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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Choo, Peng Yin January 2005 (has links)
There is an ongoing evolution of technology towards network convergence and ubiquitous information society in which users have broadband access to information resources and services anywhere, anytime. To realize this vision, a communication infrastructure has to be able to support a core backbone network delivering ultra-high capacity data services, a ubiquitous broadband wireless for last-mile access, and a control/management plane providing intelligent control to the infrastructure. Desirable characteristics of the infrastructure include insertion of future technology, intelligent spectrum management, cost-efficient upgradeability, flexible scalability, and cognitive networking capabilities. Unfortunately, present electronic technology alone is incapable of meeting these requirements.This dissertation describes the initial research into the realization of such an architecture that comprises of three crucial frameworks: 1) photonic-based; 2) dynamic chain processing; 3) and physical layer awareness. Due to the superior signal transport properties of optics, an underlying photonic data layer is able to provide the architecture with much wider bandwidth, greater RF-frequency-scalability, and higher operating RF-frequency. Photonics also enables diverse technologies to be integrated into a seamless communications platform. Dynamic processing chain framework provides the flexibility and future-proof capability via reconfigurability and componentization. Physical-layer-awareness offers support for automated adaptation and intelligent configuration of the data plane in response to the dynamic conditions of the physical layer. Crucial functional blocks in this awareness are: efficient estimation of physical impairments of the components and links; an effective dynamic impairment monitoring mechanism; and proficient adaptation to either maximize or optimize performance.Though the architecture encompasses both optical transport network (OTN) and photonic radio, this dissertation focuses more on the OTN. Central themes of OTN in this dissertation include relating Q-factor with various optical impairments from the perspective of an end-to-end optical path, and extending physical layer awareness with impairment routing. One of the key findings advocates that filtering is a serious limitation to bit-rate independence, protocol independence and network scalability promised by transparent network.

Orthographic Influences on Sublexical Processing

Suddarth, Rachael January 2011 (has links)
Adults with language impairment have poor language skills, but may or may not have reading deficits. For those identified with literacy difficulties as children, deficits in the skills related to sublexical level decoding skills can persist into adulthood. Decoding deficits, current or remediated, would implicate the sublexical interaction of orthography and phonology. In addition, the heterogeneous reading profiles of adults with language impairment provide an opportunity to examine whether the deficits in this bidirectional link between orthography and phonology are related to reading deficit specifically or language impairment globally. Sixty adults, 30 with language impairment and 30 with typical language, participated in this study. Nonword stimuli, orthogonally varied based on orthographic and phonological neighborhood density, were presented in two sublexical tasks, nonword repetition and nonword spelling. The experiment revealed a pattern of similar responses for adults with and without language impairment. However, adults with impaired language had significantly poorer performance on both the nonword repetition task and the nonword spelling task. Additional analyses indicated that both language and literacy measures predicted the overall performance on the orthogonally varied nonword repetition and nonword spelling tasks. This study highlights the existence of a bidirectional influence between phonological and orthographic processing. For adults with language impairment it appears that this bidirectional link is intact at the sublexical level.

Representing sounds and spellings : Phonological decline and compensatory working memory in acquired hearing impairment / Representationer av ljud och stavning : Försämrad fonologisk förmåga och kompensatoriskt arbetsminne vid förvärvad hörselnedsättning

