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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of Innovative Green Energy Technology Diffusion -- Taking the Evolution of Taiwan¡¦s Photovoltaic as Example

Chen, Jyung-Yau 01 February 2012 (has links)
Renewable energy can effectively decrease carbon-dioxide emissions, and alleviate the Greenhouse effect. For consuming huge fossil fuel, Taiwan does have the obligation to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions. For the sunshine abound in the whole island and mature of photovoltaic (PV) industry, Taiwan has the potential to develop PV. This paper based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Multi-perspective on Technological Transition (MLP) focuses on the PV evolution of Taiwan. By empirical study, this paper developed a research framework, and applied questionnaire survey to verify it. Further, this paper also has a longitudinal case study and by historical research method to explore the evolution of Taiwan¡¦s PV policy. This paper found that attitude is the primary factor that affects the household¡¦s attention, and its antecedent factor relative advantage is the most important one. The second factor that affects the household¡¦s intention is perceived behavioral control which has the antecedent factor complexity. Further, perceived behavioral control also has the direct effect to the action which we must pay attention to it. Subjective norm has slight effect to the household¡¦s intention. And, social obligation is the antecedent factor of the subjective norm. Moreover, interfere effect exists between intention and household¡¦s real action. From the macro prospective, MLP depicts the evolution of Taiwan¡¦s PV diffusion, and we found it was resulted from the interaction of socio-technical landscape, socio-technical regime and niche-innovation. The processes were continually developed and form an innovative technology spiral.

Predictors of B&B managers' and guests' acceptance of green-B&B strategies

Wang, Yueh-Ying 10 January 2009 (has links)
The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has constantly promoted sustainable tourism development as well as played an important role since 1980; in addition, numerous standards were regulated accordingly. Under the impacts of both environment protection, energy saving and carbon reduction, the marketing strategy of numerous operators have been changes consequently. The ecological or environment lodging facilities gradually adopted by the people in this trade; nevertheless, there are still not appropriate criteria of green B&B for domestic lodge industry to carry out related strategies. One of the major aims of this study is to establish the criteria of green B&B and index of feasible implementation, and constitute index levels with fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP), as the major basis of conducting survey of adoption willingness of lodge operator in implementing environment protection strategy. Next, this study intends to explore the current status of environment strategy implemented by B&B manager as well as the factors influence the adoption willingness. Third, find out any other factors and significance that could affect the adoption willingness of B&B manager to carry out strategy. Fourth, this study intends to locate the factors and significance of influencing consumer in accepting environment protection strategy (lodging willingness). There are three research targets employed by the design method of this study, namely, representative experts and scholars in the related domain, for presenting construct index and significance degree; research model establishment of B&B manager, the green B&B index are used for interview and questionnaire survey methods, so as to confirm the aim of this study; and finally the research model establishment of lodge consumer, through hierarchical regression analysis and relevant statistic analysis, to explain significant meaning and reason of variables. The research result proves that green B&B index can be simplifies into eight main dimensions and concrete strategies (management and marketing, social participation and communication, energy management, water resources management, green purchase, solid waste treatment, green restaurant and lodge activities, natural and cultural resources), for reference by verification unit. Secondly, in the research model of B&B manager, environment knowledge behavior would influence the self-efficacy, and further affect the adoption willingness. For operator, the higher the compatibility of environment strategy is, the higher of adoption willingness will be. Finally, in the research model of consumer, the higher the frequency that consumer engaged in the environment related activity, the higher the willingness of selecting green B&B will be; while environment knowledge behavior would affect the perceived caracteristics of innovation, lodge preference, and attitude of engaging in environment activity of consumer. This study defines the implication of promoting green B&B development strategy is ¡§to educate B&B managers attach more importance on environment ethics, and encourage consumer to change the attitude of recreation activity.¡¨ Furthermore, with the conception of simplified green lodge index, to direct towards tourism map planning of ecology village, apart from the unique features of ¡§green B&B¡¨ image, to minimize the impact of recreation environment. By employing innovation diffusion theory (IDT) model in the behavior prediction of environment behavior and tourism behavior strategy, the result of this study could be served as a useful reference for following researches.

