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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


[pt] Prejuízo de insight costuma ser reportado no Transtono Bipolar (TB), sobretudo quando os pacientes viram para o pólo maníaco do transtorno. Essa falha na consciência verbal dos déficits, sinais e sintomas do transtorno pode vir acompanhada de uma forma de insight implícito, que é a demonstração indireta de algum nível de conhecimento sobre a doença ou uma deficiência com perda parcial ou total de reconhecimento verbal. Dois estudos foram conduzidos para verificar as relações entre as formas de insight explícito e implícito no TB. Para isso, foi utilizado um modelo teórico conhecido como The Cognitive Awareness Model (CAM), que permite investigar dissociações nos padrões de consciência implícita e explícita. No primeiro estudo, os participantes foram avaliados em relação à uma série de variáveis clínicas, incluindo uma medida de insight explícito, além de uma medida de insight implícito com estímulos ligados à depressão e à mania. No segundo estudo, os participantes foram igualmente testados em relação às variáveis clinicas, incluindo uma medida de insight explícito, além de uma medida de insight implícito com estímulos ligados à condição de saudável e doente. Os resultados de ambos os estudos apontaram para diferenças nas medidas de insight explícito entre os grupos de maníacos e eutímicos, e demonstraram diferenças no tempo médio de reação para auto-associações implícitas para condição. A partir desses resultados, pode-se sugerir que os pacientes em mania se autoavaliam explicitamente de forma similar aos pacientes em eutimia, o que pode trazer prejuízos na adesão ao tratamento, ao passo que os pacientes bipolares apresentaram uma forma de insight implícito tanto para os sintomas quanto para a condição de doente avaliadas. / [en] Lack of insight is usually reported in Bipolar Disorder (TB), especially when patients have seen the manic pole of the disorder. This lack of verbal awareness of deficits, signs and symptoms of the disorder may be accompanied by an implicit insight, which is the indirect demonstration of some level of knowledge about the disease or a disability with partial or total loss of verbal recognition. Two studies were conducted to verify the relationships between explicit and implicit forms of insight into TB. For this, a theoretical model known as The Cognitive Awareness Model (CAM) was used, which allows to investigate dissociations in the patterns of implicit and explicit consciousness. In the first study, participants were assessed for a number of clinical variables, including an explicit insight measure, as well as an implicit insight measure with depression and mania-related stimuli. In the second study, participants were also tested for clinical variables, including an explicit insight measure, as well as an implicit insight measure with stimuli linked to healthy and ill status. The results of both studies pointed to differences in measures of explicit insight between the manic and euthymic groups and demonstrated differences in mean reaction time for implied self-associations for condition. From these results, it can be suggested that patients in mania explicitly self-evaluate in a similar way to patients in euthymia, which can lead to impairment in adherence to treatment, whereas bipolar patients presented an implicit insight for symptoms and for the patient s condition evaluated.

Neuroticism explains unwanted variance in Implicit Association Tests of personality: possible evidence for an affective valence confound

Fleischhauer, Monika, Enge, Sören, Miller, Robert, Strobel, Alexander, Strobel, Anja 28 November 2013 (has links)
Meta-analytic data highlight the value of the Implicit Association Test (IAT) as an indirect measure of personality. Based on evidence suggesting that confounding factors such as cognitive abilities contribute to the IAT effect, this study provides a first investigation of whether basic personality traits explain unwanted variance in the IAT. In a gender-balanced sample of 204 volunteers, the Big-Five dimensions were assessed via self-report, peer-report, and IAT. By means of structural equation modeling (SEM), latent Big-Five personality factors (based on self- and peer-report) were estimated and their predictive value for unwanted variance in the IAT was examined. In a first analysis, unwanted variance was defined in the sense of method-specific variance which may result from differences in task demands between the two IAT block conditions and which can be mirrored by the absolute size of the IAT effects. In a second analysis, unwanted variance was examined in a broader sense defined as those systematic variance components in the raw IAT scores that are not explained by the latent implicit personality factors. In contrast to the absolute IAT scores, this also considers biases associated with the direction of IAT effects (i.e., whether they are positive or negative in sign), biases that might result, for example, from the IAT's stimulus or category features. None of the explicit Big-Five factors was predictive for method-specific variance in the IATs (first analysis). However, when considering unwanted variance that goes beyond pure method-specific variance (second analysis), a substantial effect of neuroticism occurred that may have been driven by the affective valence of IAT attribute categories and the facilitated processing of negative stimuli, typically associated with neuroticism. The findings thus point to the necessity of using attribute category labels and stimuli of similar affective valence in personality IATs to avoid confounding due to recoding.

