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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les élites politiques syriennes (1946-1963) : discours et pratiques / Syrian elites (1946-1963) : discourse and practices

Al Zghayare, Khouloud 29 June 2017 (has links)
Les élites politiques syriennes (1946-1963) : Discours et pratiques.Cette recherche porte sur l’analyse du discours des élites politiques syriennes qui ont dominé la scène politique pendant la période 1946 – 1963, c'est-à-dire de l’indépendance jusqu’à l’arrivée au pouvoir du comité militaire du Ba`ath. Pour comprendre comment le discours s’est construit et comment il a été mis en pratique sur le terrain, nous avons classé les élites en trois catégories : libérale, militaire et émergentes (nationaliste, islamiste et communiste). Ces élites sont traitées aux niveaux politique et historique, mais aussi social, à partir de leur discours : sa formation, sa constitution et sa mise en œuvre. Nous nous sommes donc appuyés sur les documents produits par et sur les leaders : mémoires, discours, articles de presse, déclarations, statuts des partis…L'approche analytique comparative que nous avons choisie, basée sur les théories de Foucault, Bourdieu et Keller, nous a aidés à faire le lien entre le texte des discours et les contextes politiques, économiques, culturels et sociaux où ils étaient produits. Notre approche méthodologique nous a permis d'étudier l'histoire et les mécanismes de la formation des élites, les « acteurs sociaux », d'analyser les discours et de les comparer au niveau des concepts, des slogans et des pratiques. Nous avons observé que si le discours des élites politiques syriennes se voulait attaché à la modernité (société et État), leurs pratiques politiques demeuraient fortement influencées par leurs formations socio-culturelles, locales, idéologiques et par les conditions de la lutte pour le pouvoir à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur de la Syrie. Ce discours fut « élitiste », notamment en ce qu’il incarnait les intérêts de la bourgeoisie et utilisé pour dissimuler la différence entre la théorie et la pratique. L’étude de cette période de l'histoire de la Syrie éclaire l’évolution de la situation du pays après ‎le ‎Printemps arabe de 2011. Elle aide ainsi à comprendre la réalité actuelle et contribue à répondre à certaines questions d’aujourd'hui à propos du conflit en cours en Syrie. / This research focuses on the discourse of the Syrian political elite that dominated the political scene from 1946 to 1963, in other words, from Independence until the Ba`ath military committee came to power. To understand how this discourse has been built and how it has been put into practice, elites have been divided into three categories: Liberal, military and emergent (nationalist, islamist, and communist). These elites are viewed from a political and a historical perspective, as well as a social one based on their discourse: its creation, its constitution and its application. We therefore relied on documents produced by and about leaders, their memoirs, speeches, press articles, statements and parties’ legal statuses.This research utilizes comparative analytical approach. Based on the theories of Foucault, Bourdieu and Keller, which establishes a link between the text of the discourse and the political, economic and cultural contexts in which it has been produced. Moreover, the methodological approach allows one to study the history and the formation of the elites, the “social actors,” as well as, perform an analysis of discourses based on their different concepts, slogans and practices. This research showed that if the Syrian political elite’s discourse appears to be committed to modernity (society and State), their political practices remain strongly influenced by their socio-cultural, local and ideological constitution. It is also influenced by the requirements of the power struggle inside and outside of Syria. This discourse is “elitist” especially because it represents the interests of the upper class/bourgeoisie and further, it is used to conceal the difference between theory and practice. Studying this period of Syrian history creates an understanding of Syria’s evolution after the Arab Spring. It therefore helps in grasping the current situation and answering questions about the Syrian conflict.

"L'Algérie, c'est la France" Quoi qu'il en coûte ? : die französische Nordafrikapolitik in der IV. Republik (1946-1958) zwischen Anspruch und Realität / "L'Algérie, c'est la France" Quoi qu'il en coûte ? : entre aspirations et réalités : la politique nord-africaine de la France sous la IVè République (1946-1958)