Classon, Elisabet January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examined phonological processing in adults with postlingually acquired moderate-to-severe hearing impairment (HI) and whether explicit working memory processing of phonology and individual working memory capacity (WMC) can compensate for degraded phonological representations in this group (papers I-III). A second aim was to provide reference data for a test of WMC, the reading span test, and to examine the relation between reading span test performance and speech recognition in noise in a larger sample of 50-89 year olds with HI (paper IV). Non-auditory tasks of phonological processing, episodic long-term memory and WMC were used in papers I-III, and both behavioral and electrophysiological measures were collected. Results showed that phonological processing was impaired in the group with HI but that WMC and explicit working memory processing of phonology could be employed to compensate for degraded phonological representations. However, this compensation may come at the cost of interfering with episodic memory encoding. An  electrophysiological marker of HI in text-based rhyme judgments was found. Paper IV presented reference data for reading span test performance in two versions of the test in individuals with HI, and results suggesting that WMC may be differentially predictive of speech recognition in noise in different age groups of older adults with HI. The clinical implications of the present results concerns the double disadvantage of individuals with lower WMC and HI. A structured assessment of WMC in rehabilitative settings would help to identify these individuals and tailor treatment to their needs. The reading span test is suggested as a suitable future candidate for clinical WMC assessment. / I denna avhandling undersöktes fonologiska processer hos personer med postlingualt förvärvad, måttlig till mycket grav hörselnedsättning (HNS) och om inkoppling av explicit bearbetning av fonologi eller individuell arbetsminneskapacitet kan kompensera för försämrade ljudminnen i denna grupp (studie I-III). Ett andra syfte var att sammanställa referensdata för ett test av arbetsminneskapacitet, lässpann, och undersöka relationen mellan prestation på lässpann ochigenkänning av tal-i-brus i en större grupp av 50-89 åriga personer  med HNS (studie IV). Icke-auditiva test av fonologisk förmåga, episodiskt långtidsminne och arbetsminneskapacitet användes i studie I-III och både beteendedata och elektrofysiologiska data samlades in. Resultaten visade på försämrad fonologisk förmåga i gruppen med HNS men också att explicit bearbetning av fonologi och arbetsminneskapacitet kunde användas för att kompensera för försämrade fonologiska representationer i denna grupp. Denna kompensation kan dock ske på bekostnad av att inkodning i episodiska långtidsminnet störs. Vidare identifierades en elektrofysiologisk markör för HNS i en textbaserad rimuppgift. I studie IV presenterades referensdata i två versioner av lässpanntestet för personer med mild till mycket grav HN och resultat som pekar mot möjliga skillnader mellan olika åldersgrupper i hur väl arbetsminneskapacitet predicerar igenkänning av tal-i-brus. Kliniska implikationer rör den dubbla belastning det innebär att ha både en HN och relativt sänkt arbetsminneskapacitet. En strukturerad bedömning av arbetsminneskapacitet i samband med rehabilitering skulle kunna bidra till att synliggöra dessa personer och anpassa insatser efter deras behov. Lässpanntestet är ett test som i framtiden skulle kunna vara användbart i det sammanhanget.

Mesurer les habiletés de la population générale à percevoir et à se synchroniser à la pulsation musicale avec le Montreal – Beat Alignment Test (M-BAT)

Bellemare Pepin, Antoine 01 1900 (has links)
Il existe actuellement de nombreux tests visant à mesurer la capacité à percevoir la pulsation rythmique dans la musique ainsi que l’habileté à synchroniser ses mouvements avec celle-ci. Ces tests présentent toutefois certaines lacunes méthodologiques (longue durée d’administration, différence de stimuli entre les sous-tests, mauvais appariement des conditions). Le Montreal-Beat Alignment Test (M-BAT) a été élaboré afin de palier à ces lacunes et d’offrir une mesure simple et sensible de ces habiletés. Une étude de sensibilité a été menée auprès de 90 participants. Pour la tâche de perception, nous observons une distribution avec une légère asymétrie négative et sans présence d’effet plancher ou plafond. Les performances aux tâches de perception et de synchronisation sont modérément corrélées, suggérant qu’une bonne perception de la pulsation s’accompagne généralement d’une bonne capacité à se synchroniser avec celle-ci. Également, des cas de déficits dans l’une et/ou l’autre de ces habiletés sont rapportés, indiquant la présence de dissociations entre perception et synchronisation à la pulsation musicale. / There are currently many tests to measure the abilities to perceive the beat in music and to synchronize its movements with it. These tests, however, have certain methodological shortcomings (long duration of administration, different stimuli between sub-tests, mismatch conditions). The Montreal-Beat Alignment Test (M-BAT) has been developed to overcome these deficiencies and provide a simple and sensitive measurement of these skills. A sensitivity study was conducted with 90 participants. For the task of perception, we see a distribution with a slight negative asymmetry and without the presence of floor or ceiling effect. The performances for the perception and synchronization tasks are moderately correlated, suggesting that a good perception of the pulse is usually accompanied by a good ability to synchronize with it. Also, case deficits in one and/or the other of these skills are reported, indicating the presence of dissociations between perception and synchronization with the musical beat.

Predictors of Barriers to Psychosocial Treatment for African American Families of Children with ADHD

Wilson, Stephanie A 01 January 2017 (has links)
African American families of youth with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) traditionally have lower rates of ADHD treatment compared to nonminority groups. These treatment disparities underscore the importance of better understanding the barriers to treatment for these families. Therefore, in a sample of 67 African American caregivers of children with ADHD, the current study examined (1) factors that predict barriers to treatment for African American families of children with ADHD and (2) whether caregiver impairment mediates comorbid behavior problems and barriers to treatment for African American youth with ADHD. Analyses revealed that caregiver impairment predicted barriers to treatment and mediated the relationship between comorbid behavior problems and barriers to treatment. These findings highlight how caregiver impairment may play a significant role in preventing African American families from engaging in ADHD treatment for their child. Furthermore, targeting caregiver impairment in treatment may be particularly beneficial for African American families of youth with ADHD.

