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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sobre as teorias de campos com métrica indefinida / On the field theory with indefinite metric

Silvia Aparecida Brunini 12 August 1992 (has links)
Estudamos duas classes de teorias de campos com métrica indefinida: os modelos sigma não linear não-compactos e as teorias quárticas da gravitação. Mostramos que a prova da unitariedade para os modelos sigma de simetria não compacta é a mesma que para os modelos compactos nas regiões fisicamente relevantes. Além disso, analisamos a possibilidade de ocorrer geração dinâmica de massa nos modelos sigma sob influência de temperatura finita, em várias dimensões. No que se refere às teorias quárticas da gravitação, calculamos o valor esperado no vácuo da função de dois pontos com inserção da relação de Gauss-Bonnet. Encontramos que a identidade clássica não é preservada quando empregamos a regularização dimensional, mesmo num espaço sem singularidades. Isto revela o surgimento de anomalias gravitacionais / Two classes of field theories with indefinite metric are studied: noncompact nonlinear sigma models and higher-derivative quantum gravity. We show that the proof of unitarity for noncompact sigma models is the same as the one for compact models in the physically relevant regions. Moreover, we analyze the possibility of dynamical mass generation at finite temperature in various space-time dimensions. Concerning to the higher-derivative quantum gravity, we calculate the vacuum expectation value of the two-point function with the insertion of Gauss-Bonnet Relation. In the quantum context, we also show, using dimensional regularization, that the Gauss-Bonnet relation is not satisfied due to gravitational anomalies.

A equivalência dos pronomes e adjetivos indefinidos italianos no português brasileiro escrito: análise e modelo de verbete / Equivalency of Italian indefinite pronouns and adjectives of written Brazilian Portuguese: entry analysis and model

Ana Paula de Souza 24 June 2013 (has links)
Estudos sobre o léxico compreendem, além das palavras lexicais, as palavras gramaticais, as quais podem acarretar problemas à compreensão e à produção em língua estrangeira, sobretudo quando um aprendiz sofre interferências da língua materna. Especificamente no estudo da língua italiana em um contexto brasileiro, há palavras gramaticais semelhantes ao português, assim, recorrer à língua materna pode ser um auxílio e não um obstáculo ao desenvolvimento da língua-alvo. Por tal motivo, é preciso reconhecer a importância dos dicionários bilíngues, não como um recurso à tradução de unidades lexicais isoladas, mas como um material que possa facilitar a aproximação da nova língua ao aprendiz, não somente a partir dos equivalentes, mas, também, pela observação das unidades gramaticais contextualizadas. Sob a perspectiva da lexicografia pedagógica bilíngue, esta pesquisa tem o escopo de discutir o tratamento dos pronomes e adjetivos indefinidos do italiano e dos pronomes indefinidos do português brasileiro para avaliar seus equivalentes e propor um modelo de verbete na direção italiano-português, voltado ao aluno brasileiro de italiano como língua estrageira. Para que pudéssemos verificar a presença dos elementos fundamentais para composição de um verbete pedagógico bilíngue, selecionamos os indefinidos de gramáticas e dicionários das duas línguas. Para compor nosso modelo de verbete, foram extraídos contextos de uso dos jornais on-line Corriere della Sera e Repubblica, cuja linguagem jornalística vai ao encontro da nossa proposta, que é elaborar um verbete pedagógico bilíngue italiano-português usando contextos de uso da língua escrita na norma padrão. / Studies about lexicon include, besides lexical, grammatical words, which may cause problems to comprehension and to production in a foreign language, mainly when a learner is under mother tongue influence. Specifically in the study of the Italian language in a Brazilian context, there are grammatical words similar to the Portuguese words, thus, using the mother tongue may be helpful instead of an obstacle to the development of the target language. For that reason, it is necessary to recognize the importance of bilingual dictionaries not as a resource to translate isolated lexical unities, but as a material that should enable the learner to get closer to the new language, not only from the equivalents, but also from the approach between the two contextualized grammars. From a bilingual pedagogic lexicography perspective, this research comes within the scope of discussing the treatment of Italian indefinite pronouns and adjectives and of Brazilian Portuguese indefinite pronouns in order to evaluate their equivalent and to propose a model of entry in Italian-Portuguese direction, facing the Brazilian student of Italian as a foreign language. In order to check the presence of the fundamental elements for the composition of a bilingual pedagogic entry, we selected the indefinites of grammars and dictionaries of the two languages. With the aim of composing our entry model, we extracted use contexts from on-line newspapers Corriere della Sera and Repubblica, whose journalistic language meets our proposal, that is to prepare a pedagogic bilingual Portuguese-Italian entry with using contexts of written language in standard rules.

