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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Livsstil hos nyanlända barn och ungdomar :  skolsköterskans upplevelser av att arbeta hälsofrämjande för en god livsstil hos nyanlända barn och ungdomar / Lifestyle of newly arrived immigrant children and adolescents :  the school nurse’s experiences of working with health promotion for a good lifestyle in newly arrived immigrant children and adolescents

Markström, Maria, Norrman, Hilma January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund Ett stort antal nyanlända barn och ungdomar har börjat skola i Sverige under de senaste åren. Skolsköterskor har en unik möjlighet att på ett jämlikt sätt främja hälsa och en hälsosam livsstil hos dessa barn och ungdomar. Tidigare studier visar en särskild utsatthet i denna grupp vilket ligger till grund för föreliggande studie. Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur skolsköterskor arbetar för att främja en god livsstil hos nyanlända barn och ungdomar i Sverige.   Metoden var kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats. Semistrukturerade intervjuer användes som datainsamlingsmetod och analyserades enligt kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet genererade i två huvudkategorier som mynnade i ett tema. Huvudkategorierna var Följsam och lyhörd i mötet och Driva arbetet framåt genom att tänka nytt och temat som dessa mynnade i var Genom mötet med individen skapas möjligheter och utveckling. Konklusionen visar på betydelsen av att skapa ett möte med det nyanlända barnet genom att på ett följsamt sätt skapa trygghet, tillit och att ge relevant information. Men även behovet av att tänka nytt, anpassa och på så sätt skapa förutsättningar för hälsofrämjande arbete. Föreliggande studie pekar även på de utmaningar som skolsköterskor ställts inför de senaste åren och behovet av ytterligare forskning. / The background A large number of newly arrived immigrant children and adolescents have started school in Sweden in recent years. School nurses have a unique opportunity to promote health and a healthy lifestyle in these children and adolescents equally. Previous studies show a particular vulnerability in this group, which forms the basis of the present study. The purpose of the study was to describe how school nurses work to promote a good lifestyle with newly arrived immigrant children and adolescents in Sweden. The method used was qualitative with an inductive approach. Semi-structured interviews were used as a data collection method and analyzed according to qualitative content analysis. The result generated in two main categories that resulted in a theme. The main categories were Flexible and responsive in the meeting and Force the work forward by thinking new and the theme that these resulted in was Through the meeting with the individual, opportunities and progress are created. The conclusion shows the importance of creating a meeting with the newly arrived immigrant child by providing security, trust and relevant information. Present study also points to the challenges faced by school nurses in recent years and the need for further research.


Riggio, Nicolette Rose, Avalos, Brenda Irene 01 June 2017 (has links)
Latinos are the fastest growing ethnic group in the United States. Thirty five percent of Latinos who are currently children will be contributing taxpayers and will be having a great influence on the future economy. Immigrant Latino parents must overcome significant challenges to ensure their children’s well-being. The purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges and resiliencies of Latino immigrant parents. This study examines the resources Latino immigrant parents lacked and what knowledge and parenting skills they already obtained. This study specifically looked at Latino immigrant parents and their specific needs regarding parental knowledge and resources. This study used a qualitative design accomplished through the use of face to face and phone interviews. This study conducted 15 interviews with first generation Latino immigrant parents who resided in Southern California who migrated to the United States and had at least one child born in the United States. One major finding of this study was that Latino immigrant parents could benefit from school resources for their children such as tutoring, assistance with the college admission program and assistance with applying for scholarships and financial aid. Another major finding was that language was one dominant challenge and barrier that Latino immigrant parents faced that affected their ability to cope with the U.S school system. Based on the findings of this study one of the recommendations is to produce a policy that mandates the U.S school system to have translation services available for Latino immigrant families.

Etnicitet som fördel eller nackdel : En jämförelsestudie mellan två förortsskolor i Stockholm

Engström, Laura, Pektas, Nilifer January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim with this essay is to emphasize the problems that ethnical belonging causes at schools today. We have chosen to examine and compare two schools with each other, one school is called ”the new school” situated in Stockholms kommun and the other school is called ”the old school” belonging to Huddinge kommun. We have had contact with these two schools for a longer period as substitutes and students. This essay is based on how these two schools prominently differ from each other. The old school in Huddinge kommun is more or less characterized by ”matters of ethnicity” and where the ethnicity is seen as an obstacle for the schoolwork, whereby the identity as ”immigrant” is problematized and therefore signified in a negative way. The new school seems to base their communication on other reasons. The belonging to a certain nationality does not have the same importance and being an “immigrant” has defused much more. Under these circumstances the ethnicity seems to be a more of a decorative feature rather than something decisive for the pupils.</p>

