Spelling suggestions: "subject:"immigrant"" "subject:"mmigrant""
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Imigrantų vaikų ikimokyklinio ugdymo ypatumai Lietuvoje / Immigrant children in the pre-shool features of festering LithuaniaLaskauskienė, Jūratė 07 July 2010 (has links)
Lietuvai tapus Europos Sąjungos nare, į šalį atvyksta vis daugiau užsieniečių, pvz., specialistų (migruojančių darbuotojų), imigrantų, pabėgėlių (gavusių leidimą nuolat guventi Lietuvoje), kurie turi ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų. tad Lietuvos švietimo sistema turi sudaryti sąlygas šių vaikų ugdymui, ugdymuisi, socializacijai ir integracijai.
Šio darbo tikslas: Atskleisti ikimokyklinio amžiaus imigrantų vaikų ugdymosi ypatumus Lietuvoje.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1) Išanalizuoti tarptautinės migracijos Lietuvoje statistinę situaciją ir imigrantų vaikų ugdymosi ypatumus;
2) Atskleisti ikimokyklinio amžiaus imigrantų vaikų ugdymo Lietuvoje ypatumus;
3) Ištirti tėvų nuomonę apie vaikų ugdymą ikimokyklinėse įstaigose Lietuvoje.
Tyrimo metodai:
1) Vaikų stebėjimas;
2) Tėvų apklausa raštu;
3) Pokalbis su vaiku;
4) Grupės aplinkos aprašas.
Apebendrinimas. Tyrime dalyvavo 10 imigrantų vaikų iš Rytų europos ir Azijos; 10 tėvų; 22 pedagogai; 150 bendraamžių. Imigrantų vaikų stebėjimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad grupės aplinkoje bendraudami tiek su pedagogais, tiek su bendraamžiais imigrantų vaikai efektyviai naudoja neverbalinį bendravimą, kurio pagalba siekia išvengti nepatogumų ir įtampos, negalėdami apsikeisti žodine informacija. Tėvų nuomone, ypač svarbu yra vaiko protinių galių ugdymas, bendravimo įgūdžių tobulinimas, imigranto vaiko kultūrinių tradicijų ir gimtosios kalbos puoselėjimas. Ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigose svarbu analizuoti įvairių šalių patirtį daugiakalbių vaikų ugdyme ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Lithuania joined the European Union, coming into the country more and more foreigners, such: Professionals (migrant workers), immigrants, refugees (received a permit for permanent residence in Lithuania) who have preschool - age children. Lithuania education system to enable these scildren, education, socialization and integration. The aim of disclose pre - school age children features Lithuania.
Objectives of the study:
1) Analysis of integration migration situation in Lithuania statistical and educational aspects of the children of immigrants.
2) Disglosure of preschool education for children of immigrants Lithuania charagteristical.
3) Explore parent's views children's education preschool Lithuania.
1) Child observation;
2) Parent's written survey;
3) Interview with the child;
4) Description of the environmental group.
Generalization. The study included 10 children of immigrants from Eastern Europe and Asia; 10 parents; 22 teachers and 150 children of peers. Immigrant children in the monitoring results revealed that the group environmen and communicate vith teachers and peers vith immigrant children to effectively use non-verbal communication, though which to seek to avoid the inconvenience and stress, beig able to exchange focus. Parents think it is particularty important child mental powers of education, communication skills of immigrant children's traditions and native language. Preschool education services are important to analyze the different experiences of... [to full text]
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A comparative perspective on educational policies for children of immigrants in TaiwanHo, Hsin-Jui January 2012 (has links)
The education of immigrant children is a persistent concern in many western countries. Taiwan has begun to face this challenge in the last decade. The immigrants in this context are mostly females from Southeast Asia and mainland China, on the basis of marriage to a Taiwanese resident. Since Taiwanese society holds a prejudice against them, the children born to foreign mothers are believed to have a negative impact on the quality of the Taiwanese population and to create particular educational problems. The study employs an interpretive approach combining components of international comparison and policy research. Within this qualitative methodology, mixed methods were used to collect data and gain multiple understandings of the phenomenon in Taiwan. These methods of document analysis, semi-structured interviews and participant observation of foreign mothers’ communities, along with a documentary review of the UK experience of educational policy for immigrant children from the 1960s onwards, provide a comparative perspective that has considerable reference value for Taiwan. It was found that the children of immigrant mothers in Taiwan do not appear to underachieve or fall behind, in contrast to the prejudice held by Taiwanese society. The study also explores the characteristics of disadvantage of children born to immigrant mothers. Through the comparative historical review of the UK and Taiwan, the study also found that when people are faced with different cultures, their attitudes appear to move through in a similar process of adjustment which interacts with and responds to policy formulation. In addition, some recommendations for educational policy for children of immigrant mothers in Taiwan are discussed. The study proposes that learning plural mother tongues is a means to improve these children’s self-identity, allowing them to develop bilingual advantages and contribute to the country’s competitiveness.