Le syntagme nominal en mandarin et en français : le problème de la quantification / Noun-Phrase in Mandarin Chinese and French : the question of nominal quantification

Zhu, Lei 29 November 2017 (has links)
En mandarin, les déterminants du nom, démonstratifs et numéraux, sont en général antéposés au nom. Le français requiert la présence de l’article, une catégorie grammaticale absente du système nominal du mandarin qui indique la quantification au travers de la présence de classificateurs nominaux. Sur le plan de la morphologie nominale, en mandarin, une langue isolante, le nom se construit préférablement par le biais de la composition de différent traits sémantiques, tandis qu’en français, considéré comme une langue flexionnelle, le nom se révèle être lui-même le sème. Le déterminant et le nom s’accordent en genre et en nombre, alors que le nom en mandarin chinois ne distingue pas le genre et que les indications du nombre se font uniquement au travers de la présence de classificateurs. Comprendre ces différences est essentiel à l’acquisition de ces deux langues. Afin de faciliter la compréhension des fonctions de ces phénomènes grammaticaux pour les apprenants, ce travail doctoral propose des analyses et explications permettant à l’apprenant de franchir favorablement le « seuil » de la détermination nominale. / In Mandarin Chinese, as in French, nominal determiners (demonstrative and numeral) precede in general the noun. French requires the presence of the article, a grammatical category that is not found in Mandarin Chinese. Rather, in Mandarin Chinese, quantification is carried out through the presence of noun classifiers. As for nominal morphology, in Mandarin Chinese, an isolating language, nouns are preferably formed through the composition of different semantic features. By contrast, in French, considered as mainly flexional, only the nominal root holds the semantic unit. In French, determiner and noun agree in gender and number, whereas in Mandarin Chinese, that does not distinguish gender, number is expressed by noun classifiers. Understanding these differences is essential to the acquisition of these two languages. In order to facilitate the understanding of the functions of these grammatical phenomena, this research proposes accurate analyses and explanations that allow second language learners to overcome more effectively the difficulties of nominal determination

Kriget mot terrorismen - Paradigmskifte av rättfärdiga metoder i modern krigföring?

Stjärneblad, Sebastian January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att analytiskt granska och undersöka de legala aspekter som uppstått i samband med kriget mot terrorismen. Bush-administrationens juridiska argumentation kring praktikerna indefinite detentions och enhanced interrogation techniques står i fokus. Genom att använda en juridisk metod undersöks det huruvida argumentationen är förenlig med internationell rätt för att fastställa praktikernas legala status. Vidare utrönas det genom detta förfarande huruvida praktikerna kan uppnå en juridisk kodifiering internationellt och på sätt bringa ett paradigmskifte av rättfärdiga metoder inom den moderna krigsföringen. Den juridiska analysen påvisar att praktikerna ej är förenliga med internationell rätt och strider mot regleringar inom både den humanitära rätten och mänskliga rättigheter. Slutsatsen är att den amerikanska juridiska argumentationen av indefinite detentions och enhanced interrogation techniques ej kan uppnå någon juridisk kodifiering internationellt och således ej heller bringa något paradigmskifte av rättfärdiga metoder inom den moderna krigsföringen. / The purpose of this study is to analytically review and examine the legal aspects arising in connection with the war on terrorism. The Bush-administration’s legal arguments on the practices indefinite detentions and enhanced interrogation techniques are in focus. By using a legal method it will be examined whether the arguments is consistent with international law to determine the practices legal status. Furthermore, it is ascertained thru this procedure whether the practices can achieve a legal codification internationally and in that way bring a paradigmatic shift of righteous methods in modern warfare. The legal analysis demonstrates that the practices are inconsistent with international law and in conflict with regulations in both humanitarian law and human rights. The conclusion is that the American legal reasoning regarding indefinite detentions and enhanced interrogation techniques cannot achieve any legal codification internationally and thus not bring any paradigmatic shift of righteous methods in modern warfare.

