Spelling suggestions: "subject:"indium."" "subject:"andium.""
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Characterisation of indium nitride films with swift ions and radioisotope probesShrestha, Santosh Kumar, Physical, Environmental & Mathematical Sciences, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
[Formulae and special characters can not be reproduced here. Please see the pdf version of the Abstract for an accurate reproduction.] Indium nitride is an important III-V nitride semiconductor with many potential applications such as in high frequency transistors, laser diodes and photo voltaic cells. The mobility and peak drift velocity of this material are predicted to be extremely high and superior to that of gallium nitride. However, many material properties such as the origin of the n-type conductivity and the electronic band gap are not well understood. Moreover, there is limited information on the stoichiometry and the level of impurity contaminations in the films from different growth techniques. The n-type conductivity observed for as-grown indium nitride films has long been attributed to nitrogen vacancies, implying that the material is nitrogen deficient. A band gap value around 2 eV, as measured by the optical absorption method, is suggested by some authors to be a result of the formation of an InNIn2O3 alloy. Alternatively, the observation of a lower absorption edge, suggesting a band gap around 0.7 eV, may be caused by Mie scattering at indium clusters that may form during film growth. Secondary ion mass spectroscopy and x-ray techniques provide only qualitative composition information. The quantitative interpretation of the results relies on calibration samples which are not available for indium nitride. In Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy, while quantitative, the carbon, nitrogen and oxygen signals cannot be separated unless the film is very thin ([tilde]150 nm). However, with heavy ion Elastic Recoil Detection (ERD) analysis all the elements in indium nitride films can be fully separated even for a film thickness of [tilde] 800 nm. In this work, indium nitride films from different growth techniques have been analysed with ERD using 200 MeV 197Au projectiles. The observed nitrogen depletion during the ERD analysis was monitored as a function of projectile fluence using a gas ionisation detector with a large solid angle. Different models have been tested and it has been shown that the bulk molecular recombination model accurately describes the nitrogen depletion so that the original nitrogen-to- indium ratio can be measured with an accuracy of [plus or minus]3 [percent]. The correlation of nitrogen depletion rate and stopping power of the projectile ion has been investigated. The study has shown that the rate of depletion is slower for low-Z projectiles. It has been shown that for a film with good structural properties, no loss of nitrogen occurs during the ERD analysis with low-Z projectiles such as 42 MeV 32S. Thus, the original nitrogen-to-indium ratio can be obtained without any theoretical modelling, and with a precision of better than [plus or minus]1 [percent]. All the indium nitride films studied in this work, for which X-ray diffraction shows no metallic indium, are nitrogen-rich which is contradictory to expectation. Therefore, the common assertion that nitrogen vacancies are the cause of n-type conductivity in as-grown films is diffcult to explain. Instead, the existence of In vacancies, N antisites and interstitial N2 may be speculated. The carbon and oxygen contamination is an issue for films grown by all common growth techniques. However, the suggested correlation of oxygen content in the film with the apparent band gap is not supported by the ERD results. Instead, a correlation between nitrogen-to-indium ratio and the measured band gap has been observed for films grown by RF-sputtering. This work reports the implantation of radioisotope probes using negative ions. The 111In/Cd probe was selected for this work as it is a common Perturbed Angular Correlation (PAC) probe and ideally suited for the study of indium nitride. For the synthesis of the probe 111In/Cd, several possibilities, such as the production of 111In/Cd via nuclear fusion evaporation reactions and from commercially available 111InCl3 solutions, were explored. Different materials, including powders of Al2O3 and In2O3, were investigated as a carrier for the probe in the ion source of the radioisotope implanter. It has been established that combining the 111InCl3 solution as the source and In2O3 powder as the carrier