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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Innovation management inom den finansiella sektorn : Hur storbanker och fintechbolag arbetar med innovation management i Sverige

Ebbvik-Neuman, Jonas, Neuman, Leo January 2020 (has links)
Med en utvecklingstakt som ökar exponentiellt, där ny teknologi och globalisering ärframåtdrivande faktorer, är det inte konstigt att det har blivit viktigare för företag att förändraoch utveckla sig om de vill fortsätta vara konkurrenskraftiga. Att kontinuerligt innovera ärnumer vitalt för att långsiktigt lyckas på en marknad. Som nästan alla sektorer och branscherså har den finansiella sektorn erfarit stora förändringar. Ny teknologi har gjort det möjligt förföretag att erbjuda smarta finansiella tjänster, något som hotar de traditionella storbankernasvinster och marknadsinnehav. Innovation management är ett forskningsämne som handlar omhur organisationer strukturerat kan styra, och arbeta med, sitt innovationsarbete och viidentifierade ett forskningsgap avseende hur svenska företag, inom den finansiella sektorn,arbetar med innovation management. Genom en komparativ fallstudie, baserad på primärtsemistrukturerade intervjuer med en efterföljande tematisk analys, undersökte vi hur svenskastorbanker och fintechbolag gör detta. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten skedde i Tidd ochBessants (2018) modell över innovation management och vi identifierade både likheter ochskillnader mellan de undersökta fallen. Resultaten tyder på att samtliga undersökta företagaktivt arbetar med innovation management, i olika mån. Exempelvis återfanns det likhetermellan företagens innovationsfaser, hur de betonade vikten av kontinuerlig innovation och enbalans mellan att utforska och utnyttja. Men fintecbolagen applicerade exempelvis flermetoder för att uppnå ett högt innovationsengagemang medan storbankerna fokuserade merpå inkrementell innovation internt och hämtade mer disruptiva komponenter från den externamiljön. Flera skillnader mellan storbankerna och fintechbolagen sinsemellan identifieradesockså. Resultaten bidrar till att öka förståelsen för innovation management och bidrar såledesbåde till teorin och praktiken.

Platforms of engagement : a process of critical engagement with a developing context

Bennett, Jhono 27 November 2011 (has links)
The South African population has been experiencing an unprecedented rate of urbanization that has left government bodies struggling to meet the qualitative and the infrastructural demands of the emergent sector in undeveloped areas. This dissertation aims to focus on the intensive networks found in these developing areas of vulnerability that display strong cohesion due to activities surrounding the production process. The premise presented is that in order to intervene architecturally with these networks, designers should critically engage these networks through participative processes of research, design and ideally construction. Through the author’s process of engagement, several key Architectural principles for an intervention emerge. Primarily the concept that a built intervention in a vulnerable settlement should first seek to associate itself with a network for its initial survival, and then aim to exist in a symbiotic relationship with this network through a mutually beneficial relationship. View <a href=" http://www.jhonobennett.com/">Jhono Bennett's blog</a>. Copyright 2011, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. Please cite as follows: Bennett, J 2011, Platforms of engagement : a process of critical engagement with a developing context, MArch(Prof) dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-11272011-161354 / > C12/4/36/gm / Dissertation (MArch(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Architecture / unrestricted

Security of tenure in incremental development : A case study of informal settlements in Pune, India

Lindgren, Oscar January 2012 (has links)
The author Mike Davis has labelled our entire globe as a planet of slums. This hesis aims to provide some insights to the research field of slum rehabilitation, and thus contribution to efforts to make our globe slum free. The United Nations states that security of tenure is one of the essential preconditions for improvements in slums. The statement comes with support from academic research, which highlights the relation between secure tenure and a slums physical quality. Out of these messages two hypotheses are formulated and tested throughout the thesis; one theoretical, the other empirical. The theoretical section holds that tenure should be studied according to property rights and tenure status, that interventions for slum rehabilitation should support the dwellers efforts of incremental development, that tenure is granted in both the informal and formal land market, and that there are several causalities between secure tenure and the quality of housing and infrastructure. The case study examines 208 informal settlements in terms of their living conditions in the city of Pune, India. The thesis draws on empirical data in the form of a citywide slum survey that has been made available by the non-governmental organisations, Maharashtra Action League and CHF International, both of which operate in Pune. The empirical section reveals that secure tenure does not influence housing quality at all, that secure tenure just slightly influences available infrastructure in a settlement, and that urban planners are able to support a sustainable and incremental rehabilitation of slums by focusing on tenure security.

