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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Students’ Interests in Agriculture: The Impact of School Farms Regarding Fifth and Sixth Graders

Bickel, Malte 25 September 2014 (has links)
Die gegenwärtige Form der Landwirtschaft steht in engem Zusammenhang mit zentralen Themen der nachhaltigen Entwicklung wie dem Verlust der Biodiversität und dem Klimawandel. Der daraus resultierenden steigenden Bedeutung von Land¬wirtschaft steht eine weitgehende Abkopplung insbesondere junger Bevölkerungs¬schichten gegenüber, bedingt durch veränderte Lebensbedingungen und den landwirt¬schaftlichen Strukturwandel. Um dieser Diskrepanz zu begegnen, bestehen Bestrebungen, das Interesse junger Menschen an Landwirtschaft im Rahmen von gezielten Bildungsmaßnahmen (wieder) zu beleben. Eine zentrale Rolle kommt dabei dem Bauernhof als erfahrungsintensivem und handlungsorientiertem Lernort zu. Ein Ziel dieser Studie war die Analyse von Schülerinteressen an landwirtschaftlichen Themenbereichen und deren Einflussfaktoren und damit verbunden zunächst die Entwicklung eines geeigneten Messinstruments. Darauf aufbauend wurde die Entwicklung der Schülerinteressen an Landwirtschaft nach einem fünftägigen Schulbauernhofaufenthalt und einer daran anschließenden Lerneinheit in der Schule untersucht. Dafür wurde eine quantitative Schülerbefragung zu vier Messzeitpunkten durchgeführt. Zudem wurden während beider Interventionen Einflussfaktoren des situationalen Interesses bestimmt und wechselseitige Einflüsse von situationalem und individuellem Interesse analysiert. Die ersten beiden Studien dokumentieren die Entwicklung und Validierung des faktoriellen Designs eines Messinstruments mit vier Interessekomponenten und fünf landwirtschaftlichen Themenbereichen. Die zweite Studie belegt zudem die Bedeutung von Vorwissen, Naturerfahrungen, Ekelsensitivität und Geschlecht als Einflussfaktoren der landwirtschaftlichen Interessensbereiche. Fünftägige Schulbauernhofaufenthalte mit aktiven Arbeitserfahrungen in verschiedenen landwirtschaftlichen Bereichen konnten die Schülerinteressen in einigen Bereichen steigern, wobei vor allem Jungen Interessenzuwächse erzielten, wie in Studie 3 deutlich wird. Im vierten empirischen Beitrag wird ein Modell mit kombinierten außerschulischen und schulischen Interventionen zur Entwicklung landwirtschaftlichen Interesses beru-hend auf verschiedenen Strängen bisheriger Interesseforschung abgeleitet. An den Schulbauernhofaufenthalt anschließende schulische Lerneinheiten konnten das gestei-gerte Interesse aufrechterhalten, dieses sank jedoch weitere fünf Wochen später wieder. Bezüglich des situationalen Interesses bei der Arbeit auf dem Schulbauernhof waren vor allem das Kompetenzerleben, zudem wahrgenommene Autonomie und soziale Eingebundenheit von Bedeutung. Das situationale Interesse an der schulischen Einheit wurde durch die Verbindung von Catch- und Hold-Elementen stärker gefördert im Vergleich zu Varianten der Einheit, die nur catch- oder hold-Elemente integrierten. Im Zuge der Interessenentwicklung über die vier Messzeitpunkte zeigten sich wechsel-seitige Einflüsse des situationalen und individuellen Interesses. Diese Arbeit unterstreicht die Bedeutung wiederholter landwirtschaftlicher Bildungsinterventionen um diesbezügliche Interessen nachhaltig zu stärken.

The Effects of a Commons Simulation and Fines on a Generalization Test

Boyle, William 01 May 1984 (has links)
The present study investigated the effect of a commons simulation and fines on a generalization test that incorporated several features important in the real world. Two hundred and seventy-five volunteer college students in groups of seven participated in this study. Approximately one-half received exposure to the commons simulation and one-half did not. One-half of the groups in each treatment level received two posttests with a fine option available and the other one-half received two posttests without this option. The two posttests differed in that one was played with a large unknown referent group and the other was played with the immediate group of seven. The results showed that some generalization from the commons simulation to the large posttest does occur. However, subjects in the large group do not cooperate (act in the common group interest) more or defect (act in the individual interest) less, but become more cautious as a result of the simulation exposure and withdraw from the commons when playing with a large and unknown referent group.