material gives optimum implantation efficiency. The radioisotope implanter facility has been developed to a stage that the radioisotope probe 111In/Cd can be routinely implanted into materials as molecular 111InO?? ions. An implantation rate of 3x10 4[th] Becquerel per hour has been demonstrated. Measurements on different materials (Ag, In, Ni, Si, InP) have shown that condensed matter spectroscopies such as Low Temperature Nuclear Orientation, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance on Oriented Nuclei (NMRON) and Perturbed Angular Correlation can be reliably performed. NMRON measurements on silver indicate a new resonance frequency of 75.08 MHz for 111InAg at 8.0 T. The local lattice environment of indium nitride thin films has been investigated with PAC spectroscopy. Several methods of introducing a radioisotope probe into a host material have been investigated for indium nitride. The thermal diffusion of the radioisotope probe 111In/Cd into indium nitride at a temperature below the dissociation temperature (about 550 [degrees] C) was not possible. The probe was, however, successfully introduced into indium nitride films with ion implantation techniques. Recoil implantation at MeV energies following fusion evaporation reactions and ion implantation at keV energies, both have been investigated for indium nitride films. An interaction frequency of v = 28 MHz has been measured for the 111In/Cd probe in indium nitride. This result is consistent with that obtained for indium nitride bulk grains. The PAC results suggest that all types of indium nitride films have a highly disordered lattice which could only be partially improved by annealing. Furnace annealing in nitrogen atmosphere above 400 [degrees] C resulted in the dissociation of the film. However, such dissociation could be avoided with rapid thermal annealing up to 600 [degrees] C. More detailed defect studies with PAC require the availability of better material. This study has also shown that indium nitride is highly sensitive to ion beam irradiation. Severe depletion of nitrogen during exposure to ions with MeV and KeV energies is an issue for the ion beam characterisation and processing of indium nitride.
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Layered Surface Acoustic Wave Based Gas Sensors Utilising Nanostructured Indium Oxide Thin LayerFechete, Alexandru Constantin, e54372@ems.rmit.edu.au January 2009 (has links)
Planar two-dimensional (2-D) nanostructured indium oxide (InOx) and one-dimensional (1-D) tin oxide (SnO2) semiconductor metal-oxide layers have been utilised for gas sensing applications. Novel layered Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) based sensors were developed consisting of InOx/SiOxNy/36°YXLiTaO3, InOx/SiNx/SiO2/36°YXLiTaO3 and InOx/SiNx/36°YXLiTaO3 The 1 µm intermediate layers of silicon oxynitride (SiOxNy), silicon nitride (SiNx) and SiO2/SiNx matrix were deposited on lithium tantalate (36°YXLiTaO3) substrates by r.f. magnetron sputtering, electron-beam evaporation and plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) techniques, respectively. As a gas sensitive layer, a 100 nm thin layer of InOx was deposited on the intermediate layers by r.f. magnetron sputtering. The targeted gases were ozone (O3) and hydrogen (H2). An intermediate layer has multiple functions: protective role for the interdigital transducers' electrodes as well as an isolating effect from InOx sensing layer, thereby improving the sensor performance. The developed SAW sensors' exhibited high response magnitudes with repeatable, reversible and stable responses towards O3 and H2. They are capable of sensing concentrations as low as 20 parts-per-billion for O3 and 600 parts-per-million for H2. Additionally a conductometric type novel sensing structure of SnO2/36°YX LiTaO3 was also developed by depositing a thin layer of SnO2 nanorods by PECVD. The gas sensing performance exhibited repeatable, reversible, stable responses towards NO2 and CO. The surface morphology, crystalline structure and preferred orientation of the deposited layers were investigated by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD). A polycrystalline, oxygen deficient non-stoichiometric InOx with grain sizes of 20-40 nm was revealed. The 1-D nanostructures were characterised by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) showing nanorods with needle-like shape , diameters of 10-20 nm a t the top and 30-40 nm at the base as well as a preferential growth orientation of [ ] on the LiTaO3 substrate. The developed sensors are promising for O3, H2 and CO sensing.
