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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determinants of success among Indigenous enteprise in the Northern Territory of Australia

Nikolakis, William January 2008 (has links)
This study seeks to improve the understanding of Indigenous Enterprise Development (IED) efforts undertaken on communal Indigenous land in the Northern Territory of Australia. Success in enterprise may support the achievement of a range of social, political and economic objectives for Indigenous peoples. The thesis offers a contribution to knowledge and literature on IED by bringing understanding to the meaning of success for Indigenous enterprise, identifying those factors that contribute to its success as well as presenting the barriers that prevent it. This study is the most recent rigorous scholarly work of IED on Indigenous land in the Northern Territory. The focus of this research is on Indigenous commercial enterprise development at a communal and individual level. Indigenous enterprise development is said to be different from other forms of enterprise development because of the legal rights of Indigenous peoples and because of particular cultural attributes, such as different perceptions of property rights in the Indigenous context and an emphasis on values like collectivism and sharing. These differences are found to shape notions of success and approaches to development. The research reviews literature in the international and domestic context on Indigenous economic development and Indigenous entrepreneurship. It also draws from internal and external documents of relevant institutions and news sources. These sources and findings are then built upon with fifty six in-depth, face-to-face interviews of selected participants who are experts or opinion leaders on IED in the region. These participants represented a variety of interest groups such as the government, academia, the Indigenous community and businesses from both Indigenous and non-Indigenous cultures in the Northern Territory. This study used a qualitative research approach for data collection and analysis. The researcher utilized a qualitative data analysis method, including the reporting of field notes, preparation of field notes into transcripts, coding of data, display of data, the development of conclusions, and creation of a report. This study identified five categories of barriers to successful enterprise development on Indigenous land in the Northern Territory. These barriers are: high levels of conflict and mistrust, socio-cultural norms and values that can work against success, a lack of human capital, a poor institutional framework and economic and structural factors. There were four categories of factors found that support the development of successful Indigenous enterprise: developing business acumen, integrating culture within the enterprise, separating business from community politics and greater independence from government. While definitions of success varied across the region there were common objectives for Indigenous enterprise, such as eliminating welfare dependency and maintaining a link to land. Ultimately, success for Indigenous enterprise was deemed to be business survival, but in ways that are congruent with each Indigenous community?s values. The findings in this research emphasize that certain cultural attributes may act to constrain successful enterprise development, but can be integrated into an enterprise through changes in enterprise structure, or practice, to support successful economic outcomes. The research also emphasizes the importance of institutional settings on human capital and successful enterprise development in the region. This study?s findings can potentially guide and inform further research in this field. The research develops a number of policy recommendations which offer potential support to policymakers in addressing the important social problem of Indigenous disadvantage through enterprise development initiatives. / This study seeks to improve the understanding of Indigenous Enterprise Development (IED) efforts undertaken on communal Indigenous land in the Northern Territory of Australia. Success in enterprise may support the achievement of a range of social, political and economic objectives for Indigenous peoples. The thesis offers a contribution to knowledge and literature on IED by bringing understanding to the meaning of success for Indigenous enterprise, identifying those factors that contribute to its success as well as presenting the barriers that prevent it. This study is the most recent rigorous scholarly work of IED on Indigenous land in the Northern Territory. / Thesis (PhD)--University of South Australia, 2008

Étude comparative de la protection internationale des minorités en Europe et en Amérique / Comparative study of the international protection of minorities in Europe and in America