Papaquara : From Favela to Urban Field House

Boström, Frida January 2011 (has links)
The project consists of developing new housing for the residents of Papaquara, 191 people who lived in a favela until early2011, when they were evicted and had their houses demolished by the local government while their settlement was severely flooded. This new housing project, which is firmly grounded in real circumstances, builds upon research on irregular autoconstructed settlements, their architectural characteristics and specifically the temporal aspect of how spatial qualities are constructed in such areas. The architecture presented in the final proposal is an upgraded version of a favela house core that facilitates incremental add-ons, in a typology called urban field house.

Exploiting temporal coherence in scene structure for incremental draw call recording in Vulkan

Flöjt, Andreas January 2018 (has links)
Background. Draw calls in interactive applications are often recorded on a per-frame basis, despite already residing in memory after recording in the previous one. At the same time, scenes tend to be structurally stable; what exists during one frame is likely to exist in the next ones as well. Objectives. By exploiting the observed temporal coherence in scene structures, this thesis aims to devise a solution to record draw calls incrementally. The purpose of such recording is to reuse what has been recorded previously instead of recording it anew. Two approaches to incremental recording are implemented and compared to regular naïve recording in terms of overhead time. One of them makes use of an extension to the Vulkan graphics application programming interface (API) to evaluate indirect pipeline changes. Methods. A simulation is used as the method of evaluation, using a simple scene where triangles are rendered in individual draw calls. Two sizes of the scene are used. One matches the upper end of draw call count in samples of modern games and the other is an exaggerated size to test viability for even larger ones. Graphics processing unit (GPU) time is measured along with total execution time to provide numbers on the overhead time caused by the different recording strategies. Results. When considering the frequency of incremental updates, the multi-draw indirect (MDI) strategy performs very well, outperforming the other strategies even with 100% updates compared to 0% of the others. However, it scales poorly with increasing number of pipeline switches, where the other incremental recording strategy performs best instead. In this case, MDI soon becomes more expensive than regular recording. Conclusions. It is shown that the incremental recording strategies have an observable reduction in overhead time, and may be worth considering. With few pipeline switches, MDI is a viable candidate for its performance and ease of implementation. A large ratio of pipeline switches may not be a realistic scenario, but in those cases the device generated commands (DGC) strategy is a better choice than MDI. Note that the DGC strategy does not perform true incremental recording because calls are still recorded by the GPU. Overhead margins are comparatively low in the smaller scene, but even in that case incremental recording could be beneficial because depending on the implementation, one could avoid traversing parts of data structures that remain unchanged. / Bakgrund. Ritanrop i interaktiva applikationer spelas ofta in för varje bild, trots att de redan existerar i minnet från den föregående. Samtidigt har scener en tendens att vara strukturellt stabila; det som existerar för en bild kommer sannolikt existera även för de påföljande. Syfte. Genom att utnyttja observerad tidskoherens i scenstrukturer avser denna uppsats att utforma en lösning för att stegvis spela in ritanrop. Syftet med sådan inspelning är att återanvända det som spelats in tidigare istället för att spela in det på nytt. Två lösningar för inkrementell inspelning implementeras och jämförs med vanlig naiv inspelning med avseende på kringkostnader. En av dem drar nytta av en utökning till grafikgränssnittet Vulkan för att utvärdera indirekta byten av pipeline. Metod. En simulering används som utvärderingsmetod, med en simpel scen där trianglar renderas med individuella ritanrop. Två scenstorlekar används. En av dem matchar övre gränsen för antalet ritanrop i ett urval av moderna spel, och den andra är en överdriven storlek för att testa lämpligheten i ännu större scener. GPU-tid mäts tillsammans med total exekveringstid för att tillhandahålla siffror på den kringkostnad som orsakas av de olika inspelningsstrategierna. Resultat. När frekvensen av inkrementella uppdateringar beaktas presterar multi-draw indirect (MDI) mycket bra, som vinner över de övriga strategierna även med 100% uppdateringar jämfört med de övrigas 0%. Den skalar dock undermåligt då antal pipeline-byten ökar, där den andra inkrementella inspelningsstrategin istället presterar bäst. I detta fall blir MDI snabbt dyrare än vanlig inspelning. Slutsatser. Det visas att de inkrementella inspelningsstrategierna märkbart reducerar kringkostnad och att de därmed är värda att ha i åtanke. Vid få pipeline-byten är MDI en lämplig kandidat tack vare dess prestanda och enkla implementation. Större förhållanden av pipeline-byten är inte nödvändigtvis ett realistiskt scenario, men i dessa fall är device generated commands (DGC) ett bättre val än MDI. Notera att DGC-strategin inte utför sann inkrementell inspelning eftersom kommandon fortfarande spelas in på GPU:n. Kringkostnadsmarginaler är förhållandevis låga i den mindre scenen, men även där kan inkrementell inspelning vara förmånlig eftersom man då, beroende på implementation, skulle kunna undvika att vandra genom delar av datastrukturer som förblivit oförändrade.

