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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Probabilistic Schedule Delay Analysis In Construction Projects By Using Fuzzy Logic Incorporated With Relative Importance Index (rii) Method

Ozdemir, Mustafa 01 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis is to propose a decision support tool for contractors before the bidding stage to quantify the probability of schedule delay in construction projects by using fuzzy logic incorporated with relative importance index (RII) method. Eighty three (83) different schedule delay factors were identified through detailed literature review and interview with experts from a leading Turkish construction company, then categorized into nine (9) groups and visualized by utilizing Ishikawa (Fish Bone) Diagrams. The relative importances of schedule delay factors were quantified by relative importance index (RII) method and the ranking of the factors and groups were demonstrated according to their importance level on schedule delay. A schedule delay assessment model was proposed by using Fuzzy Theory in order to determine a realistic time contingency by taking into account of delay factors characterized in construction projects. The assessment model was developed by using Fuzzy Logic Toolbox of the MATLAB Program Software. Proposed methodology was tested in a real case study and probability of schedule delay was evaluated by the assessment model after the required inputs were inserted to software. According to the case study results, the most contributing factors and groups (that need attention) to the probability of schedule delays were discussed. The assessment model results were found to be conceivably acceptable and adequate for the purpose of this thesis.

Taikomosios kūno kultūros reikšmė sutrikusio intelekto paauglių fiziniam išsivystymui bei laikysenai / The importance of applied physical education of disabled teenagers for their physical development and carriage

Bakševičius, Eduardas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Protiškai atsilikę paaugliai skiriasi nuo įgaliųjų bendraamžių savo fiziniais ir motoriniais ypatumais. Kuo sunkesnis protinis atsilikimas, tuo mažiau motorinės raidos pagrindinių etapų pasiekiama. Protiškai atsilikę jaunuoliai dažnai vaikšto ir kalba lėčiau, yra imlesni įvairioms infekcijoms. Šie vaikai yra silpni ir linkę į neaktyvų gyvenimo būdą, kas lemia atrofiją, kitas medicinos, fizines problemas – rigidiškumą, širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos ligas, judesių amplitudės mažėjimą. Dažnai vidutiniškai ir sunkiai protiškai atsilikę vaikai turi ir kompleksinę negalią, atsilieka jų neurodinaminė raida, įskaitant normalių, apsauginių refleksų nebuvimą ir negebėjimą įgyti pagrindinių motorinių įgūdžių. Judėjimas yra gyvybės, veiklumo ir aktyvumo požymis Judri fizinė veikla stimuliuoja normalų fizinį ir psichinį vaiko vystymąsi, gerina fizinį parengtumą ir funkcinį organizmo pajėgumą, atveria galimybę pažinti sveiko, stipraus, išlavinto kūno gerovę, fizinį ir psichinį komfortą, sudaro prielaidas vaiko saviraiškai, savirealizacijai ir aktyvios gyvenimo pozicijos formavimuisi. Tyrime pateikiami taikomosios kūno kultūros įtaka Gelgaudiškio specialios internatinės mokyklos sutrikusio intelekto paauglių fiziniam išsivystymui bei laikysenai. Tyrimu aiškintasi tiriamųjų fizinė veikla, mokinių požiūris į sveikatą, mokinių kūno laikysena ir mankštos įtaka laikysenos korekcijai. Tyrimo metu išsiaiškinta, kad taikant taikomosios kūno kultūros užsiėmimus sutrikusio intelekto paaugliams... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Teenagers, which are mentally handicapped, are differ from their contemporaries by their physical and motor abilities. The higher level of disability is, the lower stage of motor development he achieves. Youngsters, who are mentally handicapped, speak and walk slower and are very susceptible to infections. Such kids are very weak and inactive. These factors influence atrophy and other medical and physical problems – petrifaction, heart and blood vessel’s diseases, the decrease of movement’s amplitude. Very often children with moderate and severe learning difficulties have complex disability. Their neurodynamic process is not developed as it should be, including the absence of normal, protective reflexes and disability to gain basic motor skills. Movement is the sign of vitality and activity. Sportive physical activity stimulates child’s normal physical and psychical development, improves physical qualification and functional organism’s capability. Also it enables to know wellbeing of healthy, strong and educated body, psychical comfort. It forms backgrounds for child’s self-expression, self-realization and the development of active life position. In this research we present the influence of exact physical education upon mentally handicapped children from Gelgaudiškis special boarding-school for their physical development and carriage. It was trying to assert the physical activity of mentally handicapped children, their attitude toward health, children’s carriage and the... [to full text]

Muzikos vaidmuo vaiko dorinio ugdymo procese / Importance of music to process of child moral training