Katzer, Valentin 01 April 2015 (has links)
La présente thèse analyse la cohérence de la politique nord-africaine de la France sous la IVe République (1946-1958). Se focalisant sur la politique d’intégration en Algérie, l’auteur prend aussi en considération les imbrications entre la question algérienne et la politique de coopération au Maroc et en Tunisie ainsi qu’avec la crise de Suez en 1956. D’un côté, il s’agit de comparer les ambitions de la France au Maghreb avec l’engagement politique et économique concret. De l’autre, l’auteur analyse le bienfondé des exigences officielles face aux données régionales, nationales et internationales. L’étude examine si, en France comme en Afrique du Nord, il y a eu une motivation suffisamment grande pour accepter les conséquences multiples de la politique poursuivie et si des alternatives crédibles ont été proposées dans le débat contemporain. Globalement, l’auteur cherche à savoir comment la présumée détermination de la IVe République à défendre l’Algérie française, quoi qu’il en coûte, s’est transformée sous la Ve République en un calcul comptable des coûts qui, finalement, mène à l’indépendance de l’Algérie en 1962. / The present thesis examines the coherence of France’s North Africa policy during the Fourth Republic (1946-1958). The author focuses on the economic dimension of the so called “integration policy” in Algeria. Furthermore, its impacts on the French relations with Morocco and Tunisia as well as on the Suez Crisis in 1956 are being analyzed. On the one hand, the study compares France’s ambitious goals in the region with its actual political and economic commitment. On the other hand, it investigates the plausibility of these goals against the background of the local, national and international situation. The author verifies if politicians and citizens were willing to accept the multiple consequences of France’s political ambitions and if realistic alternatives were proposed in the discussion at that time. Moreover, the thesis offers an explanation why the presumed great determination of the Fourth Republic to keep French Algeria whatever the cost finally turned into a sober cost-benefit analysis in the Fifth Republic which led to Algerian independence in 1962. / Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht die Kohärenz der französischen Nordafrikapolitik in der IV. Republik (1946-1958). Der Fokus liegt auf der sogenannten Integrationspolitik in Algerien. Ferner werden deren Einflüsse auf die französischen Beziehungen mit Marokko und Tunesien und auf die Suezkrise 1956 analysiert. Dabei geht es zum einen darum, die weitreichenden Ansprüche Frankreichs in der Region dem tatsächlichen politischen und ökonomischen Engagement gegen- überzustellen. Zum anderen wird die Plausibilität der offiziellen Ambitionen vor dem Hintergrund der regionalen, nationalen und internationalen Rahmenbedingungen überprüft. Damit verbunden sind die Fragen nach der Bereitschaft in Politik und Gesellschaft, die vielfältigen Konsequenzen der Nordafrikapolitik zu tragen, und nach alternativen Handlungsoptionen zu den getroffenen Ent- scheidungen. Darüber hinaus erforscht die Studie, wie aus der von großer Entschlossenheit geprägten Maxime der IV. Republik, Französisch-Algerien um jeden Preis zu verteidigen, in der V. Republik eine dem Anschein nach nüchterne Abwägung von Kosten und Nutzen zugunsten der algerischen Unabhängigkeit im Jahr 1962 werden konnte.