Discrepancies Between Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem: Measurement Issues and Relations to Health and Defensiveness

Schröder-Abé, Michela 14 November 2007 (has links)
Die Dissertation besteht aus einem Einleitungsteil sowie drei empirischen Zeitschriftenartikeln. Die Einleitung liefert den theoretischen Hintergrund, integriert die drei Zeitschriftenartikel und geht auf anknüpfende Forschungsfragen ein. Der erste Artikel befasst sich mit unterschiedlichen indirekten Messverfahren zur Erfassung impliziter Selbstwertschätzung und untersucht deren Reliabilität sowie konvergente und diskriminante Validität. Der zweite Artikel untersucht, wie Diskrepanzen zwischen impliziter und expliziter Selbstwertschätzung mit defensiven Reaktionen auf soziales Feedback zusammenhängen. Der dritte Artikel untersucht schließlich Zusammenhänge zwischen Selbstwertdiskrepanzen und Indikatoren psychischer und physischer Gesundheit. / The dissertation consists of an introduction and three empirical journal articles. The introduction gives the theoretical background, integrates the three journal articles, and elaborates on future research questions. The first article investigates the reliability and convergent and discriminant validity of implicit self-esteem measures. The second article examines, how discrepancies between implicit and explicit self-esteem are connected to defensive reactions to social feedback. The third article investigates the relationship of self-esteem discrepancies to indicators of mental and physical health.

Indirect measures of associations and psychopathology: applications to Spider Phobia

Ellwart, Thomas 21 April 2004 (has links)
To study of cognitive fear networks and associations, indirect experimental paradigms like the Implicit Association Test (IAT, Greenwald et al., 1998) or the Extrinsic Affective Simon Task (EAST, De Houwer, 2003) may be helpful, as they promise to assess the structure of specific associations using a performance based approach without having to ask the participant for a verbal report. Three studies investigated the usefulness and characteristics of IAT and EAST. The aim of the first study was to measure fear associations towards spiders among spider phobic and non-phobic participants as well as in a group of spider enthusiasts. Results indicate that the IAT paradigm is sensitive to the strength of fear relevant associations and able to predict anxious behavior beyond the predictions of direct measures such as questionnaires. The second study focused on some of the mechanisms that underlie IAT effects. With a newly developed masked IAT, these experiments investigated the influences of individual stimuli and superordinate categories on IAT performance. Besides theoretical implications, the results also provide practical, relevant applications for the use of IAT experiments. A third study applied the EAST to investigate how different context conditions lead to differential activation of cognitive schemata in fear of spiders. One can conclude that the impact of automatic threat associations depends on the activated context, and that the EAST is suitable for the assessment of fear associations and their current activation level. This dissertation leads to the conclusion that the performance based methodology of the IAT and EAST is a useful and practical approach to reflect fear associations in phobia indirectly. At this point, the use of indirect measures is still at its beginning, and requires intensive methodological and theoretical efforts. These paradigms, however, may become useful for possible implications in psychopathology and other fields of psychology.

Emotion Dysregulation as a Mediator of the Relationship between Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder and Implicit Suicidality

Winchester, Andrea Nicole 04 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Recognizing the Implicit and Explicit Aspects of Ethical Decision-Making: Schemas, Work Climates, and Counterproductive Work Behaviors

Kalinoski, Zachary Thomas 02 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.