Mikučionytė, E., Golfo paslaugos įvedimas Le Meridien Vilnius Bakalauro baigiamasis darbas [Rankraštis]:vadyba ir verslo administravimas. Vilnius, ISM Vadybos ir ekonomikos universitetas, 2009 / Mikučionytė, E., Golf Service Launch at Le Meridien Vilnius: Bachelor thesis. Management and Business adiministration. Vilnius, ISM University of management and Economics, 2009

Mikučionytė, Eglė 25 June 2009 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Šiame darbe nagrinėjamos golfo paslaugos perspektyvos Lietuvoje, pritraukiant naujus ir sudominant esamus Le Meridien klientus, ir kokios priemonės tam yra efektyviausios. Iš to kyla darbo tikslas - išsiaiškinti geriausius golfo paslaugos pristatymo būdus Lietuvos visuomenei. Pagrindiniai uždaviniai : • Atlikti viešbučių ir golfo laukų analizę. • Atlikti tyrimą, siekiant išanalizuoti golfo plėtros galimybes Lietuvoje ir visuomenės požiūrį į šią paslaugą. • Išanalizavus rezultatus, išnagrinėti, kokios yra golfo perspektyvos Lietuvoje ir kas galėtų sudominti būsimus klientus. Pirmoje darbo dalyje atlikta išsami išorinė analizė, siekiant išnagrinėti golfo paslaugos įvedimo galimybes – apžvelgti makroaplinkos elementus, konkurentus, suskirstyti vartotojus į galimas grupes pagal vartojimo poreikius bei, svarbiausia, apžvelgti rinkos tendencijas. Kita dalis – tyrimas, kuris buvo suskirstytas į du etapus, siekiant tikslesnių rezultatų. Pirma tyrimo dalis - žvalgybinio pobūdžio kokybinis tyrimas – giluminis interviu (ekspertų apklausa) , antra dalis - kiekybinis tyrimas ( potencialių klientų apklausa). Kitoje darbo dalyje nagrinėjama, kaip reiktų pristatyti paslaugą Lietuvos visuomenei, naudojant Rogers‘o Inovacijų sklaidos modelį (1995). Svarbiausia šioje dalyje buvo išskirti Le Meridien Vilnius golfo klubo paslaugos konkurencinius pranašumus, apžvelgti paslaugos kainas, palyginti su konkurentų kainomis ir galiausiai pateikti pasiūlymai, kokias komunikacijos priemones... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this work we are trying to analyse golf service perspectives in Lithuania, attracting new and engaging existing Le Meridien Vilnius clients, also deciding what implement will be most effective. From here work purpose emerge – to find out the best ways to introduce golf servise to Lithuanian community. The main objectives of the work are: • To analyse external golf market environment in Lithuania and neighbour countries. • To do research, in order to find out golf expansion potential in Lithuania and public attitude toward this service. • After analysing research results it‘s time to explore golf perspectives in Lithuania and how to attract prospective clients. In the first part of work, there is comprehensive external analysis, on purpose to explore golf service launch potential. Also to look through macro environment elements, competitors analysis; to group consumers, by their consumption habbits and the main thing to review golf service market tendency. The next part of bachelor thesis is research, which was divided into two stages, in order to get accurate results. The first stage – qualitative research – „deep“ interview (experts interview).The second stage – quantative research (potencial clients survey). The third part of work is analysing, how the service should be introduced to Lithuanian community, using Rogers Innovation Diffusion model(1995). In this part the main thing was mark Le Meridien Vilnius golf club competitives advantages and overlook services prices... [to full text]