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Contribution à l'étude de l'injection électrique dans les VCSEL de grandes dimensionsHavard, Eric 21 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur la modélisation, la fabrication et la caractérisation de Lasers à Cavité Verticale Emettant par la Surface (VCSEL) de grandes dimensions pour la manipulation de solitons de cavité, pour lesquels ces lasers permettraient une manipulation électrique plus souple de ces ondes stationnaires. Pour cela, il est nécessaire de disposer de structures à large zone d'émission uniforme (~100µm). Or, l'injection par électrode annulaire dans les VCSEL émettant par la surface entraîne une inhomogénéité rédhibitoire. Cette étude vise donc à proposer et évaluer des solutions technologiques innovantes pour atteindre une uniformité optimale dans ces dispositifs. Après une introduction dressant un état de l'art des solutions rapportées dans la littérature, nous présentons les travaux que nous avons menés sur la modélisation électrique des lasers pour évaluer les approches génériques de complexité croissante suivantes : l'ajout d'une couche d'étalement du courant en surface (électrode transparente en ITO) ; l'association de cette dernière à une barrière de potentiel (diode Zener) et la discrétisation de l'injection par création de zones localisées de conduction. L'optimisation des électrodes en ITO déposées sur GaAs, l'évaluation de l'apport d'une diode Zener ainsi que la mesure du contraste d'injection obtenu par gravure localisée en surface du composant sont ensuite détaillées. Suite à cette mise au point technologique, l'insertion des solutions que nous avons finalement retenues (gravures localisées et ITO) pour la réalisation de VCSEL est ensuite décrite. Enfin, les caractérisations électro-optiques des composants réalisés sont présentées; elles ont déjà permis d'obtenir des dispositifs de forme allongée émettant 50mW en continu à l'ambiante. Ces premiers résultats prometteurs ont cependant mis en évidence la nécessité d'améliorer encore les propriétés de l'interface ITO/GaAs. Ces solutions pourront alors être mises à profit pour l'application visée mai s également pour la génération de puissance ou encore la réalisation de VCSEL à cavité externe (VECSEL).
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Caractérisations de matériaux et tests de composants des cellules solaires à base des nitrures des éléments III-VGorge, Vanessa 02 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Parmi les nitrures III-V, le matériau InGaN a été intensément étudié depuis les années 2000 pour des applications photovoltaïques, en particulier pour des cellules multi-jonctions, grâce à son large gap modulable pouvant couvrir quasiment tout le spectre solaire. On pourrait alors atteindre de hauts rendements tout en assurant de bas coûts. Cependant, l'un des problèmes de l'InGaN est l'absence de substrat accordé en maille provoquant une grande densité de défauts et limitant ainsi les performances des composants. Nous avons donc étudié la faisabilité de cellules solaires simples jonctions à base d'InGaN sur des substrats alternatifs comme le silicium et le verre afin de baisser les coûts et d'avoir de larges applications. Afin d'adapter l'InGaN sur ces substrats alternatifs, nous avons utilisé une couche tampon en ZnO. Ce travail a été réalisé dans le cadre du projet ANR NewPVonGlass. Plus particulièrement, dans ce projet, mon travail avait pour objectifs de réaliser des caractérisations électriques et optiques des matériaux et des composants. Les deux premières parties de cette thèse introduisent le matériau InGaN et l'effet photovoltaïque. Les techniques de caractérisation utilisées sont expliquées dans le troisième chapitre. Ensuite, les résultats obtenus lors de la caractérisation cristalline du matériau InGaN sont présentés en fonction du substrat, de la concentration d'indium et de l'épaisseur de la couche. Puis, la cinquième partie développe les caractérisations des premières cellules à base d'InGaN sur saphir. Enfin, dans le dernier chapitre, des simulations de cellules solaires à base d'InGaN ont été réalisées. Le modèle développé nous a permis d'optimiser la structure et le dopage du composant et de déterminer les paramètres critiques. Nous montrons donc, dans ce travail, le développement d'une cellule solaire à base d'InGaN : des caractérisations des matériaux de base à celles des cellules solaires, en passant par la modélisation.