Etnicitet som fördel eller nackdel : En jämförelsestudie mellan två förortsskolor i Stockholm

Engström, Laura, Pektas, Nilifer January 2008 (has links)
The aim with this essay is to emphasize the problems that ethnical belonging causes at schools today. We have chosen to examine and compare two schools with each other, one school is called ”the new school” situated in Stockholms kommun and the other school is called ”the old school” belonging to Huddinge kommun. We have had contact with these two schools for a longer period as substitutes and students. This essay is based on how these two schools prominently differ from each other. The old school in Huddinge kommun is more or less characterized by ”matters of ethnicity” and where the ethnicity is seen as an obstacle for the schoolwork, whereby the identity as ”immigrant” is problematized and therefore signified in a negative way. The new school seems to base their communication on other reasons. The belonging to a certain nationality does not have the same importance and being an “immigrant” has defused much more. Under these circumstances the ethnicity seems to be a more of a decorative feature rather than something decisive for the pupils.

Sjuksköterskans kommunikation med immigranter / The nurse's communication with immigrants

Fritze, Tobias January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Via den ökande immigrationen förändras patientklientelet och sjuksköterskor möter fler immigranter i deras dagliga arbete. Vissa immigranter kan inte tala det språk som är officiellt i det land de immigrerat till. Det leder till högre krav på sjuksköterskors kompetens.Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskans erfarenhet av att kommunicera med immigranter som inte talar det språk som är officiellt i det land personen immigrerat till.Metod: Litteraturstudie baserad på nio kvantitativa/kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. Manifest innehålls analysResultat: Sjuksköterskor upplevde att faktorer som påverkade kommunikationen var resurser, där tid och tolk var av betydelse. Kunskap, så som kulturkompetens. Samt missförstånd som bland annat ledde till osäkerhet i samband med kommunikationen.Diskussion: Genom att förbättra olika faktorer som påverkar kommunikationen främjas dialog och förståelse. Kommunikationen stärks genom exempelvis kunskap och resurserSlutsats: Dialog anses som en viktig faktor och är något som strävas efter vid kommunikation. Genom att anställa specifik personal så som brobyggare skulle sjukvården kunna underlätta dialog med patienter som inte talar det språk som är officiellt i de land de befinner sig i. / Background: With the increasing immigration the patient clientele alters and nurses encounter more immigrants in their daily routine. Some immigrants don’t master the official language used in the country they immigrated to. This leads to increased demands on nurses’ competence.Aim: The studies aim was to describe nurse’s experience of communication with immigrants that did not speak the official language of the present county.Method: The method was a literature study based on nine qualitative / quantitative scientific articles.Result: Based on the nurses’ experience the factors that affected communication were resources in form of time and available translators. Knowledge about cultural differences to prevent misunderstandings that makes nurses unsecure in the communication with the patients were also helpful.Discussion: Improving different factors that affect communication both encourages dialogue and increases the mutual understanding. Knowledge and resources strengthens the communication.Conclusion: Dialogue is considered a crucial element and is the goal for any kind of communication. Through employment of specific staff such as brobyggare (bride builders) the medical care would improve dialogue with patients who do not speak the official language of the present country.

Språk som hinder : kommunikationssvårigheter mellan vårdpersonal och patienter som är immigranter med annat modersmål / Language as an obstacle : communication difficulties between health care staff and immigrant patients with foreign native languages

