Spelling suggestions: "subject:"indium."" "subject:"andium.""
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Desenvolvimento de um gerador de 115Cd/115In para aplicações industriais e ambientais / Development of 115Cd/115mIn generator for industrial and environmental applicationsFernanda Cristina Fonseca Camargo 09 March 2012 (has links)
Os isótopos de índio, 111In, 113In and 115In são amplamente utilizados como radiotraçadores na indústria e no meio ambiente. Geradores de 113mIn são produzidos e podem ser encontrados no mercado internacional. No entanto, eles são fabricados por poucas empresas em todo o mundo, são avaliados a preços bastante elevados e nem sempre estão disponíveis para venda. É de grande interesse construir o equipamento no país em que vai ser utilizado, desde que o radionuclídeo pai possa ser produzido. No Brasil, a situação ideal seria produzir um gerador 115Cd/115mIn, cujo alvo precursor seria o 114Cd.
Inicialmente, testes preliminares utilizando CdO não enriquecido e inativo foram realizados. A separação dos nuclídeos pai e filho foi feita através da interação das espécies químicas Cd(II) e In(III) com as resinas de troca iônica Ag11A8, Chelex100 e Dowex 1x8. As soluções 0,1 M, 1 M e 2 M de HCl e 2M HCl + 0,1 M NH4Cl foram testadas como eluentes. A quantidade de Cd(II) e In(III) nas soluções eluídas foram determinadas por ICP-AES. As condições de irradiação do alvo 114CdO foram definidas de acordo com o fluxo de nêutrons do reator TRIGA MARK-I IPR-R do CDTN e as propriedades nucleares do alvo.
Posteriormente aos testes preliminares, experimentos com o par 115Cd/115mIn foram desenvolvidos. Análises por espectrometria gama foram realizadas para determinar a presença dos nuclídeos 115Cd e 115m In nas frações eluídas. Os testes utilizando a resina AG 11A8 e solução eluente de HCl 1 M resultaram em 100% de adsorção do Cd(II) e aproximadamente 50% de eluição do In(III), correspondendo às melhores condições de eluição. Ao serem expostas à radiação as resinas podem sofrer danos, como a diminuição da capacidade de troca iônica e alteração no volume dos grãos poliméricos. Dessa forma, colunas empacotadas com a resina escolhida foram expostas a doses de radiação entre 15 e 200 Gy e foram eluídas com o eluente mais eficaz. Os resultados mostraram que a radiação não alterou a capacidade de adsorção de Cd(II) pelas resinas, além disso não houveram alterações significativas na quantidade de In(III) eluído. Um gerador de 113Sn/113mIn doado ao CDTN pela IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) foi desmontado para ser utlizado como um gerador 115Cd/115mIn. Verificou-se que a montagem pode ser reutilizada para construir um gerador 115Cd/115mIn com as concepções desenvolvidas neste estudo, evitando a etapa de projetar e construir o kit gerador. / Indium isotopes, 111In, 113In and 115In are widely used as radiotracers in industrial and environmental applications. 113mIn generators can be found in the international market. However they are manufactured by only a few companies worldwide, are rated at rather high prices and not always are available for sale (they are frequently manufactured only upon request). Hence it is of interest to produce the equipment in the country in which it will be used, especially if the parent nuclide can be also produced there. In Brazil, the ideal situation would be to produce a 115Cd/115mIn generator, whose target precursor is the 114Cd. Preliminary tests using non-enriched and inactive CdO were developed. The parent and daugther nuclides were separated flowing the eluate containing the chemical species Cd (II) and In (III) through ion exchange resins, Ag11A8, Chelex100 and Dowex 1x8. 0.1M, 1M and 2M HCl and 2M HCl + 0.1 M NH4Cl solutions were tested as the eluant. The amount of Cd (II) and In (III) eluted were determined by ICP-AES. The irradiation conditions of the target 114CdO were defined according to the neutron flux provided TRIGA MARK-I-R IPR reactor and the nuclear properties the of target. After to preliminary tests with the 115Cd/115mIn pair, column experiments were developed. Analyses were accomplished by gamma spectrometry to determine the presence of the 115Cd and 115mIn nuclides in the fractions eluted. Tests using the resin AG 11A8 and HCl 1 M eluent solution resulted in 100% adsorption of the Cd (II) and nearly 50% elution of In (III), corresponding to the best conditions for elution. Exposure to radiation can damage the resins, as the decrease in ion exchange capacity and change in volume of the polymer grains. Thus, columns packed with the chosen resin were exposed to radiation doses from 15 to 200 Gy, and eluted with the most effective eluent. The results showed that radiation does not change the adsorption capacity of Cd (II) by the resins and, in addition, there were no significant changes in the amount of eluted In (III). An exhausted 113Sn/113mIn generator provided to CDTN by IAEA was disassembled to be converted to 15Cd/115mIn generator. It was found that the assembly can be reused to build a 115Cd/115mIn generator with the concepts developed in this study.