How Organizational Experiments Influence Organizational Learning

Ng, San W. 31 August 2011 (has links)
Organizational learning through experience has been found to be associated with enhanced firm performance. Organizational experiments are a method of experiential learning that enable organizations to learn from experience and gain context-specific knowledge of how and why to implement new knowledge. Pilot projects, a type of organizational experiment, involve making intentional, systematic efforts to gather and analyze feedback in order to accurately assess the action-outcome relationships of adopting new knowledge prior to embarking on full-scale implementation. Despite the popularity of pilot projects used to test products, programs, and services as well as reports on the outcomes of such experiments, there is a dearth of research focusing on how organizational learning occurs during organizational experiments, and on the processes and structural mechanisms of organizational experiments that contribute to organizational learning. A qualitative, multiple-case study of eight pilot projects was carried out within nursing units across five acute health care organizations during Fall 2008. Interviews were conducted with 32 individuals, including pilot project leaders, nursing program managers and direct care nurses. An inductive approach to data analysis was applied and themes identified. Results were compared to 14 propositions that were developed based on the knowledge transfer, innovation diffusion, and organizational learning literature, and which were bracketed before data analysis to allow findings to emerge from the data. The findings advance existing organizational learning, innovation diffusion, and knowledge transfer models by illuminating the complexity of organizational learning processes. Several processes and structural mechanisms of organizational experiments were found to facilitate single-loop organizational learning, leading to incremental changes to meet existing goals and objectives. Although double-loop organizational learning, which may result in fundamental changes in an organization’s assumptions, norms, policies, goals and objectives was not observed, the study revealed a number of processes and structural mechanisms that have the potential to encourage this type of learning. Studies of organizational experiments are rare. Future directions for research and theory development are suggested to build on the findings of this study. Practical implications are offered to organizations in any industry interested in realizing the potential that organizational experiments have for double-loop learning and enhanced organizational performance.

Computational Explorations of Creativity and Innovation in Design

Sosa Medina, Ricardo January 2005 (has links)
This thesis addresses creativity in design as a property of systems rather than an attribute of isolated individuals. It focuses on the dynamics between generative and evaluative or ascriptive processes. This is in distinction to conventional approaches to the study of creativity which tend to concentrate on the isolated characteristics of person, process and product. Whilst previous research has advanced insights on potentially creative behaviour and on the general dynamics of innovation in groups, little is known about their interaction. A systems view of creativity in design is adopted in our work to broaden the focus of inquiry to incorporate the link between individual and collective change. The work presented in this thesis investigates the relation between creativity and innovation in computational models of design as a social construct. The aim is to define and implement in computer simulations the different actors and components of a system and the rules that may determine their behaviour and interaction. This allows the systematic study of their likely characteristics and effects when the system is run over simulated time. By manipulating the experimental variables of the system at initial time the experimenter is able to extract patterns from the observed results over time and build an understanding of the different types of determinants of creative design. The experiments and findings presented in this thesis relate to artificial societies composed by software agents and the social structures that emerge from their interaction. Inasmuch as these systems aim to capture some aspects of design activity, understanding them is likely to contribute to the understanding of the target system. The first part of this thesis formulates a series of initial computational explorations on cellular automata of social influence and change agency. This simple modelling framework illustrates a number of factors that facilitate change. The potential for a designer to trigger cycles of collective change is demonstrated to depend on the combination of individual and external or situational characteristics. A more comprehensive simulation framework is then introduced to explore the link between designers and their societies based on a systems model of creativity that includes social and epistemological components. In this framework a number of independent variables are set for experimentation including characteristics of individuals, fields, and domains. The effects of these individual and situational parameters are observed in experimental settings. Aspects of relevance in the definition of creativity included in these studies comprise the role of opinion leaders as gatekeepers of the domain, the effects of social organisation, the consequences of public and private access to domain knowledge by designers, and the relation between imitative behaviour and innovation. A number of factors in a social system are identified that contribute to the emergence of phenomena that are normally associated to creativity and innovation in design. At the individual level the role of differences of abilities, persistence, opportunities, imitative behaviour, peer influence, and design strategies are discussed. At the field level determinants under inspection include group structure, social mobility and organisation, emergence of opinion leaders, established rules and norms, and distribution of adoption and quality assessments. Lastly, domain aspects that influence the interaction between designers and their social groups include the generation and access to knowledge, activities of gatekeeping, domain size and distribution, and artefact structure and representation. These insights are discussed in view of current findings and relevant modelling approaches in the literature. Whilst a number of assumptions and results are validated, others contribute to ongoing debates and suggest specific mechanisms and parameters for future experimentation. The thesis concludes by characterising this approach to the study of creativity in design as an alternative �in silico� method of inquiry that enables simulation with phenomena not amenable to direct manipulation. Lines of development for future work are advanced which promise to contribute to the experimental study of the social dimensions of design.