Géopolitique de la Bosnie-Herzégovine / The geopolitics of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Robin-Hunter, Laurence 10 April 2015 (has links)
La République de Bosnie-Herzégovine choisit en mars 1992 de déclarer son indépendance plutôt que de rester au sein de la Yougoslavie. Un mois plus tard, la Communauté européenne reconnaît l’indépendance de la Bosnie. Or, depuis cette reconnaissance, l’avenir de la Bosnie en tant qu’État indépendant et souverain ne cesse d’être remis en question. A travers cinq parties et dix-sept chapitres, cette thèse expose les facteurs menaçant la pérennité de l’État bosnien. Tout d’abord, elle révèle que la genèse du territoire bosnien et de ses communautés n’a pas facilité le développement d’une identité citoyenne commune à tous les groupes ethno-nationaux de Bosnie. Ensuite, cette thèse permet d’appréhender le processus d’indépendance de la Bosnie et de comprendre que lors de la reconnaissance de cet État, il n’existait pasde volonté collective de la part des populations bosniennes d’appartenir à un même État. Troisièmement, cette thèse montre que le nouvel espace national bosnien n’a pas produit un seul et unique territoire politique transcendant les différences ethno-nationales entre les communautés bosniennes. Quatrièmement, elle expose les facteurs à la fois endogènes et exogènes menaçant l’unité et la souveraineté de la Bosnie sur son propre territoire. Enfin, la dernière partie, consacrée au District de Brčko, permet de mieux saisir, par des exemples détaillés, le lien existant entre le territoire bosnien et ses communautés. En résumé, cette thèse tend à montrer que le territoire bosnien, au cours de l’histoire, aplutôt été le mode privilégié de la « ghettoïsation » des cultures bosniennes, au lieu de dépasser les différences culturelles au sein des communautés de Bosnie. / The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in March 1992 chose to declare independence rather than stay in Yugoslavia. A month later, the European Community recognized the independence of Bosnia. However, since this recognition, the future of Bosnia as an independent and sovereign State continues to be threatened. Through five parts and seventeen chapters, this thesis discusses the factors threatening the sustainability of the Bosnian state. First, it reveals that the genesis of the Bosnian territory and its communities has not facilitated the development of a common civic identity for all ethno-national groups in Bosnia. Then this thesis allows us to comprehend the process of independence of Bosnia and understand that upon recognition of this state, there was no collective will to belong to the same state within the Bosnian population. Third, this thesis shows that the new Bosnian national space has not produced a single political territory transcending ethno-national differences in the Bosnian communities. Fourth, it discusses the factors both endogenous and exogenous threatening the unity and sovereignty of Bosnia in its own territory. Finally, the last part, on the Brčko District, allows us to understand better, with detailed examples, the link between the Bosnian territory and its communities. In summary, thisthesis suggests that the Bosnian territory in the course of history has been the preferred mode of "ghettoization" of Bosnian cultures, instead of transcending cultural differences between Bosnian communities.

Développement, validation clinique et valorisation d'une nouvelle technologie pour la rééducation de la dextérité manuelle / Development, clinical validation and evaluation of a new technological tool for the rehabilitation of manual dexterity

Térémetz, Maxime 27 September 2016 (has links)
La dextérité manuelle est au centre de notre interaction physique avec le monde. La sophistication des mouvements des doigts chez l’homme nécessite le contrôle de plusieurs composants clés comme la force, l’indépendance, le timing et le séquençage des mouvements des doigts. La dextérité est souvent affectée dans de nombreuses pathologies impactant l’indépendance et la vie quotidienne des patients. Le but global de cette thèse est d’améliorer la rééducation de la dextérité chez ces patients par une meilleure mesure et compréhension de la dextérité et de ses composants. Nous avons développé le Finger Force Manipulandum (FFM), un outil permettant de quantifier les principaux composants de la dextérité chez des sujets sains et des patients. Afin de valider cet appareil, nous avons testé la faisabilité de son utilisation chez des patients souffrant d’un important déficit de dextérité après un accident vasculaire cérébral. Le FFM permet, chez ces patients (N= 10 vs N= 10 sujets sains), de quantifier les différents composants de la dextérité et d’identifier des déficits dans chacun d’entre eux (exemple : les patients font trois fois plus d’erreur que les témoins pour le contrôle de force ; P=0,0002). Les mesures sont plus sensibles que certains tests cliniques comme l’ARAT : elles permettent de détecter des déficits de la dextérité même chez des patients atteignant le score maximum de l’ARAT. Le FFM permet également de créer un profil de dextérité affectée chez chaque patient permettant ainsi de détecter quel composant est significativement affecté et permet aussi de suivre la récupération. Dans une maladie affectant légèrement la dextérité, comme la schizophrénie, lorsque l’on compare les scores FFM des patients stabilisés (N= 35) avec ceux des témoins (N= 20) on constate que les patients ont une performance diminuée de façon significative dans chacun des quatre composants de la dextérité. Certaines des mesures du FFM corrèlent avec des échelles cliniques comme la PANSS (R=0,53, P=0,0019) mais aussi avec des échelles neuropsychologiques. Ces mesures FFM sont également assez sensibles pour détecter une évolution au cours du temps : certains composants restent stables après une remédiation cognitive alors que d’autres s’améliorent. En conclusion, le FFM est un nouvel outil qui permet de quantifier les différents composants de la dextérité. Il est utilisable même chez des patients avec un important déficit manuel et permet d’identifier des profils individuels de dextérité affectée. Il est également assez sensible pour détecter de faibles diminutions de performances motrices comme celles retrouvées chez des patients schizophrènes et pourrait permettre d’identifier certains marqueurs moteurs ayant trait au background neuro-développemental des patients schizophrènes (détection précoce) et à l’évolution de la maladie. / Manual dexterity is essential for our physical interaction with the world. The high degree of dexterity in humans requires sophisticated control of several key components such as the control of force, of independence, timing and sequencing of finger movements. Manual dexterity is affected in various pathologies, impacting activities of daily living and leading to loss of independence. The main purpose of this thesis is to improve rehabilitation of dexterity in these patients by a better behavioral quantification and a clearer understanding of manual dexterity and its components of control. We developed the Finger Force Manipulandum (FFM), a new tool allowing for the quantification of the main components of the dexterity in healthy subjects and in patients. To validate this device, we tested the feasibility of its use with stroke patients suffering from moderate-to-severe deficits of dexterity. In these patients, the FFM allowed for quantification of four components of dexterity and for identification of deficits in each of them (example: patients (N=10) made three times more error than controls (N=10) in force control; P=0.0002). These measures (components) are more sensitive than clinical tests, such as the ARAT: patients reaching the maximum ARAT score still showed deficits of dexterity with the FFM. Based on the four FFM scores, individual profiles of affected dexterity were calculated, highlighting the individual deficit of each patient. This allowed for quantitative longitudinal follow up during recovery. In a disease affecting dexterity mildly, such as schizophrenia, the FFM scores of stabilized patients (N = 35) indicated a significantly lower performance compared to control subjects (N = 20) in each of the four dexterity components. Some of the FFM measures correlated with clinical scales, such as the PANSS (R=0.53, P=0.0019), and also with some neuropsychological scales. These FFM measures also provide indicators for the evolution of dexterity over time: certain components remained stable after cognitive remediation, while others improved. In conclusion, the FFM is a new tool, which allows for quantification of manual dexterity (by measuring various underlying components). It is suitable for patients with moderate-to-sever manual deficits and allows for identification of individual profiles of affected dexterity. It also detects minor manual deficits in schizophrenic patients, and may allow for identification of potential behavioral markers related to the neurodevelopmental background of schizophrenic patients (early detection) and to the evolution of the disease.