The Effect of Using the History of Science in Science Lessons on Meaningful Learning

Seker, Hayati 01 December 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring the construct of teacher self-disclosure and its connection to situational interest, intended effort, and the learning experience in a foreign language learning context

Sanders, Anke Julia 07 July 2014 (has links)
Educators are commonly concerned about how to trigger students' interest in the classroom, as well as how to create a learning experience in which students are engaged and motivated to invest effort and time. Similarly, researchers have explored these variables and aimed to establish a better understanding of how students' interest is developed. Yet, less attention has been paid to teacher self-disclosure as a factor in students' learning experiences and interest development. Although teacher self-disclosure has commonly been addressed in connection with the teacher-student relationship it has not been linked to interest development. Therefore, with the goal of exploring the construct of teacher self-disclosure, this study explored associations and interactions of perceptions of teacher self-disclosure and of students' individual and situational interest in a language learning context. In addition, students' ratings of the learning experience and intended effort were added to investigate associations between these student variables and their perceptions of teacher self-disclosure and interest. Data were collected in language classes of 16 different instructors. In total, 185 students participated in the qualitative part of the study, Phase 1, by filling out surveys at the beginning and end of the semester. For the main analysis, correlation and regression analyses were used in order to explore the relations between students' perceptions of teacher self-disclosure and initial individual interest, situational interest, the learning experience, and intended effort. Further, a total of nine instructors and eight students participated in the qualitative part, Phase 2, by agreeing to be observed and interviewed. Here, the focus was on describing and assessing the use of teacher self-disclosure in language classes. Results indicated that teachers were rated as varying in their self-disclosure, but that self-disclosure did not account for much of the variance in students' situational interest. Qualitative results showed that students perceived teacher self-disclosure to be an important communication strategy and one of the influential variables an instructor can bring into the learning experience. Overall, this study makes a contribution to understanding the complexity and interactions of student and teacher variables that are crucial to establish a functioning student-teacher relationship and subsequently healthy learning experience. / text

The regulation of conflicts of interests and the good government in Peru / La regulación de los conflictos de intereses y el buen gobierno en el Perú

Morón Urbina, Juan Carlos 12 April 2018 (has links)
This paper discusses the problem related to conflicts of interestand its various manifestations, particularly in public administration. in this regard, the author makes an ethical analysis of the concept, and he examines the regulation of conflicts of interest in the administrative field and its configuration as a constitutional limitation of fundamental rights. In this way, the paper concludes that the regulation of conflicts of interest in governance should aim to seek efficiency and balance since the position of a public servant implicates acting according to what is of general interest. / El presente artículo aborda la problemática relativa a los conflictos de intereses y sus distintas manifestaciones, particularmente, en la gestión pública. en este sentido, el artículo parte del análisis ético del concepto, para luego arribar al examen de la regulación de los conflictos de intereses en el ámbito administrativo y su configuración como limitación constitucional a una serie de derechos fundamentales. De esta forma, concluye que la regulación de los conflictos de intereses en la gestión pública debe tender a buscar la eficacia y equilibrio, toda vez que la posición de funcionario pública importa el actuar con arreglo a un interés general.

Situational or Personal: Interest in American History

Stewart, Victoria Caterina 14 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Contribution de l'intérêt situationnel à une reconsidération de la satisfaction dans la formation pour adultes / Contribution of situational interest in the reconsideration of adult training satisfaction