Some new results concerning general weighted regular Sturm-Liouville problems

Kikonko, Mervis January 2016 (has links)
In this PhD thesis we study some weighted regular Sturm-Liouville problems in which the weight function takes on both positive and negative signs in an appropriate interval [a,b]. With such  problems there is the possible existence of non-real eigenvalues, unlike in the definite case (i.e. left or right definite) in which only real eigenvalues exist. This PhD thesis consists of five papers (papers A-E) and an introduction to this area, which puts these papers into a more general frame. In paper A we give some precise estimates on the Richardson number for the two turning point case, thereby complementing the work of Jabon and Atkinson from 1984 in an essential way. We also give a corrected version of their result since there seems to be a typographical error in their paper. In paper B we show that the interlacing property, which holds in the one turning point case, does not hold in the two turning point case. The paper consists of a detailed presentation of numerical results of the case in which the weight function is allowed to change its sign twice in the interval (-1, 2). We also present some theoretical results which support the numerical results. Moreover, a number of new open questions are raised. We also observe that the real and imaginary parts of a non-real eigenfunction either have the same number of zeros in the interval (-1,2) or the numbers of zeros differ by two. In paper C, we obtain bounds on real and imaginary parts of non-real eigenvalues of a non-definite Sturm-Liouville problem, with Dirichlet boundary conditions, thus complementing the results obtained in a paper byBehrndt et.al. from 2013 in an essential way. In paper D we obtain a lower bound on the eigenvalue of the smallest modulus associated with a Dirichlet problem in the general case of a regular Sturm-Liouville problem. In paper E we expand upon the basic oscillation theory for general boundary problems of the form   -y''+q(x)y=λw(x)y,  on  I = [a,b], where  q(x) and w(x) are real-valued continuous functions on [a,b] and y is required to satisfy a pair of homogeneous separated boundary conditions at the end-points. Already in 1918 Richardson proved that, in the case of the Dirichlet problem,  if w(x) changes its sign exactly once and the boundary problem is  non-definite, then the zeros of the real and imaginary parts of any non-real eigenfunction interlace. We show that, unfortunately, this result is false in the case of two turning points, thus removing any hope for a general separation theorem for the zeros of the non-real eigenfunctions. Furthermore, we show that when a non-real eigenfunction vanishes inside I, then the absolute value of the difference between the total number of zeros of its real and imaginary parts is exactly 2.

O espanhol em redes de memória: antigas rotinas e novos sentidos dessa língua no Brasil / The spanish language in network memory