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Étude des facteurs influençant le parcours de soins chez les immigrants de l'Afrique subsaharienne vivant avec le VIH au QuébecMvumbi Mambu, Léonie January 2015 (has links)
Une des stratégies de lutte contre le VIH vise à identifier et à traiter les personnes vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH) afin de réduire le risque de transmission du virus. Au Québec, les immigrants africains et des Caraïbes représentent 54,1% des cas de transmission hétérosexuelle. Les études montrent que les PVVIH immigrantes africaines sont plus susceptibles d’être perdues pendant le suivi. Peu d’études portent sur leur parcours de soins. Cette étude vise à identifier les parcours de soins et à comprendre les facteurs qui les façonnent chez les PVVIH immigrantes africaines subsahariennes à l’aide d’une étude qualitative descriptive menée auprès de 32 PVVIH et d’entrevues dirigées auprès de neuf intervenants. Un cadre conceptuel basé sur les modèles d’accès aux soins a servi de toile de fond. Une approche interprétative a soutenu l’analyse des transcriptions d’entrevues.
Quatre types de parcours de soins ont été identifiés. Le parcours conventionnel inclut une prise en charge initiale et continue de la PVVIH. Le parcours de soins retardé dénote un retard dans la prise en charge initiale après le diagnostic. Le parcours de soins accidenté réfère quant à lui à des périodes de manque de soins reliées aux facteurs individuels malgré une prise en charge initiale. Quant au parcours à incidents complexes, il se caractérise par des périodes de manque de soins, de six mois et plus, associées à une combinaison de barrières malgré la volonté de la personne à se soigner. Les facteurs facilitant les soins incluent la réinsertion sociale, l’accès à un médecin et la gratuité des antirétroviraux. Les barrières aux soins incluent les expériences négatives liées à la maladie, la pauvreté, la complexité du système de santé et le coût des ARV. Le counseling pré et post-test du VIH est peu pratiqué lors de l’examen médical de l’immigration. Il n’existe pas un système uniforme de référence des PVVIH vers les services de soins, ni de suivi de leur prise en charge effective.
Les facteurs facilitants et les barrières qui influent sur le parcours de soins sont multidimensionnels. Le manque de counseling pré et post-test du VIH ainsi que d’un système pour référer et suivre les PVVIH prédisposeraient à un parcours non conventionnel et à un risque élevé de transmission du virus pour le partenaire malgré la disponibilité de services au Canada. Nos recommandations appellent les décideurs et les intervenants à promouvoir les parcours conventionnels. Elles portent sur la formation des intervenants, l’éducation de la population, la réinsertion sociale et le système uniforme de référence des PVVIH ainsi que la gratuité des ARV et le suivi post-diagnostic des cas.
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Professionals' View on Social Integration of Young People with Immigrant Background in the Labour Market In SwedenAzoba, Cosmos, Munezero, Ange January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study is twofold. First, the study aims to investigate how employment agency officers, in both public and private agencies, perceive how they help young people with immigrant background to access the labour market. Secondly, the study aims to investigate these professionals’ perspectives on the possibilities and barriers faced by young people with immigrant background in their process of labour integration. A qualitative study, with face to face semi - structured interviews was conducted with five professionals from both the public and private sector of the Swedish work agency in one municipality in mid Sweden. A social constructivist perspective and empowerment and advocacy theory were used. The results show the importance of the Swedish language and its importance to establish social contacts in the process of finding jobs and integrate. The results also show other difficulties immigrants may face in the labor market such as regulations laid by employers or recruiters as requirements such as being fluent in Swedish language. According to the professionals, the youth immigrants with educational background have an easier access to integration. With "Nystartsjobb" (new start job) the youth immigrants can build networks, increase their language knowledge, get references and experience and job benefits in case of job loss.