Harnessing the power of the Internet of Things : A Performance-impact model for Companies´adoption of the Internet of Things.

Huang, Guanglei, Ahlin Christensen, Joacim January 2018 (has links)
Every day, more and more devices are getting connected to the Internet and becoming what we know as the Internet of Things (IoT). In both commercial and industrial context, IoT plays a significant role in enabling automatisation and connectivity. For companies that want to become the innovation leader in their branch of industry, IoT is a useful method to gain competitive advantage where automatisation, predictive maintenance and connectivity can improve company’s performance. However, no research have been done from the perspective of an IoT-provider. How they can fully harness the power of IoT when they adopt it for their existing products or services? This study aim to investigate how a theoretical model would look like with the performance impact in focus when an innovation-driven company adopt IoT on their existing products. The research is conducted with a case study of a Swedish company in the heavy industry sector, which has successfully adapted IoT into their products. The empirical data was collected through documentation review and interview. This study results in a conceptual model that contains crucial factors which needs to be taken into consideration when adopting IoT. However, further research needs to be done, in order to verify this model as well as to be able to generalise the findings to cover innovation adoption in general.

Instructional Design and Innovation Adoption During A Crisis Period: A Case Study

Rosenberger, Kyle L. 03 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.


王美雅, Wang, Mei-ya Unknown Date (has links)
許多新概念或新技術的擴散通常不僅耗時甚長、擴散範圍十分廣泛,再加上社會網路在其中扮演了重要的角色,使得創新擴散本質上就屬於一種動態、非線性的複雜現象,事實上,近來研究發現,創新擴散的諸多特徵,包括「動態、非線性的複雜行為」,「正向回饋的自我組織現象」,以及「對初始狀態一些微小因素的敏感度」等,都與複雜理論中所強調「複雜系統」中的諸多特徵不謀而合。 另一方面,近來創新擴散研究逐漸將擴散視為一個創新者與採用者雙向互動的傳播過程,在擴散過程中,創新的演化與成員間的動態互動成為主要焦點。過去的擴散研究較少討論個體與總體層次間的結構化過程,亦即成員如何互動而產生系統層次的創新秩序,而系統層次的創新結果又如何進一步影響成員的互動,而複雜理論正好可以提供跨層次架構來回應此一理論缺口。 因此,本論文的研究問題包括以下兩者:一、由複雜理論觀點來看,概念型創新擴散的動態過程為何?二、由複雜觀點來看,在概念型創新的擴散過程中,相關因素如何影響創新擴散的動態過程?這些因素間存在何種互動與回饋關係?承上所述,本研究的範圍界定為「概念型創新」,在此「概念型創新」指的是近似於典範的一種具有複雜多元內涵的創新。 在研究方法上,本論文採用序列性多元方法的研究設計。利用歷史法、實驗法與個案法三種研究方法,針對相同的兩項問題,總共進行三項實證性研究,透過「質性方法--量化方法--質性方法」三種研究方法的截長補短,提高本研究的理論效度。 研究一利用歷史研究法對蒙特梭利教學法的擴散過程進行研究,將蒙特梭利教學法的擴散分為三階段,透過三階段成功、失敗與成功三種不同結果,發現不同的初始狀態變數情況,主要是再創造可能性與體制開放與自由度,將導致創新擴散的不同結果。研究二新概念擴散實驗進行兩階段實驗設計,操弄五項自變數進行重複多因子實驗,共取得二十八個實驗數據;比較不同變數情境與採用結果,除了驗證初始狀態變數對創新擴散的影響外,也發現自變數間存在明顯的交互關係。研究三進行蝴蝶蘭產業創新擴散個案研究,比較台糖進入蝴蝶蘭產業前後的創新擴散過程,以及蝴蝶蘭、嘉德利雅蘭,以及國蘭三種蘭屬的發展過程。隨著三項實證研究的進行,變數內涵逐漸豐富化,證據力也進一步強化。在研究三結束後得到修正後的觀念性架構,成為本論文的結論。 在結論部分,本研究有三大主張。首先,系統的初始狀態,包括創新導入者的網路位置、體制自由與開放性、再創造可能性、創新內涵豐富性、擴散誘因與採用人數等六項因素,將影響創新擴散成功的可能性。其次,創新擴散過程中包含許多的演化與正向回饋機制。最後,創新擴散是一個自我組織的過程,系統秩序從低一層次成員之間的互動自然突現,而非走向無序;但在自我組織過程中,秩序的出現有賴於中央協調機制(標準版本);同時系統需要不斷輸入的能源,使其維持在自我組織行為出現的臨界點之上,這些能源通常來自於新採用者所帶來的量與質的效果。 / This dissertation applies a new perspective, complexity theory, to discuss the diffusion of “conceptual innovation”. Here conceptual innovation indicates a paradigm-like innovation with various content. By using “metaphor”, I treat diffusion as a self-organization process, and adopted important concepts from complexity theory, such as initial conditions, positive feedback, and self-organization, and then develop a dynamic process model of innovation diffusion. In this dissertation, a multi-method research design is adopted. To draw on the strength of each and offset the weakness of the others, three empirical studies were conducted. First study, the pilot study of this dissertation, is concerning the diffusion process of Montessori method, in which the different result of three diffusion stages was compared. Second, a laboratory experimental study simulating diffusion process of a new concept has been conducted. In each experiment, a new concept was announced and counted the number of adopters. Each experiment has different scenario design that is one specific combination of all variables, and then the number of adopters was compared. Third, the diffusion process of Phalaenopsis (Moth Orchid) industrial innovations was studied, in which the development process of early/late stage and three category orchids was compared. This dissertation concludes with the following findings. First, innovation diffusion is a dynamic, nonlinear complex process; factors in initial conditions will influence the result of innovation diffusion. Secondly, evolution and positive feedback effects work continuously all through the diffusion process. Finally, diffusion of conceptual innovation is a self-organization process, which depends on energy injecting into the system continuously and the existence of central coordination mechanism in the system.