Les militaires français et la Communauté européenne de défense, 1950-1954

Gagné, Nicolas 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Independência funcional, motricidade e participação escolar e suas relações no desenvolvimento da criança com paralisia cerebral / Functional independence, motor skills and school participation and their relationships in the development of children with cerebral palsy.

Rézio, Geovana Sôffa 04 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:53:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GEOVANA SOFFA REZIO.pdf: 1249846 bytes, checksum: 39e4c2fb2e20951a3f1b5bd8306d9423 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-04 / Cerebral palsy (CP) is a clinical condition that generates high prevalence of problems in functional activities and the control of voluntary movements the children. The present study aimed to describe the level of functional independence, mobility thick and school participation of children with CP; to analyze the association between the level of functional independence and motor skills of children with CP; to analyze the association between the level of functional independence and school participation children with CP; to analyze the association between motor skills and school participation of children with CP. The sample comprised 31 children aged 1 to 11 years who attend regularly Association of Clinical Pestalozzi Goiânia and CORAE, their parents and / or guardians and teachers. In the evaluation we used the the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) instruments, Sheet neurological assessment, socioeconomic assessment, Pediatric Evalution of Disability Inventory (PEDI), Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) and School Function Assessement (SFA). This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the UFG and developed by signing the Term of Informed Consent of participants. The characterization data of the sample were analyzed using descriptive statistics. We conducted Pearson correlation test to check the correlation coefficient between functional independence, motor function and school participation. In all analyzes was the significance level of 5%. The results showed that children who have a higher level of functional independence and improved performance in motor function receive less assistance and adaptations in their school activities. In turn, children more dependent on functionality and gross motor skills have more difficulties in social relationships and school adjustment. These results may be useful for the functional characterization of this clinical group; adaptations of the school environment, the choice of direction for reviews; better targeting of assistance provided; and planning of clinical interventions. / A paralisia cerebral (PC) é uma condição clínica que gera alta prevalência de problemas nas atividades funcionais e no controle dos movimentos voluntários das crianças. O presente estudo teve por objetivos descrever o nível de independência funcional, motricidade grossa e participação escolar de crianças com PC; analisar a associação entre o nível de independência funcional e a motricidade de crianças com PC; analisar a associação entre o nível de independência funcional e a participação escolar de crianças com PC; analisar a associação entre a motricidade e a participação escolar de crianças com PC. A amostra foi composta por 31 crianças com idade entre um e 11 anos que frequentam regularmente o Setor Clínico da Associação Pestalozzi de Goiânia e do CORAE, seus respectivos pais e/ou responsável e professores. Na avaliação utilizou-se os instrumentos Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS), Ficha de avaliação neurológica, Avaliação socioeconômica, Pediatric Evalution of Disability Inventory (PEDI), Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) e School Function Assessement (SFA). Este estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da UFG e desenvolvido mediante o consentimento dos participantes. Os dados de caracterização da amostra e da participação escolar foram analisados através de estatística descritiva. Foi realizado teste de Correlação de Pearson para verificar o coeficiente de correlação entre independência funcional, função motora e participação escolar. Em todas as análises realizadas foi adotado o nível de significância de 5%. Os resultados mostraram que as crianças que apresentam um maior nível de independência funcional e um melhor desempenho na função motora recebem menos adaptações e assistência nas suas atividades escolares. Por sua vez, crianças mais dependentes na funcionalidade e na motricidade grossa apresentam mais dificuldades nas relações sociais e adaptação escolar. Esses resultados podem ser úteis para a caracterização funcional deste grupo clínico; as adaptações do meio escolar; o direcionamento para escolha de avaliações; melhor direcionamento das assistências fornecidas; e planejamento das intervenções clínicas.