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Utrikes föddas överutbildning : En studie om överutbildning bland utrikes födda på den svenska arbetsmarknadenJurell, Amanda, Rydberg, Frida January 2017 (has links)
Utrikes föddas arbetsmarknadssituation är ett omtalat problem i dagens samhälle. Det övergripande syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera utrikes föddas överutbildning i Sverige. Detta görs med hjälp av humankapitalteorin och diskrimineringsteorier. Även olika studier om överutbildning presenteras som visar att överutbildning dels förekommer på grund av skillnader i språkkunskaper. Tidigare forskning om diskriminering bidrar även med en förklaring om utrikes föddas arbetsmarknadssituation. För att bidra med ny kunskap om ämnet vill uppsatsen besvara om även skillnader i förmåga att förstå och se logiska samband i skriven text, det vill säga läsförståelse, kan vara en bidragande orsak till överutbildningen hos utrikes födda. För att undersöka detta har data från Programme for the International Assessment of adult competencies (PIAAC), som är en internationell undersökning av vuxnas kunskaper och färdigheter, analyserats. Utifrån det insamlade datamaterialet skapades fyra regressioner för att undersöka skillnaden i överutbildning mellan inrikes- och utrikes födda. Genom resultatet och den tidigare forskningen om ämnet kan det konstateras att det råder överutbildning hos utrikes födda på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Vidare visar uppsatsen att detta till viss del kan förklaras av skillnader i läsförståelse mellan inrikes- och utrikes födda. Detta resultat ger ny insikt om varför överutbildning uppstår och skulle möjligtvis kunna hjälpa till att förbättra utrikes föddas situation på arbetsmarknaden om arbetsmarknadsåtgärder kan utformas på ett bättre sätt med hjälp av denna kunskap. Efter genomförda regressioner fanns det en del utav överutbildningen som fortfarande inte kunde förklaras, som med stöd av tidigare forskning och teorier till viss del skulle kunna förklaras av diskriminering.
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L'intégration socioéconomiqie des entrepreneurs immigrants dans la région de Mont-Laurier : analyse des caractéristiques générales et des facteurs différentielsNantel, Annie January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Smoking during pregnancy by duration of residence among immigrants in Sweden 1991-2012 : A study on health inequalitiesKlöfvermark, Josefin January 2016 (has links)
This study revisits the effect of duration by residence in relation to smoking during pregnancy. It contributes to the literature by incorporating a health inequity perspective, and discusses whether immigrants tend to converge with Swedish women’s smoking. The study is based on Swedish Medical Birth Register and includes 1 1864 52 pregnancies between 1991 and 2012. Logistic regression was performed to attain crude and adjusted Odds Ratios and 95 % confidence intervals. Immigrants’ are divided by categorizing countries of origin depending on levels of Human Development (IHDI). Overall immigrant women show low levels of smoking during pregnancy when they arrive to Sweden, by duration of residence levels of smoking increase and converge with smoking patterns of Swedish women. I found that there are differences in smoking patterns depending on IHDI of the country. Immigrant women of higher categories of IHDI show higher levels of smoking although the increase of smoking is higher among immigrant women from categories of lower IHDI. However, immigrant women’s smoking during pregnancy is affected by duration of residence, and the increased smoking is associated with health inequalities related to their country of origins IHDI, and by socioeconomic inequalities in Sweden.
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L'entrepreneuriat des femmes immigrantes au CanadaUwimbabazi, Suzanne January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Analyse du parcours d'indemnisation de travailleurs immigrants victimes de lésions professionnellesGravel, Sylvie January 2006 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Homeownership of Latinos in Richmond: An evaluation of the homeownership to community participation modelRose, Coleman Eppes 01 January 2003 (has links)
Over the decades of the last century, home ownership in the U.S. has become a major institution and part of the American dream. Many arguments have developed that tout the benefits of homeownership: benefits both for the individual, and for the larger society. This study examines one such argument, considering the effects for Latino immigrants of homeownership on community participation. As this is the first study to consider this model for an immigrant population, it is also the first to introduce to this model the concepts of acculturation and assimilation. Studying Latinos in Richmond, Virginia is particularly interesting as Latinos are new ethnic community members to a city that has historically been defined by differences in race (black and white), additionally, unlike most studies done on Latinos in their traditional places of settlement, ethnic enclaves in Richmond have yet to develop. As a result the types of community participation considered here are ones that involve social interaction with non-Latinos. This study has found neither theoretical nor empirical support for the model; other causal variables for community participation are suggested. It adds to the body of theoretical work by suggesting that Weber's concept of status groups be used to describe homeowners as a distinct status group in U.S. society.; additional suggestions for future research are included. Data for the thesis was drawn from the Latinos in Richmond Project.
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