Nedskrivningsprövning av goodwill : En studie om svenska företag och investerares uppfattningar av redovisad information om goodwill / Impairment test of goodwill : A study of swedish companies and investors’ perceptions of reported information about goodwill

Hagejärd, Henrik, Karlsson, Rikard January 2016 (has links)
I samband med att IFRS infördes för svenska börsbolag 2005 förändrades reglerna för hantering av goodwill. Istället för årlig avskrivning innebar förändringen att posten skulle testas för en eventuell värdeförändring genom nedskrivningsprövning. Forskning visar att företagsledningar tenderar att agera opportunistiskt i syfte att inte behöva göra nedskrivningar. Ett sådant agerande är möjligt då redovisning och beräkning av goodwill samt bestämmande av antaganden helt och hållet ligger i företagens händer. Forskningen är väldigt sparsam när det kommer till hur användare uppfattar den information som företagen redovisar om nedskrivningsprövning i sina finansiella rapporter. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en bild av hur investerare och företag uppfattar den information som företag enligt IFRS standarder ska lämna i sin årsredovisning om företagets nedskrivningsprövning av goodwill. Samt att förklara varför investerare och företag uppfattar informationen på detta sätt. För att kunna besvara forskningsfrågan och uppnå syftet med studien har en kvalitativ metod med abduktiv ansats använts. Med väl motiverade avgränsningar har studien undersökt uppfattningar hos sex informanter (tre företag och tre investerare). Genom semistrukturerade besöks- och telefonintervjuer har ingående diskussioner med informanterna resulterat i ett omfattande empiriskt material. Med hjälp av operationaliserade teoretiska begrepp och väl definierade uppfattningsbegrepp har det empiriska materialet analyserats. Studien har resulterat i identifiering av problem som bottnar i lagändringen 2005 och som drabbar användaren av informationen (om goodwill i finansiella rapporter) hårdast. Viktiga slutsatser som studien har resulterat i är att användbarheten, relevansen och trovärdigheten i den information som redovisas om nedskrivningsprövningen är bristfällig. Även fullständigheten och noggrannheten i informationen upplevs som bristfällig i det hänseendet för att förstå nedskrivningsprövningen men det råder inget tvivel att redogörelserna innehåller den information som den förväntas innehålla utifrån lagkrav. Ekonomiska händelser som påverkar företag i allmänna termer, finner studien inte påverkar företags nedskrivningsprövning av goodwill. Det framkommer också tydliga bevis på att företagsledningar tenderar att justera bakomliggande variabler i värderingsmodellen i syfte att inte behöva göra nedskrivningar, vilket är i linje med tidigare forskning.

Parents' Perceptions Regarding the Special Education Classification of Other Health Impairment (OHI)

Norman, Michael C 16 December 2016 (has links)
Students identified by the special education classification Other Health Impairment (OHI) represent the third largest group of students receiving special education services in the United States. The special education services offered these students include both academic and health related supports. The delivery of these services is enhanced when a partnership exits between the primary stakeholders; the student, parents, the school personnel, and the medical personnel. The use of Family Centered Care principles in the delivery of these services supports and maintains the partnership. Following the qualitative analysis of a series of interviews of parents whose children were classified as OHI, descriptive and inferential themes were derived from the interview data. These themes are discussed relative to the parents’ belief that the classification provided; access to appropriate special education and school-based health care allowing their children to achieve their maximum potential, parental satisfaction with the special education and school-based health care services provided, and the use of Family-Centered Care principles. Key Words: special education, health impairment, OHI, family

The Effect of Repeated Reading with Audio-recorded Modeling on the Reading Fluency and Reading Comprehension of Adolescents with EBD or OHI and Behavioral Difficulties

Cott, Katherine 06 January 2017 (has links)
Adolescents with behavioral difficulties and emotional and behavior disorders (EBD) or other health impairment (OHI) have demonstrated deficits in reading, and these deficits appear to remain stable or worsen over time. Reading fluency is an essential skill for overall reading achievement, yet relatively few studies have addressed reading fluency intervention for adolescents, particularly adolescents with behavioral difficulties. This study used a multiple baseline across participants design to evaluate the effect of a repeated reading intervention on the reading fluency and comprehension skills of middle school students with reading difficulties and behavioral difficulties and EBD or OHI. The intervention involved repeated reading combined with an audio-recorded model and cues to read for comprehension. Working independently at a classroom computer, participants received six to nine minutes of daily supplemental fluency instruction over a four-week period. Instruction involved listening to an audio recording of a model reading a passage, receiving cues to read for understanding, reading the passage aloud while using the computer to record the reading, listening to the recording, and reading the passage aloud again while recording. Results indicated no functional relation between the intervention and the number of words correct per minute or the percentage of comprehension questions answered correctly. However, on-task behavior did improve during study session when compared with on-task behavior during regular classroom instruction. The findings of the study have implications for addressing the needs of adolescents with behavioral difficulties who have reading difficulties.