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XAFS investigation of the local structure of cadmium in Cu(In[subscript 0.7]Ga[subscript 0.3])Se���-based thin filmsMa, Giang N. 10 March 2004 (has links)
We have performed fluorescence extended X-ray absorption fine structure
(EXAFS) measurements on the Cd K-edge of partial electrolyte (PE) treated
Cu(In[subscript 0.7]Ga[subscript 0.3])Se��� (CIGS) thin film samples using synchrotron X-ray radiation. This data was compared to the EXAFS spectra of CdSe and CdO standards. Cd local structure
models were constructed and used for the least square analysis of the spectra. The first
model employed implantation of a cadmium atom and a single oxygen atom into the
CIGS lattice. Specifically, an oxygen atom was introduced in the tetrahedral bonded Cd-Se local structure. Employing FEFF8 with WinXAS software package, experimental data
was theoretically fitted to the first shell single-scattering paths of the Cd atom in the (PE)
treated Cu(In[subscript 0.7]Ga[subscript 0.3])Se��� thin film samples. The main peak observed in the data represents the Cd-Se bonds and the shoulder corresponds to the Cd-O bond. However, the number of
total nearest neighbors is not consistent with this model. A two-phase model that includes
both Cd-Se tetrahedron and Cd-O octahedron were then reconstructed. Again, a least-agrees very well with the experimental data, and the total first nearest neighbor number is
consistent with the two phase model at NN=4.2. This study indicates the surface of Cd
partial electrolyte treated Cu(In[subscript 0.7]Ga[subscript 0.3])Se��� thin films contains both CdSe and CdO. / Graduation date: 2004
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Characterization and Fabrication of Active Matrix Thin Film Transistors for an Addressable Microfluidic Electrowetting Channel DeviceKwon, Seyeoul 01 December 2010 (has links)
The characterization and fabrication of active matrix thin film transistors (TFTs) has been studied for an addressable microfluidic electrowetting channel device as application. A new transparent semiconductor material, Amorphous Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide (a-IGZO), is used for TFT, which shows high electrical performance rather than amorphous silicon based TFT; higher mobility and even higher transparency. The purpose of this dissertation is to optimize each TFT process including the optimization of a-IGZO properties to achieve robust device for application. To minimize hysteresis of TFT curves, the gate dielectric is discussed extensively in this dissertation. By optimizing gas ratio of NH3SiH4, it is found that the TFT with NH3 rich SiNx gate dielectric deposited with NH3/SiH4 =5.1 and stoichiometric SiO2 demonstrates best condition to reduce hysteresis. a-IGZO films is investigated as a function of power and substrate bias effect which affects to electrical performance; the higher power and substrate bias increase the carrier density in the film and mainly cause threshold voltage(VT) to shift in the negative gate voltage direction and mobility to increase, respectively. In addition, the powerful method to estimate the electrical properties of a-IGZO is proposed by calculating O2 and IGZO flux during sputtering in which the incorporation ratio with O2/IGZO ≈1 demonstrates the optimized a-IGZO film for TFT. It is confirmed that both physical and chemical adsorption affects the electrical property of a-IGZO channel by studying TFT-IV characteristics with different pressure and analyzing X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), which mainly affects the VT instability. The sputtered SiO2 passivation shows better electrical performance. To achieve electrically compatible (lower back channel current) a-IGZO film to SiO2 sputter passivated device, a-IGZO TFTs require oxygen rich a-IGZO back channel by employing two step a-IGZO deposition process (2nd 10nm a-IGZO with PO2 = 1.5mTorr on 1st 40nm a-IGZO with PO2=1mTor). Electrowetting microfluidic channel device as application using a-IGZO TFTs is studied by doing preliminary test. The electrowetting channel test using polymer post device platform is candidate for addressable electrowetting microfluidic channel device driven by active matrix type a-IGZO TFT.
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Molecular Radionuclide Imaging Using Site-specifically Labelled Recombinant Affibody Molecules : Preparation and Preclinical EvaluationAhlgren, Sara January 2010 (has links)
Radionuclide molecular imaging is an emerging multidisciplinary technique that is used in modern medicine to visualise diseases at cellular and molecular levels. This thesis is based on five papers (I-V) and focuses on the development of site-specific radiolabelled recombinant anti-HER2 Affibody molecules and preclinical evaluations in vitro and in vivo of the labelled conjugates. This work is part of a preclinical development of an Affibody molecule-based tracer for molecular imaging of HER2 expressing tumours. Papers I and II report the evaluation of the Affibody molecule ZHER2:2395-C, site-specifically labelled with the radiometals 111In (for SPECT) and 57Co (as a surrogate for 55Co, suitable for PET applications) using a thiol reactive DOTA derivative as a chelator. Both conjugates demonstrated very suitable biodistribution properties, enabling high contrast imaging just a few hours after injection. Papers III and IV report the development and optimization of a technique for site-specific labelling of ZHER2:2395-C with 99mTc using an N3S chelating peptide sequence. 99mTc-ZHER2:2395-C demonstrated high and specific tumour uptake and rapid clearance of non-bound tracer from the blood, resulting in high tumour-to-non-tumour ratios shortly after injection, enabling high contrast imaging. In addition, in the study described in paper IV, freeze-dried kits previously developed for 99mTc-labelling were optimised, resulting in the development of a kit in which all the reagents and protein needed for labelling of ZHER2:2395-C with 99mTc were contained in a single vial. Paper V reports the evaluation of an anti-HER2 Affibody molecule, ABY-025, with a fundamentally re-engineered scaffold. Despite the profound re-engineering, the biodistribution pattern of 111In-ABY-025 was very similar to that of two variants of the parental molecule. It seems reasonable to believe that these results will also be applicable to Affibody molecules towards other targets. Hopefully, this work will also be helpful in the development of other small proteinaceous tracers.
