subject have in the most cases had focus from an adult perspective, with a view to look at the subject sport and health. I choose to examine what possible experienced health factors from a perspective of pupils, witch are important for the pupils to reach physical between the subject, what did they learn about health at the lessons and how they define the conception of health In my qualitative study I used interview to investigate the pupils describe of the subject sport and health in school. The choice of method was inductive in purpose to develop ideas and hypothesis in the subject. My study showed that the pupils experienced that they reached health effects through the subject in form of feeling well. They described how important the subject is for their health in school. The study also showed that the conception of health was complex and difficult to define for the pupils. My conclusion is that the subject sport and health gives many pupils experiences of own health effects, but needs to be developed for in order to engage even the physical inactive pupils and in that way be able to reach the aim of the course plan. Besides the conception of health needs to be define more clearly in the documents to reach a concordant in teaching and to make possible the learning and knowledge-development in the subject.
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An Interdisciplinary Approach in the Art Education CurriculumSuraco, Terri Lynn 03 August 2006 (has links)
AN INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH IN THE ART EDUCATION CURRICULUM By Terri L. Suraco Under the Direction of Melody Milbrandt ABSTRACT This study investigates how interdisciplinary lessons are taught in an art education classroom. The teaching strategies used are: Integrated models, the use of "Big Ideas" (Jacobs, 1989, 2003), the use of constructivist methods (Freedman, 2003; Brooks and Brooks, 1999; Milbrandt, 2004), and the use of essential question inquiry (Erickson, 1998; Mallery, 2000) and teacher collaboration (Jacobs, 2005; Erickson, 1998; NAEA, 2005). I am the only participant in an autoethnographical study. In the Literature Review: Why arts integration is important is explored. Positives and negatives of teaching integrated disciplines are addressed. I include four units from my interdisciplinary curriculum in art education and observations with teaching reflections from the units taught in elementary and middle school. The models that are described are: Parallel Disciplines, Multidisciplinary, Interdisciplinary, and Integrated (Jacobs, 1989, 2005: Mallery, 2000;). The study results reveal how interdisciplinary teaching can be implemented in an art education classroom. IDEX WORDS: Thesis, Interdisciplinary, Integrated, Art Education, Big Ideas
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Idéanalys av Centerpartiets partiideologi 2001-2013 : Är det medlemmar eller väljare som bestämmer Centerpartiets ideologi?Eklund, Anna-Karin January 2013 (has links)
Abstract When the Swedish Centre Party, Centerpartiet, just before Christmas 2012 released a draft for new program of ideas a powerful "winter storm" broke out. Ideas that Centerpartiet would abolish compulsory schooling and the right to inheritance and allow polygamy are just a few of the things that cause alarm. It's not the first time during the last years the Centre Party is associated with neo-liberal elements in their party’s ideology. In 2007 Erik Ullenhag criticized Centerpartiet for their new neo-liberalism was a danger to the alliance. The aim of this study is to investigate whether it is possible to see a change in Centerpartiets ideology and how deep it is. From an idea analytical approach based on ideal types, created for social liberalism, neoliberalism and ecohumanism, the party programs from 2001 and 2013 are studied. The eight components studied are: the view on human nature, most important unit in society, the vision of freedom, methods of social change, political governance, society's economic organization, the vision of prosperity and utopia - the good society. In examining the causes of the potential changes a secondary analysis, where existing material was used, has been implemented. The result shows that there has been a change in ideology in Centerpartiet between 2001 and 2013. The probable causes for this are the bad result in the general election 2010 and the election of a new leadership for the party in 2013. Keywords: Swedish Centre Party, analysis of ideas, ideologies, ideal types, change,
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