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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Campbell, Jeffrey Michael 01 August 2011 (has links)
The study examines the phenomenon of purchasing locally produced foods in retail grocery stores. Theoretical foundations from the theory of planned behavior and from the stimulus-organism-response framework were used to support and test a model that hypothesized relationships between attitude, subjective norms, perceived consumer effectiveness, perceived product availability, intention to purchase, store atmospheric responsiveness, price consciousness, and extent of purchase behavior in a retail grocery setting. An online survey methodology was used to collect 600 responses across the United States. A two-step approach to structural equation modeling was used to test the relationships. Confirmatory factor analysis with measurement model development supported the hypotheses of store atmospheric responsiveness as a multidimensional construct reflected in four specific dimensions (1) product assortment responsiveness, (2) display factors responsiveness, (3) customer service responsiveness, and (4) store promotions responsiveness. The construct of perceived consumer effectiveness (PCE) was found to highly correlate with attitude and PCE was subsequently dropped as an independent latent construct. Results from analysis of the fitted structural model indicated that attitude and perceived product availability were significant positive indicators of intention to purchase, while subjective norms indicated a significant negative relationship to intention to purchase. A significant positive direct effect between intention to purchase and extent of purchase and a significant positive indirect effect through that of store atmospheric responsiveness was found, suggesting that store atmospheric responsiveness partially mediates the relationship. Consumer price consciousness was found to not significantly moderate the relationship between intention to purchase and extent of purchase. From the results, academic and managerial implications were suggested. For future research directions, four distinct categories emerged; they included (1) a focus on store atmospherics, specifically store atmospheric responsiveness when shopping for locally produced foods, (2) analysis of group differences between shoppers of locally produced foods, (3) category analysis of locally produced food items, and (4) research on the pricing of locally produced foods.

Atmospheric effects on hedonic and utilitarian customers

Andersson, Maria, Prevedan, Tajana, Palmblad, Sara January 2012 (has links)
This study brings up the importance of using the store environment as a tool for creating positive consumer experiences. It compares two consumer shopping motives, hedonic (related to sensations and fun) and utilitarian (related to fulfilling a task). The atmospheric variables that the environment consists of are discussed and found to be affecting these two consumer groups in different ways. The study takes a quantitative approach for investigating how these two consumer types are affected by the store environment. Hedonic and utilitarian consumers are then compared to see if there are any differences in how these consumers experience the store environment. The findings show that there are no differences in what atmospherics that are liked more by a hedonic compared to a utilitarian shopper. However, atmospherics are found to be more memorable for hedonic consumers. Hedonic consumers are also found to like being in the store more when signs are clear, and when it is easy to find departments, fitting rooms and cash registers. The results also showed that to make hedonic customers revisit the store, retailers should focus on the style of the store, floor space allocation, product presentation, sound level, lighting and the interior material. To make utilitarian revisit the store, retailers should focus on atmospherics such as architecture, the cleanliness, floor space allocation, product presentation, flooring, color scheme of the store and the interior material.

Butikatmosfärens stimuli : En studie om hur konsumenter upplever butiksmiljön / Store Environment Stimuli                                                                                        - A : study on how consumers perceive the store environment