Birmantienė, Violeta 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šiuolaikinė pedagogika remiasi humanizmo idėjomis, pagrindinis pedagogų ir tėvų dėmesys koncentruojamas į vaiko asmenybės ugdymą, jo vidinio pasaulio formavimą, humanistinių vertybių perteikimą, todėl jau ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikams turėtų būti skiriamas didelis dėmesys doriniam ugdymui. Ugdant dorą ir aktyvią asmenybę reikšmingiausias vaidmuo atitenka pedagogams ir tėvams, jų turimoms vertybėms, vaiko kultūrinei aplinkai namie ir darželyje. Auklėjant muzika ugdytinis net neįtaria, kad jis yra auklėjamas, nes muzika nemoralizuoja, nemoko doros taisyklių. Muzika moko klausyti ir girdėti, skatina aktyvaus pažinimo pastangas, leidžia užsimegzti glaudesniam bendravimui su meno vertybėmis, kurių veikiamas vaikas, kaip ir suaugęs žmogus, gali patirti gilesnius emocinius ir mentalinius išgyvenimus. Daugelis žmonių visą gyvenimą išsaugoja vaikystėje įgytas muzikines savybes, jai pakankamas buvo muzikinis ugdymas. Vaikas savyje nešiojasi muziką, kuri spontaniškai veržiasi išsilieti. Jai pedagogas, tėvai padės jai išsilieti ir toliau puoselėti, išauginsime geresnį, doresnį, kultūringesnį ir laimingesnį žmogų. / Children are our future, the power of creation. Them we supervising, educating, developing. The spirit world of child fast changing for him does influence our community, they cherishing values. Child is great source of opportunities, witch could dry, if by him will touch bad artisan hand. Therefore in psychic of child should we penetrate very careful. This master work fundamental purpose is research, if music educate moral of child? This topic I missed analysis, although in intellectual climate of Lithuania same problems constantly treating. So my work purpose is topical in Lithuanian concept context. At this master work I experimented to answer at his question, with reference varied science literature and articles. Special impact power of music for human since many centuries ago cognize, priests, philosophers. Philosophers accent, that in great music, language of intonation expressing and specifically feel as integral unity of being meaning. Plato said „formative perfect Citizen first place belong to music”. By V. Lansbergis „music in general meaning is life, love expression with all their variety”. Music make child happy, help to be disciplined, and do impact to child vision, feelings, emotions, behavior. The music learns to hear, stimulate active interesting in art. And by impact of these factors the child and adult human could feel great emotional and mind experience. Music is one of great ways to relax and to joy. If pedagogue or parents help cherishing music... [to full text]

Mažareikšmių susitarimų reglamentavimo ir vertinimo pagal Lietuvos Respublikos ir Europos Bendrijos konkurencijos teisę ypatumai / The Peculiarities of Regulation and Assessment of the Agreements of Minor Importance under Lithuanian and European Community's Competition Law

Puksas, Andrius 21 January 2008 (has links)
Europos Bendrijos ir nacionaliniai teisės aktai gina sąžiningą konkurenciją, kuriai neigiamą poveikį gali daryti tarp įvairių ūkio subjektų sudaryti susitarimai, atitinkantys draudžiamų susitarimų požymius. Tokių susitarimų pavyzdiniai sąrašai yra pateikti Europos Bendrijos Stengimo sutarties 81 straipsnio 1 dalyje ir Lietuvos Respublikos Konkurencijos įstatymo 5 straipsnio 1 dalyje. Tačiau ne visi susitarimai, patenkantys į šį sąrašą, ribojantys ar potencialiai galintys riboti konkurenciją, negalioja. Į draudimo sferą nepatenkantys susitarimai vadinami mažareikšmiais arba susitarimais, negalinčiais itin riboti konkurencijos. Jiems bei jų reglamentavimo ir vertinimo pagal Europos Bendrijos ir Lietuvos Respublikos konkurencijos teisę ir yra skirtas šis darbas. Jei draudžiamų susitarimų problematika ir pagrindiniai praktikos metu iškilę klausimai buvo paliesti ir iki šiol yra nagrinėjami teisinėje literatūroje, mažareikšmiams susitarimams deramo dėmesio savo darbuose neskyrė ir dabar neskiria nei Lietuvos Respublikos, nei Europos Bendrijos teisės specialistai. Šiuo darbu siekiama iš dalies užpildyti teisės literatūroje atsiradusias spragas. Mažareikšmių susitarimų (de minimis) atsiradimas siejamas su Europos Teisingumo Teismo praktika, o atsiradimo pradžia laikytinas 1969 metų sprendimas byloje „Völk v Vervaecke“, kuriame buvo suformuluota reikšmingos įtakos doktrina. Prabėgus metams po sprendimo priėmimo pasirodė pirmasis Europos Komisijos pranešimas dėl mažareikšmių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The European Communities’ and national legal acts defend the honest competition, which may be negatively influenced by the agreements, concluded between various economic entities, which meet the indications of the prohibited agreements. The lists, containing the examples of such agreements, are submitted in part 1 of article 81 of the Agreement on flotation of the European Community and part 1 of article 5 of the Competition law of the Republic of Lithuania. However, not all the agreements, included into this list, which restrict or may potentially restrict the competition, are invalid. The agreements, which do not fall into the sphere of the prohibited ones, are deemed as the agreements of minor importance or as the agreements, which cannot restrict the competition to a significant extent. Thus, this thesis is devoted to them, to their regulation and assessment as per the European Community’s and Lithuanian Republic’s competition law. If the topic of the prohibited agreements and the principle questions, which arose in the course of gaining of the practical experience, were touched and have been analyzed till the present moment in the juridical literature, then neither the Lithuanian Republic’s nor the European Community’s legal experts did not devote and at present do not devote their attention to the agreements of minor importance in their works. The author of this thesis attempts at least partially to fill the gaps, which appeared in the juridical literature. Appearance... [to full text]