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Traçadores ativáveis de índio e terras raras para estudos do desempenho de instalações de tratamento de efluente / Indium and rare earth activable tracers for the evaluation of waste water plant performanceGilmara Lúcia Souza Alvarenga 31 August 2012 (has links)
Estudos de novos sistemas de tratamento de águas residuais vêm crescendo
mundialmente. Os esforços para avançar e aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre os
processos de eliminação de impurezas da água em seu estado bruto natural, bem como
para otimizar tecnológica e economicamente as operações envolvidas, são uma resposta
ao desafio, cada vez mais premente, de proporcionar às populações urbanas e rurais a
utilização em quantidades e qualidade adequadas deste recurso fundamental para a vida
no planeta.
Dentre os vários tipos de processos para a depuração das águas servidas, este
estudo enfoca aspectos físicos dos sistemas conhecidos como wetlands e de uma
determinada modalidade de reator biológico anaeróbio.
Os sistemas conhecidos como wetlands, que são um aperfeiçoamento mais
controlado de processos que existem na natureza, têm um papel de destaque na
eliminação de impurezas transportadas por efluentes.
Os reatores biológicos contemplados neste estudo são do tipo anaeróbio de fluxo
ascendente, mais conhecidos pela sigla UASB correspondente às iniciais de sua
designação em inglês (upflow anaerobic sludge blanket), que estão sendo cada vez mais
utilizados para tratamento de efluentes urbanos. Eventualmente seus efluentes
necessitam de tratamento posterior que será realizado nas wetlands.
Todo processo tecnológico demanda constante aperfeiçoamento de seu
desempenho. As melhorias são propostas com base na observação e avaliação do
desempenho, dos sistemas de tratamento de água, que têm componentes físicoquímicas,
biológicas e hidráulicas. O desempenho hidrodinâmico do reator (UASB) e da
wetland plantada foram o objeto desse estudo. O objetivo foi utilizar a metodologia dos
traçadores conjugada com as técnicas de análise de respostas a impulsos em sistemas.
Foram empregados traçadores radioativos (bromo, tecnécio e trítio) e ativáveis (DOTAIn,
DOTA-Eu, DTPA-In, DTPA-La, DTPA-Sm e DTPA-Eu) e seus resultados tratados
e analisados por softwares apropriados.
Os resultados indicaram que os traçadores ativáveis testados têm potencial para
serem utilizados nos sistemas hidráulicos naturais ou artificiais.
Palavras-chave: tratamento de águas residuárias, wetland, reator UASB, traçadores
ativáveis. / Research and development of novel spent water treatment processes are
increasing worldwide. A large amount of effort is directed towards the advancement and
deepening of the knowledge concerning elimination of water contaminants, as well as
optimization of the processes required to that end, both from the technological and the
economic viewpoints. Such activities aim to meet the increasingly challenging need of
providing water in large quantities and adequate qualities to urban and rural
Among the several processes presently available for the treatment of natural
water resources, and especially for treatment of wastewater, the present study focused
on systems known as wetlands and a special concept of biological reactor. It focuses in
the selection of tracer techniques aiming at the observation and evaluation of the
performances of such systems.
Treatment in wetland systems constitute a reproduction at a more controlled
level, of processes occurring in nature. They play an outstanding role in eliminating
effluent-borne impurities and contaminants.
The biological reactors assessed in this study are of the anaerobic type with
upward internal flow. These are better known as UASB reactors, an acronym for upflow
anaerobic sludge blanket, and are being increasingly employed in processing urban
wastewater. Nonetheless, their effluent may eventually require a further polishing,
which can achieved by flushing them through a wetland system.
The performance of any technological process requires a continuous
improvement. This improvement is based on the observation, measurement and
evaluation of the state of art of the process. In the present study tracer techniques have
been coupled with system impulse-response analysis methods. A novel kind of tracer,
the activable tracer, was tested and assessed by comparison with radiotracer
performance. The results obtained with both activable and radioactive tracers have been
processed and analyzed by appropriate software.