Tuning out the troubles in southern Ireland : revisionist history, censorship and problematic Protestants

Meehan, Niall January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is an examination of the influence and impact of the ‘Troubles’ in Northern Ireland, post 1968, on the practice of Irish history, on southern Irish broadcast media and on the southern Irish modernisation process. I will examine the uneasy and contested transition in systems of hegemony in a society where the state is not coterminous with perceptions of nationhood, where society is anxiously suspended between conservation of its existence and popular nationalist aspirations, where southern economic dependency interacted uneasily with northern political instability and sectarianism. The thesis examines the ‘Ulsterisation’ of the War of Independence by some historians and its aftermath as an ideological project. It pays particular attention, using the case-study method, to the imposition of a sectarian character on republican forces during the war of independence by the highly influential Newfoundland historian Peter Hart, and will explain why this research is ideologically problematic within Irish historiography. I will link this to (in a second case-study) the project undertaken in the early 1970s by Irish government minister (also an academic historian and political scientist) Conor Cruise O’Brien to undermine and eradicate from popular awareness secular anti-imperialist aspects of Irish nationalist consciousness, primarily through, in case-study three, the imposition of broadcasting censorship and support for repression. I question O’Brien’s positing of a ‘Catholic nationalism’ as an overarching basis for Irish statehood by, in case-study four, an examination the largely unexplored socio-economic position of Protestants in southern Ireland and the forms of social control imposed on and within that community. The thesis examines how official reaction to the conflict combined repression and broadcasting censorship during the 1970s to revise popular perceptions of Irish history and Irish society. Control of understanding of the present was combined with attempts to take control of perceptions of the past, in order to circumscribe the parameters of what is feasible in the present, so as to preserve the socio-economic status quo. It specifically explores the impact of the post 1968 Northern Ireland conflict on: • The attempt by proponents of Irish revisionist historiography to portray Irish resistance to British rule as ‘Catholic nationalism’ and as a mirror image generally of Ulster unionist sectarianism; in the context of • The simultaneous transformational change of economic direction in the southern Irish economy and society, which imparted to this project increased impetus, opportunity and political scope.