探討Beacon在台灣的創新擴散歷程 - 以燦坤作為創新先鋒為例 / The Study of Implementing Beacon From the Perspective of Innovation Diffusion - A Case Study of Tsann Kuen Enterprise

彭怡翔 Unknown Date (has links)
在行動寬頻、雲端及網際網路等產業的帶動下,全球行動裝置如智慧型手機及平板電腦蓬勃發展,其衍生之行動經濟及應用更為全球經濟成長帶來高度動能。在連網裝置逐年成長之下,物聯網產業應運而生,而其中感測器技術更為物聯網基礎建設中最為核心的關鍵項目。繼蘋果於西元2013年WWDC大會發佈iBeacon技術後,全球零售業掀起微定位熱潮,而Forbes更預估企業利用Beacon搭配APP蒐集消費者資訊為未來物聯網重要趨勢之一。在實體零售店逐漸「展示店化」趨勢下,如何藉由ICT科技、物聯網技術、行動裝置應用來加強與消費者間的連結及提升購物體驗,為實體零售業者急需面對的課題。 本論文研究主要的目的在於探討Beacon於台灣零售業者燦坤的創新擴散歷程,以及使Beacon能夠於燦坤導入每階段快速擴散的關鍵因素,而其中以創新擴散模型之認知、說服、決策、實行、確認五階段構面進行研究與分析。此外,更探討燦坤如何運用Beacon進行O2O虛實整合。 本研究所得到的主要結論包括:(1)在創新擴散的流程中,擁有與導入科技相關的組織團隊背景以及根據創新需求調整組織架構,為Beacon於燦坤之認知階段中能夠快速擴散的關鍵因素。(2)在創新擴散的流程中,鼓勵創新的企業文化為Beacon於燦坤之說服階段中能夠快速擴散的關鍵因素。(3)在創新擴散的流程中,將非核心能力專案外包以及對於外包廠商的選擇,為Beacon於燦坤之決策階段中能夠快速擴散的關鍵因素。(4)在創新擴散的流程中,高階主管對於專案的參與支持以及選擇場域面積、營業額、人流數較大的門市進行首波產品曝光測試,為Beacon於燦坤之實行階段中能夠快速擴散的關鍵因素。(5)在創新擴散的流程中,進行產品的成效評估和顧客滿意度調查,以及尋求產品穩定的獲利模式來源,為Beacon於燦坤之確認階段中能夠快速擴散的關鍵因素。(6)燦坤以Beacon為技術核心打造燦坤黃金傳說APP,以門市尋寶及APP推播的方式,連結燦坤3C實體門市及快3網路商城,使虛實能夠結合及互利。本文最後並提出對於實務上及後續研究的建議。