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Recuperação de zinco e índio de monitores de computadores sucateadosAna Cristina Vieira Zuccheratte 08 March 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o estudo de recuperação de índio (In) e zinco (Zn) presentes em telas de monitores de computadores sucateados, por meio de técnicas hidrometalúrgicas. O trabalho foi subdividido em duas partes distintas: dissolução dos metais In e Zn mediante digestão ácida do pó de revestimento da tela de monitores e separação dos metais pela técnica de extração por solventes.
Na etapa de dissolução dos metais, investigou-se a influência das seguintes variáveis de processo: tipo de reagente, relação ácido/amostra, tempo de reação e temperatura. Após a otimização dos parâmetros do processo, obteve-se uma dissolução de índio superior a 95% e de Zn superior a 99,5%. Foi obtido um licor contendo 9,8 g/L de zinco, 1,49 g/L de índio e 102 g/L de sulfato, contendo como impureza 0,016 g/L de ferro, e acidez de 2,2 mol/L (pH = 0,34).
Após a definição das melhores condições de abertura química, a amostra foi processada para a obtenção do licor para a realização dos experimentos de extração por solventes. Foram realizados experimentos descontínuos de extração por solventes para a verificação da viabilidade técnica e melhores condições de separação dos metais, e um experimento contínuo para o carregamento do solvente. Na etapa de extração, as variáveis de processo investigadas foram: tipo de extratante, pH do licor e tempo de reação.
Os experimentos foram realizados na relação volumétrica aquoso/orgânico (A/O) igual a 1 e concentração de extratante de 1,0 mol/L. Os extratantes investigados foram: DEHPA, IONQUEST 801 e CYANEX 272. O estudo das variáveis foi realizado apenas com os dois primeiros extratantes. Os experimentos de reextração foram realizados com HCl e H2SO4, na relação volumétrica de 1:1 e em diferentes concentrações dos ácidos. Os experimentos de bancada indicaram que a separação dos metais pode ser realizada usando DEHPA 1,0 mol/L como extratante, o H2SO4 1,0 mol/L como agente de lavagem, para a reextração dos elementos coextraídos com o índio (principalmente Zn), e HCl 3,0 mol/L para a reextração do In do orgânico carregado. / This work presents the study of recovery of indium (In) and zinc (Zn) present in computer monitor screens by means of hydrometallurgical techniques. This work was divided into two distinct parts: one is the dissolution of the metals In and Zn through acid digestion of the sample and the separation of the metals through solvent extraction technique.
In the acid dissolution, the influence of the following process variables was investigated: type of reagent, acid/sample ratio, time of reaction and temperature. Following the optimisation of the parameters of the process, dissolution of indium above 98% and of Zinc over 99.5% was achieved. A liquor containing 9.8 g/L of zinc, 1.49 g/L of indium and 102 g/L of sulphate having as impurity 0.016 g/L of iron, and acidity of 2.2 mol/L (pH = 0.34) was obtained.
After the optimization of the chemical opening conditions, the sample were processed in order to obtain the liquor for the solvent extraction experiments. Batch experiments of solvent extraction aiming at verifying the technical viability and best conditions for the separation of the metals and a continuous experiment to load the solvent were carried out. In the extraction phase, the process variables investigated were: type of extractant, pH of the liquor, and reaction time. The experiments were carried out at an aqueous/organic (A/O) volumetric ratio equal 1:1 and concentration of extractant 1.0 mol/L. The extractants investigated were DEHPA, IONQUEST 801 and CYANEX 272. The study of the variables was carried out with DEHPA and IONQUEST 801. The stripping experiments were carried out with HCl and H2SO4, at a volumetric ratio 1 with different acids concentrations. The batch experiments indicated that the separation of the metals In and Zn can be done using DEHPA 1 mol/L as extractant, H2SO4 1 mol/L as scrubbing agent and HCl 3 mol/L as stripping agent.
After defining the best conditions for the extraction, scrubbing and stripping steps a continuous experiment was programmed. The McCabe-Thiele diagrams indicated that 3 extractions stages and 7 stripping stages was enough to extract and strip the In from the liquor and the loaded organic respectively. Due to the small amount of the liquor, the continuous experiment contemplate only the extraction and scrubbing steps. The experiment was done in mixer-settler cells, with capacity of 70 mL in the mixer and 250 mL in the settler, in a counter current system. The stripping step was carried out in batches simulating the counter current system. The continuous experiment (extraction and scrubbing steps) were carried out with the use of DEHPA 1.0 mol/L as the extractant agent and a solution of H2SO4 1.0 mol/L as the scrubbing agent in order to remove the impurities extracted. Four extraction stages and 4 stages were employed in each step, using a volumetric ratio A/O equal 5:1 in the extraction and a volumetric ration O/A equal 4:1 in the scrubbing step.