Marilene Aparecida Lemos 12 August 2008 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa parte-se da hipótese que, no âmbito da escola pública estadual, o sujeito taciturno, conceitualizado como sujeito indeterminado, está submetido a uma contradição por estar exposto às discursividades do Mercado e ter que suportar sua demanda e sua interpelação a partir do lugar de conhecimento, de saber, desenvolvido pela escola sustentada pelo Estado. Essa contradição é trabalhada a partir de sintomas da taciturnidade, no real da escola: especificamente, na relação desse sujeito com o aprendizado da língua espanhola em um Centro de Estudos de Línguas, vinculado à escola pública, situado no município de Guarulhos-SP. As análises permitem observar que a indeterminação atribuída ao sujeito também teria a ver com a não-homogeneidade do funcionamento da memória discursiva sobre a língua espanhola no Brasil. Tendo em vista essas interpretações, explora-se, por meio da consideração e análise de enunciados tomados de propagandas de escolas de idiomas, imagens de sujeito de língua nas discursividades às quais tais propagandas se vinculam. Além disso, reflete-se sobre outros aspectos relacionados à memória discursiva sobre essa língua e, especificamente, à construção de novos sentidos. Por fim, a pesquisa flagra ainda a produção de outros novos sentidos para a língua espanhola. Neste caso, tem-se um corpus recortado da legislação de ensino, considerando-se a publicação da Lei n° 11.161 (de 5 de agosto de 2005) que torna obrigatória a oferta da língua espanhola em escolas públicas e privadas brasileiras que atuam no ensino médio como um acontecimento discursivo pois, de acordo com a análise desenvolvida, essa lei colocaria em confronto a atualidade com a memória discursiva dessa língua no Brasil. / In this research we left of from the hypothesis that in the extent of the state public school, the taciturn subject, which was defined as the indefinite subject, is subjected to a contradiction for being exposed to the discursivities of the Market and to have to support its demand and interpellation based on place of knowledge, wisdom, developed by the school sustained by the State. This contradiction was elaborated based on some taciturnity symptoms on the actual school: specifically, on the relationship from this subject with the apprenticeship of the Spanish language in a Center of Language Studies, linked to the public school located in the city of Guarulhos-SP. The analyses allow observing that the indetermination attributed to the subject would be also related with non-homogeneity of discursive working memory about the Spanish language in Brazil. These interpretations allow the exploration, by means of the consideration and analysis of the statements from language school ads and images of language subject on discursivities tied to these ads. Besides that, it reflects on other aspects related to the discursive memory about these language and, specifically, to the construction of new directions. Finally, the research also busts the production of other new directions to the Spanish language. In this case, there is a corpus cut from the teaching legislation, considering the publication of the Law n° 11.161 (August 5th, 2005) - which obligates the public and private Brazilian schools to offer the Spanish language for the secondary education as a discursive happening because, according the analysis developed, this Law would confront the current with the discursive memory of this language in Brazil.

O espanhol em redes de memória: antigas rotinas e novos sentidos dessa língua no Brasil / The spanish language in network memory

Lemos, Marilene Aparecida 12 August 2008 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa parte-se da hipótese que, no âmbito da escola pública estadual, o sujeito taciturno, conceitualizado como sujeito indeterminado, está submetido a uma contradição por estar exposto às discursividades do Mercado e ter que suportar sua demanda e sua interpelação a partir do lugar de conhecimento, de saber, desenvolvido pela escola sustentada pelo Estado. Essa contradição é trabalhada a partir de sintomas da taciturnidade, no real da escola: especificamente, na relação desse sujeito com o aprendizado da língua espanhola em um Centro de Estudos de Línguas, vinculado à escola pública, situado no município de Guarulhos-SP. As análises permitem observar que a indeterminação atribuída ao sujeito também teria a ver com a não-homogeneidade do funcionamento da memória discursiva sobre a língua espanhola no Brasil. Tendo em vista essas interpretações, explora-se, por meio da consideração e análise de enunciados tomados de propagandas de escolas de idiomas, imagens de sujeito de língua nas discursividades às quais tais propagandas se vinculam. Além disso, reflete-se sobre outros aspectos relacionados à memória discursiva sobre essa língua e, especificamente, à construção de novos sentidos. Por fim, a pesquisa flagra ainda a produção de outros novos sentidos para a língua espanhola. Neste caso, tem-se um corpus recortado da legislação de ensino, considerando-se a publicação da Lei n° 11.161 (de 5 de agosto de 2005) que torna obrigatória a oferta da língua espanhola em escolas públicas e privadas brasileiras que atuam no ensino médio como um acontecimento discursivo pois, de acordo com a análise desenvolvida, essa lei colocaria em confronto a atualidade com a memória discursiva dessa língua no Brasil. / In this research we left of from the hypothesis that in the extent of the state public school, the taciturn subject, which was defined as the indefinite subject, is subjected to a contradiction for being exposed to the discursivities of the Market and to have to support its demand and interpellation based on place of knowledge, wisdom, developed by the school sustained by the State. This contradiction was elaborated based on some taciturnity symptoms on the actual school: specifically, on the relationship from this subject with the apprenticeship of the Spanish language in a Center of Language Studies, linked to the public school located in the city of Guarulhos-SP. The analyses allow observing that the indetermination attributed to the subject would be also related with non-homogeneity of discursive working memory about the Spanish language in Brazil. These interpretations allow the exploration, by means of the consideration and analysis of the statements from language school ads and images of language subject on discursivities tied to these ads. Besides that, it reflects on other aspects related to the discursive memory about these language and, specifically, to the construction of new directions. Finally, the research also busts the production of other new directions to the Spanish language. In this case, there is a corpus cut from the teaching legislation, considering the publication of the Law n° 11.161 (August 5th, 2005) - which obligates the public and private Brazilian schools to offer the Spanish language for the secondary education as a discursive happening because, according the analysis developed, this Law would confront the current with the discursive memory of this language in Brazil.