Sahlén, Josefine, von Walden, Louise January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att få en ökad förståelse för vilka faktorer som påverkar konsumentens butiksupplevelse. Detta för att få kunskap om hur butiker kan möta kundens behov, genom utformning av butiksutrymmet samt personalens bemötande. Studien ämnar ta reda på vilka faktorer som skapar en positiv respektive negativ respons från konsumenten. Undersökningen genomfördes genom deltagande observationer, där en person åt gången observerades och intervjuades under en shoppingtur. Detta för att ta del av både konsumentens åsikter samt agerande i miljön. Ett ord som var återkommande i samtliga deltagande observationer var struktur, då deltagarna ansåg att butikens struktur var mycket viktig för helhetsintrycket. Det fick inte vara rörigt i butiken. Efter varje butik fick deltagarna säga tre ord de förknippade med butiken som precis hade besökts. De positiva ord som sades flest gånger var ljust och fräscht. Medan det negativa ordet som förekom mest var rörigt. Helhetsintrycket av butiken var det viktigaste för konsumenterna varpå de synliga faktorerna tog störst plats. Personalens uppmärksamhet och interaktion visade även på en betydande roll. / The purpose of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of the factors that affect how consumers perceive store environments. This is to gain knowledge about how retailers can meet customer needs, through the design of the store space and services. The study intends to determine which factors that create a positive relative to negative response from the consumer. The survey was conducted through participant observation, in order to take part of the consumer's opinions and actions within a store environment. One person at a time was observed and interviewed, during a shopping trip. A word that was repeated in all participant observations was structure. The participants felt that the store's structure was very important to the overall impression. After each shop, participants were told to say three words they associated with the store. The positive words that were said the most times were bright and clean. While the negative word that appeared most times was disarray. The study shows that the overall impression of the store is the most important factor. The visible factors are although those who are noticed the most. Attention from the staff and interaction also revealed a significant role in the consumer’s overall impression.

Prioritizing Food Retailer Perspectives for Environmental Change in Food Stores to Encourage Healthy Dietary Purchases Among Low-Income Consumers in the United States

Houghtaling, Bailey 06 May 2019 (has links)
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)-authorized store environments could be improved to favor consumer purchase of healthy products. Engaging with the key intermediaries who can use marketing-mix and choice-architecture (MMCA) strategies to encourage low-income consumers to purchase healthy products aligned with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA), 2015-2020 is essential. This PhD research describes five investigations that explored the perspectives of food store owners, managers, and corporate or independent businesses (e.g., retailers) to inform healthy food retail approaches: (1) a systematic review of the literature (1980-2017) identified social-ecological influencers of food store retailers' decision-making and ability to use MMCA strategies to encourage healthy dietary purchases in the United States (US); (2) SNAP-authorized retailers' perceived feasibility and costs to implement healthy MMCA strategies in rural stores were assessed (n=29); (3) SNAP-authorized retailers' healthy food and beverage perceptions and DGA-aligned product offerings were documented; (4) prevalent SNAP-authorized food store retailers in the US and between two states were identified to inform settings where healthy food retail approaches could reach numerous SNAP