A loaded organic containing 7.5 g/L of In and 0.003 g/L of Zn and a raffinad containing 9.4 g/L Zn and less than 0.001 g/L of In were obtained from a liquor containing 9.8 g/L and 1.49 g/L. The content of the metals in the stripped solution were 26.7 g/L de In e 0.001 g/L de Zn.
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89Zr-Imuno-PET/111In-Imuno- SPECT: desenvolvimento radiofarmacêutico de agentes de imagem molecular para receptores EGF / 89Zr immuno-PET/111In imuno-SPECT: Radiopharmaceutical development of molecular imaging agents for EGF receptorsRaquel Benedetto 08 December 2017 (has links)
A baixa seletividade dos métodos convencionais para diagnóstico e terapia de neoplasias, bem como o fato de nem sempre alcançarem o sucesso terapêutico desejado, configuram dificuldades para a prática oncológica. Diante disso, os anticorpos monoclonais (AcMs) radiomarcados, aplicados em técnicas diagnósticas, têm se destacado, visto que permitem a entrega seletiva da radiação ao alvo de interesse. A metodologia Radioimunodiagnóstico (RID), utilizando AcM anti-EGFR radiomarcado, possibilita triagem prévia, avaliando a resistência ao tratamento e estratificando pacientes que possam apresentar benefícios à imunoterapia com cetuximabe. Além disso, permite monitorar a progressão da terapia, visando tratamento mais efetivo e direcionado, promulgando a abordagem da medicina personalizada. No Brasil, ainda não há radioimunoconjugado disponível para diagnóstico e seguimento do câncer. Nesse contexto, o objetivo com este trabalho foi o de desenvolver uma formulação farmacêutica para padronizar uma rotina de produção dos radiofármacos para radioimunodiagnóstico de câncer de cabeça e pescoço e de câncer colorretal: cetuximabe-DTPA-111In e cetuximabe-DFO-89Zr. Em adição, corroborar na elucidação dos mecanismos de resistência das células tumorais à terapia com o cetuximabe, através da realização de estudos de ligação do radioimunoconjugado à receptores celulares. Em relação aos radiofármacos estudados, destaca-se que os processos de conjugação do cetuximabe com os quelantes DTPA, na razão molar 1:20, e com o DFO, 1:5, foram bem-sucedidos e otimizados, demonstrando boa reprodutibilidade. Os imunoconjugados apresentaram preservação da imunorreatividade e alta estabilidade quando armazenados a -20°C por até seis meses. Esses imunoconjugados, quando radiomarcado com 111In e 89Zr, exibiram pureza radioquímica superior a 95%, sem necessidade de purificação pós-marcação, e estabilidade por tempo que possibilita seu transporte às clínicas distantes do centro produtor. As análises in vitro do cetuximabe-DTPA-111In em células FaDu-C10 (linhagem resistente) demonstraram percentual inexpressivo de ligação e internalização do radioimunoconjugado, congruindo na explanação do modelo de resistência conferido à linhagem. O estudo de corpo inteiro em MicroPET/TC revelou redução no perfil de captação no grupo de bloqueio, com excesso de cetuximabe não marcado, e intensa captação do cetuximabe-DFO-89Zr pelo tumor de células escamosas no grupo sem bloqueador, confirmando a especificidade in vivo do radioimunoconjugado. Os estudos de biodistribuição dos radiofármacos foram compatíveis com os descritos em literatura e validaram os resultados obtidos por imagens em MicroSPECT/TC e MicroPET/TC, além de apresentarem apreciável captação tumoral, considerando os tempos analisados. A estabilidade alta in vivo e a eficácia da marcação foram confirmadas pela baixa captação óssea e em tecidos não alvos. O melhor intervalo pós-injeção do radiofármaco para avaliação in vivo foi após cinco dias da administração. Conclui-se, portanto, que os radioimunoconjugados para imuno-SPECT e imuno-PET, cetuximabe-DTPA-111In e cetuximabe-DFO-89Zr, são ferramentas promissoras para diagnóstico e monitoramento de câncer receptor específico (EGFR) e para estratificação de pacientes à terapia anti-EGFR, encorajando a continuidade deste projeto para futuros estudos clínicos. / The low selectivity of conventional methods for cancer diagnosis and therapy, as well as the fact that these methods could not achieve the desired therapeutic success, constitute difficulties for the oncological practice. In this regard, radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) applied in diagnostic techniques have been highlighted, since they allow the selective delivery of the radiation to the specific target. The radioimmunodiagnosis methodology (RID), using radiolabeled anti-EGFR mAbs, enables previous screening, evaluating resistance to treatment and stratifying patients who may present benefits to cetuximab immunotherapy. In addition, it allows monitoring the progression of the therapy, aiming for a more effective and directed treatment, leading the personalized medicine approach. A radioimmunoconjugate is not yet available for diagnosis and management of cancer in Brazil. In this context, this research was carried out to develop a pharmaceutical formulation to standardize a routine production of radiopharmaceuticals for diagnosis and monitoring head and neck cancer and colorectal carcinoma: 111In-DTPA-cetuximab and 89Zr-DFO-cetuximab. In addition, corroborate in the elucidation of the tumor cells resistance mechanisms to EGFR-targeted therapy, through in vitro and in vivo radioimmunoconjugate binding studies to cellular receptors. Regarding to the radiopharmaceuticals studied, cetuximab was conjugated to DTPA chelator at 1:20 molar ratio and to DFO at 1: 5, and these processes were successful and optimized, showing good reproducibility. Immunoconjugates showed preservation of immunoreactivity and high stability when stored at -20 °C for up to 6 months. These immunoconjugates when radiolabeled with 111In and 89Zr have exhibited radiochemical purity above 95%, without any post-labeling purification, and the radioimmunoconjugates have demonstrated stability for a time that allows them to be transported to clinics far from the producer center. 