Being on the trail of ageing : functional visual ability and risk of falling in an increasingly ageing population

Eriksson, Jeanette Källstrand January 2014 (has links)
The elderly population is estimated to increase worldwide. One of the major health determinants identified in this population are injuries where one of the most prevalent causes are falls. The overall aim of this thesis was to describe and explore visual impairment and falls of inpatients and independently living elderly in the community and how daily life activities were influenced by visual ability and risk of falling. Methods in the studies were a quantitative retrospective descriptive design for study I followed by two quantitative retrospective and explorative studies where in study II perceived vision related quality of life and in study III performance-based visual ability were investigated. Study IV was a qualitative explorative study using classic grounded theory. In study I all falls of inpatients at a medical clinic 65 years and older (n=68) were registered during one year. In study II and III a random sample (n=212) of independently living elderly between 70 and 85 years of age participated in both studies. In study IV seven women and six men between 73 and 85 years of age from the two previous studies and six visual instructors (n=19) participated. The data in study I was collected during 2004, study II and III between February 2009 to March 2010 and study IV December 2009 to January 2013. The results in study I showed that most falls in five hospital wards occurred at night and those most affected had an established visual impairment. Almost half the population in study II and III fell at least once. Perceived vision when performing daily life activities showed a positive association between visual impairment and falls in men but not in women (II). No associations were found between performance-based measured visual ability and falls (III). Visually impaired elderly did not consider risk of falling as a problem (􀀪􀀷). Their main concern is to remain themselves as who they used to be which is managed by self- preservation while maintaining their residual selves and resisting self decay. Maintaining residual self is done by living in the past mostly driven by inertia while resisting self decay is a proactive and purposeful driven strategy. It is a complex issue to do fall risk assessments and planning fall preventive action where the individual’s entire life situation has to be taken into consideration.

Structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the prediction and characterization of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease (AD)

Zamboni, Giovanna January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the research presented in this thesis was to improve the characterisation of the changes in brain structure and function that occur at different stages of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) progression, from pre-symptomatic AD, to mild cognitive impairment (MCI), to clinically evident dementia, using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques. Baseline structural MRI data from a cohort of healthy older adults who were followed prospectively for ten years, during which time some developed MCI and some AD, were analysed. It was found that structural MRI could detect volume loss in medial-temporal lobes up to 7-10 years before clinical symptoms of AD appear. In addition, volumetric variability of medial-temporal regions detected by structural MRI across cognitively healthy older adults correlated with their performance on a task of visuospatial associative memory, and functional activation of the same regions occurred during successful performance of the same task on functional MRI (fMRI). Three groups of participants - cognitively healthy controls, people with MCI, and patients with probable AD - were then recruited and underwent a multimodal MRI protocol, which included functional sequences acquired at rest and during the execution of two different cognitive tasks (visuospatial associative memory and self-appraisal). Cross-sectional comparisons showed: (i) that successful visuospatial associative memory performance was associated with increased functional activity (measured with task fMRI) in lateral prefrontal regions in AD patients relative to controls and (ii) that increased functional activity overlapped with frontal brain networks showing increased functional connectivity (measured with resting fMRI) in the same AD patients. Further, by demonstrating group- and condition-specific decreased frontal activity in AD patients relative to controls during a self-appraisal fMRI task, it was shown the specific utility of fMRI to unravel cognitive mechanisms underlying specific neuropsychological symptoms such as unawareness of cognitive impairment (anosognosia) in MCI and AD. In conclusion, structural MRI can detect morphological changes in the preclinical stage of AD, possibly earlier than previously described, and these reliably match cognitive functioning in older adults. In the MCI and AD stages, once symptoms of cognitive impairment are clinically evident and measurable, task-related and resting functional MRI can inform on residual brain function detectable over and above the known changes in brain morphology and cognitive performance that have already occurred at these stages, emerging as a sensitive marker of residual ability that could potentially be used to measure the effect of new treatments.

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