consumers; (5) and the availability of corporate social responsibility commitments to use MMCA strategies to improve consumers' diet quality among prevalent SNAP-authorized food store chains was explored. The collective findings from the review and four studies were that multiple social-ecological factors (e.g., skills/knowledge, consumers, suppliers) influenced US retailers' decision-making and ability to use MMCA strategies that favor healthy products. Rural retailers perceived prompting and proximity (e.g., labeling and location) strategies as feasible and less costly compared to other MMCA strategies. Some misalignments of healthy food perceptions and food store availability were identified and indicated a need for trainings to enhance the success of healthy food retail programs. To reach numerous SNAP consumers, healthy food retail programs should target nontraditional (e.g., non-grocery) food stores with varied approaches by state. However, few prevalent SNAP-authorized retailers have made public, voluntary commitments to reduce obesity and may reflect a low readiness to engage in partnerships to establish healthy food retail environments. Future research should document approach to and the impact of using MMCA strategies to encourage healthier consumer purchases on business outcomes among diverse store contexts. / Doctor of Philosophy / Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) consumers are low-income Americans who could benefit from exposure to store cues or marketing-mix and choice-architecture (MMCA) strategies that ‘make the healthy choice the easy choice’. However, food store owners, managers, and businesses (e.g. retailers) ultimately decide if they will initiate and continue MMCA changes. This research prioritized the retailer perspective to inform healthy food retail approaches. A systematic review of literature (1980-2017) explored multifaceted influencers of food store retailers’ decision-making and ability or willingness to use MMCA strategies to encourage healthier dietary purchases in the United States (US). Additionally, four original research investigations were conducted: (1) a mixed-methods and cross-sectional investigation in rural, central Virginia assessed SNAP-authorized retailers’ perceived feasibility and costs to implement MMCA strategies that encourage healthy consumer purchases in stores; (2) an investigation of SNAP-authorized retailers’ healthy food and beverage perceptions and healthy food store offerings informed healthy food retail approaches in this setting; (3) an examination of prevalent SNAP-authorized food store retailers in the US and between two US states informed targeted healthy food retail approaches that could benefit numerous SNAP consumers; and (4) the availability of corporate social responsibility commitments to use MMCA strategies to promote consumer health among prevalent SNAP-authorized food store chains was explored. Main findings of these investigations indicated that there are multiple factors (e.g., skills/knowledge, consumers, suppliers) that influence US retailers’ decision-making. Also, rural retailers perceived prompting and proximity (e.g., healthy food labeling and moving healthy foods to an ideal location) strategies as feasible and low cost. There were some misalignments of healthy food perceptions and food store availability, indicating a need for trainings to enhance the likelihood for healthy food retail programs to succeed. In approaching SNAP-authorized retailers for partnership opportunities, targeting nontraditional (e.g., non-grocery) settings may reach more consumers and varied approaches by state are warranted. However, many of these prevalent SNAP retailers lack publicly available commitments to reduce obesity which may hinder partnership approaches. Future work should document approach to and the impact of using MMCA strategies to encourage healthier consumer purchases on diet quality and business outcomes among diverse store contexts.