111In-DTPA-cetuximab in vitro analyzes in FaDu-C10 cells (resistant cell line) has presented an inexpressive percentage of binding and internalization of the radioimmunoconjugate, ensuring the resistance model conferred to this cell line. The MicroPET/CT imaging study has revealed a reduction in uptake profile for \"Blocking\" group, with an excess of unlabeling cetuximab, and an intense 89Zr-DFO-cetuximab uptake in squamous cell tumor for \"Non-blocking\" group, that evidenced the in vivo radioimmunoconjugate specificity. The biodistribution studies of the radiopharmaceuticals were well-matched with those described in the literature and they validated the results obtained through the MicroSPECT/CT and MicroPET/ CT images. In addition, these studies in vivo have displayed a substantial tumor uptake, according with the analyzed time points. The radioimmunoconjugate showed high in vivo stability and labeling procedures efficiency, which were confirmed by low bone and non-target tissues uptake. The best post-injection interval for in vivo evaluation is after 5 days of radioimmunoconjugate administration. In conclusion, the radioimmunoconjugates for immuno-SPECT and immuno-PET, 111In-DTPA-cetuximab and 89Zr-DFO-cetuximab, are promising tools for diagnosis and monitoring of specific receptor cancer (EGFR), as well as for stratification of patients to anti-EGFR therapy, and thus encourages the continuity of this project for future clinical trials.
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Estudo da marcação com Indio-111 e Gálio-68 de derivados da bombesina e avaliação das propriedades biológicas para aplicação em SPECT e PET / Study of labelling of bombesin derivatives with 111-indium and 68-galium and evaluation of biological properties for application in SPECT and PETOliveira, Ricardo de Souza 10 December 2014 (has links)
Receptores para o peptídeo liberador de gastrina (GRPr) são super expressos em vários tipos de células cancerígenas, incluindo câncer de mama e próstata. A Bombesina é um análogo do peptídeo GRP de mamíferos que se liga com alta especificidade e afinidade aos receptores do peptídeo liberador de gastrina (GRPr). Significantes pesquisas têm sido realizadas para desenvolver e radiomarcar um análogo da bombesina para diagnóstico de tumores de próstata e mama, utilizando-se técnicas de SPECT e PET, com radionuclídeos como 111In e 68Ga. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a marcação com 111In de uma série inédita de peptídeos derivados de bombesina e determinar o potencial de aplicação no diagnóstico de tumores de próstata em modelos animais. Vários estudos foram realizados para padronizar o procedimento de marcação, variando-se temperatura, tempo de marcação, massa do peptídeo e atividade do radionuclídeo. Os resultados demonstraram que os análogos da bombesina estudados podem ser marcados com índio-111 com alto rendimento de marcação e alta atividade específica. Os estudos de biodistribuição em animais normais demonstraram que o derivado de BBN com espaçador aminoacídico Gly5 apresentou captação pancreática e intestinal expressiva, sugerindo ser o melhor derivado. Dois derivados DOTA- conjugados, com espaçador Gly5 foram radiomarcados com gálio-68 e investigados em modelo animal com tumor de próstata humano, indicando o potencial para aplicação do peptídeo radiomarcado no diagnóstico por PET. / Gastrin releasing peptide receptors (GRPRs) are over expressed in various types of cancer cells including prostate and breast cancer. Bombesin is an analogue of the mammalian GRP that binds with high specificity and affinity to GRPRs. Significant research efforts have been devoted to the design and radiolabel bombesin peptides for the diagnostic of prostatic and breast cancer using SPECT e PET, with radionuclides like 111In e 68Ga. The objective of this work was to study the labeling with 111In of a new bombesin series and evaluate the potential for diagnostic application using animal model. Several studies were evaluated to optimize the labelling conditions of BBN derivatives with 111In using different temperature, time, mass of peptide and radionuclide activity. High radiochemical purity and high specific activity were obtained for all the peptides labeled with 111-indium. Biodistribution studies in normal mices showed that the BBN derivative with Gly5 as aminoacidic spacer presented high uptake on pancreas and intestines that suggests that is the best peptide. Two DOTA-derivatives with Gly5 as spacer were radiolabelled with 68-gallium and evaluated in tumor model animals of human prostatic cancer and showed high potential for clinical application in diagnostic procedures with PET.