Simon, Sophie 02 March 2015 (has links)
Les minorités sont les fruits de l’histoire, des conquêtes, des défaites, des modifications de frontières. Mais si aucune histoire nationale ne ressemble à une autre, les minorités, dans leur diversité, se trouvent dans des situations s’apparentent les unes aux autres. Dans ce contexte global, cette étude a pour objectif d’appréhender dans quelle mesure les droits nationaux et internationaux des minorités répondent effectivement aux besoins des personnes appartenant à ces dernières. Pour ce faire, deux thématiques revenant régulièrement dans les doléances des membres des minorités ont été sélectionnées. Il s’agit, en premier lieu, de la prise en compte des spécificités relatives à l’habitat (dans sa diversité) et, en second lieu, de la possibilité de communiquer dans sa propre langue. Après une présentation du droit international portant sur ces questions, est ici étudiée la façon dont ce droit ou plutôt ces droits sont transposés et mis en œuvre dans les systèmes nationaux (en effet, il existe de fortes variantes entre la protection offerte par les organes universels et celles offertes par les organes régionaux européens et américains). Pour rendre compte de la diversité des situations nationales, six pays sont ici étudiés. Il s’agit de l’Espagne, de la France et de la Lituanie pour l’Europe et du Canada, du Costa Rica et du Paraguay pour l’Amérique. Nous constatons que, feignant de méconnaître l’intérêt que présente une protection convenable des minorités pour la stabilité de leur société nationale et même pour la démocratie en général, les gouvernants ne sont pas toujours prêts à mettre en œuvre les dispositions visant à protéger les personnes appartenant à des minorités et opposent l’intérêt général ou des arguments tirés du caractère unitaire de leur peuple, de leur territoire ou de leur nation. A ceci s’ajoutent des difficultés pratiques lors de la mise en œuvre des normes adoptées, difficultés occasionnées par des raisons financières, par exemple le coût des mesures positives visant à l’égalité effective dans les domaines de l’enseignement, des médias, de la vie privée et familiale ou encore obligation de partage des bénéfices générés par l’extraction minière avec les peuples autochtones. D’autres raisons peuvent être liées à l’intolérance sous-jacente dans la population majoritaire, par exemple les attaques de campements Roms ou l’interdiction de parler une langue minoritaire dans certains contextes ou lieux. Malgré cela, le droit international des minorités est en évolution continue, puisant dans la diversité des contextes régionaux et se fondant tant sur les droits de l’homme et le droit à ne pas être discriminé, que sur une transposition à toutes les minorités d’éléments des droits reconnus aux peuples autochtones en tant que premiers habitants d’un territoire donné. De plus, dans une volonté de promouvoir une démocratie véritable à caractère participatif, les organes de droits de l’homme poussent les autorités nationales à associer toujours plus les membres des minorités aux prises de décision les concernant, et à prendre ainsi en compte les besoins de ces derniers. Ainsi, l’étude comparée de la protection des minorités en Europe et en Amérique permet de se rendre compte des difficultés pratiques empêchant de protéger effectivement les minorités et d’appréhender dans quelle mesure le droit international peut aider les États à surmonter ces difficultés. / Minorities are the product of history, conquests, defeats and border changes. No two national histories are alike, however, minorities, in their diversity, find themselves in situations that appear similar the one another. In this overall context, the objective of this research is to better understand to what extent national and international minority rights effectively meet the needs of individuals belonging to those minorities. To do so, two issues that reoccure in the grievances of members of minorities have been selected for study. These are firstly the consideration shown towards housing specificities (in their diversity) and secondly, the possibility of communicating in one’s own language. Following the presentation of international law related to these issues, is studied the way this law, or better said these laws, are transposed and implemented in the national systems (in fact, there are major variants between the protection offered by universal organs and the one offered by European and American regional organs). In order to take into consideration the diversity of national situations, six countries were selected for this study. These were Spain, France and Lithuania in the European context, and Canada, Costa Rica and Paraguay in the American context. Our findings show that those who govern pretend to be unaware of the benefits related to adequate protection of minorities for the stability of national societies, as well as for democracy at large. As such, they are not always ready to implement the provisions that aim to protect persons belonging to minorities and claim the interest of the public good or arguments based on the unity of their people, territory or nation as reasons for doing so. In addition, it should be mentioned that some practical difficulties exist in the implementation of adopted norms. These include difficulties caused by financial reasons, for example, the cost of positive measures aiming at effective equality in the field of education, media, private and family life or the obligation to share with indigenous people the benefits generated by mining. Other reasons may be linked to underlying intolerance present in the majority population, for example, attacks on Roma settlements or prohibition on speaking a minority language in some spheres or places. However, the international rights of minorities are constantly evolving, drawing on the diversity of regional contexts and based on human rights and the right not to be discriminated against, as well as on the application, to all minorities, of elements of the rights recognized to indigenous peoples as the first inhabitants of a given territory. Moreover, in an effort to promote genuine democracy of a participatory nature, human rights bodies push national authorities to involve ever more members of minorities in decisions that affect them, thereby taking their needs into consideration. The comparative study of the protection of minorities in Europe and in America enables reporting the practical difficulties preventing minorities from being effectively protected and assists in understanding to what extent international law can help countries overcome these difficulties.