Att sätta butiksatmosfären i första hand- en studie om hur man kan arbeta med butiksatmosfären i secondhandbutiker / Putting atmospherics first- a study of how to work with the store atmosphere in second hand shops

Jonsson, Nicolina, Magnusson, Nathalie January 2011 (has links)
Svenskarna handlar allt mer kläder och intresset för mode och kläder är större än någonsin.Bara produkten räcker dock inte för dagens konsument, utan platsen där den inhandlas har fåttallt större betydelse för kundens shoppingupplevelse. De olika faktorer som påverkar kunden ibutik brukar samlas under konceptet butiksatmosfären. Atmosfären ska, för att på bästa sättstimulera kunden, byggas utefter människans fem sinnen, syn, känsel, doft, smak och hörsel.Tidigare forskning har fokuserat på hur aktiviteter i butiksmiljön fungerar inom vanligdetaljhandel. Vi har i vår uppsats valt att undersöka hur dessa tidigare rön skulle gå atttillämpa på secondhandbutiker, som skiljer sig från detaljhandeln bland annat genomproduktutbud. Secondhand har på senare tid fått mycket uppmärksamhet och det finns idag ettökat intresse för återanvändning av kläder.Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera möjligheterna för secondhandverksamheter att arbetamed butiksatmosfären för att skapa en mer tilltalande butik. Vi vill utarbeta en förståelse förhur butiksatmosfärsstrategier, utarbetade och framforskade för detaljhandeln, kan appliceraspå secondhandbutiker, för att öka försäljning samt locka en bredare målgrupp. Uppsatsen haren kvalitativ utformning och är baserad på en fallstudie av tre fallföretag inomsecondhandhandeln. Datainsamlingen har skett genom intervjuer med informanter från de treföretagen, Judits, Myrorna och Röda Korset, samt genom observationer i butiksmiljön.Empirin har analyserats utifrån analysmodellen utformad i den teoretiska referensramen,vilken grundas på hur man tilltalar människans olika sinnen i butik.De ekonomiska och kreativa förutsättningarna skiljer mycket mellan fallföretagen, men vi harfunnit att man med enkla medel kan skapa en mer inspirerande och tilltalande miljö. Genomatt fokusera på att tillfredsställa människans olika sinnen kan man jobba med doftminimering,lämplig musik, lättillgänglighet och visuellt tilltalande skyltningar och displayer. Butikensmiljö ska tydligt förmedla butikens image till kunden. Genom dessa åtgärder kan man bådelocka nya kunder till butiken, och ta ut högre priser för sina varor. För butiker med en ickemodeintresserad personal kan en instruerande ”butiksmanual” hjälpa. Det är dags för butiksinnehavarna inom andrahandsindustrin att sätta butiksmiljön i första hand - det vinner både kunderna och de själva på. The Swedes are buying more and more clothes, and interest in fashion and clothes is greaterthan ever. The product alone is not enough to satisfy consumers today, and the place wherethe product is purchased has become increasingly important for the shopping experience. Thevarious in-store factors that affect and influence the customer are described as atmospherics.The atmospherics should be designed and adopted so as to best stimulate the customerthrough its five senses, sight, touch, smell, taste and hearing. Previous research has focusedon how activities in atmospherics have affected consumers in the ordinary retail environment.In this essay we have investigated how these previous findings could be applied to secondhand stores, which differ from the retail sector, especially when it comes to the product range.Second hand has recently received much attention and there is currently an increased interestin the re-use of clothing.The purpose of this paper is to analyse the possibilities for second hand businesses to workwith atmospherics to create a more attractive store. We want to develop an understanding ofhow the strategies for atmospherics developed, through research, for the retail sector can beapplied to second hand stores, to increase sales and attract a wider audience. The thesis has aqualitative nature and is based on a case study of three companies in second hand trade. Datahas been collected through interviews with informants from the three companies, Judits,Myrorna and the Red Cross, and through observation in the store environment. Empirical datais analysed according to the analysis model designed in the theoretical framework, which isbased on how to, in-store, appeal to the human senses.The financial and creative conditions differ widely between the case companies, but we havefound that they can create a more inspiring and attractive environment with simple means.They should focus on satisfying the various human senses, which could be done by workingwith smell minimization, appropriate music, ease of access and visually appealing displaysand windows. The store environment has to clearly convey the store image to the customer.These actions can both attract new customers to the store, and allow them to charge a higherprice for their goods. For stores with a non-fashion-conscious staff, an instructional "shopmanual" could help. It is time for shop owners in the second hand industry to put the storeenvironment first - it will benefit both themselves and their customers. / Program: Textilekonomutbildningen

"Customers’ expectations have never been higher" : A quantitative study of customers’ perceptions of customer experiences delivered by physical beauty and makeup stores in Sweden.

Linnér, Jonathan, Olsson, Isabella January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine which experiential dimensions that are perceived as important for customers and how these dimensions are delivered by Swedish beauty and makeup retailers. The focus is to examine how their physical in-store environments succeeds with delivering extraordinary customer experiences. The thesis is conducted through a deductive approach and a quantitative research method have been implemented. Further on, the software Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) have been used to process the data collected from an online questionnaire. The empirical findings were then calculated into six variables that were analyses and discussed in relation to existing theories to strengthen and improve the research of customer experience. The thesis found that experiential dimensions of interaction, emotion, differentiation and in-store technologies are considered as important by customers within the age of 18-30, when creating extraordinary customer experiences in the context of beauty and makeup in-store environments. Moreover, the collected data prove that Swedish Beauty and makeup stores fails to deliver these four dimensions in the extent to create extraordinary customer experiences. Customers of today want new and interesting in-store environments, which means that retailers need to permanently elaborate their environments with unique design element within these dimensions to deliver memorable customer experiences. The result from this thesis can be used by beauty and makeup retailers and other industries to increase their delivery of extraordinary customer experience.