Entrelaçando temporalidades: passado e presente em A star called Henry, de Roddy Doyle / Intertwining temporalities: past and present in A Star Called Henry, de Roddy Doyle

Batista, Camila Franco 22 June 2015 (has links)
A Star Called Henry (1999), do escritor irlandês Roddy Doyle (1958-), é o primeiro livro da trilogia The Last Roundup, cujo protagonista é Henry Smart. Este nasce em Dublin no início do século XX e desempenha papel importante na luta pela independência da Irlanda. Juntamente com os Irish Volunteers, Smart combate no Levante de Páscoa de 1916, auxilia na escrita da declaração de independência do país e torna-se soldado do Irish Republican Army (IRA) durante a Guerra da Independência (1919-1921). Henry é um herói, mas não do tipo clássico: filho de um assassino de aluguel e de uma adolescente pobre, Smart é ladrão desde os primeiros anos de vida e, durante suas lutas pela Irlanda, afirma não estar interessado no ideal nacionalista, uma vez que luta por dinheiro, comida e reconhecimento. Vivendo às margens da sociedade, Henry Smart desconstrói uma aura romântica em torno do Levante, da Guerra da Independência e dos heróis nacionalistas. O ponto de partida desta pesquisa é o questionamento sobre o impulso do autor em escrever um romance histórico em tempos de prosperidade financeira, pois Doyle publica a obra durante o período conhecido como Tigre Celta (1994-2008). Também questionamos por que o autor decide representar Dublin e os heróis nacionais de modo contrastante com o simbolismo nacionalista. Entendemos que o contexto de publicação do romance influencia a produção artística e, dessa forma, ao escolher a temática histórica, Doyle constrói uma crítica ao nacionalismo do início do século XX e também à sociedade do Tigre Celta. O autor entrelaça temporalidades a fim de expor as lacunas e inconsistências do passado e também do presente. / A Star Called Henry (1999), by the Irish writer Roddy Doyle (1958), is the first book of the trilogy The Last Roundup, whose protagonist is Henry Smart. He is born in Dublin at the beginning of the twentieth century and he plays an important role in the fight for Irelands independence. Along with the Irish Volunteers, Smart fights in the 1916 Easter Rising, helps to write the proclamation of independence and becomes a soldier of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) in the War of Independence (1919-1921). Henry is a hero, but not the classic kind: the son of a hired killer and a poor teenager, Smart is a thief since his early years and, when he fights for Ireland, he is not interested in the nationalist ideal, since he fights for money, food and recognition. Living at the margins of society, Henry Smart deconstructs the romantic aura around the Rising, the War of Independence and the nationalist heroes. The starting point of this research is to investigate the authors impulse to write a historical novel in times of financial prosperity, since Doyle publishes the book during the Celtic Tiger era (1994-2008). We also aim to understand why the author decides to represent Dublin and the nationalist heroes in a way that contrasts with the nationalist symbolism. We understand that the context of publication influences the artistic production, and, therefore, when choosing the historical theme, Doyle criticizes both the early twentieth-century nationalism and the Celtic Tiger society. The author intertwines temporalities in order to expose the gaps and inconsistencies of the past and the present.

Nível de independência funcional de idosos com Doença de Alzheimer / Functional independence level of elderly people with Alzheimer\'s disease