The Postposed Indefinite Article Noun Phrase from a Construction Grammar Perspective

Hillert, Albin January 2010 (has links)
<p>English noun phrases (NP) which include degree modified adjectives show some interesting variation of the position of the indefinite article. A particularly salient pattern is displayed in <em>This is anticipated to be <strong>more common a scenario</strong> than fleas spreading bubonic plague </em>(BoE, BU-NX022521)<em>.</em> The present paper is based on a study of utterances where this pattern was used even though a canonical word order would have been possible. Such constructs are referred to as the <em>Optional Postposed Indefinite Article Noun Phrase </em>(OPIANP) and have been collected from the British National Corpus (BNC) and <em>Collins Word Banks Online: English Corpus</em> (BoE). The central question is whether there is semantic motivation for this postposition of the indefinite article. The results suggest that there is such motivation, namely that the OPIANP could be an extension of a more frequent construction identified as the <em>Postposed Indefinite Article Noun Phrase</em> (PIANP). Furthermore, it is shown that the pattern’s semantics is unpredictable from the composition of its parts and that its primary function is that it positions already given arguments on an adjectival scale. That is, it foregrounds scalar qualities and backgrounds the noun. These conclusions stem from observations of patterns of unification with other constructions, illustrating how the OPIANP unifies best with the non-referential, descriptive PC-constructions and less well with referential constructions such as the subject and direct object constructions. These findings are remarkable as the idea of an adjective-scalar centred NP-construction challenges the idea of NPs being centred round their head, the noun.</p>

“I never thought about those rules in all my languages” : A comparative study of teaching the English articles in the multilingual classroom from a monolingual or a multilingual approach

Zhang, Zhiyin January 2018 (has links)
This study is conducted to compare the effect of practicing a multilingual approach to a monolingual approach in teaching the English article system for students with multilingual backgrounds. Through a structured experiment in light of sociolinguistic and second language acquisition theories, two different discourses (complexes of signs and practices that organize social existence and social reproduction) structuring different legitimate languages are implemented in each respective approach. In the multilingual approach, all languages in the participants’ language repertoire are legitimized and encouraged, while only Standard English is legitimized in the monolingual approach. Three groups of informants participated in the experiment. Two groups of young informants with low English proficiency, and one group of adult informants with intermediate English proficiency participated in the experiment. The majority of the participants have more than two languages in their language repertoires. The multilingual approach was adopted in one of the young groups and the adult group. The study shows that all informants improved in their use of the English article system, regardless of the different approaches. The informants with lower English proficiency level and with a strongest [-ART] language (language with no articles) improved 40.9% in the multilingual approach, which is almost twice as much as the improvement in the monolingual approach. However, the young informants in both groups tend to be confused about the use of the indefinite article a/an after the exercise. The improvements tend to remain in a longer period of time with the multilingual approach in both the adult group and the young group. In addition, the participants tend to show higher rates of concentration, positive emotional feelings and engagement during and after the multilingual approach. The results suggest that it is beneficial to deploy the multilingual approach, through intentional structuring of the legitimized languages in classroom.

Kategorie determinace: strategie překladu španělských literárních textů do češtiny. / Category of Determination: Translation strategy of Spanish literary texts into Czech.

ZEWELOVÁ, Andrea January 2014 (has links)
My thesis consists of two parts. First part is theoretical in which I´m introducing meanings of reference and determinant as described by eminent authors, followed by description of the main uses of definite and indefinete articles and I´m finishing the first part by introducing the current Sentence Segmentation. The second part of the Thesis is practical and here I´m working on quantitative analysis of determination and its translation itno Czech. I´m analyzing a tale called La tortuga gigante from the book Cuentos de la Selva written by Horacio Quiroga and its further Czech translation by Ada Vesela. Determinants are my main focus, articles in particular and their translation into Czech.

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