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Estudo da extração de índio a partir de telas de cristal líquido (LCD). / Indium extraction study from liquid crystal displays (LCD).Hashimoto, Hugo 17 July 2015 (has links)
Ao longo dos últimos anos, o crescimento ao acesso a esse tipo de tecnologia pelos consumidores brasileiros tem intensificado o aumento no interesse ambiental e econômico dos LCDs. Os displays de cristal líquido são utilizados em televisores, calculadoras, telefones celulares, computadores (portáteis e tablets), vídeo games entre outros equipamentos eletrônicos. O avanço tecnológico neste campo tem tornado estes aparelhos obsoletos cada vez mais rápido, aumentando o volume de resíduos de LCDs a ser dispostos em aterros o que contribui para a redução da sua vida útil. Neste contexto, os LCDs provenientes de televisores de LED LCD tem se tornado uma fonte importante de resíduos de equipamentos eletroeletrônicos (REEE). Assim, torna-se essencial o desenvolvimento de métodos e processos para tratamento e reciclagem de LCDs. Deste modo, o objetivo do presente trabalho é a caracterização física e química de telas de cristal líquido provenientes de displays de televisores de LED LCDs e o estudo de uma rota hidrometalúrgica para recuperação de índio. Para tanto se utilizou técnicas de tratamento de minérios e análises físicas e químicas (separação granulométrica, perda ao fogo, visualização em lupa binocular, TGA, FRX, FT-IR) para caracterização do material e quantificação do índio antes e, após, a rota hidrometalúrgica que, por sua vez, foi realizada em reatores de bancada utilizando três agentes lixiviantes (ácido nítrico, sulfúrico e clorídrico), três temperaturas (25ºC, 40ºC e 60ºC) e quatro tempos (0,5h; 1h; 2h e 4h). Encontrou-se que a tela de cristal líquido representa cerca de 20% da massa total do display de televisores de LCD e que é composta por aproximadamente 11% em massa de polímeros e 90% de vidro + cristal líquido. Verificou-se também que há seis camadas poliméricas nas telas de cristal líquido, onde: um conjunto com 3 polímeros compõe o analisador e o polarizador, sendo que o polímero da primeira e da terceira camada de cada conjunto é triacetato de celulose e corresponde a 64% da massa de polímeros das telas. Já o polímero da segunda camada é polivinilalcool e representa 36% da massa de polímeros. Os melhores resultados obtidos nos processos de lixiviação foram com o ácido sulfúrico, nas condições de 60°C por 4h, relação sólido-líquido 1/5. Nessas condições, foi extraído em torno de 61% do índio contido tela de LCD. / Over the past few years, the access increase to new technologies by the Brazilian costumers have intensified the concern about LCDs waste including environmental and economic issues. The liquid crystal displays are used in televisions, calculators, mobile phones, computers (laptops and tablets), videogames and among other electronics equipment. The advance in this field has become these devices obsolete ever faster, increasing the volume of the LCDs wastes to be disposed in landfills which contribute to the reduction of its lifetime. In this context, the LCDs from the LED-LCD televisions have turned an important wasted electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) source. By this way, the aim of this work is the physic and chemistry characterization of the liquid crystal displays from LED LCD televisions displays end the study of a hydrometallurgical route to recovery the indium. For both, were used treatment of ores technics and physics and chemistry analysis (particle size separation, loss on ignition, stereoscopic microscopy, TGA, FRX, FT-IR) to material characterization and indium quantification, before and after the hydrometallurgical route. The leaching process was realized in stand reactors using three leaching agents (nitric, sulfuric and hydrochloric acid), three temperatures (25ºC, 40ºC e 60ºC) and four times (0,5h; 1h; 2h e 4h). It was establish that the liquid crystal display represents about 20% of the total mass of the LCD televisions displays and that is composed for approximately, in mass, for 11% in polymers and 90% in glass + liquid crystal. It was found too that have six polymeric layers in liquid crystal screens, where: one set with 3 polymers compound the analyzer and the polarizer, wherein the polymer of the first end the third layers of the each set are cellulose triacetate and matches 64% of the polymers mass of the screen. The second layer polymer is polyvinyl alcohol and represents 36% of the polymers mass. The top results of the leaching process was obtained with the sulfuric acid in 60°C for 4h and 1/5 solid-liquid relation. In this conditions, the indium extraction from LCD screen was about 61%.