NATHALIA MELO DE CARVALHO 28 May 2020 (has links)
[pt] Neuroticismo é um fator de personalidade que engloba quatro subfatores: depressão, vulnerabilidade, passividade e instabilidade emocional. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivos construir e buscar evidências de validade de medidas implícitas para aferir as facetas de neuroticismo. Para tanto, foram realizados dois estudos: (1) elaboração dos itens; (2) teste empírico das medidas. O primeiro estudo consistiu em um procedimento empírico para selecionar itens e buscar evidências de validade baseadas no conteúdo das medidas construídas. Participaram 408 pessoas, sendo que todas eram estudantes universitárias. Esse procedimento resultou em listas de palavras representativas do indivíduo e das facetas de neuroticismo. No segundo estudo, as palavras selecionadas previamente foram implementadas em testes de associação implícita para que fossem buscadas mais evidências de validade e obtidos indicadores de fidedignidade. Participaram 417 pessoas com diferentes níveis de escolaridade, sendo que 72,2 por cento tinham ensino superior incompleto e 61,4 por cento eram mulheres. Os resultados indicaram que as medidas de depressão, insegurança e passividade apresentaram evidências de validade satisfatórias, incluindo uma estrutura consonante com as definições dos construtos e relações esperadas com outras variáveis. Por exemplo, encontraram-se correlações positivas entre as medidas construídas e neuroticismo e correlações negativas com satisfação de vida. A medida de instabilidade emocional, por outro lado, se mostrou mais problemática no que diz respeito às evidências de validade. Ainda, os índices de consistência interna de todas as medidas se mostraram adequados e os coeficientes de correlação teste-reteste foram superiores aos valores que têm sido encontrados na literatura. Discute-se, entretanto, que mais evidências de validade são necessárias para que essas medidas possam ser usadas em contextos aplicados. / [en] Neuroticism is a personality factor that encompasses four subfactors: depression, vulnerability, passivity and emotional instability. This research aimed to build and search for evidence of validity of implicit measures to assess the facets of neuroticism. For this purpose, two studies were conducted: (1) elaboration of the items; (2) empirical test of the measures. The first study consisted of an empirical procedure to select items and search for evidence of validity based on the content of the built measures. Participants were 408 people, all of them were university students. This procedure resulted in lists of representative words of the individual and the facets of neuroticism. On the second study, the previously chosen words were implemented on implicit association tests, so that more evidence of validity was sought and reliability indicators were obtained. Participants were 417 people with different levels of educational background, 72.2 percent of them had incomplete higher educational background and 61.4 percent were women. The results indicated that the measures of depression, insecurity and passivity presented satisfactory evidence of validity, including a structure aligned with the definition of the constructs and expected relations to other variables. For instance, we found positive correlations between the built measures and neuroticism and negative correlations with satisfaction with life. The measure of emotional instability, however, proved to be more problematic regarding the evidence of validity. In addition, the internal consistency indexes for all measures were found to be adequate and the test-retest correlation coefficients were higher than the values found in previous studies. It is argued, however, that more evidence of validity is needed so that these measures can be used in applied contexts.

Measures of Implicit Self-Esteem. Psychometric Properties and the Prediction of Anxious, Self-Confident and Defensive Behavior

Rudolph, Almut 02 October 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Die Dissertation besteht aus einem Einleitungsteil und drei empirischen Beiträgen. Die Einleitung gibt eine Einführung in das Themengebiet der Selbstwertschätzung und deren Erfassung mit indirekten Verfahren. Vor allem aber dient sie dazu, die empirischen Befunde der Beiträge zu integrieren. Die ersten beiden Artikel widmen sich der Überprüfung der psychometrischen Qualität indirekter Verfahren. Das Augenmerk des ersten Beitrags liegt auf der Prüfung, ob verschiedene indirekte Verfahren konvergieren und ob explizite und implizite Selbstwertschätzung korrespondieren, wenn implizite Selbstwertschätzung reliabel erfasst wird. Außerdem werden strukturelle Ähnlichkeiten der indirekten Verfahren in die Betrachtungen mit einbezogen. Der zweite Beitrag komplettiert die Untersuchungen zur Güte der Verfahren. Der Fokus dieses Beitrags liegt im Nachweis der prädiktiven Validität verschiedener indirekter Verfahren. Dabei werden Kriterien herangezogen, die nicht im Selbstbericht erhoben werden. Im Detail wird eine doppelte Dissoziation zwischen expliziter und impliziter Selbstwertschätzung geprüft. Der dritte Beitrag rundet diese Arbeit ab, da er sich auch einem anwendungsbezogenen Aspekt der Persönlichkeitspsychologie widmet. Untersucht wird der Zusammenhang zwischen defensiven Verhaltensweisen und Selbstwertdiskrepanzen, also der Kombination expliziter und impliziter Selbstwertschätzung. / The dissertation consists of an introduction and three empirical journal articles. The introduction gives the theoretical background about self-esteem and its assessment with indirect measures, and primarily, integrates the three journal articles. The first article investigates the reliability and convergent and discriminant validity of indirect measures of self-esteem. The second article complements the examination of the psychometric properties. It contributes evidence to the predictive validity of indirect self-esteem measures. With using non-self-reported criteria, a double dissociation between explicit and implicit self-esteem is tested. The third article brings into focus an applied aspect of personality psychology. It is analyzed how defensive reactions are related to self-esteem discrepancies, that are different combinations of explicit and implicit self-esteem.