Yennek, Nora 18 November 2014 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer un rapprochement conceptuel entre deux formes de réactions en formation : la satisfaction, telle qu’elle est appréhendée dans le modèle de Kirkpatrick (1959a, 1959b, 1960a, 1960b), et l’intérêt situationnel tel qu’il est conceptualisé par Mitchell (1993), selon la perspective développementale de l'intérêt de Hidi et Renninger (2006). Pour atteindre cet objectif, dix études ont été réalisées. Les quatre premières études ont permis de développer et de valider deux questionnaires, le premier permettant de mesurer la satisfaction en formation, le second l’intention de retour en formation. Ces études apportent un soutien à une considération de la satisfaction en formation comme une satisfaction client puisqu’elle permet de prédire l’intention de retour en formation. Les cinq études suivantes ont permis de développer et de valider deux questionnaires : l’intérêt pour la formation, qui distingue l’intérêt individuel et l’intérêt situationnel, et l’intérêt thématique. Elles ont permis par ailleurs de proposer une modélisation de ces trois formes d’intérêt à partir de la distinction d'Ainley, Hidi, et Berndorff (2002). Enfin, la dixième étude a permis de mettre à l’épreuve un modèle de la satisfaction en formation prenant appui sur le modèle conceptuel de l’intérêt situationnel de Mitchell. Cette thèse a été menée dans le cadre d'une Convention Industrielle de Formation par la Recherche (CIFRE) en collaboration avec l'Association Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie (ANRT) et l’Institut de formation des industries de santé (Ifis) auprès de plus de 1100 salariés des industries de santé ayant suivi une formation présentielle à l’Ifis. / The aim of this thesis was to provide a conceptual link between two types of reactions in training: satisfaction, as it is understood in the Kirkpatrick model (1959a, 1959b, 1960a, 1960b), and situational interest as it is conceptualized by Mitchell (1993), with the developmental approach of interest by Hidi and Renninger (2006). The initial four studies have allowed us to develop and validate two surveys, the first to measure training satisfaction and the second to measure the intention to return for further training. These studies provide a basis for considering training satisfaction similar to customer satisfaction since it predicts intention to return for further training. Moreover, five other studies have allowed us to develop and validate two measurement tools: training interest, distinguishing individual interest and situational interest, as well as topic interest. These studies have also allowed us to build a model of three forms of interest with regards to the distinction of Ainley, Hidi, and Berndorff (2002). Finally, the tenth study challenges the model of training satisfaction based on the conceptual model of situational interest of Mitchell.This thesis was conducted as part of an Industrial Agreement for Research Training (CIFRE) in collaboration with the “Association Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie” (ANRT) and the “Institut de formation des industries de santé” (Ifis) with more than 1,100 French professionals from the pharmaceutical industry who received training at Ifis.

Le droit d'agir devant la Cour Européenne des Droits de l'Homme / The right of action in front of the European Court of Human Rights

Teweleit, Sarah 10 March 2017 (has links)
Le droit d’agir devant la Cour européenne des droits de l’Homme est assurément unique dansl’ordre juridique international. Erigé en « pierre angulaire » du système européen de sauvegarde,bénéficie-t-il pour autant d’une protection à la hauteur de cette qualification? L’engorgementmanifeste de la Cour de Strasbourg place cette interrogation dans une actualité perpétuelle.L’étude de ce droit processuel supranational illustre l’existence simultanée de deux courantsprétoriens aux effets diamétralement opposés sur l’exercice du droit d’agir : l’un souple, provictima, qui ouvre largement le prétoire de la Cour et l’autre restreignant a contrario son accès. Sil’approche souple satisfait naturellement l’intérêt individuel des requérants, elle permet égalementà la Cour de bâtir un ordre public européen de protection des droits de l’Homme. Parallèlement,l’interprétation stricte des conditions d’accès repose sur la responsabilisation des acteurs dumécanisme européen et sous-tend un filtrage rigoureux des affaires individuelles. Le droit d’agirreprésente, par conséquent, une composante d’un système de protection de nature« constitutionnelle » évoluant aux rythmes des liens tissés entre les deux courants prétoriensévoqués. C’est en effet par un mouvement pendulaire entre l’ouverture et la fermeture du prétoirede la Cour de Strasbourg que la garantie durable du droit d’agir peut être assurée. / The right of action in front of the European Court of Human Rights is certainly unparalleled in theinternational legal order. In the light of the constant congestion at the Strasbourg Court, one canonly ask if this right is genuinely guaranteed as the corner stone that is intended to be in theEuropean system of protection. The analysis of this supranational procedural right reflects theexistence of two distinct case law dynamics that influence the right of action: the pro victimaeffect, widening the access to the Court, and the opposite restraining effect. The first effect, moreflexible, not only favors the individual interest of the plaintiff, but also allows the Court todevelop the European public order of human rights protection. In parallel, the restraining effect onthe grounds of access to the Court entails a rigorous filtering of the individual cases, in order toachieve an increased accountability on human rights protection both of States and individuals.Therefore, the right of action represents the component of what can be nowadays qualified of a« constitutional » system of Human rights protection. Moreover, the alternate dynamics, closingand opening access to the Court, describe a pendula movement that is essential for a sustainableright of action.

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