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Photoluminescent properties of annealed ZnCdSe epitaxial layers on InP substrates =: 磷化銦上鋅鎘硒外延層退火處理後的光致發光性質. / 磷化銦上鋅鎘硒外延層退火處理後的光致發光性質 / Photoluminescent properties of annealed ZnCdSe epitaxial layers on InP substrates =: Lin hua yin shang xin ke xi wai yan ceng tui huo chu li hou de guang zhi fa guang xing zhi. / Lin hua yin shang xin ke xi wai yan ceng tui huo chu li hou de guang zhi fa guang xing zhiJanuary 1998 (has links)
by Wong Kin Sang. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 61-62). / Text in English; abstract also in Chinese. / by Wong Kin Sang. / Table of contents --- p.I / Chapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction / Chapter 1.1 --- Interest in ZnxCd1-x Se/InP --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- Conditions of thermal annealing --- p.2 / Chapter 1.3 --- Advantages of using photoluminescence (PL) --- p.3 / Chapter 1.4 --- Our work --- p.4 / Chapter Chapter 2 --- Experimental setup and procedures / Chapter 2.1 --- PL measurements --- p.6 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- Setup --- p.6 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- Types of PL measurements --- p.6 / Chapter 2.2 --- Annealing experiments --- p.8 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- Setup --- p.8 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- Types of annealing --- p.10 / Chapter 2.2.3 --- Procedures --- p.11 / Chapter Chapter 3 --- Results and discussions / Chapter 3.1 --- Room temperature PL studies of ZnxCd1-xSe/InP --- p.12 / Chapter 3.1.1 --- As-grown ZnxCd1-x Se/InP --- p.12 / Chapter --- Peak energy vs concentration --- p.12 / Chapter 3.1.2 --- Annealing studies --- p.15 / Chapter --- Isothermal annealing --- p.15 / Chapter --- Isochronal annealing --- p.20 / Chapter 3.2 --- PL studies of ZnxCd1-xSe/InP at 10 K temperature --- p.22 / Chapter 3.2.1 --- As-grown ZnxCd1-xSe/InP --- p.22 / Chapter --- Excitation power density dependence --- p.22 / Chapter --- Peak energy vs Zn concentration --- p.26 / Chapter 3.2.2 --- Annealing studies --- p.29 / Chapter --- Isothermal annealing --- p.29 / Chapter --- Isochronal annealing --- p.33 / Chapter 3.3 --- Temperature dependent PL studies of ZnxCd1-xSe/InP --- p.37 / Chapter 3.3.1 --- As-grown ZnxCd1-xSe/InP --- p.37 / Chapter --- Peak energy vs temperature --- p.37 / Chapter --- Peak width vs temperature --- p.46 / Chapter 3.3.2 --- Annealing studies --- p.50 / Chapter --- Peak energy vs temperature --- p.50 / Chapter --- Peak width vs temperature --- p.55 / Chapter Chapter 4 --- Conclusions --- p.59 / References --- p.61
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Metalorganic chemical vapor phase deposition and luminescent studies of zinc cadmium selenide epilayers and low dimensional structures. / Metalorganic chemical vapor phase deposition and luminescent studies of ZnCdSe epilayers and low dimensional structures / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 1999 (has links)
"August 1999." / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese.