Basic, Edita January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: När omvårdnadspersonal möter patienter som är immigranter med ett annat modersmål så räcker inte språkkunskaperna alltid till. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva omvårdnadspersonals upplevelser av att kommunicera med patienter som är immigranter med annat modersmål. Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på tio vetenskapliga artiklar genomfördes. Artiklarna granskades utifrån Röda Korsets Högskolas granskningsmall. Resultat: Utifrån det givna innehållet så sammanställdes resultaten under tre kategorier: Språkbarriären som hinder för vård, här uppmärksammas att ”språkbarriären” som uppstår i kommunikationen mellan omvårdnadspersonalen och patientkategorin immigranter, är ett hinder i vården. Språkbarriären som stressfaktor, häri betonas att språkbarriären kan ses som en stresskälla för omvårdnadspersonalen. Språkbarriären som kräver tillfälliga tolkar: ett behov och ett hinder, här presenteras de så kallade tillfälliga tolkarna, d.v.s. tvåspråkiga anställda eller patienternas anhöriga, detta kan både uppfattas som ett behov och hinder i kommunikationen. Slutsats: Socialstyrelsen betonar att vårdpersonal ska ge alla patienter bra vård och omsorg oavsett patientens modersmål. Strategierna för att bekämpa språkbarriärer bör vara specifika för olika yrkeskategorier. Behovet att anlita utbildade tolkar för att säkerställa en tillfredsställande kommunikation mellan vårdpersonal och immigranter är viktigt. För att bekämpa språkbarriärer krävs insatserna från forskare, beslutsfattare och vårdpersonal. / Background: When health care staff interact with immigrant patients who have a different native tongue language skills are sometimes not sufficient. Aim: The aim is to describe the employees’ experiences when communicating with patients with a foreign native tongue. Method: A literature review was carried out based on ten scientific articles. These articles were reviewed with a review model used by the Red Cross Collage. Result: Based on the given context the results were compiled into three categories: Language barrier as an obstacle for health care, here attention is drawn to the fact that a ”language barrier”, which occurs between employees and immigrant patients, is an obstacle in health care. Language barrier as a stress factor, emphasizes that the language barrier can create stress for the staff. Language barrier which requires temporary interpreters: a need and an obstacle, temporary interpreters are presented here, namely bilingual employees or patients’ relatives. This is perceived as a necessity and an obstacle when communicating. Conclusion: The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare emphasizes that the healthcare staff shall give all patients good health and social care no matter the native language. The strategies to combat language barriers should be specific for different professionals. The need to use trained interpreters, in order to assure a satisfactory communication between personnel and patients, is important.  To fight the language barriers actions from researchers, decision-makers and healthcare staff are required.

L'intégration des jeunes immigrants haïtiens au système scolaire québécois : l'exemple du quartier Saint-Michel

Estimable, Lamarre 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire porte sur l'intégration des jeunes immigrants d'origine haïtienne au système scolaire québécois. Il propose de sensibiliser et de ramener les personnes en position d'autorité du monde scolaire québécois à la réalité, de relever les différents obstacles étroitement liés au problème d'intégration et les difficultés scolaires et d'apprentissage de certains jeunes. Le travail s'applique à cerner la différence entre les deux systèmes scolaires -l'haïtien et le québécois- et il examine le problème de classement et les retards académiques de la majorité des nouveaux arrivants haïtiens. Pendant que d'autres jeunes du même pays d'origine réussissent et s'intègrent presque sans heurts à l'école québécoise, la majorité des élèves d'origine haïtienne enregistrent assez systématiquement des taux de réussite plus bas que les autres groupes. Il semble évident que les conditions socio-économiques de ces élèves ne sont pas sans lien avec leurs difficultés scolaires. Pour atteindre les objectifs poursuivis par cette recherche, nous avons privilégié la méthode qualitative en utilisant comme outils des entrevues semi-structurées qui sont une approche directe et souvent très fructueuse. Nous avons recueilli les témoignages à l'aide d'un questionnaire validé auprès d'un groupe de personnes ayant de longues années d'expérience dans les milieux multiethniques auprès d'un échantillon composé de treize participants: huit garçons et cinq filles âgés en moyenne de 16 ans. Ils habitent tous le quartier Saint-Michel et sont en activités scolaires aux trois écoles secondaires de quartier ciblées dans notre recherche. Les témoignages recueillis auprès de ces jeunes nous permettent de comprendre que les difficultés d'intégration, les obstacles dus au racisme, aux préjugés, au rejet et au refus de l'autre ne se posent pas à tous. Il est vrai que la majorité d'entre eux ont soulevé le problème du racisme et des préjugés qu'ils ont expérimentés dès leur arrivée en milieu scolaire québécois. Ces problèmes constituent, de toute évidence, un frein majeur à leur intégration. Toutefois, d'autres n'ayant pas le même statut socio-économique et familial, nous confient avoir été acceptés dès leur arrivée et réussissent leur intégration presque sans difficulté à l'école québécoise. Ce mémoire comprend cinq chapitres qui se répartissent comme suit: les écrits réunis constituant la problématique de recherche, le cadre théorique qui regroupe tous les concepts qui entourent le sujet de la recherche, les démarches méthodologiques permettant d'atteindre les objectifs de la recherche, l'enquête de terrain permettant d'interroger treize jeunes garçons et filles et enfin l'analyse et l'interprétation des résultats de l'enquête. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Immigration, école, intégration, Haïti, interculturel.