The Domain Specificity of Perfectionism in Varsity Athletes

McDonald, Keith A Unknown Date
No description available.

Probabilistic security management for power system operations with large amounts of wind power

Hamon, Camille January 2015 (has links)
Power systems are critical infrastructures for the society. They are therefore planned and operated to provide a reliable eletricity delivery. The set of tools and methods to do so are gathered under security management and are designed to ensure that all operating constraints are fulfilled at all times. During the past decade, raising awareness about issues such as climate change, depletion of fossil fuels and energy security has triggered large investments in wind power. The limited predictability of wind power, in the form of forecast errors, pose a number of challenges for integrating wind power in power systems. This limited predictability increases the uncertainty already existing in power systems in the form of random occurrences of contingencies and load forecast errors. It is widely acknowledged that this added uncertainty due to wind power and other variable renewable energy sources will require new tools for security management as the penetration levels of these energy sources become significant. In this thesis, a set of tools for security management under uncertainty is developed. The key novelty in the proposed tools is that they build upon probabilistic descriptions, in terms of distribution functions, of the uncertainty. By considering the distribution functions of the uncertainty, the proposed tools can consider all possible future operating conditions captured in the probabilistic forecasts, as well as the likeliness of these operating conditions. By contrast, today's tools are based on the deterministic N-1 criterion that only considers one future operating condition and disregards its likelihood. Given a list of contingencies selected by the system operator and probabilitistic forecasts for the load and wind power, an operating risk is defined in this thesis as the sum of the probabilities of the pre- and post-contingency violations of the operating constraints, weighted by the probability of occurrence of the contingencies. For security assessment, this thesis proposes efficient Monte-Carlo methods to estimate the operating risk. Importance sampling is used to substantially reduce the computational time. In addition, sample-free analytical approximations are developed to quickly estimate the operating risk. For security enhancement, the analytical approximations are further embedded in an optimization problem that aims at obtaining the cheapest generation re-dispatch that ensures that the operating risk remains below a certain threshold. The proposed tools build upon approximations, developed in this thesis, of the stable feasible domain where all operating constraints are fulfilled. / <p>QC 20150508</p>

Monte Carlo Integration Using Importance Sampling and Gibbs Sampling

Hörmann, Wolfgang, Leydold, Josef January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
To evaluate the expectation of a simple function with respect to a complicated multivariate density Monte Carlo integration has become the main technique. Gibbs sampling and importance sampling are the most popular methods for this task. In this contribution we propose a new simple general purpose importance sampling procedure. In a simulation study we compare the performance of this method with the performance of Gibbs sampling and of importance sampling using a vector of independent variates. It turns out that the new procedure is much better than independent importance sampling; up to dimension five it is also better than Gibbs sampling. The simulation results indicate that for higher dimensions Gibbs sampling is superior. (author's abstract) / Series: Preprint Series / Department of Applied Statistics and Data Processing

Polytopes Arising from Binary Multi-way Contingency Tables and Characteristic Imsets for Bayesian Networks