The impact of environmental cues on customers' quality perception and willingness to pay, and the moderating role of consumer mood and motives

Marcomini, Silvia 16 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Silvia Marcomini (silvia.marcomini92@gmail.com) on 2017-01-02T17:04:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Silvia Marcomini - Master's thesis.pdf: 1575837 bytes, checksum: 65fcc8bc9b5ee94136369fc95e8d707b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2017-01-04T13:07:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Silvia Marcomini - Master's thesis.pdf: 1575837 bytes, checksum: 65fcc8bc9b5ee94136369fc95e8d707b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-17T13:31:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Silvia Marcomini - Master's thesis.pdf: 1575837 bytes, checksum: 65fcc8bc9b5ee94136369fc95e8d707b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-16 / The literature shows that shopping environment has an impact on various consumer behaviors, and that favourable environmental cues are associated with higher customer’ quality perception and willingness to pay. I investigated and found that this is true only when consumers are in a positive mood. When they are in a negative mood, consumers infer higher quality from a discount-looking shop. A between-design experimental survey has been conducted to analyze the impact of shopping environment, mood and shopping motivation on customers’ perception of quality and willingness to pay. Two mood conditions (positive/negative) have been created and induced to respondents at the beginning of the survey, along with two shopping environment conditions (upscale-looking/discount-looking) based on design, scent and sales personnel factors. Results show that shopping environment does not impact significantly the dependent variables but it interacts significantly with mood to determine quality perception; shopping motivation impacts significantly both quality perception and willingness to pay. / A literatura existente mostra que o ambiente do local onde se realizam compras impactua o comportamento do consumidor e que certos elementos favoráveis presentes neste local, estão associados a uma maior perceção de qualidade e uma maior disposição para comprar por parte dos consumidores. A autora investigou e descobriu que esta afirmação apenas se confirma quando os consumidores estão com bom-humor. Se em contrapartida, os consumidores estiverem com mau-humor, são os próprios que inferem uma maior qualidade aos produtos que sejam comprados numa loja de descontos. Realizou-se um questionário experimental para analisar o impacto do ambiente do local de compras, humor e motivação na perceção de qualidade e na disposição para comprar dos consumidores. Duas condições de humor (positivas / negativas) foram criadas e induzidas aos inquiridos no início do questionário, juntamente com duas condições de ambiente de compras (de alto nível / com desconto) baseadas em fatores como o design do espaço, o aroma e os empregados do local. Os resultados mostram que o ambiente do local de compras não afeta significativamente as variáveis dependentes, mas interage significativamente com o humor para determinar a perceção de qualidade dos produtos por parte dos consumidores. Por outro lado, a motivação para comprar afeta claramente tanto a perceção quanto a disposição para comprar.

Impulsköp : Vilka faktorer i en klädbutik påverkar konsumenten till impulsköp? / Impulse buying : What factors in a clothing store affects the consumer to impulse buying?

Helgesson, Jacob, Arifi, Raymond January 2018 (has links)
Att vara en klädbutik idag kan medföra svårigheter, med tanke på konkurrerande butiker och den ständigt växande E-handeln. Det är därför viktigt för klädbutiker att både veta hur och kunna påverka sina potentiella kunder till att köpa deras produkter för att öka sin försäljning och konkurrera på marknaden. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på hur konsumenten kan bli påverkad att genomföra ett impulsköp i en klädbutik.En kvantitativ undersökning genomfördes i form av en enkät. Enkätundersökningen bestod av ett mindre antal påståenden rörande impulsköp och delades på Facebook.Slutsatsen i denna undersökning visar att konsumenten blir påverkad av en klädbutiks butiksmiljö. Att det påverkar till just ett impulsköp däremot kunde vi inte konstatera. En annan faktor som kan påverka till impulsköp är konsumentens känslor som på ett sätt hör ihop med butiksmiljön. Kan klädbutiken upprätta en trivsam butiksmiljö stannar person i fråga en längre period än normalt. Detta leder i sin tur till positiva känslor och kan slutligen leda till impulsköp. / To be a clothing store today can cause difficulties, considering competing stores and the constantly growing E-commerce. It’s therefore important for clothing stores to both know how and have the ability to affect their potential customers to make impulse purchases of their products in order to increase their sales and compete on the market. The purpose of this study is to find out how the consumers can be affected to implement an impulse purchase by a clothing store.A quantitative study was performed in the shape of a survey. The survey consisted of a smaller quantity of questions and claims concerning impulse buying and was shared on Facebook.The conclusion in this study shows that customers can be affected by the store environment. However, we couldn’t state that the store environment affects the customer to directly make impulse purchases. A factor that can affect the customer to impulse buying is the customers feelings which is in a way related to the store environment. If the clothing store establishes a pleasant and inspiring store environment, the consumer stays in the store for a longer period than usual. This leads in turn to positive emotions and can finally lead to impulse purchases.