Le Marché commun du Sud et le nouveau constitutionnalisme pluriel latino-américain / The Southern Common market and the new Latin American constitutionalism plural / O Mercado comum do Sul e o novo constitucionalismo plural na América Latina

Kallas, Fernanda Marcos 02 June 2016 (has links)
Le MERCOSUR est la plus grande entité économique de l'Amérique latine. Ces dernières années, des nouveaux États ont intégré cette institution. Ces nouveaux membres amènent l'arrivée de nouvelles formes de constitutionnalisme, intitulées pluriel. Comment le MERCOSUR fera t-il face à ces nouveaux changements ? Comment fera t-il pour profiter de ce nouveau souffle et comment montrera t-il au monde les idées apportés par les changements ? Le MERCOSUR a été créé dans le contexte de la globalisation, avec l'objectif de renforcer économiquement les États de l'Amérique latine. Cette intégration régionale se montre hautement structurée avec un système juridique et institutionnelle propre, issue des traités et des protocoles qui définissent les modes de coopération entre les États parties. Il est important de signaler que la création de ce bloc s'est inspiré du modèle de l'Union Européenne. Les derniers changements survenu en Amérique latine, ont modifié les lignes directrices du MERCOSUR. Le constitutionnalisme pluriel, apportés par les nouveaux membres de l'intégration sud font renaître les idéologies des peuples autochtones. Le pluri-nationalisme latin, met en valeur le Pachamama et le Buen Vivir. Le MERCOSUR, principalement économique, est une structure découlant de l'eurocentrisme, instauré en Amérique du Sud, depuis les années 1500. Il est en cours de mutation car accompagne maintenant les changements constitutionnelle du continent, avec la renaissance des idéologies originaires et autochtones des États latino-américains. / MERCOSUR is the largest economic entity in Latin America. Last years, the new states have incorporated this institution. These new members bring the arrival of new forms of constitutionalism, entitled plural. How will he do MERCOSUR face these new changes? How will it be to enjoy this new life and how he will show the world the ideas brought by the changes? MERCOSUR was created in the context of globalization, with the aim to economically strengthen the Latin American States. This regional integration shows highly structured with a legal and institutional system, derived from treaties and protocols that define the forms of cooperation among States Parties. It's important to note that the model of the European Union inspired the creation of this block. Recent changes occurred in Latin America, have altered the MERCOSUR guidelines. The plural constitutionalism, brought by the new members of the South integration is re-born the ideologies of indigenous peoples. Latin plurial-nationalism, showcases the Pachamama and the Buen Vivir. MERCOSUR, mainly economic, is a structure resulting from Eurocentrism, introduced in South America since the 1500s. It's changing because the new form of constitutionalism revives the old ideologies of indigenous peoples, with the unique standards of Latin America. / O MERCOSUL é a principal integração econômica da América Latina. Nos últimos anos, novos Estados passaram a fazer parte desta instituição e trouxeram novas formas de constitucionalismo conhecido como plural ou multicultural. Diante dessa nova realidade, indaga-se : Como o MERCOSUL enfrentará estas novas mudanças? Como administrará essas inovações e como mostrará ao mundo as ideias inovadoras trazidas pelas alterações constitucionais? Na realidade, o MERCOSUL foi criado no contexto da globalização mundial, com o objetivo de fortalecer economicamente os Estados latino americanos. Esta integração regional mostra-se altamente estruturada, com um sistema legal e institucional, derivado de tratados e protocolos que definem as formas de cooperação entre os Estados membros. É importante notar que a criação deste bloco fora inspirado no modelo da União Europeia. As recentes mudanças na América Latina, em seu contexto geral, tem alterado as diretrizes do MERCOSUL. O constitucionalismo plural, trazido pelos novos membros da integração sul, é marcado pelas ideologias dos povos indígenas, que colocam em valor o plurinacionalismo, revivendo os valores ancestrais através da Pachamama e do Buen Vivir. O MERCOSUL é uma instituição principalmente econômica e sua estrutura é resultante de eurocentrismo introduzido na América do Sul desde os anos 1500. Os novos ideais latinos, vão de encontro a antiga estrutura, uma vez que visam o renascimento das ideologias dos povos nativos latino americanos.