Modelos de difusão de inovação em grafos / Innovation diffusion graph models

Oliveira, Karina Bindandi Emboaba de 12 April 2019 (has links)
Áreas como política, economia e marketing sofrem grandes influências no que diz respeito à difusão de informação. Por este motivo, diversos ramos da ciência tem estudado tais fenômenos a fim de simulá-los e compreendê-los por meio de modelos matemáticos e/ou estocásticos. Em virtude disto, este trabalho de doutorado tem como objetivo generalizar modelos de difusão de inovação já existentes na literatura. O primeiro modelo utiliza o mecanismo de social reinforcement para difusão de inovação e o qual foi construído para o grafo completo. Neste caso, consideramos uma população finita, fechada, totalmente misturada e subdividida em quatro classes de indivíduos denominados ignorantes, conscientes, adotadores e abandonadores da inovação. Assim, será apresentado uma Lei Fraca dos Grandes Números e um Teorema Central do Limite para a proporção final da população que nunca escutou sobre a inovação e aqueles que já conhecem sobre ela mas ainda não adotaram. Ademais, também será apresentado um resultado de convergência para o máximo de adotadores em um intervalo estocástico, assim como o instante de tempo em que o processo atinge esse estado. Para esse estudo, foram utilizados resultados da teoria de cadeias de Markov dependentes da densidade. Ademais, formulamos um modelo estocástico com estrutura de estágios para descrever o fenômeno da difusão de inovação em uma população estruturada. Mais precisamente, propomos uma cadeia de Markov a tempo contínuo definida na rede hipercúbica d-dimensional. Cada indivíduo da população deve estar em algum dos M+1 estados pertencentes ao conjunto {0;1;2; ::;M}. Nesse sentido, 0 representa um ignorante, i para i ∈ {1; :::;M - 1} um consciente no estágio i e M um adotador. Dessa forma, são estudados argumentos que permitem encontrar condições suficientes nas quais a inovação se espalha ou não com probabilidade positiva. / Areas such as politics, economics and marketing are heavily influential in terms of information diffusion. For this reason, several branches of science have studied such phenomena in order to simulate and understand them by mathematical and/or stochastic models. In this context, this phd project aims to generalize innovation diffusion models that there is in the literature. The first model uses the social reinforcement mechanism for diffusion of innovation and which was built for the complete graph. In this case, we consider a finite population, closed, totally mixed and subdivided into four classes of individuals called ignorants, aware, adopters and abandoner of innovation. We prove a Law of Large Numbers and a Central Limit Theorem for the proportion of the population who have never heard about the innovation and those who know about ir but they have not adopted it yet. In addition, we also obtain result for the convergence of the maximum of adopter in a stochastic interval, as well as the instant of time that the process reaches that state. For this study, we used results of the theory of density dependent Markov chains. Furthermore, we formulated a stochastic model with structure stages to describe the phenomenon of innovation diffusion in a structured population. More precisely, we proposed a continuous time Markov chain defined in a population represented by the d-dimensional integer lattice. Each individual of the population must be in some of the M +1 states belonging to the set {0;1;2; :::;M}. In this sense, 0 stands for ignorant, i for i ∈ {1; :::;M - 1} for aware in stage i and M for adopter. The arguments, that allow to obtain sufficient conditions under which the innovation either becomes extinct or survives with positive probability, are studied.

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