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Reordering at the gas-phase polysulfide-passivated InP and GaAs surfaces.January 1996 (has links)
by So King Lung, Benny. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1996. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 102-109). / ABSTRACT --- p.v / ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- p.vii / LIST OF FIGURES --- p.viii / LIST OF TABLES --- p.xiii / Chapter Chapter 1 --- Background of the study --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- Surface passivation techniques --- p.3 / Chapter 1.2.1 --- Sulfide solution passivation --- p.3 / Chapter 1.2.2 --- Gas-phase sulfide passivation --- p.4 / Chapter 1.3 --- Surface structure of sulfide-passivated surface --- p.5 / Chapter 1.4 --- Objectives of the present study --- p.7 / Chapter Chapter 2 --- Instrumentation --- p.9 / Chapter 2.1 --- Introduction --- p.9 / Chapter 2.2 --- X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) --- p.9 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- The development of XPS --- p.9 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- Basic principle of XPS --- p.9 / Chapter 2.2.3 --- Quantitative analysis of XPS --- p.14 / Chapter --- Atomic concentration of a homogenous material --- p.14 / Chapter --- Layer structure --- p.15 / Chapter --- Simulation of XPS atomic concentration ratios from proposed surface structural models --- p.17 / Chapter 2.2.4 --- XPS experiment --- p.19 / Chapter 2.3 --- Low energy electron diffraction (LEED) --- p.21 / Chapter 2.3.1 --- The development of LEED --- p.21 / Chapter 2.3.2 --- Basic principle of LEED --- p.23 / Chapter 2.3.3 --- LEED experiment --- p.28 / Chapter --- The ultra high vacuum chamber (UHV) --- p.28 / Chapter --- The electron gun --- p.28 / Chapter --- The sample --- p.30 / Chapter --- The detector system --- p.30 / Chapter Chapter 3 --- Surface treatments --- p.31 / Chapter 3.1 --- Semiconductor wafers --- p.31 / Chapter 3.2 --- Cleaning procedure --- p.31 / Chapter 3.3 --- Polysulfide passivation --- p.33 / Chapter Chapter 4 --- Gas-phase polysulfide passivation of the InP(100) surface --- p.37 / Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.37 / Chapter 4.2 --- Sulfide-assisted reordering at the InP(100) surface --- p.38 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- Gas-phase polysulfide-treated InP( 100) surface --- p.38 / Chapter 4.2.2 --- Further annealing of the gas-phase polysulfide-treated surface --- p.47 / Chapter 4.2.3 --- Comparison with the UV/O3-HF treatment --- p.48 / Chapter 4.2.4 --- Sulfide at the interface of SiNx/InP --- p.49 / Chapter 4.3 --- Conclusions --- p.53 / Chapter Chapter 5 --- Gas-phase polysulfide passivation of the GaAs(lOO) surface --- p.55 / Chapter 5.1 --- Introduction --- p.55 / Chapter 5.2 --- Gas-phase poly sulfide-passivated GaAs( 100) surface --- p.56 / Chapter 5.2.1 --- Surface structure of the as-treated surface --- p.56 / Chapter 5.2.2 --- Surface structure after further annealing --- p.64 / Chapter 5.2.3 --- Mechanism of the gas-phase polysulfide passivation --- p.67 / Chapter 5.3 --- Conclusions --- p.68 / Chapter Chapter 6 --- Gas-phase polysulfide passivation of the GaAs(100) surface --- p.69 / Chapter 6.1 --- Introduction --- p.69 / Chapter 6.2 --- Reordering at the gas-phase polysulfide-passivated GaAs(100) surface --- p.70 / Chapter 6.2.1 --- Adsorption of polysulfide on the GaAs(100) surface --- p.70 / Chapter 6.2.2 --- Ordered sulfide at the GaAs(l 10) surface --- p.73 / Chapter 6.2.3 --- Further analysis of the LEED pattern --- p.80 / Chapter 6.3 --- Conclusions --- p.83 / Chapter Chapter 7 --- Sulfide Solution passivation of the GaAs(100) surface --- p.84 / Chapter 7.1 --- Introduction --- p.84 / Chapter 7.2 --- Sulfide solution passivation on the GaAs(l 10) surface --- p.85 / Chapter 7.2.1 --- Etching of sulfide solution on the GaAs(l 10) surface --- p.85 / Chapter 7.2.2 --- Annealing of sulfide solution-passivated GaAs( 110) surface --- p.88 / Chapter 7.2.3 --- Further analysis of the LEED pattern --- p.92 / Chapter 7.2.4 --- Shift of XPS peak position during annealing --- p.95 / Chapter 7.3 --- Conclusions --- p.97 / Chapter Chapter 8 --- Conclusions and further work --- p.99 / Chapter 8.1 --- Conclusions --- p.99 / Chapter 8.2 --- Further work --- p.100 / References --- p.102
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The electrical and optical characterization of the InGaAs/InP alloy systemTowe, Elias D January 1981 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1981. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING. / Includes bibliographical references. / by Elias D. Towe. / M.S.
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