Xi, Jing 01 January 2013 (has links)
The main theme of this dissertation is the study of polytopes arising from binary multi-way contingency tables and characteristic imsets for Bayesian networks. Firstly, we study on three-way tables whose entries are independent Bernoulli ran- dom variables with canonical parameters under no three-way interaction generalized linear models. Here, we use the sequential importance sampling (SIS) method with the conditional Poisson (CP) distribution to sample binary three-way tables with the sufficient statistics, i.e., all two-way marginal sums, fixed. Compared with Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) approach with a Markov basis (MB), SIS procedure has the advantage that it does not require expensive or prohibitive pre-computations. Note that this problem can also be considered as estimating the number of lattice points inside the polytope defined by the zero-one and two-way marginal constraints. The theorems in Chapter 2 give the parameters for the CP distribution on each column when it is sampled. In this chapter, we also present the algorithms, the simulation results, and the results for Samson’s monks data. Bayesian networks, a part of the family of probabilistic graphical models, are widely applied in many areas and much work has been done in model selections for Bayesian networks. The second part of this dissertation investigates the problem of finding the optimal graph by using characteristic imsets, where characteristic imsets are defined as 0-1 vector representations of Bayesian networks which are unique up to Markov equivalence. Characteristic imset polytopes are defined as the convex hull of all characteristic imsets we consider. It was proven that the problem of finding optimal Bayesian network for a specific dataset can be converted to a linear programming problem over the characteristic imset polytope [51]. In Chapter 3, we first consider characteristic imset polytopes for all diagnosis models and show that these polytopes are direct product of simplices. Then we give the combinatorial description of all edges and all facets of these polytopes. At the end of this chapter, we generalize these results to the characteristic imset polytopes for all Bayesian networks with a fixed underlying ordering of nodes. Chapter 4 includes discussion and future work on these two topics.


Flake, Rebecca Alycson 01 January 2006 (has links)
This study examined the recall of televised stories for younger (4-6 years) and older (7-9 years) children with and without ADHD under two different viewing conditions (toys present/toys absent). Each child watched two Rugrats television programs, once with toys present and once with toys absent. Immediately after viewing a program, the child completed a free recall of the observed story. Nonreferred childrens recall increased more than ADHD childrens as importance level increased, and older nonreferred children recalled more information overall than older children with ADHD. For the toys condition, children with ADHD had smaller correlations between the story units recalled and the order of these units in the story than did nonreferred children. Children with ADHD demonstrated multiple difficulties in story comprehension. They were less sensitive to thematic importance and they produced less coherent recalls than their nonreferred peers.

Meningsfulla aktiviteter och upplevelsen av skapande aktiviteter hos elever i årskurs två / Meaningful activities and experience of creative activities in school

Josefsson, Lovisa, Boskovic, Maja January 2015 (has links)
Barn lär sig genom deltagande i meningsfulla aktiviteter därför är det relevant att studera vad elever anser som meningsfullt. Forskning har visat att skapande aktiviteter har en positiv inverkan på hälsan, därför ansågs det väsentligt att studera hur elever upplever skapande aktiviteter. Syfte: Examensarbetet syftar till att beskriva val av meningsfulla aktiviteter och upplevelsen av skapande aktiviteter hos elever i årskurs två. Metod: Metoden är en integrerad design där författarna studerade vad elever i grundskolan anser som meningsfullt och även mer specifikt studerade vad elever anser om skapande aktivteter. Ett bekvämlighetsurval ägde rum på en grundskola i södra Sverige där inklusionskrite-rierna var både flickor och pojkar i årskurs två. I datainsamlingen deltog 15 elever. Datainsamlingsinstrumentet CHILD (Children, Health, Intervention, Learning and Development) som är ett strukturerat intervjuformulär med slutna frågor tillämpades. Som komplement till instrumentet användes en intervjuguide med öppna och semistrukturerade frågor. Resultat: Resultatet visar även att det fanns individuella skillnader mellan elevers val av meningsfulla aktiviteter. Inga större skillnader på vilken skapande aktivitet som ansågs roligast kunde avläsas. Samtliga elever ansåg det som viktigt att gå i skolan. Samtliga elever var ofta med kompisar varav majoriteten av dessa ansåg det som viktigt. Slutsats: Teoretiska ämnen och fysiska aktivteter ansågs mer meningsfullt än skapande aktiviteter. / Children learn by participating in meaningful activities, therefore it is relevant to study what pupils consider as meaningful. Results from scientific studies have shown that creative activities has had a positive effect on peoples health, therefore its important to study how primary school students experience creative activities. Aim: The aim was to study the primary school students’ choice of meaningful activities and their experience of creative activities in school. Method: The method is an integrated design in which the authors on the one hand studied what students in primary school considered as meaningful activities. On the other hand more specific studied what pupils thought of creative activities. A convenience sample took place at a primary school in south Sweden where the inclusion criteria were; boys and girls from second grade. In the data collection 15 students participated. The tool used for the collection of data was the CHILD (Children, Health, Intervention, Learning and Development), a structured interview form with closed questions. An interview guide with open and semi structured questions was used as a complement to CHILD. Result: The result showed that most of the students defined theoretical and physical subjects as meaningful. No major difference concerning which creative activities that were defined as most fun was shown. All participants thought it was important to go to school. All students were often with friends and the majority of the group thought it was important to be with friends. Conclusion: Theory subjects and physical activities were considered more meaningful than creative activities.

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