Efficient Temporal Reasoning with Uncertainty

Nilsson, Mikael January 2015 (has links)
Automated Planning is an active area within Artificial Intelligence. With the help of computers we can quickly find good plans in complicated problem domains, such as planning for search and rescue after a natural disaster. When planning in realistic domains the exact duration of an action generally cannot be predicted in advance. Temporal planning therefore tends to use upper bounds on durations, with the explicit or implicit assumption that if an action happens to be executed more quickly, the plan will still succeed. However, this assumption is often false. If we finish cooking too early, the dinner will be cold before everyone is at home and can eat. Simple Temporal Networks with Uncertainty (STNUs) allow us to model such situations. An STNU-based planner must verify that the temporal problems it generates are executable, which is captured by the property of dynamic controllability (DC). If a plan is not dynamically controllable, adding actions cannot restore controllability. Therefore a planner should verify after each action addition whether the plan remains DC, and if not, backtrack. Verifying dynamic controllability of a full STNU is computationally intensive. Therefore, incremental DC verification algorithms are needed. We start by discussing two existing algorithms relevant to the thesis. These are the very first DC verification algorithm called MMV (by Morris, Muscettola and Vidal) and the incremental DC verification algorithm called FastIDC, which is based on MMV. We then show that FastIDC is not sound, sometimes labeling networks as dynamically controllable when they are not.  We analyze the algorithm to pinpoint the cause and show how the algorithm can be modified to correctly and efficiently detect uncontrollable networks. In the next part we use insights from this work to re-analyze the MMV algorithm. This algorithm is pseudo-polynomial and was later subsumed by first an n5 algorithm and then an n4 algorithm. We show that the basic techniques used by MMV can in fact be used to create an n4 algorithm for verifying dynamic controllability, with a new termination criterion based on a deeper analysis of MMV. This means that there is now a comparatively easy way of implementing a highly efficient dynamic controllability verification algorithm. From a theoretical viewpoint, understanding MMV is important since it acts as a building block for all subsequent algorithms that verify dynamic controllability. In our analysis we also discuss a change in MMV which reduces the amount of regression needed in the network substantially. In the final part of the thesis we show that the FastIDC method can result in traversing part of a temporal network multiple times, with constraints slowly tightening towards their final values.  As a result of our analysis we then present a new algorithm with an improved traversal strategy that avoids this behavior.  The new algorithm, EfficientIDC, has a time complexity which is lower than that of FastIDC. We prove that it is sound and complete.

Stratégie de réduction de modèle appliquée à un problème de fissuration dans un milieu anisotrope : application à la modélisation de la plasticité crystalline. / A model reduction strategy to predict plasticity induced memory effects in fatigue crack growth in an anisotropic medium : application to crystal plasticity