Measures of Implicit Self-Esteem. Psychometric Properties and the Prediction of Anxious, Self-Confident and Defensive Behavior

Rudolph, Almut 08 July 2009 (has links)
Die Dissertation besteht aus einem Einleitungsteil und drei empirischen Beiträgen. Die Einleitung gibt eine Einführung in das Themengebiet der Selbstwertschätzung und deren Erfassung mit indirekten Verfahren. Vor allem aber dient sie dazu, die empirischen Befunde der Beiträge zu integrieren. Die ersten beiden Artikel widmen sich der Überprüfung der psychometrischen Qualität indirekter Verfahren. Das Augenmerk des ersten Beitrags liegt auf der Prüfung, ob verschiedene indirekte Verfahren konvergieren und ob explizite und implizite Selbstwertschätzung korrespondieren, wenn implizite Selbstwertschätzung reliabel erfasst wird. Außerdem werden strukturelle Ähnlichkeiten der indirekten Verfahren in die Betrachtungen mit einbezogen. Der zweite Beitrag komplettiert die Untersuchungen zur Güte der Verfahren. Der Fokus dieses Beitrags liegt im Nachweis der prädiktiven Validität verschiedener indirekter Verfahren. Dabei werden Kriterien herangezogen, die nicht im Selbstbericht erhoben werden. Im Detail wird eine doppelte Dissoziation zwischen expliziter und impliziter Selbstwertschätzung geprüft. Der dritte Beitrag rundet diese Arbeit ab, da er sich auch einem anwendungsbezogenen Aspekt der Persönlichkeitspsychologie widmet. Untersucht wird der Zusammenhang zwischen defensiven Verhaltensweisen und Selbstwertdiskrepanzen, also der Kombination expliziter und impliziter Selbstwertschätzung. / The dissertation consists of an introduction and three empirical journal articles. The introduction gives the theoretical background about self-esteem and its assessment with indirect measures, and primarily, integrates the three journal articles. The first article investigates the reliability and convergent and discriminant validity of indirect measures of self-esteem. The second article complements the examination of the psychometric properties. It contributes evidence to the predictive validity of indirect self-esteem measures. With using non-self-reported criteria, a double dissociation between explicit and implicit self-esteem is tested. The third article brings into focus an applied aspect of personality psychology. It is analyzed how defensive reactions are related to self-esteem discrepancies, that are different combinations of explicit and implicit self-esteem.

Implicit Stigma of Mental Illness: Attitudes in an Evidence-Based Practice

Stull, Laura Grace 07 August 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Stigma is a barrier to recovery for people with mental illness. Problematically, stigma also has been documented among mental health practitioners. To date, however, most research has focused on explicit attitudes regarding mental illness. Little research has examined implicit attitudes, which has the potential to reveal evaluations residing outside of conscious control or awareness. Moreover, research has tended to use a mixed sample of practitioners and programs. The extent to which both explicit and implicit stigma is endorsed by mental health practitioners utilizing evidence-based practices is unknown. The purposes of the current study were to 1) carefully examine implicit and explicit stigmatizing attitudes, or biases, among Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) staff and 2) explore the extent to which explicit and implicit biases predicted the use of treatment control mechanisms. Participants were 154 ACT staff from nine states. They completed implicit (Implicit Association Test) and explicit measures of stigma. Overall, participants exhibited positive explicit and implicit attitudes towards people with mental illness. When modeled using latent factors, implicit, but not explicit bias significantly predicted the endorsement of restrictive or controlling clinical interventions. Practitioners who perceived individuals with mental illness as relatively more dangerous and helpless (both explicit and implicit), as well as participants from Indiana and those with less education were more likely to endorse use of control mechanisms. Thus, despite overall positive attitudes toward those with mental illness for the sample as a whole, even low levels of stigma at the individual level were found to affect clinical care. Mental health professionals, and specifically ACT clinicians, should work to be aware of ways in which their biases influence how they intervene with consumers.

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