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Optical and Structural Properties of Indium Nitride Epilayers Grown by High-Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition and Vibrational Studies of ZGP Single CrystalAtalay, Ramazan 07 December 2012 (has links)
The objective of this dissertation is to shed light on the physical properties of InN epilayers grown by High-Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition (HPCVD) for optical device applications. Physical properties of HPCVD grown InN layers were investigated by X-ray diffraction, Raman scattering, infrared reflection spectroscopies, and atomic force microscopy. The dependencies of physical properties as well as surface morphologies of InN layers grown either directly on sapphire substrates or on GaN/sapphire templates on varied growth conditions were studied. The effect of crucial growth parameters such as growth pressure, V/III molar ratio, precursor pulse separation, substrate material, and mass transport along the flow direction on the optical and structural properties, as well as on the surface morphologies were investigated separately.
At present, growth of high-quality InN material by conventional growth techniques is limited due to low dissociation temperature of InN (~600 ºC) and large difference in the partial pressures of TMI and NH3 precursors. In this research, HPCVD technique, in which ambient nitrogen is injected into reaction zone at super-atmospheric growth pressures, was utilized to suppress surface dissociation of InN at high temperatures.
At high pressures, long-range and short-range orderings indicate that c-lattice constant is shorter and E2(high) mode frequency is higher than those obtained from low-pressure growth techniques, revealing that InN structure compressed either due to a hydrostatic pressure during the growth or thermal contraction during the annealing. Although the influence of varied growth parameters usually exhibit consistent correlation between long-range and short-range crystalline orderings, inconsistent correlation of these indicate inclination of InN anisotropy.
InN layers, grown directly on α-sapphire substrates, exhibit InN (1 0 1) Bragg reflex. This might be due to a high c/a ratio of sapphire-grown InN epilayers compared to that of GaN/sapphire-grown InN epilayers. Optical analysis indicates that free carrier concentration, ne, in the range of 1–50 × 1018 cm–3 exhibits consistent tendency with longitudinal-optic phonon. However, for high ne values, electrostatic forces dominate over inter-atomic forces, and consistent tendency between ne and LO phonon disappears.
Structural results reveal that growth temperature increases ~6.6 ºC/bar and V/III ratio affects indium migration and/or evaporation. The growth temperature and V/III ratio of InN thin films are optimized at ~850 ºC and 2400 molar ratio, respectively. Although high in-plane strain and c/a ratio values are obtained for sapphire-grown epilayers, FWHM values of long-range and short-range orderings and free carrier concentration value are still lower than those of GaN/sapphire-grown epilayers.
Finally, vibrational and optical properties of chalcopyrite ZGP crystal on the (001), (110), and (10) crystalline planes were investigated by Raman scattering and infrared (IR) reflection spectroscopies. Raman scattering exhibits a nonlinear polarizability on the c-plane, and a linear polarizability on the a- and b-planes of ZGP crystal. Also, birefringence of ZGP crystal was calculated from the hydrostatic pressure difference between (110) and (10) crystalline planes for mid-frequency B2(LO) mode.
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A High-Performance Mo2C-ZrO2 Anode Catalyst for Intermediate-Temperature Fuel CellsHibino, Takashi, Sano, Mitsuru, Nagao, Masahiro, Heo, Pilwon January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Sn0.9In0.1P2O7-Based Organic/Inorganic Composite Membranes : Application to Intermediate-Temperature Fuel CellsHibino, Takashi, Tomita, Atsuko, Sano, Mitsuru, Kamiya, Toshio, Nagao, Masahiro, Heo, Pilwon January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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