Tezeghdanti, Walid 26 February 2019 (has links)
Les aubes des turbines à haute pression des réacteurs d'avion subissent des chargements complexes dans un environnement réactif. Prédire leur durée de vie peut nécessiter une approche en tolérance aux dommages, basée sur la prédiction de la propagation d'une fissure supposée. Mais cette approche est confrontée au comportement non linéaire sous des chargements à amplitudes variables et au coût énorme des calculs elasto-plastiques des structures 3D complexes sur des millions des cycles. Dans ce cadre, un modèle incrémental de fissuration a été proposé. Ce modèle est basé sur la plasticité comme mécanisme principal de propagation de fissure par fatigue pure. Cette modélisation passe par une réduction de modèle de type POD. La plasticité en pointe de la fissure est alors modélisée par un nombre réduit de variables non locales et des variables internes. Un ensemble d'hypothèses doit être respecté pour garantir la validité de cette modélisation. Pour décliner ce modèle dans le cas d'un matériau anisotrope représentatif du comportement des monocristaux, une première étude a été faite sur le cas d'une élasticité cubique avec de la plasticité de Von-Mises. Une stratégie a été proposée pour identifier un modèle matériau basé sur les facteurs d'intensité non locaux. Cette stratégie comporte une détermination de la fonction critère basée sur les solutions élastiques en anisotrope. L'étude des directions d'écoulement plastique avec les variables non locales montre une forte dépendance à l'anisotropie élastique du modèle même avec une plasticité associée de Von-Mises. La stratégie comporte également une identification des variables internes.Dans la deuxième partie, le problème d'une fissure avec un modèle de plasticité cristalline a été traité. L'activation de différents systèmes de glissement a été alors prise en compte dans la modélisation. Finalement, différentes méthodologies ont été explorées en vue de transposer le modèle local de plasticité cristalline à l'échelle non locale de la région en pointe de la fissure. / The fatigue life prediction of high pressure turbine blades may require a damage tolerance approach based on the study of possible crack propagation. The nonlinear behavior of the material under complex nonproportional loadings and the high cost of running long and expensive elastic-plastic FE computations on complex 3D structures over millions of cycles are some major issues that may encounter this type of approach.Within this context, an incremental model was proposed based on plasticity as a main mechanism for fatigue crack growth.A model reduction strategy using the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) was used to reduce the cost of FEA. Based on a set of hypotheses, the number of the degrees of freedom of the problem is reduced drastically. The plasticity at the crack tip is finally described by a set of empirical equations of few nonlocal variables and some internal variables.In order to apply this modeling strategy to the case of anisotropic materials that represent the behavior of single crystals, a first study was done with cubic elasticity and a Von-Mises plasticity. Elastic and plastic reference fields, required to reduce the model, were determined. Then, a material model of the near crack tip region was proposed based on nonlocal intensity factors. A yield criterion function was proposed based on Hoenig's asymptotic solutions for anisotropic materials. The study of plastic flow directions with the nonlocal variables of the model shows a strong dependency on the cubic elasticity. A strategy to identify internal variables is proposed as well. In the second part, a crystal plasticity model was implemented. The activation of different slip systems was taken into account in the model reduction strategy. A kinematic basis was constructed for each slip system. Finally, a strategy was proposed to transpose the local crystal plasticity model to the nonlocal scale of the crack.

A Systematic Approach to Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP)

Aoanan, Paul January 2021 (has links)
A system safety assurance case aims to demonstrate that a system is reasonably safe within the parameters defined according to its intended use. A system safety assurance case involves the definition of a Safety Engineering Process and its execution for the particular system. An essential element in the Safety Engineering Process is hazard analysis. An often used version of hazard analysis is HAZOP. HAZOP identifies hazards and hazardous events in the system's design. Traditionally, HAZOP is performed based on the expertise of a multi-disciplinary team. This team uses a heuristic based approach that results in documented output that often does not include adequate traceability as to how the output results were obtained. This thesis proposes a systematic approach to HAZOP that was developed after performing detailed analysis on how traditional HAZOP is performed in industry. It aims to produce documented output in which the output results are traceable to interim steps in the process. We call this systematic approach HAZOP+, because it was designed to provide sufficient detail so that it can form the basis of a HAZOP metamodel created in Workflow+ - a relatively new model driven methodology for developing assurance cases. Workflow+ has well-defined semantics, and so we refer to HAZOP+ as formalizable. HAZOP+ has a number of benefits over traditional HAZOP, and these benefits are demonstrated by comparing a traditional application of HAZOP with the application of HAZOP+, both applied to a typical Lane Keeping Assist feature. A long term objective of system safety assurance is to be able to perform incremental safety assurance, for example, by updating the system safety assurance case after a modification to the system or its environment. Since the safety assurance case for a system depends on elements of the Safety Engineering Process, as well as the outputs of that process, the ability to perform an incremental hazard analysis after a modification to the system or environment can be a real benefit. This thesis further describes how HAZOP+ can be enhanced/extended to HAZOPdelta - an incremental version of HAZOP+. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)