Omedveten arousal i butiksmiljön : Om arousals påverkan på kunders beteende och upplevelse / Unconscious arousal in the store environment : About arousal’s effect on customers’ behavior and experience

Eriksson, Johan, Södermyr, Sissel January 2017 (has links)
Titel: Omedveten arousal i butiksmiljön. Nyckelord: Arousal, omedveten arousal, servicescape, butiksmiljö, konsumtionsbeteende, GSR-armband, eyetracking, elektrodermal aktivitet. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka faktorer som framkallar omedveten arousal i en riktig butiksmiljö. Vidare vill vi undersöka om skillnader i kundrelaterade konsumtionsvariabler påverkar omedveten arousal. Metod: Studien kombinerar en kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansats där 60 respondenter deltog i studien. Data samlades in via två enkäter, GSR-armband och ett par eyetracking-glasögon. Bidrag: Studien har bidragit med en kategorisering av omedvetna arousalutslag baserat på vad respondenter reagerat på i butiken. Skillnader i kundrelaterade konsumtionsvariabler har identifierats i förhållande till omedveten arousal. Originalitet: Med hjälp av studiedesignen har data kunnat samlas in i en riktig butiksmiljö. Respondenterna har således kunnat handla som vanligt i en miljö med andra kunder, personal och fysiska faktorer i butiken. / Title: Unconscious arousal in a store environment. Key words: Arousal, unconscious arousal, servicescape, store environment, consumer behavior, GSR-wristband, eye tracking, electrodermal activity. Purpose: The purpose with this study is to examine what factors evoke unconscious arousal in a real store environment. We will also examine if there are any differences in customer related consumption variables which affect unconscious arousal. Method: The study combines a quantitative and a qualitative approach where 60 respondents participated in the study. Data was collected by two surveys, a GSR-wristband and a pair of eyetracking-glasses. Contributions: The study has contributed with a categorization of unconscious arousal peaks based on what the respondents reacted to in the store. Differences in customer related consumption variables have been identified in relation to unconscious arousal. Originality: The study design has allowed data to be collected in a real store environment. The respondents have been able to shop as usual in an environment with other customers, staff and physical factors in the store.

Factors Influencing Impulse Buying in Retail Stores / Factors Influencing Impulse Buying in Retail Stores

Giorgadze, Nino January 2014 (has links)
Impulse buying is a widely pervasive phenomenon. Statistics shows that more and more shoppers are experiencing irresistible urge to purchase unplanned and in most cases unnecessary product. Existing researches fall short in identifying most suitable tools that marketers can adopt in order to promote impulsive sales. Therefore, this thesis provides deep analysis of those, controllable factors that influence impulse buying. Particularly four external cues are examined: product display, promotional signage, sensory elements and social atmospherics. Research has deductive approach. First, existing academic articles and research papers are analyzed. Then two different methods of primary data collection are covered. Self-reported online survey is used as a main research tool. Received data of 193 respondents is analyzed in SPSS software using Pearson correlation test and standard multiple regression analysis. Results of store experiment and interviews are covered next. The research concludes that product display has strongest impact on impulse buying, influences and encourages consumer unplanned purchase decisions. Thus, marketers are advised to promote product presentation in the stores.

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