Talmelli, Luana Flávia da Silva 11 September 2009 (has links)
Capacidade funcional surge como novo conceito quando aborda a saúde do idoso, principalmente em se tratando de idosos com doença de Alzheimer (DA) onde o déficit cognitivo é esperado aliado ao funcional. Dessa forma as pesquisas relacionadas à capacidade funcional do idoso com DA vêm ao encontro das questões relacionadas ao cuidado desse idoso. Trata-se de um estudo observacional e transversal que teve com objetivo identificar comorbidades dos idosos com DA, mensurar nível de independência funcional, segundo a Medida da Independência Funcional (MIF), comparando com o estagiamento da demência, segundo a Avaliação Clínica da demência (Clinical Dementia Rating scale - CDR). A amostra foi constituída de 67 idosos. Os dados foram coletados em entrevistas domiciliares, utilizando-se de instrumento para identificação e perfil sociodemográfico, do Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM) para avaliação do déficit cognitivo, da Medida de Independência Funcional (MIF) para avaliação da funcionalidade e, para estagiamento da demência, foi utilizada CDR. A média de idade dos idosos foi de 79 anos (+ 7,2), sendo 41,8% na faixa etária entre 75-79 anos. Houve predominio de mulheres 77,6% e viúvos 49,3%. Os idosos possuíam média de escolaridade de 5,6 anos, 73,1% tinham renda própria, 46,3% possuíam renda familiar de até 5 salários mínimos e residiam em média com 3,5 pessoas. Quanto às comorbidades existentes, 23,9 não possuíam e 53,7% tinham hipertensão arterial. O déficit cognitivo foi de 82%, e a média no MEEM de 9,3. Sobre o estagiamento da demência, 46,3% apresentavam demência grave, 22,4%% demência moderada e 31,3% demência leve. Quanto a funcionalidade, a variação dos escores observados na MIF foi igual à variação possível para MIF motora. A média geral da MIF global encontrada foi 71,1, a médias da MIF global foram 107,9; 84,5 e 39,7 para os idosos com demência leve, moderada e grave respectivamente. Os idosos com demência leve possuíam independência modificada ou necessitavam de supervisão, aqueles com demência moderada possuíam dependência mínima ou necessidade de supervisão e os idosos com demência grave eram totalmente dependentes. Foi encontrada forte correlação entre o nível de independência funcional (MIF global) com o estágio da demência e com o desempenho cognitivo (p<0,001). Não foram encontradas correlações estatisticamente significantes entre a funcionalidade e idade, sexo e presença de (co)morbidades. Concluiu-se que a capacidade funcional dos idosos com DA está relacionada ao estágio da demência, isto é, quanto mais grave a demência, maior o nível da dependência. / Functional capacity emerges as a new concept in elderly health, mainly with respect to elderly people with Alzheimers disease (AD), when a cognitive deficit is expected, connected with a functional deficit. Thus, research on functional capacity in elderly people with AD is relevant for elderly care delivery. This observational, crosssectional study aimed to identify co-morbidities of elderly people with AD, to measure the functional independence level according to the Functional Independence Measure (FIM), in comparison with the dementia staging according to the Clinical Dementia Rating scale (CDR). The sample consisted of 67 elderly. Data were collected during interviews at the elderlys home, using an identification and sociodemographic profile instrument, the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) to assess cognitive deficit; the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) for functional assessment, and CDR to asses dementia staging. The mean age was 79 years (+ 7.2), with 41.8% between 75 and 79 years old. Women 77.6% and widowed people 49.3% were predominant. The elderlys mean education level was 5.6 years, 73.1% gained their own income, 46.3% gained a family income of up to 5 minimum wages and lived with an average of 3.5 people. As to existing co-morbidities, 23.9 had none and 53.7% had arterial hypertension. The cognitive deficit was 82% and the mean MMSE score 9.3. In dementia staging, 46.3% presented severe, 22.4%% moderate and 31.3% light dementia. With respect to functionality, the variation in FIM scores was equal to the possible variation for motor FIM. The mean global general FIM score was 71.1, the mean global FIM scores were 107.9 for light; 84.5 for moderate and 39.7 for severe dementia. Elderly with light dementia displayed modified independence or needed supervision; those with moderate dementia showed minimal dependence or supervision and elderly with severe dementia were fully dependent. A strong correlation was found between the functional independence level (global FIM) and dementia stage and with cognitive performance (p<0.001). No statistically significant correlations were found between functionality and age, gender and presence of co-morbidities. It was concluded that the functional capacity of elderly people with AD is related with the stage of dementia, that is, the more severe the dementia, the higher the level of dependence will be.

Vliv zřizovatelů veřejných základních škol v malých obcích na pedagogické směřování školy / The influence of the founders of public primary schools in small municipalities on the educational direction of the school

Bílý, Vojtěch January 2018 (has links)
The influence of the founders of public primary schools in small municipalities on the educational direction of the school Author: Bc. et Bc. Vojtěch Bílý ABSTRACT The thesis deals with the possible influence of founders of public primary school on the educational direction of the school. Although the law does not allow the direct influence of the founders on the management of the pedagogical process, there are a number of instruments by which the founders indirectly seek to apply their influence. In this work we first define the field of research, the state of the current knowledge of the subject and the basic concepts, and then we analyze the ways in which the founders use the influence, what pressure the school heads perceive and to what extent they are subject to it. In the practical part, we focus on primary schools in the Olomouc region in municipalities up to 5000 inhabitants where there is a prerequisite for the existence of only one school and there is usually a closer link between the school head and the mayor of the municipality. The practical part is based on questionnaires with the founders and the directors of the schools which are complemented with semi-structured interviews with the directors and the mayors of the municipalities. The results show that the majority of the founders do not...

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