ATT SPELA RIKTIGA SPEL : Vad spelare tycker om att spela incremental-spel / PLAYING REAL GAMES : What players like about playing incremental games

Olsson, Måns January 2023 (has links)
Incremental-spel är en spelgenre som innehåller spel med mycket enkla spelmekaniker (Cutting, Gundry &amp; Cairns 2019). De har utvecklats som satir av trender på spelmarknaden (Bogost 2010; Deterding 2016), och har anklagats för att inte vara riktiga spel (Cutting, Gundry &amp; Cairns 2019; Deterding 2016; Purkiss&amp; Khaliq 2015). Trots detta har de blivit mycket populära. Följande arbete har med hjälp av grundad teori (Glaser &amp; Strauss 1967) på ett utforskande sätt undersökt vad spelare tycker om med att spela incremental-spel. Spelare har intervjuats under semistrukturerade intervjuer om deras åsikter. Intervjuerna spelades in, transkriberades och analyserades. Analysen bestod av iterativ kodning för att hitta koncept som kunde utvecklas till beskrivande teman. Arbetet visar att progression, problemlösning, tillgänglighet och speltid är viktiga för incremental-spel. I framtida forskning kan dessa teman undersökas med större grupper och andra typer av spel, för att utöka förståelsen för hur spel påverkar spelare.

AI as a Radical or Incremental Technology Tool Innovation

Josimovic, Aleksandra January 2018 (has links)
As researchers found that throughout the history a common challenge for companies across different industries, when it comes to leveraging and capturing value from a technology innovation is strongly influenced by the company’s dominant business model, an established framework through which assessment takes place. The overall purpose of this study is to provide a deeper understanding of the role that company's dominant business model has on the assessment of the impact that new technology innovation, in this case, AI, will have on the company and the market on which company operates. This thesis is partially exploratory and partially descriptive with a qualitative and deductive nature. In order to answer the purpose, a research strategy of case studies was used where empirical data was collected from interviews held with 47 company’s top executives from different hierarchical levels and business units, from Sweden, Switzerland, the USA, Germany, and Finland. The theoretical framework that describes the how AI as a new technology tool is perceived from the Company X perspective, either as a radical, game changer, or an incremental innovation technology tool and examines the role that dominant business model has on this perception was created. The developed implementation framework had its foundation in previous research concerning innovation business model theories. The data that was collected from the company’s executives were then analyzed and compared to the model. The most significant findings suggest that AI as a new technology tool is perceived as a game changer, radical innovation tool for some areas within the Company X and that the company dominant business model profoundly influences this perception. / Som forskare fann att genom hela historien är en gemensam utmaning för företag inom olika branscher när det gäller att utnyttja och fånga värde från en teknologisk innovation starkt påverkad av företagets dominerande affärsmodell, en etablerad ram genom vilken bedömning sker. Det övergripande syftet med denna studie är att ge en djupare förståelse för den roll som företagets dominerande affärsmodell har vid bedömningen av den inverkan som ny teknik innovation, i detta fall AI, kommer att ha på företaget och marknaden där företaget driver . Denna avhandling är delvis undersökande och delvis beskrivande med kvalitativ och deduktiv natur. För att svara på målet användes en forskningsstrategi av fallstudier där empiriska data samlades in från intervjuer med 47 bolagets ledande befattningshavare från olika hierarkiska nivåer och affärsenheter, från Sverige, Schweiz, USA, Tyskland och Finland. Den teoretiska ram som beskriver hur AI som ett nytt teknikverktyg uppfattas ur företagets Xperspektiv, antingen som en radikal, spelväxlare eller ett inkrementellt innovationsteknologiprogram och undersöker den roll som dominerande affärsmodell har på denna uppfattning skapades. Den utvecklade implementeringsramen har grundat sig i tidigare forskning rörande innovationsmodellteorier. Data som samlades in från företagets chefer analyserades sedan och jämfördes med modellen. De viktigaste resultaten tyder på att AI som ett nytt teknikverktyg uppfattas som en spelväxlare, radikalt innovationsverktyg för vissa områden inom företaget X och att företagets dominerande affärsmodell påverkar denna uppfattning väsentligt.

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