Mänskliga kvarlevor från Eldslandet : Arkeologisk biografi om tre selknam-individer / Human remains from Tierra del Fuego : Archaeological biography of three Selknam-individuals

Vera Oliva, Marcela January 2020 (has links)
This work is an archaeological biography of three skeletons brought to Sweden from Tierra del Fuego in the late 1800s by scientist Otto Nordenskjöld and his Swedish expedition to the Magellan countries. These belonged to Selknam men killed by European farmers. In Sweden they were used in studies of comparative anatomy and as teaching and research material. They reflect the European colonial worldview of the 19th- and early 20th centuries, as well as a part of the colonial history of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. / Este trabajo es una biografía arqueológica sobre tres esqueletos traídos a Suecia desde Tierra del Fuego a fines de 1800, por el científico Otto Nordenskjöld y su expedición sueca a los países magallánicos. Estos pertenecían a hombres selknam, asesinados por estancieros europeos. En Suecia fueron utilizados en estudios de anatomía comparada y como material de enseñanza e investigación. Son un reflejo de la cosmovisión colonial europea de los siglos XIX y principios del XX, así como una parte de la historia colonial de Patagonia y Tierra del Fuego.

Från en husbonde till en annan : En komparativ tematisk analys av samisk indigenitet, strategisk essentialism och kön/sexualitet i Ann-Helén Laestadius Stöld (2021) och Moa Backe Åstots Himlabrand (2021) / From one master to another : A comparative thematic analysis of Sámi indigeneity, strategic essentialism and gender/sexuality in Ann-Helén Laestadius’s Stolen (2021) and Moa Backe Åstot’s Polar Fire (2021)

Lahen-Kempas, Sasha January 2022 (has links)
The following thesis examines the process of identity making in the novels Stolen (2021) by Ann-Helén Laestadius and Polar Fire (2021) by Moa Backe Åstot. By a comparative thematic analysis of the texts, and through concepts from postcolonial and decolonial theory, the thesis investigates the challenges for two Sámi youths in a contemporary Sápmi setting as they try to renew the image of Saminess. The analysis explores how aspects such as indigeneity, strategic essentialism, gender and sexuality influence the young characters Elsa and Ánte in their attempts to become independent reindeer herders. Elsa and Ánte are constantly reminded of the history and traditions of the Sámi people, which is filled with both pride and shame. Indeed, the thesis also takes into account the history of the Swedish church and the Swedish government's involvement in Sámi societies, such as the Sámi boarding schools that resulted in family separations and loss of language, and reindeer herding regulations that still affect the Sámi community today. The analysis concludes that history, government policies and strict interpretations of Sámi traditions are interwoven with contemporary Sámi culture, and thus affects the young protagonists as they try to navigate between the inherited collective struggle of their ancestors and their individual needs when it comes to shaping their own Sámi identity.

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