L'islam et la laïcité dans la société québécoise : le cas des immigrants algériens à Montréal

Mouhoub, Djamel 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Cette étude porte sur les modalités d'adaptation des immigrants algériens à Montréal en ce qui concerne leurs valeurs issues des références à l'islam et les principes laïques québécois. Afin d'identifier les tensions et les adaptations vécues dans leur processus d'intégration, nous visons à clarifier les différentes réactions des Algériens qui se déclarent attachés à l'islam en ce qui a trait au rôle de la religion dans l'affirmation de leur identité et aux règles de vie associées à l'islam eu égard au contexte laïque. Nous avons abordé cette problématique au cœur de la controverse dans le débat sur les pratiques des accommodements raisonnables, où l'islam en tant que vecteur identitaire, est devenu un thème d'actualité au Québec mais aussi ailleurs dans le monde. Au Québec, ce phénomène s'observe particulièrement dans les débats entourant la manifestation publique et la visibilité de l'appartenance religieuse à travers certaines des pratiques ou des habitudes vestimentaires. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous avons opté pour une approche qualitative appuyée par une analyse de contenu des perceptions d'une vingtaine d'Algériens vivant à Montréal sur le rapport perçu par ceux-ci entre leur tradition religieuse et le modèle laïque québécois. Nous avons analysé les discours des répondants, ayant tous une scolarité universitaire et qui sont au Québec depuis moins de 10 ans. Nous avons pu cerner à travers nos résultats une tendance à interpréter les normes islamiques de manière à s'ajuster au contexte laïque et diverses stratégies adaptatives entre l'islam et la laïcité. Aucun répondant ne conçoit comme incompatibles les normes islamiques et les normes laïques, mais le contexte laïque est censé permettre la liberté d'expression de certains préceptes religieux. Ces données amènent à formuler l'hypothèse que les musulmans, en terre d'immigration, retraduisent, plus ou moins consciemment, les normes islamiques afin de conserver une identité musulmane tout en voulant s'intégrer comme citoyen à part entière. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Laïcité, islam, valeurs religieuses, valeurs séculières, intégration, adaptation, coexistence, discrimination.

Korean Youth of the 1.5 Generation in New Zealand Talk about Their Parents’ Expectations and Attitudes

Yun, Hyearan January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to describe the expectations that 1.5 generation immigrants perceive their parents expectations for them and their future. The researcher interviewed the experiences of twelve young adolescents who immigrated to New Zealand between the ages of 6 and 12. The researcher used a semi-structured interview to allow participants to freely discuss their experiences while staying true to the aims of the research. The study was conducted in Christchurch, New Zealand. The interviews were recorded on audio, transcribed and analysed. Each transcript was coded and themes were extracted from each interview. Similar themes were grouped into categories which were then discussed as part of the results. The most common expectations reported by participants were in the areas of education and high academic achievement. The effects of these expectations varied as participants grew older and the length of time residing in New Zealand increased. The results are discussed and also compared to studies of 1.5 generation immigrants in the United States. Finally, the implications of this study are discussed, and the relevance of the results to the well-being of the 1.5 generation in New Zealand are suggested.

Determinants of fertility across context : a comparison of Mexican and Turkish immigrant women

White, Kari Lyn 01 June 2011 (has links)
Immigrant women are frequently found to have higher fertility relative to women in the majority population. This is often attributed to their socioeconomic characteristics, cultural preferences and patterns of childbearing, and adaptation to the destination context. However, several limitations in the research to date may mask the associations and processes which shape women’s fertility: 1) frequently used indicators are not sensitive to the way in which fertility is shaped by the migration process 2) key proximate determinants of fertility are often not integrated into analyses and 3) non‐migrant women in sending countries are often excluded as a reference for immigrant women’s childbearing behavior. In order to assess how women’s migratory moves and social context affect fertility, I compare the risk of first birth and patterns of contraceptive use at higher‐order parities for non‐migrant, immigrant and native‐born women. For these analyses, I use data from nationally‐representative surveys of reproductive health and family formation from Mexico, the United States, Turkey and Germany. The results from these analyses demonstrate that both foreign‐born Mexican‐ and Turkish‐origin immigrant women experience first birth earlier than non-migrants, second generation immigrants, and native-born women at destination. However the underlying determinants of earlier birth are different for these two groups. There are also differences for second generation women; US-born Mexicans experience first birth at significantly younger ages than whites, whereas age at first birth is very similar for German-born Turkish women and ethnic Germans. Furthermore, patterns of contraceptive use among immigrant women who have at least one child are notably different than patterns observed for non-migrants. US-born women have similar contraceptive use compared to whites, but Mexican-born women are less likely to use permanent and highly effective methods, even after controlling for fertility intentions. Turkish-origin women in Germany exhibit large differences in contraceptive use relative to non-migrant women, particularly the very low reported use of withdrawal. These findings indicate that fertility determinants vary across origin and destination context. The observed differences between Mexican- and Turkish-origin women suggest that distinct processes of migration, socialization, and access to contraception lead to variation in the fertility outcomes for these two groups. / text

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